ATLAS.Ti 8 Windows

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ATLAS.Ti 8 Windows ATLAS.ti 8 Windows User Manual ATLAS.ti 8 Windows - User Manual - updated for program version 8.4 Please ensure your installation of ATLAS.ti is fully updated at all times W!"#$WS STA%T & S'!("T!)!' S$)TWA%( & '*('+ )$% UP#AT(S,. 'opyright ./0/0 1y ATLAS.ti Scientific Software #evelopment Gm1*4 5erlin. All rights reserved. #ocument version6 784./0/00890. Author6 #r. Susanne )riese :uaR', Production6 -yperte;;<#r. T-omas G. %ingmayr 'opying or duplicating this document or any part thereof is a violation of applicable law. "o part of this manual may 1e reproduced or transmitted in any form or 1y any means4 electronic or me2-anical, including, 1ut not limited to4 p-otocopying, without written permission from ATLAS.ti Gm1*. Trademarks: ATLAS.ti is a registered trademark of ATLAS.ti Scientific Software #evelopment Gm1*. Ado1e Acro1at is a trademark of Ado1e Systems !ncorporated> Microsoft, Windows4 (;2el, and other Microsoft products referenced -erein are either trademarks of Microsoft 'orporation in the United States and/or in other countries. Google (arth is a trademark of Google4 !nc. All other product names and any registered and unregistered trademarks mentioned in this document are used for identification purposes only and remain the e;clusive property of their respective owners. '$"T("TS 3 'ontents A1out t-is Manual ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 *ow to Use T-is Manual ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Manual 'onventions ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Useful %esources )or 3etting Started .......................................................................................................................................... ? Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................................................. ? T-e @IS( Principle ........................................................................................................................................................................... ? Areas of Application ...................................................................................................................................................................... A0 Teamwork ...................................................................................................................................................................................... A0 ATLAS.ti B T-e +nowledge Work1en2- ................................................................................................................................................. AA Software for 'reative Analysis ...................................................................................................................................................... AA Some 5asi2 Terms .......................................................................................................................................................................... AA 3eneral Steps w-en Working wit- ATLAS.ti ............................................................................................................................... AA Main 'oncepts and )eatures .................................................................................................................................................................. A/ #ocuments .................................................................................................................................................................................... A9 #ocument 3roups #ata Attri1utes, ............................................................................................................................................ A9 :uotations ..................................................................................................................................................................................... A9 'oding $1Cectives .......................................................................................................................................................................... AD Auto 'oding Tool ........................................................................................................................................................................... AD Memos ............................................................................................................................................................................................ AD 'omments ...................................................................................................................................................................................... AD 3roups ............................................................................................................................................................................................ A8 "etworks ........................................................................................................................................................................................ A8 "avigation Area ............................................................................................................................................................................. A7 ProCect Searc- ................................................................................................................................................................................. A7 Analysis ........................................................................................................................................................................................... A7 Team Tools ..................................................................................................................................................................................... A8 (;port ............................................................................................................................................................................................. A8 ATLAS.ti Mo1ile for iPad and Android ......................................................................................................................................... A? Main Steps in Wor=ing wit- ATLAS.ti .................................................................................................................................................. /0 #ata And ProCect Management .................................................................................................................................................... /A T-e Process .................................................................................................................................................................................... /A Starting ATLAS.ti .................................................................................................................................................................................... /A Selecting T-e #isplay Language .................................................................................................................................................. /A 'reating a "ew ProCect ................................................................................................................................................................. // Importing An (;isting ProCect ..................................................................................................................................................... // Importing an ATLAS.ti 7 ProCect .................................................................................................................................................. /9 Importing 'opy 5undle )iles @ersions D4 8 $r 7, ....................................................................................................................... /9 T-e ATLAS.ti Interface .......................................................................................................................................................................... /9 T-e ATLAS.ti %i11on .................................................................................................................................................................... /4 T-e 5a2=drop ................................................................................................................................................................................. /D T-e Si; Main (ntity Types ............................................................................................................................................................ /D T-e "avigation Panel .................................................................................................................................................................... /8 'onte;t Menus .............................................................................................................................................................................. /8 5rowsers .......................................................................................................................................................................................
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