Association for Environmental Archaeology _______________________________________________________ Newsletter 82 November 2003 ISSN 1363-6553 Edited by Wendy Carruthers and Vanessa Straker Copy dates for Items for the Newsletter may be submitted by e-mail or on disk. Newsletter: 20th of the following months - January / April / July / October. Short typed manuscripts can be sent to Wendy Carruthers. (e-mail addresses:
[email protected];
[email protected] Vanessa Straker, English Heritage SW, 29 Queen Square, Bristol BS1 4ND Wendy Carruthers, Sawmills House, Castellau, Llantrisant, Mid Glamorgan CF72 8LQ (Tel: 01443 223462). AEA Membership Secretary;Jane Richardson, Archaeological Services WYAS, PO Box 30, Nepshaw Lane South, Morley, Leeds LS27 0UG, Tel: 0113 3837509; e-mail:
[email protected] AEA website Contents Editorial 1 Change of address 1 News from the Committee 2 Book Offers 7 Conferences & Meetings 8 Announcement 11 Job Advertisement 11 JQS Content List 12 Publications 13 AEA Accounts 19 Bradford Booking Form 20 EDITORIAL We would like to draw attention to the News from the Committee section, ‘Change in Subscription rates’ (p.2), as this requires prompt action from members with standing orders. We are now sending the Newsletter out as a .pdf file, as it is quicker to download and more compact. If anyone has problems with this, please e-mail one of the Newsletter editors and we will send you a Word version. You can download an Acrobat reader free from the internet ( This issue of the Newsletter contains information about the one-day AEA meeting in Bradford in April, including a call for papers and booking form.