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PART I Explanatory Models For Personality 9781412946513-Ch01 12/14/07 3:52 PM Page 32 9781412946513-Ch01 12/14/07 3:52 PM Page 33


Psychophysiological and Biochemical Correlates of Personality

Robert M. Stelmack and Thomas H. Rammsayer

The degree of activation, as shown by the writer in personality literature, Duffy (1962: 273) various publications (Duffy, 1962), appears to affect both sensory sensitivity and motor response, and is concluded that ‘Any survey of physiological involved in those consistencies of behavior that we studies of personality must recognize the sur- call personality characteristics. (Duffy, 1966: 281) prising fact that relatively few investigators have reported relationships of any magnitude between physiological measures and measures of behavior within the normal INTRODUCTION population.’ Since that time, however, there was considerable progress in delineating reli- Considering that these quoted words were able relations between personality traits and written by Elizabeth Duffy 40 years ago, the physiological processes. This progress was view expressed was prescient indeed. There abetted by the development of rigorous per- is considerable evidence today, from psy- sonality typologies; by compelling, large- chophysical, psychophysiological and bio- scale projects determining the heritability of chemical procedures (formerly considered personality traits; by refinement and develop- measures of activation), establishing that the ment of physiological measurement proce- personality dimension of extraversion (E) is dures; and by exploiting new paradigms for characterized by individual differences in probing psychological processes such as sensitivity to simple physical stimulation and sensation, attention, learning and memory in the expression of motor responses. At the that are manifest in individual differences in time when Duffy expressed her views, how- personality. In this chapter, we mark this ever, the association of personality with sen- progress by assessing the current status of sory sensitivity and motor processes was far the psychophysiological and biochemical from clear. In fact, in an assessment of the correlates of personality traits. 9781412946513-Ch01 12/14/07 3:52 PM Page 34


The nomenclatural framework for the thresholds (e.g. Dornic and Ekehammer, present review consists of the three major 1990), larger skin conductance responses to personality dimensions of E, emotional moderate intensity tones (e.g. Smith, 1983), stabilityÐinstability/neuroticism (N), and and larger ERP amplitude to simple physical (P)/impulsive sensation-seeking stimulation (e.g. Stelmack and Michaud- (ImpSS). These personality traits emerge as Achorn, 1985). Moreover, there was evidence fundamental factors in most major personality from brainstem auditory evoked potentials typologies (e.g. Costa and McCrae, 1992; indicating that these intensity effects are Eysenck and Eysenck, 1991; Zuckerman, evident at the level of the auditory nerve (e.g. 2002) and they capture the bulk of psy- Stelmack and Wilson, 1982). These effects chophysiological and biochemical research meld with the preference of introverts for on individual differences in personality. quiet and solitude (Campbell and Hawley, An emphasis in this review is placed on 1982) and with their tendency toward with- electrocortical procedures (i.e. electroen- drawal as a coping strategy in stressful social cephalography (EEG) and event-related situations (Endler and Parker, 1990). potentials (ERPs)), and biochemical analyses Introverts and extraverts differ in their (i.e. dopamine, serotonin, and cortisol), expression of motor behaviour on a variety of because these measurement procedures tasks that require a simple motor response, predominate in current research on personality. with extraverts initiating faster and more fre- Conclusions drawn from earlier reviews of quent responses than introverts (e.g. Brebner research on the biological bases of personal- and Flavell, 1978). These effects appear ity are briefly stated. An attempt is made relevant to the disposition of extraverts to to focus the functional significance of liveliness, activity, and talkativeness the biological procedures and paradigms on (Eysenck and Eysenck, 1975), involvement the social and behavioural expressions that in athletic activities (Eysenck et al., 1982), characterize the personality dimensions, but restlessness in restricted environments (Gale, the theoretical frameworks that inspired 1969), and preference for physical activity much of this research are left to other authors (Furnham, 1981). Moreover, there was in this volume. evidence employing psychophysiological procedures that differences in motor activity between introverts and extraverts can be referred to peripheral nervous system PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL AND processes (Stelmack and Pivik, 1996). There BIOCHEMICAL CORRELATES OF is good evidence that variation in dopaminer- EXTRAVERSION gic activity (DA) is an important determinant of differences in E (e.g. Rammsayer et al., In previous reviews, it was concluded that 1993). In general, more recent research on there were fundamental differences between E and differences in sensory sensitivity and introverts and extraverts in their reaction to motor expression, using electrocortical and sensory stimulation and in their expression of biochemical measurement procedures, motor activity (Matthews and Gilliland, endorse these findings. 1999; Stelmack, 1997). There is compelling evidence from a range of measurement pro- cedures indicating that introverts are more Extraversion and the reactive or sensitive to simple sensory stimu- electroencephalograph lation than are extraverts. Introverts display lower absolute auditory sensitivity (e.g. The electroencephalograph (EEG), recording Stelmack and Campbell, 1974), lower pain electrical activity of the brain from small elec- thresholds (e.g. Barnes, 1975), lower noise trodes affixed to the scalp, was an important 9781412946513-Ch01 12/14/07 3:52 PM Page 35


method for assessing cortical activity of the EEG can be made. An exception here is the brain in the early study of the ascending work by Knyazev et al. (2002), where partic- reticular activating system (ARAS; Lindsley, ipants performed mental arithmetic during 1951) and in exploring the role of the ARAS the EEG recording in an attempt to manipu- in attention, memory and learning. The late arousal level. Even in this case, however, hypothesis that differences in E were deter- the behavioural effect of this manipulation mined by differences in cortical excitation was not measured. and inhibition (Eysenck, 1957) and cortical There was considerable interest in the arousal (Eysenck, 1967) fostered extensive claim that activation of right anterior cortical analysis of E and the EEG. In early reviews areas is associated with the expression of (Gale, 1973; O’Gorman, 1977), support for negative affect, whereas activation of left the notion that introverts are characterized by anterior cortical areas is associated with the higher levels of cortical arousal (indexed by expression of positive affect (Davidson and lower EEG alpha wave activity) than Fox, 1982). Investigation of these effects was extraverts was equivocal. These reviews did drawn into the personality domain by prompt improvements in design and recording Hagemann et al. (1999) who exploited the techniques in subsequent research. Later association of E with positive affect and reviews conceded that the direction of the N with negative affect (Tellegen, 1985). results of these inquiries is towards higher Contrary to expectations, higher negative levels of cortical activity for introverts affect scores were associated with greater (Matthews and Gilliland, 1999; Stelmack activation at left anterior temporal cortical and Geen, 1992). areas. As Hagemann et al. (1999) note, this In more recent research, the ambiguous result is typical of the mixed outcomes that history of research on E using EEG recording plague EEG research on emotion and mood. is continued rather than clarified. The specific No differences in EEG activity between conditions under which reliable effects are introverts and extraverts were observed. replicated remain indeterminate. Tran et al. The line of inquiry initiated by Hagemann (2001) observed greater EEG activity in the et al. (1999) was pursued by Gale et al. 8Ð13 Hz (alpha) frequency range for (2001). During EEG recording, participants extraverts than introverts but only at frontal were asked to empathise and rate photo- electrode sites. This contrasts with other graphs expressing positive and negative positive reports (e.g. O’Gorman and Lloyd, affect. Negative valence photographs elicited 1987) showing greater EEG activity at poste- greater activation at left frontal cortical sites, rior electrode sites where alpha activity is an effect that endorses the sensitivity of the maximal. In a project similar to Tran et al. EEG measures to the affect manipulation. (2001), higher E was associated with greater Robust effects were reported with extraverts activity in low-frequency EEG bands (delta exhibiting greater alpha activity at frontal, and theta) at temporal and parietal sites, and temporal and occipital sites. lower alpha activity at temporal and frontal Gale et al. (2001) state that their data sites (Knyazev et al., 2002). In another well- accord with the view that extraverts are char- executed project, no EEG effects for E were acterized by lower levels of tonic arousal as observed (Schmidtke and Heller, 2004). proposed by Eysenck (1967). Alternatively, Notably, the functional significance of the one could argue that introverts were more EEG effects in the studies cited here, when reactive to the photographic stimuli than they are observed, is opaque. Typically, the extraverts, a view concordant with an EEG recordings were obtained while partici- extensive literature showing the greater sensi- pants opened and closed their eyes. Without tivity of introverts to sensory stimulation in some experimental manipulation, few infer- general (Stelmack, 1990). The positive and ences of the functional significance of the negative valence photographs did not exercise 9781412946513-Ch01 12/14/07 3:52 PM Page 36


interactive effects on E; that is, one would in E, are congruent with the greater response suppose that the positive affect induction to stimulation in introverts than in extraverts would favour the extraverts, resulting in observed with psychophysical and auto- greater frontal left hemisphere cortical areas. nomic system measures. Subsequently, there Overall, when EEG is recorded under resting were few attempts to examine E and ERP conditions or with minimal or uncontrolled using systematic changes in stimulus inten- stimulation, the studies cited provide little sity or frequency. Occasionally, however, the consistent evidence associating E with greater enhanced response to auditory stimulation is alpha activation. observed incidentally (e.g. Doucet and Stelmack, 2000).

Extraversion and event-related Extraversion and brainstem potentials auditory evoked responses A number of authors explored differences Event-related potentials (ERPs) are records between introverts and extraverts by record- of the electrocortical activity in the brain that ing brainstem auditory evoked responses is evoked by physical stimuli and modulated (BAER). BAER waveforms capture electri- by psychological processes such as attention, cal activity along the auditory pathway that memory and cognition. ERPs are derived by develops within the first 10 ms of acoustic averaging ongoing EEG activity that is stimulation. The neural generators of these time-locked to specific stimulus events. It is waves, the auditory nerve (wave I), cochlear assumed that random EEG activity emanating nucleus (wave II), lateral lemniscus and from neural sites that are not engaged in the inferior colliculus (wave V), are well docu- repeated presentation of the stimulus is can- mented. The shorter BAER wave V latency celled out in the averaging. What remains is for introverts than extraverts is the effect a signature of the neural activity that occurred more consistently observed (Bullock and during the processing of the stimulus. This Gilliland, 1993; Stelmack and Wilson, 1982; signature is a result of the initial activation of Swickert and Gilliland, 1998). A recent peripheral nerves and nuclei in the brainstem report from Gilliland and colleagues is and of the subsequent sequence of neural perhaps the most definitive (Cox-Fuenzalida activity along cortical projection pathways. and Gilliland, 2001). Introverts exhibited shorter wave V latency than extraverts, with Extraversion and sensory ERPs correlations in several analyses ranging from Early research on E and ERPs examined r = 0.23 to 0.28. Gender effects, which are waveforms that were elicited by simple sen- known to influence BAER latency, were not sory stimuli such as brief light flashes or accounted for in these analyses. On the simple tones. Initially, inconsistent effects whole, the effect sizes were comparable to were reported that yielded to replicable the marginally significant effects with results as the conditions for favourable find- smaller sample size reported by Stelmack ings became apparent. In ERP waveforms to et al. (1993a). tones, larger amplitude for introverts than Although effect sizes tend to be modest, extraverts is observed with some consistency accounting for less than 10% of variation in for ERP waves that develop 100Ð200 ms fol- E, the shorter wave V latency for introverts lowing stimulation, notably when stimuli are than extraverts is a reliable effect that is con- (1) moderately intense, (2) lower frequency, sistent with the greater reactivity to physical and (3) presented in mixed serial order stimuli of introverts observed with other (Bruneau et al., 1984; Stelmack and measures. The BAEP is exquisitely sensitive Michaud-Achorn, 1985). These effects, to changes in stimulus intensity with higher which account for about 10% of the variation intensity stimulation evoking shorter latency 9781412946513-Ch01 12/14/07 3:52 PM Page 37


and larger amplitude BAEP waves. Because (Brocke et al., 1996; Daruna et al., 1985; collaterals from the auditory tracts ascending Ortiz and Maojo, 1993; Polich and Martin, through the brainstem innervate the ARAS, 1992; Wilson and Languis, 1990). Similarly, the amygdala and the cortical centres, smaller decrements in P3 amplitude across the BAEP effects do endorse the arousal trial blocks for introverts were reported hypothesis as noted by Matthews and (Ditraglia and Polich, 1991), although oppo- Gilliland (1999), and also the view espoused site effects were subsequently observed by Woodward et al. (2001) concerning the (Cahill and Polich, 1992). Null effects were role of the amygdala for highly reactive chil- reported by Pritchard (1989). In early work, dren. From a neurophysiological perspective, the larger P3 amplitude for introverts would however, the inhibitory influence of the be attributed to differences in the amount of olivocochlear nucleus on brainstem nuclei is resources allocated to the processing of the reduced or absent for intensities above 75 dB deviant stimuli. Other interpretations of the and these inhibitory effects are independent effects are possible, for example differences of the reticular system (Desmedt, 1975). in processing capacity, or even differences in Thus, the BAEP effects cannot be understood sensitivity to stimuli. There is some evidence in terms of a corticoreticular loop as adopted that P3 is larger to more intense stimuli (e.g. by Eysenck as the basis for individual differ- Gonsalvez et al., 2007). The understanding ences in E. The independence of BAEP of these P3 differences is hampered because waves from descending inhibitory effects is the effects have not been put to the test underscored functionally by the remarkable of direct manipulation or concomitant invariance of BAEP waves during different behavioural evaluations. stages of sleep and arousal (Campbell and Individual differences in E and P3 ampli- Bartoli, 1986) and even during metabolic tude and latency were also explored in coma (Chiappa, 1990). Similarly, the weight several decision-making paradigms. The out- of the evidence indicates that BAEP waves comes of this work were equally varied. are not influenced by directed attention Introverts displayed larger P3 amplitude than (Connolly et al., 1989; Picton et al., 1981). extraverts during a difficult visual vigilance oddball task (Brocke et al., 1996). Brocke et al. Extraversion and P3 (1997) subsequently observed this effect The P3 wave is a positive ERP wave that under quiet conditions, but extraverts exhibited develops maximum amplitude at about 300 ms larger amplitude than introverts when the in simple decision tasks. This wave is usefully task was performed during noisy conditions. exploited in cognitive , to study A larger P3 amplitude for extraverts was also attention, memory and decision making. observed in a visual classification task In general, the latency of the P3 is widely (Stenberg, 1994). More recently, larger accepted as a measure of stimulus evaluation P3 amplitude for extraverts was observed to time that is independent of response selection high intensity target tones in an auditory odd- and execution processes (Kutas et al., 1977). ball task (Guerrera et al. 2001). No differ- The P3 wave decreases in amplitude with ences in P3 amplitude between introverts and increases in task difficulty and can be parsi- extraverts were reported in several studies moniously understood as an index of pro- using a series of elementary cognitive tasks cessing capacity (Kok, 2001). Several (Stelmack et al., 1993b), simple response and investigators examined individual differ- stimulus-response compatibility tasks (Doucet ences in E during an auditory oddball and Stelmack, 2000), or difficult target task where a P3 wave develops to deviant recognition tasks (De Pascalis, 1993). stimuli presented among a series of standard The larger P3 amplitude for introverts than stimuli. The most consistent effect is larger extraverts to moderate intensity target tones P3 amplitude for introverts than extraverts during an auditory oddball task was observed 9781412946513-Ch01 12/14/07 3:52 PM Page 38


with sufficient consistency to regard it as a and response compatibility (Doucet and valid effect that accounts for about 10% of Stelmack, 2000). Extraverts displayed faster variation in E. How the effect is interpreted MT than introverts under all conditions. The and what it contributes to our understanding pattern of results also suggested that the of E is not yet decided. In general, the effect effect reflected differences in the initiation of is congruent with the greater electrodermal movement rather than in the acceleration of response amplitude for introverts observed in movement from the home button to the target orienting response paradigms. These effects response button. Because there were no indi- are regarded as intensity effects reflecting the vidual differences in DT or P3 latency and greater sensitivity to stimulation of introverts. amplitude, these effects implicate peripheral A systematic investigation of the effects of motor processes as determinants of E rather intensity on P3 is clearly desirable to assess than central cortical mechanisms mediating that hypothesis. The larger P3 amplitude for sensory discrimination or stimulus evaluation. extraverts observed in some studies is a puz- This question was explored in studies that zling effect that also requires more intensive employed an ERP measure termed the later- investigation to disentangle sensory and alized readiness potential (LRP). motor contributions. There is little evidence The LRP is an ERP measure that permits linking E to differences in P3 amplitude on direct assessment of movement initiation elementary cognitive tasks. Moreover, there processes following stimulus-related process- is scant evidence of differences in P3 latency ing. The LRP is derived by recording ERPs that would link E to differences in cognitive from electrodes placed over the motor areas processing speed. of the left and right cortical hemispheres. Responses initiated by the left and right hand Extraversion and lateralized elicit greater electrical activity in the con- readiness potentials tralateral hemisphere. ERPs derived from the There is a copious literature that implicates same side as the overt motor response are differences in the expression of motor behav- subtracted from the ERP of the contralateral iour as a fundamental determinant of differ- hemisphere. When these difference waves ences in E (e.g. Doucet and Stelmack, 2000). are averaged across hands, they yield the These differences in motor expression were LRP, reflecting pure hand-related ERP asym- examined using simple response time (SRT) metry. Analysis of the interval between the measures. Although faster and more frequent onset of the stimulus and the onset of the responding for extraverts was frequently LRP (stimulus-linked LRP) is a measure for observed, null effects were also reported the duration of pre-motor activity, including often. Some progress in clarifying the dispar- stimulus analysis, response preparation and ities in this SRT work involved distinguishing some aspects of response selection. In con- between response decision time (DT), the time trast, analysis of the interval between the from stimulus onset to the release of the onset of the LRP and the onset of the behav- home button; and movement time (MT), ioural motor response (response-linked LRP) the time from the release of a home button to is a measure of the duration of motor activity the subsequent press of a target button. independent of stimulus processing. There is In early research using response time a consensus that the LRP is generated in the measures with elementary cognitive tasks primary motor cortex (Coles, 1989). A pattern (Stelmack et al., 1993), an association of greater activity in the response-linked LRP between E and individual differences in MT for extraverts than introverts and no differ- was observed, but not in DT. In subsequent ences in stimulus-linked LRP or P300 latency work, MT was manipulated directly by vary- and amplitude would confirm the involvement ing the response button distance and by of primary cortical motor processes as rele- examining the interactive effects of stimulus vant determinants of individual differences 9781412946513-Ch01 12/14/07 3:52 PM Page 39


in E rather than central cortical mechanisms From this perspective, differences in DA that are involved in sensory discrimination or brain mechanisms between introverts and stimulus evaluation. extraverts may mediate the greater sensory Rammsayer and Stahl (2004) obtained sensitivity in introverts compared to LRPs in an auditory two-choice go/no-go extraverts (Rammsayer, 2004). task. With this task, longer response-linked Rammsayer et al. (1993) addressed the LRP latencies were found for introverts than question, ‘Does pharmacologically induced extraverts indicating faster speed of motor decrease in brain DA activity differentially processing in extraverts than in introverts. affect the transmission of sensory input into There were no E differences, however, for motor output in introverts and extraverts?’ stimulus-linked LRP latencies. The failure to After pharmacological blockade of DA syn- demonstrate a difference in stimulus-linked thesis by means of alpha-methyl-para-tyrosine LRP latencies was attributed to the low task (AMPT), both DT and MT were markedly demands induced by the auditory task. In a impaired in introverts but not in extraverts on second study (Stahl and Rammsayer, 2004), a choice reaction time task. While DT a complex discrimination task was applied to indexes cognitive processes such as stimulus increase pre-motor, cognitive task demands. evaluation and response selection that are With this condition, stimulus-linked LRP mediated by the mesolimbocortical DA latencies were shorter for introverts than system (Cohen and Servan-Schreiber, 1992; extraverts, indicating faster pre-motor infor- Rammsayer and Stahl, 2006), MT is a valid mation processing for introverts. However, indicator of motor execution that is primarily there were no differences in response-linked mediated by mesostriatal DA activity LRP latencies, a failure attributed to the (Amalric et al., 1993; Dunnett and Robbins, absence of a no-go condition (Stahl and 1992; Salamone et al., 1993). Rammsayer, 2004). Because AMPT produced a non-specific decrease in DA activity, the D2 receptor blocker remoxipride was chosen in a subse- Extraversion and dopamine quent study to selectively affect homeostasis of dopaminergic transmission (Rammsayer, Dopaminergic (DA) projections from mesen- 1998). Remoxipride primarily inhibits neu- cephalic cell groups are divided into two rons of the mesolimbocortical DA system. In functionally distinct systems, the mesostri- introverts, remoxipride caused a reliable atal and the mesolimbocortical (e.g. Robbins increase in DT compared to extraverts, while and Everitt, 1995). Mesolimbcortical DA is MT was not affected in either group. Taken important in locomotor activity, active avoid- together, these findings indicate that intro- ance, incentive/reward motivation, associa- verts are more responsive to pharmacologi- tive learning and working memory (Kimberg cally induced changes in D2 receptor activity et al. 1997; Müller et al., 1998; Robinson and than extraverts, irrespective of the specific Berridge, 2000; Salamone, 1994; Sokolowski DA system involved. et al., 1994; Tzschentke, 2001). Mesostriatal Although there are interactions between DA neurons serve to inhibit and modulate the neurotransmitter systems, the observed dif- striatum (Björklund and Lindvall, 1986), ferences between introverts and extraverts in which in turn exerts a powerful inhibitory the transmission of sensory input into motor effect on the thalamus and the reticular for- output seem to be a clear function of DA mation (Carlsson and Carlsson, 1990). Any modulation (Rammsayer, 2003). Depue and increase in mesostriatal DA activity counter- Collins (1999) argued that the mesolimbo- acts the inhibitory effect of the striatum, cortical DA system is the neurobiological resulting in increased reticular arousal and, substrate that mediates E and resulting in for example, enhanced sensory sensitivity. differences in incentive-facilitated behaviour. 9781412946513-Ch01 12/14/07 3:52 PM Page 40


Although their model is based on an integra- Genetic factors that may influence E and tion of behaviour, affect and both cortical and cause variations in DA were also explored. subcortical neural mechanisms, it still lacks Benjamin et al. (1996) and Ebstein et al. direct corroborative evidence from human (1996) reported differences in E and the pharmacopsychological studies (cf. Lawrence type-4 dopamine receptor (DRD4) gene. et al., 1999). Numerous subsequent studies both supported Following the model of Depue and Collins (Benjamin et al., 2000; Ekelund et al., 1999; (1999), Wacker et al. (2006) combined Noble et al., 1998; Okuyama et al., 2000; behavioural and EEG measures with pharma- Ono et al., 1997; Strobel et al., 1999; cological treatment. As predicted, they found Tomitaka et al., 1999) and failed (Burt et al., that the agency facet of E modulated the 2002; Ekelund et al., 2001; Gebhardt et al., effect of 200 mg of sulpiride, a D2 receptor 2000; Jönsson et al., 1997, 1998, 2002; blocker, on behavioural and EEG measures. Kuhn et al., 1999; Mitsuyasu et al., 2001; However, because dose-dependent pharma- Persson et al., 2000; Pogue-Geile et al., cological effects of sulpiride are unclear, (cf. 1998; Soyka et al., 2002; Strobel et al., 2002, Rammsayer, 1997), that effect is not definitive. 2003b; Vandenbergh et al., 1997) to support Using single photon emission tomography these findings. (SPECT), Gray et al. (1994) found no associ- The failures to replicate an association ation between D2 receptor binding and E. between DRD4 polymorphism and E was In two subsequent PET studies (Breier et al., attributed to the use of different questionnaires 1998a; Farde et al., 1997), a positive correla- for personality assessment, methods that tion was reported between D2 receptor den- inflate the potential for false positive results, sity and E. Similar studies (Breier et al., lack of statistical power, lack of control for 1998b; Kestler et al., 2000), however, failed ethnic variability, or demographic differences to observe this relation. These inconclusive among the studies participants (cf. Burt et al., findings appear indicative of a complex 2002; Malhotra and Goldman, 2000; Strobel relation between D2 receptor density and E. et al., 1999). None of these factors convinc- In these PET studies, participants ingly justify the failures to replicate the posi- remained passive during the recording. tive findings. Overall, the large number of null Fischer et al. (1997), however, presented results challenges the significance of DRD4 their subjects with videotaped scenes of indi- polymorphism as a biological basis of E. viduals walking in a park during the PET Although Noble et al. (1998) reported a recordings. Enhanced activity for introverts positive association between the D2 compared to extraverts in brain areas associ- dopamine receptor gene (DRD2) and high ated with the mesostriatal DA system was novelty seeking, other studies failed to show observed. This finding endorses DA as a such an association (Burt et al., 2002; Cruz basis for differences in E and accords with et al., 1995; de Brettes et al., 1998; Gebhardt greater DA responsiveness for introverts than et al., 2000). extraverts proposed by Rammsayer (1998, 2003; Rammsayer et al., 1993). For Fischer et al. (1997), the visual stimulation may have Extraversion and cortisol been the critical condition for eliciting increased mesostriatal DA activity for Cortisol is a corticosteroid hormone produced introverts. In the absence of experimental or by the adrenal cortex with widespread pharmacological manipulation, mesostriatal actions that help to restore homeostasis after DA activity for introverts and extraverts are stress. Cortisol levels show a circadian rhyth- within a similar range (Rammsayer et al., micity, with peak values found in early morn- 1993) and thus no differences in E are ing and lower levels in the evening. Unlike expected under passive conditions. N, E does not appear to be associated with 9781412946513-Ch01 12/14/07 3:52 PM Page 41


variability in early morning salivary cortisol The vulnerability of N to negative valence levels (Munafò et al., 2006). There is also no stimulation and to stress (notably social evidence for a relationship between E and stress such as ego threat) that was frequently circadian cortisol rhythm or basal and stimu- demonstrated was confirmed with both lated free cortisol concentrations (Roy, 1996; psychophysiological methods and with Schommer et al., 1999; Zobel et al., 2004). biochemical assays. However, a significant correlation between E and plasma levels of cortisol in the early afternoon was recently reported (LeBlanc Neuroticism and the EEG and Ducharme, 2005). In a 1981 review that spanned 45 years of research, Gale cited 29 EEG investigations of personality that assessed the relation of EEG PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL AND indices to E. Overall, the conditions under BIOCHEMICAL CORRELATES OF which the recordings were made were NEUROTICISM benign. They were better suited to examine the psychophysiological bases of differences In personality classification schemas, such as in attention and arousal that characterise the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire E than hypotheses linking N to differences (Eysenck and Eysenck, 1991) or the NEO-PI emanating from limbic activity. None of the (Costa and McCrae, 1992), N is an emotional studies cited in that review reported signifi- stabilityÐinstability dimension that assesses cant associations with N. Subsequent studies differences in mood swings, negative affect, using improved technology to derive worry and tension. N is an important predictor absolute indices of EEG power reported the of stress management, interpersonal effec- same null effects for N (Matthews and tiveness, and the development of clinical Amelang, 1993; O’Gorman and Lloyd, disorders involving anxiety, depression and 1987). However, Ivashenko et al. (1999) did hostility (Zuckerman, 2005). Accordingly, associate higher N with greater beta activity N was the focus of intensive investigation in right temporal areas. with psychophysiological procedures and Stenberg (1992) manipulated affective biochemical assays. demands with conditions involving neutral, Many of the early psychophysiological pleasant and unpleasant imagery and exam- studies that examined differences in E also ined absolute indices of EEG activity for examined differences in N. However, signifi- individuals differing in N. Higher anxiety cant effects for N were seldom reported in scorers (i.e. high N and low E) exhibited studies where simple physical stimulation greater theta activity at right frontal sites than was the principal variable manipulated lower anxiety scorers across all conditions, (Fahrenberg, 1987). Psychophysiological an effect indicative of higher overall emotion- methods that record electrodermal, cardiac ality. The high anxiety group also exhibited and electrocortical activity are especially greater beta activity in the temporal region sensitive to changes in stimulus intensity. during the unpleasant imagery condition. The dearth of psychophysiological effects of Similar effects were observed in a study that physical stimulation for N suggests that manipulated arousal level by engaging sensitivity to stimulation is not a determinant participants in a mental arithmetic task that is of differences in N. This view is endorsed known to pose an ego threat (Knyazev, by the paucity of evidence linking N to 2002). Higher N was characterized by higher differences in sensory thresholds, pain beta and gamma activity in frontal regions, thresholds or noise thresholds, and the and lower delta and theta activity in temporal, psychological reports of those processes. parietal and left frontal areas. 9781412946513-Ch01 12/14/07 3:52 PM Page 42


Several authors explored the relationship (Breier et al., 1998; Farde et al., 1997) between EEG asymmetry measures and revealed a negative association between N scales. Asymmetry measures are obtained D2 receptor density and individual detach- by subtracting left hemisphere EEG power ment scores. Another study, using SPECT, from right hemisphere EEG power. In the yielded a positive correlation between striatal main, this work stemmed from research on D2 receptor density and N (Lee et al., 2005). emotion by Davidson (1993) and colleagues. Similarly, Kestler et al. (2000) reported that In their schema, greater left frontal EEG the depression facet of NEO-PI N was asymmetry is implicated in the experience of associated with striatal DA receptor density positive affect and right frontal EEG asym- measured by PET. However, Gray et al. metry is implicated in the experience of neg- (1994) failed to observe an association ative affect. Given the association of N with between N and D2 receptor binding in the negative affect, higher N may be characterized basal ganglia. Additional support for the by greater right frontal asymmetry. Some involvement of D2 receptor mechanisms in support for this hypothesis was reported by N is provided by a molecular genetic study Schmidt (1999) who observed greater rela- where an association between a DRD2 pro- tive right frontal EEG activity for individuals moter variant and measures of detachment who scored higher on a shyness scale. EEG and lack of assertiveness was reported activity recorded under resting conditions (Jönsson et al., 2003). observed that higher N was also associated with greater relative right posterior activity (Schmidtke and Heller, 2004) and with Neuroticism and serotonin greater mid-frontal asymmetry variability (Minnix and Kline, 2004). N is an important liability factor for the development of anxiety and depressive disorders (e.g. Kendler et al., 1993). Because Neuroticism and dopamine serotonin specific reuptake inhibitors are effective in the treatment of depression, neu- Because high N scores are indicative of ronal mechanisms involved in pre-synaptic emotional liability, vulnerability to stress, or serotonin reuptake may be implicated in N. proneness to anxiety (e.g. Bolger and Serotonergic activity in the brain, which is Schilling, 1991), N can be viewed as a security involved in many affective disorders (Graeff measurement of potentially threatening envi- et al., 1996), is mediated by the serotonin ronmental stimuli (Lee et al., 2005). Brain transporter gene (5-HTT). The principal DA is involved in monitoring activities and function of 5-HTT is to remove serotonin also in cognitive and attentional processes from the synaptic cleft by returning it to the (e.g. Saint-Cyr, 2003). From this perspective, pre-synaptic neuron where the neurotrans- high N may be characterized by higher levels mitter can be stored for later re-release. of brain DA activity that enable more sensitive 5-HTT expression is particularly abundant in or intense reactions to perceived stressors. cortical and limbic areas engaged in modula- Preliminary evidence does suggest a tion of emotional aspects of behaviour functional relationship between the DA (Westenberger et al., 1996). In humans, two neurotransmitter system and N-related common alleles, the short and long alleles, in personality traits (i.e., detached or avoidant a variable repeat sequence of the promoter behaviour). For example, subjects with region of 5-HTT were linked to N (e.g. Lesch the D2 receptor gene haplotype 1 exhibit a et al., 1996; Sen et al., 2004b). N also mediated more neurotic and immature defence style the association between 5-HTT polymorphism compared with those without haplotype 1 and lifetime major depression (Munafò et al., (Comings et al., 1995). Two PET studies 2006). Analysis of genotypeÐphenotype 9781412946513-Ch01 12/14/07 3:52 PM Page 43


relations in healthy volunteers by means of system that controls reactions to stress and imaging-genomics studies (Hariri and regulates mood. HPA dysregulation, as indi- Weinberger, 2003) endorse an association cated by excess cortisol response after HPA between 5-HTT polymorphism and N; that stimulation, was identified as an indicator of is, increased responses of the amygdala as a depression (Pariante and Miller, 2001; function of the short allele in the linked pro- Plotsky et al., 1998). Given that N is a pow- moter region of the 5-HTT (Hariri et al., 2005). erful predictor of depression, an association Numerous studies failed to confirm an between N and HPA dysregulation is plausi- association between 5-HTT polymorphism ble. Both N and HPA dysregulation operate as and N (e.g. Ball et al., 1997; Deary et al., risk and vulnerability factors for depression 1999; Ebstein et al., 1997; Flory et al., 1999; (Holsboer, 2000). High N and HPA dysregu- Jorm et al., 1998; Mazzanti et al., 1998; lation are indicative of less effective coping Willis-Owen et al., 2005). Several possible with stress, critical life events, and psycho- explanations for these inconsistent results logical challenges. Several studies explored were proposed, namely a small sample size, the relationship between these N and HPA. different methods of personality assessment McCleery and Goodwin (2001) were the and phenotype ascertainment, or population first to demonstrate differences in HPA regu- stratification. Attempts to circumvent these lation as a function of N. Specifically, low methodological constraints, however, also N exhibited a stronger cortisol response than failed to form a consensus. Five meta-analyses high N. This effect may be indicative of a were also inconclusive (Munafò et al., 2005; down-regulated HPA axis for high N to pre- Munafò et al., 2004; Munafò et al., 2003; vent harmful over-activation. Subsequently, Schinka et al., 2004; Sen et al., 2004a) Zobel et al. (2004) observed the reverse Animal research on the serotonin receptor pattern of cortisol response; that is, stronger

subtype 5-HT1A provides converging evidence cortisol responses were positively associated for serotonin as a biochemical correlate of N. with N. Zobel et al. (2004) suggested that Anxiety is more pronounced in mice lacking HPA dysregulation may provide a biochemi-

5-HT1A receptors than controls (Parks et al., cal basis for N and depressive temperament. 1998; Ramboz et al., 1998). Further, 5-HT1A Higher cortisol levels for high N individuals receptor agonists were effective in the treat- without a previous history of depression (e.g. ment of anxiety (e.g. Sramek et al., 1997). Bridges and Jones, 1968; Portella et al., A negative correlation between the anxiety 2005) provides additional evidence that high facet of the NEO PI-N scale and cortical N is associated with altered HPA regulation.

5-HT1A receptor binding potential was also Overall, however, the relationship between observed in a PET study of healthy volun- N and HPA is not resolved. teers (Tauscher et al., 2001); that is, high N is

characterized by lower 5-HT1A receptor density. An association between HTR1A- 1019 polymorphism and the NEO-PI-R N PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL AND (Strobel et al., 2003a) also endorses a rela- BIOCHEMICAL CORRELATES OF

tion between allelic variation in the 5-HT1A IMPULSIVE receptor and the expression of the anxiety and depression aspects of N. Research on impulsiveness is a challenge because it is a complex construct with multiple meanings. In the Eysenck three factor model, Neuroticism and cortisol all three factors, E, N and P, relate to some aspects of impulsiveness: venturesomeness is The hypothalamicÐpituitaryÐadrenal (HPA) a feature of E, while narrow impulsiveness axis is a major part of the neuroendocrine is a feature of P and N (Eysenck, 2004). 9781412946513-Ch01 12/14/07 3:52 PM Page 44


P also features prominently on an SS factor response amplitude (Buchsbaum, 1971; that is appropriately termed impulsive Lukas, 1987). More recent evidence from unsocialized sensation seeking (ImpSS) carefully executed studies endorses this view (Zuckerman et al., 1988). There is a substan- (e.g. Brocke et al., 1999). tial psychophysiological literature that The augmenting-reducing effect was explores individual differences in SS and the considered as evidence supporting the view biochemical analysis of individual differ- that high SS is characterized by lower tonic ences in ImpSS has flourished in recent years. arousal, and that stimulation is amplified, or simple physical stimulation is experienced more intensely than in low SS scorers, in Psychophysiology of sensation order to raise arousal to an optimal level seeking (Zuckerman, 1979). Alternatively, in the absence of evidence indicative of differences From the psychophysiological literature, in base levels of arousal, it can be argued that three conclusions can be drawn. First, there augmenting-reducing is an intensity effect in is little evidence of individual differences in which high SS scorers are less sensitive to base level of arousal between high and low stimulation than low SS scorers and that low scorers in SS using measures of skin conduc- SS scorers initiate inhibitory, protective tance level, EEG desynchronization, or resting mechanisms in response to high intensity heart rate (Stelmack and Geen, 1992). These stimulation that result in smaller responses, null effects negate the proposal that high SS (Smith et al, 1989). Coincidentally, it has is characterized by low tonic arousal been shown that a high ImpSS is character- (Zuckerman, 1979). ized by greater pain tolerance, greater E, less Second, there is good evidence that high hypochondriasis, higher absolute sensory SS scorers react more intensely to stimulation thresholds (Goldman et al., 1983; Kohn et al., than low SS scorers under some conditions. 1982) and smaller P3 amplitude to negative High SS scorers exhibit larger skin conduc- valence emotional stimuli (De Pascalis et al., tance responses than low SS scorers to novel 2004). This suggests that high SS scorers stimulus items that are relevant to the SS may engage in intense stimulating activities, scale (SSS; Zuckerman, 1979), for example not to achieve an optimum level of arousal, but pictures of hang-gliding, marijuana smoking, because they can endure intense stimulation. mountain climbing, and sexual and violent stimuli (e.g. Smith et al., 1986). In general, these effects provide good support for the Impulsive sensation seeking and construct validity of the SSS, but provide dopamine little insight into the biological bases of SS. Third, there are reliable individual differ- Zuckerman (1994) proposed the construct of ences in SS, accounting for about 10% of impulsive unsocialized sensation seeking variation, that are observed in an augmenting- (ImpSS) as an independent trait of personality, reducing paradigm with visual ERP changes with Eysenck’s P scale as its strongest to increases in the intensity of light flashes. marker (Zuckerman et al., 1988). According Individuals with high scores on the disinhibi- to Eysenck and Eysenck (1976), a continuum tion subscale of the SSS exhibit an increase can be drawn from normal through psycho- in amplitude of an ERP wave (P1, N1) that pathic behaviour to psychotic states. In this develops at about 100 ms following stimula- view, the biological basis of P is continuous tion. Low sensation seekers exhibit a for healthy individuals and psychotic decrease in amplitude with an increase in patients. Increased DA activity is a promi- intensity of the light flashes whereas high nent hypothesis in neurochemical theories sensation seekers exhibit an increase in of schizophrenia (cf. Davis et al., 1991). 9781412946513-Ch01 12/14/07 3:52 PM Page 45


DA activity can also be expected to vary with measuring cortisol baseline levels (Gerra et al., P or ImpSS (Pickering and Gray, 2001; 1999) and cortisol response values (Gerra Zuckerman, 2005). Overall, there is good et al., 1998) failed to observe that negative evidence associating DA activity and P relationship to ImpSS. More recently, a Although it is premature to determine reliable inverse relation between cortisol and whether E is more strongly related to brain SS was reported for male, but not for female DA than P/ImpSS, there are a number of DA college students (Rosenblitt et al., 2001). mediated effects related to P or psychosis proneness rather than to E, e.g. latent inhibi- tion (e.g. Gibbon and Rammsayer, 1999; Lubow and Gewirtz, 1995), negative priming SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS (e.g. Beech and Claridge, 1987; Swerdlow et al., 1995), and pre-pulse inhibition Overall, there was good progress in focusing (e.g. Kumari et al. 1997; Simons and the fundamental facts of the psychophysio- Giardina, 1992). logical and biochemical correlates of person- Netter and Rammsayer (1991) adminis- ality. The greater sensory reactivity of tered the DA antagonist haloperidol and the introverts than extraverts to simple sensory DA precursor L-dopa to normal subjects and stimulation observed with a wide range of tested them on a reaction time task. While psychophysical and psychophysiological high SS scorers tended to feel more relaxed procedures is well established. There is also and perform better after haloperidol, low SS good progress in demonstrating differences scorers performed better after L-dopa, effects in motor expression between introverts and indicative of more responsive DA activity in extraverts with psychophysiological proce- high ImpSS scorers (Zuckerman, 1993). dures. The faster movement time for A negative relationship between P and D2 extraverts on simple response time tasks, and receptor binding in the basal ganglia was the absence of P3 latency effects (an index of reported in a PET study by Gray et al. stimulus processing speed) does point to the (1994). Because an increase in DA activity involvement of peripheral and or/cortical results in down-regulation of post-synaptic motor processes as relevant determinants of receptors, as indicated by a decrease in individual differences in E rather than central number of receptors or post-synaptic receptor cortical mechanisms that are involved in sen- sensitivity (Creese et al., 1977), the associa- sory discrimination or stimulus evaluation. tion between P and D2 binding is indicative The application of lateralized readiness of increased DA activity for P. Initially, this potentials is a promising procedure for conclusion appears congruent with the articulating the sensory and motor effects. hypothesis of increased brain DA in schizo- Biochemical analysis of the DA system, phrenia. However, DA hypothesis of schizo- which is involved in the neuroregulation of phrenia predicts enhanced activity in the sensory input and motor output, is proposed mesolimbocortical DA, whereas the Gray et al. as a biochemical determinant of individual (1994) finding referred to the functionally differences in E (Rammsayer, 2004). independent mesostriatal DA. Although biochemical analyses revealed that DA turnover is the same in introverts and extraverts (Rammsayer et al., 1993), there is Impulsive sensation seeking and good evidence from different procedures cortisol for E differences in responsiveness to devia- tions from the physiological level of DA An early study by Ballenger et al. (1983) activity in the brain, with introverts more reported that SS was characterized by low susceptible to changes in D2 receptor activity levels of free cortisol. Subsequent studies than extraverts. 9781412946513-Ch01 12/14/07 3:52 PM Page 46


The disappointing outcome of early neurophysiological processes. Both these psychophysiological research on N, using considerations could contribute to the incon- simple physical stimulation, has yielded sistency of effects noted in this review. more promising results with some EEG Clearly, future research must make an effort procedures. Although the effect is not to exploit reliable effects and to incorporate conclusively established, the association of them in a paradigm of personality that higher N with greater right frontal EEG leads to a meaningful appreciation of how activity was observed in several reports, neural processes, neurotransmitters, and hor- notably under negative affect conditions. mones contribute to individual differences Biochemical analyses of individual differ- in personality. ences in N are equivocal. There is some evidence linking N and D2 receptor mecha- nisms, but this evidence is piecemeal. REFERENCES Analyses of the serotonergic system are inconclusive. Although there is good evidence Amalric, M., Berhow, M., Polis, I. and Koob, G.F. relating depression to HPA dysfunction (1993) ‘Selective effects of low-dose D2 (as indexed by excess cortisol response dopamine receptor antagonism in a reaction- following HPA stimulation) and although time task in rats’, Neuropsychopharmacology, N is an important predictor of depression, 8: 195–200. no firm association betweeen N and HPA Ball, D., Hill, L., Freeman, B., Eley, T.C., Strelau, dysfunction is established. J., Riemann, R., Spinath, F.M., Angleitner, A. and Plomin, R. (1997) ‘The serotonin trans- With respect to ImpSS, psychophysiologi- porter gene and peer-rated neuroticism’, cal research indicates: (1) no reliable NeuroReport, 8: 1301–4. individual differences in tonic levels of phys- Ballenger, J.C., Post, R.M., Jimerson, D.C., iological activity, (2) greater response to Lake, C.R., Murphy, D.L., Zuckerman, M. and highly novel, exciting, or disturbing stimuli Cronin, C. (1983) ‘Biochemical correlates of for higher SS, and (3) larger response personality traits in normals: An exploratory (greater tolerance?) to higher intensity phys- study’, Personality and Individual Differences, ical stimulation for higher SS. Although far 4: 615–25. from conclusive, there is increasing evidence Barnes, G. (1975) ‘Extraversion and pain’, relating P/ImpSS to increased or more reactive British Journal of Social and Clinical DA activity. Psychology, 14: 303–8. Beech, A. and Claridge, G. (1987) ‘Individual The review of psychophysiological and differences in negative priming: Relations neurochemical research presented in this with schizotypal personality traits’, British chapter aimed to focus the biological basis of Journal of Psychology, 78: 349–56. personality and individual differences. The Benjamin, J., Li, L., Patterson, C., Greenberg, arousal construct was central to the early B.D., Murphy, D.L. and Hamer, D.H. (1996) examination of personality from a physiolog- ‘Population and familial association between ical perspective. A distillation of that work is the D4 dopamine receptor gene and incorporated in this review. Over the past measures of novelty seeking’, Nature four decades, the neurosciences provided Genetics, 12: 81–4. new findings, constructs, and models in an Benjamin, J., Osher, Y., Kotler, M., Gritsenko, I., attempt to improve our understanding of the Nemanov, L., Belmaker, R.H. and Ebstein, R.P. (2000) ‘Association between tridimensional biological determinants of behaviour and personality questionnaire (TPQ) and three individual differences, often without integra- functional polymorphisms: dopamine tion of previous effects that were reported. receptor D4 (DRD4), serotonin transporter As Matthews and Gilliland (1999) suggested, promoter region (5-HTTLPR) and catechol this scenario may have lead, unintentionally, O-methyltransferase (COMT)’, Molecular to an oversimplification of a number of Psychiatry, 5: 96–100. 9781412946513-Ch01 12/14/07 3:52 PM Page 47


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