Vol 4 Issue 12 Jan 2015 ISSN No : 2230-7850


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Indian Streams Research Journal

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Rajurwar Narayan Madhukar

Department of Political Science ,M. S. Kakade College, Someshwarnagar.

Abstract:-The peasant workers’ party was established on 3rd August, 1948. Maharashtra remained the main domain of this party. It completed its 60 years in 2008. This party has played a significant role in the social and political fields of Maharashtra in last 60 years. The Rashtriya Sabha has given an important contribution in the Freedom Struggle of India.

Keywords: Analytical Study , social and political fields , Educational and Social revolution .


The Educational and Social revolution was taken place among the Bahujan Society because of the works of Satyashodkak Society established by Mahatma Jotiba Phule. Jotiba Phule gave the goal of equality while forming the Society after critically analysing the Hindu religion. Rajashri Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj revived the Satyashodhak Movement in Kolhapur Princely State. This movement spread on large scale in Maharashtra. This movement aware people mainly against Bramhin dominance. The leaders of this movement viz. Bhaskarrao Jadhav, Keshavrao Vichare, Keshavarao Jedhe, Dinkarrao Jawalkar, Mukundrao Patil, tried their best to aware people. Alongwith these Shankarrao More, Tulshidas Jadhav, Krantisingh Nana Patil, Karmveer Bhaurao Patil, Bhausaheb Thorat worked hard for the awareness among the people of Bhahujan Society. The Congress Movement was limited to the Upper Class people only up to 1920 in Maharashtra. It reached to the common people after 1920 under the leadership of . It was the prime duty of Indians to participate in the Freedom Struggle. The main leaders of the were working in other parties except the Bramhins in the same period. They were under the influence of Vitthal Ramaji Shinde. Because of this, the leaders like Keshavrao Jedhe, Tulsidas Jadhav, Shankarrao More, Nana Patil joined the Congress Movement. They tried hard for helping Congress Movement to reach it towards the common people. The Russian Movement of 1917 had a great impact on the leaders and workers, who were working for the Freedom Struggle. The leaders like N. M. Roy, Shripad Patwardhan, S. M. Joshi, Sane Guruji established ‘Socialist Party’s within the Congress Party in 1934. Though, Keshavrao Jedhe, Shankarrao More, Nana Patil were familiar to the philosophy of Socialism, they did not participate in the Socialist Party which was leading by Bramnis. The Socialists as well as leaders of the Satyashodhak Movements played a significant role in the ‘Quit India’ Movement of 1942. The ‘Parallel Government’ of Satara district under the leadership of Nana Patil remained ideal for the people of India. It was hoped that India would get freedom soon after the movement of 1942. But at this very moment Congress Party tent to capitalism. The leaders like Shankarrao Raut thought that the benefits of Freedom would not reach to the common people through the congress party. They thought there should be option for congress party. So they established the Peasant Workers Party on 3rd August, 1947. They started their work for class struggle and race struggle. India got freedom on 15th August, 1947. According to Mahatma Gandhi the chief aim of the congress movement was to free India. So after achieving it congress should be submersed in ‘Lokseva Sangh’. But the leaders of the Congress turned this movement in a political party. The groups and allied parties within Congress were banned. So the Peasant Workers Sangh had to expel from congress. The Sangh decided to come out from congress and work independently. The Peasant Workers Party critically analysed the total political situation through Marxism and Leninism and set the doctrine of ‘Democratic Revolution’. The Party accepted the principles of Marxism and

Rajurwar Narayan Madhukar,“A WORK OF THE PEASANT WORKERS PARTY IN KOLHAPUR DISTRICT – AN ANALYTICAL STUDY” (1948-2008)” Indian Streams Research Journal | Volume 4 | Issue 12 | Jan 2015 | Online & Print

1 . “A Work Of The Peasant Workers Party In Kolhapur District – An Analytical Study” (1948-2008)

Leninism in the Dabhadi Session held in India which set the doctrine of democratic revolution and critically analysed the Marxism. This party tried its best to give justice through different organizations to the downtrodden classes like Peasants, workers, students, , adivashi etc. The elected representatives of this party played important role in the assembly of Maharashtra and the parliament of India. The critical analysis of the work of this party in Kolhapur district is not yet put up. Kolhapur district remained the stronghold of this party. The district has inherited by the radical and ideological principles of Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj. The Kolhapur branch of the Peasant Workers Party is working since 1948. Many workers from the Bahujan society actively participated in this party through the Talim Sangh. It has left its imprint on the political stage of Kolhapur since 1950. It dominated the politics of Kolhapur in the decades of 60s and 70s. This Party got the majority in the Municipal Corporation of Kolhapur continuously from 1952 to 1967. It has dominated for 20 years in the Kolhapur city constituency from 1952 to 1972. This party retained the political leadership of Kolhapur district by winning the parliamentary and Assembly seats in Kolhapur since 1952 to 1985. This party also dominated in Zilla Parishad and Panchayat Samiti elections of Kolhapur district. The Party tried to propagate the principles of model politics, socialization and radical thoughts through the parliament, Assembly, Zilla Parishad and Panchayat Samiti since 1950 to 1970. People Frightened to wear the famous ‘Gandhi Cap’ of congress because of the dominance of this party. The leaders like Prof. Dr. N. D. Patil, M.L.A. Rau Dhondi Patil, Sampatbapu Desai, Balwantrao Barale, T. C. Karkhanis, Dattoba Chavan, Sambhaji Chavan, Hindurao Saloke successfully led this party and tried their best to expand this party impressively. Political Movement of PWP in the Kolhapur District: In all the campaigns and agitations that were undertaken by PWP in Kolhapur district, the party workers participated with full devotion, integrity and wholeheartedness. In every movement or agitation the young workers of the party participated in a large number. The Karnataka-Maharashtra border dispute was a core issue of PWP. The party workers went on Satyagraha agitation for the said border dispute for two moths at a stretch in 1957 In that many of the workers were punished. In the questions relating to the peasants and workers the party is always on the forefront. In the protest March of farmers that was held in Mumbai in 1962 the participation of Kolhapur party workers was noteworthy. The force agitations that were undertaken for Kalammawadi Dam in Kolhapur district were at the instance of the PWP. On 19th August 1965 an anti-starvation agitation was held by the party. The main demand put forth in this agitation was for cheap and adequate supply of food grains. In 1986, people in Kolhapur agitated against the compulsion of Kannada language in the border-line cities of Belgaum, Karwar, Nipani, Bhalki and Bidar. Many of workers had to undergo jail punishment. Even today the party is struggling for the inclusion of Belgaum and other cities from Karnataka of in Maharashtra. The party has been holdings meetings of Seema Parishads (Border Committees) from time to time to afford justice to the residing in Karnataka. In 1988 a long march of 477 km. from Shegaon to Nagpur was arranged which was led by N.D. Patil and Ganpatrao Deshmukh. The demand made therein was to make provision for pension to the agricultural farm workers. The workers who participated from Kolhapur district were Tukaram Mane, Vilasrao Mane, Dilipkumar Jadhav, K.B. Kadalge. In all agitations undertaken by the PWP the workers’ attitude was invariably aggressive. While the legislative assembly and the parliament was represented by Dr. N.D. Patil, Rau Dhondi Patil, Sampat Bapu Pawar, Bhusaheb Mahagaonkar, Shri. Vijayamala Ranisaheb, Bhai Dajiba Desai, T.C. Karkhanis, P.B. Salunkhe the woes and worries and different problems of the people in Kolhapur district were got redressed incessantly through the medium of the party by Vilasrao Sawant, Keshavrao Jagdale, Hindurao Salunkhe, Sambhajirao Chavan, Diliprao Jadhav, Nanasaheb Yadav, Anandrao Salunkhe, vishnupant Ingavale etc. The party, on many occasions, agitated to solve the agriculturist’s problems such as payment of price of agriculturists’ produce based on the expenditure incurred by them in producing the same. The party continues even today, to fight for Karnataka-Maharashtra border issue, Maharashtra Ekikaran (Uniting Maharashtra), adequate wages to farmers and workers; reasonable price to agricultural produce etc. even in the establishment of Shivaji University, Kolhapur the party has significant contribution. All the same, the PWP that ruled over Kolhapur District effectively for twenty to twenty-five years could not continue its impressive existence after 1975. Owing to the offers of power-places by the ruling congress party, different inducements made from time to time by the congress to lure the PWP workers, consistent fights on one count or the other, intra-party competition etc. the number of leaders and workers started diminishing, Shri. Sakharambapu Kharade, Dinkar Patil, Yashwant Khade, M.K. Jadhav, K.B. Jagadale left the party. On this background the workers also relinquished the party. Powers in the Kolhapur Municipal Corporation came to on end. First the congress and subsequently the Shivasena was the general elections. Between 1950 and 1970 there were 8 to 10 MLCs of PWP in Kolhapur district; but after 1975 the party could not keep its hold even in rural areas; and thus the period of decline started for the party. A party which could once halt the movement of the city at one single call

Indian Streams Research Journal | Volume 4 | Issue 12 | Jan 2015 2 . “A Work Of The Peasant Workers Party In Kolhapur District – An Analytical Study” (1948-2008) reached a stage of novice. With the fall of the PWP in the city, the congress, Rashtrawadi congress, Shivasena, BJP came into existence. Simultaneously, in the rural areas Congress, Rashtrawadi congress and Shivasena made the mark of impression. The influx of youth which was once attracted by the PWP, now scattered in all others political parties. The PWP, now started experiencing the dearth of leadership and workers prepared to sacrifice their everything and work for the party with integrity. As a result, all power places escaped from the clutches on the party and it became feeble. All the same there are in the party even today some loyal workers and leaders who are prepared to do hard work with perseverance so as to keep the party alive. They are seen toiling day in and day out for the sake of the party. Previous Research: PWP has an important place in the . Shri B.L. Bhole from Nagpur University has done research on ‘Bharatiya Kamgar Pakshachi Vatchal’ (Treading of the workers’ party of India). In the Shivaji University Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad has done research on ‘Work of the peasant’s and workers’ party in Solapur District”. Similarly, Dr. Abhiman Mane has done research on “Peasants’ and workers party in Usmanabad District: A study. Dr. T.S. Patil has taken a review of “Work of the Samajwadi party which has ideological nearness to the peasants and workers party, in Maharashtra in his research. In spite of all that has been said here, one thing is true that no body has taken case to study the work done by the PWP in Kolhapur which remained to the stronghold of the party. The ideology of PWP has had in Kolhapur, the ruralled in the ideology nourished by the stalwarts like Chh. Shahu, Mahatma Phule and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. Many of the founding members of the PWP came from the non-Brahmin movement. So, the ideology of the PWP has frill of social reforms. The inception and decline of such a party needs to be studied.


For this research, the Historical Research Method is proposed to be used. The reference material used in this work includes contemporary newspapers PWP’s periodicals, weeklies, souvenirs of the PWP. Annual Reports, resolutions passed at the PWP’s conferences, tape-recorded lectures, articles in the newspapers, lectures delivered by the MLAs of the party in the legislative assembly. Similarly, interviews of the leaders and workers of the party are proposed to be recorded. All these primary and secondary sources will be examined internally and externally before making use. Similarly, all primary and secondary, published and unpublished material in different libraries will be studied and the rise, prosperity, work and the ultimate failure of the party will be discussed.


About the contribution of the PWP, research have been done on the activities of the PWP in Maharashtra, activities of the PWP in Usmanabad District, activities of the PWP in Solapur district. It is, however, necessary to evaluate the impressive work done by the PWP in the two decades between 1950 and 1970 in Kolhapur district. It is therefore that this topic is believed to be important. Similarly, the work of the party, the party’s expansion and its contribution to the social and political movement in the Kolhapur district are believed to the important. Since many of the founder-leaders of the party had come from the non-Brahmin movement, the party led the non-Brahmin movement in Kolhapur. It is necessary to take a review of this issue also. The Marxist ideology in the PWP was joined by the ideology of social reformation; and therefore, the PWP has given its contribution in both political and social reformation. This matter also needs to be studied. The co- operative movement has played a great role in the development of the western Maharashtra. The views of PWP in that regard also need to be studied. It is considered important to make evaluative study of the aims and achievements of the PWP, and to how far the PWP succeeded in achieving its goal in social and political movements. As already mentioned, the PWP has its valuable contribution in the Samyukt Maharashtra Movement, which also needs a thorough study. The PWP came on the political and social horizon in the decade of 1950 and it progressively survived for two-three decades. But, in spite of the fact that the party raised voice on the people’s issues incessantly, it went on declining in its own bastion, i.e. Kolhapur district after 1975. it is necessary and important historically to arrive at the reasons of this delicate of the party, with the help of primary and secondary sources available. The present researcher is going to make an attempt to lay down evaluative study of all the aforementioned aspects of the topic and threw light on the historical truth and draw conclusions on the then prevailing political, social and economic aspects. For that purpose the chapterization, roughly has been planed as follows:


1.Background of the rise of Peasants’ and Workers’ party. 2.Establishment Of PWP in Kolhapur and it’s Ideology

Indian Streams Research Journal | Volume 4 | Issue 12 | Jan 2015 3 . “A Work Of The Peasant Workers Party In Kolhapur District – An Analytical Study” (1948-2008)

3.Different Movements of PWP in Kolhapur District and the period of its Rise on the political horizon 4.Organizational set up of PWP in Kolhapur district 5.Contribution of the PWP in Loksabha and Vidhansabha 6.Set back to PWP of the District Level- Its Reasons 7.Conclusions


1. More Shankarrao’s, “Bhartiya Shetari Kamagar Paksha, Aadhava Ani Aarakhada’, Publisher Balasaheb Desai, Shri Murarji Publication, Kolhapur, 1988. 2. Desai Dajiba, ‘Bhartiya Shetkari Kamgar Paksha Rajkaran – Dabhadi Adhiveshan Tharav’, Vyanktesh Press, Kolhapur, 1983. 3. Phadnis Jagan, ‘Shetkari Kamgar Pakshache Rajkaran’, Ajab Publication, Kolahpur, 1978. 4. Phadnis Jagan, ‘’Satteche Mohare’, Vikram Distribution, Shivaji Park, Mumbai. 5.Desai Dajiba, ‘Shetkari Kamgar Paksh’, Dadhade Rajkiya Prabandh, Madhav Printing, Alibag, 1979. 6.Phadake Y. D., ‘Keshavrao Jedhe’, Shri Vidya Publisher, Pune, 1982. 7.Pradhan G. P., ‘Swatantya Sangramache Mahabgarat’, Sadhana Publication, Pune, 1989. 8.Patil Bhai Jayant, ‘Bartiya Shetkari Kamgar Paksh’, Sangram Publisher Paramount offset works, K.K. Marg, Mumbai, 2010. 9.Kale Bhavat, ‘Sanyukt Maharashtra Kal Ani Aaj’, Saket Publication, Jalna, 1988. 10.Daily, Jansatta, Pune. 11.‘Sangram, ‘Shetkari Kamgar Pakshche Mukhpatra’, (Mashik) 12.Ghanshyam Shah – ‘Social Movement in India’ 13.Gail Omvedt – ‘Reventing Revolution’ 14.Peter Robb – New Farmers Movement 15.D. N. Dhanagare – Social Movement in Inida 16.A. G. Frank and Montha – Peasent Movement in India 17.Brass Tom – New Farmers Movement in India

Ph. D. Thesis :

1. Gaikwad Sanjay, ‘A work of Peasants Workers Party in Solaour District’, Shivaji University, Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. 2. Mane Abhiman, ‘A Pesant Workers’ Party in Osmanabad District : A Study’, Shivaji University (Political Science) Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, 2002. 3.Bhole B. L., ‘A Peasant Workers’ Partly (Independence to United Maharashtra), Nagpur University, Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, 1982. 4. Patil T. S., ‘A work of Socialist Party in Maharashtra’, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis.

Rajurwar Narayan Madhukar Department of Political Science ,M. S. Kakade College, Someshwarnagar.

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