Editor-in-Chief: Prem Kumar Chumber Contact: 001-916-947-8920 Fax: 916-238-1393 E-mail:
[email protected] Editors: Takshila & Kabir Chumber VOL- 6 ISSUE- 12-13 September, 2014 www.ambedkartimes.com www.ambedkartimes.org Babasaheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Poona Pact and the Current Situation Efforts to purchase Dr Ambedkar former Prem K. Chumber (Editor-in Chief) www.ambedkartimes.com Residence in London for an Ambedkar Memorial Babasaheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar devoted his entire life pounds to purchase the property. proposed memorial will be a cul- for the emancipation and empowerment of the London (Ambedkar Times "I am delighted that the Govern- tural and educational centre that Scheduled Castes of India who for centuries have News Bureau)- Efforts are being ment of Maharashtra has sup- generations of Indians in the UK been compelled to live in deplorable situations. He made to convert the former Lon- ported the FABO, UK's initiative and visitors interested or inspired tried different ways for this noble cause while set- don residence of Dr B.R. Ambed- to purchase the house where Dr by Dr Ambedkar’s key roles in ting the goal of annihilation of caste. First, he did kar into an Ambedkar memorial. Ambedkar lodged while he was furthering social justice, human his best to improve upon the situations through re- He lived at 10 King Henrys Road studying at the London School of rights and equal treatment issues forms within Hinduism. But soon, he realized that London in 1921-22 during his can visit. The bedrooms would reforms within Hinduism will not work for the anni- higher studies in the London be ideal for some students from hilation of caste because without caste the whole School of Economics.