International Journal of Arts and Commerce ISSN 1929-7106 BYZANTINE EYE-WITNESSES OF ANATOLIAN POWER- BREAKERS DURING THE YEARS OF 1421-1423* Nilgün ELAM** Assistant Prof. Dr., Anadolu University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of History, 26470 Eskişehir E-mail:
[email protected] ABSTRACT Ducas and Chalcocondyles' chronicles reveal more detailed information than the Ottoman chronicles about the roles of Byzantine Empire and Anatolian emirates during the Ottoman Interregnum (1402-1423). Also a Burgundian diplomat Ghillebert de Lannoy who was present at Byzantine capital-city in 1423 forms a very informative source about the Murad II’s problematic enthronement on which the Ottoman chronicles seem to be extremely laconic. Another group of sources shedding light on this period of Ottoman history is the Anonymous Greek Short Chronicles. These two Byzantine historians of 15th century, Lannoy’s work and short chronicles complete the gaps of Venetian-Genoese official records which give remarkably rich information for the Near-Eastern history. In this paper, we will re-consider the roles of Turkish emirates of Anatolia in Pseudo-Mustapha’s and Mustapha the Younger’s struggles for power (1415-1423) under the light of Byzantine, Ottoman, Italian historical sources. Keywords: Byzantine History, Ottoman History, Ottoman Civil War, Interregnum, Anonymous Short Chronicles, Pseudo-Mustafa, Mustafa the Younger ÖZET Dukas’ın ile Halkokondyles’in kroniği Bizans Devleti ile Anadolu beyliklerinin Osmanlı tarihinin Fetret dönemi (1402-1423)’ndeki rolleri hakkında Osmanlı kroniklerine nispetle daha ayrıntılı bilgiler verirler. Ayrıca 1423 yılında Bizans başkentine bulunan Burgundiyalı diplomat Ghillebert de Lannoy da Osmanlı kroniklerinin fazlasıyla sessiz kaldığı II.