Purchase Order No: 05854078 (40) Dated: 13/08/2014 M/s Jupiter Lubricants Eastern Coalfields Limited (A subsidiary of Coal India Limited) Office of the Chairman-Cum-Managing Director, Materials Management Department - Purchase Wing, Sanctoria, PO- Disergarh, District- Burdwan, West Bengal - 713333 Telefax : 0341-2522061,
[email protected], website : www.easterncoal.gov.in , CIN -U10101WB1975GOI030295 Purchase Order No.: 05854078 (40) Dated: 13/08/2014 To, Registered with A/D M/s Jupiter Lubricants, Boldi, Hatinal, Phone no: 0341-2523065 P.O-Dishergarh-713333(WB) Fax no: 0341-2520623 (Please quote Purchase Order No. & Date in all your correspondence) Type of Tender : Domestic Open tender Whether Govt. /PSU : Private Category of Firm : Small –Registered with NSIC Dear Sir, Sub: Order for supply of Fire Resistant Hydraulic Fluid (equivalent to HFB-68) having DGMS approval for Source Development and Trial Purpose Ref: 1) Our tender no. ECL/PUR/51313071/E/HFB-68(trial)/163 opened on 28.03.2014 (Off line) and 29.03.2014 (on line). 2) Your Offer No. JL/ECL/Tender/ FRHF Oil (trial) /01 dated 28.03.2014 and subsequent correspondences With reference to the above, we are pleased to place order on you for supply of following items as per prices, specifications, terms and conditions indicated here in under and also “General Terms & conditions of supply of Stores” attached as Enclosure- 6 of the NIT: 01. Scope of supply: Qty Basic Price Extended value Sl. Description of Item (KL) (Rs. per Unit) (Rs.) Fire Resistant Hydraulic Fluid (equivalent to HFB-68) having DGMS approval for Source Development and Trial Purpose.