Private School Aid Issue Now Up to Congressmen Washington. — Two Catholics from Massa­ chusetts have taken opposite stands on loans Supplement to the Denver Catholic Register to private schools that -will greatly determine the final form of any federal aid to education. National National The one was President Kennedy, who in his sixth presidential news conference shifted Section Section discussion on the constitutionality of loans for private and parochial schools from the White THE House to the Congress. The other, House Majority Leader John W. McCormack, declared in a radio-television interview that “there is cer­ tainly no constitutional question involved in the federal gov­ ernment making long-term foans at reasonable rates of in­ terest” for the building or repair of private schools. REGISTER Unintentional “We're helping our educational system,” the Represents- THURSDAY; MARCH 16, 1961 Uve continued, “and certainly when we> put through a bill to help public schools it has an unintentional effect upon the private school system. It makes it more difficult for them to operate.” Aid Both Systems Reacting to the request of the NCWC Administrative Board for long-term, Iqjv interest loans to private institutions “within the framework of the’ConsUtution,” newsmen pressed the Chief Executive for his stand on the issue of loans to pri­ vate elementary and secondary schools. Public, Private Schools “There is obviously room for debate about loans because it is being debated,” the President answered. He went on to say that though the matter of loans has not been tested by the courts, “my judgment has been that across- the-board loans are unconstitutional.” Partners in America rs '' Washington.—Public and private schools form a Just Sympathetic necessary partnership for effecUve service to the coun­ The naUon’s leader said be w^s “extremely sympathetic” try, declared Frederick G. Hochwalt, di­ with families who pay taxes for public schools and also sus­ rector of the NCWC Department of Education. tain their children in non-public schools. “They carry a heavy burden,” he said. “But I have made my position very clear for If Congress were to grant federal assistance to only 30th Anniversary of Great Document many months. . . .” part of the American educa­ tional effort, it would deny the they must be treasured and ap­ The President remarked that “if the Congress, and the The year 1961 marks the 30th anniversary “Quadragesimo Anno” deals with modern other parts the chance to grow, preciated and in the name of of Pins XTs great encyclical on “Restoring economic problems. It defends the rights of Congressmen, wish to address themselves to the problem of loans . . . then, I am hopeful it would be considered as a the prelcfte warned. the common good and the com­ the Chiistian Social Order”. The docnment private property, but stresses also its corre­ mon welfare they must be separate matter—that the Congress will consider the consti­ Parents' Rights takes its Latin title, “Qnadragesimo Anno”, sponding obligations; Insists upon a just dis­ given all the assistance which tutional problems. And then consider what type of action “The federal government from the fact that it was issued on the 40th tribution of the income of industry; and de­ is constitutionally acceptable.” they would like to take.” ought not to take any steps anniversary of I.eo XUTs great encyclical on fends the rights of the worker to a living Monsignor Hochwalt repeated which would force the private "The Condition of the Workingman”, or wage. It proposes a twofold solution to modem But the President also added that while he "would be his support for long-term, low- “Rerum Novamhi”. John XXIII has announced glad to co-operate in every way” if Congress considers the schools out of business, or, in economic problems; The iefor{n of morals in interest loans to private and pa­ that he will mark the anniversary of both issue, be would like to see his bill move ahead. effect, deny to parents the the individual and his society, and the reform rochial schools in classroom encyclicals. May 15, with a docnment of his right to choose their kind of of the institutions of society. It remains today One obstacle to such simple action was Rep. McCormack’s construction. own restressing the “constant concern of the a challenging appeal to men and women of school,” he said. proposition that construction loans to private and parochial Future Leaders ' Church” for the welfare of the entire social al) stations of life to work together in har­ schools be included in the President’s aid to education pro­ Monsignor Hochwalt’s words order. mony for social justice. gram. concerned the proposed federal Noting the emphasis in the aid to education, program from pleas for federal aid on the Harvard Law Ekpert StMVS ' . ’ which private and parochial need for future leaders, the ^WVWVWVWVWWWVWWVyVXAAAAAA/WVWWWVVVWVVWWW' schools are eliminated. NCWC official commented; “If an intellectual and scien­ “If federal aid is necessary,” tific bre.'-kthrough is to be real­ Hsgr. FredeHck Hochwalt the Catholic educator said; “if ized, if excellence is to be a it is to come; and if it is to be achieved, who can tell whence Constitution No Bor to Parochial School Aid granted to the states and to the will come the leadership for the Resettlement Aid public school systems, then, in nation, from the public schools Cambridge,' Mass. — Ac- Cases and Other Problems and Court for a constitutional deci­ th# ’general welfare’ and does ment of religion or prohibiting the interest of all our citizens, or from their partners in educa' ■i cording to Prof. Arthur E. The Law, both of which are sion. not conflict with any other con­ the free exercise thereof ...” 1 would urgently plead for a tion, the private schools?” Given Cubnns by used in law schools throughout The Harvard law professor stitutional provision.” Aid to parochial schools, the consideration of the present “We are one people,” Monsi­ .Sutherland of Harvard Uni­ the U.S., Professor Sutherland plight and the future needs of cited Article 1, Section 8 of the The only other provision with P'ofessor said, would not gnor Hochwalt stresseid, and it versity, a leading constitu­ issued this statement to the our private schools, especially NCWC Agency which it might conflict, he “prohibit the free exercise of is in our national interest that Constitution on the powers of our parochial schools. tional expert, there is no press that said in part: If Con­ anyone’s religion.” And the both school systems make their Miami, Fla.—The world-wide Congress to appropriate funds. added,'is the First Amendment constitutional problem involved gress passed a law providing phrase on “establishment of For Common Good full contribution in the service relief agency maintained by to the Constitution that reads in in federal aid to parochial federal aid to parochial schools, “Congress can spend money on religion” would probably not “In the name of educational of our children. Any other atti­ U.S. Catholics has found new part: “Congress shali make no schools. there would be no way to bring anything it wants,” Mr. Suther­ cover “anything which is an freedom they must be contin­ tude would be extremely short- homes and job opportunities for law respecting the establish- Author of Constitutional Law It before the U.S. Supreme land said, “provided it is for incideqtal to aiding a church,” ued,” he stressed. “Under the sighted and self-defeating. half of the Cuban refugees re­ such as aid to education. concept of a pluralistic society. (NCWC Wire) settled in various sections of Professor Sutherland said the country. . that specific aid from tax funds World Revolution Hugh McClone, N(JWC Catho­ Castro Continues Campaign has already been given to re­ sA/VWVNyWWVW\AA/WWVWWW\/\/ lic Relief Services representa­ ligious schools in the federal tive at the Cuban refugee cen­ lunch program and in school ter here, said that 750 of the bus transportation on a local Underestimating Aims refugees have been relocated Against Church in Cuba level. within the Archdioceses of De­ He dismissed the argument troit, New York, Philadelphia, Havana. — Cuban Premier of Education or as members of ecuted by Castro firing squads that this was aid to students, Of Reds Critical Error Denver, and Portland, and in Fidel Castro charged that the a youth organization. after they had been convicted not to schools: “Can you say the of Joliet, 111.; Ro­ By using leading questions, the on charges of arson and bomb­ Seattle, Wash. — It is a crit- age American. It is not enough Church was using the issue of that a hot lunch given the pup­ chester, N.Y.; St. Augustine, agents attempt to obtain re­ ing. This brings to 596 the nn- ils in the middle of the morn­ cal mistake, says Father An­ to have a vague notion that Fla.; and Syracuse, N.Y. Communism as a pretext to Communism is ‘bad.’ We must sponses that, may be used as offleial total of such executions ing does not make that school drei Urusov, S.J., to believe that At the refugee center, Mr. Mc­ attack his government. know why it is bad. We must instances of “counterrevolution­ since the Castro regime seized more attractive to parents Communist% are bent on any­ Clone works in close co-opera- choose leaders who are men of In a barb directed at the ary activity.” power two years ago. [NCWC thinking of sending their chit thing less than world revolution. tion with Father Bryan o! vision, ideals, and real tenac­ many priests in Cuba who are Five more persons were ex­ Radio and Wire] dren there?” He applied the The director of the Catholic Walsh, Miami diocesan director ity.” ; of Spanish origin, Castro said, same argument to bus facilities Russian Center in San Francisco of Catholic Charities and head “Let them board, a ship and go and. to building loans given to described the average Comma Special Warning of the diocesan re'fugee center, to Spain.” nist as a professional man who Doctor, 49, Pronounces religious colleges. Father Urusov had a special Centro Hispano (3atolico, and The suspended priest Father “understands his goals and his with Catholic organizations If a law aiding religious problems and approaches them warning for those who take the German Lence, taking up the schools is passed by Congress, throughout the country. with level-headed thinking.” Ev­ attitude that “it can’t happen same theme, called the Span­ Final Vows as Brother Mr. Suthpfland said, ”1 could The federal refugee Center in ish priests “counterrevolution­ erything is secondary to the From the college he went to think of no clear constitution*al here.” That was the feeling Miami is directed by Marshall aries,” and also attacked Arch­ Framingham, Mass.—Brother foremost goal of world revolu­ St. Louis University medical reason to veto It.” among Latvians, he said, when Wise, who was appointed by bishop Enrique Perei Serantes George J. Hungerman, F.M.S.I., Peace Corps tion. school. He interned at St. Mr. Sutherland is an Episco­ the Communists were enslaving Secretary of Health, Education, has pronounced his final vows Father Urusov, a convert to of Santiago. Mary’s Hospital, St. Louis. With Leader palian. [NCWC Wire] their northern neighbors in Es­ and Welfare Abraham Ribicoff. of poverty, chastity, and obedi­ Catholicism and a priest of the Father Lence was suspended his medical training behind him tonia, but “within hours” the Initial checks in the federal aid ence at the age of 49. He is the Robdrt S. Shriver, Jr., the Russian Byzantine Rite, by the Havana Archdiocese last he began his training as a mem­ same thing happened in Latvia. to refugees program provided first physician-member of the named by President Kiennedy warned that the Communist is year for his attacks on the ber of the mission community D r . P e a le V o w s (NCWC Wire) $38 per family. Sons of Mary, Health of the far from a weakling in charac­ Hierarchy. Before that he had in 1956 at the age of 44. Since as director of the Youths’ Sick, founded here nine years ter. He is chosen with care been expelled from the Santiago ago by the late Father Edward March, 1958, he has taken an­ Peace Corps, is a Catholic lay No More Potifics Archdiocese by Ser­ and is expertly trained. F. Garesche, S.J., to do medi­ nual vows. leader with an outstanding St Paul, Minn.—“For the rest antes. cal and catechetical work in While in training at the reli­ record in social work and of my life, I am going to preach Men of Decision Clashat Reported mission areas. gious community’s headquarters race relations. the Gospel,” Dr. Norman Peale A third of the power of Com­ He will be a member of the he has assisted in the out-patient vowed here. “I am through with It was also reported that For the past four years munists, the Moscow native community’s first mission, commenting on anything at all armed Castro supporters department of St. Elizabeth’s said, stems from the fact that which will operate a social serv­ president of the Chicago Board political.” clashed with Catholics at the Hospital, Brighton, Mass., and they are men of decision who ice center in Lima, Peru. of Education, Mr. Shriver, 45, Santiago de Cuba Cathedral has been house physician at Dr. Peale, of Marble know what they want and will wj^en Castro agitators attempted Cushing Hospital here. [NCWC is a vtinner of the James J. Collegiate (Reformed) Church go to extremes to obtain it. The Worked in Steel Mill Wirel to interfere with a religious Hoey Award of the Catholic in New York and author and other two-tjiirds of power stems service and were driven off by Brother Hungerman was born exponent of Positive Thinifing, from our own lack of knowl­ Interracial Council of New i the churchgoers. in Bridgeport, 0., in 1912. He York for his work in improv­ aroused controversy in the 1960 edge and understanding of the Presidential campaign wtien At Santa Ana In Camaguey, began work in a steel mill in Priest Released ing race relations. He served true meaning of Communism. ^ J he became associated with a 1 Castro rebels 'were driven out 1932 after graduation from high From Congo Jail for five years as president of groi'p-«f ministers that protest­ ’They are hard for us to un­ f ..l of the church when they school. Later he wanted to study the Catholic Interracial Coun­ derstand, and we make mis­ entered and sang the national Leopoldville, The Congo.—Fa­ cil of Chicago and for three ed electing a Catholic as presi­ to be a doctor, but World War dent. takes about them. Herein lies t anthem. ther Pierre Van Wersh, S.C.J., years as vice president of the n changed his plans. After his Dr Peale said he “wandered their strength,” he continued. V. In another move, the Cuban discharge in 1946 from the was released after two weeks Chicago Council on Foreign Relations. jlike a "babe in the woods” into Communism can be defeated Bishops warned the heads of Army, he entered the firjt in jail in Stanleyville, the cap­ ithe ministers’ meeting “and I by those who are willing to Catholic schools and colleges class of the College of Steuben­ ital of Oriental Province and An attorney, Mr. Shriver I did not have the sense to work to become informed about against Castro agents who are ville, 0. To support himself he headquarters of the pro-Com- was married in 1953 to Eunice jleave.” He insisted that he nev­ it, the Jesuit priest said. “Learn visiting the schools In the guise worked part-time in a Steuben­ munist regime headed by An­ Mary Kermedy, the Presi­ er opposed President Kennedy that it is not a childish game of inspectors from the Ministry ville steel mill. toine Gizenga. dent’s sister. on religious grounds. or of little import to the aver­ Cardinal Denounces Bias in Bill Aid Proposals Would Destroy Parochial Schools

Santa Barbara, Calif. — The injustice is at last being cor­ Educators' Aims schools, the abolition of local that such aid is unconstitutional exclusion of private school rected by civil legislation, the Behind the demand for U.S. school boards, and the supres- . . . There is equally good pupils from proposed federal aid Cardinal declared, “current fed­ aid to schools, he said, are not sion of private education.” opinion that a further declara­ for education “is discrimination eral aid proposals are introduc­ individual states or school The proposals, he said, intro­ tion by the courts could not Recall Christ's Snilerings that will attempt to force all ing into the national scene an boards but “large aggregations duce “a real and personal dis­ sustain the discrimination in the children into compulsory educa­ This dramatic scene shows members of the Frandacan element of equally dynamic so­ of professional educators who crimination determined by proposed legislation.” Handmaids of the Most Pure Heart of Mary grouped in prayer tion in public schools, and de­ cial injustice.” seek to establish socialized ed­ whether a child goes to public “The introduction of discrim­ around a cross on the grounds of their novitiate at Prince Bay, prive parents of the God-given The Cardinal’s attack on pro­ ucation in the un­ school or private school.” ination.” he said, “changes the Staten Island, N.Y. The community is one of three in the right to send their children to posed federal aid to schools, his der federal control, which will Denouncing claims that gov­ federal aid issue from a ques­ U.S. for Negro nuns and was founded in Savannah, Ga, in the school of their choice,” Car­ second in recent weeks, came be dominated by their influence ernment aid to private school tion of intellectual speculation 1917. As Franciscans, the Handmaids are devoted to Christ’s dinal James Francis McIntyre at the dedication of the new and direction. pupils would be unconstitutional, to a question that is definitely of Los Angeles said here. Passion and each privately makes the Stations of the Cross Bishop Garcia Diego High “Their objectives are com­ the Cardinal charged; “The moral, a question that involves each day. Each Friday the members of the novitiate make Coming at a time when racial School here. pulsory education in public courts have not expressly stated right and wrong.” [NCWC Wirel the Stations together. T H E REGISTER Faithful Hear Pastor's Catholicism as Issue 'Last Sermon' on Tape In Politics Seen Waning Chicago. — Arnold M. Rose, vlty of Catholics, and the great South Euclid, 0.—Parishion­ to hear, namely a prayer of of building Christ’s kingdom sociologist at the University of probability that Kennedy will ers of St. Gregory the Great’s perfect subjection to His divine within you. Minnesota, told a Catholic-Jew- not allow his Catholicism to Church wept as they sat quietly will. ^ “I pray that the blessing of ish intercultural symposium at influence his political actions listening to their beloved dying “I had looked forward,” he God the Father, God the Son, Loyola University here that it will diminish the bias of all pastor give by tape recording added, “to the day when in a and God the Holy Ghost may seems unlikely that the Catholi­ but the most fanatic of Prot­ what many believe will be his new and much larger church... descend upon all of you and cism of a candidate for Presi­ estant fundamentalists. last sermon. we priests could do a better job remain with you forever” dent will be raised again as a “It seems unlikely to me political issue. the Catholic Faith of a candi­ Monsignor A. Paul ferreri, Rose said that the election of 63, a priest for 35 years and date for President will ever John F. Kennedy as President be raised again as a political pastor of St. Gregory’s since resulted in a more objective 1948, asked his congregation to Pope Grieved at Loss issue, although a different look at Presidential candidates. kind of person than Kennedy pray for his “perfect subjection “The 1928 defeat of A1 Smith to His divine will." He told the could raise the issue in a cam­ O f Cardinal Mimmi for the Presidency," Mr. Rose paign for local office.” faithful that doctors have indi­ asserted, “was a traumatic ex­ cated his death was "only a Vatican City. — Saddened by on death to those attending the perience for Catholics." This The sociologist also declared matter of time.” the death of Cardinal Marcello weekly general audience in St. sensitive point was again irri­ that the political campaign “re­ The priest expressed the wish Mimmi, Pope John XXIII spoke Peter’s Basilica. tated in the 1960 campaign, buhivealed something about the Jew that he might Uve long enough The Holy Father recalled that the victory of Kennedy h a s ish image of the Catholics.” Al- to see the completion of a new Cardinal Mimmi, who died in changed the situation markedly though the majority of Jews in 3750,000 church expected to at the age of 78, had “It has soothed the sensiti the U.S. usually vote Democra­ open in May. Consequently he been his friend and collaborator tic, he said, there was some was taken by ambulance from for 40 years. The death of a Hard Man to Beat evidence that at last the Jewish the rectory to the uncompleted friend causes grief, the Pope voters in the New York area said, but sorrow is replaced by Washington. — Representative church so he could see the in­ Clem J. Zablocki of were cool to Kennedy when he side for the first time. the comforting thought of the was nominated, \ rewards Christ has promised has been in some tough elec­ Massage From Pope His faithful servants. tions, but he has just won the “But as it became evident toughest yet. He is the fir^t Visits Maryknoll School in Alriea He also has received a mess­ Final Testament thai .religious bigotry was an member of Congress to be cho­ age from Pope John XXIII im­ The Cardinal’s last will and important factor working U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Africa, Seated at his left is Mrs. Williams. The others parting his apostolic blessing. testament, dated Dec. 8, J959, sen as president of the Capitol against Kennedy,” Rose assert G. Mennen Williams, is shown here receiving are Father F. R. Benedict, secretary Hill First Friday Club since the ed, “many Jews resumed their “In recent days,” Father Fer- the Feast of the Immaculate a gift from an African student at the Marian general of the educational section ^ the Tan­ Conception, revealed that he group was founded eight years I enthusiasm for the Catholic can- CoUege in Morogoro, Tanganyika. The former ganyika Catholic Welfare Organization; Sis­ reri said in the tape-recorded ago. didate.” [NCWC Wire] sermon, “my doctors have entrusted his soul to the pro­ I Governor of Michigan toured Tanganyika for ter Marian Theresa, superior of the college; given me the verdict. Accord­ tection of Our Lady. “Although two days, making a special point of visiting and Sister Dolores Marie, headmistress of the the school operated by Maryknoll Sisters. school. ' I ing to them it is only a matter feeling strong and in good of time. However, we still be­ health,” the Cardinal wrote, lieve in the Great Divine Physi­ “but well aware that I m u s t cian who has our destinies in die, I take my leave of the Arab Visits Pope ^ His bands. I would wish that world at this moment, entrust­ Bishop Consecrated Vatican City. — Pope J(A^n all of you would join with me ing myself to the motherly pro­ XXni received in a private aud­ in praying the prayer that Our tection of the Immaculate For Bolivia Mission ience Mohammed Abdel Kalek Divine Lord Himself would like Cardinal Mimmi Mary.” Hassouna, secretary of the Arab Cardinal Mimmi, who was San Francisco.—A missionary among the 1,200 in the congre­ League. The league was formed secretary of the Sacred Consis- native of this city came home gation remembered when Tom­ in the last days of World War torial Congregation and presi­ from the jungles of Bolivia and my Collins, then 14 and just II to maintain Arab solidarity. dent of the Pontifical Commis­ was consecrated a Bishop. out of Sacred Heart School, sion for Latin America, died The fullness of the priesthood went off to the Maryknoll Jun­ March 6 in a Rome hospital. wa.s conferred on the Most Rev. ior Seminary in nearby Los Al­ What Do You Know Mott Rovorend Fulton J. Sheen Visited by Pope John XXIII Thomas Patrick Collins, 45-year- tos. only 90 minutes before he died, old Maryknoller who heads the This trip home is only the About St. Jude? . • it is easy for prosperous the Cardinal had been operated Vicariate Apostolie of Pando. third for Bishop Collins since people who have nothing upon three days earlier for a The ceremony took place in St. he left for Bolivia in 1942 af­ a 32-page booklet about the ter ordination at Maryknoll, to trouble them to give perforated stomach ulcer. Mary’s Cathedral. patron of hopeless or desper­ The Bishop’s mother, Mrs. N.Y. He plans to return to his advice to suffering hearts, Long noted for his strong ate cases will be sent on re­ Molly Collins, four sisters, and mission post shortly. His vicar­ Interest in and quest. Write i but such advice is often his wide activities in the field a brother were present. Many iate covers 40,000 square miles as futile as it is easy. If of Catholic education. Cardi­ of jungle near the headwaters of thtf Amazon River, deep in ever you want advice and nal Mimmi was more recently THE NATIONAL associated with efforts in 325 Flood Victims Bolivia’s interior. His residence counsel, never go to any­ helping to provide needed —when he is no^ in a dugout SHRINE OF ST. JUDE one who has not suffered spiritual and material aid to Aided by Missioners canoe headed for some tiny vil lage—is the town of Riberalta strengthen the Church in Latin 125 ' ' either physically or spirit­ Mystic, Conn.—When the ram­ Primitive Indians and a f America against the inroads ually. If you can, find a paging Alabama River over­ handfull of scattered settlers 221 West Madison SI. of Communism. flowed its banks after heavy form his flock. They are missionary who has suf­ Cardinal Mimmi’s death re­ Chicago 6, rains, the Edmundite mission­ generous, hospitable people, fered in China or Korea duces the Sacred College of Car­ ary priests and brothers in very receptive to the word of or Vietnam, or who has dinals to 84. [NCWC Radio and Selma, Ala., took in some 325 God,” he said. But priests to WHAT EVERYBODY spent some of his life in Wire] evacuees who were forced to serve them, especially native the hardships of the Am a­ Hospital First Communion flee their homes. priests—these are our greatest SHOULD KNOW The flood refugees, all Ne­ need.” zon. Handicaps No Bar Yau can take a seven First Communion and open-heart surgery came on the groes, were mostly residents of Although few mission out To Catechists' Zeal same day for pretty Carol Noga, 7, of Auburn, N.Y,, through the lowlands of East Selma, posts are farther from civiliza week taur ta Europe- close to the banks of the Ala­ tiop. than Riberalta in t h e yVho with all of arrangements made by Franciscan Father Gabriel Kohlbrenner, first class hatels-major Inchon, Korea, — Despite the chaplain of St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y., shown giv­ bama River. They were cared “Green Hell” jungle of Bolivia shrines and fifty days tht proiturt of ptrsonal sorrows weighing upon him, handicaps, a blind man, a para­ ing his blessing to the patient on the day of her discharge. for in the mission buildings in Bishop Collins “can’t wait to wrote: "Nothing must make you anxious, in every plegic war veteran, and a crip­ The child was operated on to correct an Inter-atrial septal Selma, headquarters of the get back.” (NCWC Wire) a f fun. need make your request known to God praying and pled tuberculosis victim are defect—a hole in the wall between the upper chambers of Southern Missions of the So­ three of the leading lay cate­ her heart. ciety of St. Edmund. . VOCATIONS-MEN Only $798, beseeching Him and giving Hitn thanks as well”? It chists in the Maryknoll Fathers all expends was Paul, a prisoner in a-Roman jail at a time when Korean rrflssions. Month after C H A L t i S N O E included! the Eagle of Rome had fixed its claws into his body. month the three chalk up a number of converts far above Write for the free Get free Uke a bird, he learned to sing when his cage was the average of their 340 fellow pamphlet on the darkened. catechists. challenge of the! “Though weak in the flesh,” cross os a HOLY says Father Leo A. Decman of ^ and Learn m CROSS BROTHER. Fatima Travel P. 0. Box 1620, Denver, Colorado Brothtr Ejraartf, C.8.C. •r’BratMr Bartil. C.S^. Joliet, 111., “these lay leaders 108-A Dejerit Htll Sf. Edward's Univ. B 4 Washington, New Jersey When you are troubled, therefore, go not to someone are exceptionally strong in the N«tre DtMt, led. ' Austin, Ttxas perched upon a safe hill, who shouts to the stragglers in spirit. Since they "have suffered What About well in his famous Filosofia Children themselves, it is easier for them Fundamental: the field below; but go to a man who is in the thick of the to have compassion for others Brute Soul? “Conjecture here falls rather And Mortal Sin fight and who alone can sound the trumpet call to those and tolerate the weaknesses of Is the brute soul naturiilly in­ on the possibility than on the Can a child under 18 commit engaged in battle. others. To teach spiritual doc­ destructible? reality; philosophy can acquaint a sin that will send his soul to trine effectively, it takes a spir­ Most Catholic philosophers us with what can be, but not hell? itual life — and these men have will answer that it is not, and with what it is. But suppose Anyone with the use of reason it.” that the soul of the brute per­ that God does not wish to anni- can, speculatively, commit a If no one ever comes to you for counsel, examine ishes with the body. The data of hifate the brute soul. Is there mortal sin. Certainly it cannot Enjoy Nature's ENERGY Drink anything improper in its being be stated as a general rule that your conscience. Have you ever felt the sting of self- revelation also strongly point in this direction: bqt it does not continued in existence? If there children are incapable of a sub­ denial? Have you ever made an act of self-denial for JESUIT TEA seem that faith is involved in is, I fail to find it. jective mortal sin. Only God 30 days in order to feed a leper? Your heart is like the quesUon. “What use could brute souls knows the exact guilt of any in­ 200 yt«rs tgo, Jttuit celoniztrs of South serve after death? 1 do not dividual. two mill stones; if there is not something between Am trici cultivited on omozinf horbol loot The Catholic priest-philoso­ of diUcious flovor ond hcolth oronioting pher, James Balmes(1810-1848), know; but we may conjecture Is the child or the parent held propertios. Millions now drink tkii "JtsuH them, they will destroy one another. If the love of drawing a distinction between that, if they are absorbed again responsible for the child’s sin? Tea," batter known as Verba Matd. Builds in the ocean of nature, they Christ and His Church in the entire world is not in your energy, soothes nerves, aids digestion, the spiritual, which the brute If the child knows enough to creates a feeling of physical and mental soul is not, and the simple, would not be useless. We do commit a sin he is of course re­ heart, then it wilt wear itself out with th^ stony ma­ well-being. U. S. Presidents and physicians not know what is the use of everywhere have rKommended "Nature's which the brute soul is, pre­ sponsible for his act. It may terialism of your interest. We have never met an un­ miracle food." Send for "The Wonderful sented the affirmative fairly many other beings, and never­ well be, however,, that the par­ Story of South American M a td "— FREE. theless Me do not on that ac­ happy man who has made sacrifices for the Holy Or enclose $1, and receive also a generous ents, through negligence or bad supply In tea bags. count deny their existence or example, are more guilty of the Father In order that Christ’s Name be proclaimed and doubt their utility. Does the de­ TURET IMPORTERS child’s sin than he is himself. THESE mo PRIESTLY HANDS COULD BE YHURS loved. Box M, 121 N. Broad St„ Phila. 7, Pa. OVER Fim? struction of a plant necessarily entail the extinction of all /ita) Civil Function THEN YOU ARE ENTITLED TO A forces that reside in it?..,If Are you a High School or You can still be a PRIEST KIILTHE HAIR ROOT experience did not attest it, who At Wedding I have been asked by my College Graduate? of the Sacred Heart. Send your sacrifices to the Holy Father through his OiiWvy hoir FBMAhemY , would suspect that the vital wi0>—w.iwpfvaJ AachlurBptoif.Ua principle of a sightless cater­ non-Catholic friend to be Want more informatidn? Society for the Propagation of the Faith and he will dis­ canTowiawaii and »>i'n n t|' w keaw. Whan yaw twvt raod Mr iMirvdiOM FREE pillar is the same as a beautiful bridesmaid at her wedding in Are you between the ages Vocational Director baak MTuluij aad laariwd to a n i the church of her denomina­ tribute them to the needy of the world. 30 DOT SUPPLY OF ; butterfly? It is not contrary of 18 and 40? Dehon Seminary of the a*oMar f p ie t q r toMy and WKoaaS tion. One priest says I can, he* yw <« reewve uewoned Iwir I either to reason or to experi- Sacred Heart niMANENUY. MONEV-aACK [ - ence to suppose that the soul the other that 1 can not. GUARANTEE. VITAMINS Then it’s not too late. Great Barrington 2, Mass. of brutes, that vital force that Canon 1258 of the Code of Sl^p S'TODAY FOR B o o K ur m MINERALS resides in them, be it what it Canon Law states that “al GOD LOVE YOU to C.O. for $5 "I am 85 years old MAHLER'S, IN C * may, continues after the de­ funerals of non-Catholics,^ at Dept. A21C PROVIDENCE 15, R. I. This absolutely FREE trial their marriages, and similar and on a pension, but saved this amount to help in the struction of its bodily organiza­ offer is made b o you call prove tion and, absorbed anew in the solemnities, provided there is to yourself the wonderful dif­ visit wonderful work you are doing.” . . . to E.O. for $54 “I am storehouse of nature, is con­ no danger of perversion or ference Over-Fifty* Capsulets enclosing three days pay for the poor of the woild in lov­ Classified Ads served in it, not as a useless scandal, passive or merely ma­ may make in your pep and vital­ terial presence on account of a Classtfted ads run through all ity if you suffer from nutritional thing, but exercising its activ­ ing gratitude to the beloved Saints who heard my prayers civil office or for the purpose Rpgfster editions. The rate Is B5c deficiencies. ity in different ways according Fatim a . three national pilgrimages and interceded for me." . . . to C.S. for $l’ “I am eleven per word per issue. Minimum 12 Tens of thousands are now to the conditions to which it of showing respect to a person words. If four or more consecutive depart New York years old and hope to be a missionary. This is my sacri­ issues are used, the rate is 80c per taking these safe, new-formula is now subject” (pp. 219 221).:may be tolerated for a grave word per Issue. Payment must ac­ Capsulets for a quick energy reason, which in doubtful cases fice for the Missions." May 14, July 16, company all orders. Ads received on boost and increased zest for Varies must be approved by th e H oly Land Monday will appear in the issue living. September 17 printed the following week. Bishop” such a grave reason In Writing Title via TWA, sponsored by SONGWRITERS Nothing to Boy! No Obligation! * would be friendship, which W hai is the reason for sand- nught suffer Strain otherwise, POEMS WANTED for musical set­ \Vith your FREE supply you Athens THE REGISTER.” This is an wirhing the title of Cairdinal be-1 “To be Selected as best man You who are interested in the activities of mis- ting and recording. Send poems. will also get information on how opportunity to span the Free examination. Crown Music you may continue to obtain tween the first and last name of'er bridesmaid at a Protestant sionariot all over the world will want to read MISSION. Company, 40-WT West 32nd Avenue. New York 1. these high potency Capsulets a Prince of the Chureh, as in wedding is usually considered Atlantic by Jet, to enjoy a European MISSION is a bi-monthly publication containing pic­ automatically every month R ich ard G u sh in g ? HELP WANTED (.ardinal in America as merely a mark of Rom e vacation and visits to famed Shrines. should you so desire. You can This is not a universal custom. honor and friendship, not as of­ tures, stories and details of our Holy Father's Missions. WANTED—Young, Catholic, Colored buy them direct at savings up Each group accompanied by eirl. Mother’s helper. G o^ home In fact, it seems to be confined ficially witnessing the -marriage Send a request to be put on our mailing list along with to 50%, compared with other a Spiritual Director. For environment. References from par­ high potency formulas priced ^ to English-speaking countries. contract.” (Woywood, A Practi­ your sacrifice. ish priest. Fare advanced. Reply In the style of the Vatican, the Lourdes Immed. Dr. LePtne, 21 Hillside Ave.. up to $6. cal Commentary on the Code, information see South Hadley Falls, Mass. title always comes before the No. 1284). For your FREE supply, with . your travel agent or j MISCELLANEOUS no obligation to buy anything. first name. The sandwich style- Therefore, unless particular visit, call or write ... I Pricstless Rankin County needs your send 10c to partly cover postage seems to be an imitation of the circumstances counsel the con- Paray-le~ I donation for St. Jude's Mission. and handling. Offer strictly British usage whereby the title trary, you may perform this Cut out this column, pin your saciifice to it and mail Father Reid, Box 2130. Jackson 5. imited to those who have not , -Lord’ is put after the first merely civil function. T h e AMERICAN EXPRESS I .Mississippi.______accepted it before and only one rt to Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the name, as in Alfred Lord Tenny-[affirmative opinion of one| TRAVEL SERVICE OF INTEREST TO WOMEN ' per family. Write: Dept 1848. Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, Geriatric Pharmaceuticals, Ina, sandwich style in ref-|priestref-t would seem to indicate Monial Catholic Travel Section EARN $50.00 FAST, Sewing Aprons. New York lx, N.Y., or your Diocesan Director. ; Details Free. Redicufs. Loganvlllc 1 179 North Michigan Avenue,’ erence to a Cardinal is dying j that there are no adverse cir- 65 Broadway, New York 6, N. Y. '29, Wisconsin. i Chicago 1, Illinois. out in the U.S, 'cumstances. T H E REGISTER German Protestant Group New State in Congo Focus of Persecution Studies Union With Rome Leopoldville, The Congo. — taken to the territorial capital The newly declared independ of Kasonog, where they were Dr. Lackmann, who is now Hersfeld, Gerniany. — In an Interview before the ent state of Maniema in the beaten and subjected to forth, The League for Reunion of president of the league, was opening of the convention, Dr. Congo’s southern Kivu Prov­ er humiliations. suspended from his pastorate Lackmann said that the goal of ince has been a hot spot of anti- Another missionary. Father Protestants and Catholics, the league is "to initiate a in 1959 by the Westphalia Catholic persecution. Gery Ryckebusch, W.F., was a new Protestant group de­ movement within, not outside Lutheran Synod because of his Despite the declaration of a beaten for hours, while a sol­ voted to overcoming differ­ evangelical Christianity, with dier kept shouting, “Say your ences between Protestant de­ avowed acceptance of the the aim of taking an active part former \ Lumumbist politician, Antoine Joseph Omari, that the Mass! Say Doniinus Vobiscum!” nominations by incorporaUng Papacy as the center of in preparation for reunifica­ After this he was taken to a tbem into miity with the Holy Christian unity. tion.’’ region is independent, it re­ mains in the hands of pro- prison where there were other See, held its (list naUonal con- The league at present has Focal Point Communist Lumumbists. missionaries. Tentlcn in Fuersteneck Castle neither official support from the Its work, he declared, is not Nun, 74, Beoten near here. nor the appro­ to seek reunion with Rome for Persecution of missionaries A 74-year-old nun there was The leagne was founded the val of I*rotestant officials. the members of the league reached a peak after the death beaten until her arm was brok­ past July by Dr. Max Lack- themselves, but to serve as a of former Congolese Premier en and her shoulder dislocated. mann, a former pastor of a “fpcal point for evangelical Patrice Lumumba. A Brother of the Holy Spirit was Lutheran churdi in Soest, and Mother, Daughter Christians whose intention is About 40 priests, nuns, and beaten so severely that his life by two Lutheran laymen, Pro­ to belong to the one Catholic brothers were rounded up and was in danger. fessor Paul Hacker of Bonn Comhinotion Found and Apostolic Church.” and Gustav Huhn of Duerste- The constitution of the league, oeck. _ In Morytuioll Order adopted the past December, Church Agency Leads makes the following points: Peace Corps Volunteers Evanston, HI. — Maryknoll GINTU Sister Ann Fidelis, a junior • 1. It testifies that Christ n Relief Distribution Members of the Hawks, a ‘'juvenile de­ ernmental project somewhere in the world in medical student at St. Louis founded only one Church and cency” gang In the Charlestown section of the summer or to act as hosts to foreign youths Washington. — The NCWC ment report for the fiscal year University, still must obey therefore considers the divifions Boston, shown above leaving St. Francis de in their homes. ending July 1, 1959. her m o^er, who is now between Catholic and Protestant Catholic Relief Services account­ Sales’ Church with their spiritual adviser and ’The Hawks, the priest said, are a gronp of imnvE Mother Mary Colman, Mother Christians as a sin and a scan­ ed for more than half of the re­ The dollar value of relief organizer, Father Kenneth B. Morphy (in youths from middle class families and work­ General of the Maryknoll Sis­ dal. lief activity of U.S. voluntary supplies sent abroad by the doorway), volunteered their services as mem­ ing parents, and are concerned with the growth ANTACID agencies covered in a govem- bers of President Kennedy’s Peace Corps. ters, a Dominican sisterhood Bishop’s Authority Catholic agency was $70,927,- and development of' their community, city, Father Murphy wrote the President that stale, and country. that has its mother-house at 713.53 out of a total of $136,614- Maryknoll, N.Y. Sister Fi­ • 2. It does not promote in­ the boys wished to be sent to work on a gov­ 384.52 worth of supplies dis­ delia’ father is retired and re­ dividual conversions but seeks sides in Strawberry Point, la. the corporate reunion of Pro­ tributed by 27 voluntary agen­ First Samoan Women to Take Nuns’ Vows testants with the Catholic 40,000 W eekly His daughter has been cies. The NCWC-CR8 sup­ Church. Calling for “submis­ Suva, Fiji.—The first Samoan Nine sisters, eight Fijians awarded a $1,159 grant to plies weighed a total of 906,- sion to the directive jurisdic­ D ial GR. 4-4261 women to take vows in the Sis­ and one Rotuman, pronounced work for three months this tion of the Apostles and the 473,440 pounds. ’The 27 agen­ ters of Our Lady of Nazareth their perpetual vows, and eight siunmer at the famous Mary- Bishops appointed by them,” it cies together sent overseas Syracuse, N.Y. — TTie 40,000 made temporary profession on sisters, including two Samoans, knoU Sisters’ Clinic in Pusan, adds; “Evangelical Christianity 1,734,102,283 pounds of relief persons who dial GR. 4-4261 completion of their novitiate. made temporary profession. Korea. Under the supervision 1^* rc«/ v: must learn that the Bishops supplies in fiscal 1959. each week hear a recorded mes- of her overseas sponsor. Sis­ and, as the first among them, The report was issued by the ge provided by the Francis­ ter Agnes Therese, who has the successor of Peter, through advisory committee on VO]f^ can Apostolate of the Telephone a medical degree, she will the authority of the Holy Spirit, tary foreign aid of the Intel the headquarters of the Con­ Mother! Daddy! study and learn to combat make decisions binding individ­ tional Co-operation Adminij^a diseases uncommon in this ventual Franciscan Fathers. hlDlvtrflffontf [tGGiOtt ual Christians in conscience.” tion. It covers only relief ^ p - country. • 3. The league does not try ments made by voluntary Operating on a 24-hour sched­ How Will You Answer? to achieve communion between cies to countries participating ule, the apostolate requires eight Whvn Junior er glitor asks Protestant groups and the mem­ in the ICA’s overseas freight telephone lines. The recorded POOREST OF THE POOR bers retain their religious affil­ subsidy program, under which messages, changed daily, range “WHRRI DO BABIES COMB FROM?” iation. It is convinced that dif­ the government agency pays from serious themes to light You wouldn’t dacoivo your child This iHinne aptly describes the four nuns who, a few years ferences between Protestants ocean freight charges on relief humor. ‘ with that old itork itory, but . , . ago whdn their newly-founded Community was in its infancy, supplies distributed by volun­ can be overcome only by unity As a result of the project. Fa­ HOW WIU YOU txnAIN? opened a convent in KOKKALA in with the Catholic Church. tary groups. INDIA. Sister Albina, the superior of ther Dunstan McDermott, You can now tell the whole tmtfa, in limple langoage, with that • 4. Only Protestants can be Catholic Relief Services dis­ O.F.M. Conv., reports that sim­ the Convent which is named in honor tributed the largest amount of child-inapiring book, *“rhe Story of Life,” by EUia W. Whiting. of Saint Augustine, writes to teil us members of the league, but Potiulan^i Jof ilar telephone apostolates are No heaitating or groping for wm-da, bieeanae 'EXACT WORDS are relief aid, in terms of dollar that as soon as the Sisters were set­ Catholics can be given associate conducW at five other Con­ provided, with father aa well aa mother in the picture. This yonng postulant is Di­ value, in 31 of the 55 countries tled in the Convent they o ^ e d a status and invited to the anne Malancon trmn Manches­ ventual Franciscan houses in Dispensary and began the building group’s fionventions.' and territories covered in the other cities. WRITTEN TO SERVE A REAL NEED ter, N. H., and she looks report. (NCWC Wire) of a Chapel. At present the Chapel The first issue of the league’s is only half-finished and is used for really happy. Anyone who is The author, a former High School teacher, quarterly magazine, called giving religious instructions to the seeking a peaceful srellgious wrote first aa a labor-of-love to answer his aix- Children of the district. $3,000 will Bausteine (Building Blocks), life to sanctify herself and Laetare Medal year-old dangliler, and nsed it later with hia ^ ...... enable' the Sisters to finish the was printed in January and to help others in many differ­ three other children. Their beantiful reactions ImtmfNmiMamAit chapel, make better arrangements for contained articles on the incor­ ent ways should be heartened To President to this story sent it to the pnbliahera. ' l»ikOrieaiamd> teaching religion to the children, and poration of the true and good el­ by such happiness. Interested Notre Dame, Ind.—President enable them to do more effective work in their Dispensary. The ements of Lutheran liturgy into persons may write to the John F. Kennedy is the 1961. Now Over 300,000 Copies Sold Sisters t t this new Community, known as the Sisters of Charity Catholic worship and on the res­ Regina Pads Benedictine Sis- recipient of the Laetare Medal, This book is UNIQUE. With your child’s name 4 of the of Trichur, India, are truly filled with the spirit toration of Catholic elements tets, 75 Wallace Road, Bed­ conferred annually since 1883 read into the blank spaces provided, the facts, of self sacrifke and charity- Could you help them in their work? that were lost as a result of the ford, N. H. This is a new by the University of Notre as he gave them to his children, now become^ Protestant ‘reformation. [NCWC foundation among the many Dame on an outstanding Catho­ a warm personal message from you. Radio and Wire] which offer such Joy. lic American layman. It does the work for yon and givM the ehiU thg RlfiHTBTART. AS. AN,EAST£B GIFT to a relative or to a friend, why not IT teaches that sex is Cod’s plan for the perpotnatton .of life. give a sacred Article tb a Mission Church in his or her name? This retnlls in the proper attituda toward seat in the ebihPa early We will lend Uie person so remembered a beautiful Easter Gift years, a vital influence throughout life. . >' < Card. Another thought is to give a Membership In our Associa­ tion or a Membership in one of our Mission Clubs. It Is PURPOSELY BRIEF (48 pegee) so as not to tire the child. The first part informs the yonng ehild; the laet,- answers teen­ ager’s delicate questions, saving embarrassing moments for both — A DONATION — youth and parent. —FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES — Story Mokts Chlldrsn THINK Roactlon of boy of 6; “Daddy, I’ll CAN YOU SEND ONE? never be cross to Mommy again." /i. Teen-age girl; "Mother, I never thought aa much of you as I do IREUND AND LEBANON now." FIRST IMPRESSIONS ARE USTIN6 ONES Better early than late—If too early, A distinguished priest, who in bis lifetime did much to aid the child simply will not grgsp it the people of the Middle East, frequently referred to Maronite all; If too late, he may get a Catholics as the “Irish of the East.” He used the phrase as a tainted "first Impression" that could ‘ tribute to the great faith of these Eastern Rite Catholics^ the warp hla Ufe. MOTHIRS HAVE RE­ \ j v MARKED, “Who but this author -majority of whom are Lebanese; being of Irish ancestry and would have thought of SUCH an * proud of the fact that the Irish have held fast to their faith approach to this delicate subject?” How Even GRANDMA eagerly orders for • despite centuries of persecution, he felt a klniship to the people >UcJ the Uttle onet to beat the older priests praise of Lebanon who have jealously guarded their faith through as playmate to It. many ca&turies and as much persecution as the people of Ire­ “A robin tings, ‘Cheer-up’—as if I MONET RACK SUARANTEI // land. The century of Saint Patrick in Ireland was the same cen­ needed to cheer up. I can HEAR Low price, only $1.00 plus 10c for "The Story of Ufe tury as that ot ^ n t Maro in Lebanon, from whom the Maron- postage and handling. If not highly "1 certainly concur with your again! I'm full to bursting with the pleated, return It in ten daya for booklst'a reverential approach." ites taka tfaair name. prompt refund. Uae coupon, or wrap T.ike the people of Ireland the people of Lebanon have never wonder and Joy of hearing, thanks to a dollar blU and dime In sheet of The Rev. Praocls L Fllaa, I.J. my Beltone binaural hearing aid. paper on which pitase PRINT your Assaciste Profesaar af Thaolagy, jttffarad for lack of vocations. There have always been gener name and address—stamp, adareta Layala Unhrarslty, Ckktgt. tras boys and girls in Lebanon who have “My world had become bleak, bar­ to us, and maU In nearest mailbox. “We believe that the chUdren offered Uieir lives to God as priests, sisters ren, lonesome. Now I’ve been awak­ No C.O.D.’s because of time In­ of those parente who study the volved. book will be spired the pitiful and brothers. At SAINT ANTHONY’S SEM­ ened to a world full of music, laugh­ experience which invarlAbly INARY, near the Cedars of Lebanon, JO­ ter, excitement and people. What I DecIsrM duly and tix. comes to them when’ Inforinatlon SEPH SALAMEH and JEAN DEBS arb free by the Csnidisn of this type Is obtained from the got from Beltone was not a hearing ( usual queatlonable sourcee." Itudying to be priests. Among many Leba­ gov't., the seme pries aid-but HAPPINESS!” Tha Rt. Rev. Msgr. E. J. Westaekargar, nese girls training to be Sisters are SISTER applies in Caneda-slso Ph.D., Paatw, St. Mio’s Pariah, THERESE and SISTER MARIE ANGE, nov- (An Mtual l«uorg iypleal of enthn* in U. S. possessions Creen lay, Wli. leel Of the MARONI’IE SISTERS OF SAINITTHERSSE. •iatm h j oountlcaa Beltone uaere.) Prom tha Rt. Rtv. Msgr. J. D. Cooway'i STORY OP LIFI PUILtSHINt CO. Dept. RJ ravlaw la Ike Calbelk MaaaangtYi Could yoo finance the education of a boy for the priesthood, 912 W. Lereis St., Appleton, Wis. U.SA. or a girt for the sisterhood? According to our stands:^ it FREE B O O K - tfWfg to address be­ “I don’t mind giving him (the Video Stars Sing tor Sacred Heart Program Please send ine-____ copies of "The Story author) a free assist because thli really does not cost too much to pay for the training of a priest low for yaluable FREE book, sent in of life" each at SI .00 plus lOc for postage book well deserves a boost. It or sister in Mission territory. Then, too, the whole amount does On a visit to St. Louis, the three Lennon lines Instructions to the girls while the cam­ plain wrapper. It reveals what newest and handling. will prevent the curious little not have to be paid all at once; it may be given in Installments Sisters of the Lawrence Welk TV Show took eraman sights in. This is the second filming mind from exDiriment, shiune, Beltone's may do for you. I enclose S______(Our Money Bdck and a feeling of guilt. And above of periods from three to six years. Perhaps you could “adopt” time out to film an Angelus background for the girls have done for the program, which is Guarantee protects you.) all. It will establish that confi­ one of the above-mentioned boys or girls in honor of Saint the Sacred Heart Program. Father William K. their favorite charity. dence and frankness which la go­ Name — ing to be so necessary 10 or 12 Patrlclt OT In honor of Saint Maro. If you could we will be Schwienher, S.J., production manager, out­ (Please Print) yaars later when real problems pleased to write to you about the method of payment. Address. arise, and thus will save teen, !B e u o m agers from coming to me or City. some other priest with questions Presbyterians Offer Use of Facilities HEARING AID CO., DEPT. 4-225 (Please print your name end address they wouldn’t dare aik nsothar." MISSIONARIES AND MASSES 2f00 W. 34TH ST.g CHICAGO 32 cn enyelepe ALSO) HERNIA Indianapolis, Ind. — The first The Meridian Hills zoning Many Missionary priests depend almost solely for their ma­ formal meetings of the newly board had denied the petition terial support on Mass stipends. If you are going to remember Tee cte bt R H frtei RUtS SUVEkY. New Ihtrs is s etw, meJsrn Nen-Sorgicsl established St. Luke’s Parish in of the archdiocese to develop a deceased loved-one at Easter time, by having Masses cele­ trislmsiit Mist ll Jeil|nte le gintisneiitlv brated, we will be happy to receive the offerings and send them cerrict reytvrs. Tkiss Nee.4vr|ksl trsat. suburban Meridian Hills will be its property there. The state’s en te priests- in the Near and Middle E ut. meets art so csrtsln, that a lifstims Csr- held in the community room of highest court upheld the deci­ MAKE YOUR MONEY VYORK FOR YOU tlfkats if asivrsiKi h glvee. Writs tcJs» (w ear NtW FREI keek that |im Iteti the Second Presbyterian Church. sion of a lower court in over­ tkat may aavt yte M<"fal aaJ iietesiet The Indianapolis Archdiocese re­ ruling the ban. lariatY, and tiMi haw eeit-sursUally yss cently received approval of the 1^12earB$tCl^ion$j^ may again mrk, liva, glay, aad leys and ACCEPTS INVITATION tniey lift in thi mannir ytv dtairt. Tkirs Indiana Supreme Court to build Father Thomas Finneran, pas­ Invest it wisely through our It ne ebllgatlen. a parish in the plush residential < FM NCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President Eictbier Mtdkal Clieic, Dagt. H-Sm tor of the new parish, accepted M*sr. JMSOh T. Syan, Nit'l Ssc'y area, v Eictitier Igtlegs, the Invitation extended by Dr. S«mi til eommunleatlofu to: LIFE INCOME MISSION CONTRACT Paul F. Hudson and his con­ CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION 25-DAY SUPPLY gregation to use the facilities ond you will receive 410 Lexington Ave. ot 46th St. New York 17, N. Y. HIGH-POTENa of the Presbyterian church for Quick-Acting parish organization meetings. A good rate of inferesf on S An assured dependable income THE REGISTER IRON, VITAMIN AND MINERAl People 60 to 80 your investment. • at long as you live. Published every Week by the Catholic Press Society, Inc. 984-9S0 Bannock Street, Denver 1, Colo. Post Office Box 1620 TONIC FORMULA COPY DOWN THIS NAME A remembrance in the prayers and Masses of our MsmtMr AuOll SwrMu of Clrculttlom 45 Nutritional Aids, including a S.V.D. missionaries in Japan and the Philippines. PrssidWt...... Most Rsv. Archbishop Utbsn 1. Vebr, D.D., Denver AND ADDRESS NOW . . . rm indlat Xdltor.ln-Chlef..The late R t Rev. MsUhew Smith, Pb.D.,LL.D. MIGHTY BLOOD-GROWING im tor and Hastaeas Maosser..Rt. Rev. John B. Csvsnash, M.A., Ph.D. . . . and write today to find out NO LOSS NO WORRY NO CARE fiMeuUye Editor...... Msgr. John B. Ebel, LIttX)., Hlst.D. STIMULANT how you can still apply for a $1,000 life insurance policy to Assoaisto Bosinasa M snsfsr...... Rev. Daniel J. FUherty, M.A. Without binding, costly monthly through your whole tired, run­ Bond m* compltto Information about your Lift Incofflt Mitaien Contract Asaoclate Editors— Unus H. RIordan, Ph.D.; Paul H. Uallett, Utt.D. purchase plans, we pay the ex­ down system (when due to Iron help take care of final expenses pense of this sensational offer . .. deficiency anemia! plus factors without burdening your family. Thirty-two Archdioceses and Dioceses have editions of this news­ not just a sample, but a full that accelerate absorption and Blail a postcard or letter, giving Nome ...... M...... M..M...... A qb ^ paper aa official organs as follows: Archdiocese of anclnnaU, SanU PRESHLY-PACKID, 2S-day supply give you amazing reaulta aven your name, address and year of ra , Musas City in Kansas, and Denver) Dlocesta of Grand Island. ot PIRONATID OPTIMS, Ameri­ within the first 3 or 4 days! Send Great raUs, Helena, Reno, Uncoln. Wheeling, Peoria, Altoona-Johns- ca’s greatest Food Supplement for your 25-dsy supply today, to­ birth to: A d d re s s ______tOWB, Arnamio, Duluth, Nashville, Salt Lake a ty , Sallna, Tucson, (superior to products that retail at gether with Vitamin Guide Book Wichita, Dos Moines, Spokane, Pueblo, Steubenville, Cheyenne. Lafa­ M.85 and mort per 100 capsules) that shows how to CUT VITAMIN Old American Ins. Co. yette, Alastndna, Natcnea-Jackson, EvantvUle, Green Bey, Boise, El . . . because we’re sure this trial COSTS 50% AND MOREI All ab­ 4900 Oak, Dept. L1505C City Zone..__Stofe.. Sff?; ‘he WIchIU edition, end the will prove that you too, like many solutely FREE, no obligation to Ctncinnsu Archdiocese also publishes a Dayton edition. thousands, may experience a new: pay anything. Supply limited. One Kansas City, Missouri feeling of health, youth and well-! to a family, please. Enclose 10c to being, a new lest for life:! cover cost of packing and mailing. There' is no obligation—and Saoond'CItei Postage PeM at Denver, Colorado Elach easy-to-take CAPSULE sup­ VITAMIN-OUOTA, Dept. A-303, t«0 no one will call on you. You can REV. FATHER RALPH,s.v.o. catholic universities plies your body with a NEWER Broadway, New York 3, N.Y. or FORM OP IRON to stimulate the Dept. A-J03, i m S. Crenshaw handle the entire transaction by growth of RICH, RED BLOOD •Ivd., Los Angalet IV, Calif. mail. 316 N. MICHIGAN CHICAGO I r -• JR— Section Two Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 4-4205 Thursday, March 16, 1961 At St. Vincent's In National Limelight Bids Will Be Opened Two Young Arvada Girls

By M a k t y 'M o r a n however, consider it a blessing. DEVELOPS WISDOM For Parish Expansion Kammy McGrath, who is al­ Sheila will never recover from Mrs. McGrath explained that most five years old, and her sis­ the effects of the disease, but the sorrow and pain that a re­ Bids from contractors will be rooms, facilities contemplated ter, Sheila, who is going to have Mrs. McGrath explains that she opened about April 1 on t h e include a new heating system tarded child brings develops her seven^ birthday March SI, has a "built-in insurance policy proposed expansion of the school for the entire school plant, a are on their way to becoming for heaven.’’ develops within us a wisdom and convent facilities in St. new boiler room, and a new concerning the real meaning of important national celebrities. At first you try to reject Vincent de Paul's Parish, Den­ choral room. There also‘will be life and of the things truly im­ In the process, they will visit the “cross’’ God has given ver. Four new classrooms will additional toilet facilities includ­ with President Kennedy, appear you, she said. “Then you have portant to happiness. bring the total number of class­ ed in the building plans. on television in New York Oty, to recognise it as such. The “We know that any illness, rooms of St. Vincent’s Grade At present there are about and attend a national convention next step Is to try to accept mental or physical, can be a School to 16. 650 students in the eight-grade in San Francisco. In addition to the new class- school. Many pupils, however, The two young ladies, t h e were unable to be enrolled in daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ the school the past fall owing ard McGrath of St Anne’s Par­ to a lack of space. There are ish, Arvada, were selected by Silver Jubilee approximately 1,125 families liv­ the National Association for Re­ ing in the parish. tarded CMdren to be poster New Chapel queens for a national fund drive Observed by The three-story addition to the next November. The sisters '^9 convent will include a new chap­ were chosen from among hun­ el, and the enlargement of the dreds of entries from across the m kitchen and dining room facil­ nation. Their pictijres will ap­ Mercy Sister ities. Also enlarged conference, pear on all fund campaign lit­ Auxiliary Bishop David M. community, and recreation erature and they will make a Maloney was celebrant of Mass number of personal appear­ rooms are to be built. A new in Mercy Hospital on March 11 heating system will be installed ances. to mark the 25th anniversary in the convent, and there will of the religious profession of VICTIMS be a new laundry room, with Mother Mary Baptista, Mother Both girls were victims of To Honor Hospital Volunteers a larger space provided for dry­ phenylketonuria, a recently dis­ ing clothes. covered protein deficiency that Volunteers of the St. Anthony Hospital Working on plans for the occasion are Mrs. causes retardation but now can For 30 Sister* Auxiliary and auxiliary members will be hon­ Raymond Nicoll, chairman of the auxiliary’s When the expansion of t h e be cured if discovered at birth. ored on Monday, March 20, at the annual “ap­ lobby hostesses; Mrs. Gerald A. ShpaU, pres­ Sheila, a resident of the State convent is completed there will preciation luncheon” given by the Sisters of ident of the auxiliary; and Sister Mary Lina, be accommodations for 30 sis­ Home and Training School at St. Francis who operate the hospital. The administrator of the hospital. Kammy McGrath Sheila McGrath ters. Nine Sisters of Loretto at Ridge, was too old to be helped luncheon is scheduled for 1 p.m. by the medical discovery that present occupy the convent and it,’’ she explained. “Then you blessing if our attitude is right. teach in the school. Five lay a special diet can hold back the pray that God will give you We can choose to curse or pray retardation. The diet must be Overpopulation Theme Again teachers assist the sisters in the strength to bear it. No when we suffer.” conducting the classes. given in the first few months of other prayer is answered The McGraths are former res­ There is a 3250,000 fund cam­ life tt-it is to prevent brain more quickly.’’ idents of Englewood, but moved dam a^. In Sheila’s case the The young mother expressed to Arvada where they live only paign under way in the parish diagnosis of the accumulation of a few blocks from the Ridge Birth Controller to Speak that is expected to cover the phenylalanine in the blood came her feelings this way: “These post of the expansion program. children who know so little, Home and Sheila. Mr. McGrath too late to prevent the irrever- is an engineer with the Public In addition campaign money Isible damage and the resulting really do teach us many things. Service Company. They have On Favorite Subject will help reduce the parish debt. abnormalities in the central We can learn so very much three other children, Maura, 10; Thq collection of plages is ex­ nervous system. from them once our pride is tending over a 25-month period. Claire, 9; and Lisa, 1. There is In vitw of tht focui on tht forth­ fiction book ever attains a dis-ienthood Federation must be re­ Kammy, however, has been gone. They teach us humility, also another family member. coming address of William Vogt, The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Eu­ saved from the damaging effects which opens doors leading to well-known planned blrtti control tribution like this without heavy sisted in the name of freedom gene A. O’Sullivan is pastor of Bo. He is a large foreign-cat- exponent, the following facts are subsidization. as well as in that of morality. of the disease, thanks to a patience, tolerance, trust and sized dog with a special fond­ called to the attention of ' ‘Regis­ St. Vincent de Paul’s Parish. Once the principle of govern' brown powder she began taking faith, compassion, and grati ness for Sheila and Kammy and ter" readers. Vogt manifested the pressure Raymond J. Noone is the archi­ when she was five weeks old.. tude for the things we have al­ By P aul H. H allett politics of Planned Parenthood ment aid to birth control is ei tect of the new school class­ a special mistrust for strange William Vogt, national direc- tablished the rights of publicly Sister M. Baptista When Kammy was three days ways taken for granted.” visitors. when in 1957, he testified before rooms and convent facilities. old, the warning signs of phenyl­ to! and executive vice-president the Special Senate Committee employed doctors, nurses, and Provincial of the Sisters of ketonuria (PKU) began to ap­ of the Planned Parenthood Fed­ to Study the Foreign Aid Pro­ social workers will not long be Mercy. eration of America, will be respected. Well financed, pos pear. Her parents were alert to gram. He urged that birth con­ Mrs. Mary Maguire of 4 5 5 Social Club Schedules guest speaker at a Denver sessing abundant publicity. the symptoms from their ex­ Thornton PTL to Reveal trol be made available to for­ Pearl Street, her mother, and Chamber of Commerce lunch­ Planned Parenthood can, if un­ perience with Sheila. Kammy eign governments “on re­ Mrs. Don Gruber, her sister, Potluck Dinner was immediately placed on a eon Friday, March 17. His topic quest.” It was not the Bishops resisted, practically expel noo will be “Overpopulation Is Ev­ agreeing forces from public and other members of the Ma­ Reservations are stilt avail­ special diet low in phenylalanine in their 1959 message, but Plan­ guire and Gruber families at­ (an amino acid). Next Year's School Plans erybody’s Business,” and is sure ned Parenthood, that “inter­ health programs. able for the March potluck din­ to be well written up in the tended the Mass and breakfast. ner of the Paramount Social Until two months ago the (Holy Cross Parish, Thornton) Plans are being made for fered in politics.” At the World Population Con dailies. Planned Parenthood re­ Monsignor Charles Hagus and Club. This month’s menu fea­ powder mixture was the main When the Holy Cross'Par­ the formation of 4-H groups In India, to which Planned ference of 1954, it was not Vogt, lies heavily on the “overpopula­ the Rev. Owen McHugh, hospit­ tures a lasagna dinner to be stay of Kammy’s diet. Mrs. Me ent-Teacher League meets Mon­ for girls in the parish. Women Parenthood gives its fondest at­ bui Father Stanilas de Lesta- tion” theme to influence people al chaplain, were present in the served at the home of Mrs. Ade­ Grath devised various ways in day March 20 at 8 p.m. in Ave interested in 4-H work are need tentions, the fourth state in that pis, S.J., who made the great­ for its program. The lead ideas sanctuary. Sisters of Mercy line Duran, 1016 Lowell Boule­ .^which to make the child’s meals Maria Hall, important plans for ed as leaders. Please contact country has recently undertaken est contribution. Father de Les- of Vogt are well known, and from St. Joseph’s Grade a n d vard, on Sunday, March 19. more palatable. school next year will be an­ Mrs. Allen Hicks at AT. 8-6437 a sterilization program. Birth tapis’ book, La Limitation des he will present no new facts of High School and Presentation Serving will commence at Sometimes she added oil of nounced. for further information. control results have been disap­ Naissances (Birth Control), is importance. School joined the hospital siS' peppermint; sometimes she Altar and Rosary Society ENTRANCE EXAMS pointing. At least one Indian of­ the most complete treatment of 4:30 p.m. For reservations and Who is Vogt? He is an ornitho­ ters’ choir for the occasion. made a dough from the pow­ members who have not obtained All Regis High School en­ ficial has openly advocated the subject yet to appear. information call Mrs. Amelia logist, whose specialty is birds. A Solemn Pontifical Mass at Desmond, FL. 5-5444, until 6 dered mixture, which is derived cards for the parcel post ssde trance examinations for eighth forced sterilization in India. . Such men as Josue de Cas­ graders will be held Saturday, Like the late Alfred Kinsey, the Sisters of Mercy provincial p.m. Saturday, March 18. from casein in milk. Mrs. Me are asked to insime the success The totalitarian Planned Par­ tro, former director of the Food Grath fried or baked the dough of this project, by sending at March 18, at 9 a.m. at the High whose specialty was the gall- house in Omaha, celebrated by enthood mind was clearly man­ and Agricultural Organization School. wasp, he presumes to speak Archbishop Gerald T. Bergan, in patties; or often she mixed least one pre-printed post card ifested last Nov. 19, when Sir (and the FAO itself, which has Falcon Uses Radar Men and women in the par about people and their ultimate commemorated the silver jubi it into a jelly roll topped with to a friend or relative in anoth­ Julian Huxley, long a fanatical never taken a stand for birth ish interested in the work of problems with an assurance that lee of Mother Mary Baptista At Free Throw Line nuts. In any case, for more than er city asking them to send a proponent of birth control, de­ control) and Dr. Colin Clark, the Legion of Mary are invited recalls George Bernard Shaw’s and the jubilarians throughout four years Kammy had to con­ 50-cent item back. These gifts bated Dr. Jacques Mertens de- 'director of the Agricultural Ec­ Johnny Judd, a 5-9 sharp­ sume at least one pound of the will then be sold at the April to attend the weekly meeting. observation that the Pope is now the province. Sister Mary Ansel- the one with the most modest Wilmars over NBC-TV. onomics Research Institute of mo of Mercy Hospital, Durango, shooter on the Air Force Acad­ powder a week. meeting of the society. Cards The men meet on Monday at Oxford far outshine anyone in Too many persons consider may be obtained from Mrs. Mel­ 7 p.m. in the Ave Maria Hall pretensions to infallibility. As Sir Julian unfolded his is among the group. emy freshman basketball team, RASH OF LFTERATURE ideas for a world-wide birth the Planned Parenthood Feder­ having a retarded child in the vin Fiske, whose number is and the women meet each Wed­ ation in the field of economics, Sister Beatrice Marie, form­ wound up with a remarkable His Road to Survival pub- control plan, he said that the erly secretary provincial, and family a burden. The McGraths, AT. 8-9341. nesday at 7:30 p.m. food resources, and demo­ 91.7 per cent shooting average 1 i s h e d in 1948, touched off birth control people would try at present secretary general of graphy. from the free throw line as he a rash of “overpopulation” this plan through the United the institute whose generalate missed only five of 62 attempts. books and articles that has not Nations by propaganda. Then, I.' Vogt were taken as an auth­ is located in Washington, D.C., He appear^ to be u ^ g radar Plan Parish Jubilee Mass Vestments yet run its course. This book piqued by Dr. de Wilmars’ ority, we should today have an represented the Mother General when he spotted 18 of 19 tosses was translated into nine lan­ arguments, he blurted out: “optimum” population of 100,- and the General Council at the in a win over the University of 000,000 in the U.S., a figure we (Presentation Parish, Denver) are Father Blenkush, Simon not to be offered but the entrees guages and purportedly read by “We will try it by prop­ Omaha Provincial House. Colorado frosh. aganda, and by force if that had in 1920, when wages were The Mother of God Circle met Forester, Henry Vahling, Helen will be published. 20-30 millions — a tribute to the fails.” Would Dr. Vogt disso­ much lower and real poverty with Father M. J. Blenkush and Keenan, Austin Miller, F. Gerst- Presentation our Lady Circle unlimited resources of Planned Parenthood, which includes ciate himself from that re­ much more widespread. Other chose the gold material that will ner, R. Paulus, Ed Rider^ Hugh will meet in the home of Mrs. Scout Office Chonges among its officers and support­ mark? things being equal, the pressure be made into a vestment set Denning, and John Brovsky. Helen Kersteins on Wednesday, ers many millionaires. No non­ The powerful Planned Par of population stimulates econom­ which shall be used for the 50th The education committee, un­ March 22 at noon. Parvuli Dei Requisites anniverst^ry of the parish in der the chairmanship of Bob ic development. People, with Religious articles suitable for their skills and brains, are the 1962. Brown, explains the various The National Catholic Com­ this award may purchase the Easter gifts, and Spanish MiS' only real wealth. Women interested in helping services offered parishioners sals can be obtained from Mrs. mittee on Scouting has re­ Parvuli 'Dei Award record with the simple sewing should through the Credit Union. The Rae Lujan. AL. 5-4117. Colo. Springs Pupils EXAMPLE OF JAPAN vised the requirements of the folder from the Boy Scout call TA.5-1746. Names of don­ members of the committee are The Holy Name Society invit­ Catholic Parvuli Dei Award so Office. In Japan, the most overcrowd­ that Bear Cub Scouts may The requirements and pro­ ors and memorials will be print­ Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown, Mr. es everyone to a games party ed Asian country (though its ed in garment. and Mrs. Sergio Gonzales, Mr. the Parish hall on Friday, Demonstrate Abacus now qualify for the award. cedure for qualifying for it are population density is not so listed in the above named Officers and educational com­ and Mrs. Edward Lujan, Glen March 17 at 8 o’clock. thick as that of Belgium and CUB SCOUTS ONLY (Divine Redeemer Parish, wider basic understanding of folder. mittee members of Presentation Brown, Frank Marley, Madeline Parish organizations wishing the Netherlands, which have Colorado Springs) mathematical principles than The Parvuli Dei Award is The award is blessed and Parish Credit Union attend­ Headrick, Sylvia Lee, Ethel to have news published in the among the highest living When the PTA met Feb. 22, knowledge gained by rote and approved for wearing on the presented by the pastor or his ed the Gold Mass at St. An­ Newcomb, and Peggy Jones. Register, please call Mrs. Eve­ standards in the world), aver­ Sister Rosina presented a group the use of flash cards. Cub Scout uniform only. Cub representative in a churdi thony’s March 12 and the din­ The Credit Union is sponsor­ lyn Uebelher WE. 4-4159, by the age income and prosperity have of first grade students who dem­ In the business meeting fol Scouts interested fn receiving service. ner which followed. ing a poem and jingle contest Saturday prior to Thursday never been higher. Officers of the Credit Union for school children. Prizes are publication date. onstrated the use of the abacus lowing the demonstration. Bill in solving arithmetic problems. Hunter, PTA vice president, an On the other hand, the very Problems in addition, multi­ nounced that 223 innoculations prevalence of birth control pos­ plication, subtraction, and divi­ had been given to the school es a threat to Japan’s welfare: Englewood Choir Wins First Place sion were worked out, involving children for diphtheria - tetanus Population projections indicate numbers from 1 to 99,000, by and smallpox. Mrs. Dick Rhue that Japan’s population will con­ tinue to grow only until 1995, (S t Louis Parish, Englewood) The St. Louis Men’s Club starting about 8:30 p.m. Harold teams of the first grade pupils. reported on plans for the spring when a high of 113.3 millions The St. Louis Gre^orians won country-style breakfast held Starlings’ band will furnish the Sister Rosina explained that dance to be held at the Antlers will have been reached. first place in the first choir Sunday, March 12, in the school music. The price is $1 per per­ the abacus gives the student a Hotel. competition at the CPTL Confer­ cafeteria was attended by 150 son. All members of the parish By the year 2015 the ratio ence. Under the direction of persons, including fathers, are invited to take part in this of persons in the working years Mrs. Madeleine Fiorino 23 boys daughters, and some 30 Boy affair whether members of the to those above 60 will drop from from the third to the eighth Scouts from Troop 138, the Boy club or not. 6 to 1 to 2 to 1, or there will grades, inclusive, sang their Scouts and Girl Scouts having The Men’s Club will hold a be one aged person in Japan way to victory with Adorti, Di received in the 7:30 a m. Mass. spring dance at the Wollhurst to two working persons, instead Tes Moi and God Bless Amer­ The three patrols of Boy Country Club at 9 p.m. Friday, of one to six as today. All this ica. Scout Troop 136 gave a pro­ April 28. At the request of many means that Japan will weaken Most of the boys have had two gram demonstrating various who attended last year’s St. economically because of t h e years of tutelage by Mrs. Fio­ phases of first-aid treatment. Patrick’s dance, music will be diminishing labor force. rino, who has built a notable Marvin Henry’s Eagle PatrgJ, furnished by George Morrison. What is true of Japan will reputation in the area with her under the leadership of Star FOUNDERS’ DAY be true of any other country musical background and especi­ Scout John Thomas, Jr., who Founders’ Day (open house) that goes in f o r government' ally her background training in narrated, demonstrated the pro­ has been scheduled to be held subsidized birth control. Even Gregorian Chant. Mothers who per transportation of the in­ from 2 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, those countries that do not do drove the boys and assisted jured. March 26. This offers the par­ so will decrease in population, Mrs. Fiorino with dressing them The Panther Patrol Dad, Har­ ents of all the school children when, as inevitably it will, the in their robes were Mmes. Scot­ old Norman, had instructed his an excellent opportunity to population of women above the ty Duncan, Robert Durlin, Lau­ scouts in the proper usage of visit their children’s room and child-bearing years increases. rence Karlin, George Kloppen- splints in caring for fractures of view the work being done in Without any birth control, there berg, and Carlos Lubeck. the forearm and leg. Narrators the various grades. All parents will be population stabilization BASKETBALL were Bill Peterson and Glen are urged and welcomed to take throughout the world in the mid Tile St. Louis Tigers basket­ Ward. part in this occasion. Refresh­ die of the 21st century. ball team defeated St. John’s The Wolf Patrol, under the ments will be served in the ca­ Will the time ever come team, 23-13, at St. Vincent’s direction of Tom Fitzpatrick, feteria. when there will not be enough Gymnsium Saturday, March 11, showed the proper method of Circle meetings for the com­ food or Ijving space to sus­ in its first tournament game. artificial respiration, both the ing week include the following. tain all the human beings then The boys have trained under old and the new types. This Blessed Sacrament, Tuesday, living? The answer is a cate­ Gymnasdum-Auditoriiim Dedicated the coaching of Mike Carroll demonstration was announced March 21, at 1 p.m. in the gorical and unconditional neg­ Annunciation High School’s $235,000 gymnasium-audi­ for the past two years. by Star Scout Mike Hays, and church sacristy. ative. Three graduates of St. Louis’ torium was blessed by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr March L narrated by Jim Chaput and St. Anthony’s, at the home of It is impossible to calculate have made great strides in bas­ Assisting the Archbishop were Father Edward J. Leyden, pas­ Richard Karlin. Mrs. F. P. Chaput. 3372 S. the maximum productive ca­ ketball in their respective high D iv isio n in First Grade MR. AND MRS. CLUB Pearl, Tuesday, March 21, at pacity of this planet. Food will tor of Christ the King Parish, Denver, center, and Father schools this year. They are Don The Mr. and Mrs. Club is hav­ 8 p.m. Problems in division with numbers up to 99,000 were be available and its distribu­ James L. Morgan, assistant at Annunciation Parish, Denver. Pitebford, sophomore at St. ing its get-together Friday St. Margaret Mary’s, at the solved at a PTA demonstration by first graders of Divine Re­ tion may be less of a prob­ The new building facilitates an enlarged physical education Francis’; Herb Younger, a jun­ March 17, St. Patrick’s Day, home of Mrs. P. B. Miner. 3157 deemer Grade School, Colorado Springs. Ann Girard and David lem than it is today, for as program at the school. The Archbishop’s High Sdiool Campaign ior at Mullen, and Michael starting at 6:30 .with a potluck S. Vine Court. Tuesday, March Salamon are shown at the abacus producing such mathematical far into the future as it is at fund provided $175,000 toward the construction costs, and the Flood, a senior at Mullen. supper and a dance to follow 21, at 8 p.m. wonders for Sister Rosina, their teacher. all possible to see. balance of the cost came from parish funds. T H E REGISTER New See Recalls Great Role LATE NEWS BRIEFS 12th Anniversary Medal tor Bishop Joliet, 111.—Bishop Martin D. Baltimore.—Loyola. College O f Chaldean Rite in Iraq McNamara observed the 12tb will mark the 169th anniver- anniversary of his consecration sary of its founding by strik­ Vatican City. — Pope John Nestorian Christians who re­ klngs.'A I m-o s t constant war as the first Ordinary of the Dio­ ing a medal in honor of Fa­ XXin created a new diocese turned to the Church four cen­ between the Persians and the cese of Joliet He was conse­ ther Andrew White, S.J., who and approved the appointment turies ago. Today they number Roman Empire made their crated a Bishop by the late landed in Maryland with the of two new Bishops for Cath­ more than 275,000, including communications with the rest Cardinal Samuel Stritch on Calvert party in 1634. The olics of the Chaldean Rite in about 1,000 in the U.S. The of the Cbnrch very difficult. March 7, 1949, and installed as medal will be'presented in ab­ Iraq. great majority of them lives in The area’s Christians had to first B ishop of th e newly sentia to B i s h 0 p James E. The head of the new Diocese the Middle East, mainly Iraq, avoid any suspicion of contact created Joliet see i7 days later. Valsh, M.M., last American of Alqosh is Bishop-designate where they are governed with the enemy, and so, in 424, 'The diocese has more than 20,- missionary in China, who was Abdul-Ahad Sana. Bishop-de^- through 17 sees, including the a synod in Markabta broke its 000 C§thoUcs. sentenced to a 36-year prison nate Emanuel Daddi was named new Diocese of Alqosh. ties ujjth the Antioch Patriarch­ Crewmen ThaMthhil term by the Chinese R ^ In Christianity came in the late to head the Diocese of Mosul. ate and declared itself inde­ Fatima, Portugal. — Forty 1959. Four -other persons nlso second century to the ances­ Chaldean Rite Catholics, who pendent. Soon afterward t h e creiymea of the “Santa Maria, will receive the medal. tors of the Chaldean Rite, use Old .Syriac in their liturgy, Chaldean Church refused to ac a Portuguese llher, that was Schools Changed are descendants of heretical then ruled by the Persian cept the Council of Ephesus’ captured on the high bets J>y Rome.—’Twenty-seven of the condemnation of the Nestorian antl^ovemment ' adventurprs, heresy that there are -two nat­ approximately 100 schools run came to this shrine of the by the Catholic Association of ures in Christ. Blessed Virgin with theirVami- ’ Free Egyptian Schools in Cairo Once Counted 50,000,000 lies to offer thanksgiving tor and Upper Egypt were turned Thus a Nestorian Church came their safe return. into catechetical centers and into being under the protection Hall of Fame Nominee children’s clubs in the past of the Persian kings. This Oklahoma City.—Bishop Jos­ year, It was reported here. It church flourished throughout First Comminion lor Beeruits eph P. Machebeuf, pioneer bish­ also was reported that because quet of the annual Detroit Ardi- Asia and by. the ISth century of new laws, this is the first Peopie Will Pay Archbishop James P. Davis of San Juan, op of Colorado, wps one of five diocesan Council of Catholic had won nearly 50,000,000 adher English at the center prior to being assigned time since the association was , was present at the Fort Buchanan duty in the UJS: During the eight weeks they clergymen nominate^ to the Na Far 'F€aaiiY Farm Women convention. ents from Mongolia and China founded in 1941 that the num­ THE EXECUTIVE DIREC­ Center to give First Communion to the l,0th are there, their religions background is tional Cowboy H ^ of Fame and ‘Each group of people is able to Southcipi India. It w^s al­ Western Heritage Center being ber of schools it runs has not TOR of the Nattonal Cathdlc recruit to receive the Eucharist for the first checked. Last year 155 were baptised, and increased. , , * to contribute soihething to the most completely destroyed by built near here. Bis^p Macfae- Rural Life’Conference, Father : time in 1960. -Young Puerto Ricans are taught 1,140 received tte ir First Compinnion. community awareness by ezer-> Mongal invasions under Tamer­ beuf worked with , the Indians Edward O’Rourke, predicted cising personal responsibility,” ItOOOdsiand See lane in the, 1400s. of New Mexico ami Arizona for that the American people will Aborlan, Philippines, -i- The the said. 10 years before he was appoint­ pay dearly if the family f>nn Soon afterward CathoHc Very Rev. Eugene Ayape, Prior Sibling out for praise firms Indio Sect Split Results ed Bishop in 1860'an d served dlnppears — "in the east of missioners from the West General of the Augustinian Rec­ and organizations that are com­ the jurisdiction of Pikes Peak food and in terms of what bating smut, the Archbishop cit­ reached the area and suc­ ollects, reported he found "an (including Denver) until his K would mean to.the moral ed the Aiuerican Book Publish­ ceeded in converting a num­ In Many Conversions atmosphere of spiritual prog­ death in 1889. fiber of the American ftuniiy.” ers’ Council, members of which ber of Nestorian Bishops. In ress” in his visit to the 1,000- Tiruvalla.—The establishment “corrupt practices and unbe­ He said collective bargain­ print more than 90 per cent of 1551 *a conflict arose over the Short Summer? island Vicariate Apostolic of succession of the kathoUkos, of a new schismatic “church” coming mhneuvering.” Palawan. Of the 163,000 inhab­ ing by farmers is the “Chris-, popular hard cover bdoks. Youngstown, 0.—Catholic, the head of the Nestorian within the Christian community The new split has been ac­ itants in the 30il) populated tfam solathm” to the farm While they cry out against in­ pupils in public schools will Christians. here has set off a growing wave companied by new tensions. An islands of the group,. 120,721 problem and cited the Natii^ fringement of the freedom of be spending more time than of conversions to the Catholic increasing number of Jacobites, are CathoUcs, 7,000 are Moham­ al Farmers Organisation as the press,” he shid, “they also One group elected John Su- they planned back at the laka, who turned to Franciscan Church. Mar'Thomites, and Protestants medans, and the rest are' pagans. the first significant attempt were among the fi:^ to poDce desks this summer. Religious missionaries for aid against his In Rome, Archbishop Grego­ have been received ‘into the by farmers, in the Midwest to tteir own organization. They vacation schools, set up for Boys’ Retreat House rival. The Franciscans urged rios Thangalathil of Trivan­ Catholic Church since the first b ^ a i n co-operatively. expelled those publishers who file first time in nine par­ him to go to Rome, where he drum, spiritual leader of South of the year. Most have joined Abita Springs, La.—A retreat have no regard for standards of ishes under the direction of made a profession , of faith be­ India’s Malankara Rite, said he Uie Malankara Rite, a branch house for hoys of high school CtdboUes Faii i . decency.” Anxilfary Bishop James M. fore Pope Juliiu in, who named has received 1,300 Eastern of the Antiochian -Rite, which and college age, which will, be SpattishrnSpeakmy He mentioned also the Coun­ Malone, will be held three him Patriarch of members of Christians into the Church since was^ estaDlishpd in 1930 when built here to serve the New Or- SPANISH-SPEAKING CATH­ cil for Independent Distribution, hours a day, five days a'week, this Rite who would also profess last December. He said 98 per­ two' former Jacobite Bishops leans-Baton Rouge area, will OLICS “need to find Christ which represents 800 'reputable from June 13 to J d y 8. the Faith. [NCWC Wire] sons were received into the brought several thousand of be conducted by the Holy Cross in us as a community,’’ Father magazine' and paperback book Fathers. It will have accommo­ Leo T. Mahon, executive assist­ distributors. He said the council Church in one group alone. In tuoir people into communion Seeks Legal Status with the Holy See. dations for 50 boys, as well as ant of the Cardinal’s Committee is making its members aware of February, an entire parish in Jakarta, Indonesia. — Indo­ Sensational Reports Cenkulam, consisting of about for priests making private re­ for the Spanish-Speaking, Chi­ public resentment against print­ Statistics assembled last year nesia’s Catholic Party has de­ treats. cago, told the Ohio Bishops’ Con ed smut. Labeled Senseless 30 families, became Catholics. put the- total number of M^an- livered a list contaii^ the ference for the Apostolate to the Scholarship Fund ‘Di$satisfie