
THE CRITERION, JUNE ?8, I963 PAGE THRES - SupremeCourt decision Help t'or aging - Cotugo

Ar home ::31:r""::-T,.ll:..^l: l.l:: ll^".111",.^11.1groups ha\,e :.:l'J...111"..,:.'.'li*i?ll'brought aboul Ihtr "thr.otrgh improvement conlol'- cnces ancl an cxchangc ol in{or'- " nration.


I LONDON-]'he luling l,abor' I'arty in Australia rvill not butlgc ft'ortt its opposition to g.rveln- nrent aid to antl othcr' privatc schools, thc ptlty's lcatlcr. has rleclaletl hcrc. Arthur' (.lal- well insisted that sialc glants lo non.public schools are not. pos- sible undel the plesent. Cornrnon. wcalth eonstitution. Cnln'el[. rvho is a Catholic, said thal. clenton- stlations by Catholic pa|cnts agaittst the govet'nmcnt's policl'. Office of Education here, de- f \ rvhich inclrrtlctl ntass tt'attsfcls ol scribed lhe school siluation ar , I "dismal." stttdents fronr Catholic to public The strike involves I I "no schools, rvoukl have lusting 37,500 leachers and rffecls | ^ - ^ | c[[cct''intlrosc[rooldisettssit.rtrs'morelhanami||ionpupi|s.i}fl-l o\%u,j*tAMOUNT TO BETREPAIoBE REPAIO OVERovERl I I sAN'ro DotttN(;o. Dotttitticurt ; l-1 I YOU Fro |lr,lrrrlrlit,-|l|irslltrt.a..;i:i;l';;i#|eohi-ow|ro-o".|romoo,|z|mos.|!BORROW 36m 30 moo. 2l mos. li.:;',lllill:,:i':lt:i';',llli.'li:|.llll|isll!llJr/ohffil$ 600 29.00 000 40,00 48.3i1 lilll;\,:]l:'T;ll.'i]l.ll,.:lli:1"iil,jliitT'rUlH"fA1500 $51.66 60.00 72.50 rclij.tion u,ilI cvcntuaIlv disappenr'. go.rr irr,r,olrtirritlo narlio liarnrrn.'ne- | N V I 2500 I 86.11lr00.OolrZO.$lt00.00 120.8i1 ! liiuill,,,)J,',\,,1l,iilii.#,,ll"il,,ll,l: R/ s f-l;;;;;-AMouHrs(OTHER AMOUNTS rv,ArlrsLerAVAILAELE) I i NX r^iLri.c11,rc!.rd.drrioarnl.\lufarblrofclova.c6s. rtr rrt w rior.i lfOnt ftltiClt it t.iSeS. ff,lfiClf ;:iVe it t I ot'igin atttl sustain i{." hc saitl. i f f (iljoti(ill't'owN. lllitish (irri- | c'()l.ne in and lf Of|.Clut I "hapPy 0 s,\r.oN- ,r,r'orrt-rv rrisrr.l,s lil;],,*lll,'i.il li,il'i','."1i.'','il;i,,Jii I some moneyl" i appoittlcd b1'tlrt: latc I'o1rtr,lohn u ,iusl stt'ilic lt!' thc Cittltolic I oN SECONDLt.S. r'oIJR ,1";?ili"'3"i,;,,i'X,i'1l,,ll*]iiilil'-'il-,-":iilJ";"'lii'lifl,.l;,:: 'l\h(' : IIIII lor rlioccscs in coninrurtist- Stattrlar'

rrccrl----,': {irrrtls,1lloP | irr lt tlrc-.;- orrc ucafest you . . . I ('{.)\'et'c(lsov('t'al thotlsand Inllus, inqton, sl. Louis, l)envol" (lhl. ct'tttcls lrls lallcn off l'ollurvinlt irr West Gernran Presidcnl | . "ycsltt:;;----l-.-'-' irrrtl trs it t ltltttcc to say' I ntuclt of it by atrtonrobile. Ilis c.go, I'itts5ur.g1. Nurv Yoyk antl the stopping of a plonrotion (:lnl, Heinrich Luebke's residence 1 iiirc pxign qo\ ' I rrrrrlrrrrrrlrnrlrrllrnrluunnmtmuurr! lltanyn\any pointsDdhs ittir ht:th{{\rccn $'cen Ilhs. Iloso rs (;.orq. tvnshilgton s [oNc sponsortd br lh. slil. herc. The n.w .orpt, ..ll!d th. I ItI nrrjof ritics. rrl lttrri;tl ph;{' at,,i illounlilnrnr vn..v{'f. (!lllllterlt.arnnrni. htIl tllollc [)f(]ll'lollr)n!.onniln]n ('alllcrn' Gain,n D.velopn.nt s.rvic., ind hilriit lllacc I a ln. \,A. l);ril{n. eillllassofs \\'('ltl alrrrill vil 'r'rrt, I rurrr'r,t,,1ro ars. r'isirr:rl;llIT,lii,*ll]:,,i:ii:],'lli:l l'1lll]l,i.,i: ',1',i* clates ,;'ilii:iil;,;.:";,il"\i;iil,:iiI'illi0ih;,:iliill:'li',i"J"l"il"'irill :1i"1',T'ii[ T::il i IIUEM i .^,i::r'1?.:"1ilj.'i":l.|jii1;i.]i:"lii;']i':;:ilr':;llii;i#jil.I1-':'"-"'l..T':;1ll,i:'llTi:|Ti:|;iIl],.iil;:iili',.:;::,'';il;:].'iiilll:lll].1'...$.l[ii.l,lillli.;'l'lll,illl.j''".lllli'':l.'ll..[:*:iffi! lll rope s career E }:ir Tt,'1,'T;:fl:,i,T;.{irii, ll;li:;i"",ill ,iii:i'iil -,'lli *," f \,,jNN,\_,h( ii,,na t=Ei3.nhow.rw.!honor.dbY|h.il{arf.eplnDrk|ttctrbad.|l}ARI'ss^L^r\Il'-'frn!rn'th.(]llho|ic,,."..,."'',]l..il..;i1\.Cj - ';ri,::*rr,r,-,tr*.u*:;l' ,i.i,ll,li,iiul'"'''g[d,":lbtilfi-ili-ilililiftjii{)r r'c Lnfrstr.rriri'""'".;lrir,xrflliiiril w re20,i\ra1, Ze--orcrainerr ;i,',r; ;r :i,i';liiil,J:iilll'i,,,11.f;i;l'?,lltii llll,.illtut.,"'')r'a ;:;,;;. b.v tlre ltlonsigttot'not to 1;ivu oll tllll lr.rD.'yor.li, llrc trt,rr,l,opc also FRoM WASHINGToN lrr: rvcnl hirtr this honot'. r.isilcrl Nurv ('5it:agit, ltls- 16 Sl. l,guis ils glcsl o[ r\r.rh [!54, Novcnrllel l-Nanrcd Alclt' torr. l,hilarlclnlriir arrrl \vaslrington. llislxrp { n{)w (:ar.rlinal) ,losr:Ph bisltop of i\lilan. Rittcr.. I,'r9r1 t|urt' lrc rvcrrt lrr rr53. f,cc(nil,$ ri Nnnrcd rn oN Hls FlRsT,rr,,,rh...lj* .nd frcil s$IDr Lsrk.to ('olltger ()a;:tlinals llll""r -, { I Saclcd of by I'ol)o ;tttl'acl('rl littlc attorttitrtt (llri.lru. u.lcrtt 1is lursl. r'as thc ''**ggP(r [lr,,rulll"ll',',*'*t,:* IT?,(1,m,flt{;u ,r'rcrrrlng ol slate #*{ji*i*lr*;tx5f"."- (.'ltit'ago' ffi_Ilt,,t*;;i.{$',1,:,,,1q;111*I'rrtttt lte rt'cttl Africa, r,isiting nrissio*s. to' g.t (rut a.rl sric tlia sigSts, to l)c-

'l'ttte )il;lt rrP rtl l)r'ltoil. fo.tltc l,t Pitrs XII. plpe. 6f (lanarliarrs iinrl ,irrt,tr.icatts. natttt'e -tr f,lloore,Kirk & Usher

Annerql llcrrrrits t342r' r lrvington y.iili''"" bcfora DcghnlrA tris tJ.S. lrip on llc then $.tl to Ne\! yorh. tnot*l',i:r"orl"'' ffiffiAugust 2{. prcpNnhfy !j Foh( Ionrc, .nd o Northside 'out,-,t'r.1','h H. vr, !r..r.d.r n" wa- LYL,lll.l""'f o Lawrence tt' "-' w. pxi.a"rpl,iJ. .r,rrrrnr, rlr(rln srturl ar\ vYi riir,ri.i"p"i .l- -- - :llli']i,.:ni!,|,;ii:";i;,I,1,,1,;tl,ilil i Ontln ScplentberScple ntber' 9. lrc f lcu, I.o lle. ASKRENiTIONUMENT C0. |att<|onlrisrvayhacktoIlontc.Grt:ckskncwt|tati|yotrtlrlvtl|opcdatloclc|it]gaCqttaintattcetvitltMorpltctts*11ot|r fall aslccp... brrl rl yorr'rrrtrrnerl to the ARI- tioUIRTS Sl"lOWyott won't rl;1rr:, ., yott ntigltt nriss 1107E. Wrshinglon St. Indirnrpolir "DIS'ilNC'I'IVE sontetlting! lalir,'thr:r:rlrr,r tor the trr:xts()von cl.'lys,.. sltake tlte tttorttittllblLit:s... attclwake tt1: ClEit E't,ttn y 1\TEI\IORIAI,SSINCI' If,35." Itappy witlr tlrc Atll' ROL1trRl'SSl-lOW! CurtomD.ricn.d in Our Own Shol (rrdil lrrmr . . . sht. t{ldr 0eliviry - Caff FL 7-7629-

lle kllt tho r:orrn{.t.\,on ,lulle l{l 950 ON VOUR DIAL wherethereb life...therebBud. lo visiI iilazii llcforr: I ctirlninr Io i\lilan. ' N D I A N A Al Notrr: l);rrnc. he tvas thc I N D I A N A P O L I S I r:cltrll'arrt of llrt' bncr:alarrr.ealc r\lass fol thc t0(i0 gr.atlunlcs of lltc trnivolsif.y irr addi{ion to llr.inA honolctl rvitlr a dcgrec,

Pope's blessing

Tho Finqrt ln Aluminum Products . VENTILATED ALUMINUM AWNINGS . STORI WINOOWSand DOORS O ALUMINUM SIOINC O ALUMINUM GUTTER,S rnd DOWNSPOUTS ffE-e'tVEfrTSales & Service "Wlwre !;:?;":t You, Alwags Buy With Contideu:c,' I"ranktli'.*J'u casev 3447 Shelby 5t. ,,,,,Run ST 4-445g |il||Ull|||||I||||||lt||||||lr|||[|r||||Iil||||il||||ilt|||m||ilr


O TH1I YARNST'ICK . WHAT OF THE DAY Unionsmust rotect AssessingPope Paul VI By REV. JOHN DORAN I ,ights,f ull WOI'KCTS i i ()ritr of thtr irr lhr.il cliticistrt of ot gitrrirt'rl By MSGR.GEORGE HIGGINS lppt'oach is that 1 ' l'hlndclplria chaptcl of tltc Na" lalxrr"s rrnsatisfactrlly t'ccolrl itt i.: tiorral r\ssociatiott for thtl Ad' thc fickl ol ltct, r'elaiions. i lilncelncnt of (-'ol,rrtltl I'cople, .i let'cnt 1"1' tht'e rv il tllass u'lrich Iu this conncction, I 'woukl rvat'tt :, pickct Iinc at'ottnrl a lJedcrally lguinst llrc illlncy oI nr'llriinq-- i IinanCttl cgnstr.lt:tipn p t'o j e C { :ls sollle of lalrot"s ct'itics

fnler€d rs lrcond tlr!! maltrr it Posl 0llice, lndirrapolis, lnd, oURGoAt ls 10,000IttlSSlON CENT'|NE[5! USHER Start Now and Encourage Your Friends to Start ckin't it hr Write tls for ],tttlt' PetrtlY P1a1'trr Cover if vott $g[ fliarEst0)issions Funern| Home,Inc. nrail cluring the colllillg \\'oek. tlANClS CARDINALS?ILIMAN, ?rorldont l{qr. Jcrrpl l, fio. t|ctt trc'r Price 94,00n yerr. trad dl cornmtcctlom lcl PublishedWeekly Excepl CATIIOLTC tJ*?.IT."MISSIONS CATHOI.IC NEAR EAST IYEI.TAREASIOCIATION Lart Week in December. 480 loxlnglon Avo. or 46th St. New York t 7; N. Y. Frank E. Johne POSTOFFICE BOX 302 INDIANAPOLIS6, INDIANA orrfi,l?e,\&J- THE CRITER|ON, JUNE 28, 1963 to Glenrtrary launches NO MORE PAINT SILLS 300 cotnpeteI lay nrission projcct @mq -- Thirty young SIDING rncn frnrn l0 northern statcs have cornplcted their mission orienta- fot'stllf honors tion corrrscs at (ilenrulry Na. L'/ tional Ilearlqrrarters in neighllor. ittg (ilendale anrl are lcavinq for tttissiotr Dosts in (ilenlnarv's in CYO tourneY J

JIot't'lluttt;l(){) lccll-agc gollcrs (atltl it slrrirlkling of (ioll ;rclttltsl tt'ill t'rtttlcl'ljc oll llre \\'illorlltt'ooli Llottl'sc itl Iuliattirpolis.tr S:rttii'tl:tr'.,lttttg 19. to vitl lol l.r'ophics itt thc (l\'(l (iolf''l'ottrtlatrlctlt. sixtlt lrritttt:rl .lttrtior' llt latili rlttffct's ()tlt fof the :\l:rrt,r'ol tltc 1'ottttllslt't'.s \\'lll ;tiI trnrl cxct.r.isc.'llut rFril0 il lcrV $ill lte taliing tlttt lotrt'na- pleaching. camp counseling, con. nrerit sct'iottslr' ;itttl rr=ill lllar' :;tmction projects autl othcr at:. $'ill totr calillt'c ,rlrill. I'l'ltc lotttr lt$'itttls. intlir'itltrlrl tlophit's tivities. niit-t-tcttl t'ttcirlttl is il l\\'o- lr. 'ttrsttttctl t. tltt' to' six ltol' gi'l Glcnrnnly is a Ironlifieal so- ll.lt (.1{.t-s :ttttl. llt. lt'tr lrtst irrtrlet.-Jrit. i:i sltrrt 5l' ('iotl, tn lltt' tuttt'ttatut'nl' of tlioccsan llricsts antl Dattspiirtt ir It.g ypllt's'lrlc'li. | ;1rilflt's 'l'ht' lJIrnrl l';lr :ttvatrls rvill lle gir.t'tt lirothers x'ho rvork in the Arneri. rltl[i'rs rltll ,',t,,r1,tu.'' i" 'fhe atttl a spoctal 1t'rr1llt3'[rrt' tltc tlt'ive catr rnission fieltt. societr' lrvtt lta.qil rlii I::ioits: 1 ,',".1tp,x1r' 'l('itl o\l lltt' h'iir' rrtl NO lll' rlas founrlcrl in l$30 ll1' thc' late Sophotrt,,r',' antl 'lttniot' 5t'ttirrr- 'l'lt,sr, (iollt'rs ilrc a\kt'(l l(| :tfl'i\'(' nI Fat hcr \\t. Ilotlartl ltishop. Nrr- ltt'l*r'i'n 11r'ir' :;,,p1i,,.t,,r:,: . litc c'utll'rt' tltt' litlrt: litttils vitiutc of the socicty is loc:rtetl attrl .lrrntot' :'{'iil\ t)l;t}' t li'rtrst' lrr .rlitlrrrt st'l ttp lr'r't}l('('Y() ollito l'ttr lltc I,t,l. plaf iri ('jlll{'l-(';tt('!t}t1. Irt:rtitli' .,,t_fl,',l-.,,. __ _ t'otl''llttit'ttct' rtl llttrsr' liIlnt{ a li('ll. l)i'lll ltrlttll ttlt'lt iitttl r|rtlltt'tl llfi'it[ (]ittitlt('{' il\\'a)" Il)ilJ (' {i lil li l' l t' lttt st'1t;tt;tlI Brothers of Holy Gross au afrl. THE HIGHLIGHT rif thc rlir-v League lille in three years Jurre 9, clinroxing an utrdeftlated season wilhe a 10.4 lriunrph over previously unbealen St. Christophcr at Ellen- lrrt' lllltttl u tll lrt: lltt' :tnntt:tl,ltant- THE EVENTS in r,;rr.irrlir rsr,rrr wotr fhe Division Three victories, ('lll \\'lll('ll \\'lll l)(' berger Park. The new cir.rnr;rlons also wiih seven slraight lhen beat Sl. Berrra{elfe's Divisiorr r' trl:tlrl. (itll'' irlll ft'l' t'trrrK 111p111111'l]"r ltt'i,r of llre'play-offs. Hoad is ltclil rrrt lltr' lrtrgitttting at Four chanrpions,5.0, in lhe {irsf rouncl coach Marvin Northcuft at the right end of the back row. Flankin(t Itrrli'rtliiirl, Iirr..s- f ,',,,' ;,it,l .r'rtttrst' )i;;,,, i,,r,i;,r,r lhe back row on the left are Falltor Tinrofhy Hcaley, O.F.M., Priesl Moderalor for the St. Roch CYO, and Assislant Coach Larr.y iii;'.,i lri;r,rrriti,,ir liil;ll:':iili'l'ii;,,i.r],,lfi';" l;llj: y:1i.":: rrill lri' rttr'ltttlcrl lot' lt notttittal Pla r r No t,i t:c ir;:T:l"i*liil'iilll,,li:it'iiil: '['lte \,{'lrf'\ ('{)r)k-(}ltl. ftrOrl ilt! litsl - - m,| ,or, w.tnr, tndl.n. | trss THAI|1CAt0RfE Su,'iur Ilcct ll,liil,i;,,, ;,,,,,::],:,;, ;: 1,,^',^,'r',ill{fi;Ti'ir;,,1 "i,::'I PERSERIJIII|I r)r,,,{}r r\(;'r'()\ r,,{i sr. i:l;ll'iii',r':ll;,,l",,ll;;il,,:',iilllli; lril;*i' '';j',:::,"": ( ('\'{} it:1'lls ltar i,lt ,lrrrrr,rr' utrl \\.{,{,k,,1{l r,lrirt.rlr,. ('oltfsr' offi- | ;;:#,: ^,:::: I (ola rtill Ii;ir'l1r,.i f. ilrr,lrfllr irr[rurrl lilils at.r,rllt:;tlin,.l:!Irtlorvitlrl tltt Pepsi- (-\'i .lttnrrit | \o,. lll Sri rrrt .1lt'r'l of ir.rrpltit,s lot. (hC '['l](' l,rtlr,llli.r, ;rrir':)j 1'!tSiilllfrjit\. ,lirlr' {i. p.ri)ulltt llrl',.(,\.. I ri,iii;:,i;;iiir'iiriir,,"nr:; I Amplc. ncw wo6cn'j r.rttri uiil l,t lrllrl;rl ilrl Iiirttclttl ('\'O I rrsid.ncc ldcititir! | (0. r.rrir,s.tiprrllrlr' lll:ll 1{) ycrr.r0und, tn(ludinq lwo !ummer tcllronl Bottling f I l.littlllr.;i l'r,ol ilt lli,rt|tt {,ttftlr' grlltrct. lir,r,1llrr. r)\il1 i(.r)t(, ilil(l lr|r.:jttttttt::ill il -- I W.ir" Direclorof Actnrissions,I 1i.111 lh;rt ;rll 1rrrils lrc rnlrrlt' iltr "lilrttr1r's." 2709Spring St,, Fort Wayne, tnd. {'\'(} nr)lj({. r'lt'lt!rrlrlv rulIs ( lttlrr rrut,r'lrt,tt'ttlt,tl | I Irrdianapolis.Irrrl. 'l u tll applr lrI rtrIr'l tt.rll tnIltirll al llt{ ('llrl)ll,ril\r'l{,i J rl{rlllitlill it sr,lrirt;rlr'{",r'Irl!artrl is llrr'tt fcr'fot lhost'trlt,t rlrr nrrl lt;rt(' 'l'ltt' lo lrlrs ;rltrl :ljtl.- ltirtrt ;rll Ir;tt' llrrit rirttt st'l lro1.<* ill pliry 1.|1r's itr llr,' .\r clrrlirt r'rr'. l'-rrtr"r' llt hrrll's attri llrr' Iit lr ltittl Irrrlts. It'r's lfr' I.-i ""'l,,il,,fi,ll''({'r)ls lot' t'irt'lt iltrli- lliiiTr';:,;;;;l ll:ii,"';;lc\ ( ) sr'irrr \l.r't arlirlrllrt1,: !lrr'ltt'il lirf{'c plirai'\ anrl;r lr;rr.irn't !r.ilii,r'lrir'lltl to;r tlittt'S I'iff :tliZt'f l It,;r rrr ilti r - lrrt'.

;rt llto liroart llipplt'l'ool ilt ltt- tlitrnlr ltolt s ['r'r'lrnrrttiitipsrt'rll lrr' ltcLl orr loaaaaaaaaaoaaaaaaa.aa.aaaaoo.oaooootooao.ece3ctS Ilonrllrl r't'r'trinq rvith Iltc Iitt;tls 'l'rrlsrlirv ALMOST A THREE.SPORT Wll'{NEt{--St. Chrislol:hct"s CYO Carlct Sprirtg Basehall learn, shown hcrc, nallowly rrrisscclllre lrorror o{ si lt, ilrrllrl [ot evt'ltitti.l. ll rt is ttrit possilrlt-'to ('{}tttplfto rNDrAlrADR|VTNG s$fo0r charnpiorrslrips, lhe l.rrls set orrt i thr. nrt'r'l itt tu'u rlays tltte to llte !AA size nl thl ltttt'1' list, Ilotttllv of|lrc1l|ay.offs,.rrtdrrt.rcloilac|osefi1rlr|{or,:iixittttittgsirrl|refirli;|$i.i|1tc,o|i|./ '..\P1-riot't',1 t J{)rlflsr,iiri,, l;r,.','., anri'l'ttcsrlal' rvjll llt' ttst'rl firl lltr' llre scason's.rccornplislrnrcnts are.rrldctl trp, tltesc l:oys did arr cxcollent iob, arrd it took a rcally firrr: learrr to beat llrcrrr oul ot tlr.rt i pr',linrinlrr'1' lrclts anrl tltc fitutls thir(|tillrr.5}rowrlwit|ttltolroyslreHt:.rt|Coaclt.locMo|,rl5otr{lrnckrorv,rittltl),AssisiartfCoac|rJirrrRo|lcs I 3 r'.'tl bc lrr,lti rirr 1\'crltrcstlay, ,Jttli' riqlr|},f,riel,t|vlrr<|cratorFitlltr'rP.rrt|[litlrat.ttrtl(|^s5i5|'1tl|CoacltosearBctlr|erarcsl.rttt|itl1;al|lrc|rlftof||lcb.rckrow, Tu"n 17. ! StatcLice,.,.*d i ll it is n{'c{'ssll') lo ttsc I ltr' ! D'"iuut llu'r'r,-r'rlttirt( schcrlrrlt'. lh() (:\'(l o"",u. ()ffir:e rvill nrrlify all parishcs. ..ir. tNRoLL I t tllrl'l\lit li(;, lr)(1. \rtrl rrr'rr l*:::': , Now Iitrrttrplrls ll;rrt' lrIr'tt illilrrr'(l I'r i i .t lrools irr llrr' ,\t'r'lrtlii)('r'sr-slirli('{i lrl lrflrtl'isllrtt St:lr,r's ol ltrilrr:rlrr lrrlc ('otti'r'pliott ('{rtt\'('nl llct'r.. i,,,,1,",,^J',',",i;1,:tSoi "' 'u'r' (ALL Srslt't Ilrrt'1' l'ltlttttt. toftut't' i ! ffi'$# :il iI lrl lll{ ll)ill ol Sl. lir'l ltltri{'11("s iir'lrorrl.Ittrllirttitpolt:. \\ir\ irl)l)r'il]l ^,llllii,1,". tvA4-4564 lrl lrr lrr,;rrlllrc l;rcttllvrrl lllc n{'\\ i i st (ilrlrrrr'ls Scltrrol. rr lrrr'lt s til iaaaaaaaaocaoaoaoaaoaeotoootaeef eto.t.oao...ooaot r)l)('rlin InrltirtrrlroltsIl)!s: Sr'l)tlul Il('1 . " JUHIoR B,lStBAtt I EAGUT (lar' l\ I i " 'i , t tllrr,t ttt'rr' pt ittt iprtls ol lttrtur Sduth.[iltt lrjnqlr ;: '. it rildrrrrl, rurllolt:; -scltools tttt'ltrrlt': Sisltr Th'rrrday, lunr 10 l' , 'r' of lttttc ?.1 Choosea Post Lamp that ls ll0T0ll :-.,i',:,r ' .\lirrr' llosrtt:r, Sl. llr'l'llit(li'ltr'sl , l, tri't.y, JrilL ?l r :., Ir,,r. i t )ut l.rtrll ril t,' Sistr,r' llocl illt it'. 'r; , l.otrltlrs: Si.stt'r' Ilrrt'tt' ('r'littc, St. Mondn'/, ,oilr 2,1 f,,,'r , ; ; i all thetime and i I I r' ? " " Ii :' | siueslgMl!g_!E!l \,r,,.rr.,1,.t,,, s,..rliy. t,r,o 30 ..,. Norlh.lvcrl Lonrlur: r i i ., l, I r,, (,1 ' Ihurl(lny, ,unc 20 i . i '), lr, ., . :i r.r, i .., r i l I ,..., ,. : l\londily, loilr ?.1,:, i ,., ol flame-$pelamps for HALF the co$t, ,. '',{cr.,; t' t.,,',,..;,,,.,,.',r' li(,ll{,{lit.littf,S lliull(} Clrrr I Stnildiilq5 ]y 'l rr Soulh.[,ltt'i,ri,]i;,r;,,r lrlqurr)-r:d'i." ir, li' ''.,"1 f. ' 1i l:'J: sr.lt(}{)l slllr{'t.i{)l.s r" Notth'We rt lqnqu0 Sl A'rt'rr t '',',, (j .,' lvlrch,rtl | 0i ll'rbeut I l; !1. lt,,;' ,r'. t. 5r. lrarr|r.r 02. (;ll0\.1.], l;1.:1.:(:ll lrrrl.. l..rrI r,l

,UNloR B/\StBntt ttiGUI,.C|Nr C {,nt(,1}t:tf.!'st'ltools irt tltt'At.rlrrlro- Bor( o tf nqua t,i, r't'sr' slirl'l't'rl llf' lt,rrtt0tlii'litlr luoiilry, Jun. l8: I r fr,rl. lli Sts- '';', ',':; ',','',,,', o";';;;.rtl' '''r'l",,. ()ttI tIts ol L:trl.v ol' t;r'it('(' ('{)r}' ,1;1," 1 l',ir,,ls {), ltl:t lit\tnr l:1, !r. (,rri.i ' . .' r r,ttl lt0f0 tt ill llirf.C }lO\t, Sill}Oftot,:i lJorlh tcnqur ,,r rtl lltr' l;rli. ;tt'r'trt'tlitt;.; trl lJrrtltt,t lu.rdny, Juoc l{t: rr ^,r,rf,,,r t/ i,:,r, '" tlil"{':'rl;', '1 /;,1,i;.,;,',ll;, ,,' l; 1,:;,,,, }l;tt'r Itulrt'tl I'rtltrtt'r'.o s.li . pri ,lri tt; Sr t\nl,t.\ I /. 51. I t rt,. r', 2 {rl {,SS.

(larr C 5trndinqr '.,. ^,,,,'].r',r Bor(o [0,rsuc 2r). ir,.t,.:r",,, Sislt't']lirt'l llttlrot'l u'tll s0t'r'o 20r L'!rr' l,rtr 0 i; 1r' i'ri"r'r I ti '' lrs ol lll('t)(,\! St, Iolttnr. lllji / l, :rtn). () 2 1:t'rrtr.ilritl ' , lrlt No''h lci{tur ii ^ :.,,r. .' | ,.., S|ltolrl. tt ltit'lt rr rll opett tltis 1 i ' rr', , Lr I. 'l'ltt. f.r(o i() 5r. ,|. I S|plIrtrlr0r' ilt ('0lttntlrtts. 11 i'n'r or irt u 7 nr,\! \(.lrrrrl rr.tll lrr, lltt, l,?llt 11t,ltrlr, JUlll0R^GlRLl SOlrn^lt sr.ltool stlrl'lt,rl lrv lltt'ltottcrltt,trrtr urJrlroil | (rttt ,. Sjslt't'r; ut l,;ttlt'(ll (ll'ilec (l(ttl. Wcdrr)if,ny, Jur. l9: .r i.\,., , i1. l]',,l,ffl ll. ir,,,. t ,r'1 f r I i, 1r l ., t, t. r lttl. '.r llc y Irr|rly l /. 5r {:,: l' i: " i i.r,il t/ n',1 26. St. i.n' \(.\\' 5ill)r'fiol s ittr.lrrrir': SrslCf t' '; n, tiilnill1.,1:i'',''1.. sl('l)h{'n'.sl. r\trtlrt'ilstr''li ltirol' st'v' n, r,l],;, 1,, ,' ; ,,,.{.,,ir.,.r ,.. i:,, r 1,. fli,,.i nr()llr': Sislr,t' lllt'1 1'lrilip. irr'i'1.5t ?.1. 5' Sl. trttt'.t1 )i. )lirr'1,'s. lil. trllrr.1,.ol-llrt,ltrrrrlts; oiyirion2 Sislr'r' lllil.v {lr,rllrl, iil. ,lost'ph, '',,,...,1 "", ('r)r.\,(toni ,,,l,ii,ll ,,/,,1j ]j,.;' ,,; ,,]'. iirrrl Sistel lilary t,ois.

22nd and Avondale Pl. (2 Bl' West of Sherman Dr') DOORPRIZES - EVERY 'l'he o l"un litlr' lin|irrl liilrnih' o THE CRITERION, JUNE 28, 1963 PAGE SEVEN WORKINGTO BBAT HBLL

$ Summer: use or ahuse? i1 By REV. ROBERTW. HOVDA :l


t:,: , Saerilicc is a futtdantctttal requirentcnt of love, All love Sorr adult t]'pcs are 1';.', *rr'hctht'r it is cou.jugal, patcrnal, ntatcrial, or the Iovc of Iucky rough ; be ablc to grope ii,?i lricnttstrip for a pclsou or a cotttrrtttrtity-prcsuppcscs sacri' ry out of thcir rvot'karlay i,iiy 7i"", itt orrlcr that it- tttay pt'ovc its rcality by positivc acts, tlrree rveeks each 'i,;iiii; ale but above all irecausc lovc is cssctttially tltc giving of one- lot this luckl', n- uU to attotltcr ntttl for nnotltcr's serviee. 1ca st, 'ii:.|';:,";; Loue, itr it.terlf, int;rf ic.r .tarrif irc ltcr', to lorgct ltirnself, to rcttottncc his ii;i:,,: lIc rvho lovcs seeks th thci t:i i selfisllness in ordcr Io et]stll'c the ltappitless arltl seck tltc yca ,:i:rri goo(l of tlte belovctl. I3y opposing and rcjcctittg thc spirit of rvitlr lrjlti sacrifice, nren lrat'e tlcfacctl lovc autl tlegradctl it to the i'lit,i tevet oI sclfish plcasure; rvlrilc, at thc sante tinrc, thcy lravc i:l;'i dcprivctl lt of its very life atrtl prtrver. i|:::i Ilorv could sacrifice be :rbscut lrottt tha lovc o[ Christ? gcnuiuc, jttst i i,l tf our lovc for llinr is antl not a ntask for self- gct somc solt of vocatlon' ii:it'i tove, it mrrst intlcrrtl bc cxpcctctl that sacrificc rvill alu'ays I it gctting sonle neces- i:,;;l accompnrty that lovc. ltrrt tlrc natut'c itself of ottr relittiotts 'ivotk ttone ttLottntl tlte ltortse :, with ,lesus Cht'ist nrake s this le clttircnrcut tuorc itttpclious rlsc tiihirrg on sttpplcmcntal'y havc to do most still, since it beconres a tlernlttrl rvcllirtg rtlr {rottt tltc vcry teacltet's to inch tltail salaries closcr to a llvlng wagc. "ltonle' 'ii r: 'l'lrc in Clrrist. so Ihal -lis lifc ttlty ltu srtbstittttctl for ottrs, attd lntly tvc kttou' as a gct :' nrlkct'," rvlrile sllt'trliry rvcll or lo lcceive Oul Lolrl in lloly thc fcrv tilues a guy has a chance r if rve desire to finrl this lifc of atloptcd sonship in CIrlist, 'fherc go along tvith thc familY otl Comrnunion, ar(), pelhaps, :i it is nr:cessary that (lur o\r'rl ptlsonllity sltortltl cctlc to thc : lo to slrorv rvhat he's made of instead tlrt'il vacatiorr tlip, if lhcl'c is evon sonlc rvho lravc rvastccl thc ltcrson of Chlist. I'lttl la1's tlorvn this larv in thcse of rvhat solt of pattern he's being :i t'ncountt'ts plcnty entiLc "It such a tt'ip, still surnnrcr in thc stalc oi rnodeled aftcr. :i wortls: is notv no tonst'r I that lile, lrrrt (-rhrisl. liveth The summer is litlle jobs rvhich lit'cp ht't' t'lca' nrortal sin and rvho sontulrory of Iris to use or abuse, and he (and .i in rne," lf ruc anr to opctt rridc to llis Lifc, rle tttttst rtot liott ft'ont ltcing a I'aeatiort. Not ligule that rvht'n l ou buy 1'oul 'l elt'r1'botly else ) can toll an awful thro*' a bat'riot' of sclfishncss at'ottntI ottrsolves, tlrat I lltry this stttff altottt rvo' school books in thc Iall. nrakc 5'ou lot altout his character in the i Arrrl, at thc sanrc tirnt', lhis is to scclt thc gootl, thc, tvot'l< rtct-t't' llcing dotttt. llttt the glanrl gcs{ulc of lluf ing back rnilrt's coulsc of thcsc three months. ,,i glory (.llrrist! glot'y, ltavr' to atlmit il's at lcast a Cotl's lt'icndship ls l'rll. lrntl thc ioy of thc lrclovt d l''ol Ilis llis 'l'IIn Vt'sl'fATION Or TIIn BLESS- 1'ou 'l\r ,: Jilly' P lr:gula r' 'fhis lhc tccn.agcr of character, gootl, Ilis jof is to sce tlrc ;lrorvtlt of IIis Ilystical Ilotly--to 'I'lrn .iob. chalactcr, o[ couLsc. trot Ill) VIR.GIN llAltY, tlcnrentlous and shat- tlrc .srrtrurcr is not a vacuum but fintl thosc rrlto r,Ifcr.'tltertrsclvls lo Ifis lovt:, tltat lle nray fill Of tltct'c at'c alrvrl's tltc onl,v rvastcs lhc strnrrntrrr litrt it ir,,: teling tluth of thr: Ittcat'tutliott,of Gorl's l-reconting coulse', an 0ppol'tilnit1': I chrnce to pro. to gootl p;rtt :.;:j tlrenr n'ith tlrc ricltes trf llis l,ife. itlle r.ich rvlro af0 exr:eptions takcs hiur l of thr: glcss in rnarr, anrl thrr glory of Ilis lrurnan rnotlrcr irle the s'r. I\IARY oN SATURDT\y. I scnse of responsibility, Jrrly 6 so thr:]"t'tl too bttsy scltttul tt'lt to gcl lxrt.lt into tltc alrove, but lrrtr' lo \\'olk fls lltotttos of tltis . ttrttclt ale wc ct'eatttt'cs of tirne 'llltcn lllan is intended to :;.': Tht lot'e of lSt,dettrplitttt anrl so lilnrl5'ar.t: colttmn. kiud ot phvsical, spiritrral or iu. to I)c rcil(liltg tltis rlolk (not disrlaining the It is all sururttt'rl ttp in lhc lcft'nin tltc Iin- in work of rvc anchorcd it, that tlrc litrrr,gy trcvcr tilc's ol t1ct.e art'tlrg tcrcna(ct's in tlto tellecttral shupt., to cornor.l: lris "Wc thiil Ilils to ltc rlone around the ,ti" : lle carrsr, sirr hirs cnl,n o(l itrto tlrt u'or'kl, ultsu{tittg tltc tnrttcr: ll.u-rntt: (t'cct you, ltrtly Ilotlte t', for you irnprcssing tts n'itlt oul ctclurl or.ilin in (lorl's \'ott'tl sunlnlcl' Ihrll irrto u'intol l:rnrill'. \Vltitt lltrtul tltcttll) urrrsclc. Illuse), to get : 'l1lay into as fine spirit. ;- , tlivino plan arrrl placing a)r irtrl!nlrtion torvalrls cvil in rvouutlctl havc givt,rt billh lo tltc -!iirtg rvlto is Lot'rl of ltcavctt rvill antl our etclttal destiny (l'irst llttr onct'gy Sorttctitnt's, in firct, llrt's*itch Ilt'adilg). thinli lhat tiith all is tull. phl'sical arrrl intellectual i.:r, ltuntan natLtlc. saclificc hls boconrc inltct'cnt itt tovc. and calth fot' cvut' antl cvct'." Atrtl as allays rvhen this Okl I'estantcnt lifc itttrl vigot' thcl' ltatc, itupossiblt'. ',. lcsson is applic

By JAMES W, ARNOLD positivc plcasttt'c that ought io bc its ainr is, [o t'cpot't It'tttlt olrjoc' it. Iltlt ill {'ncoill'ilgo(l,- tivcly, ttol. to su'cotctl "llontlo" i fitct, nrost sltots strtrltl cltosclt fot' ilnrri,:t:i,t, is largelY In thc aftelnrlott, Popc Plul, in his lirsl, l,rip outsitle the Vatican of linte, tlesPite a ferv tlrcit' shock valuc. evctl lo sltov- rvaslc as pope, visitert ailing Cardinal Enrique l'la y Dcniel, r\rchl;ishop flaslrts ol rvit, slralp lthotograplty, ing thc ticu,er"s nosr: irtto it [o of lL'ok:rlo. , nt tlte Spanish College in llonre's Via $an Apol- antl ottc of tltose calr:lry llttt'opcittt insurc tltat it istr't tttissed. r\nrl linilr'e, rnrrsical scoLcs, Its advcrtising Iralrlll' :r sccn(, l)3sses rvithorrt jt "La "olljcctivc" by shreu'tl11' cotlU)itres to ctlitolializing f[e also t'isite

TAKtr;A I}REAK Youl turn to enteltain the clull for lunch? One carn't eat this . . . one tlocsn't likc that . . you don't know what to sel'vc? Le[ Laughner,t rlo ilre work {or you. 'I taul ' MAny t. rrowil zJ,-ss. Fcler anrl ltoly Cross CenrelerY. Each pclsun can selcct favot'ite foods frorn a mcnu fdl"n(!rrl, Jutrc ?l | .MARI[ 00nAN. /9, orrr Lr'lv of lotrr(lft (ro\r complcte lrom soup to rniuts. llvcrything at Lough- (lrurrlr Jilil'. ,,f. lldlV Ccrrrolrlv. Sutvivors: (t,lu(thlcr!, tlirnir.lll Borvcrs, Cdtll' Now every can crino Morril; son, Joho f.0of,1lr, ner'J is lnzlde fresh daily in our own 'f Opinions 'Churclr,6tRrRUor r. riiridin, 58, sr. Ju(h't ol Falls GltY Junr: ?,1. Sl. Jogeplr Conlolety kitchens, in small rluantitics to insure Sufvivorsr nrolh0r, Ilirdb0lh GU0i sasl0r. (Continued flonr pa!.{r' 4) 0orolhy (he0r.yi brollrcr,0tis i!1, Guc. Beer carries (prality, Conre r:lr-'an, l,'ather', anrl lcl rrs ihc fincst Call us with the nurn- (hrrrch, yott t l0StPll f*ltOff, rlf.--St. l,lirhlcl's opener knorv rvltat rt'irlly alc! Jurlc 25. Sl, Jortplt (crnrletv, Srrrvivolll ils own l:el of your grorrp, zrnrl I didn't kttorv ]'lrc Critcrion rvus Joreph li., John W,; si!ter, MdrY OkcY, wc'll have a righi on the lld. absolutely requirerl rcarling in JEftlR30t{vltl,t tallle just 't rcsclved for you. the arclttliocese. It has lrt'cu JtsSI tl. llAilGIn, 47, 5l' Au!t,!lirrt's (hurth. ,utt0 20, Calvory Corr'4l0ry' Jusi snaP lhe rurgctl on tts, llttt not, to my knou'l First blessing yotr'll enloy Ioui5ville. Survivorsr wifa, Gootqini nrolll!r, lJ Joa point gutt, l'1rt. lr0ile Honqer, soil, Willlanl l.; dduqhllr, etlge, at the of n NC) VATICAN CITY*( Radio, 5.tnd(0 l.cci 5itler, ilrs, Roberl J' L,rrluill. top-lhen enfoy It nright not bc such a brrl *Hls Hollness Pope Paul Vl sr. Auquslin?'t barlly his first t srt[rA ranxrx,-'oi, Pasleurized, senl firsl feleEram and ChUrclr, Jur0 2.1. Survivors: d0ughtc., M.s. influ- blessing lo his brotherg Ludo- f.tJ.iorir f,tiuk, of letfcrsonvillc; 5ont, l{drly WhereFine Food ls Iee, ol (l,rr5ville; willidm f., of Frt!no, Bitter-f ree Falls vico and Francesco and their (dliforni.r. families. "To City Beer. Our very dear Ludovico A Family St. Tradition of and Francesco, and fo your cither I familles, in revered memory of rnd our deparled ones who laughl 5ll5 E. l0ih Slreet us and lovc for STEER.INRESTAURANT failh in Chrisf 8515Westfield Blvd. the Church, lha firsf ol lhe tht Aposlolic blessings of your mosi caMERr0ct cltY tl30 E. l0th Strcel Sp 1 IfAnl A HUMIG, 63, Sr. tlirrhrlh's ?038W. Morris St. rffeclionrte brolher, loday, (hu..h, Junt 21. Survivorsr hutblntl, John; (lir.lhl0r!. i [11s, I'rt lhrough divine design. l,trs lrarcis 0uch, dnd (L liir.!ird Slu{iy, lrollr ol Iantbrriilc (ilYj ilrs. lolh lf, CrtrfilitClotrd or Wrd,) ,,pope paul Jcnn A. Ilcss V1,,, i'/rlliarr Itrrk, Ievillorvrt, I'n.; sislcr!, llrs, fyd Schmidt, of St. falrrr, lnd.; fi1rs. tlh?l Jeffersonville, Ind. 8r??.!, of 0ublln. PAGE TEN THE CR|TER|ON, JUNE 29,1953

FARMER'S AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE *llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll VIEW ililnulluuuunllnlrr,.nltl! .ll r.ot.otrclion

W.\SIllN(;'l'ON - Itart War.r.cn Richnronclwill be host = eonservalion = Chief Justice of the Unitcrl States, = anrl Scn. llilFuneral Our Sheetslns. Asency i @ *- Ambulance Service -'- Home" ll- Adaerlisers 74? Main st' Fh' 386 TELL CITY, IND. ?16E, Pike St, Dl 2-3348 | ,rookvirh, tnd. KI 7.25tI

{lhic;kcn& Bccf L)innt' t's S(' t'\i()c[ Dinnors Sundqy r II r\.\l,[o 2 P.1\'|. Adults$loo & (hildren50' Scrvcrl frlrnily-Slyle 1963(hevy Bel-Air St. Anthony,lndiono 900lb. (orn'Fed Steer and40 OtherPrizes 6ivenAway On State Road64 (18 Miles from 5t. Meinrad) ($3300Total V.'rlue) THE CRfTERtON, JUNE 28, f963 PAGE ELEVEN

Ovr:rsoas aful Pilgrintage slated T'hirrl Or:tlcr slates IIUIINSTER, Cermany-Dluen. stcr's Young Christian lVorkers to Csnaela shrinery Day of llccollection carned 93,000 for aid to rvorkers iu .r\lrica and by sellinl flollrrs. Last year, thl lNl-)IANI\POLIS *-'l'hc annual trh.rcnster group collected $20,000 l);ry of llecollcction for urcnrbcrs lor the sanle purpos{) by iollect. 'Iltirrl oI tlre Orrlcr of St. ]rr.ancis ing scralr aurl their flientls tvill bc hclt[ at Alvcrna llctrcat llousc SirturtlaS', SUMMER SPECIAL July ti. A ltus rrill lcavc fronr liac- red Ile;rr[ (]hrrlelr nt g a.nr. and Children's Training rrill stop at thc trlonunrcnt Circlc Class at t]: 15 a.m. I'hosc attt:ntlirrg trre leqtrcstetl to brilg tlrcir orvn santhr,ichcs. TrainYour Dog lleleragcs lntl rlcssert- tvill be Our Silver Anniverrary plovirlcrl. r\rltlitional infonuation 25 Years ConlinuourTrrlirinS nuty be obtaint'rl by calling ilIr-s, I ndianapolis Obedience Jcan Kirsclr, \VA 5-34?1. Training €lub I,ITTiBEROF A,,nERt(ANKENllEt Ctu8 lndianapolisParish Shoppitg List OLOES'CLUII OF IIS KINO IN CENIRAL O O IH0rAilA Beginner's Closs, Mondry

i- E ffi Iulylst,

d^f BELI 8 P.llll. ) \ nutrig"iartn co. r-: sal?r rnd strYrtr

y/o llnvo Fictory lraired Iechnicians To SttYc YorJ In Yout Honre, 2d Hour Se.vice' 903 Virginir AYe, PARKWAYPIZZA t\.)it!i:r! rl Sr,'.]ll CIlnrq.: ''Ihc In5tic5t PIIZA tvatl" 5l l4 E. Michigan Sl. - FL 7-r586 @ {t'r:rrlrii S!'r. 0urtnrJ Surilrnrrri - Furnaces - Air Conditioning @&ISSIFTEDADg@ 24 Hr. S.rviec SOUTHPORT HEATING & cooLtNG, tNc. ,_,.- 2619 lhelby tt., Indplr.'NtrE$i 3, tr( -otflcr: sr ,.east ru t.l50z -ffi w Wolfe Shell Service Station

SHOP.RI'E 51Af'l'5 fottillt?t?"5IoP & sH0P'' SERVICE 4401 E. New York 5HELt. I .) * i}i,., [Jdrty /. i,l. lo t? li,ri Nirf i Indf!etrdenlly 0wtcd drd Optiratdd

W -l HlMfvtEL'S JOHANTGEN'S SHERIDANcr-rtrI'lnn^l GARAGE /:n')At.]r: i i FURE OiL RURAL PHARMACY ,tiHttAt I\illi tt.l'AlF .rr,o Atll(ll,lAtt( I 6R€I {)Er,tvDtY 'lull l Mi(hitfti Mt. ?'1t06 @ a PnscrinlionJa WALKER'S q@SHELL SERVI{E I 'ACK MATHEWSE. : i I.V RnDrO Ht.ft tt Sttk€0 I i /le Slvr !otr 0ollnrJbv lartr:r; 5r:rvicr t t{At)t0 DtsPAlcflE0 t ldrrrrbrr l.l I A. ffi * lt r.5555 4r30 E. loth * REALESTATE Soulhlown Vacuum S.rles ,1621l Aa\l Irnth 5lrcit and Service FL r.A:l't, ar.rlHoRut0H00vrR )tRvl(l ffi oenlir All l"lakes Vrcuum (lcanan '",. LEON'STV O l'rcli-uO rnd Deliv{r'r O 1?ll I ..ftlh HUEBNER'S -2 ltlltrrl 0penHouse Sun. to 5 SHELLSERVICE RAY Ross JNUIU TF.XACO FUEL OIL ,.J-L. !-.I' 5674 WashingtonBlvd. '5cr!rnrt qry Servlce ths Iatl5idl Standard Delrrxe 4-Eeclroorrr Horrre wifh 2Vr Ceramic Tiled Bathe lrJ Fony'leats" Orer Complete Rerlly Servitel ALCIr50Rlft O lllts a 0Arrllllt5 '\ll ('r ill('r' ltltll l\ ll(llltr' \\ llll t'\ll'll llrt qc liviltg roont' sRAkt stnvlct liIit.li lr(' Larmondsl. & ChurchmdnAye. tl 4.002t Joseph M. Zinkan .,li,l,t'utc lli..tr, tlirrrrrq lirillu, ir1(l sr,l)il ittc lrrt'ltlifitst t'Ottttt rvitlt lrriitl irr r'll'rilr,'t.. .\ll ulrlls itl'(' (:illl\its (:()\'ert:(l &lld i,frlritt: itr 'l'hr, MARGARETEVANS CO. ir,lll i,, rr;rll t.:rr|'t'irrr:1. lirlt'lrr,rrlr:rs ttltigt'titti)r. olt'cllic itrir't'. lrrrrl cr,lrttict: ;rll \ttill-itt. l'lrltit l;tl'gt' lrlt'rl fitntill' t'ootn E $rllr lrrrilt rrr lIrr'. siillt{' t{)t}llt ("}ltll}l{!t('l}' ltttttisltt'tl itt rvoltul' . . (.lti,.lt)il1lulrilluIr'. illl(l t'sllil llits st0t{'illl(t l'('ll'itl('l'iltof. ,\ll CHURCI"Is(HOOI.. IIORIIE TUIAINTENANCE rllirpr"tt's ilu \ltlt tltt: lltttt.t'. - - - :\luslr'r'lrr'tlr'otrttttillt ltt'o litt:lt't'l(ri('ls, ttcrt'tvall'to-n'all.carpet' Contraclors Suppliers Electricians Carpenters BUYINGor SELLING iii*. ,,rt,t itrli.ittittrl lrtttlll'(xllll \\'illl lltlil{ itt tl't'ssirtg tit6lc, .t'itb- llts rllrlli.itr t.lostt. rt'itll-to- - iir,li.. trrr,l sli,r*t,r'. lit't,,rrrl lrt'rlr.orllll 'l'ltirrl Plumbers Plaster Painters..-. Fencing Real Eslate iii,,il ,.",y,,,t,,',.1,trn,l il(l.tr)iningt't,r'iurrit' lrirlh. lrttlt'otrttt lt;ts lrt,t'tt ttt'rt'l]'(loc()l'ltl('(l il.ll(l CALL ,rl,,ii, i" ,ill c,jrltrt.lrrrr,rl t,hrst'l lntl lrlr lr'lr,l irriioirrs birlh, l''ilttt'tll ltt'tltot)llt \\'itll litt'iit' t'lrrscl sltitct', ulso (."o, JOSEPH H. C

,t looru t{rlt ,'xilowN , Altlcr Ptnhh tot QuAuTY" , ad. orrtlail, ' Plutrrblnt. BO.KA FLORIST lur naccr, (:rti{?.. cu! frowtRt. PraNrt, rt0nAt AttAil0tMrilt$ D llonrt lron r00K l t0 lt. xsth E|ft PrtnriDtr - f ta. ralt ''"'^TiX8" h!r{ g 6,>*;t fX A Gr.r, F-hf 'i'.t, n-o + FL €xcAVATroNs -{l a = I' ROADOILING F. S. GRADY I\rtronize ()ur Cr:iterion & SONS,Inc. 915 S. Somersel CH {"3343 tliluertisers (P.O. Box 21004, W.l. Slation) Advcrtising Look at them all, W t)ut tltfY lil llr€ ona arlt wllale You and reLr |,,ililV wrll b6 ltdt'trlfSl Ol dll

Madison Ave. - Stop l0 Rd' $AVEAT $UTHERTAND Ahvays futtr last CEMENT. Porlland, sack...... ,,...SI.30 ,l 5f . {-)uru C!-fAlN LINK FENCE , lZ',, lO0 tineat fr. ..921,95 rl lriendlystl,ufilPtlnT's lif, ALUMINUM COMB. DOORS, 32x80, ea. ...$19,95 '- a, .^ t^- .tt PLASTERBOARD, r,h,,4x8 sheel ....11,38 J9MAro STAKES. 6 fr, . . ,.,t .12 Wf NDOWS, wood, 24x24 2 lite unirs . . ,,$13.89 Pays l.AliG[ 5flt](lll0N tH SrOCKAilt) !,tiltFf, /n_LOR0tf{(;ty FIRSTBLDG. coRP' PAINT, Outside White (Top . ..,. . ,.,... .t4,gs i- J O"o^frWide euality;, sal, ... if trlo s' RICHLAND p.m. SUTHERLANDLUMBER CO. | | Lr 6.5e72atter I fUcker l'5583 | | .t Eerjtoor'r,,si;l t\'r .0rrlr'r'.l l I A. IIIIBIift'r I5OOKENTUCKY AVE. ME 9.2345 - Plbg. & rlealrrrg Lonf raclor lGene Leax Keafly, rnc. | Opcn Mondoy thru Friday I A.M. to 9 P.M.; 715 E. Soufhern Avo. 'l'l Saturday I A.M. to 5 P.M. ,,,,,* lE .,lDvult'l'lsuRs 5r 6_t083 ll _ I lrr{l'ltt)Ntzli t ;g PAGE TWELVE THE CRITERTON,JUNE 28, 1963 li :l NI'III POPE'S PLET)GES 't, 'Status '.t iluo i,l'${rhri'il-,*':i::l i: First audiences given on race hir nrlliix1#;lkt.til',{;rli' BA'I'ON ROUGE, La.-Ilishop 'Iracy Robert E. lras callcd on Catholics hcre to mRke thc "status r1uo" on the racial r1ues. "a to ,diplomats tion relic of thc past." 'Ihc question of racial justice, thc llishop of llaton ltouge saitl, ('l'l'\'-l o[ tlrc plactical tliil'icultics of "touches \';\'l'l(';\N lis I loli- upon thc rights of pcr. satisff ing tlrcur and oll the {ormitl. rrt'ssl'opc I'uttl Vl Irirsirgirirr sons antl thelefolc on nror.ality al;lc tlucstions clcatcrl I'ol pas. l)r'onlisrt(l t0 r|oIli for' lreace antl religion rvhich grral'flntees toral l;l' au(l illso toltl tltirt tltt: action thc cosmopolitan such rights." 1rt'icsts chalactcl of llrc citl', its cxpln- rrrotlcrrrrvor'ltl lrtrs lnol'(! l)cc(l In a pastoral lcttcl tlrc Bishop siott atttl thr: invasion of all cttr- "at nrissiolt said that thc healt of lhe Iot'lltcir tlriln arr.y rcnts of nrorklltt r:ttlttlLe attd rvholc matter ol racial adiustnrcnt plcvious agc. nrola ls. Ilrat our courmunity is facing is Ilopr. I)arrl spolil' 1,' riilrlotuats "lt lhe unlcasonablc is fo lhese fhrt We rnd ' antl',nrcalistic aet'r'r'tlitcrltu llrc ll,ri1 Scr arrrl HtAn l[t attitutlc of sontc clenrents rvho f|tw lltc ol llotrrct,luttc 3.l t itt you must devote our very firsl l{intrt Srinrt llaslot's rlespcrntely tlesire to nraintain n lltr' Iil'si ulticiul :rrrtlietttts ol his a llention. 'sl atus tluo' rvhir:h eve fl'onc WinterSpinet r'f lgll, "otrl Pianos suiouln irr llilan as Arch. knorvs sinrplS' cannot be main- "t{ith lhrt Grrnd tonc,. Spt,akittg lo llrl tlipkrrrr;rls.I'ope llislrop of tha{ cit.y prepalcrl Us tainerl." "Such attl plr,rlgt,rl lo ('{}nlilru{r st'r.liin:l pastolal MARION MUSIC "\\rc ftrt' tltis conrpalisott of extlcrnists," he arltlerl. CO. '{)n pillit THE POPE cottlinut'rl: "u'orrltl I08 S. ?ENilSYTYANIA )carc(' lhr. loLrr ls ol tlrc saclerl rninistr'.y rvitlt tlrc givc glorrnrl to impr.or,ctl krrtnl thc lcli(ioits lilir ol lloute rtrtlt, itrslitr'. l.rrr ;rnrl libolr'." trtost chirrlctclistic erpression of cir,il riglrts l'or. Negroes only altcl \\'r: spent il,l Ir: rt'flrrr.'rl to I'o1tc,lohn XXlll's Iailll, u'cll sincc lrrorlern lifc. Wc t:annot re- the uglicst possible fight." of Ottt' pt'icstltttotl ltet'tt, and tt'ilcc crtr:1.t'licll. I'accrrr irr'l'r'r'- ,r't'lrls call tlris peliotl o[ Oul humblc llishop Tracy cautionetl, lrorv- o{' sincc We kncu' hct'c nrost rvut'tlty " ts. irntl rl I't,ssr',i 1ltt. r'esPt't'I r:xistcncc rvithout tlranking (iotl cvcr.. tlrat rvc cannot cxt)ect [o peoplc. piotts holy Itc IIoll St'c lirr itll nltions. anrl rlcar' nrost lirr lraving tlainctl Us for' the tlia. e.rtinArrislt ilrstnnttneorrsl), po\1,0r- plact,s rntl llatlitions so t'iclt in Ilo gt't,t,1crl :rttrrin,,1lltt' rlrplo- krgtrc u'ith thc protagonists ol thc frrl enrotions ol cast into oblivion. "lt rlgal slrlcttrlol anrl pollttlat' sin- lr) talic t:otps ir,tttlll luct,s rllticlr " tnorlclu rvolltl: scientists. altists. a u'otd, tlarlitions of lonq hrirtg Ilar:k rloat nrerrrolics" ol t't'r'rl1'. intlustt'ialists. busincssmcn and sta rrrling. "Evef.vone st'r'r'icr, irt lhc I'agral St,r:retalial l'opc I'artl arkicrl: lltc rvulkirrg rrurn, rvho rs lising as locogrizes this-thc "lJrrl \1'c ale :rlso au'at'c o[ the a giartt btrt is still sontetimcs courts, thc rlefcnde'r of the Ncgro, rrt,rv lt'ligious nt:crls o1 [ltc city, sltorlsightctl anrl I'cstlcss." evcn thc Negr.o hinrsell'. But this sltoultl offel no lral to tlrc slearl1,, ploglessive rn:rr.ch to litll justicc, "Lct ,status us nrakc of tlre oltl ;,^";;; Prouiclencenut'ts tluo' a le'lic of the past antl rnovc "PROBABLY no agc ltut llrc lrlcst'nt, eilhcl by naturo or by openSLIITTINCTSCSSiOTT nteditatcrl intcntion. has bccn so Itislot'ir:allj' alion antl contl'lr]' to the 1>r'icstlrootl anrl i{s lcligious s'l'. .\1..\li\'()1.' .'l'tll.j, \\'()ol)S, l'ioslll altt'nrlcrl llrc l')r:rtnrenir:al "Al nlissi0n," lrc saitl. llrc sanrc --- "llurrrt't'orrrinil't (lorrncil lrrrl. rlal' lrrr' in ltorrrr last fall irr arr tinre, tto agc bul ouls has shos'n Sirlt't's ol ronlr' l.(l{}{l l)ttrt'irlcttce oll'ir:ial c;rpacitl' as erpct't and itst'lI so ncedlul, and, \Vc shoultl rulrr rrill slrt'ttrl llrt, srrnrrrrcf hclc c(,nsttlta nt. s:rl . r)l()r'rr strsccpt iblt'-opotrittg THE ;rl tlrr, rrrolht,r'lrorr.;r'll (lottt- CATHOLIC tht, KNIGHTS 'l'rres. :l i.ll'('al lrope betirlc rrs. as it rveLc rrrtttill' rras hclrl tltis TWO NEW FACULTY r)lcnr. lrasl --to lht' ptrstulal assislant:e ol .l;t). lrt't's ol llro collugt' u'ill sllcak ott artrl zcalorrs pliests. '1'1,6' lhr:ir' pallicrrl:u' itlcas of special- 11oorl 111;1.ioiil1ol llrr' ;1r'orr1rr.t'g, "Not. iz;rlion. Sisl.r'r' i\lexa, I'h.l).. ls. inrlt'cd. \1'e hastcrr lo arltl, isltlr:tl lirr classls orr \1 r'rlnt'srlay srstlnl pLolcssol of leIii{iotr.s thaI tht: laitl', ()trr lcli'tlc'al antl al St. llalr'-ol-lltr, l\.oorls Collcge. "ke.v 'l'ltc crlrrt'ation, rlist'rrssing corr. tttost (lathulir: Of ANAERICA u'olth.t' luil1, is strrnnrll sr,ssirrn llrt'r'c. rrrtrlt,t " r.'t,pts ol' tht Ilillk', rvill lt'ctulc sttltct'flrtotts itr Ilrt: glrat an(l conl- St, Louis, Mo. tlrc tlilccturrr rrl Slstcr llar'1' "'l'hc on Htbt'aic ltlca rrl llan" nl()ll ('lforl rylri<:lr slriIr.s [{} ntillie .loan, S.l'.. tlilt'ctor of o(lrtcati(ln rtntl''llctribtttion anrl lnrnrollal- Cltt'isl lire itr tlru rvorlrl. Ilrrt \Vc lirl thc ('ornrrttrnilr'. is lt'st'r.r'ctl ity.".lttl.r 3 artrl 12, r'cspcr:tivcly. bolitr r. sirrrplr'. tlr;rt tlri.s arrcicnI lor lltt Sistt,r's. offers 'l'ht,v Sislt'r' i\larian. I,lr.l)., assislanl. anrl rcnt'r'ablc institution ol lhc havc a r.lroicc nl 87 prrrfcssul of philosoplrr.. u'ill pnli.slr lra.s an iltrlisyrcnslrble nris. r,lasst's in )e1'('t'itl )uh.,ccl ut'('ils: "'l'lrc spt:ak orr \\'hat an