

THE CRITERION, JUNE ?8, I963 PAGE THRES - SupremeCourt decision Help t'or aging - Cotugo Ar home ::31:r""::-T,.ll:..^l: l.l:: ll^".111",.^11.1groups ha\,e brought:.:l'J...111"..,:.'.'li*i?ll' aboul Ihtr "thr.otrgh improvement conlol'- cnces ancl an cxchangc ol in{or'- " nration. Abroad I LONDON-]'he luling l,abor' I'arty in Australia rvill not butlgc ft'ortt its opposition to g.rveln- nrent aid to Catholic antl othcr' privatc schools, thc ptlty's lcatlcr. has rleclaletl hcrc. Arthur' (.lal- well insisted that sialc glants lo non.public schools are not. pos- sible undel the plesent. Cornrnon. wcalth eonstitution. Cnln'el[. rvho is a Catholic, said thal. clenton- stlations by Catholic pa|cnts agaittst the govet'nmcnt's policl'. Office of Education here, de- f \ rvhich inclrrtlctl ntass tt'attsfcls ol scribed lhe school siluation ar , I "dismal." stttdents fronr Catholic to public The strike involves I I "no schools, rvoukl have lusting 37,500 leachers and rffecls | ^ - ^ | c[[cct''intlrosc[rooldisettssit.rtrs'morelhanami||ionpupi|s.i}fl-l o\%u,j*tAMOUNT TO BETREPAIoBE REPAIO ovERlOVER I I sAN'ro DotttN(;o. Dotttitticurt ; l-1 I YOU Fro |lr,lrrrlrlit,-|l|irslltrt.a..;i:i;l';;i#|eohi-ow|ro-o".|romoo,|z|mos.|!BORROW 36m 30 moo. 2l mos. li.:;',lllill:,:i':lt:i';',llli.'li:|.llll|isll!llJr/ohffil$ 600 29.00 000 40,00 48.3i1 lilll;\,:]l:'T;ll.'i]l.ll,.:lli:1"iil,jliitT'rUlH"fA1500 $51.66 60.00 72.50 rclij.tion u,ilI cvcntuaIlv disappenr'. go.rr irr,r,olrtirritlo narlio liarnrrn.'ne- | N V I 2500 I 86.11lr00.OolrZO.$lt00.00 120.8i1 ! liiuill,,,)J,',\,,1l,iilii.#,,ll"il,,ll,l: R/ s f-l;;;;;-AMouHrs(OTHER AMOUNTS rv,ArlrsLerAVAILAELE) I i NX r^iLri.c11,rc!.rd.drrioarnl.\lufarblrofclova.c6s. rtr rrt w rior.i lfOnt ftltiClt it t.iSeS. ff,lfiClf ;:iVe it t I ot'igin atttl sustain i{." hc saitl. i f f (iljoti(ill't'owN. lllitish (irri- | c'()l.ne in and lf Of|.Clut I "hapPy 0 s,\r.oN- ,r,r'orrt-rv rrisrr.l,s lil;],,*lll,'i.il li,il'i','."1i.'','il;i,,Jii I some moneyl" i appoittlcd b1'tlrt: latc I'o1rtr,lohn u ,iusl stt'ilic lt!' thc Cittltolic I oN SECONDLt.S. r'oIJR ,1";?ili"'3"i,;,,i'X,i'1l,,ll*]iiilil'-'il-,-":iilJ";"'lii'lifl,.l;,:: 'l\h(' : IIIII lor rlioccscs in coninrurtist- Stattrlar'<l nc\l spapor. papot' : . I I\ewr\T' - ropeD. .- \visited ND in 1950 ll*l:i$'',",.ilil'l'*'{r-twiil'ilJ,{itlri iiill]:iri:riri:::*i[l:li]$:i r . ;1"i"^l,,,lll-li1l,li rrccrl----,': {irrrtls,1lloP | irr lt tlrc-.;- orrc ucafest you . I ('{.)\'et'c(lsov('t'al thotlsand Inllus, inqton, sl. Louis, l)envol" (lhl. ct'tttcls lrls lallcn off l'ollurvinlt irr West Gernran Presidcnl | . "ycsltt:;;----l-.-'-' irrrtl trs it t ltltttcc to say' I ntuclt of it by atrtonrobile. Ilis c.go, I'itts5ur.g1. Nurv Yoyk antl the stopping of a plonrotion (:lnl, Heinrich Luebke's residence 1 iiirc pxign qo\ ' I rrrrrlrrrrrrlrnrlrrllrnrluunnmtmuurr! n\anylltany pointsDdhs iritt h{{\rccnht:t $'cen lhs.I Iloso rs (;.orq. tvnshilgton s [oNc sponsortd br lh. slil. herc. The n.w .orpt, ..ll!d th. I ItI nrrjof ritics. rrl lttrri;tl ph;{' ,,iat ilnrnrillounl vn..v{'f. (!lllllterlt.arnnrni. htIl tllollc [)f(]ll'lollr)n!.onniln]n crn'('alll Gain,n D.velopn.nt s.rvic., ind hilriit lllacc I a ln. \,A. l);ril{n. eillllassofs \\'('ltl alrrrill vil 'r'rrt, I rurrr'r,t,,1ro ars. r'isirr:rl;llIT,lii,*ll]:,,i:ii:],'lli:l l'1lll]l,i.,i: ',1',i* clates ,;'ilii:iil;,;.:";,il"\i;iil,:iiI'illi0ih;,:iliill:'li',i"J"l"il"'irill :1i"1',T'ii[ T::il i IIUEM i .^,i::r'1?.:"1ilj.'i":l.|jii1;i.]i:"lii;']i':;:ilr':;llii;i#jil.I1-':'"-"'l..T':;1ll,i:'llTi:|Ti:|;iIl],.iil;:iili',.:;::,'';il;:].'iiilll:lll].1'...$.l[ii.l,lillli.;'l'lll,illl.j''".lllli'':l.'ll..[:*:iffi! lll rope s career E }:ir Tt,'1,'T;:fl:,i,T;.{irii, ll;li:;i"",ill ,iii:i'iil -,'lli *," f \,,jNN,\_,h( ii,,na t=Ei3.nhow.rw.!honor.dbY|h.il{arf.eplnDrk|ttctrbad.|l}ARI'ss^L^r\Il'-'frn!rn'th.(]llho|ic,,."..,."'',]l..il..;i1\.Cj - ';ri,::*rr,r,-,tr*.u*:;l' ,i.i,ll,li,iiul'"'''g[d,":lbtilfi-ili-ilililiftjii{)r r'c Lnfrstr.rriri'""'".;lrir,xrflliiiril w re20,i\ra1, Ze--orcrainerr ;i,',r; ;r :i,i';liiil,J:iilll'i,,,11.f;i;l'?,lltii llll,.illtut.,"'')r'a ;:;,;;. b.v tlre ltlonsigttot'not to 1;ivu oll tllll lr.rD.'yor.li, llrc trt,rr,l,opc also FRoM WASHINGToN lrr: rvcnl hirtr this honot'. r.isilcrl Nurv ('5it:agit, ltls- 16 Sl. l,guis ils glcsl o[ r\r.rh [!54, Novcnrllel l-Nanrcd Alclt' torr. l,hilarlclnlriir arrrl \vaslrington. llislxrp { n{)w (:ar.rlinal) ,losr:Ph bisltop of i\lilan. Rittcr.. I,'r9r1 t|urt' lrc rvcrrt lrr rr53. f,cc(nil,$ ri Nnnrcd rn oN Hls FlRsT,rr,,,rh...lj* .nd frcil s$IDr Lsrk.to ('olltger ()a;:tlinals llll""r -, { I Saclcd of by I'ol)o ;tttl'acl('rl littlc attorttitrtt (llri.lru. u.lcrtt 1is lursl. r'as thc ''**ggP(r [lr,,rulll"ll',',*'*t,:* IT?,(1,m,flt{;u ,r'rcrrrlng ol slate #*{ji*i*lr*;tx5f"."- (.'ltit'ago' ffi_Ilt,,t*;;i.{$',1,:,,,1q;111*I'rrtttt lte rt'cttl Africa, r,isiting nrissio*s. to' g.t (rut a.rl sric tlia sigSts, to l)c- 'l'ttte )il;lt rrP rtl l)r'ltoil. fo.tltc l,t Pitrs XII. plpe. 6f (lanarliarrs iinrl ,irrt,tr.icatts. natttt'e -tr f,lloore,Kirk & Usher Annerql llcrrrrits t342r' r lrvington y.iili''"" bcfora DcghnlrA tris tJ.S. lrip on llc then $.tl to Ne\! yorh. tnot*l',i:r"orl"'' ffiffiAugust 2{. prcpNnhfy !j Foh( Ionrc, .nd o Northside 'out,-,t'r.1','h H. vr, !r..r.d.r n" wa- LYL,lll.l""'f o Lawrence tt' "-' w. pxi.a"rpl,iJ. .r,rrrrnr, rlr(rln srturl ar\ vYi riir,ri.i"p"i .l- -- - :llli']i,.:ni!,|,;ii:";i;,I,1,,1,;tl,ilil i Ontln ScplentberScple ntber' 9. lrc f lcu, I.o lle. ASKRENiTIONUMENT C0. |att<|onlrisrvayhacktoIlontc.Grt:ckskncwt|tati|yotrtlrlvtl|opcdatloclc|it]gaCqttaintattcetvitltMorpltctts*11ot|r fall aslccp... brrl rl yorr'rrrtrrnerl to the ARI- tioUIRTS Sl"lOWyott won't rl;1rr:, ., yott ntigltt nriss 1107E. Wrshinglon St. Indirnrpolir "DIS'ilNC'I'IVE sontetlting! lalir,'thr:r:rlrr,r tor the trr:xts()von cl.'lys,.. sltake tlte tttorttittllblLit:s... attclwake tt1: ClEit E't,ttn y 1\TEI\IORIAI,SSINCI' If,35." Itappy witlr tlrc Atll' ROL1trRl'SSl-lOW! CurtomD.ricn.d in Our Own Shol (rrdil lrrmr . sht. t{ldr 0eliviry - Caff FL 7-7629- lle kllt tho r:orrn{.t.\,on ,lulle l{l 950 ON VOUR DIAL wherethereb life...therebBud. lo visiI iilazii llcforr: I ctirlninr Io i\lilan. ' N D I A N A Al Notrr: l);rrnc. he tvas thc I N D I A N A P O L I S I r:cltrll'arrt of llrt' bncr:alarrr.ealc r\lass fol thc t0(i0 gr.atlunlcs of lltc trnivolsif.y irr addi{ion to llr.inA honolctl rvitlr a dcgrec, Pope's blessing Tho Finqrt ln Aluminum Products . VENTILATED ALUMINUM AWNINGS . STORI WINOOWSand DOORS O ALUMINUM SIOINC O ALUMINUM GUTTER,S rnd DOWNSPOUTS ffE-e'tVEfrTSales & Service "Wlwre !;:?;":t You, Alwags Buy With Contideu:c,' I"ranktli'.*J'u casev 3447 Shelby 5t. ,,,,,Run ST 4-445g |il||Ull|||||I||||||lt||||||lr|||[|r||||Iil||||il||||ilt|||m||ilr THE CR|TER|ON,JUNE 28,1963 PAGE FIVE O TH1I YARNST'ICK . WHAT OF THE DAY Unionsmust rotect AssessingPope Paul VI By REV. JOHN DORAN I ,ights,f ull WOI'KCTS i i ()ritr of thtr irr lhr.il cliticistrt of ot gitrrirt'rl By MSGR.GEORGE HIGGINS lppt'oach is that 1 ' l'hlndclplria chaptcl of tltc Na" lalxrr"s rrnsatisfactrlly t'ccolrl itt i.: tiorral r\ssociatiott for thtl Ad' thc fickl ol ltct, r'elaiions. i lilncelncnt of (-'ol,rrtltl I'cople, .i let'cnt 1"1' tht'e rv il tllass u'lrich Iu this conncction, I 'woukl rvat'tt :, pickct Iinc at'ottnrl a lJedcrally lguinst llrc illlncy oI nr'llriinq-- i IinanCttl cgnstr.lt:tipn p t'o j e C { :ls sollle of lalrot"s ct'itics <lo-- ;" Gir.e .$6.1|urillion Negt'rt It'ottt wlticlt .i{)tlrno}'nlon lhat lncial disctiminatiort in ttrt-: wcrc hting s,r'stclttatir:;tlly ox- ions is rlttc almost cxclusivcly to I c ltttl r,tl. ' thc st-'lfishncss of so-callcrl labor ::. to Lntin r\nrerit:n 't'lris : rh'utuatic prtttt'st ll)' otte bosses antl that il rvottkl bc :,"' : (ielrnanl'-'fhc ol tlr(' rrtrrsl tt'spottsilllt' oIgnttizn- tlrrickll' clirrrinalcd if thc lank. :, COLO(;NIt. (ior'. ('orttntission tions in llrc fiell of itttt:t't'itcial :rttrl,file lratl ll5'thittg to sa1' abou[ : lr)all Ilisltops' l'ol .irrstice bt'ottgltt at lcltst tokcn t't" it. Lalin '\ntct'iru llrs :rpplort'tl tlis- .sul{s. .\ feu' tltrali[it'd Ncgt'o 'lhis tribulion of $ti.88!.{.t2 1o ti{t0 plo- arllulllcnt croppcd u0,l rnrllsrr.rt,tt rvet'e pttt to tt'ork iut' ..,.,.

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