Report Orthodox Patriarch to Meet with Pope Paul VI

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Report Orthodox Patriarch to Meet with Pope Paul VI | :.:'i Ut; ? ti iiiri3 r,Kr€r€{gr.€{€t€l€t€w SrFiFllrH*ili$'tlilrlt$Sr3{Bt$H #iip{Bi$'{Fr$t}t$'rFt}t$;Srhh$$thbr$r}iIxr}bFdFii}dbd ReportOrthodox Patriarch to meetwith PopePaul VI ; duringvisit to Holy Land Il i stot' i c ertcoLt ttte r irr,500 yeur,r; Jfirst; VA'l'l(li\N ('l'l'\'- l,'()sscLvirlorc ltomano, Vuticau (lity lN NATIVITY TABLEAU*Marian Callege senior Judy Dill of Brownitown, Ind., porlraycd lhc rola rl:til.v, plintttl on its l't'ortt ltitgc (l)cc. l8) a stot'.\, ft'ottr of lhe Blessed Virgin in lhe annual Christmrs prgeenl yerterdey rt thc college. Two-monih.old Ed. I)urrtasr:rrs,S)'r'iu, stalirrg lhat Orthotlox I)atri:rrch Alhcnit- ward S, Bussing, Jr,, son of Mr, and Mrs, Edward S, Burring of Sl. Chrirtopher'r prrirh, lndianrp. golas of t'onstrrnlirroplc rvottltl nttret, l'ope ['attl Vl dttt'itt11 olis, was lhe Christ Child. (3taff photo by Paul G. Fox) his .llurrar'.1' .l lo (i r-isit. to tlrr,' Iloly t,ttrttl. 'l'lrc I)rrtr.tlrst'rrsslolv rvits basctl on :lll unuounccmcnt by 'l'hcotlossirrs lllrlrinrclr \tl ol' lhc lilsl.cln Orthodox (lhulch PIun telecast0f t'rfi0 'l'ltc of Arrlioclr anrl lhrr l,lrtlirr l,llt,st. ttrcctittg wurrkl llc llre Iilst cntrorrrrlt.r'lletuct.rr ir Ikrtnatt pottliff atxI tlrc sllit'itrritl 'L'lrc lcirrlcl o[ ()r'tlrorlox)' in tttr)r'r'lltirtt Iive t:rttttttritrs. l);r- MIir'l tt ight Mu,r'.$cs' nluscus tlislrltt'lr sltitl lltc trtceliitJJ rvus cxltt:ctetl to tlirtr L-./ 'l'ryo 'l'ltt' plirr:c irr .fclrrslrlcnr. ]l ulnillrt ]litsst'.s rvill lrc Sclt,rh Cattloltttn of lltc vol. tv, No. r? {r,}r,r'rsrrl ftotit lhr: ltulittnnlurlis Catlrrttlral. {lll.ecto(l 5r, Ilrtnrrto lr'('il {}lt ('hlislrrlrs I,lvc fot' t}tc I,neini, rvill pr..t.irle ll,n nr,r.ic, lit'l tttrrt"l't'lrvision nrrfltr)r' rvill lre wil- 'l'lrr, ll';rrliliotril sr,r'vit't's in liS, lirtnt S. Saltnt, l'r'lcr' ;rrrrl l';rrrl (':tlltt'rllrrl, rvillt Scltttltc rvill offcr r r\r'r,lrlrislrop sclrrrltc 1,,'r,rili,,g ,,t. ,.ArcJtliislrnlt ]'otrtificrrl ,\l*ss in llro (-'ltltorir';il l5r, lllroll(,, rvill 5c ,,,i,,i" n,, ll'lt,r at 1l a trr' (lltt'isttttas l)ay' l\'ljlltl'l'V, {'hilrltl{'l $' sttb' ir,ct of i\r'chbishop Sclurlte's CELEBRANT of tlre IIolr., ('lrlislrrr:rs rvill lrr' I.he lrrrrnrly Nalrtrr solenrrt l(lrss \t,ill hr: I',i" hrr'ilrconrinrl litulgit-rl chanrlcs in tlrr:r Anllrrtny l,arrck, |.lj.f-l,, :rrt ANI) i,i\l'l'Y 01,' 1l'llll llorltc l.ho llirss atrrl tlre S;tcr'atttttttJ. rlcpartntent irearl of tirc lJniversity 'l'hc t\Ii(llll)10(lLlSI'l OF INI)ll\Nr\POLIS (thlislnrls. coruiug of lhe lncunralc lv'l"l\f, tllranrrel 4, rvill tclecasl of Noira Drutc. I-roar:on and suh- (iorl into lhc n'orld rll(]ilns so ttttte:lt to tlrt, llirlrri(lrt Ilass frorrr lloly tk'acon will bc ['atltcr Ilo]telt L. rrs. and the annuitl ctrlcblitliou ot' tlrirt Io lrosl l)olrttNanre (llrrrrr,lr. Ileec[ (irove. Kitchin and I;'lttlter llolrr-'rt l. I Kolcnttts. l\lastcr of ct'rernonies currting is ouc of greut joy. Chlist clme stlftinll at ll:3() p.rtr. u'rll,J,e I.'athc' N' 'los.l,lt Ilreitkrn- to lctlccnt tuankintl, btrt tho sirints ltrttl \',\'l'l('.\l{ ('l'l'\' - l'ope I'itttl cELEBRANT of ilrc {-'ailrerlrnl tlrtologitrrrs arc wutrt to tell us lhat cvcrr \l is cxp0t' ttt ofltt ttlto oI fiolt'rntr IIa,ss rvill lrc lltc Vct'y hirrl tnarr rrul sinnt'tl. [iotl rvoultl hirvtt his tlrlt'c ('ht'istttttts II;tsst's itt llttl lltr'- ll. Irruttcis Vattllcttlr'tt. tcc- t'nthtr ilohclt P. Ilalitnan, pnstor', otrl ttttrrle lud bccotn(r rlrirn, parislt cltttrclr ol' St. Ilielrltr'l lltc tor of the (l:rlh0tlr.ill. I,'atlrer IIoly Narilt rvill tlclivcr (lht'istrnrs (-]lr lilllLl- .larrtts l"rihcr ilt'ot'gc tlrc lllessagc. It is ltartl ttt concttivc ol att.\'tvay lltt Liaslcrlr urcll cxper'ts '1tt-haltt:r:l itt Ilrtltlt"s \r()l Iltr{rlitts att<l rll-ss I'rcllalrttlt rli.itt'it'1. ('.liitt rvill st'r't'c as ,t:.L:"it 'l'lrtr corrltl have cotnc that u'orrltl striktr lhc 'l'lrtt 'l'lre 1:lll 60.r,oicc IIoly Nanre ltoys' oflicial .st'ltt'<lttk' of llrr' srrlrrlr':rcorr. '\rclrPt'ie-s[ * ill tr'ndel clrolrls of lor:c in ottl ltt'arts as ditl .nit"'liiuri, Ct,n,.. tlircctcr] hy llr)pe's (lhristttt:ts ]lltsst's Itlts ttilt lrr' llsqr'. :\rlolfs (it'ttsbct'gs. ,t'hev nLrss il fcu' dat's bcfore IIis biltlr in lhc hunrblc' stablc ol llclh- i;;,,y''l-:,;i;.y, rvill sing. 'lIc lx,r'rt offici:rll1' t'cloasctl, lrttl 't to :tccornpanyPonti[[ l)t'lcons of lrrrnol at thc tlrlonc rr'ill also pl'tscnt & :i0'nlinu[o It'aving liotnc, spokc lchenr. ltct'tt lt'lt'ttt'rl lhitt tltc I'o1tc hls rvill lrr: I,'allrtl llcrrrald Shen arrd choral progrirnr bcginning irt fcclingl5' antl lovirrgl.r' oi (jonrcliano, $'ill oflcI his tht'ttc l[;tsst's- ttl llttt 'l'he \t;\'l'lL-r\N CI'l'Y--l'opc lriIul VI lt0ccl di l\l:rcslrrr rli I,'ltlrcr' .lohn Lrllarrr c. S.\r.l), Il ::10I).nI. cltoir rvill be aug- lhtr itrlrtrilntion trnd an- trf rltfft't'tttt lllrl .)csrrs ncvLlr gfo\\'n on to u'olk rr rvill he acconrpanrcrl {)n his (,'anrr.ra; Archbishop I)icgo i'cn- I)t't's('Ilcc ilfotll}s' IIastcrs of cclcnronics rvill be nrotttcrl lly ltt cltstrtttblc of iu rvhich lie llrccialitln trrirucle ot' spe'ak rr *'ortl-'*llc tttight havc I'opc tvill lf;rlllcr Ker)n]'(--. Swconcy an(l strittgs, blass atttl wintl instru- hcltl thc {lith anrl chirr- Epiplr:rrr1'lril:Ilirl:rr:e to thc Iloly ini, I'rivatc'r\lnroncr; and Ilislurp AT MIDNIGHT tltt' courrinccrl the rvolld of Ilis l)ivinitv iu l,anrl b1' tlrt'ct'curtlirt;rls x,ho at'r' l'r,{trr t'att [,icr<lc, ().S.A., l'itp:tl ollcr lris filst ][;r-ss itt lltc Stsltttc l';tul l:ll:::':'i-*_- ity of the Aruericru -'alh.t' ! _ --=.-lll""tt:--- -*----- sotrtc olhcr rvill'. Hittl FItt ncvcr dicd ott top exp0rts on llrc OIicr)lill Sncristan. cltapt'l fot tlillltrntals act't'ctlilctl Catholics. lle askett that thc Cl'oss, thc picturc proscutcd liy the chu.c'hcs. ,r,rre tt,,tI sr'. nn(l lht'i. fa*r' ofrici'ls 'f tlr. l,apal \\'0 coll\/ey to .l'ott, its ttn Ornnipotcncc n'rapped in Ihe tcnrler flcslr lil,,l:," W exyrtcssiou oI thcsc scuti- of lhc llabtr of Bclhlchcur rvould still be Vatican llarlio arttrorrtrct'rl l)r'- Scr'rctarilt of Stlte rvlto t'uttk r\t B:ii{) gllrr,ct'ras l,(}r.l1g gt{} cetnhcr 12 thrt tlrc I'lllilrlt'lr oI rtt'xt lo Cardinnl (licol.l,ttittti s'ill tletrts, his patr-.r'nal ltrvc ilrcsis[iblc. Lct us approaclt this llol5, l,'pt,is t',r,ss ll.r.r, l' tlte \Vttst on lris.iottt'ttt'y to tltc also be ntelttbet's.of tlrc.[)alt\'. p.prr16us (luirr{(,r nnd .,\llostolic llcucd ic- 'l'hcy llr,: -5as I'it'lr:rltrtl i\lystcrr', thcn. with the faith of a chiltt. F,-nst rvoukl be lcconrptrrrictl ll5' a are Areltlrisltop Antrrttio ()ubun tiou. ;\ccortlirtgly, wc ill'cl dircctirrg u,lricir lrrcn lruilt lll) slree ,{ugees taste 1'6111'lnilcctl thc tnolc chiltllike antl dccpcr our (laldinnl party lo int'lurlc lilugcnc Sntnore, Secrctaly for Hxtra- War. ll. palish pliesll; tc !1,((rthe or:cirsion of lhe joy 'l'issr't'nnt, Wtrrll failh lhc glcater rvill bc our rvltcn Cllr(linitl r\mlcto Cicogg- ot'rlittaly llcclt'silsticll Affait's; IIis tlri'tl lllss is to lrt saitl irr principal llass of Cirlislnri]s Day to inr- 'l'csta. llrc sccuc of llcthlehcnl is recnilctcd for nani and C'atrlinal Gustar,o At'clrbislrop r\ngelo Iltll'.,\rprt, Sl. I'clrr.'s lrlrsilica .rl l,i:|() 1,llt. part to this tirotrghtful gi{t of llis .\'t-tr rus by lloly I'Iothcr Clurrch ou Christmas car.rrinar'r'iss.r.ant, Flcntrr- TMMEDTATELyan.'r ure r'sr I Iolitrcss. [)ar'. I\lay vour happiness bc tlrat of the ll?l'-","';#*"ii,.t:] ?ri',||l:'l;tAl. l-loosier hospituiity horn tleitn of llte Sact'crl (hllegc l\llrss ilrc I'riPc rvill 1tt'rxrct'rl ltr huutblc shcphcrds to rvhom u'tls first i,ru- u.,ng,ii. Clra'ccii'i of Arust'lic 'l'lrt' "titlirtgs of Cllrlinals. lras tlcvoterl urost ii,' tho t;l'oilt hrlrottv alup lltc yxrr<'lt sccorrtl gil't tve bling is l'r'ont thc ruouncctl lhc o[ gt'cat joy." nerr' ltottte 'l'he of ilis life lo o|ielrtnl stutlies. rrf lhc ba.srlit'lt lo lli' i' ltis blt'ss- art,aiting thcttt itt llteit' Couucil itscl[. Coutrcil Fathcrs lttve Flutnt in a dozcn languatfcs, in- Otltrtr pet'sons u'lto rvill lle in intl lo tlrc cit,v ol liorrttr attrl lo tltc irt St.'l'lurlrtas Aqttittas pat'isll jrrst lhc 'l'hclc cluding llcblen' lrrtl Alabic, hc tlrc l)ope's enlorrlagc, i[ rr'ns tvolkl.
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