
| :.:'i Ut; ? ti iiiri3 r,Kr€r€{gr.€{€t€l€t€w

SrFiFllrH*ili$'tlilrlt$Sr3{Bt$H #iip{Bi$'{Fr$t}t$'rFt}t$;Srhh$$thbr$r}iIxr}bFdFii}dbd ReportOrthodox to meetwith PopePaul VI ; duringvisit to Il i stot' i c ertcoLt ttte r irr,500 yeur,r; Jfirst; VA'l'l(li\N ('l'l'\'- l,'()sscLvirlorc ltomano, Vuticau (lity lN NATIVITY TABLEAU*Marian Callege senior Judy Dill of Brownitown, Ind., porlraycd lhc rola rl:til.v, plintttl on its l't'ortt ltitgc (l)cc. l8) a stot'.\, ft'ottr of lhe Blessed in lhe annual Christmrs prgeenl yerterdey rt thc college. Two-monih.old Ed. I)urrtasr:rrs,S)'r'iu, stalirrg lhat Orthotlox I)atri:rrch Alhcnit- ward S, Bussing, Jr,, son of Mr, and Mrs, Edward S, Burring of Sl. Chrirtopher'r prrirh, lndianrp. golas of t'onstrrnlirroplc rvottltl nttret, l'ope ['attl Vl dttt'itt11 olis, was lhe Christ Child. (3taff photo by Paul G. Fox) his .llurrar'.1' .l lo (i r-isit. to tlrr,' Iloly t,ttrttl. 'l'lrc I)rrtr.tlrst'rrsslolv rvits basctl on :lll unuounccmcnt by 'l'hcotlossirrs lllrlrinrclr \tl ol' lhc lilsl.cln Orthodox (lhulch PIun telecast0f t'rfi0 'l'ltc of Arrlioclr anrl lhrr l,lrtlirr l,llt,st. ttrcctittg wurrkl llc llre Iilst cntrorrrrlt.r'lletuct.rr ir Ikrtnatt pottliff atxI tlrc sllit'itrritl 'L'lrc lcirrlcl o[ ()r'tlrorlox)' in tttr)r'r'lltirtt Iive t:rttttttritrs. l);r- MIir'l tt ight Mu,r'.$cs' nluscus tlislrltt'lr sltitl lltc trtceliitJJ rvus cxltt:ctetl to tlirtr L-./ 'l'ryo 'l'ltt' plirr:c irr .fclrrslrlcnr. ]l ulnillrt ]litsst'.s rvill lrc Sclt,rh Cattloltttn of lltc vol. tv, No. r? {r,}r,r'rsrrl ftotit lhr: ltulittnnlurlis Catlrrttlral. {lll.ecto(l 5r, Ilrtnrrto lr'('il {}lt ('hlislrrlrs I,lvc fot' t}tc I,neini, rvill pr..t.irle ll,n nr,r.ic, lit'l tttrrt"l't'lrvision nrrfltr)r' rvill lre wil- 'l'lrr, ll';rrliliotril sr,r'vit't's in liS, lirtnt S. Saltnt, l'r'lcr' ;rrrrl l';rrrl (':tlltt'rllrrl, rvillt Scltttltc rvill offcr r r\r'r,lrlrislrop sclrrrltc 1,,'r,rili,,g ,,t. ,.ArcJtliislrnlt ]'otrtificrrl ,\l*ss in llro (-'ltltorir';il l5r, lllroll(,, rvill 5c ,,,i,,i" n,, ll'lt,r at 1l a trr' (lltt'isttttas l)ay' l\'ljlltl'l'V, {'hilrltl{'l $' sttb' ir,ct of i\r'chbishop Sclurlte's CELEBRANT of tlre IIolr., ('lrlislrrr:rs rvill lrr' I.he lrrrrnrly Nalrtrr solenrrt l(lrss \t,ill hr: I',i" hrr'ilrconrinrl litulgit-rl chanrlcs in tlrr:r Anllrrtny l,arrck, |.lj.f-l,, :rrt ANI) i,i\l'l'Y 01,' 1l'llll llorltc l.ho llirss atrrl tlre S;tcr'atttttttJ. rlcpartntent irearl of tirc lJniversity 'l'hc t\Ii(llll)10(lLlSI'l OF INI)ll\Nr\POLIS (thlislnrls. coruiug of lhe lncunralc lv'l"l\f, tllranrrel 4, rvill tclecasl of Noira Drutc. I-roar:on and suh- (iorl into lhc n'orld rll(]ilns so ttttte:lt to tlrt, llirlrri(lrt Ilass frorrr lloly tk'acon will bc ['atltcr Ilo]telt L. rrs. and the annuitl ctrlcblitliou ot' tlrirt Io lrosl l)olrttNanre (llrrrrr,lr. Ileec[ (irove. Kitchin and I;'lttlter llolrr-'rt l. I Kolcnttts. l\lastcr of ct'rernonies currting is ouc of greut joy. Chlist clme stlftinll at ll:3() p.rtr. u'rll,J,e I.'athc' N' 'los.l,lt Ilreitkrn- to lctlccnt tuankintl, btrt tho sirints ltrttl \',\'l'l('.\l{ ('l'l'\' - l'ope I'itttl cELEBRANT of ilrc {-'ailrerlrnl tlrtologitrrrs arc wutrt to tell us lhat cvcrr \l is cxp0t'l.tl ttt ofltt ttlto oI fiolt'rntr IIa,ss rvill lrc lltc Vct'y hirrl tnarr rrul sinnt'tl. [iotl rvoultl hirvtt his tlrlt'c ('ht'istttttts II;tsst's itt llttl lltr'- ll. Irruttcis Vattllcttlr'tt. tcc- t'nthtr ilohclt P. Ilalitnan, pnstor', assurur.tl otrl ttttrrle lud bccotn(r rlrirn, parislt cltttrclr ol' St. Ilielrltr'l lltc tor of the (l:rlh0tlr.ill. I,'atlrer IIoly Narilt rvill tlclivcr (lht'istrnrs (-]lr lilllLl- .larrtts l"rihcr ilt'ot'gc tlrc lllessagc. It is ltartl ttt concttivc ol att.\'tvay lltt Liaslcrlr urcll cxper'ts '1tt-haltt:r:l itt Ilrtltlt"s \r()l Iltr{rlitts att


PAR'|'ICIPATION )VITItr UNI]lill S'TANDING l' An Qna I y.sr.$of the neu)hturgy constitution

"'l'he 'l'lrc st't'tuon, ntot'covt't', shottltl constitution's stcond chRp- rlc the two hinges on rvlriclr lhe salvation" nrust lrnve filst place, is io bc cat't'ietl otlt. lltlt bocltlse 'l'ho rllau' its eonlont tuainll' ltrltt't tor. on thc l\lass, r'caffirms that rlrilt' Officc lulns." l\lalins, the pcnancc of Lr:rrt, accor.dirrg tlt(' conslittlti(rn t:itlls lilr lt'\'isl()lt "orrl "shoulrl Scrilrltrlitl ntrtl lilrrlgicnl soutccs, Sntioul instittttcd thc rru. oltl ni(lrt ltrtrtr rlt'rivcrl fronr lho lo the (loculrcn{, not lrc o[ llrrt tr'sts of thc i\li.ssll anrl tlrc ()l)li lttrl its cltitt'itctct' sltould llc th:tt rh:rlistic sitt'r'ilit'c of Ilis ltotly ligils of lltt'rt;tll1'(llrrrlr'lr. is to ()ttlI intct'url nnd intlrvidual, but I'aul VI, "to Ititual-thc lxtok ctlnliltll- in ordcr pcr'pc{u. lrc arlaptctl so thlt it lurl' lrn rr'- also cxtclnnl h) enilcting lhc Ilornun of ir pror:l*rnatiott of Cotl's rvon' nntl lllootl" antl st)cial," lt of thc citctl nt itrty hout of tlre rla1. ll ccllntenit':tI inI thc rites of lh(' sacritlrlcllts-- rltrritrl tvolks in thc history o{ ale tlx'snclifictr Cruss lx)int.\ oul tlrat I,cnt has a trvu. (lltrtst, llu'ouglrout tlrt' r.r'ttlurit's utttil IIc is trt ltlvc fr,tlr.f I's:rlnrs and fokl character' - prepare t:otrncil's consli. sonrc of thc cltnngt-s lt'tll ltt' 1't'nt's sirlratiott, tltd nt!'st(lrl' ttf to thc shorrltl cclnc ir11;trrr,nnrl .\o ('lltttrst longt.r St't'illtufc l'oit(litrgs. (or., tution otl lltc ln thr' lnakitlt{. t r.cr rrtlrrlt' 1tt'tst nt nntl actrve lrr,ople lirr Ilaplisrn by inrpli. sporrst', (lltrrlr'lr, 'l'ltr olti(ul litur'Bl', sot thc' s'ithitt us, t'spccially in lltlt sq'1.'- Io llis bclovcrl tlrc lurrrl rrf l,r'ittrc is srrp. l()r lhe rcnetval of thcir THE ACe ENT tlrlotrghottt this 'l'lrose biiptisrnal plomiscs), rvhole ('lrttr-clt blirtion of tlrc litttt'g1'." a nrcrnoritl o{ llis l)r'nth nnrl plt'sscrl. ltoI olrlilictl lo antl to en- fi|st concilitrl collstrltltlon I)ro- 'l'lte ('tllll'atl0 pt'a1Cr pr.natrce on R cotll'.\c social, or colrttlltltlity, n8. Iicsilrfcclioll: a sltC|trtttcnl of rceitc llur so.callerl liltk' houls of lnrl in r.lrtitut'd since l8?() is tltrtt lltc l()\'c. :l si!ln oI rtnitS', u lxrntl of 'l'clcc, plcpuration for tho grenttrst thlough u lttclt Iurt of llrt (-hulch's lrtthlic rvot'. Scxt anrl Nont rn clrorr fcast ('ltut'ch irt gir-ing pt tlisc. thanks' pusehnl of thc ycar, tho pcoplc o{ slrip is onrlrhlsirctl thlouglt the t'lxtt'it1', a bnntlttel in ttutS' in lhc futttlo tt.rilr'trtrl.r'onc llast*r. giring, lnrl l)olltl(|rl lo "in ('hlisl "lt tiotl intlilttlunl. 1lt'ntnt'e ('()nstitutrotr.'l'ltus tlta lilttt'tt]' rvlriclt is rrllor!, llrr' tnitrrl ol tltt' tlr|ct, ilcc{)t (l[rg l{) th(] is irnpor.lanl," lhc tons{i- {iorl shnll pt'oclitint tltt' I hly lillcrl s'itlt gt acr'. rutrl tt plcrlge ol "to 11' rnd r1s fl llrt rr'lrrrk. prrlrlic rvot'sltill is 1lcr. ttrttr. of rl:r1'. tuliott holds, inrp|0ss 0n tlru Scrillttrt'ts tllol'tl fttll.v, atttl to grvr,rr folnrctl b1' tlro tr11'stical llorll' ol Ittltrrt'glorr. is to trs." t'ttttcr'r'ttirt1.1 llrc lerls trsorl in tninrls ol lhc fnitlrful not onlS' the rva,vs lhat tht' pt'oplt' tllttt ttnrlttt- 'l'httrt Clrrist. thltt rs, ll1' lltc llt'atl nntl it stalcs oI thc illuss: tlro l)ilirtc t)llict. llrt. r,onstrlrrliorr sot'ial corrsrrrtucllccs of sin btrt 'l'ltt' sattitttlt'nts starrd. i\lnss, tltc "'l'llc prrlvi

CAI,L curdiul LqrrvI s ()'reelings ST 6-lB1122 S1l'. (i-047l.4' and tlre {llake llttser'*ulirt rt's lYout In our Divine Word Semincricsin Indio, Philippincs tt.usl bounli.ful for ond Joparl, we hovc c number of rludenh preporing Netw Yeurs lirte I'url'.y for lhe priesfhood. MANI AP: VERYPOOR ond nscd Neru Yeur finonciql help to confinuelheir rludiel, Io our old ---tEAt TheFoodrrGood! oFF--- and gruwing DeorFolharr TheDrinksrrPerfect! Enclosedfind $.---- for sponsoring a rludeni ol lriends to the priesthood for ----- days, ,,1,, TheAtmosphere r E Friendly! NAItE {plcorr print)..,,,..,..,...... ,,.,, Rosr E, Coflin Delicious Dinners Served o Cocktail Lounge 'i'aton" Fox& Fox "'I'he tr'rie,nclliestSprtt in' Inl. Agency LAITIA}''S PLA{]TI I8l5 Norih (i rPiiol 3709 Madison ST 6'3922 llH.PHil I0 RIACI|lilS G0At THE CRITERION, DECEMBER 20, 1963 PAGE THREE

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Enioy a Real "South ,I l of theBorder" I Meal during lhe Fertive t Holiday Season, l I I llie utill be loohing fut' .t'uu! I I ('lcurcntina ll. Ilitrtt. lrr.ou. I I I I l IiNI'IIANCIi I I l ll,\.ltl I lNrl'l'lONS I I I Stolirli(t show thsl privolc power


.lTllot DECEMIER20,rers 15 ___:*._ PAGEFIVE . TIIE YANDSTICK . WTIAT OF TIIE DAY Integration not enough An academic lluestion 'l'hc By REV. JOHN glarnnrar By REV.ANDREW GREELEY t'alholic nnil'ct'silies wltich "t"tn of n chitnge in thcir DORAN f.r' s(:hool girls? l)oys? horvevcr, to point. out llrat ill*r.rtr fcar and little to ,:11:r:. hitlh school gitls? boys? r\lyers is hcing a bit unfair. rn htne little to Alllltl l\Iycls in llct't:'s tlrc percerrtagos tskillg thc posltlon thlt cxpecl flonr tho I)ixia congl'ess' t li e Nuvcrnbcr of the unll()fnrs ntlswcls irs ttkcn tlorvn by onc al'c a crctltll'e of thc clct'gy, lnrll :u. fne ittg rt rvirle opcn licld' Ititlr issuc trl of lhe ladies. GiIts in gran.trnar I rvottld suggtlst to hcl' lltat ul America h a s sch(x)l: {)nc huntlrerl pol' ccnt this tlctrtoct'atic nation oI ours her sly ll)out of $, lhc tttothct's \r,flnlc(l them to shc has evcry IrHir! [o school rrni. rvear Jrctrtron pt'ohlt'ttts tttttlotnrs. lloy-s in grantmar the atttltolitics of hol school [or {)ne of lhc to u'hich [otms. I\lalic scltonl, attrl incitlentally orrl boys n votc. lf shc catt find cnorrelr ('rtlurlrc scltolrrt's nright ttlin thell' tlocsn't l.i k c tlo not rvcal rrrrifolrns, sixty pcr othet' tvontcn tvlto ftcl lhc u,irv :rtlcntion is tltt' qttcstitltt of trltitt lhern antl tlocs. ('('llI wilrll('(l tlrc boys lrr unik}l'ms, shc tlrtcs alloltt tlllifotlirs, krt tbt:rrr hirpltctts nllcr intcgrlltioll. l"or, n'I w;rhl. lhcrr Nrlhrn Glcror rnd Daniol llro olhols rlirl not. (lills in high (ll'a$' tll) n petittorr askrng thut or't'n lhottgh {ltt' t'ace qttt'sttott fot' ltel clriklrcn, Prfrick Moynihcn makc fwo ob. sllrrurl: soventy"fivc pcr ceitt all llte 1t;trcnts he polletl on tht {.irnno{ lx. soht'tl tvilltottt tntcgt-n- attrl slre sit),s s{). rervalionr in lheir rocrnl book 'l'llis rvatttorl rrni[olms; Io]rs in lr'.rlr itlca, attrl that llrc m:rjolity tlt', I t()n. it otlght l0 he clear lhat "Beyond is l!{'rf(!('tly on New York City, lho sr,luurl: sevcnly.f il c pcr ('clll uf trisiott, lrc it for or against trnr, int0r.lrirtioll b5' ilself is only thtt all lighl rvith nrc. WhaI rkrcs r't'ttcial lt'cit of sut'h tt'sctl'clr at Melting Pof" which rhow why lltr: palenls g':rttt fornrs, ltr: ac(i(:l)tod, solttlion. rlirl nul rrtti- I knorv th:rt ltr' l':tcc qtl('s- brgrrtttrttg ol a llothcr rnc, lrowcvcr', is hcr irlt'a tlfcicnl $'otthl lht' inlegrafion ir nof cnough. lir|nrs. sttclt I llr'(rcoss in tn.y parrslt ()n tltc ('lttho' ('(rllhl lhat unifolms rro s()nr('sor'{ o[ ii,tn. llrts sttlllt'cl lf Nr':l! rrcr sh()l) in lny rvould lle rnost rvclconre, anrl I I,'ilst of all. err.n tlrottglr Ncrv sclf-inrlulgr:rrcc on (he palt of tlrc Irc tutit t't stltt's { otll(l llrkc tltc st()l'c \\ltct'c tltr'r' r'otrltl ltffot'rl lltt-' 4 rvclconrc lrltlc tlrllttttlt]. sittt't cill itt illlJ' ltlstitll- Yolk is llre rnost intcAlillcrl llt'gc l)nsl(lr of ntrttri. tltitt bctausc rt'c orr. .r rr. ra.rt,srvrro rr;rs rrr,r, lr';ttl rrrllr nt('r'chitn(liso. "kroli " lll"ll,,,l'J",1,,i1,'i.,,,lilil,,ll trtt tltt't'. plty city rn thc courttly anrl lras tltrr rvanl tlrc t'lrilrllcn to rritc, uills in st'ltorrl, gllfrnnlr arrrl ll() ()llt is tlrtttlrl tt'st'ltl'th l'lnl whol'c lltc) cottltl tlte ,fli.i:".ii, i, li{1c rtir.l is a Iiltt. placc 'l'lrr rlltt't'c lltcy nrost rnleglated school systenr rn rre this hcavf lnrl insrrf' Irrgh, :rskt'rl ht'r' clrrrrr'r'rr rvrr;rt sorttltct'n nlrgarcltl' llhtr'lt lrill. atlcnrl uttl sr'lrrrol 'r'lr(,rr' ciri ,ru ,,i,,ri,,, 1,.",'ii,*.-"ri,-nii,r any thc countr.v, thc lot o{ most Nc- felablc lxrlrlen rrpon par'<'nts ;rnrl tlr.v rv,ukl volc. ar)srv.r r.rl|tlrrlls ('oll{f('ss lras frr{ltlt'nctl ('iln lllss lhc lfsls, rv0rk al il,t, .i,,n,, ;rlrpries to a litilc'liri.v. gloes in Nct' Yolk has nol sub- chilth'cn nlikc. ('alne {)rrt f0rrI in l.av0r' of rrttt- lrrrlh tho [(]un(lAlir)lls ;rll{l tllt' go\'- .iob frn' rlhitlt llttl hitvc tltt' skills' I lur rlrilo'inLerostcrl itt holpinl stautiallf inrplolctl. Sccondly, Norvltct'c irr llrc arlir.lc rIrcs I()l'llls, ()llc aglttts{. r't rttrronl lll llctl('i('s l$ ;lr' ft rttll ;rrrrl ltr'c itt ;rn1' honrt' lirr u'ltich tlrc lilllc on(,s ol oilr sclrool l0 plt.v ot' ttlrrcl lltrl tht' I'rtt'Llo llicirns tttlto clnrc 1\lut'ic gitr, :rtty itrrlir';rlirrrl as l() N.ry I rlo n'l llrt' srrlriot't. thr' fot'ntt'r bt't':lttsc lhcl r':tn tht t't'trl ntlirrtarn ilrat lhrs l)l'ol)liro f.r. ii[c hora .n e,a'tir pltl'trtcttls. ottll' * rr'lit- ailt l tht \ucgr'ocs irt(l huvc tllr! *.hcthcr slrc is lrrrlrlilrll n tna.jot.rly \'ol('rs no(:('ssar,rly trI fr.ll of lrrss tf lltt'tt' tltr t'rt'tttpl ln{}r'lgirgr' rrnivcr.sal, No nnrl crpcciallv for otot.nily. :1. etl|a lrrrrdcrr oI a fot'(,ii]n toniirrc ot' givr: \litltrs atl(l lllo lilllcf litt' 1t'tt' tt' I rvr'lv srnlll pt'o1tot'liott of tlte tliltot'ilv vit'tt'. No sttnr;llc srrclol0gist rvorrlrl a iatc rn nrakcs p|r.t:iorrs lilllc rlifltir.r,rir.r, \\'()tll(l cXllct'i' llo ilpllill'onlll' tn:rking nt()ro b;rllols rvcrc lakcn by rIrl. rvilh.irrst h:l\ rnf lllr'lf trtttlgtls tlt'slt'rt1t'd. \('.ltil ltrrl)lll;lllrrll lrlr'. il l)lir('() onc 11r'oilJrof lo lne rvltelhcI lh{'y pfr,[);rfr: ilr r';r1lid plogrcss tltan lr-r'gloes. lhc u'orrltl sct'tn, lo ltnrl otrl n'ltolltcl Jrcople nruch trcrlil. I pr.t'sont. rt, rrrri[or.nrs ol nnt. - othcr';raltrr{s alc stlonllly on lrtr' * sr(le ot'stlongly opposerl to ho!'. Litt lt' Ch t'islopltcrs' clt'ivt: liltifotttts s111'q1'1'. as a r'lo'icirl ol nttnnish inrJrosrl iorr rrpon l lrr: DROUIDENCE all Io rlocrlc gnlorrts nntl t,ltrltlr.r,rr T rrill${ftirll(]ilt \\'(]ck of a palish, is rtiuclilrg ttp this s l,NI)r;rrr,Nr)riN't' Rlit'rRlr\,1[N],I-t\rrNC \l'hct'o al! llrt'so rlot,ilo (';rtlro- ol s llttlll rrrt'lttrltn! nro\l rrI lltc Sovct n' 'l'hr'-y . . . rvithout tlrc c;tres Ilttrrilri.'tls l,rtttt:lsl0t Iics ai'r' hrdrng I rlon of rntintrrining \'our o\\,rl li()nrc. (rl'li('os. t linrlt'. l)l('lllil| l)rovirlencc llcrirr:nrcnt (-:rtltoltt' lt'rtric st'hrtttis :ttttl ltr::lt slll'cltr (l{)n't litc in nry llome is opcratctl'by rlrc Sisrcr:; of DlIislr. "srrrior .\ nrrurlrt'r' of {ltt' lrt'ls ftoltl Ilrovitlcnce for \\f('k itt'r' t'rrttclttrlrttil We are hlessctl rvilh a tr.onrlcr.lrrl citizcrrs,"'ln"torvn irxation, Irrrlly Sr.ltOOls lhls ()rrt' l.atly l,ilrirsnrrrl Scltcrtl lttil ()[ (-lrl'r.to- ilf0tU) l)iltishiolt0fs lrcrr', hut lice rncrl. l\todcmtcly pricctl, Contln: tlrc l.llh lrrrrrrurl l.rltlc of (it'acr' ,\rittlt'ttt1' uill t';tt't'y tltc ('lll frrrv of lltcnr, I thirrli, u,orrlrl lrr: r' (':lllrllilltn 1o ['tll lsl con(:erut p, l)lt('t ('lnrllalln tltt' "br':u'rl Sister Catltcrinc l.orclla, S. " nutlt'tt:tls tttttsitle nlraitl ('ltrlslttl:t: rtl lo {lrc liorr in hrs lllttk ltrlo llrt:l (rl1 slillr' l()l' (llstrlhtlllotr Prot'ilence Ilatircmettl Ilone iril(l tlcrt" nnrl lcll lrtc llrorrI sonre. llta rrltttt{ \(}ltltlt('('t: :lt.' llt}tll (.lll 't lcatirttt. tlrrlirtrl lht'ir' t\l tnils thrng of rvlrich tlrcv /a) E, Sprhg S/., Ncru tllbattl,, lttrl, ;1 l)tlt lltllll

'tI _r I'lt Uts'r tN I E r',\ \ilI .\' ? Sccs \i(,'r'nil.t:u la t' usc(l We htve nurrlerous nanres of senrinrrrarrs liko MCHOI,AS SCIIIRO necdinfl ht'lp to get throtrgll their six years of tfair)tng. Cost: SI00 i tcar. l'our pral'ers an

tlANClS C IO|NAI t?ClLnAl{ ?rrrtderr ITun,eralHome" fnc. COTTDTT'TTDI' O$ INIIIAITA Ir9r. Joregf T. fic. t|!?l t cl t..d .ll iotirr|gr|ldrr b; CATTIOTIC NEAN EAST IYETFARE ASSOG|ANOil Goossens,Chairman llo lrrlngilon Avr. at 46th Si.. n.t Vo* l7;N. y. 136 West Georgia St. Indianapolis, Indiand 46225 PAGE SIX THE CRITERION,DECEMBER 20, 1963

Sttrtrll{{ll4t1ttr{lr{tslrEqrr€trltqrd{c1trcrt1lrqtrEEqtt3tqqtlqrrna*ca*4[ Plan 4th annual Season'sGreetings CY() S('or(rs $ f; eage tournarnent U OIRECTORS and STAFF oI ,IT $ netterHomes Savings & LoanAssociation fr ut Sacred lleart 23ll Shalby $ Srrccr STrra ?.9361 fl l&llanl>r!0DrDrDrll}t|tl'lt &trt lh>itrtht,hD|h&&h&Dh&hlt t at lr,nt # BLUE& WHITESERVICE, INC. Edlred by the Cleric Seminarirnr of Wesl Brden College 8 LOCATIONSTO SERVE YOU ALTIVAYSOPENT fnroberr,enl 'l'ourtrcy sct wA 4-5381 for onc, LI. lnd OR TAKE THE t'lasslrtrtttt- lf for thc lour onc fttL all, got's lottt' ltlteltct' llcvt'f llt)l lll\()l\'('rl h o sr'hoolhoy (itlttl I rvilh 1ou ittttl lottt'lt'rtttttttg tlittirrt, r\nrl it olitt'r ) prrrbk,ns, l tttt'rl ltt' shrtrt I-,otlt'tlt:s fUloore, fils, too, rvitlt a lti;1 ltcllt trt tttittttt- il t Kirk & Usher .jrtsl ont trtotrt bune lr o{ glldt' it1' anrl tt'istloltl, r\ttrl nt'tlltt't' lott = school footb:tll nol' ilnJ()no clst' t'ittl slrltt't {ltltt Frrnerol ffotner ., plal'tls srrag. kirul of lrelp, Y()tll' l()\\'lt ol' clt)' gt'r'ing tlorvn thc is ltttrrlltct' r':tsc itt ltrrittl. \\'ct't' 53{2t' strcct on lhr:ir tlte policr'tttctt ;ttlrl g;ttltlti:t'tttcn ttr r Ilirrnrphlttt u'41' tc[tts(. lttVrtlrr'lllt'lll r)ll ill)\' li\'0ll lrvington ;'-ii!it* Itonttr f tottt il rlaf itt lottl' lotttt, lltltt rlltl' utltlltl 'oot*i'"i_nfirl"'' bc sttft' t0 llr thr$tt ill hlslrrf) ;ls il r Northside rriltl tttrrl stll{.llv ou('ll lrcrtl tllcttt n ll. tntt.,t'r-1',tlott' 'l'ltc santc rloos lirf \{)tll' slill(', I Lawlence tts Ptllict'ttten, tts l('!l\lltl{)l's. lls Gco. F. Urhor jutllcs. its ot'tlirrnrl' r'tlizt'tts. lftrt t'r'ot'l' ltottcsl tilizcrt lllltl l'{'fus('s 'tr(r(r{'tf(r(f{r('{|(r('{{|{€trtrttrtrad llrrt lller. lrt'ltorc it or ll{}t, lhill invol'r't'nrr'nt itt tltc alf:tirs of tho spit'it .strnl('tittrcs laDDlrrl'rx>)iltltrl.l}l}}t.}}llltr]l.lr,lrnr,rrnrrorld CentralBusiness College i Bloomington tndienr Businesr College Buildins t 801 N. Mrridirn St. ME {.833} Inclirnapolir Tell 7 City ,a-r-..r-.:r::-:r!:--\-]-]=\-!J\\Jrs\\)^.J\\\\\\\\\\\t\\\\\\\\ PRICE ELECTRICCOMPANY Elcctric Wiring Selvice -' Il(lA Appliattt'es A & G MOTOR l!0 Wrlnut Sl. Bloominslon, Ind. Phonc ED 9'976? SALES,lnc. =- 5. 'UIOBITHEAT l2lh end Vhrhinslon Slr. Phonr Kl 7.'fl0l TEIL CITY, lND. eaAitDtR,-BARTLErr MAR-KEi-- BUDGETPAYMENT PLAN A Mrrry Chrirlmer . . . A Hrppy New Ycar FINE FOODSend MEATS l3l0 E. 3rd BLoOl,tlNGTON, lND. ED 2'219I "Orrr Oil llcrrt. Can't ,ltc lJcat" BRUGGENSCHMIDT'SDEPT. STORE - 941llth Sl. Phonr Kl l-3{l TELL CITY. tND. EBERLETIANOWANi-A AFCILANCE "Autholizcrl ---- - lfligirlaii't l)r.rrlcr" tlTZttfrlAil ilrvr;iMErq[i]oYs' wEAR i0t.l l0 E. Kirkwood Bloominglon, Ind. I'he !.hclusrve r\len & Boys' Store l0l Mein Phonc Kl l.216l Tcll City, tnd. BANK Coal& Oif Corp. I,'1t,l'ltRttD - i\t tt'l'tilt lil) MONROECOUNTY STATE "1'lIU I ItNDt,Y Il',\Nli" Sinccre Christnrns Grcctings I,'lr ME 7-1318 110 E, Kirkwood Avc. Ph. ED ?-7263 BLOOMINGTON,---lND. {{5 N. HOLMES AVE. WM. TELL WOODCRAFTERS,Inc. tNbrnr.racns a werenco; tNa:- --. Irrank L. Co)'le,l)istl'ict Iugr. P.,rG s;,, n;;ml;1iifl,*#,,h; ** * O;t.' 315 Norlh Walnul Slreel ASKRENMONUMENT CO. NOBLE'S SUPER MARKET Cy Cipher We Give llolden Red Stampr ELECTTICALCONTRACTOR 4707 E, Wrshingfon Sl. lndianapolir "I) l0th rnd Hwy. 3l Phonc Kl 1.3556 ?ELL CITY, lND. rs'l'lNc'l't\/r: cnil lt'f I.iRy "Good "Good Itl IiIIORL\LS SINCIT l$31i." Lirlening" Advrrliring" CuslomDesigncd in 0ur 0wn Shop BUD'SETECTRIC CO'IIPANY (rcdil Irrmr tlrl! flidr Dclivrrl WTCJ RADIO STATION CALL - ED. 6=4992- CALL - Cafl FL 7-7629- _ISLLjrr.Y:_1I9rAI1_ I{OOS. STULL AVE. BLOOMINGTON,IND. I'rrlellde (ireellngs CitizensNational Banh lJcdford Our Service Makes Friends TELLClTY - PHONEKI '.23'' A Alcrry Chrirfmar . . . A Happy New Ycrr ERMY BARTLETT'Insurance ' LIFE Coveraqe All Types,' lncluding AUTO-'-f^llE BEDFoRD'rND' Frcnch Lick llllti:;! ^. -'.!1T !l-11L1-- BEDFORDOFFICE SUPPLY CO. - and Addin-g-{ttlnql- BLEDSOEMEN'S WEAR Srlcc - Servicr Renlals onBR_sillls Tvpewrilers IND' HomefownClerncrr-Men't Werr-Arrow Shirfr-Dobbt Hrlr lril-i-ir'""i-' __ _l!"'" _*__*_-'^B-E!IoRD, lNprANA lI_o_NE_ty_:_1":111!____ -FRENCH.LICK, 1,, T. ELLIOTT-lnsuranceAgencY 'll. ' ' Scr!on'r Grcrlingt Retnemlter 1,, Ul|ott for Life Atlto lrire lnsufance RITTER'SFUNERAL HOME Phonr Bir lJiii Bcdford rnd Oolitic JAMESH. DREW jxEtcH _L!!! t"o, l:_i::'-:___-Jl!:y-:lll20 TRIANGLE& LEAHY PLUMBINCAND HEATINGCORPORATION BROWNIE'SCENTRAL SERVICE AND phono, gn iJ4si-dii 5'il2l'__,]l_11-Fifth_street BEDFoRD, l[* BROWNIE'SATLAS TIRE STORE Phonc WE 6.{10l FRENCH LIGI(, lND. llcst lIttlidaY ll'isfrt'.* NOW Serving lhc SPRINGS VALLEY and PAOLI Area IHE BEDFORDNATIONAT BANK BEDFORD,INDIANA SftllTHttl0IoRS, CoRP. Atro OOLITICBranch, OOLITIC, INDIANA - Chevrolet - "Ilome of Service After the Sale" RE c*!-!lc e PA o L r' I ND' l}-t-:,: !l" jM183-.-=- | ! 1-w-B:199N BridwelllUlusic and Appliance Co. lt6f 'lhe BIRTH TNCREASED INTEREST RATES-Effeclivo Jan. l, Latest Hits In Itlllbtlly, l'optrlar nrtd-Classlcal F'eeords OF THE SAVIOUR 47o Certificates of Deposilr (6 Monlhr or Morc) Ptlll-co - TEI,EVISION - ttADlos -- "llcltrilrl (6 -- REFRTGERATORS- SI'OVES l.lrlrrrg yorr grr.rl titlirrgs oi greal pcoplc. |t/zo/o on Savings Accounfu Monlhs or Morc) DEICPTIiiiEZI]RS ,- .i.1 , rlrat shlll lrt'{o all lhc tOlh BEDFORD' IND' ,i1l;l.rll;:1O iotr a saviour', wlro is clrIist tlrc LoIrr, in rlrc city of Olal BR 5-5423 Corner Lincoln and iiili,llllf "\Yhcn tlrc frrllncss of tinrc \..i1:i /roulc. (iotl sent IIis Son. marlc of n SpringsValley J{"tional Bank "A" Crvshed Stone - AsPhalt \\'olnAn, ttlntltr ttlltlcr lltc lau, llral ilc nti(lrt lt,rlt'r'nr tlrern s'lro \1'cr.e rrnrler Grade lhe larv, that s'c might reccivo tlrc arloptroir of sorrs." (ial.4:.1, i, ryRtlt.H-l-'il-'ldffi Agricultural Lime THE LITTLE CHRISTOPHERS' CAMPAIGN SDASOil'S GITDDTTNGS C0. l'rtscrrted b1' the Indianapolis l)canely Conncils of tho National O0tlilC GROUNDtl,l,lESTONE Clouneil of Cntholic \\'orncn. b1' thc coultcsy of s!: Ph. BR 5-2628 BEPI9ID,il-t Gervcy_Lane-7rjt:_N:1.r !. l1fh, GRINSITINIRFUNTRAT HOMI Insurance & Realty Dept. ll. Uoger G. Grirll0inet EXCAVATINGCONTRACTORS l60l t. N€w Yorl BASEMENTS- SEWERS- DRIVEWAYS- PONDS fin|lc 8R0s. - (nlholic Supplyllou\. GRADING- FILLING- GRAVEL- DREDGING SAND ll9 5. Meridirn ME 8.3416 uN[tD lloMt urc lNl. c0. DIAL BR 5.754I l. Schoetlle S. L,rllola t. finllish l', Mcllllt MI 6.4375 SpringsValley National Bank (ONSTRI'CTI(}N((l; r. A. rYlLl{H.McoilsrR. (0., tr{c, SIONEOTY Indirnrpolir,Ind. Now on GroundFloor Ph. wE 6'1615 FRENCH LICK, lND. 910R. Sl. - EEDFORDTlND. | '. THE CRITER|ON, DECEMBER 20, 1963 PAGE SEVEN

r"" frAtlIIl'l/ CLInIIC r,.o.rtt*trtrr{{t{qattiti(ttqrq{{rqr.q{ttEt{Elr.(}ritt('{q{ Fr{trtrttlr!*(r WORKING TO BEAT IIELL FnorfiTHE5|5TER5 OF CHARITY prAYers A(' 5T.ELIZAil ETH f bome spe(;lal fi (couretrSrAfloil) v;ivIIJf This was a real MAI\! Sf,Ut t Ornr,tt!r11,1g);>rqhlctqfi*11liiti3qh*1qli;rilrilii**lrrhB>B>.x|r}rhd*'r*&hllrllli&lr'.>hlrllqlr}lrtr*&rc)tltDli By T. McGLOIN, S.J. By REV. WALTER IMBIORSKI rlor.ftrl gift of our loYe. $'hiclt clriklt'r'n, ntttl in tlttl llt'sticll rrllcltll' ltls hlou.qltl tts so ltlrtclt Iltttll. ()s,1, Il!)RIN are un- of tll(r J.rriu. (i|rnt lhtrl wc ttrlty contintto \\rtl ltnvo clttlscn lhe tltty and .ioJ. tloubtcdly any ()uf r-oltrrttn ls pilliolltll', lhe hottltl'ltctt ottr nt'rv lit't: bt'' lo lult' rt'r'crprtll):, .qcrl' pa- ('r)ncotncrl ()h nurnber of \\'il h t.r.orrsl1, sor'iit{ Yott itt clclt olltt'r. gins. Yoll, Lttt'tl, clttxtse lltc tl'()n saints cart- Irluclicll frtttily Grrirlc us in Yottt'ttistlont lo tlily lnd tltt'ltortr rvht'n il ttlttst onizcrl to ortler |ttlrlt'nrs. \\ itlt rlistuVt'l' tach 0llter, lltilt ottr trrt- t'tttl. pttt'lt:t1ls lotll(-lfrolv' porltltps ('lrIisl for lhe edifica- nrils s 0 rk'r'stlntling ltntl cotttpitssio!l tllily rlislilttt I'trrtt's in lltc ftttttt'e. Since tectt- cltrst', \\'r' ilfr! lion o[ (sttch as lt'rnintlerl rtf :tn- agets ot ht't' hlsir' dr- St. Jutle , tlto Ittt'lrsiott -- Ltr o patlon rif hoPe' rli'{iorl. rrf cltclt lcss cascs), iis t)l ltr,t' ils rllt- LL wt'll as for lltott' pu'sst'tl llttrttt{lt

pl'tl]ll- lllr lisk of sltorvittg solue rlicc. it sltottltl hr: stitl, ltorvcvet', lhrrl if t ott't'tr lottkilr!i for a real (atttl man itrirottg lltc sairrts lty "nrntt" I tttcatr {hc typr' hotlt tttclt :rrrt[ ll'ottttttt lillhlty arlrttit'd, nol' ttcccsslt'ily tltc ltttnlnn zoology l:rlrs of tlttsclc beaelt)' Ji()tlt lrltll is .loscplt, llr,'s tto tnlkcl', nnrl he ditltt't {r,t {lrtr Sct'iptrtt'al lteatllincs, In Jonph didn't htvc much of e prcrr, but gol iirct, hr no{ ttttly rated the poot" ho hit iob dona, * (ittitt'tl gt't'at preycr Couples lnrl tr sllct'irtl e()tllntission to cl'rr' rts flom ill lentPer rtttl (,il lrt(,ss cl)\'{'lng(' of atty for elsasea arnone lhc ilcbrervs, so lhal. the mrrsl have ntarlc .loseph tholtght- n,uti itt lristoly, ltul, lttl ltas ltet'tt rrnnrnrried Ilebrerv ma!e of ful, too, --t'l.f\-,::l'.r.'i.rl.1i111i:-"l]ll:,.."|l']]]]-.:-i1.i:.]"h_:L]]1:.:-]'l-::I|llii'i]''illl:,ii. rrrirligtrurl so tltrtclt by rvcll-nrenn' -'lil,,f'll:'.,sup'r'css ing ;rr'lisls illl(l seeon(l-gtlessors " THIS lS CATHOLICISM {t<.il..r,rilli:.:,1;i,:l:li);tlliirli)rlli,rti!t)r?.!ili}.)i};:ih.inblilill!'.|ix (ilrilrtrttt.Slrrliott,\'i.\l('t'.\'. ()la .loseph, horvr:ver'. has bccn l,at. not lltt, ltent .f l't,r: ittcin- ?r'(ls/()r(ll(la{f ill N{,lr)ilfli. N('r,r,l('r.s('l/. altr.nctivc lccrr- huvc tntr.rrslr,rl an wnLrtctl allout Ilclotl by onrt of Sr'1rlr'tttbrrr 2l). ,,S59 llU rllrrlltr't'tlltrt'y .Xrtlir't' ,4lr'lrr'(/rttt(rf lh(' ,'{'(1i{'.st ByREV.JoHNwALsH,s.J.tltt.polttlor.ltist.t'ltttls('ltIall!8'et'atcllt.irlt:' agr'(l gill liktr l\Iary to anyontl (iod's nresscrrgcr hoys, an angel, jlf 'l'ltr' t'(r,'h tt) ignol't" nct't'r rrJ r>.sl,l(,r.'. .r(r,l?('.{Ilrx)s(')'{'lt l}tt11r'y, lit'.tl ltl.sliop of Nr,ri'at'l'. llrrt solnc oltl gtry rvlto was rlver Q, (iur rir0 irtrpr' of()ric f ,.1,.{]:1.:lt.]il.t].trtr to takc off for Eg)'pt to gct out '".illlillJ'"J;[Jii:Ti:ii,il'lll;i: pious lYpe$ bisftop rllrs fIt'rrr'phr'rrt of rllolltt't',Sclrlt, Iottttrlt-r'ss of lftr'ir^istt't's llrc ltill, llttl tltt'stl of t'eaclr. Anrl so, rvitlruut qucs- irri,,nir,ru: 'l'lc.fir.st

i,lll$ll;,'illl'.'lil-.';il:',1'?,,"1',,,11j"1-il FRIDAY, Dec, 20-(Tepe)'the-Aposlolale Msgr. Bernard Sheridan. Requesfed by solics rrl lx)slilf{o starrrps on the [f r membcr of for r Special lntenlion. "'l'ltc lltr'trtc .r\lroslolir. l'ilglirrr." ii l,ilDlyteI-IT' MrrlSSfS fi MONDAY, Dec. 23-(Tapc) Rcv. James Byrne. Raclio Kenny €, Sweeney. Requecled &'fV Apostolatc TUESDAf, Oec. 24-(Tipc) Rev' ,,,'lil;,,1:,1"i1i.i-il1,i'lll]."li,-''i:l-1 rrom rrom ic Memorv of Edward CurrY. "l'ctcgrirts $ J fi bec. 25-(Tape) Rev. Charler Kosler. t tttl r\lluslolicrrs irr WEDNESDAY, (',,i,,, fi _ _ . ) X fX0nSoaV, bcc, 26-{irpi)'Rev. Roberl Borcherlmeyer and sari"ra",'',"',':: peter paul mambcrr of Litllo Flowcr CYO. r in the Ikrly l,trrrl). $ SS. & I Hoh---'' NameChurch, I;l'1r,\1llli,,j'$ii';ltlJ'Tli WEEK OF DECEMBER 27Ih lieus"cus" (l'lul(!.'ftuM \tl the Apos.Apos- l! CathedralI Beech Grove Iil I BeechGrove FRIDAY, Dec. 27-{Tepe) Rcv. Cerl Busald rnd memberl of 5l' grirn). Onc of lhcse rvifl $ Indianapolis Catherinc Pcrilh. ai'i:iL|i, vierv i'i'lr,ii"i,ll|iji.,i'iiio[ tht: I]a.silica o{ X$ I Kennv c. sweenev. ltequested ,.-- v MoND;V;-'D;i.'30--(repr) Rav. vity in Rcthlchcnr, an- ff I Uv e member oi thi Apostohle in Memory of Thomar Nolan, vierv of thc tlllrlll('e lo !! SCt'tttOtt""'."",','.'. ltV: ) ^ TUESDhY, Dec. 3l-(Trpc) Rev. Richard Kavanagh and mem' ilicalica of ilrr-' lloly St:pul- liy I serillonScrnrotr by:t)v: bers of 5t, . schrrltc I-(Tbpe) Rev. Bcrnard Head end eludenls Jenrsalerrr, antl thc third li Alchbishop ['aul o, ] WEDNESDAY, Jan. A..^r-r-:.,r-.-.-^r r.--ri.-.,.-^r:.-. ' ttev.ttev']tev' llolllobert Itobert P' P' I{artmanLlartr School. ar vicl,vicl' of the llou'r"in"l,i'Trr"llountain of the Alchbislropnr.clrbisliop of tnclianzroiislnclianzrolis of thc Lalin il Il THURSDAY, Jan. 2-(Tape) Rev, Rendolph Marshall end mcm' IllessedIllcsscrl Virgin in Nrzareth.Nuzlrc{h. $ S berc of tho Easlsido Senior CYO' ",.Llii,,ilil"Ti'*'J;11,,":,,,11.,:,tl1i:*ol'aror:Na'r'aror: Nrr. wrn. S. salunsarr*r .,;Lllil,ij;l''Ti'-'J;11,,":,^ll":,tl1i:* I II

tlris is ouo feilotr rvlto rs tlitttghlrlt' lrttt of ltcilt;1 ntl lttlp to irtttlat.tynnt||txtks|lktlst|itrt.tlrr'r.iskltttl,atrriablo'anti'lntcl.t'tlll(lozerswereused[olt!vt}l lic. brrt '[he th{l rear of mount. lt'irll) frrnnl' in sltot'ts. lrtr', Sontthow a suect'ssfttl lltrv- pk,rl r\lonty (tlift. lectual antl *t,,,,i,t--i,,r.;;;;;';;; tha roatl is ortc thrtt lras ber:n phnned for t\!iain Ilu:rc is thc otlrl si{rraliort r'lch. iIc not'cr works, takes air s, |;,i""1'\\'"J.:f'1,.u';:i:,"'ii,t":l.,,lli; The Intcrministerial tll,lir"'l,i s6 pogrrlinl to r\1rc1it.a1 1rg,r,ies: flights arounrl tlre worl4 at will. Comnriltee on tltc I)opc's visit is oxpectetl ,,}-ratl" to allocate for the varlotts itrtPt'ovcrrtetrt ,\sitlcrr..r rlrcrnct rtrll rhr Xiii,,,i*;"'i,'il",r l.]; il;ilil l)eiug is attrnt:tivc antl no owns n $?I,000 horne with swinr- $21'10,000 projects, tttttt'i* ltits no t'i:lht lo tllt' lilllglts c.er)'lltirrg in t5e rvor.1l, irr.luri- :rurlit'rrer, it it stl.rnitlos Ir.onr thc i,,g islk_singilg, lrrorlonr prirrlirrg, is the sot't lltat is, itt its os'lt tn' ,ill"nll:i,11:l'lll"f;,1, r\rone *,i1, ,lrii"cr*" arril for'eigrrcr's. ::iliil" ;::;'iil: loirrrr*r rrceid*s roscnd cornpt'tcltt \rnl', ns tlattgerotts ttl "l)rilHstl'il) lhe other hnntl, '::iii',i*''iHJ':LJi,I#l"i; tlrc spilil rs, sil.\', l\lotlrer, tln ls confessionsin languages ,il,os pct'ntissive ll'iil,,..1il,|xl",ii1\,ll:,lli':i,,li',rilil:; toreign Sr|oollit,nrt" ()l' i,iriison.s crtrtl lnrl blllttlct'tl, 'liruclr. of lrr tlrt crul, ull lro t'an if therrr isn't anotlrcr tax iumn

fl rrlily is itwcsolrle. Jlitttgltlcr ts his thnnrll in his nrorrth intl Mrridian srre.rs sr'xy itttrl lltttittless, Alrtthcr is !lrr):11. !\'t1l),rllrotically, Salurdd),'orc?nlbcr 2l-8'9:30 p.m. glllItt(}|(Jtlsitnr|tltttttiscit'nt.lra.(LegionofDeceniy:A.3}l?^|||'H,tnlitt|rjl,l,oojI,'['jl''i -i s ts:, e t p; r,i nbi v t,o t, x iY$' Ng Nf uf Nf uf \f (f Nf M Ntr \k Nf, nol eottsitlt'L sttclt a state frce I}.ft lrour:r kin

"'l'ltt'rtit'lietl Scr.rtl{..itz.r]cralLlrr.t'ttltrlst,ltrrrrl$.l9;r).rr'tltt|sltttir't.r'},str'ikin!l.'l.lrisiseottltrlrttlciatitrrltat ltc sltls: lltalt's rl:rrit1" }lt'r'C collrc lhe '.r'sl"), 'Wfi 1..t)ttlrl ,\ilhis poinrin lrun.,,rnr'sr,rr'], $ lli;-i,i:"1:;li'i,.,,,i:,,lii,ii'il'i"il'lili: $ ffffi tJ rl:a I '^;^"'""r;j:u'--r $iH[ft fi Xf roLlN& H IndianapolisTyposraphical p.o'rietor I I UnionNo. I E 'o.$ MEM.RTAL.FtF=. 'i .l::l !:;:j"f,"[.. f$ ll45 N' lllinoir 5l' ME 5'7076 l30B Frospecrsr. ME g.r4ri ,,r, Mrdircn Ave. Vi "r,r,i.rrr.1.r,."'!;';iii'P- ii W$$$$$ tr 4'6600 'l'ltc lact oI sttIftt'itt1l, l)t" I lt' #+]fi floor shou.. Storvnlt finallv bc- f,'!M ILEO Fo B. n UPHAUS ,pHArc i! ix f; :'lil t.t 6.123?li Stur.filters & Pipefitters Union No. 440 { Nntiorraloecoraforr - $} i::1.::'l:::1,:';,..,.,"\'rrrrl ,i i; s,tpili;.--' ' li lnlliirnu{i({i(q.{{t{( ${i\Jl Noltlr l,lasl l'lurrrlrt,r'",,,,,..,}..,-,, f ; 13,15,,,,.,N. ,!r--:.lltrnois ME..-:;:." 4.6?10 ;,i i& ,.: ns nrrrch o[ ltirn as t]ttr r'ittt gct. u") i l suffer nc\.cr. ln i;;;i;i;,;j ,::i318 N. lllinoisSl. ME 4'?561 Y oilrcr.s is $f ,.,,;1ll,,l),'l'l;,,iill;1i,"",';,':;1,,,,,i il d,t: *v *'il :l . *r\ ;ltl jri A FRIEND g ptNEnA , ABEts ll'*ilri{;i:iii!{t'lii.:lil'[',; ii f .roseex.loseeH r. PINEUA iji tl $:#*;1r**l*il; H{i GRADYASPHALT, ;i s* ^6tt^cDRUG5 lJ\ |,\tt 'i tsott;iT."r'r;'r'o"'' Mainorrice: 6144 conege pnUL t$ I J. WEAVER & ASsocIATESAssoclATEs i* Plnrrf [1i ,No', l' - .. li chamber of commeree Building Buirdins ****$*wSo.8lh, Noblcsville il ft riii t'.\rrr..r.wrii\\'r,rR ,ry1llgl-ON Plant No. 2: E. 86llr,lndpls. fi lri $ii ME 5.333r Ar 3.7686 i: RENTALS 7l Nf t'1'lr(1r|r'ar'(,1('rs x f'1{ ' - - - Itt.prost'nting lnsrtranceCo." f afl S. Keysfone y 'vvv UJ' SWISS DRAPERY fr 4|! ffi;tw',0,K t{ fil li'li;'1,::,lli,,i\,,lJili'.li'.:ll::\:lli:Ii,',1i"'llli",1l,..i,,lill'.x:J"1li'lli: [iT & RUG CLEANERS st) ()f his rvolks still Iw*,Hs$l9-2301 ncss; it airrrs at cornrption antl llo-tlotctt ol' '"""rtt'ss"it""i,,',,1i'l''"'*'(it.orttttrs ME :X - 1l l,i f I loo4 MacrisonMaelisonA"::.Ave. SHERATONSHERAI-ON LINCOLN HOTEL i t 4l rlt'gratl;rtiorr. llthotrglr on(! cln- in l)l'illt' $l$i l09l ;i ?i lr20N' ltlinois,:l0o|30rh st' rrr w. washinstonsi. ME 4'1361 :* * cxrRopRAcroR t[ ii r({l(:cr{!{fr({r(:G!{,tftr(r€r!rt,tr€rtt)ih>ilrtr,,h,.al,.lrtitr)r.\)\*,.tilr*li!;)i,.tlpr.''. $ffi;r &*.fl?5*3holl. MIRRoR ff i.! $? I :j,'lii ,{ .--- WHOLESALE wlrnr E(Ar E - ll d,;fii- ?00rsouth Harding MEe'334r thirry-Eishrhar posr Rd. BtrrRtcH's a & H TooL n,,,,1111\ii'1f,,1;li:li;l:1i';i,,,,,. vonr,*uDoodre civic i $l - [ Rfi 'jfr I tf tl MEArMARKET I & MAcHINEco. il:: 5703w. Mor.ris fi Found.rtion, Inc. [f t .-.u rcENNYKENNY SLIFER r,'.,,r,1I,'.,,,,r,It,rr,Rer,kwiln.Rer,r.u,irrr. pr.:.pr.s. t Ll 5-0091 {l E. F. t\tanses*Ili.Grartel\ I ntot MarsachuseflrAve, cxirisl t.sr4+ * fif; I $, i $l Y I I Stand ll9'20-CirY Markel I ti *{bl/ v ;'i mE 4.tal5 tl 7'3s04 $tf * ,-tri^t E Ert^D Arrtttrr .n t[tr^ tt; I I MAXsHAptRo,s ,:t clRcLECIRCLE ENGRAVINGCO., lNC. o.= ELEcrRtcco. U ,,ot - -t---.-" .{,.0 ,{{ F? DELTCATESSEN ?.4334 flh>lllf,f,l>rr.lr}lctr)r),1>,irJil>r?r?r1i,?.?,)r?r?r:-,>.h)r},),ir>.>>zi).lr>,:,>rii| | iif ii rs, ,",,ast Maryland Marytand MEMl ,'t ,,,,r,,u ll. Caslcr., r)u rrcr' *,{ rqrirrnrxa€Fx{lrtlrlrxp=rqil{Eq.elrart{rllfrrrf,prr;;;;i";;;;; |I | ^^ At nvrc st. ii tatr-Zt Millersville Drive P,f Itrlnltqc*'qqqdq'

(0. 9.-E:.[EF.YF fi the Journeyman Barbers,--'-;'X Hairdressers,"-:';- ' "rotnnnnrrr ;;;Fuer .--- I xRUKEMEIER I ' f;] A SONS,lNC. li r---^.^t^-:-r- --J D----r^r^-c v tFf \F:-) Cosmetologisls and Proprietors fi M;;hi,.,;i root co. [ l ..u,r,r,nrBu,r\)Rs v 2743 s. Merirlian sr. { I oF 'rrrer rrq'rv'qr v'rrvr' vr n'rrvr 'rY ii *l | (,'orrl.r.lclors" Internalional Union of America li rn, r,-!.-.rSt., Beechb---L GrovO---. E fi tZA Main 'fr t"uIELoIL" 7, lnd. ST 4'1042 SIOKELYVAN mfilP INC 1228 yandes WA 5.8941 f f lf N. Delawsrc Sl, Indirnapolir fi $ fil ?,,Tu rl'9200 ^^n^ 1400 1...s'- l::^coRitter avr. Ft.t'il3l $ rlr r.,.Meridian sr. ME r.25srtl DtdrllwrErhr.a]&Dirnhtl*llrtorrnr**"fi | | THE CRITERION, DECEMBER 20, 1963 PAGE NINE + I I{olv Land Pope's trip on TV Will Pope Paul oisit England? J NEW YORK - Highlights of Remember them (Continucrl lrom page 3) Popo Paul'r visil to fhc HolY Tic Tacker of lhc Olthotlox Clrulc'hes u'ho Land will be lelecarl over lhe for .n your prayers FRlDAY, DEC. 20 ha\rc b('r,n waiting sccmingly CBS nelwork from I0 io ll p,m., Ronlo to takt' thc {irst stcp. EST, on January 6, lhe soms tNDlat'lAPOl t3 Sl. Rita's Social bcgins fft 6::10 I Mlr0rE0 R. $,tl0lll, 61, Our hdy ol Iloweytr, l'alltct' Gauticr atrtl day the Pope visils Chrisl'l lourder, Dec. li, Eurirl, Slilcrvillc, SUr- p.nr. in the chulch hall, lOth and vivorir ronr.Rav. lohtr M, WriQhl, loun{liilq Howard birfhplace in Bethlehem. The Fleber R, C, Haylord his highLllnccrl It ituds pfuy lhflt pdslor ol Sl. Crbrlcl'r (lrurch, lrrllanapolis; Arsonel. wlll include cover, Mdi. Warfcn Wrighlr In lhe [.1.S. Marinr g broede6sl it rneans, loo, rlolil.tt-'l'ilttr g(ts- forps, New Rlver, N,C.; diughlers, Mrs, M,rr Fieber & Reilly age, on film and video lape, of SATLIRDAY, DEC, 2I turc ol inrlt'rttific'ttion of tlto tllul Kieil, oI Ivansvillc; Mrs, Phoehe Alfke, lhe Pope's slay in 0t Indidil,tp0lis; brolhcrt, Roy Ri(ltnrlson, Sl. Bridget's Soeial in llrc sehool Insurance Agency, lnc. l)irpircy rvith cvangtlir:al sturplic- ot Vnn NUvr, Cnl.; Janres RiIlldrd50n ol 5trll. on January 4 and his viril lo wrler, (ll{rtcs "Cof,rlrnl ity of lift'unrl:r frrlrtt'c ntininti'r- 0kla.; and Richdrd5oil, ol lil' hall,815 N, \\tcs[ St., bcgins at Protilrion.l Satvltffr Nrrareth and lhe Sea of Gllileo di.rrrlDoli!. (i:ll0 ing rrf thrt t'ct'k'siaslicll p.nr, 124 N. Delewerr ME 9-1533 ltanoply on January 5. whioh .lohn onctr riiti(l rvas tlrat of t ANNA Gtsroil, }- si- t',,r.;.r.,. cr,r,,,t,, "& Dtc. 13. ll0lV C.oss (0rrel€rV. SUtvivors: I'crsiau satlap." A 1'oungish ilililillililililllilrililililillililtililililililililillllllllllll husbrnrJ, Richlrd M.; son, Rich{tri,i sislc6, Franch thcolo!tlnn. F'atltcr Ilctte A0n€s and Ivr Kellry.

L:rule'nlitr, lttttttot'ouslf iI cbttl- t wrttrAM l, caiiirli, ;,2, rory sDirir 'on (,1lvnty lcntly hopr's thnt ltis t'clttln ehurcll, 0cr, 14. Cenretery, Sur. f tlastcrn Vivofr soil, Willidol [, flom lhe 11p;v l,nnrl l)nul \tl rvill pnul ATTAS acct'pt lht offtl of :ttt t\tttr'ricitn f MARy r, nolul[,-ilss. leler,]nrt (dlhedrdl, Dec,16. Sl. JoscDlr (enrctcry. nnlscullr to hrtt' lltt' St'tliit (iestn- Sutvivot:: dnurlltlers, Mlrie [,rudell. Iillial lolin ( thc urisc

from trlarian Collcgt, is s1rending thc holitlal's visrting thc r\r'chdio- t MaRcArrr n:arri, qt. SS. pcrer errl Illue Llrlics for lhe bcrrcfit of Plul ( llhcrlrrl. l)cr. | /. ,l0tv { rorq (rrrrre. llc will then rcturn lo l;uropc fot'continttllirrrt of ltis doclot'al Votclnn Ilospit:rl 1r:rlicnts. ce.sc. letv. 5urt ror' ilicrr. M.!rrtnrrt 5r:\toil, rcsearch in histor'1'. . Frater Byron Zoderer, O.F.M., lr nltivc of Cuban t _J.ollN. I ltn;ailGlt, 64, st. Jn(.r,tr's perirh, on l)eccnr- (ltIf(lr,0o(. lB. (to1\ (cilcl0ry. Srcrcd Herrl Inclilnlpolis, rect'ivcrl tlte diuconatt- lloly Silr. (]ol'[rrc ((-ontinuttl plgc MEANWHILE, \/atican offi" vivors: wif0, 0orollry; rlautllrtrtrr, falhorrnc SttI anlrrrul btr 1{ in I'ctlopolrs, lilRzil, u'ltct'c' hc is tahittg theoktgicul sttttlics, fronr l) pt't'tlit:lt ll0ilthalt, lldrbJra Pokrrnclr.rk. M,rry J. Ilruee; collectcrl f()r' uso in tt honrt t'ills tl tlr:rt a sprcial irt tlte l''t'anciscan I'atltet'.s' Irto. sr)r\, J0llr, lanrcs, Jostph rnrl Jr'rty; !rlrtrs, {:pon n(.st 1'tlr hc rvill tt-lt'h pt'css of[ict yirk'rl lrt' lltc pirlish. rr'orrkl lrt' r'st:rlllislrcrl Mri Slnvfn llrdnlr, (dllrrr rnc llIrlrnqrrl scminary in Snntitt'cm. Illazil. . . n-cu' ittltnittistt'ittivtl ;tssislanl at Itv lltt' Apostolic I)olcg;rlirrrt rr br0lllar- Ailllloilv- for \\/oorls grou;r Sl. Franeis Hospilal, lit'r'ch (irovt', is John Grubb, fortttcr pct'sottttol The new family is lemporar. .lcnrsirlour lo plovirlt' for itct:t'erli- CAMFNIDGE Ct'Y .-'l'lrc dilectol tlrclo. Dr. Jack E. Pilcher \rits lr1 clcclcd ltrtlsirlcnl of ily occupying the St. Thomas l;t{iott uf tlrr' yrossiblv 1.U00 oot'rrr- i W00Di0lY 1,. JC}IUNCt(, 50. ,1 nr0'rl)or of lNl)1,\N,,\1,()[,lS St. ;\larv. "Annex," 51. tlitrtb{)lh (hIrrh, Irrrrrral Mns\ I)rrc. a bungrlow rdjrcenl tt[.lltr'\Vootls,\lrrrrrnlrr' ('lrtll of lit. llrc Sl. Vincenl's Hospitrl urerlicitl stll'f. . . Dr. Roberl F. Byrnes, sltotttk'lrls u'lro u'ill c()rrrt' tlrr' lrru', llloorl ( l,rrrrlr, (elrrr,r, ()1.i,), lrp, . 9. to lhe parish church formerly 5l,rvivors: Eifd. llr',lV Jc,lrr- ,l,ilrrlirtrr, l.tn? rluttt;rpolis rlill hrrlrl its (lhlis{rrrlrs chailnran of thc lnrlian:r tJnitclsity lrislot'l rlttpnlttttt'nt, tlclivt't't'd lhe l)ilttrilnlt:{', lt wls oxpcctorl Dickqrort; sleD,sori, Tony lioovrlr; r'loll).r, ('ofk'o used for parish meef ings. Itt'r'r. pcrsonnul qlcll.r at l0::i(l it.ill.0n i\l0rrrl;rv, plincipnl addlcss at inauguraliott t'otctuunit's hotutlirt!1 l"alhcr'illay- lhlrt Valiclu I Srlrrrncl. ol ( cl'r'r orr, ,j ,.r,.tfrr; s'orrltl llt' lssirltt'rl to slafl tlrrr fll.tttr l,s 5' 1',,,''1 ^1f\. I t,,y,l lt.r,l,,r, [{ri l)oc. :l(1, trt lltc lrrrrlt' ol' Ills,,1. nrrd .1. Illennrn. O.S li., ttcrv pt'r'sitlrttt of St. \'ittct'nl's Collt'gc iu (lubln lhnorlorr Grll,rrd, .,\ct'ot'rlitt{ lo '\l I)iuz, lll of Cntir,.r ^r,. V,! rail li:rrtorr (lliffin, 4,lir.l \\,itsltrnqlr)n spocilrl l)rr'ss colllof. li.rtrrrlr, ol DdyloD; brr)lhfr, poul, (rlinl. l,atrol)e, I'4. l)r'. Il1'r'ttcsrs rt tutntllt't'ol St. Chrrler Borromeo prrirh, ol 'l'lrc l)fogt'ilnl rlolkt'r lirl lhc r\r't'lr- lllvrl. lrllail is rlivcn arrnrurl- (':rtholic ('halilics Allt()nl{ llt0 lfr';rrrI]ornr'nts hlrtoni ittrlton. rlioct'sln Ilu. 1tt'css ll for' {ht' slrrrk'rrls lrorv itlllttrlitttl lt'au. thc (lottzalcz coupk. lllilorl tttt

(lYO dnnr:c set 'I'he lNl)IANr\PL)LlS -- South- sirlt' CYO wil .sponsor a tlance on londay, IJcc. itO, in St, ilIalk's clrut'ch basenrt nt, 551 trJ, Edgo. s,ootl Ave. Joe Kclly, lVlli'tr) disc jockey, will spin thc tuncs frorn Merry Christmas 7;ilO lo 10::10 p.nl. Stnrl frrnrl dr.lvc (:()LOtiNlt, Our wish is that this most joyous of Gcr.nrany - 1'hc (lclnrnn Itishops havc issucd a all seasons rvill find you healthy .iorrrl pastolal to stnft Gcrnrarry's "r\rlvcrriat" . . . happy . . . and eagerly await- lhilrl frrnrl cRnrpaign ing the dawn of a new and pros- lo hclp the Clln'clr in Lttin Arnt'r- icn. perous year. Gcrman Catholics wct.t: asked to give at lcast a tenth of Urc rnoncy [hc5, spcrrrl on Christ. nras gifts.

Meny Christmas Rochlsland RefiningCorp" (orneliusPrinting {0. orgari;;d Lahor 5000w. 86rhsr. 2457E, Wash.5t. ME 8-4531 PAGE TEN THE CRITERION, DECEMBER 20, 1963

s!,Aso/v's GIIEIII'IIVGS! G.I.HAUN H.llil.cRusE S llllinnY tllIllIS'l'i\IAS CHRISTMAS Cl't'c[ings l ktt'r"s ltollittg th:tt vottt' holirl:ry is TO ALL - FROM e\'(.f-so brighl itutl gity. GREETINGS OUATITYFOODS SHOPRITE INC.


KN ?705 N. Tibbs Ava. =--'WA 3'496/ \\firil1r1,flilfi n\l\Nl l\if FASHIONSYOULOVE! BRANDSYOU KNOW! o Fiancees O Avonetlel o De Angelo MAY YOUR I Eleganra o ValleY CHRISTMAS GLOWING CHRISTMAS BE BLESSED SpaciousParking Facilities CHEER GOODWISHES WITH EVERY 1'O ALL OUR Open Eves. Tilt 6. P.M. -- Fri. Till 8:30 P.M' HAPPINESS May evcry dry ol thir ioy. FRIENDS otrs holielay be f illed wilh (0., CHMENSSHOESATON happirress for you. Wreckslnc. III-A& ftl wA 3-9?03

"l1 i' ,11,,I l,;i ,1,'r'rt,ilt'lll" Inc. lDlrrnrhr.r',r

sto N. Kins Ave. ME l-6366 |i :i otl,LL>l,L>>t ; >}.>> >).h>)<)r)r*>.I

vrf rtrtrtrtr._'-'.,tr-tr'. I^ffii' i-aIffi \. tb Our fr'ritnils ilLI;SSL'}GS f, {'lrolir 'l'o |: rtr;rrtr' \r orttlt't Scnding l'r)ll iul( \'oti ANI) \'otitts i- lltat t'rrtt irnrl /\'r' ('tIIt Is'l'llAs'l'tI )11 $ lravc il vor'.\'. 1*.t'ht'ist nt:rs. ',{A A * .losril'u ri l4 ij rt,rl .tSSll Sutherland l( ol Li ff 316owast,inston Lumber Florists I offi.o, wr Co. Home: S'l tttl E. TroY Ave. $ 1500 Kenlucky !; ?401fV, Wrrhinslon Ave. ',r. 5629E. WaslringlonSt. $ flilot l,ifc ME 9-2345 E. 38lh Slreet $ Greensboro.No l: ?l lli :.1:, :,.,:,:.:'--.:..:',: }iliil}ll.!,;llili.l' !, .,.,,,.r,.-. ,,t.,=,,t,tr.:. ,',;.]:.)), i;L1.!;>i>>>rS

iK|(|(|(!t. y il-H

a{is lffi*'i/" I (Jl.'. GoorI( MAYYOUR OURPRAYER i, AT CHRISTMAS $ \\'.isliltt s HOTIDAYS AT CHRISTIvIAS $ Greetinlngs as bright Yulcticlt: BEIESTIVE! a big bundlc ii as baublos onc lhe lree lo send alorrg ir we extend lrfo everyone. Crectings from lhe siaff of of w.rrnrest good wisher gou lo frierrds tttd cuslonrerr. i PhltilipsWest GeneralEquipm $ SideFordI S wAs.5.351I RURALINl{ i; 3103 Lr[avettee Rd. (U.s.52) ".\,'r ?123 E. Michigan St. 'rr'r, I)r';rrrrlfl ,lrr'lll ()l){'}t. |l ME 7-0789 I rirrl ll ll JIiitlttrqltl" S$>, >,>,r.,::i>.tr:,i,:,\il WfiI.MdINTY INC.

sArr,rr\GrtrrWi[fiil srN;;ourf;$ GREETINGSIfi Fairh This Mtlffit Christmastide, $ From the stafrstaff ar at u'illiw*ri ftxrclcstro.crest u'ishessishes fi $ ;:r",iitrfiil.::ill'.,,i.?'li:::. ,:,Tiff".TJ'.':11::-lg fi fi We Pray, Will rharthat yours will bc $ fi $ fr grcctlllgs to all of Your Guide Bg *$ i,;ii,.'il."top"i{iif."I\fii"'iiHi,',fi','$ uraryour. fis ilg WIXER,SWAIKER,S ^TRvlc;'--- SHELL *fr Be 3'J'i",11?J'ilori,r,,,,.E$u""n'::i:.::.-.. t $ fi 0ut' lllallv friends. To Great Joy! fi t 'n'0"'ii"i"]!ths'' ATKTYCAFE lohnsonchewol.r -" fi $ ,*:ylo::l-..llltl.KlvElt fi Slovenian co,In,. fr solcsrttttl scrrt'i,.e fril ;n':*ii:li:.1*ll, 1035N. Meridirnsr, il [$ ],. I * serviic frfi ME 5-6581 rs s, ltinoisst. ME {.fis/ Car Wash arrtl l'olislt fi $ fi * fi hhl.&lrhlr?rlrhhhhhhlialhhrr*i &nnrrtx&&th&rt&hHrrhh}l*xh! &bhatal,*l,halrtnelrrt\ll&lrtr{ THE CR|TER|ON,DECEMBER 20, 1963 PAGE ELEVEN

THT RTAL SANTACLAT]S ,Season's . BY GERARD ELIOT T IS .ll-routsix. olas-no, not the hinrsell' that in order to there rerlly is a Santa Claus . . , &+ hrrndrcd but his statue, There was only about lho nran in tha storc win' Creetings 5"'1'! zr teen onc thing for Saint Nicholas kt tlo. dow, I'm not so srrrc. *1' IIc caught lha rolrtrers and tle' Ilut if nrean the in il\\ I 5'ou saint manded thnt they restorc lhc hcavcn-tha saint rvho is a bishop, i,//,tl Hs'"fl ,l\\' - }ilr'll'ffi; Snint Nicholtts ///l A\\ t- ltc ltits rr'rtritincrl nloney. AftcI tltat, u'ho has a vcry shiny and vcry I I lt I t t //|il llre.satttcin tlto becnme thc Involite salnt of all ht'avenly halo, wlxr listcns to our l\\";*.o** praycrs / ju lrl'iip?'ttrNl tttrchange n lr I e merchants, anrl rvho can rcally hclp FERTIG Indianapolis /ll L'ifi\\tr\N kingdonr of rts-if tltat's wltottt 1,6n ntcan, oh, t 11 tS*\ \ illlfl "':"' lrorron, lrc lurs tlrcle urost celtaiuly is a Santa fL--'-LllI \r/rflt ICECREAM CO. Office SupplyCo., lnc. llrrt - F tAdW iln(lr)rgorton)itny Clarts. rcnrernber Santa chan{cs in thd tllaus is Snint Nicholls. (llcpr-int. ?05 N. Collogo Ava. ME 8.2386 Itt Kcnfucky AvcRu. r-D-{ltiifi 'l'he erl f ronr Silln ) F..--W-l slor.ies tolrl ME {4591 :rborrt hirtt ltct'c on eaLth. Xllll(l(trtrqn[t!lrtl(trt(r(l{1t(({r(r{ititi({r(!f,|<(ti('{qlI(fCt(i(KKr(ri'{r(fClrrl IIc lr;ts ttnilt't'gone so llrally chlrrgr's, in flct. lhat yott pt'ob- UPTOWN him; if it s'i:t'c Tt,e Light of tlrc lVctrld COLLEGE P. E. KopfeinAgency ilhl.t' rlott't knrtrt' N(f,{X{, fi rrol fol lris ht':tlottly rvistlottt. lttl !f _ INSURANCE . u'oukl hlrrll]' t'leogtlizt' hitrlscll, 8 fVl,iclr i.s thc rourl thuL lcatl.s lo llclhlcfielr? H' TAVERN, Inc. It is the nrodt'r'n stot'ics lhlt 't't,c 129E. Mrrkct Sf. |ol llro slrrt ir's ltnto llkon ft'ottt il tr-rot'ft|still rr^sL'.sin !his orrr dml;tsl. du11, nrakc it tlifficult lo piclut'c Snint fi {186 Collego Avsnur "Agk hint tlrt'rliqrritv of bishop; lltcy pt'rson lVhen peoplc secliing p(]r]il) ol,I p,ur',,r About Our Ncw Niclrolls ls il \'ol'y rurtl I /rt,rr;:icd f; Itltlo; tltt'y lutve llitl lsitlt'ltis irlltossibkr lo hint ls t'lrrrnder lhrough, lle rocL'cl's bold rli.sploy. llomeownersPoliev" arrrl l)icturc $ * hlrvc ct ctt cltaltgctl ltis ttatttc not 'l'ltrt a bislrrrp lrttl o slitt. tttorl- V .zlrc lrol{ ortc oI ftrrtt: 1;rorrps i'rrin pnrorlc ;i onll' to lltc rntltr't' flilrpitnl (for lt ('litus t'rrt Sarrtn wottkl bt'vct'y ilrrrr'fiirrg irr your pride orrrl sclJ cslr:r:lr? $ f PLUMBERSSUPPLY suirrl, at lclst) Srtirtl .Nick, brtl to placc nrrrclr orrt rrf if lrc slt'ollcrl birl rtrorn(l rrrrrl ;! sotltctvltat U ,,l,,ur:ls U(,1 llrfrt /irrrl John Ferman lht' tttott' lollttlltr, nnrl into llrc kinttlorn of hr'avun, Johnson lnrrrlcrrt'.s r{:ann dn{l rittll It.ss prrlilt', S:trrttt ('littts, Srnla 'l'ht $ ; ii,r,rirg lliclie 11!i)>t{it>r}}tr}lli}}fr}tiDi)lrtxr,r,rnrrr,nr,nrfr rcr'1-holl'brshop, rrlto tlit'rl ott tlte chil<1. *.__::::y'"_:'i:Y__ sisllr of l)t'ct'rnlrt'r in lhtt ]'cttt'il.lir, or ulavllc it s as i152. llc' rvas, * Chas. Pallerson Shoe Co. Uniled Home Life llror('o\ ct', l vol')' rotttitrktlllc pt'r'- i\lltrr' cirls aftr'r' Slirrt Niclurlls son arrtl hc rlitl sonle vcrr- r('- l li'rcnch Slrrincr& UrncrShoet Irarl dir'rl, a .lt'rvislr rut-'rchRnt Ntrnn-llrtsh Shocs l-or lrlcn - Bass InsuranceCo. rnlllilblt' tltittgs. llut pt'oplc lrt'- - pllcr'rl a stntut' of Snint Nicholas l\lnccasins Stelson I\len's Shoes lrr n to ta lk. Yott t'call1' can't in his honrc to pl'otcct lris 142 N. Ponnrylvrnir ME 1.9610 bl:rrrro lhont. ior,trrne 100Tll Buildins 'l'herc rt'ltilt ltt' \\'ils il\\':rI'. stNt[]r0l4s u as thr' tintt'. for in- ,,\nrl ltc cx- pt'ctr'tl Sarrrt n-ie ltolls sllnce, wllcn a sltilt s'its cnuglrt lo tJo a goorl joh! llrrt tlrclc l'eLc robbcrs irr thosc tlays alrrl lhc loltlrols, RAY & MASCARICO. SHELBYBOWL rvlur rvclt' tvaitin{ fol lltc trrcr- clr:rnl lo g() lrlit)', brrrkc into thc * Conimissiol l\lorchants * 3808$hrlbv 5f. ST 6.6itt hottst'. .,\url tlt0]' lo{rl; tlrc rnoncv, 324 5. New Jrrrty St. ME 7'013f \lhcn the nrr'rchlnt cnnte back Kcnt Iflrrshall, I\tanager Itt'tvirs irtrgt-y nnrl lllitnrctl Slint Niclrolls. lrrtlgirrc tlu' t'rrrblr.- rassnlonl of Snirrt Niclurlas hcforo PEARSON ilro (!ntirrr hcltlcnll' corrrt -- lrrrl MACRI'S lltt'1' all knt'rv allout it-- rylrcrt he ELECTRICSERVICE CATALINABAR tvas accust'rl of beirrg a lhicf! 1'ho ITALIAN VILLAGE t032 E. Wrrhinglon St. rnt'r't'hunl, irr flcl. tvils "Irrne New Addrers rnd Phonr: so llngrJ' ltahan tltitt he bcgnn to heat Slint Nich. anrl Anrorican l'oods" Dlek Cardls f rankie Cardis l3{3 N. Meridirn WA 5.1071

MARER Flower Shop BEALL'S GRNIq'I'INCS LAKE D. M. REAMFR MELROSE GEE DRUGS In BEECH EITIVIN IIAREIT OROVE National Wholesale CLUB Contl)letoltrescrit)tion Scrvice (LOW Now Locrled at Our Ncw Sloro 32f . f02 ltlrln Sfrml Grocery Co. I\Ir. nnd 1\Ir,s.0llie l'licltcr IIRICES) ill38 Norrose Drive Ll 6'3901 28{l 2 Stores to Serve You 937N. Crpifol ME 5.5{tg o:'n".' Shelby 5t, ST 6.2121 *-.'.*._*_-. :::t:.::: HUGH G. BAKER LAWRENCE BROADRIPPLE DAVIS GARAGE JOHN F. RAFTERY Insuranee GIBSONCOMPANY MUSICCENTER PHARMACY Tower Buildins - Circlc !'ree Prescription Delivary Serviee ME l-7r'155 il6 Main Sl., Beech Grovc - Arrto Parts l?/9 Plummer 51., Lawrcnec t-6306 8ll MerchanfsBank Bldg. ME ?02 E. l{otliald Blvd. CL i-3000 sT 6.{508 il3! N. Crpilol Avc. ME 4'3311 Lr 5.0338 CARLOSRECKER O'DOWD PLUMBING INTERIORDECORATORS THRIFT FOX VEHLING BROTHERS ANTIOUE$ & HEATING CO. W. J. HAMAKER HOLLINGSWORTH OPTICAL CO. l45l N. Debwarr Sl. ME 5.784I 120N. Drvidron SHOE REPAIR ELECTROGRAPHIC CORP. PLASTER E R5 TOOL WORKS PHARMACY 730 E. Washinqlon Sl. ME 1-l3ll CL 5'5{36 238 So. Mcridien Sl. 2l?7 N. Adrms l0ll 5. Dchwrrc Sl. IvtE l'32&l Mcrchanlr Bank Bldg. (Brscmenl) 49Ol N. Pennsylvanir Sl. lndiarrapolis MORTGAGES,Inc. ROTHKOPF HOOSIERCHINA ELMO'S PHARMACY ALSCO R. H. Marlin Chester Smith SUPERIOR 129 E. Markef Sl.-Room 518 & EQUIPMENTCO. Gulf ServiceSfation AI,I,'AI,UIIINU]\I Inc. 3033 Lrfryellr Rord ConstruclionCo. Insurance AgencY, Restaurant Supplies-Eqtlipmant CARTAGE COMPANY "Bu1'Gull ME 2-933{ Combination Storn-Sercen For Less" Windorvs atltl l)oors Rental Servicc For All Occasions Rcntal Ilrluiprnent 503 Main St., Beech Grovc 8720 Soulhers?ern Avc. Awtrings - Jalottsios 5318N. tllinoissr. cL 5.0,129 sT 6.9142 l{f E. Wrrhlnolon 51. ME I'4302 l6rh St. ME ?'5555 166I Wrrl 1000 S. Harding Free Custonter Parking in Rear I:::t:i:::: lill _"-Fisch Jewelry Company CHAMPE.GARLAND COMPANY DANNER'S Maffett & Purvis IL Campbcll - Virginia ilIitchell LAUCK - Ann Fisch SCOTT coAL e olL NORTHSIDE FUNERALHOME 5, IOc & $1.00 StoresStandardService Station 739 E. 63rd ( Broad Ripphl B, J. MATTHEWS 'fires. TRUCKINGCO. "Air li'or Yottr MRS. Batlcrics. Accessorics cL 5.919t H22 \Ar. 30th TRANSFERCO., Inc. Conditioncd NOW 3r S]'ORllS ( I'nrking) Conrplcte Lubrication ME 1'6528 Conrfolt" Off'Strcet 'Ib -;-;;i; 437W. Grorsia 2043N. lllinoir,Si. WA 6-1571 Sct'r'c Yorr ln lnrliaua 1458 S. Meridian Sl. ME 6'6655 --:__i:::11:''-,.-i:i'" MARGARETEVANS '*oiri*t MARKET BLYTHE RUBBER EVANS LANTERN ROOM co., lNc. Kennelh Smock SEVENTO ELEVEN Associated 4905 Opcn Every Evening Till 8 p.m. CO. N, Collego SUPERMARKETS and Oil Co. STAMP CHUNG'SINC. - Excavafinglrrc. Gas PLUMBINGCO, cL 1.2284 ME 9.5252 -^:": Dehwrra ME 1'{115 Chinsse-AnrcricanRestaurant No. t-?94t H. Shtrmrn Dr. t'l 6'8680 8t! N. Af 3'1961 1430KentuckY Ave. Open l):rily 11 a.m. . 10 p.m. Nr ?-4561 ll. Collcgr Avr. 8{/ Errhart FL 6-2485 ::::::'::_ 1600S. Werf Slreal No. 1-1901 Noflhwratcln Av., lfA 4'3844 ONI] DAY SEITVIC!] 3766.68N. Meridian Sl. WA 5.9t00 flo. i-t902 N. lllinoi! AI 3-4371 _- KNOTTPHARMACY MAJESTIC GUY MONTANI DtLLOt{'i--- GEORGEF. KIRKHOFF JOHN WACHTEL PNUSCNIPTIONS CONSTRUCTIONCO. FlNE FOODS Wholesale CABIN Ileating' CORP. Bakery r\ccurntcly lrillarl CLIFTON PHARMACY THE LOG Piping, Pluurlring, Groceries * llcats * Wiuos (OMPT[II TINI OI !AXTRY GOODT 2807E. lofh sr. 4ir-Conditioning and ltcfrigeratlon Epicures t lroorl Gi[t l]askcts l{. Invilr lnqulrirs fronr Church.! l{02 E. Washinglon 'OOW, SOUTHERN Cluhs, ard targe Groups !tl2 Clifton wA 5.7121Kcysfone rl 38th 5t, WA 5't68I lVe Dclivr.r-lJslablished 1884 5660 Hillside "llj! lillhdrt rnd ltrddlng Crlrr sT 4.4486 I i1.'- ___*1jj565 sr {'1335 ]'1t_I": *__.---.- GAMBRALL G.&G. HUMPHRE.YMOiOC__ lNc. RALPH CAIN PHARMACY DRUG CENTER ZIEGY'S BAR.B.Q H. F. MEARLING co., lndianepolisPost Office B & B DRUGS !620 toufhr.ttrtn uN 2'661t & ASSOCTATES ..IT'S IIEAL BARBEC{JN'' ,rAll l-ofmr ol lngurance" rnd {{02 E. Wrrhington Sl. 2l0l W. Michigen Bcrkowitz Brothers FL 6'6855 Credit Union FL t.5678 ft& S. Emerson ll E. Wrrhlngton-No. 201 HUMPHREYMOTORS - INSUNANCE- ME t{940 WALGREEN AGENCY Opcn 10 a.m. to 1:30 a'tn" ME 1.t296 BEECHGROVE LOT Lemckc Blds. ME 2.5315 r70tw. 30rhsr. Tucsday thnt SundaY r4o firfn 3t' tl ''tolr T"p B&B Inlernalional *d lu*- INDIANAPOLIS RAY ENVELOPE Metal Polish Co. Wilbur W. Moon's Hunk & Chunk TOPMILLER ED SULLIVAN WELDINGCO., Inc. Inc. CO., Inc. lfr l9l0 Qulll Sl, FreezerMeats, Inc. FRUIT COMPANY, Hryc tlstirqs in Avon, Danyille Phillips 56 Service end Erownsburg Areas 1869 Mehrffey (Lrwrencc) Envelopes and Letterhcads "I0f5 SERVICEGLASS CO. lllue Polishes, Avo. lN sERVttr'. Ribbon 2955Kanlucky Ave. CH 1'0932 285 S. Main St, {t0l Macgachuselll AX l-4869 (4) Lt 6.97{2 Cleaners and Waxes Lt 6-2425 SH 5.209733 W. Michigan St. "[,et 546 South Meridian Me 4'4462 Avon, Ind:: rE 9.0t9--_** Us Care For Your Car" Zionsville, tnd. UP 3'3384 Cltrkit-r,itll.l, C"ttl", O. Sp*irffv'-]l- BEAU RIVAGE MARBAUGH GEO.BUESCHER DOROTHY GARDNER Andrews Flower ShoP BEAUTY SALON W. W. MICKEL GENERALAPTS., EngineeringSuPPIY Co. PROGRESSCOAL World Wide Floral Ssrvlcc ; & SON FLORIST - - 7'3468 AUDITOR OF STATE - l65uy6nce rNc. - Cify Wide DeliverY ldo Erst lVrbrrh ME & MATERIAL CO. MAISONMERLENE OF INDIANA Norlhside Branch 3450N. Meridian WA 3'34!l Main Office, 22 W' Vermonf Complctc Line ol F'lorvcrs 6501 Blufl BEAUTY SALON 5!3 E. Southern Road 5'8521 fl45 N. Keyslonc Ll 6'4875 6016 I. ?ltt hlindror Vill.sr fl 6.8009 ME 4-2439 5 Ersf ohio st. ME Rcs. 3T 4'5845 *_ . _*. EDGEWOOD MILES ACMEMACHINE PEA.COCKS ST. FRANCIS K. W. KLEMM ROBERTLEE Marbleand Tile Co. & TOOLCO. Of Indianapolis INDUSCORPORATION ,i Shell ServiceStalion BROKET.IBURR HOSPITAL 5659Hardegan sT 4.lll8 QualityMeats ll0l Chrdwick Sl. ME 8.553f O . WOI\IDN'SAPI' ^RfiI, ME 9'5281 'l'ilc t8l5 MadisonAve. STATE SENATOR BeochGrovt, !ndirnr I Ccrnnric anrl City Markel 7103N. Michigan Rd. lndirnrpolir, lnd. (tn Broad RiPPleOnlY) I I\Iarble Winrtou'Sills 812Errl 63rd Streot CL l'6211 I



br r fhrecl to his rula. Aris. lobolur proved lo ba only r rf and'in {or lhe Chrisl Child, Hcrod wenl lhrough lhe rame rgony ell over rgain when he reelirrd how wrong hr hld been. 'lhlcr: HER PLANNED filgltt, ho\\'- Kinrts ftottt tlttr liltsl clt'1, s'crrI arvt'y, Sltc tt'ttstetl tlte c;riiie to tlrc p;rlacc looking fot' thc u'r'ons scLvartls. Ilelotl rvas in- Child boln Kirrg of lltc Jttls. lirlnrctl of lhc trvo coffins sho h;rrl . ME 5.ttit just h:rtl made antl of thc plnn by llelod plannctl to trick {hent INDIANAPOLIS HEROD SMILED ttt;rlt'r'rtlt'tltl\t rvhiclr shc ntttl ltot' son rvould lny as lrc lratl Akrxartrlla irtlrl At'is- votttl!l ittt'r' irs lrrr rllrlt'ltt'rl lltc ltt in and like thL\rrrscl\rrrs tltc coffins lobolus, but this tinte he failed. llt'c I'trtnt thc tottttt illl(l rtltllillillo(l .trips' s'illt thcttt. tlrc dc:rd lrrrrlits of tlcld senants 'lihtt lxrl it rvotrltl sltot'k atltl st;tt'tltl No[ cvcrt lhc rtt:tssae't'c of all boy pt'it'sts rllto illtt'l't)foti'.1 on to lrrr lakctt lo :t sltip ltottntl lot' in-lau's atttl tht' ltlttlllt{}' tttett 'I'IARION;SU-Y (liseltss ('\('ll his unrlrrr lhc 3gg of trvo rvas ARVIN lhortt rlttt't'tl lltlt lll{'lll l,lslpl. bahies lhc lr'trtplr'tvlto eottltl st'itt'ct'11' pt'ophccics. ;rrurrng lltt-tltst'l\.c.. ll \l;15 ritl(l oI "cs- able to kill tltc CHIEF OF THE INDIANA scot'tt of ltittt tr'ltt'tt .{lcxantlla rvus Rllorvetl to 'lhc EXCISE tlltl r.\r'tt lht'\lll-r 0l ,lr'Lrts:tlt'ttt uurceal lhcit' Christ Clriltl lcached the 'l'irt in hls r,irpc" rvitlt At'itsoltolus in lhc cof- harl t ur.s. l pptcntlt rl r atttr' l)l('scllc('. lantl of l,)gypt which ltatl oncc lirrs an(l rvus cartght in thc act, STATE POLICE knorrlcrlgc lvltt'll ct.rn:ttllt'rl on lllt' ll u'us oltl Il1't'eantts. lhc lrtrl"s tttatlct' bl tltt' ttstttpor o flltt' ;rtt' gr':rtttllitlltr't. rr'lttt lclt lhc t'r'tl rir'ttt lltlont oI lll(.,10$lslt ll('r)l)l('. (lill(ril iltrl sfllse(l th(' sltt'ct' tt't L0r (rlll] ('{rllllt'('ll{)ll lt) llltl llt't'otj's llrlt lrrlkr-tl btrltintl sttt'lt ittt ns' HUME-MANSURPHARMACY \\ ils "Plcscription |o1 al ,'\slllr)l)('ltll ftttlllr' lrrrrntlirril itppoittttttcttt. Ilttt not Dclively to l,)veryPart o{ ,tr?najl{'*, i;tttlltr' lltr'0ttllt lllitl'l til*f lrr Jlltt cr t'n hc r,r'itssttf l'ietcttlll' pt'opltetit: Hume.MrnrurBldg, ,.rO' trl llis lttlc \\'ili llJ rtLtttt' liotttart l() s('ns(' lltt' shrttlotv ot tlc:ttlt lhat 'l'ltt' and Ittlut'd atttlrot'rt1 . thLtrtlc u its la]' aeloss tlrc path rlf lris gt'rntl- KENAY PHARMACY,Inc. his b1' apporlllltlt'nl. tttrt lt1 ttt' sr:n heclrrse of lltc ltneitlttt Herod wrr frscinrled by fhr pl'ophcc)'. coffinr and rerolved thrt lhay hclitance. tlc lrlrtl lntrlitto(1. [litt- would rerve lha purporc fo7 lorcrl attrl lit).lt(l to ltclttt're tl. ll.r'r't'rtttrts ftltcrl tltc cffl'cl of which they hrd been rcquirrd. ptliltgctl htt tht' apprritttutcnt oll thc .lcrvish Ilt' harl ttttltr'lct-t'ti ;rrlrl is rtrtttltl ltt', 'l'lrt' They would br lillod wifh thr 'l'ht peoplc. instrlt rr'lts tort olt- \fil] as lllr' ('()ll(lttt'l'.)l'. t-c- .\r'rlsolrrtltts cottlrl derd bodies of hi: brolhcr.in. Merry r iorrs to lrc igttol'cd. llc tttis- WlttlAliE. WILSoN lllotlllr('l\ ()f lh(' I'o\:ll lrur' ltis (';tls \1ltt'll lew rnd molher.in.law, 111i111litt! .iurlgcrl the Jr'trs as bitdll' ns harl 'l'he Ilclotl. pctrplc u,r't't'c dclight- SUPERINTENDENTOF PUBLICINSTRUCTION t tl u,ilh thc Irnndsome toullg STATE OF INDIANA plinco. llo \\':ls ono o[ llteir orvn, a Jts' of Jurlea. a palt of lhcir Christmas 'l'lrc5' t larlilion. rvclc ltappl' lo havt' lrinr lcplact' llanatrr'1, tlre .liitbllortiln .lcl'. r\ccot'tltng ltr WashingtonAuto Parts (0., Inc .lcrvislt l,itrv llrt'higlr ltt'it'st t't'- taincrl his ofticc utttil rteath. 'l'hrrs tltcl'u'clo gcltinil r'irl of l 1u3 E. WASHTNGTONST. ME a.{18t \ (\r'\' tttl(l(rslr:rlrlt'llt'clirlr'. AlbertWard E. AllenHunter HairstylingSalon NylandSheet Metal (ompany Marion Counly 1433N, SHERMANDRIVE 6022 N, Michigan Rd. Trearurer cL l-45t9 (0. llt'lod V. L. HEIIIIIERGRINDING rtits lppulk'tl :tl lhc lul'n of t"r'r'rt{s. lrrslclrrl oI lrt,tng arrqr-r' lltr' ,lt'rvtsh pt.oplt' \f0t'(, {)\ (\t.. plrnned crrcfullY. 4;'OIMASSACHUSETT$ AVE. 'l'lro} Herod .to.vc{- lr'll irr Irrr.c rlrlI tIc Alerandra wrs ellowcd lo 9o fo ATTASSUPER lrtuttc hrr]lr plicst atrrl ltc hr't'lttrtc. Jericho where tomaonc rug' WillowBrook lltc lion ol lht' lrorrr'. gested thal she Plln a Party for HEROO SEETH her son, TIllARKET popul;rlill 'l'hc loanAss'n, for tht lorirl fanrrll' fell into llet'- (ourse 54lh and College SpeedwaySavings & 'l'ltc Golf lI tlre lltoplc lratl orl's tt':tp. c-st;ltc ott rvlticlr tt'otrltl rnlke 'l'hrrrsdav 'l'ill hirtr tlrc t'ntertaitrtttcnt rr'ls lllanttctl Opcn arrd l;'r'irlal' 1)i MA|N (SFEEDWAY) cH {.1321 tt-trritttlcrl l5l8 I ler-otl ol' Irrtl scvetal lllllc fislt ponrls. Ii Ito tlns {7OIN. KEYSTONEAVE. Salulrlar"l'ill7 alrvnls llt u,as a ltot tlnl'. Alistoboltts u'ns llrt'plontrsc-s of nn crport stt'ittrlltt'L and llr'rng hinq \fllo uoukl cL 1.5350 r still qrritc totlllil, \\'lls easily in- HEAT YOUR HOME WITHOUTA CARE V'i:t s l lolirl.r I's ..\t'islobol rrs rluccrl to la]' ;tsirlc ltiti cct't'tttottinl CAtL AX 3.IO/O It lrs a qrrcslir for rclaxinA grltlitsttrcs. Lollcs or NeareslSincleir Supplier lltc lrrttrrc 0f lltIilr 'l agcnls rvot'kt'tl wcll- cdgcrl su'ofrl. HEROD'S rlll':l coukl nol llr. rlist'or 1'l::!:l'illl.:1"... !:11r''"r' A FRIEND llth District (0. oI Ihcil arlbigrrrir,. SinclairRefining 's tlrc ho1 rtotht'r., brtious ..\lt'xanrlt.lt Silrrrrt ftight OF Veteransof t'cnscrl t arrsing tr.rtr at'c. She Iratl [lt'r (.)r'r'r' Ilct Irlclcttt Bush-(allahanSporting Goods C0., In(. as llt'r'otl to sce :\ ;l strrt'srt ht'i0li!. Nos' she ForeignWars ,:rt::;R L. srRAuss co. ltliosl. (i rttrlrrl rr'isa,fl(lll TIIEIRUCKING NEw ADDREtt, FRANKJ. UNVERSAW tllc nronaIchiitl ('ilt l'ht'orrgli Ihe nighl. t rr:olousll', llotttc WILLIAMS. WARREN, let {hc .lt u's 'l'lic lrar rtir' rttotttitl ot'tlel pt';rt INDUSIRY lo kccp .\loorl ;tr't'fr'r:litl slill, Commander IIat'ranrtrr. I clalr .,1 irl trlctl lrrll tl('.ss llrc sct't't'l lt'ats 'lir rrf lLrr l'irllo''.s 11/ill. J0HNH. GOTIil,l0ttER& s0N hcaltl hrrrr tutrnrhl IEEPEE RESTAURANTS rnrl rvas horrilicrl ..ll llrc crttl ttf tlrc road Fall Creek Blvd' et 38th r'0actl()ns attd expt.cs '1'lrc NORTHSIDE-E. PLUMBINC rnd HEATING tliscrtrctt lt'od, tho tlcptlrs of his n Miller's Bill Kirtley's Mrdison Avc' lit'nrodcliug anrl Ilcpail Wolk - Slnc(. l9:ll Itt c crtttft'. lrnrc. t'r'ib SOUTHSIDE*?810 l"cari!l{ Iirr. thc 38tf6 Cornelius Lrtli llrc Sorr o/ God. AT 3.3033 I oullllr\f blot hcr. llosrtcrl lhe pr.oblc Regalltilarket ImportedCars, GeorgeJ. Egenolf IeamstersLocal Union No. 716 115 Easf Terraco lnc. at Madison Avo. "'l'he Irnpot'l i",llrt Shorr' ftfiathineCo., lnc. " 84?5. MER|DTAN5T, ME 2.9{68 ,rl lrtrli;rtra ME 1.2700 833 N. Meridian ME 5-2518 MERIEiIGINTERI}:G (0. ilIOONEY-TIIIUELTERWARDINC. JONES AFI-CI0Central l()OSO. HARDING v CHEftllCAtC0. !.i*l r,* I I rr *r*>i >r n}i LaborCouncil of TIIETROPOLITAN(ORP. JACOBS& SON FUNERATHOfUIES OIt CLEANERS CLAUD INC. lUlarion(ounty J. C.WILSON DELCO Oil Herl - Distribuforslor G.M. lND|ANAP0L,t, GRE ENwooD 600BETHEL, BEECH GROVE l00l Mrrrrchusells ME 7.331t PITSENBERGER 8035. MERIDIAN ST. T:tfi;jr, 24HR, FUEL OIL OELIVERY ME 8.3455

5ilt E. l0ih 2018W. Morris 5130E. l0rh l5l5 WesHield STIASON'S G II I.]I'I'INGS TAUGHI{ER'S$IEIERIAS f lorn tEEKING BryantHe.ating PAULALTEN Mrs. James H. Makin 618 N. Davidson lnsuranceAgency andAir

ARTIE'S The Home Lumber 227MASSACHUSETTS AVE. Metcalf,lUlahan, ltlahan & Connor ConditioningCo. - r{ATr0N}:,::::::coRP' - sIl0It'I'llAND ltlJl'olt'l'ulis POTATO CHIP CO. & Supply Co. ME 2.7496 54I NORTH EAST 5T, Conventlon, Cotu't and Gencral Repol'ting Iulnbel' - Ilat'

Tl'lE FATHER of fhe family re' ciles lhe anliphon and then lhe Mognificaf 6ller trafing verse! with the resl of lhe family.

ANTIPHON: l'itt' Lot-rl ll:ts lt'- ,{Jt'rk,rl lttttrtltlo l)(\l's()l'ls atttl plnct's. llu.t't f{}l'r, lll qollll'iltir)ns slt;tll rull lltt'trt lrk'sscrl. \ll sottl rtrrr'tttilicslltr'l.rrlrl t (irrrl [wj*dj rrnri nrl sIit'rt lt',irrrcr'sttr tnt' Sharpner& Gardner Eledric (0. Sit\ i{)l : Eert Side Storer _ Ilt't'ririsr, lr.' ll;rs |r'!lill'rh'(l lll(' 4040E. t0rh FL t.540t Eartgafe lilr|litl,'sr ol llri: lr;tttrlrililt(l: [r]l' Slore: 7lj0 E. Washington_ FL 6.1211 g6th lrt'lrrrlrl. I |otrr llrrtlr'(\l{)lIlt itll {.'lt. Norr Storcl 1300E. _ Vl 6.58lg {'r';rli()n\ slr:tll t';tll rttr' lrlcsscrl: ll'r'rrtrsr. ltr' tltt' ir rtti,;lttr lt,rs ' ir'ril{' !l'('itl lllir''{ Iril r}tr'. itlltl Ir,rll is ltis tlrnrr' E'N.ROESPORTING GOODS CO. t\tt I ltts tlt('l( l i- I t\tlt) :l('ll('til. "lrrrliana's ti(),r li) rli'llafitllrrlt. rrll llkrs(\ \\ lt(l tlncietil sctoll [,catlrn( l.r urrc(trthed Sporting psttlm, in [sruel Goorls Storc,' la:lf hirn. 209 W. Washingron Sr. l{r' llts slrrrrrtr r::illrl s rllr hrs ME 4-3446 ' irt tlt, lrr' ltrr. .r irllr'r't'rl llrr' lrt'otrrl tn lltc cottllti {rl llr('it-htirfl. lltr' liorrli of i'srrlttts lt;rs lrlr.tt tttt- .., . ,. . .. llt' lt;t' lrtil (ir)\\It llt,' ttrr*ltl1 ll'r'ttt llit'it lll:i!ll('.. 11111111r r's- \Yhiteland lnd. ltllt rl th.' hru lr. in7lll\.l).|rt';t1l:trlrrl.l|tt.s(.r,tttttl llc llts llircrt lrr.ln tr! lsflt(.1. llts s :{'r'\iltrl. illir'(ll,ll ,rl lrr. tttr'tr.r THF GOSPCL itttrl llrr'trtlr ltt,llir\ \(.nt it\\'iry ('ltll)l-\. One of lha children readsr sltt|lt.\.ir:itc|\'rrt|itr.iqitstttttr|.ll.tt'ttttt,rr||t't|,ii':1,tlr:,g'.'i't,f|r.:.?..:liK.(!(l\!x,<.r,t''l.i.r.'li}.i.r 4 llilll(lllill lrltrlrtrrrr('rtt- ERVINIINK, lJ,fC. PRAY E R lllii,"jti,li,lii',,;1,,,,,1i'1i,,'llil;l!i Fafhcr: 0 Lunl lr('itr pt] OTHER ITEMS lrn('in'llr('(l itt I,()'f,\'l'OlilS ll,lerry u''li,','*,,,, *orrocHUsErrsAVE. 'l'ltco- rt,r'rr t,rr.r,,r.)t,*,rr,r:l[ ],lliii i::liil'lilli,,lji,'1,,,:,''"'j;iu,o, 'l Falher; lrt' l,olrl lrt' \\'rllrr tr,r. /rr t""' l)lrl r'trslorrr Chrislnttts Alt: ,\rrrlu'irh tlry .,,',:,t,1"' i ,..Tn:,.';11:l:i,iill,lli;i[,;"ll:.'l'lr.t ,,,,']',,lillllil'lll'i:,,l.il;li:il.,,.,ii''illi P. & J. Tool companyInt. plt'ltst'il ilr,ri rlt'lr'lr lrt'lor lrl ,:rrirr frit'lilitr' ft'ottt lltr' rlt'rl lhlrl I S0lt. lllttittq lrt't'0rnc ntitil iil {}f(l(,t r!otrlrl f:rll ill l'(,slr(ttl}('lrr lirrt';rlt'j 35?5 MASSACHUSSTTS il:.)r:,;,.:. r' : li:: .',::.?, :.: r,,t,.'.,J,;,t,-:.i.i.>ti.i.ir)rir),!;),'t,1,);!,li),1,!,>,lr,)irrtla* t(t:tiro rts att crlprlrft'ol 1111111i111q.t'ucli llrt filsl u'orrl; ll tlrr' lrt AVE. Ll 6,48t4 sltottltl lrt' lrot'tt irr l lttttrtlrlr' lt'oil ott Iltc lfottt'llt Stttttlirr ol .\rl ] "l)trrp GEORGEO. sl:thlc. bk'ss llris t'r'ih. it Iol)to rcttl: tknr'1rrlt'\,1t'lrr':rr'i MICHAEL'S slttl;ttiottslttl;ttirltt ol llro s(,onrr ()l ll;slllr (,lls fl'()lufl'()lU lrlrott'ill)r)\(' ,,", ," I DESAUTELSCO. I ENGfNEERING,Inc. li"lll;,;lll",ii"'Ll',,11,,1',l,,llill:'.1$iii MARI0N inri{lliltrt his ltrrurililt. cHRrsr. cRETNER ftlUSlCC0. 25 E. McCorly St. ME E.E09E rr'|.r. bo rror.llrr. rtu'cllirr;1 lrtict'dl ?10?N. Meridirn 5t. WA :l-?,101 & SONS i l0g SOUTH PENNSYLVANIA llis rtlrilth, lhlorrl:llr Jc-strs ('hlist. 'lltl Sort. out' l-ortl. l)l,l;yllNc & ll,lr\,t'tN(i I ME 5-5009 All:,\rrrctr. - LONG'S "O FL All sing conre all yq 1611h. 1220 E' I0th St. 6'7235 ; OX.TENTAVERN "Silent lvl" or Nisht,,, I Barber & BeautyShop P,\'l llr'NtJl,'l'Y

?807N. FrenklinRd. TW 8"18182821 E. lorh ME 1.0186

Independent NobleR. Pearcy ROSS Window IJr'ou,nsburg Prosecutorof t*::'::,.t'' Marion(ounty ::"" Associateslife Barton,Curfe lnsurance(0. andftfirlaren III MONUMENT CIR,CLE - Insurance - j aRowNSBURG FIDELITY BLDG. sr 4.82534.s253i ME 2-2403 STATELIFE BLDG. I 7{0 E. MAIN Phone UL 7.421ti ME 9"6521 t--'--:.----.'--lI |ORDANFUNERAT IERAIHOft[E - I Safeway,afeway S"faw', QualityO'rlit, tnnJ"Foodg 1,,,Inc. "llotttc 'sotlrl i I of I'et'sotltl St't'r,icc"St'r'r'icc" I ,ln{ln Brownrburg thopping CenferlCenfer} I JOHNSON CO. i uL 2-2235 COUNTYOIL Newcomer 242g EAST lorh sr. ME 6.4304 i 'l'o - -116.6227 Wt',Vt' Ale l)t'rlutl llc Yottl Neighbor Tralalsar 621.J896 Franklin /36"5362 LoyalOrder --- .,. .. .,..--.--....-_..-,...... 1 Ale l)r'outl llc YotrlNeighbor -...... -...11 I JANIE'SNURSING HOME LumberCo. ".\llrtnt;\rt'ltvl"t'trttrllontt"' Stattll,tct'tt-sccl of lUlooseNo. 17 .llnrt'.lrtlrttsrttt(1,.1'.N.). tlrlrro''Jl'llorrt'NtrrsingCarc S. EnrarsonAvr. BEECH Plainfielcirficlcl I I F..r'trrillr. ll CROVE F'ortvillc: 1l l": s1:!:s!. FIINKLIN_ .r-31116? 135 N. Delaware Sl. PLAINFIELDVARIETY STORE WILDMAN'SJEWELRY STROUGH'SSUPERETTE FRANKLIN,IND1ANA

Hohlt& Son D'l;i.il;;'; INGTERAfNBIER SATES & SERVICE DryGoods Roofing& Sheet Telephone 136.7233 (0. 1239 Kentucky Ave. lttletal ROOFING tARll,lERSTRUST C0. For Over 30 Ycars ] FISHERFUNERAL HOME ME 7.0066 * hldustfial and Comrnercial * A GOOD PLr\CL.i I'U lJi\NIs 2lza II WestYVeSI fvtaln )tfegv .,2,l.[Iour. State.Wide Service Main Street Anrllulanctr Scrvicc" r l2{ E. Slaat St. Phone 485.5321 Forlville, lnd. ol'5'S 902 S. St. Peter ME rl.0li6 rt efjll_ ------, * oii*t'"ti i'iY=t n" fll'*',.::3 i FIRSTNATIONAL BANK Chevrolet Sales & Service PRESHAN$IA CHEVROLET CO. Since I907 AAEMAER FOIC BowersEnvelope - YOUR tt-RlllNI)LY Grll DliAl.FiR - BOVAFRUIT Only Nafioncl Bank In Hancock County Alexanderftevrolet, Inc. PLAINFIELD, lNO. FORTVILLE, INDIANA & LithographCo. COfNPANY,INC. l3l Norfh Mitl FRANKLTN 736.5141 t"t.- ^*;; t;;;;t-'-"-""-re lb Bu.Yrhcm" 4IOI MASSACHUSETTSAVE. 957W. MICHtcAN 5T. HamptonFuneraf Honre CoonsREXATL Drugs U 6.47{l DRUCS - COSMETICS - PAINTS w00DsBulffi-P0ilTlA(, ll{c. ME 5.7466 Plainfield, Indiana FORTVILLE, INDIANA l,* ,ro* rr. fOl E. Monro+-736-7lll FRANKLIN Urd Crr Lot; 136'72d0


ADDED IMPETUS lflrc Christ Chilcl {rnd the c0Ltt'tcil

By WtLLIAM J. SMITH, S.J. So, hro. if is wilh fhe miilions and millions of olhers-bcplired Christians and unbeplired non' Christiens. We are all of thr one human family, All created of lhe same kind ol body end soul, All parl of lhe .

\\ltt'n tlta Son o[ (iotl ltsstttttt'

X- l)i!!i .Scason s ii ri

CreetilrysIi ABBOTT'S-Men's and Boys' Shop ti ll0 North Mrin CREENWOOO

HOME & GARDENSHOP "lt {illAY-SIjAL l'AlN't'- Costs [,css to I'aint r.rtlt thc Bcst" Clarksvillt: N{lrti nsviIlc t50 W. Mrin TU l.0l?2 LONG OLDSMOBILE.PONTIACSALES NationafBank 0f Slale Rord 3l South Dt 2.63E1 Martinsville, lnrliana BERTELSONJEWELERS FINE GIFTS and JEWELRY' CLARKSVILLE, IND. Merr"y Dt ?-3t06 THE ARTESIANCI..ATCNS * Alu'ats ()lt;lltt\, (jlt,artrttg _ i\ [oorcsvillc Mariinsviile,,nr.. pholept ?.t4ar Cltristrrtos ljl-1._T-'r""1l: . . MARTINSVILLEAUTO COMPANY GIBBSACE HARDWARE WEARING APPAREL FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY ACE SETS TIIE PACE M^Jf t'i':iYI tt. liitili^.^ "Nationally I EestMrin 5t. ps;fexn-rf Atlvettised illcrchandise" Mooresville, Indirnr PHE u oi0c- sroRE North Side of Squarc Marlinsville, lnd. WilgroApparel Shop AUTOMOTIVEARMATURE CO., INC. Phone Dl 2-3321 WILGRO SHOPPING CENTER Autonrotile .\rmatures, Generators and Starteru Ct'eenfielcl GREENWOOD,lNO. MOORESVILLE rnd INDIANAPOL|S {09 5. Mcridirn St. "66" MOORE'SA.G. MARKET GREENFIELDMILK andICE CREAM CO 120 S. Pennsylvanir PHILIIPS VE I.068I _ 5t, Ho2i6r4 PEAVTER& SON MOORESVILLE,IND. frolt ]'OP Pliltl"Clll 11,\NLlFl [lSF) 'I'ROP-AIT'ftC T'LITE F'UI][, CASOI,INIJ . . . IIO'IOR OTI, MOORESVILLEPACKING COMPANY RALPH HOCKETT - U.S. 3l SourhI Orcherd Lrnr _ Custorr Butcherinq Rctail Store - We Do Our Own-"- Crrring BUICK .}ONTIACJEAL!]R I."*l !$.,: F"1_!ent VE"i:loeo NELSON& SON GREENFIELDBEVERAGE COMPANy, Inc. KEttYSAI.ES (0. - llaldrvale and Electr.ieal _ ll7 "A" Aopliances-''--'-'-MJorervillc, South Slreel HO 1.2818 Greonfield, Indirnr VE l-2050 Indirnr YoUtt Atj'fttoltlzID cltti\'ftol,li't' l)lt.\t.In 3{o 5o' Mrdison TU t.9371 THOMPSONAUTO SUPPLY, INC. cREENwooD, rr,D' Jobllels trl Autonrotive Rcplacemenl parts Since l$20 PETE'SRADIO and T.V. SHOP ll Wesf Mrin Street VE l.ll00 t' " - --rt " n[$8.it sa res' " .. t P,ruJl?) Ytt' ! ;. 9LA [ ;lo.'ni',1?0,,^r. Rown,t; RE GA [;; suF e-n-rvr rr; r,r-c _._.. Dlllllt FORDCITY Moorcsville,Ind. phonc VE 1.3450 Sr. - St. Road GREENFI;;-'ANKING d & PERRY,INC. _ iql !, _xlsn CHARLEY'sDRIVE IN SMART GREENFIELD,IND. - Your FORD Dealer - ".IUST GOOD FOOD" lVe Scll to Sct'vit'earrtl Sc'll Agatn - ADLERS DEPARTMENTSTORE Hiwry 37 MARTINSVILLE,IND. Highwry U.S,3l GRFENWOOD TU I.25II MOORESVILLE,INO. Greenfield Building and Loan Association Wilhite& SonFuneral Home GreenAcres Restaurant Hadley,Cook {,.Jhomgson Insurance Agency ::"1'"'"]""_ _ All Lines ol Insulance_ vE 1.3240 MOORESVILLE,tND. I'DWIN C. llOLNtts GreenAcres Tavern --iournEs DOBBINSCLEANERS & LAUNDROMAT "1*''IYll:i111- 201Ersf Main 51. Ho ! -"* sruor""r* lorn-innsHoJ-- GREENFIELD,INDIANA {17 Culisl* VE 1.0335 FIRSTNATIONAT BANK Driver Little, .. Sevca Lol ROBERTSONDRUGS, INC. palestine '""'\iliu:lT.i'J: sERvrc E FURNITURE New _ DIttINAil CHRYSLER _ TO l.55ll PLYMOUTH _ VALIANT - / wrst Main HO 2.6218 GREENFIELD, lNO. l"UltNlsllINGS antl Al'PLIANCIS - E. SIUE SQUARE MARTINSVILLE, IND. Itoilll ""1':t1-l.jrl*-- rlr r'elI TOfIIBAKER MOTORS "*er.riiiro crrrzer.rsilNK-- -- 'jt*t' lTi:--.*try' j'" : GREENFIELD, IND. MOORESVILLE IIAYESFHARfN-ACY INC. COMMISKEY'S Wesl Sidc of Square Dl 2'6213 ANDISTI'IOTORS, MARTINSVILLE, INDIANA CORI{ERDRUG STORE, INC. CARDINATREALIORS INC. ll 0 t,lA tJ t,lt I' ItljSCIi I I"l'l ON Slllt V t(i l') 2I4 INDIANAPOLIS ROAD, MOORESVILLE Chr.yslcr.- Dodgc - Dalt - Lanccl 350 S, Medison Greenwood Plarr TU l'3511 Indianepolis Alva Andis-HO 2.6124 Mauricc Andis-HO 2.5265 U.S. 40 W.-in lVeston Villuge Greenficld-HO 2.244L We Can Produce BRICK in Your CHOICE of COLORS lo Make Your Home Look Individual. SUBURBANFEDERAI. qTIIENSBANK GREEI{FIEIDGASCO. PHONEDICKENS 2-3328-or belter-VlSlT OUR PLANT sAvtNGs& toAlt Assil. II2 WESTSOUTH STREET MAIN OFFICE_GREENWOOD (0. TU 1.2527 MOORESVILLE- MONROVIA- EROOKLYN ItilARTlNSVlil.EBRlff Cor, Mrdison rnd Pcarl Phone GREENFIELD, BRANCHOFFICE_BE ECH GROVE IND. & Mcin 51. Mfgru.of Bufl Frce Brick N. Mairr, MARTINSVILLE i Phone 5T 6.9206 llh


Entrante ttl,sts are Qnnuunced

for high schools

llntllncc lcsls for. cililrlh gr.urle Dtrpils tvho n'ill urlt,r' (_llilrolic Itiglt sclrorrls irr tlrt' .ALclrrlrocesc ncst Soptt.rnlrt'l.rvill hc civcn irr all lriglt sclrrxrls at $ a.lr. Snturtlal',,lan. 4, llrc [1s[111io1p. san Sclrool Offier' lrrrs announccd.

ltt ltrrlianaltolis, {lrosc rvishinl fo altcnrl tht nr,rv fiittr:r lliglr Scltool, llt'csctrll)' 1p(lct. r,.'slfu.. 'l.iblrs tion at W. lttlllr Sll('(,t nnrl Paoli r\vcnuo. rvill l;rkc thc tcsl at Sl. illichacl's Sclrool, iiSt'r{i W. 30rlr St. Ilillt,r' rvill operr rvilh a flr.sh. Iturtt cl;rss lcrl St'ptcnrlrt,t, Sincol'c []lrristnrls Grcctinl{s lo you All 'l'hc MURRAY otrll' sclrrrol lo iltrnrlut)(,c ;t CLEANERS 604W. Main St. Diat pAOLl, lndianapolisParish Shoppirg Lisr lirnil 1o tlrr. nrutrber of inconrirrll I?3.3Ill tND. (lhar.lrantl, O frcshrtrcn is rr,hiclr rviii O hegin its tlrilrl 1'r'lr rrcxl St,ptun_ (lhlrrllanrl ber. rvill :rrlnil onlv il?ir froslrlncrt lrcr.;rrtsc of r,lirss. t'oonr linlifalions. Wcst BadenSprings ffi @ Although thc sa rnc lcsl rr,ill hc - rrllllinislr't'('(l ;rt all sclrools, ilrc (tfficc SEXTON MOTOR .,ALES Saleway Quolity Foodr Sehool r.ocornrnt,nrls lhat Sincere Christmas Greelings from the pupils ltrkr. tlre lcst al thc s

W @ 9arl Eclrra - - W-lilEilf calr ::. HOMF REVERAGE STORE MAKt YoUR OWN PERSONAT clrnl!'6 lrorn our .^"-:;-.. E lar0e. s.leclion o, SCll!VINN rnd RAtEl6H Drcvcltt. - PACXAGT IIqUORS. BTEF lu,l fnsl ot Md.lilon Ave. Look at them all, OiUR(IISC}IOOI. HO'IIE " Suprema Bicycle Slore i:*J R*d 'NAINTENANCE{r8 r. ttoY Ph. sI 6.s6$6 5506.00M.diron Arr. ll 6.91{{ ^i^::;'-..-m. .\r bul 8uY ln lhr on? rrfr whera vou and -- vour ldr)rly will tJ.t h,il'r c:t of lll Contractors Suppliers - Electricians_ ":3"."i'".t"t*'-i;-"i;;.-E-l. Carpenters Mrdison Ave. --Stop l0 Rd, Plun,bers _- plaster.ers_ painlers mU_ _ Frncing ll't Nrw Wilh thr llrlirn lourh Solon ond 0rytts (ortplelcly Air Cor)ditron?d / Atlv.inrerl Slvlitli rtrd Op.rdlor! lo Serve You sT 7-532t ESTATESCO. lrlerrd|yS0,ljTilP0RT'S lltt RomeOrigin.rl Coiffures {200 Soulheirt S}.*ln t0ulhfrn Plrrr

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grcat By REV. EoWARD DUFF, S.J' ,,\ftor 4ll gcnclal congrcgalions of anti-Senritisru atrtl tltc cspousll turlc insistcd thut sul;lstan{ill A dotl ttcpcnrls on thc rc. llrnt thc \rllican rvorrkl rlo all in ects for "ilgljiot'r!iull(!rtt{)" diseussion hriefer and or u'olking sossions irtrtl (by oI r't'lirrious [r'rt-rlonr tlitl not rcarh l)r'ogr'{rss in thc sponse r)[ tltc lai{y to llrc chitl- tts l)o'wt'r' totlnl' to strcngtlrcn the -*- 'lltrrse 'l'hc conecived in such a way thal it \:;\'l'l('AN CI'l'Y nr1' count) 612 spcrches on lltLr:c n vole. incvitable if urrirlcnli- lrlrl lrt'r'n ntarle durittg tllc scconrl Ictrge of {he rkrcllirlr'. I'ossibly besiegcd Ollhotlox bisholls in the shotrtrl not tt'lto rusltctl ltotnc frottr llttt sclrenralil '.- orr tlrc (lluil'ch, ()n ficrl lrtlgr'l of lll lltis itrtltatit'nt'o sr'ssi0lt- tlro tlr'bltc ort []rc schcrna on tlre Srlvict l.]liorr. be difficult to obtain frorrr jutlgmcnt ('ouncil llislrrrps and thc (ln'r'rnnrtttl of lrccnrrrc lhc ILrl.v l";tlltt't' ltitttscl[, l,;t1' r\postulittc nexl rvill the council a on St conrl Valic:ttt u'ill 1't'ar Ilegnlrlilrg I'r'otcsllntisnr. tha --- "\Ylrt'tr ('irtlirilic ('ltttt't-lt INSTEAD OF bein{ {lrr. irrrltr- ccrtnin firnrlamanlal propositions, r.t-r'isc l[t'ir tltpat'l- l)ioct.scs. Ott Iicrtnrctrisrtt llto llrt' ttt'od- elllify lhc issue, clurnut' |:r1tr lr) 'l'ttttuittt Ilnmltl. in tlrt' Urrilcrl S{irtcs rvill Strlr- otl Illlr'l' lo lltkr. otcr, t-isivc as tlisnrisst d by Icaving to the post.eonciliar eom- bt'forc' joitt- ctrrrncil atljorrlnorl urttil r*xt ;r ll. l,lrr,r,sscs in rk.vrrliorr to the plolllbly bu llorc sulrtle. ing itttprc.ssiotts Iris tlclritctols, it bcgins io l1r- It will nrissions It'nther. it got ln.,\tllai Stclt'ltson \!,ho lhe task of clarifyinR, ing tho ktclttt'c circtril. ptrr lllcsscrl Vir'(in 1\l;rly rvill lte at. fit'st bc tlansll{ctl lly a ncrv rc. 'tb lhnt Irt4lo I'aul is tlro tlili" 'l'lrtr tkrvr:loping the preeision of itrcii this stnsc ol ht'rtt11 nrilcd in dr'li'r's rlccisiotts." onc Atttt ricttn tr:rtttalctl, Ilopc lt'felrcrl to sip0ct. grut rliplonurt who, lollorvirrg tlrlr application." .,\ nrrrtr: lristrt'rl1- rcvit'rv of lhe lrtlk rnd slullrlrr.tl h1' n sluhboln ('llholic .jouttralist cottttrctttt'rl. 'hr1i5, ht'r ls illolhcl of lhc Lllurrch, a ti. IloPcfrrll-v, (h.cisioils rnd of lltr {lrr('ulllt'uls, corrnscl ol l)acern in rcllliolls wiilr atttl sontt'tirnt s insolcnl snrlll Sttr:lt it slllltulitr]' ir1tp1';1i5;1| rlisclct't allusron pt'r'lraps to the clrooses to relrovntc lhc institrr. .k.ws rvill llktt orr a religious not h.rsl tltr. t':tlher unrrci{in* urnnifcsting n rlclcrnrinn- forrntl ntl sul)l)r)l't llottt tltc tttost ttroup tlttcisitlrt Io tncltttlt' eottsirlt't'alion cololalion, hul sun .fool cil :tttil crl'cfillly --lnrl, I ionll sll'rrctrrxrs o[ {he Chulclr if tlrt' solirlaritv of I ion incerl. n r':rput'itr'.-,to rrttlsltokt'n ut;ttt itt tltt' crlttttcil, "hI of lrcr pt'ct'rltl:rlivt's iir llrc sclrcrrra tvorkitrg flom rvithin ,leu's antl ('lrr.islilns in a clrnlp(-)s-f(l clo.tn:l spr'cclt 0f l)opt: fruslt'atr: lhr rvill of lhc tnaiolrty llr'lkite Iiilt' I';rlriat'clr Nl;txirtros llurnr, sincle " I)c Iict:lcsia lntl nut scpallrtcly salr su*.{ost llt:rt lltt' secontl gltrlua lly. llion hislor.f is, as thc corin- I'lrrtl. n'ill o[ lltc council rvns ioinld thc dis. I\f Strigh. (.'ltcin,J gxror.,,,lrc told ns Iit'st ploposrtl. "I (lleally, cil plojcct insist, scrlulouslv sr.ssion oi tlt,' cottncil \'ns lt'nliy nJtpointurr.nt, palliculally of thc lll(', halt. rrotltittll lo lost'; I'opc l)lul lrirrrsolf in- SPECIALHOLIDAY 4. r\ nerv corrsciorrsrrcss on thc ctrlcrtt'rl in ('l{lrrrlic pt','ai'lring l signiiicrnl anrl posilivr st('p ln .,\rttr.rit'lrns bttt sttrrrlt' slt:tt'crl ll1' l)oirrq ll5, I lrl\.t' ltrltltittrl lo hr: sltorvctl no dissappointrncnl. u'illt SHORE LEAVE FOR llitt'I of tlrc lrislurp.r llrat, as srrc- antl calcclrclics. lht plot'oss of thc ittttt't t'cnc*';rl 1('fJ lnan]'. thll thc corrtlcnrnllion uil!'l-'llrl't (rll:J:-'l thc l)uce oI lhc council. In lris c(!ssol's of tltc'l'rvclvc Apostlcs, NEW ACCOUNTS :rntl u1l(htut.' oI lltc (-:rtltttlic l1l" lt"'ltl: closing spcet'h lra nott'rl that tlrc ('hulch. thcy shnrrr rollectivcly by tlivine On any monrl, rrcrlvtd const(Ilcncss of llrc r'nterpr.ise, by lhr riglrt rlillr ln