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Pictorialdirectory-History # 95243.Pub FOR ALL GENERATIONS: A CENTENNIAL HISTORY OF ST. MARY PARISH, MENOMONEE FALLS, WI by: Kevin Abing Dr. Kevin Abing was commissioned by St. Mary Parish to write our history during the observance of our Centennial Anniversary. Dr. Abing received his PH.D. in History from Marquette University in 1995. He has had several articles published in Milwaukee History and Kansas History and also completed a history for St. Matthias Parish in Milwaukee, He is currently employed as the Assistant Director for Corporate and Foundation Relations at Marquette University. SING A NEW CHURCH Thursday, November 30, 1905, was one of Milwaukee Archdiocese. But the Archbishop those cold, raw days that can sweep across could see the devotion and dedication of southeastern Wisconsin in the early winter those founding families. Undoubtedly, he season. Morning temperatures hovered in the realized that St. Mary would flourish as long teens, and snow flurries danced in the brisk as the parishioners maintained that sense of wind that chilled any brave soul that ventured purpose to follow in the footsteps of our Lord outside. Though their bones shivered from the Jesus Christ. The strength of the heart and cold, the hearts and spirits of the Catholics in spirit of those early members—not just the Menomonee Falls were aflame. Not only were bricks and mortar—forged a sense of they celebrating Thanksgiving Day, but they community that has endured for the past were also dedicating a new place of worship— century. Over the years, St. Mary Parish has St. Mary Church. become a focal point of peoples’ lives—a place where Catholics have come together to Catholics from the surrounding area streamed worship and thank God for their many into the village and filled the new church to its blessings, to celebrate new life for infants or capacity. Fr. John Theisen presided at the High newlyweds, and to grieve and seek comfort Mass, and, adding to the joyous occasion, for the loss of a loved one. This centennial Archbishop Sebastian Messmer officiated at the history will explore the founding and growth of dedication. According to the Waukesha Free- the parish and its place in the wider man, Messmer spoke in a “very pleasing way” community. The bricks and mortar have to the congregation. He praised the changed and will continue to change, but the parishioners’ industrious efforts for completing true foundation of St. Mary is its people. Their the structure in less than a year and also for commitment, built upon the foundation of their securing the vestments, chalices, and other predecessors, will insure that the parish will furnishings. The Archbishop “heartily” extended flourish for many years to come. his blessing on the congregation’s labor and on its future growth. Archbishop Messmer could not have foreseen just how extensive that growth would be over the next 100 years. From a modest 45 charter families, St. Mary Parish has blossomed to 1,500 families, one of the largest parishes in the 13 O LITTLE TOWN... MENOMONEE FALLS IN THE EARLY 20TH CENTURY In April 1905, a Waukesha Freeman headline Chicago, Milwaukee, & St. Paul, the proclaimed the “Falls Will Boom.” The Wisconsin Central, and the Chicago & North- accompanying article noted that contractors western rail lines had stops at the train depot were set to build 17 new homes, among other approximately every 45 minutes. projects, in the Village of Menomonee Falls The abundant rail service and that 1905 would be established the Falls as a a “banner year” for the vital hub for the community. The local surrounding agricultural boosting aside, community. Indeed, the Menomonee Falls was village’s prosperity was typical of thousands of un-deniably intertwined small villages that dotted with that of local farmers. the American landscape This bond was best in the early twentieth expressed in a century. It numbered approximately 900 Menomonee Falls News article of 1920: “The people and included the usual areas of hustle farmers and town folk are learning that they and bustle. For Menomonee Falls, the two are yoke fellows and must pull together before focal points included the “four corners” where either can make the progress they should.” Main Street and Fond du Lac Avenue (now Local shops did their part by supplying staple Appleton Ave.) intersect and the area on the goods to area farmers as well as village village’s northern fringe near the railroad residents. Several businesses geared their depot. efforts specifically toward agricultural needs, such as The village offered the usual the two flour mills, the two array of bus i nes s es grain elevators, the five designed to serve the local blacksmiths, the two farm population. It featured a implement dealers, and, bank, the Menomonee Falls above all, the Wisconsin News (a weekly news- Sugar Company. This sugar paper), telephone service, beet factory opened in the and three hotels (the Monitor 1890s and immediately House, the Hotel Gettleman, became one of the village’s and the Menomonee Falls Hotel). And the largest employers. Each year, the factory village’s shops provided life’s necessities. In “campaign” began in early October when fall 1905, for example, Held & Gumm farmers harvested their sugar beets and Company advertised women’s all-wool under- continued for the next three months, 24 hours wear for $1.00 per garment and heavy fleece- a day, 7 days a week. Long-time St. Mary’s lined garments for 50 cents. M. A. Schmoyers parishioner, Helen Thompson, relates that sold men’s overcoats for as little as $10.00. temporary workers at the factory filled her And the Menomonee Falls Roller Mills offered family’s hotel to capacity; they slept in shifts “Minehaha” flour for $3.00 per 100 pounds. In so that the beds were never cold. The factory addition to consumer goods, rail service was was an extremely productive operation for the readily available. The first tracks reached owners as well as the farmers. In 1905, the Menomonee Falls in 1890 and by 1905, the factory processed 40 million pounds of sugar, 14 while Granville farmer H. W. Schultz hauled in village roads, perhaps this was a blessing. a record five-ton load of sugar beets using a However, these new-fangled contraptions team of three horses. The Menomonee Falls soon made their presence felt. In 1910, Fred News described mountain-high piles of beets Leuth, one of the Falls’ “progressive” farmers, that blocked trains from view as they passed bought a Reo automobile because he through to the sheds. But nothing brought believed cars would be “of practical use on the home the link between the Falls and area farm.” By 1912, there were 12 cars registered farmers more than “Fair Day.” On the third in the village. Along with the dearth of good Thursday of the month, local farmers lined the roads and cars, there were few sidewalks to village streets with their wagons stocked with speak of. Those that existed were a patch- goods. People could buy produce, pigs, work quilt of concrete, wood or cinder trails. poultry, cows and horses. True to the news And municipal services, such as streetlights paper headlines, Menomonee Falls was and the public library, were only in their a “booming” community. infancy in 1905. Despite all it offered, the village lacked things There was one other vital service that was that are commonplace today. Paved streets noticeably absent for a bustling community—a were non-existent. There was never a good Catholic Church. As of 1905, Menomonee season for the roads. Winter ruts could rattle Falls counted three churches: St. Paul’s jaws and realign spines as well as snap Evangelical, Emmanuel Evangelical and wagon wheels and/or axles. Rains trans- Methodist Episcopal. Village Catholics, formed otherwise dusty roads into impassable however, had to travel to neighboring quagmires. A March 1904 blurb in the parishes—St. Anthony in Fussville, St. James Waukesha Freeman best expressed the in Lannon, St. Boniface in Goldendale or St. villagers’ springtime woes: “The signs of gen- Catherine in Granville. Poor roads and in- tle spring up to date in [Menomonee Falls] are clement weather inflicted a heavy burden few in number and not over-inspiring, a few upon the faithful who walked or took a horse robins, some showers of rain, and so much and buggy to celebrate the Mass; the bur- water on the streets that a boat is necessary den was enough that some Catholics strayed for crossings.” Similar to decent roads, auto- from the practice of their faith. There was a mobiles were scarce. Given the state of deeply felt need for a Catholic church in Menomonee Falls. IN THE LAND THERE IS A HUNGER Local Catholics took matters into their own January 1904 when a mass meeting was held hands. Marie (Umhoefer) Martin insists that to discuss the subject of establishing a new her father, Henry, church in the Falls. The attendees clearly and other men of the demonstrated their determination by pledging village gathered at a nearly $5,000 for the project. In late spot where men February, nearly 20 men—armed with a usually go to make growing bankroll of pledges and a list of nearly decisions of great 50 supporters—ventured to Milwaukee to import—the local meet with Archbishop Messmer. The names tavern—to discuss of the delegation’s members are not their desire for their available, but the leaders of the movement own church. As far as the written record is were Nicholas Goeller, Jacob Groh, John concerned, however, the seed took root in Zimmer, William Campbell, Charles 15 Birkhauser and Henry Umhoefer; some of location.
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