The Rockland Gazette. Gazette Job Printing ESTA3L13M.^ENT. l’l IU.ISIIEO EVERY THURSDAY AFTERNOON i)Y 7OSB& PORTSR. II ivi' 2 • v -ry in I’ro si-s, T v p - ::n«l Material* il .1 to execute with prinilpHa . i good .MV-O S I f) *A.iin S tre e t. . rv variety ef J il> l’ri .ti-ig, iueliidi 4 i'owti Reports < ntulo^ia*,, B y-Lavs l’oaters, Shop Bills, Hand Bills, Pro­ grammes, Circulars, Bill Heads, Let ter 11 ends, Law and Corpor­ It' noi paid I II tin e ation Blanks, Receipts, Bills New Hiibsenbel of Lading, Business, Ad­ payment in s dress and Wedding ^continued until AM. AR- Cards, Tags, tlie option of the puhlish- L abels, &c^ .itT sin g le copies i . cents—for sale at the office and it the B ookstores. VOLUME 30. ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY AFTEROON, AUGUST 5,1875. NO. 35 PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZING Z. I’Ol’E VOSE. ,T. B. PO U T E R .

of Mr. Gordon’s sermon this afternoon?” “ Perhaps she wouldn’t; hut what has THE PIKE’S PENANCE. the rightful inheritance from which it had gathered together and buried in one heap. Grimwood applied to Mr. Sulivan, the city |?ortvn. “ Perhaps you would be disappointed if that to do with it? In mercy’s name, what been so long excluded. The spot was marked by a pile of stones, editor of the JournaJ for a seat in the ear. I should tell you,” replied Mrs. . claim has Twombly upon me? ” Sam knelt fora moment with his face be­ and a lu ge cro s was raisi d as a m onu­ I’lie morning’ newspapermen were given Where they came from no one knew. he was delicate; but in her way she was “ Do you remember, Moses, the words of side his wife—wliat hu said or did the Lord ment, hearing the inscription: “ Ven­ an ascent on the previous day, and Mr. ARD TIME CllANMEK'S IIEKNING. stro n g . Christ which the minister quoted this after­ Among th- f .nners near the Bend there only knew, hut the doctor, who w:is of a geance is mine, saith the Lord.” Grimwood and a rejiorter of Post and Mr. Draper laughed. noon—words which immediately follow the was ample ability to conduct researches be­ spcrulativemind, afterwards said that when The remains that have been mouldering Mail were to go up on Thursday. Mr. You saw him how he passed among the crowd ; Golden Rule, and which are, in part, its set by far more difficulties than was that1 Sam appeared at the door lie showed the in that heap for nearly eighteen years, Sullivan endeavored to dissaude him, urged And ever as he walked the Spanish friars •* U|>on m y soul, Louisa, you are serious.” “ I feel serious, Moses.” explanation?” I will repeat them : “ For if of tin- originof the Pikes; hut a charge of first Pike face in which he had ever seen while the hand of vengeance has been the perils of a lake voyage, and tried by Still plied him witli entreaty ami reproach ; ye love them which love you, what thanks bdckMiot which a good-natured Yankee re-| auy signs of a soul. stayed, were those of a band of emigrants persu.-ision and ridicule to prevent his mak­ But Cranmer, as the lielmsinau at the helm “ Was it the sermon made you feel so?” have ye? for sinners also do even the same. ceivcil one evening, soon after putting Sam went to the sod house, where lived who had set out from Arkansas with their ing the trip. Mr. Grimwood, however, II Steers, ever looking to the happy haven •• The sermon gave me serious thoughts.” s “ Well, will you let me have some of And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to questions to a venerable Pike, exerted a the oldest woman in the camp, and briefly cattle and horses and household effects, to with a youthful faith, made up his mind to W here he shall rest at night, moved to his death; th em ? ” receive, what thanks, have ye for sinners great depressing inlltience upon the spirit announced the end of llis wife. Then, after make their home in California They accompany Donaldson, and maintained And 1 could see that many silent hands of investigation. They were not blood- some consultation with the old woman, numbered upwards of 140 persons, includ­ liis jdaee in the h.-isket. M r. Sullivan is Came from the crowd and met his own; ami thus, “ In the first place, Moses, I thought also lenil to sinners to receive as much thirst \ these Pikes; hut they bail good rea­ Sam rode to town on one of his horses, lead­ ing women and children, had forty wagons overwhelmed with grief at the result. His Great Reduction When we had come where Ridley burnt with Lal inn what a waste of eloquent language it ag a in .’ ” son to aspect all inquirers of being at le.-ust and over HIM) cattle and horses, all their interest in the young man was more than lie. with a cheerful smile, as one whose mind w as.” “ 'That is all very well,’* said Moses, ing another. He came hack with hut one deputy sheriffs, if not worse, and a Pike’s: property amounting to some $30,000 in that of an employer in employee or ac­ IN P R IC E S ! Is all made up, in haste put oft' the rags “ What, Louisa ! a waste ! I don't un­ when his wife had finished the quotation, horse and a large bundle; and soon the hatred of officers of the law is equalled in ; value. The men were well armed for de­ They had mocked his misery with, and all in white, derstand you.” an«l sat waiting for his response. “ Itis all women were making for Mrs. Trotwine her quaintance in acquaintance. Their friend­ To correspond to tin* dull intensity only by his hatred of manual la- 1 fence against the Indians and wild be:ists. llis long white beard, which he had never shaven “ I mean, mv husband, that the preach­ very well, indeed; but—but—” last earthly robe, anil the first new one she ship was of twelve years’ duration, and bor. In September, they p.issed through Salt times and Reduction Since Henry’s death, down sweeping to the chain ing of such sermons as that to our society “ But,*’ interrupted Louisa, “ it doesn’t bail worn for years. The next day a wagon this hut added to Mr. Sulliv, an’s sorrow in W a ges. Wherewith they hound him to the stake, he stixrtl, is a melancholy waste of time and labor; apply to your ease. You cannot square But while there was doubt as to the fa- i brought a coflin and a minister, and the Lake City and proceeded on their way over that liis influence had been insufficii nt to the old California road. Their advent was More like an ancient father of the C hurch and 1 measure the waste by the value of your business by any such rule. \Y ben therland of the little colony of Pikes at whole camp silently and respectfully fol­ deter liis young from underhiking Thau heretic of these times; and still the friars the thing thrown away. Mr. Gordon’s about to turn Seth Twombly from the •lagger’s Bend, their every neighbor would lowed Mrs Trotwine to a home with which looked upon w ith suspicion by the Mor­ the journey. mons, anil there were secret councils hel I We lim e opened this morning' Plied him, hut Cranmer only shook his head, sermon was a beautiful production in its house (hat has been bis home for years, you willingly make affidavit as to the cause of she could find no fault. The circumstances were so strongly their remaining at the Bend. When hu-1 by the elders and bishops regardingthe ex­ a l.ot of All W o o l Or answered them in smiling negatives; way; anil bis subject wxs most forcibly il­ cannot ask yourself how you would like to For three days all the male Pikes in the against them that there w:is no reasonable Whereat Lord Williams gave a sudden cty— lustrated and eloquently presented, but be treated if you were in his place.” lnatiitai ians and optimists argued that it I camp sat on the log in front of Sam’s «lo.»r pediency of allowing them to finish the’r prospect of their return to Chicago. The •• Make short! make short! ’’—and so they lit the woo •• (), but my dear woman, you must re­ was because the water was good and con­ and expressed their sympathy, as did the jo u rn ey . velocity of the surface wind at Chicago at what good can such sermons do here?” venient, that the Bend itself caught enough ! E m p ress - Then Cranmer lifted his left hand to heaven, “ U»uisa!” called Mr. Draper, in utter member that tlie application of that rule three friends of Job—that is, they held their Whether actuated by greed for their pro­ 4 o’clock was ten miles per hour toward And thrust his right into tin* hitter flame, drift-wood, anil that the dirt would yiidd a perty or fear that the coining of such bands astonishment. would run society into ruin—it would peace. But on the fourth their tongues the northeast. At 9 o’clock it was 12 miles And erdng in his deep voice, more than onee, I mean what I say,” continued tin knock all matters of property into a cocked little gold when manipulated by placer 2 unloosed. As a conversationist the would interfere with the exclusiveness of per hour in the same direction, and at It): 15 •• This liund oflended—this unworthy hand!’’ mild-faced woman. The effect, of such I hat! Every man must have a thing be- and pan, all farmers ami stock owners Pike is not a s ecess, hut Sam's actions Latter Day Saints, or by some other mo­ the velocity was only eight miles per hour C lo th would freely admit the validity of these I Ho held it till it all was burned, before preaeliing can only be to make hypo-1 cause he wishes it. If a beggar wants my were so unusual and utterly unheard of tive notyet definitely known, it appears the in the same direction. The velocity of the Summer Shades, for 25 els. The flame bad reached its body; I stood near— erites.” house and lands, 1 must give them up be- reasons; hut the admission was made with th at it seem ed as if even the stones must leaders of the church in the wilderness de­ current in which the balloon was moving, Marked him—lie never uttered moan of pain; •• Louisa! Are you crazy?” j cause I might want the same if I were a a countenance whose indignation and sor­ have wondered and communed among termined upon the destruction of these em- was greater than either of the above quan­ He never stirred or writlnil, but, like a statue, “ Not at all, Moses.” ' beggar.” row indicated that the greater causes were themselves. iirrants. They hail been joined by some tities; hut it eertainly could not have ex­ Ijlillioviilg in the greatness of tile flame. yet unnamed. With eyes speaking emo­ •• I never heard of such a tiling,” said disaffected Mormans, who took this oppor- ceeded 15 miles per hour. The storm Gave up the ghost; and so passed m artjr like— ••Why, bless my soul! I never heard' “ You are too fast, Moses. You know tions which words could not express, tin y ! Buck; “ he’s gone an’ bought new 'tuuity to fly from the horrors of the life in­ which struck Chicago about midnight must Martyr 1 may not call him—passed—but wldtlier ? sue,i talk. No need of such preaching! thi* Golden Rule could bear no such eon No good from it! Make hypocrites! My j struct ion. \ on know very well that all would point to sections of wheat fields mi- ' •dollies for each of the four young ’uns.” to which they had been lured, and this have been felt in the middle of the lake —Erutn Tennyson'< •• Queen Mary.** mis their grain-bearing heads; to hide and j Stripe lh'cssGoods i,ear woman, will you enlighten" ' me: the teaching of the Saviour are based up­ “ Yes,” said the patriarch of the eamp, w:is probably the chief provocation that earlier. It came from the north, or proba­ hoofs of cattle unslaughtered by them-. brought down upon them the ire of the el­ bly from northwest by north, striking Chi­ I.ET PLAY “ 1 will if I can,” replied Mrs. Draper on common sense. You should do unto “ an'this morning’, when I went down to Few Pieces for 15 cents. •First you must tell me where the text another what it should be right and proper st .es: io mothers of promising calves, I the hank to soak mv head, ’cos bust night’s ders. At all events, they were followed cago from the northeast and blowing atthe “Form er Price 25 Cents*. (»’ the blessed ami wise little cldldre for you to expect him to do unto you un . >se tender hleatings answered not the liquor didn't agree with it, I seed Sam wiih I and overtaken. Near Cedar City, one of rate of 30 miles jier hour. It seems im­ What sensible tilings they say! “ 1 toi •: where it wxs, Louisa, but not dvr like circumstances: that is what you ii; ’ernal call; to the places which had all lii.s young bins :ls they wus’ awashin’ ! the strongholds of the saints, they were at­ possible, therefore, that the balloon coifl l When they can't have the tiling- the wliat it Il was the Golden Rule: have a right to expect of him as a true oi. e known line horses, hut had been int- their faces an’ hands with soap. They’ll tacked by a body of men disguised as In­ have reached the eastern edge of the lake Two Cases of They take others .;lnl cry : “ Let’s p la y ! ” • As ye • i l that men should do to you, Ubristiau friend and brother. Now S- th tei mted sincecertcin Pikes had goneaeross' ketch their death and he on the hill with dians; hut, behind a barricade formed with before its jiatli was crossed by the storm, th mountain for game. They would ae- their wagons, they made a vigorous de­ “ Let’s play” that the chairs arc big coaches, do ye to them.’ ” Twombly is poor .and you are wealthy their mother ’fore long, if lie don’t look ind. if not instantly ripped in pieces, it r. _ ct no man wrongfully; hut in a countrv fence, and repulsed the assail m is afte r a And the sofa a railmad ear, •• And.” pursued the wife, “ do you re­ “ No, no, Louisa—” out. Somebody ort to reason with him.” must have been seized by the blast and wL re all farmers had wheat and cattle j siege of live days. Ami that we are sdl taking journeys member bow be applied it.” “ Yes, Muses, you are wealthy; for y«m “ ’Twon’t do no good,” sighed Limping thrown hack, :is it were upon its former and horses, and where prowling Indians; It was then determined to lure the emi­ k. moving towards the head of the For « 1-4 Ceuta, fast colors and perfect. And traveling ever so far. “ Why, how could he apply it? Of ]K)ssess m ore th an enough to support you J im . “ He’s lost llis heail, an ’ r«*ason ju s t eour ■* there was butone way. lie applied through life, while Seth Twombly—*’ and Mexicans were not. how could these1 goes into one ear an’ out at t'other ear. grants Ironi their camp, uiiariued, ami lake, if not towards its western shore. “ Let’s play ” that this broken old china slaughter them. i’he leader in this move­ it to—to—to—our—our lives.” “ O, bother Seth Twombly! Let him go disappearances occur? When lie was scrapin’ around this front While there is no doubt that such a fresh Is a dinner set rare and line, But to people owning no property in the door t’other day, an’ I asked him what he m ent Was Jo h n I>. L e. a Mormon Bishop, supply of gas would have sufficed to carry Ami our tin cups filled with water “But in what way? IIow did lie Japply for to-night.” “ But,” added Mrs. Draper, rising from neighborhood—to tourists and artists—the wnz a-layin’ the ground all hare and deso­ ami he was supp..ri- l bv II light. Higbee the balloon over the lake (unless it previ­ A Fine Bleached Cotton Are goblets of milk ami wine! it to our lives?” Mr. Moses Draper did not hesitate be­ her seat, “ you will admit that I was right Pike settlement at the Bend was ns inter­ late fur. he said lie was done keeping pig­ and others cmiiicui in the councils of the ously met the storm) and far into the pine­ ” Let’s play ” every one of our dollies cause be had forgotten, but be was trying in wliat I sat-: about the melancholy waste esting and ugly as a Skye terrier. The pen. Now, everybody hut him knows lie saints. Haight and Lee visited the camp ries o f M ichigan, :is h:is l»een suggested by for 10 Cents, with a white flag, and professing to have Is alive and can go to walk, to find language in which to tit the idea so of our minis . r’s breath.” architeetiire-of the village of original never had a pig. His head’s gone just sevenil, it does not seem likely that the Former Pllcc 12 Cents. And keep up long conversations that then.’ might be no rough edges against “ Look lu re, Mrs. Frenchwoman, I shall style, and no duplicate existed. Of the mark my words.” inlltience with the Indians, oflered to pro­ balloon, as it left Chicago, able to tect tlie party if they would march out With us if we want to talk. which to scratch himself. he hungry pretty soon, and I’d like to half dozen residences, one was composed On the morning of the fourth day, Sam's carry the voyagers over that lengthened exclusively of sod, another of hark, yet an -1 leaving their arms behind them. They track: and that fact would seg£i to hive •• Let’s play ” that we live in a palace. “ Don't be alarmed, Mt: it won’t hurt have you do for me wliat you’d expect me friends bad just secured a full attendance other of {Miles, roofed with a wagon-cover,1 eame out on the pn teiice of having so m e been understood very well by Donald-on A LOT O F And that we are the queens and kings; you m uch to do for you if you were a husband wait- on the log, and were at work u{>on their ’• Let’s play ” we are birds in a tree top Won’t hurt me! What won’t hurl ing for his supper, and I w:is your wife. and plastered on tlie outside with mini: the first {,ipes, when they were startled by see­ kind of a council, hut no sooner were they when lie insisted lqion carrying only one at a safe distance from their camp than the Ami can fly about on wings. • My dear Moses,” cried Mrs. Draper, fourth was of slabs, nicely split from, ing Sam harness his horse in the wagon companion instead of throwing outan equal logs which had drifted into the Bend:1 order was given and the slaughter began. Reversible Stripe ‘The fall.” “ you shall not wait long. “ See how spry and put all his children into il. weight of the sand carried as balbist. ; “ Let’s play ” that we are school keepers None.were spared except a few children, •What fall ? I can l,e.? ll fifth was of hide, stretched over a “ Whar ye hound fur, Sam? ” asked the When one reuls such escajics :us that S t I A W i And grown people come to our school; She threw her arms about his neck am: fr o ie, .-trii lly Gothic from foundation to p atriarch . who. it was supposed, could never tell tie- made by Mr. Haddock and Professor Dc Ami then punish them all most soundly •'flic fall from the summit of your ad- miration of that sermon down to the sober kissed him. ami then hurried away to tin rid;. |Mih-; while tlie sixth, burrowed into: Sam blushed as near as a Pike could, talc. 'I’hese were taken in charge by some La Mountain, where the aeronauts lan led For SI.25, former Price $2.00 If they break hut a single rule. of the faithful, and the property of the emi­ facts of your life.” kitchen where she superintended the pre lie- lilLide, displayed only the barrel which hut answered with only a little hesitation: in an immense forest in Canada and re grants was sold at auction at the Mormon Oh! the blessed and wise little children “ Well!—bless m e!” paring tea. formed its chimney. •• (Join’ to take ’em to school to Maxfield not heard of for two weeks, it seems li*rd tilliing-liouse in Cedar City. After the What sensible things they suy; Come. come, husband, you have not vet Nothing more was said on the subject of A more aristocratic community did not —goin’ to do it ev’rv day.” to refuse Messrs. Donaldson and Grim- Ami we might be happy as they are, told me how the minister applied his sub- the sermon, hut tin* evening passed pi • \ : on tin- Pacific coast. Visit the Pikes The incumbents of the log were too lasjM* of all these years, a trial Ills been wood the same chances and hopes of sur­ If we would he happy their way. ject, and I think I’ll do it for you.” antly away; Mrs. Draper seemed to do all wlnai you would, you could never see any nearly jiaralyzed to remonstrate, hut after instituted at Beaver City. Utah, of those vival that Messrs. Haddock and De Li A Good Quality of on, _ vorking. Of churches, school-houses, supposed to have been principals or acces­ Mountain proved {xissihlc, and even prob­ What odds 'twist not having and having, “ Really, my perfection. I’d like to have in her power to make amends for the liher- a few moments of silence the patriarch re­ you.” * tv she had already taken in that ilirec- stores, and other plebeian institutions, marked, in tones of feeling, yet decision: sories in this horrible slaughter. The evi­ able, under conditions of the atmosphere When we have liv <1 out our day! dence is olitained chiefly from persons Let us borrow the children’s watchword— “ Then listen: lie applied the Golden lion. there were none, and no Pike bemoaned “ He’s lie’ll a tough time of it. hut lie's not at all dissimilar to those un the fatal G in g h am s himself by entering a trade or soiling llis no business to ruin the settlement. I’m an more or less implicated, who are exemp­ night, if such it may he called. They were The magical watchword, “ Let’s play! ” Rule to all the departmeuLs of active life— On the following morning Moses Dra- hands by agriculture. ted from prosecution for the purpose of supposed to have been provided with in­ For to Cents, former priee —Helen /laid. to the social life, the moral life, and the |>cr left his house in a thoughtful mood old man myself and 1 need peace of mind, business life. He would, in short, have and walked slowly towards his office, Yet into this peaceful, contented neigh­ so I’m going to {lack up my traps and giving their testimony.—Boston Globe. flated life-preserving vests, and if they 12 1-2 Cents. had it underlie the whole social structure. The air was frosty, hut he did not seem borhood there found his way a visitor who mosey. When the folks at Maxfield knows were dropped into the lake from no great Am I not ri‘dit?” 1 to notice it. By and by he stopped direct- had been everywhere in the world with­ what lie’s doin’, they’ll make him a con­ T1IE LOST AERONAUTS. altitude, they might have survived the (tales and >Hctc!scj5. “ Yes Ixnusa. Ami now I’d like to ask ly upon the sidewalk and smote his hands out onee being made welcome. He came stable or a justice, an’ Pm too much of a storm. Possibilities in this direction Sketches of Donaldson and Grimwood- seemed stretched to the farthest possible you w here he humbug of that sort of together. to the house built of slabs, and threatened man to live nigh any sicli.” the wife of Sam Trotwine, owner of the limit by the recovery of a hoy who had CAMBRICS THE GOLDEN RULE. p reaching? “ By the life and body of m e!” he ejae- And next day the patriarch wheeled his Concerning the heroes of the late disas­ 12 1 -2 ami 1 floated lor fifty hours in the lake supported “ O, Mos( I did it was a hum- ulated, “ Dniisa shall not win her ease so house: and Sam; after sunning himself un­ family and property to parts unknown. trous balloon-ascension, the following de­ hv a mere hoard. But the cli.ii: • for anv BY SYLVANUS COBB, JR. h u g .” easily. Bless her dear heart, I’ll make easily for a day or two, mounted a pony A few days later Jim Merrick, a brisk survival are infii “ W ell, y lid just tin ame, and now her glad by proving her wrong! \ and rode off for a doctor to drive the in­ farmer a few miles from the Rend, stood tails are gathered from the Worcester such it I tl chances that they are deep in Lake Michi­ • Wasn’t that a glorious sermon?” 1 want you elf.” An hour after that Seth Twombly en- truder away. in front of llis own house, and shaded his (fa z e tte : STRAW MATTING, When he returned lie found all th. .m i. eVe& in ouluinn w on d er. It vminin I he— gan are as infinitely gr.-;itvi in proportion. So spoke Mr. Moses Drajter, on a clear, “ V ery w ell. i have it: the tcred Mr. Draper’s office. He held his hat Washington II. Donaldson, the ill-fated in tlie camp seated on a log in front of his Good Quality for 25 Cents, . .. as In- em erg ed from a ill not liv« in in his his hand, and stood with downcast lie’ll never heard of such a thing before— aeronaut, was horn in Philadelphia, April own door, and then ho knew lie must pre­ Former Price, 35 Cts. lb.- church with his wife leaning upon his the hearts □f the In until Monday look. Very simple salutations were passed yet it was—there was no doubt of it—tliere 7, 1840. llis fam ily w ere Q uakers, am i hi. pare for the worst—only one of the great was a Pike, riding right towards him, in A Costly L e t t er .—A Cincinnati paper arm. And others besides Moses Draper hail m orning, T h e eloqw is fine and en- and then the poor man said: father one of the earliest photograph­ tells a story of an unsophisticated Brown in'Iuences of the world could force every open daylight. He could swear that a Pike been deeply moved by the sermon. A new tertaining, lik" the m iqior the or^an, “ Well, Mr. Draper, I suppose I must ers in his native city. Donaldson learned county man who came to that city, and from llis own door at exactly the had often visited him—that is his wheat- minister had preached—a man of a large but no more.” i leave your house.” this business, and soon became expert in it, wanting to post a letter took fire alarm stine time. There they sat, yellow faced, tield and corral—after dark, hut a daylight heart and noble impulses—a man who was “ Shame, Louisa 0, I did not think von “ Have you another engaged, Seth?” hut as llis health seemed to suffer from the box No. 283 for a letter-box. As he ap­ English Oil Cloth, learded, long-hacked and bent, each look­ visit from a Pike was as unusual as a social lot only up with the times, but who was lu ieh aritah ie. Wl: •. I fancied that I pos- “ No, sir,” replied Twombly, pereepti- 1 conlinement, he took to athletic exercises proached italic could read the words, “ Key ing like the other, and all like Sam, and call of a Samaritan upon a Jew. And For 75 Cents, Former Price, S I.00. thle and willing to lead society upward scssed one of the u ost gentle, and forbear- hly surprised by the kindness of the land- ami finally became a teacher of gymn.isties. to he found at the saloon.” lie applied to as he dismounted, they looked at him. when Sam—for it was he— approached tnd onward,—a man who not only had in in g and .path. :ic little wives in the holder’s tone. From this lie went into the sleight-of-hand the saloon keeper, who {irodueed the key •• IIow is she?” said Sam, tying his horse Merrick and made his business known, the his soul to feel, hut who had the |»ower of w o rld .” “ Would it be turning yon out from a business, and thence into the show business in great ha te, supposing there was a fire. language to impress his feelings tqion oth- “ Ami 1 I proved myself other- home, to turn you from the cottage you and the doctor’s, while the latter went in. farmer was more astonished and confused generally. He excellent per­ New and Handsome “ W ell” said the oldest man, with delih- than he had ever been in all llis life before. R etu rn in g to tin? box, the Brown C ounty now occupy"" former on the trapeze, ami was also a skil­ man opned it and saw within wliat was ap­ ottou and Wool Carpets for •ration, “ the wimmin’s all thar, if that’s Sam wanted to know for how much money “ Wasn't it a glorious sermon ? ” repeat- “ Think of the sweeping assertion you Indeed it would, sir.” ful tight-rope and wire walker. He for parently an inner door with a handle to it an y sig n .” Merrick would plough and plant a hundred 1 Mr. Draper, this time shaking to a have just made.” There bail been a slight spice of defi­ several seasons managed troops of players, and the words, “ Pull down the hook and 5 0 ( 'enl.-i. Each man on the log inclined his head and sixty acres of wheat for him, and friend who was passing. “ I do think of it, Moses, ami I am will­ ance in the poor man’s look ami hearing at and was himself a very good comedian. In then let go. ’ Chinking his letter would slightly hut positively to the left, thus man­ whether lie would take Sam’s horse—a fine “ G rand! ” was the resjxmse. ing to test its truth.” lir.M, hut it was all gone now . ; fact, he was a man of boundless fertility not he safe unless he deposited it in the in­ OO<1 Quality Hemp Carpets ifesting belief that Sam bail been correctly animal brought from the States, and for Aye—il had been grand, for it had been “ IIow will you do that?” “ Ol course you mean to do the best you and resources, ami was always revolving nermost place, he pulled down the hook and sufficiently answered. Sam himself which Sam could show a hill of sale—as 17 and 2 0 C en ts, in able, eloquent application of the Golden “ By commencing right here at home. can ? You will pay me the rent when you ! the queerest schemes and fancies. And lie and then let go. Presently there was a seemed to regard his information in about security for the amount until lie could har­ nd ail other goods to corres­ Rule to the affairs of every-day life—a re­ What effect had the sermon upon you?” are able—when you can do so without roh- w:is the better able to accomplish many of commotion, and while Mr. the same manner. vest and sell llis crop. Merrick so well production, with no change- save that ol “ Upon me? ” L ng yourself or family of the other the strange .devices that entered his brain, studying out some better way of getting pond with the times. Suddenly the raw hide which formed the understood the Pike nature that he made a language, of some of the simplest teaeh- “ Y es.” liecosarics of life?” as he possessed a well-knit frame, excellent into the interior, two or three engines eame door of Sam’s house was pushed aside, and very liberal offer, and afterward said lie > of the Savior. “ Really, Mrs. Pungent I don’t see what “ Yes, sir—yes, sir! Of course I will, i health, and was absolutely free from the tearing up to the |)laee in search of the fire. i woman come out and called Sam, and he would have paid handsomely for the A G E N T S FOR W hat did you think o f it? W.asn'L il you’re aiming at.” (bid knows—” small vices that most men indulge in. In The cause of the alarm w:is traced to the lisappeareil from llis log. die best thing you have heard this long “ 1 am aiming, my dear husband, to find •• Never niiml auy more now, Seth. 1 chance. fact so pure was his organization that he did •mfortunate man from Brown County, and azar Glove Fitting Patterns As lie entered his hut all the women lifted A few days later and the remaining lime?” Mr. Dnijier sjxike onee more to out how much of the principal lesson of am an very busy, ami a man is waiting for not much care either for tea or coffee, ami lie was arrested for turning in a false alarm, Thra- Patterns are very llellable: sorrowful faces and retired; no one even Pikes at the Bend experienced the greatest his wife. this afternoon’s sermon, which you called m in e in tin* other room. But you can go rarely partook of them. file next day lie arraigned in the police lingered, for the Pike lias not the common scare that ever visited their souls. A brisk “ Ia*t us talk o f it when we g e t hom e,” grand, ami which so many others called i anand lell Janet that my wife has been urg- At the time of liis death he had probably court, lined one dollar and costs, and went ag ents for human interest in other people’s business— man came into the Bend with a tripod on he said. gram!, will be remembered to-morrow, am i1 in upoii me a practical application of I made about three hundred ascensions, away a sadder and wiser man. This is a lie lacks that, as well as certain similar vir­ his shoulder and a wire chain and some leuliam's Patent Shirt Bosom M oses DrajMT g:ized dow n iq>on his wife in onler to satisfy mvself that I am right. •-terdays sermon. I have given tlw which considering the brief space in which worse rate of postage than Hannibal’s. Every Binoin has a Pallern that ginai n astouishment. Was it possible that she I propose to make ihetirst trial of yourself ih je e t earefu i consideration, and have tues of civilization. wire pins, and a queer machine under his they were made, is more, proportionately w itli it. could find fault with such a sermon? Now let us see: You will get up to-nior-I» io the conclusion that if 1 were in Sam dropped by the bedside and w:is hu­ arm, and before dark the Pikes understood to time, than those of any other aeronaut Would she d:ire to do such a thing as to row m orning, am i en te r iq>on the busines r place and you were in my place, I man; his heart was in the right place, and, that Sam had deliberately constituted him­ that ever lived. But in all these voyages A S uccessful “ C ram .”—Senator Dick­ Fuller & Cobb, critii’isc the speech of such a man as Rev. o f the Among the first items that dd iliink il MHirdiilv as a Christian though heavily intrenched by years of lazi­ self a r« n ‘gado by entering a quarter sec­ he never noted a single scientific fact nor enson was not overlearned, hut was very (ieiirge Gordon? He did not believe it. will he presented is the affair of the eot- | hr..;L. r. to l> -.r w iih m e. S,, Seth, keep ness and whiskey and tobacco, it could he tion of land. Next morning two more made an observation o f the slightest value, shrewd. He knew absolutely nothing of 325 Main St., “ Seth, what a good man he must he!” tagc in which Seth Twombly lives. What \ your home, and so long as you do the best brought to the front, and it came now. residences were empty, and the remaining lie had no t:iste for scientific inquiries. As the classics, and was greatly annoyed when 21 |to. Janet Twombly said this, as she and her will you do with him? ” * ' von eati. you need borrow no more trouble. The dying woman cast her eyes appeal­ fathers of the hamlet adorned not Sam’s an aeronaut, however, he probably had no one quoted Latin. 5 an Buren had swung husband walked away from the house of Mr. Draper was for a moment very un-< Mr. Draper rose :is he spoke; hut he ingly at the surgeon, ami that worthy step­ log, hut wandered about with faces vacant superior in the world. Beginningthe husi- off into Free Soil, and the burden of the God. They were very poor and humble, easy, hut lie managed to compose himself, I could no! prevent the poor man from ped outside the door. Then the yellow­ of all expression, save the agony of the ; ness hut a few years ago, in total ignorance party was on Dickenson’s shoulders. A and had sat in an extreme corner of the ami then he answered, very gravely. | grasping him bv the hand, nor had lie the faced woman said : patriot who sees his home invaded by cor­ 1 of the apparatus ami the methods ofaerosta- friend of \ an Buren was eulogizing the ex- NEW CUSTOM cluireh. under the gallery, where the old “ This is a matter o f business, you will power to stay the God’s blessing that w:is “ Sam, doctor says I ain’t much time rupting influences too powerful for him to : tion and the management of balloons, he President in a speech. He spoke of Curtins xtoii had given them a seat free. remember, between Mr. Twombly ami my- breathed upon him^ He saw the big tears left.” resist. 1 rapidly acquired a fund of information and and compared Van Buren to that noble ••Wliat makes you think so?” returned elf.’ Ring down Seth Twomhly’s cheeks, and “ Mary,” said Sam, “ I wish ter God 1 Then Merrick sent up a plough-gang and I experience which made him master of Roman. Dickenson went over to a seat Seth. “ Exactly, Moses. I understand it, and had a faint perception that llis own sight could die fur yer. 'The children—” eight horses, and the tender green of Sam’s i every operation and equal to every emer- occupied by a Senator who was at home in “ Because a had man couldn’t have that is what I meant when I spoke of the was momentarily dim. “ It’s them I want to talk about, Sam,” quarter-section was rapidly changed to a I gency in his profession. He knew everv- all that relates to the Romans. “ Who is preached such a sermon as that.” minister’s waste of breath. He gave you Later in the dav, when the press of bus­ replied llis wife. “ An’ 1 wish they could dull-brown color, which is odious unto the j tiling that related to the making of bal­ this the Senator is talking about?” BOOT & SHOE die with me, ratlier’n hev’em live ez I've eye of the Pike. Day by day the brown “Oh, he is not talking about Curtis at all. Seth Twombly shook his head. the Golden Rule for your guidance in bus­ iness was over, Moses Draper called to loons; he had all the formula) for cutting “ Ah, Janet, we can’t always tell what iness, bui vii see it won’t work.” mind words of the Savior in connection lied to. Not that you ain’t been a kind hus­ spot grew larger, and one morning Sam i the gores at his lingers1 ends, he knew He is talking of a noble Roman patriot. (hvelletli in the heart by that‘which drop- “ Don't be foolish, Louisa? What has with the Golden Rule which his wife hail band to me. for you hev. Whenever I arose to find all his neighbors departed, ! everything that related to the making of His name wasCurtius, not Curt’s.” “ Well, pet h from the lips. Yet. I am willing to the Golden Rule to do with such business nut repeated on the previous evening; and wanted meat you got it somehow; an’ when having wreaked their vengeance upon him the net, the relative thickness of cord ami wliat did he do?” “ Why, in the time of a confess the minister impressed me favora­ as that? Seth Twomblv is not only un­ after a little thought he remembered them yev been ugly drunk yev kept away from by taking away llis dogs. And in his de­ 1 size of meshes proportioned to balloons of great public calamity lie threw himself in bly. I think he is a good man. But how able to pay his rent, but tliere are those as they had been spoken; “ Do good and the house. But I’m livin’, Sam, and it’s light at their disappearance Sam freely for­ different capacities. He made some new the breach and saved his country.” “ Oh, many were tliere in that church to-day who who are ready and anxious to pay more lend, hoping for nothing in return, and cos you’ve killed me.” gave them all. and very ingenious modifications in the that’s it, is it? What did you say his name ■pHK Subscribers having funned a partnership and will go home and praise the sermon, and than he has ever paid. John Smith will your reward shall he great, and ye shall “ Good God, M ary!” cried the astonished Regularly the children were carried to I valve gear, which were of considerable was” “ Curtins.” “ Won’t you spell it?” never feel one heart-throb of new impulse take the house to-morrow, and pay me ten be called the children of the Highest, for Sam, jumping up; yu’re crazy—here, and from school, anil even to Sunday- j value. He could estimate without the “ .C-u-r-t-i-u-s.” “ All right, thank you” to duty from its teachings? I tell you .la- dollars more per quarter, and I should he he is kind unto the unthankful and to the doctor.” school. Regularly every evening Sam vis­ slightest hesitation the relative weight of said Dickenson, as he went to his seat.* As NO. 2, PERRY BLOCK, net, I am almost tired of this church-going, sure of my money, too. Am I to lose ev il.” “ Doctor can’t do no good, Sam; keep ited the grave on the hillside, and came ear, anchor, ropes, and gear. He had by soon as the defender of Van Buren took his it iqx*ns to me so much hypocrisy; and th at? ” In the evening Moses drew his great »;ill anil listen, of yer love me like yer once hack to lie by the hour watching the sleep­ heart all the bibles for estimating the quan­ seat, Dickenson arose, fresh, confident, ex­ Lime Rock St., were it not that the old sexton is o u r fi lend, “ 1 find no fault, Moses. I was not blam­ easy-eliair onee more toward the eln-erfid - ill yer did; fur I lievn’t got much breath ing darlings. tities of gas that balloons of different sizes uberant. H»- closed like a man fresh from and has really troubled himself to provide ing you. 1 was only trying to prove that fire, and stretched his slippered feet upon left,” gasped the woman. Little by little farmers began to realize would hold. the classics. “ And who is this Curtins to Mary,” said the aggrieved Sam; “ I that their property was undisturbed. Lit­ will earrv on business as manufacturers of CUSTOM for us a seat,* I think I would never go in­ the minister made a mistake when he ad­ the hearth, and a soft smile gathered around And, finally, if you gave him the ele­ whom the honorable Senator compares BOOTS ANO SHOES, atnl dealers in LEATHER to that church again.” vanced the idea of squaring our business his mouth, and sent its genial light up in­ 1-wow to God I ihrnno what yer driving tle by little Sam’s wheat grew and waxed ments of a balloon, he would at once tell Martin A an Buren? lie toasa noble R om an! »nd FINDINGS. . a t.” golden, and then there came a day when a He iras a patriot! But how unlike Mr. Van We shall keep a full assoi tnienl of block of every “ But our children, Seth!” transactions by the Golden Rule.” to his eyes. llis wife looked at him . a you how much ballast she ought to carry, kind and q uality, a nd are p repared to fill all orders with ‘•Yes, yes, Janet you have me there ! “ 0, there’s no use in your Hinging out in few moments in silence. What could i < “ It’s jest this, Sam,’’replied the woman. man from ’Frisco came and changed it in­ how many passengers, and how long she Bunn. Cnrtius threw himself into the despatch and in the best manner. For their sakes we ought to do something. that way. You mean to hit me; I see it. the meaning of that happy, self-satisfn ! • Yer tuk me, tellin’ me ye’d love me an’ to a heavier gold—more gold than Sam would probably float. And he was always breach to save liis country. But Martin Before another Sabbath we may not be But what have I to do with Seth Twom­ expression? She knew that this had bei honor me, an’ pertect me. You mean to had ever seen before. And the farmers rig h t. 5 an Buren threw hiscountry into the breech Gentlemen’s Fine Calf Boots, h ere.” b ly ? ” the dav for a final answer to Seth Twom­ say now yer done it? I’m a-dyin’ Sam—I began to step in to see Sam, and their chil­ It is unnecessary to enter iqion the rec­ to save him self!” “ How Seth?” “ You know lie has been unfortunate, bly, and she knew that her husband was hain’t got no favors to ask of nobody, an’ dren came to see his, anil kind women ord of all his aerial flights. lie has been Shoes and Gaiters, “ We may have no home in that time, Moses. You know he has had much sick­ not the man ts put off his business. There I’m telling the truth, not knowiu’ what were unusually kind to the orphans; and, before the public for years, and his numer­ w ord’ll be m y bust.” as day by day Sam took his solitary walk A V ictim of C r e a k in g B oots.—A m an made to measure, in the Latest St)leu and thoroughly J a n e t.” ness in his family, and that he has himself could be hut one solution. ous and daring adventures have been re­ who draws the prize of squeaking boots lirst-class workmanship. We also make a specialty of “ Oh, Seth you don’t think so. Surely been sick; and then think how kind his “ Moses,” she said, moving to his side, “ Then tell a feller where the killin’ came on the hillside, the load on his heart grew ported all over the country, The most ex­ in, Mary, for heaven’s sake,” said the un­ lighter, until lie ceased to fear the day when from a shoe store always gets them on Mr. Draper will not turn you from the wife was to me when I was sick.” and winding an arm around his neek; “ I traordinary of his feats were undoubtedly Saturday, and by next day the full power Ladies’ Custom Work, house we have occupied so long. You will “ She nursed you, and I paid her for it,” know I have made a woful mistake. It hap p y Sam . he, too, should lie there.— California Ex­ his performances on the trapeze in mid-air. “ It’s come in all along, Sam,” said the change. of the squeak is developed. lie arrives at In any drain'd .tyle, of Calf, Kid or Serge. tell him how sick our children have been. said Mr. Draper, rather abruptly. was all wrong that I told you yesterday.’’ He liad a particular liking for trapeze as­ church at the opening of tlie long praver, IIow weak you have been since you got “ Yes—you paid her for the labor she did, “ What do you mean Ixjuisa? ” woman. “ There are women in the States, censions, and the coolness and daring with Cood Fits & First-Class Work so I’ve lieerd, that marries fur a home an’ THE MOUNTAIN MEADOW and is admitted by the sexton with admoni­ hurt in the summer. No, no, Moses Draper and for the hours she sat by my side; but “ Oh, you can’t deceive me. You have which he niamcuvered on his frail support tory gestures of silence. The first step in­ ^R E PA IR IN G done with neatness and despatch. is not heartless enough to do that.” you did not pay her for the kindness and been squaring your business by the Gold­ bread an’ butter, hut you promised more’ll MASSACRE. while the balloon was sailing through the than, Sam. An’ I’ve waited, an’ it ain’t side the door is followed by a sound like NIK- PAYSON having had many years’ experien “ Ah, Janet, Moses Draper is much like love and sympathy she brought me. You en R ule.” skies, the temerity of his experiments, that of ripping a clapboard from the side on first-class work, as Foreman of one of the best <_ other men. He wants to make the best did not pay her for the gentleness with “ IIow do you know ? ” come. ‘ An there’s somethin’ in me that’s In the fall of 1857 a traveler overland to and his wonderful luck in avoiding acci­ tahlishments f..r custom work in the State, it is hoped all starved and cut to pieces. And it’s your of a barn, while all the ladies on the right that his skill and thorough knowledge of the business use that he can of his property. I am not which she bore all her toil. Ah! Moses, “ I can tell by the* golden glow upon California came upon a glnistly sight at a dents were very remarkable, and afforded fault, Sam. I tuk yer fur better or fur side of the aisle tip their top knots to one will l»e a sufficient uqaranty of the work done by us. only behindhand in my rent, hut he has those are commodities which do not enter your face. I can tell by the holy joy that place called Mountain Meadow, about 300 delighted excitement to thousands of per­ side and squint from their left eyes, those Particular attention is called to our stock of many offers for the house better than I wuss, an’ I’ve never grumbled.” LEATHER anil FINDINGS, which is selected into the catalogue of your business pur­ beams in your eyes. Am i right now? ” miles to the west of Salt Lake City. He sons all over the United States. Nor did on the other side reversing the order. Bal­ have ever done. It’s all up with us, I fear. with care, and which will enable us to supply Boot it chases.” “ Yes, precious wife—you are right now; “ I know yer haint, Mary,” whispered found the naked and mangled bodies of lie merely study gain in these exhibitions. ancing painfully on his worst corn, he Shoe M ikbrs an 1 County Dealers with everything J have received notice to quit.” “ Well, I suppose Janet Twombly was and perhaps you were very near right yes­ the conscience-stricken Pike. “ An’ I know about 120 men, women and children scat­ It was his passion to he an aeronant and makes a more gradual eft’ort and is re­ needed in this line a t low uti can be fo u n d elnewhere. “ No, no, Seth. Mrs. Draper will help display his skill to the world. kind to you, and I think you have been kind terday. But let that pass. I have met what yer mean. Ef God’ll only let yer be tered upon the ground in promiscuous heaps. warded by hearing tlie same harmonic us. Think how tenderly I nursed her to her; but I don’texaetly see the point you Seth Twombly, and I believe I have done fur a few years, I’ll see ef the thing can’t Some of them had been shot, some had Newton S. Grimwood, the Chicago Jour­ reverherance like linked sweetness—long when she was sick. She will not see us PAYSON & HEALD. would urge. She entered into business re­ by him as I should have wished him to do be helped. Don’t cuss me, Mary—I’ve been stabbed, and some had their throats nal reporter who went up with him, was drawn out. Then he tries to navigate on suffer, if she can help it. She is good and lations with you, and brought to the per­ by me had our relative positions been re­ never knowed how I’ve been a-goin’. I cut, while many of the bodies had been aged but twenty-two years, and though of Rockland, May 27, 1875. - the balls of liis feet, then waddles along on k in d .” formance of her duties just the qualifica­ v ersed .” wish there was something I could do ’fore further mangled by birds and beasts of prey. little experience as a journalist, was regard­ liis heels. He clutches convulsively at the “ So she is, Janet. I think she is a true you go, to pay yer all I owe yer. I’d go tions she possessed; and I think, when she , “ 0, how bright his home must be to­ Another traveler, pissing over the route m ed by those who knew him as a young sides of the pews to lighten liis weight, NOTICE! Christian woman; but we will not beg. had done her work, she wanted her pay. night! cried Mrs. Dra|>er, with moistening on everything that makes life worth December of the same year, found horrible man of great promise. He in knocks down a woman’s parasol, and gets If Mr. Draper chooses to east us forth, we Was it not so?” eyes.” hevin’. heaps of skeletons. The bodies had been Kendall county, Illinois, his father being a all the deacons to raising their bald heads : is hereby given that the Bodwell Granite w ill g o .” “Yes.” “ Aye,” added Moses, with deep feeling “ Pay it to the children, Sam,” said the lightly covered over with earth, hut the well-to-do farmer. He was only two and the skin across their foreheads, and anv is not interested in the operations upon The fire glowed cheerfully in the well- “ All, I thought so! ” Moses Draper said as he drew his wife upon his knee, “ and sick woman, raising herself in her misera­ wolves had dug them up and made hideous months regularly on tlie Journal, and dur­ scowling as they do the rest of tlie week. :ut Granite Quarry, so called, in SL George filled grate and Moses Draper seemed to how much brighter is my home from that midnight feasts upon their putrid flesh. ing that time he gave evidence of much v is now operated by LEWIS E. this very stoutly. ble bed. I’ll forgive yereverythingif you’ll So he determines to mince the matter not all bills contracted after this date will be feel particularly comfortable after he had “ But,” suggested the wife, very quietly, simple act. Surely there is a blessing do the right thing for them. Do—do— What remained had blackened and dried ability and enterprise. He lias written sev­ more, and trots along fast, jerking out removed his overcoat and drawn his large and joy in living that simple Golden on the bones. There were skulls from eral poems, one of which he sent to Mr. B0DWKLL GRANITE CO. “ suppose I had been poor and unfortunate everything! ” said the woman, throwing up spasmodic shrieks with a regularity that LEWIS E. BEALS. easy ehair up to the soft rug that was and unable to pay, do you imagine that R u le.” her arms and falling backward. Her Hus­ which long tresses hung, matted together Longfellow, receiving in return a kindly he never could attain at anything else, and spread upon the heartli. Janet Twombly would have held back her band’s arms caught her; his lips brought with blood; there were the slender frames criticism of his effort and no little encour­ reaches his pew with all his under-garments “ Now, my little woman,” he said, as his kind hand when I again needed it?” A letter passed through the Portsmouth, N. H., to her wan face a smile, which the grim of little children, the stalwart skeletons of agement to develope his talents for verse- turned to porous plasters, and his face of a wife came in and took a seat near him. Mr. Draper did not answer so stoutly and post-office last week for Exeter directed as follows : visitor, who an instant later stole her strong men and the fragile bones of wo­ m aking. color to match the saint done in red glass Braids at Giofray’s. “ 1 should like to know wliat you thought emphatically this time. “ Eixtur uumchair.” breath, pityingly left in full possession of men. At a later time these skeletons were As regards the fatal balloon voyage, Mr. in the principal window.

26 Iiiud'~,n, KeSitotoi. do; Trader. Urora, do; Lottie Jol trentmral.. I True Mi*. Gould and Mr. Rice - ive that opinion ,a Dr. L. A. E*lmiuistcr, the magnetic physi- rig h t side was paralyzed, rendering Itim JIlC In d ex 4 Ju s tic e ” , but lawyers just as mpetent ot constrain, City Council.—At the regular monthly meeting Grand Army ENTERTAiNMENT.-^Th« TntPERAxcK Lecttre.—A lecture was given ’File Rockland Gazette. speechless. Ills son I rank. an d hi> d ftu g l^! W ith .I \ c n g e u n c e . a contra,> piniuti. and I have the City Council, some business .vak^ransactet^ Styby Post, G. A. R., gave theopefitug „ m, is in the city and has taken rooms at tip* i a very large and appreeiativo audience {nl Board of Aldermen, but there was no quoruift ter, M r s . P atterso n , w ere sent for. an d l e l t ' • . , writer in l ed ®**bC?BjBons for b«-’.i«-ung th at a majority o afton of the grand military dri rtnauf “ The Wae ‘Thorndike House. The Doctor comes well recom- last Sunday ev**ning in the B aptist church, Thursday, August 5, 1S7 Greenville on Thursday. ..'h. 'X JLro& jM Knov Iter wi. , . .ad IV w that all hi Uie Comgon Goqncil. ' A? ' ' .-A y or tJ^JJuion ” last evening, a^id.’;were- greeted anended and we have seen testimonials from the by Mrs. K ent Mason o f M anchester, N. H. ihniil noon In* becam e ■ m iseiou-. an d rC-f, ' ■ - ' J ’ „*taad ?. the eat p.- ur ratio minded nten withe . rt lines think y it^ la i’geftudU^^'llQhvithstanJJjlg the unla- most reliable sources as to his success iu treating cover..,1 the partial nse „ f h is side, but it I f the course of the C o n an - , , and itnpo- In Board o f Aldermen the'followingorders Were The pastors of the diiferent churches had ar­ vorablf weatlier. jSveryb’q«ly speaks highly of flie h is the fashion with the Democratic wa- evident that lie cunld' tp-t, live Ib itg ; iSgisui of Heed- -I p r o n t o Utic. Thia writerdrags in Major tl™,-it to bolster passed aiid.gont down for Concurrence: disease and his character as a gentleman. We ranged for a Union Meeting, ami were pres­ are toll that he has made some wonderful cures, newspapers of the Slate ami two or three and thus, surrounded by his iintiiv* fam ily j - ^ n e c tM with the case, to show up his friends, ami dec. n t h . - app* ntiueut was Ordcr&dy That the Collector of Taxes lie ai»5 is ■piece aud thr performance, and there will doubt- ent with sueh of their congregations, aud hereby authorized- and instracfed to allow a disii ^.Jstbe a large i.udicn.-.t to-night if die weather is aud entirely without the use of medicine. Those of the “ independent." journals to cry down md m*ighhoringfriends,hciicimiiHH iiigiiivuuz>,iiv diedat the “hour ■■■ .* the vet CullHnaUi,v un man il) wimrwh?,> KtiMkh,d oi of jusrtce nose,K(hc, Hill?urn? hrJ5t1,1 ' suggestion. th at w others, as could llud accommodations. Many mentionedm tioned.” ” c ■ /- J a'.uni u d R vii,n'>.. a w ^ J ia U utumpte-1 tleal yntt«*f i vhip m- t lii In false. u Mr.-3 Hills went cit, and not count of eight j»cr cent on all ta\« s par I . .11 or I any 41 way fpy,r,ilj]e, ffe/jis.w iiot space, im.the •who desire to consult him should call early, as his were disappointed because there was no the prohibitory law. (Jen. Roberts, the lW jlid Wirty-flr^.tay* ot N ^ustH 875^/d a- > I here was a goo:d <»f ie^> g ‘W G d-^.eakin^^tlie ‘Vvott tu him, i i.piired about I). K. kfem-diSS (fate of our eiwnins, bU^peak hfTIetailV w n e is limited to two weeks. Consultation at the nullifications. This writer tries to raise’U discount of four per ceiif. from the thirty-first day room , ami w ent away. Tin; lecture was Democratic candidate for Goyemor, li:i.* b y tthe h e e ev v e eni l L t atUt GU Hreenville X i m u c an,i»n» d K noxville Hawes, 8 I m.-uiK-umention Mr. It,™Rose ntnfirst, i, ,..Jas lie is the ...... iouiip big i • ,'1 id the iuu Daniel Rose »t August, 1875 to the thirtieth day of October but the leading roles were renderql very effective- /I/ffice free. See advertisement high-toned; sharply, though tastefully ami squarely declared himself against the law. iml teleg ram s from M em phis. R ichm ond toad in the ptulflle. ! • ’ ,. T ■ it since the Doctor's 1875; and on all taxes not paid In tore the first ly by Miss Flora Myers and Mr. PnvcelL-whR'* JLucnl l5t*c\ it i<*s.—Mr. Duhtvn «•!' the kindly put: eloqm ni iu some of its parts, ami the journals which support his nomi­ tnd tittinv o th er plttces expressed reg ret 1 ,l:lve ''"V.*’ i decetse and theixifon, • propose to disturb hiy uf January, 1876, interest will lx* charged at m d svni'palhv. Milt'll sorrtuv w as e.x- . up te the |'iv.-,.|ii wuv lnne wniteu no lino tor i • j , h ,e Hie-amatcnrs- performed their pims- exceedingly Isey House, has imported a young eagle from and well delivered. The pastors agree in nation must, either make it appear that a pressed in'W ash in g to n npott r.-eeipt o f the ,... 4,.=,.ton ,,|,..n the ' !e know‘‘ if ih 1> i t ...... Justice” is anxious the rate of six per cent, per annum until the same m u >t c. to j pay of the be paid. A perusal of the cast and the synopsis of Sullivan.—The waifs, of lh«* Universalist saying that it was “ a capital lecture.’’ Ami prohibitory liquor law is not in the interest new s o f the e x -l’resitlent s death, anti the u"t- u J 1' / ’ . ,, ...... rr,, oounty and if mv Itondsinoit are not liable,” and thrilling, exciting, tragic and humorous incidents,1 church have lieenr boarded up I the , russet 1 all I In* people, as far as we can learn, say, President issued the executive order ens- —•*1 p I J* oiHeXd tile publir I intimates that Rice and Gould are of that opinion. Order instructing Road Commissioner to cause of temperance, or else their candidate must will indicate something of the brilliant and effect- hcii atn *: Amen.” Mrs. Mason's ability is very de­ sufficient quantity of earth to be carted on to timbers of the roof have I - put in place lose the entire temj>enince vote. tom m y on Stu ll oeeasions. co n tain in g e.x- llul u.,„;bk.,i | H .... ms to me that the opinion of the.Co. Atty is character of the drama. The tableaux were being covered.--Schooner A. F Ames cidedly superior to that of most speakers we presstons oT sorrow and respect and ,lu eet- , a|)iiu| |hi. u .,.,|ict. m an,''.1 some eonstx,uence in this ease. L. M. Staple , Grace street, between Broad St. and R. Robinson’s The fi.judJiran Journal says the great very line, and these, with the scnic effects an.l ac- been newly calked, coppered and painted at (lie are accustomed to hear. She -tart- from ing that the E xcentive M ansion and th e opilli„n ilf anything, will deride „ Ip q ., was eheto.1 hod till to that oil,ee. Has i house, to make said street safe arid convenient for cessot-y, incidents will, be varied at each evening’s North Marine Railway, 'flic arrivals?at the difficulty about the prohibitory law is its several D ep artm en ts he draped in m ourn- ,n}tlter till he hears both sides, lint the men who ; a‘l' ise»1 *l“ “rfe ,nen to tlns c“»u’se . lias he flu; passage of teams. the Christian stand point, takes up tin* prin­ utter inefficiency: to which wc reply that ing lmfil afte r t.h«\ fu n eral, th at puhli«*i j|;1ye as I think, to usuq) certain e tlie avaricc ami Apprtitcs.of men are cool effrontery in setting aside the facts a.- l h<- remains vf the ex-ITesident arrived : nothing to do with the ease, it being one of law Mr. Staples is a Democrat, dyed in the wool: ■Application of 0 . E. Blackington for permission it Greenville Sunday evening and tertainment. The entire net proceeds of the four Bath excursion party which came to this cit; uncontrolabli* by moral motives. Love, lo what has been accomplished by it. I he three months since, an attack was AV hat is the Tnatter with him? Couldn’t he be to move his stable through Park aud Maia streets taken to his late residence, placed iu used as a tool by these men ? Has he fallen from representations of the drama will be devoted to from Bath last Friday.—(’apt. Ames is having how ever inii-d underlie, control, and direct prohihitory law has notstopped rumselling, beautiful silver mounted casktd, covered math* on inc by the organ o f these men, charging to the foot of. Pleasant street was .laid on th me with procuring the misprinting of the votes grace, because he objected to have his name the "charity fund of the Post, and our citizens some new scenery painted for Farwell .X Aim’s til means that shall give h*»|K* of true ami l»nt it has outlaw ed the rum traffic.: il has with a silk ilag, ami in his hand was placed forged to extortionate bills ? Will “ Justice ” table. : cast for my opponent, Mr. Fletcher, in the year should testify their appreciation of this;good ob­ Hall,'including a new set of wings, two n« w drop final success. These thoughts were variously set the seal of disgrace upon all engaged in i copy of the constitution, in aei-onlanee 1W17—a tiling no decent man would do any please answer at his leisure? Ami while he is do­ O. H. Perry was licensed to be an auctionoor. ing it, will he enlighten the tax-payers of this ject by filling the each, evening. curtains, (a kitchen and a lamlscape scene, ‘re­ illustrated; iftahy objections aptly met; it; it has confiscated and destroyed many with a repealed request when he was alive. quicker than pick his neighbor's pocket. Tin* The Board adjourned to Wednesday evening. Du Monday morning the body was taken ...... ,___ Gounly, what necessity there is for quartering 1). SSgT’Tlie case of Henry Poor et a Is. against spectively) and some other pieces, and the arch stirring motives presented and enforced, thousands of gallons of liquors; it has re­ •aril published by Mr. Wort man, showed that the to the Court House, where it lay in stab*. • c, was aile by Edwin Rose and others, who F. Rose on the county treasury, while the question Jonathan S. Willoughby, has just been decided by and wings of the proscenium willbe re-decorated. with a warmth ami pathos that come of a covered many thousands of dollars in tines, Fin* shock suskiined by Mr. .Johnson s wife | procured the printing of the Demoer vote,’and at issue remains unsettled ? Both Boards of tin* City Council md on The Commissioners set up a claim to do certain the Law Court in favor of the defendant, an.l the —A little boy six years old, son of Timothy Sulli- heart sometime wounded ami agonized, ami ami sent rum-sellers to jail in many in­ ,ll his deat h is so seven; th at it is feared she ,ilslt the charge against me had hadow of Wednesday evening. The orders passed in work in my office. That claim is denied. Why plaintiffs nonsuited. A brief report of the vau,was drowned at Hurricane Island hist Friday, not forgetful. But as she will address the will not lo n ,r su rv iv e. I truth to sustain it. But the month-piece of these Board of Aldermen were concurred in by the stances. We grant it is not thoroughly en­ do they not appeal to the courts, and until a de­ has been furnished us, which will be of interest to by falling from the rocks, lie was alone and was citizens of Rockland, aud other towns in tin* The funerafof the Ex-President took place at j men instead of acknowledging the misstate- Common Council. forced : we grant that in many places it is ireeiivilleon Tut»lay afternoon ami was attended nient, repeate*! it in a new form. cision is obtained, revoke for the time being, Mr. our readers, but the crowded state of our colum’: not missed for some time. On the previous day, vicinity, soon, your readers can form their Rose’s appointment? Wonh ' ■ their Orders were passed by concurrent vote as not half enforced: but it is doing to-day >v at b ast sutlil persons. A procession was i 'The secret of this false and wanton assault was obliges us to defer this, with other matters, to our Mr. Philips, engineer, got his left hand eaught in own opinions. Ministers or people can mil v formed, consistin'1- of the Johnson Guards, Patrons ! apparent about tin; middle of June, when I was private affairs pursue such a I: • are follows:—Instructing Committee on City more to restrict the sale of l iquors than an) next is tke machinery and severely crushed.— Rev. C. I’. be pleasedaml profited, if they properly hear ,f llusbaiitlrv, < )*hl Fellows, German I', md. Dick- J met, not at my office, but outside of the Court beaten in this ease, do they , *•■ ' pic their hands into their own pockets | ' tin-t-x se , Property to ascertain at what price the lot license law has ever done or will do. And oson Guards of Knoxville, Masonie Lodg«* and House, and informed by Messrs. Hawes and Hills 25/“ The Ulysses will make another grand ex­ Nash will preach at Vinalhaven next Sunday.— tin* lecture as she gave it lu-re. Having or do they propose to saddle upon tin- County on Spring street owned by Mrs. Harrison this because the principle of a license law The hearse followed with the Knights that they had appointed Mr. 1>. P. Rose to inde cursion to Mt. Desert, Satunlay, giving theoppor. Rev. J. E. Hall, of the Congregational church is heard, we think, tin* question o f‘a woman's'- Chapter. Treasury ? Mr. Editor, I beg t . • 1 vuiirself rd of honor, then the family c office 1 requesting me to let Ulmer can be purchased: inst meting Mayor is the recognition of the legitimacy ami re- Templar __ o and readers for the length of nm cion. tunity of going and returning for one fare. See still absent on his vacation. right to lecture, or to preach, if her con­ •amazes. Gov. Porter and state officers, menilicrs him take the books o u t of the Registry into the to draw bis order for $25 in favor of Charles My excuse is that it is a mat ; ! j-ul por- advertisement. science bids her, will have acquired some s|K‘cUbility of the traffic licensed. and riini- ,f the press and lastly citizens on foot. Tin* pro- Grand Jury rooms, 1 questioned their authority , for damage to horse; Requesting to do this thing, and asked them if they did not tance and there are many poi i to ' • ►; i or a Cornelius Magee, who was on the poll :y T h e army worm has been makin substantial material for settlement. Be that si lling will never be diminished in Maine •esdoti was nrranged in a double circle around the proper understanding of the Mayor to place a gasoline light at head of R. jrave, leaving an open space of about 20U feet it know that I had done a large amount of labor on force iast year, was arraigned before the Police havoc in thia vicinity of late. These wor as it may. let all hear the lecture who can. hv relieving it from the ban of the law as a G E G . W. W H IT E . R. Wharf; instructing Mayor to notify Gas liameter, enclosing the family. Knoxville C..m- the proposeil Index. They disclaimed all know- Court on Tuesday charged with being a common appeared in this locality about a month ago, when crime and making it legally respectable. the subject, which seems strange, when Company that O. E. Blackington has begun Relkhocs.—It is hoped that Rev. Dr. Ma­ •nanderv ”f Knoxville, Glee Club and the Gnver- _ ledge on seller of intoxicating Injures and was bound over two bodies of them, some distance apart, attacked 'l’ln* Jo u rn a l says that “ professing to nor ami other distinguished visitors. The Knights the very maiman (A. S. Rice) whom they employed About Town. a suit against the city for damage to horse son's use last Sunday iu his sermon, of the then performed tin* funeral ceremony and a brief to draw the order authorizing I). P. Rose to do for appecrance at the September term of S. J. two groves of oaks which cove red five or six acre- prohibit tin* sale o f liquor, the law sanction?* New A«lvertisei»n*iitH. celebrated Hawthorne's picture of a man ibndgement of the master mason's ceremony of this work, w aware of it. I invited these by reason of defect in highway, where the Court. each. Soon after they made their appearance ii Gr.ind Ex.-tir.-ion to Sullivan—Steamer I I 1 neglecting wholly the right culture of his a wholesale shop in Portland, with yearly .urial was conducted amidst the tears of the lie- to step into mv office to see what I had done earth had been removed by saiil Co. ami not C5T The three Good Templar Lodges of this the orchard of Mr. Geo. W. lugraham, where they fur once, these honorable Commissioners appeared Lost—A Child’.* Gold Chain. moral nature, though he develope intellect sales aggregating a hundred thousand dol­ t-eaved family. properly replaced, and to request said Co. city are to make an excursion to Vinalhaven next stripped the trees badly and covert**! the fences to be in a hurry, and anxious to earn their three never so much, will induce a good many to lars. This store is authorize! to supply a to defend said suit and liquidate all damages Tuesday, in the Clara Clarita, leaving at 10 A. and outbuildings in the vicinity. They were fi­ Ail Interesting Document. dollars per day and traveling fees. Their cour­ read the article as found in a volume of retail shop in every town ami city of the teous reply was, “ We have employed another man ic liy I which said Blackington may recover thereon : M. A band will accompany the excursion, aud nally driven off and disappeared. The resident: Ihe Little Classics.’’ •• A terrible picture Stale. Ami what guaranty have the public to do this work and it is unnecessary that we instructing School Agent ami Chief Engineer the fare for the round trip will be 75 cents for in that locality say tlte same worms appeate* nsl W ill ami Tesla should look at what you have have done !” and of a most terrible mistake, made, indeed, by that these retail shops will be any better Rev. Herbert Yeoman will preach in the of Fire Department to purchase the coal for gentlemen, an.l 50 cts for ladies. there about eight years ago, but not in so great from that time to the present, they have not said inultitudcs who little dream of it until some conducted, more moral or less harmful than I'rcc Baptist Church next Sunday affernoon and their departments of the different dealers in Miss Margaret Warren died in this city A few days ago we hail the privile< a word about paying me a dime for the work that numbers. The eggs from which these worms 1 ite review of life.” any other grog-shops?" Ibis is neither . 1 undertook by the consent of the former Com- e.eniug, at the usual houi-s. the city dividing the amount as equally as last Saturday morning, after many years of ill­ arc hatched are said to be deposited by a species fx a tn in in g w h at purp o rts to he th e last j nijssjoners, allj nt the request of prominent citi- 25T Rov. Mr. Nash being absent on his vaca­ possible: instructing committee on City ness, during most of which time she has been en­ Re G. I’. Mathews administered tin* rite candid nor correct. 1 he law does not au­ will and testam en t o f Gen. H enry Knox, of; zens without regard to party. There is justice for of moth among the oaks on the side of the titoun. Property to assess all persons now draining o f bapti: thorize what it professes to prohibit. It .rv fam e. It is und o u b ted ly a 1 you, allowing their version of the statute to lie tion, there will be no preaching in Farwell & tirely helpless, but through all her sufferings tain. The worms in this neighborhood are a t Mill River on Sunday last, (ilutioi correct ! Ames Hall during the remainder of this month. into the Main street sewer according to tin maintaining deep piety, unwavering faith, con­ with yellow stripes running horizontally along the die Church will be consecratei prohibits the sale of intoxicating liquors as genuine will, written in the General’s own j ()u qie tli of July, the Commissioners had a The Sunday-school will meet at 10 1-2 A. M. each rates established and authorizing them to stant cheerfulness and Christian resignation. Ai body. Last week several large bodies of the Aug. sth. by Bishop Hcalev o a beverage, and it. prohibits such sale by hand, signed with his well-known signature ' meeting, at 1 I read tu Mr. Hawes a paper, (the Sunday, as usual. grant permits to persont hereafter making extended notice of Miss Warren will appear in our tow n ag e n ts as strin g en tly as tin* sam e . ,. . ... ,; li lllrt .u p ; .1T,.i »• |< ” sunsiance of which he stated to Mr. Hills) giving worms inode their appearance iu different parts of :ie new Bishop of the diocese o „ f - I I . K nox,” in w hich the 11 am i K , . |be e:l^ , , (.ny5ng tlie d:lilI1 application to drain into said sewer: In colums next week. traffic by any other persons. 'I he provision ~ y A hoy about sixteen years old, named Sul­ the city. These were black worms, from a *,uarter New Hampshire. The service: ire com bined in the m an n er of :i m o n o -, Up tjlL, Commissioners, ami informing them struct ing Road Commissioner to make : livan, was hurt last Thursday afternoon, while a t City T axes.—The taxes were committed of an inch to an inch and a half iu length. Oi will * at io 1- clock iu th* authorized by the law is for the sale of li­ •nam . and sigm*d by four attestin g wit-1 that I should not submit to their tr a c tio n of work in Berry’s hay field, by a whiflle-trec break­ statement of his expenditures at next meet to the Collector last Saturday, and Mr. Friday, Satunlay aud Sunday immense number quors f«»r “ medicinal, mechanical ami ~ .* I»,wb,u tin* statute, il the - isted on rforcing an issue, ncsses. ibis will was executed ill H O slo n ing and striking him in the stomach. ing of City Council: Instructing Com. oi Weeks is now prepared to receive the green­ of them appeared between Pleasant and Park ' a manufacturing purposes, and no other. unless it was backed by the authority of the .m the 5th of April. 1802, and the General Courts. But in order to avoid a contest, I ollere«l Fir** Department to complete repairs on N backs for,lie taxes of ourcitizens and allow streets atul crossing those streets moving south- | d ll Rev. Mr. Chase being absent from the city So long as there is so largea portion of the diedat his mansion in Thomaston, on tin; to do c e-half the work, and receive one-half the A. Burpee engine house; Instructing Road them the discount of 8 per cent, authorized wanl. Portions of Berry's field, between Pleasant I bd, on a short vacation. Rev. W. (I. Holman will sup­ public that believes liquors necessary for I appoint their appointee, Mr. D. I’. Rose, Commissioner to build a plank sidewalk for payment the present month. The total and Park streets, wer literally alive with them" 25th of October lStlfi (four years and a s an assistant Clerk to do the other half of the such purposes no law can receive public ply the pulpit at the First Baptist Church next from Geo. Wooster’s house on No. Main St. half later) , having been choked to death ork, ami receive the other half of the pay. 1 amount assessed upon the polls and estates On Sunday Mr. Andrew Roselaml. living on Sunday morning. Sunday Self : 1: 1-2 toward the Acliorn Cemetery, the distance of the city the present year is $112,848.D sanction which does not recognize and pro­ hv a small hone of a chicken, which acci­ inde this offer, not that I doubted as to the law Pleasant street, had difficulty iu keeping the aped vide for this necessity, and not until the op­ • well as the justice of the case being on my side, recommended. ■' i divided as follows:—State tax, $13,397.30; worms out of his house which was surrounded field apt. Cliarh- dentally lodged in his tliroat while he was nt I thought that half in peace, was better than \ , b, Committee on Fir** Department reported County tax . $G,508.4(1; City tax , $89,305.00; ponents o f tin* p ro h ib ito ry law will propose T h e will is written- on paper of ’the whnle with a ipini-nd and a lawsuit. I felt Mr. James E. Begg, C Or g se­ with them all day. i*atili<2 that the extra expens*; of arching the hall of Overlay, $3,037.48. Last year the State , and honestly support a system which shall t h e style of that iltiv, water-niurkeil “ II teopeurto indulge in the luxury ol litigation it verely bitten in the leg by a •! ” twee! and Mrs. Kent Mason, of New Hampshire, who «>f the field. Iu hl o f th<- birch Ik do away with supplying liquors for such * i ir r <>.„ I could avoid it, especially when my opponents being apprehensive of h\ f. 1 a «pted X. A. Burpee engine house would be about was $17.113.37: County tax, $5,349.00; City- Iziy” an.l a number on one half of the i ha|] th(, Co|I1)ty tv,..,sl„.y before them, and no has been lecturing very effectively upon the sub­ the heroic treatment of searing ... 1111 i ith a $200. Accepted. tax, $83,0:50.00; Overlay, $1,982.72, making pitched. uses, through any channel, will their stric­ sheet, and with the figure of Britannia and 1 scruples about putting their hands into tiie peo- ject of Temperance, in this State, 'luring the latli< places are spoken of in may well be doubted whether a prohibitory nal. Not tin* h*ast intoresting feature of niglit have given, if suH'ered to speak for them- 3, $112.33. 2, 25; W ard 3, 71: W ard 4 ,1 1 ; W ard vlves, hut their Clerk, Mr. Edwin Rose, did not Williams 2d, W. C. T.; Ida Shepherd, W. V. T.; mans of strong praise ai she brings testimonials law ever yet reformed one man inclined to liii* docum ent is tin* statem en t w hich it W ard 3. 23; W ard 7, 37; Nou-resitlen, eo fit to trust them, poured forth a torrent of ------, W. S.; Ella Booker, W. F. S.; Chas. E. An order passed in Board of Aldermen rd lettei-s of intioductio which entitle her to the drink.*1 So it may well he doubted whether Last y ear the whole num ber was 241. contains of tin; General s views of a future , ibuse in reply to this civil request. providing that all owners of land adjoinin; nil confidence o f our citi •ns. Shw lias obtained Mr. D. 1’. Rose, “ the nephew of my uncle,” Woodcock, W. T.; Geo. A. l’errigi, W. C.; Ash­ the law against theft ever reformed one o f $100 rep resen ts a valuation o f $4,:! full audiences in nearly every place when* sin- state. 'These views, though somewhat pe­ commenced work in mv office on Thur.-day, July ton Ripley, W. M.; Emma Vinal, W. I. G.; E. tin- Main street sewer, shall pay 2 cents pc m an inclined to s te a l: and tin* rem ark is a very nearly. c u l i a r . are of a cheerful and consoling sth. His entry under the circumstances was very M. Stubbs, W. 0 . G. square foot of the area of their lots, lb lias spoken, and the hall should be entirely lilh-d conclusive against the law in tin* one case Ward one. character and evince a strong and confident ! proporly heralded by a ln >h attack upon ' draining into said sewer, until such time a B int, .1 .v Co i:i'J 15 Jninr.ion, G«*oi’i;i* G on the occasion of her lecture i i tli:>Jeity. in a as in tin; other, and no more so. It has by the organ of these men. They could not find At the meeting of the Mayor and Aldermen, some ordinance or legislative aeLon tin* sub l: . ' 1 A iihoii 134 27 No. Marine Railway, letter introducing Mrs. Mason to the editor of the iuqirovin; th.-i words ill the English language sufficient to an- « i. k. it. ,\. I*. 21«; 19 KichardHoii, .1 It faith. hi been madea crime tosell to men tin- means Tuesilay evening, tin* persons whose uanu•< jeet shall be passed. n, A F.*tC 118 45 S la rn tt, Mary 'I*. Gazette, Hon. Joshua Nye, of Augusta, speaks of pn isfitutes, Gelb ' i l Knox was not an old m an when : swer Hiejr purpose of abuse anil misrepresentation 2*H> 00 Sleeper, Willitllll, follow were drawi as jurors at the Sep- A .lri.l *: her in the following terms ;— ing all the I- I tugs ot the living tor tlte of intoxication, with all its horrid train "I In* ili. .1. b ein g on ly 5C. T h is •ill w as 1 A -i ns well as literal me Ad’ourned. • i pl.t iis \V 194 13 'I'lioinas, Itoliert 1* lc. oral!;.-*1-5 T"1'1'-1""1 “ • winch their lember term of the > . llaiiHon,>lr. 150 1 , ,l:u ks.»i •• Mrs. Kent Mason is a lecturer whom if your d.-a.l, have miittfl Midi avis iliai tin- English evils. It is the direct object of the 1 iw to md the List which lie in An old gentleman llenrv . I, Young, J o ftp li I- whisper 1 d e sig n ed t,„- (leant! Jurors— Andrew Ulmer, John C. people *)iice hear will desire to hear again, (bir punish this crime ami if possiidc to '•tip- belonging near Clark's Island, in St. George, Y oung, F B T language is |M>h-nt in its power t.. exjin-ss the l.sist il. w.-tsas never presented for probate,' „ P e rh a p s 11 light uch treatment people were delighted with her temperance ad­ press it, ami not to reform the victims of . n e e ; a t a n y ra te went to Hurricane Island a short lime since, ami indignation every good citizen fi-els towanls such else it . uld have remained on file in the v Trueersc Jurors—Oliver A. Clark, John B. dress given before the Reform Club lu-re, on Sun­ tin* crime, ’flu* provinees of law ami re­ Whether a will ..f 6 ^ -i ^ X v iage ls (tin*)...... and.,numerous).....Hah. citvua, talked while then*, day before y e s te rd a ) afternoon, by day evening. It had the genuine ring in it. She outlaws. Among these ilepmlatious are the gird­ probat* Doane, Ira B. Elleins, R. .\1. Pillsl.iry, Frank some strain, he renewed an old rupture. Ileal, is a whole-souled, pure woman.” ling o f a y o u n g shade tri-** and the stealing roots form are separate ami distinct, and to con­ Knox s proved, an d if so w hat wen* il> >nuu.(.s ,, | h|,oui(| ,i„ JU„i s„. T hom as. Aines. Davi.l X ( Itohcrt *\Y 42S * Me Mrs. Mason will speak at (’amden on Moud iy and vims of some of the most valuable flowering demn law because it does not accomplish we have not at hand the d ata to [ My course was, Io sa y to M r. D. I’. Ruse, tli tempted to reduee it himself, but was not able, but Bir.l, Hanson G provisi* Mix Mary Os ell, a colored voraan h Bird, John 29S 25 I’cinlh , e \ y evening ami Vinalhaven oil Tm-sdav eveuiiitr. •nt, o f w hich w e ' second day of liissojuuru in my otlice, that duriir thought lie could do sd. in the morning. Failing .2 42 Kock’.l IJK I Foi plants from the lot. The Al len family the work of reform is foolish and illogical. .Irl.iinine. Tiled ...... tin.,,, ... (,'l’oekett, Itoliert • I had held the Rej longing iu Boston, a J employed as cliauila in this, however, and growing worse, lie was t-i-k, Moses II 319 S3 Sm ith, George, have exp-mhil $2,-Vmmhi. „r more, to place their But. the Jo u rn a l also adds that tin* pro h ib ­ givi* a copy cam e into tin; possession of an ( ||;i | il to treat ever per: w ho c u ­ Farnsw orth, .1 It 205 2S Stanley, A zarial maid on the steamer lyssess, left the house brought to this city yesterday and taken to Dr. Howes, A; 307 63 Sleeper, H enry . T h o m a sto n . lot iu its present condition, and to have it thus itory law “ never yet withheld from old ladv living in a nnigbboring town, who the ollie ll th a t I Handley, John it 147 32 Shepherd, <> G (’apt. Kohinsou, at about 'J o’clock last evenin Wiggin’s, being then in a feeble eondit’on. Dis. DRow xixg Accidun i . - ( >n Tliurs last ih-sccrated is a meanness that devils from the old one the means of drunkenness,” and this was once a serv an t in tin* Knox fam ily, and ‘* *'i’d <" tie; u t if he I lamilton.* aroline B 120 75 Stanley x Ayer.' . . j continued to ’ ork ■ ollici ■ the epr* icnta Io go on board the steamer. Reaching the wharf, daineson, Janies I, 112 is Spalding,Sylvan bet ween two ami three o’* i l Ik- afler- fashioned hell, would 1m; too honorable to per- Wiggin and Estabrook examined him there, aud Jameson Leonard G ,18 85 we believe to be grossly false. There cer­ wb<» lias also some other interesting relies t v<> (lt-Hawes I Hills, I shnill.I treat him as a n she was taken suddenly ill, aud called tosimeoue p-trate. Rare flowering piants have also been he was then renmved to Mr. L. Brewer's house Ward Three. noon, Nancy Pendleton, aged ll> years, ami tainly are and have been communities o f the G**m*ral. 'flu; follow ing is a copy oflaggr* my best t«» prevent him from do- the boat to assist her on hoard, saying,that** 1 Ames. Davi.t 334 GO Lindsey, Geo X Lizzie Deinuth, aged is years, started to go stolen from (’apt. Stackpoh-’s lot. The captain : th e ir \ 1 further said to Mr. Rose, these at the South End, where Dr. Estabrook placed where many men have had tin; means ol the will which is now in the posse.--ion of fog was filling her up,” and being pronpily as­ Ames, F 5:*.:’. 70 Lowe, A T 123 29 and his daughter have taken especial pains to e eoiisultcd Mr. A. P. Gould and him in a warm bath, and succeeded in reducing Ahholt, Isaac * 147 51 Libby, .1 f X So in bathing in the Georges liver, above the drunkenness withheld from them by tin* Gi 11. W. H. 'fiteon h of this city :— Mr. A. S. Rice, but Mr. Rieeaml .Mr. Gmilil do not sisted, she was taken on board, but was chad win 11 the rupture. Surgical assistance, however, came Abbott, Joseph 277 85 M arston, Chas I toll bridge, not far fro m the Oltl 1‘ope o r m ike their lot cheerful in this respeet, but this know the fe ts in the case, go an.l inform them, 149 50 M allard, C It 130 10 prohibition of the liquor-traffic. although With all possihh* humility In tin; name, she had reached the deck. The cause of her su 1 too late, and tlu; unfortunate man died within an 142 84 M urphy, E dw ard F 281 Tucker Wharf. They waded into the river thieving lias compelled them to remove their tw o and in the presenc*; of the Omnipotent, and 1 think they will advise flu* Commissioners 320 GO M errill, E dw ard 123 40 of course we recognize tin* fact that in most den death was heart disexse. A daughter of Mrs hour after, mortification having doubtless taken from what they supposed was a su n * am! iron vases, purehased expressly tin" the lot. Such Omniscient and omnipresent head of the to accept my oiler. 141 o0 McLoon, W communities the man who will lake \YIk«ii Mr. Rose refurned on Monday he said he Oswell is chambermaid on the City of Richmou l • McLoon, A rdelk 245 I safe bottom, but after walking o u t a s h o r t «le*ils if committed elsewhere would lie had enough Universe, in whose existence, 1 have an un­ place. 118 45 Pease, A C 439 43 had seen .Mr. Gould, who stated “ that the whole The body will he taken to Boston for burial. to fix upon the perpetrators a public infamy trouble cm,ugh and go far enough to ob­ clouded heleif ami conviction, I Henry The Georgia Minstrels’ gave an entertain­ , l.ii 180 55 P illsbury, T hos It 179 distance, they suddenly stepped oil' into matter was left with him and there was to be no Case, Jo,lii S 1G8 39 Pillsbury, t tain rum. will get it. But many a “ drunk 1 Knox so named, an intellectual being in- deep water, front a submerged wharf and which would cling to them like the mark of Pain, eomproniise with me.” The Mass Temperance meeting at :he No- ment ,o a full house last Friday evening. There , Fuller G 173 90 Rockland Xatimial 189 94 Bank, to their dying day, hut, enactul here, where the has undoubtedly been prevented by the crusted w ith tin* elem ents o f this atom 'flu* next morning when Mi-. Rose came into my bleboro Camp Ground, heretofore aniiomced will were some very good things in the programme ami Coburn, John S sunk beneath tin* waves. T h eir cries at­ Earth, and calling my local abode, at Crie, II. 11. .N C. 283 48 Rockland Savinigs most simple or modest mementoes should be held prohibitory law. oTi.;e he could not fi <1 h • Indexes, and 1 informed lie held next Thursday, the 12th inst Those at­ the audience applauded generously. Two ot the < *obb, W ight it N o r­ Bank, tracted the attention of some hoys near a’ Montp<*lier Thomaston County of Lincoln linn, that 1 had put tin in away: and if the Com­ ton, 545 15 Rockland Steam hand, who immediately gave the alarm to sacred to the memory of the departed, what can Finally, the issue joined against the pro­ Commonwealth of Massaehits«*tts, make missioners felt agrieved, they could appeal to the tending will reach the ground by the forenoon performers, however, iu the attempt to tickle the Cobb, Francis, 1,590 00 Mill Co 341 F rvc.T hos. (estate) 331 04 Sm ith S X (estate) 174 those in the neighborhood. A large num­ we call the crime or by what terms express it ? hibitory law is not tin* question w h eth er and ordain in Boston. thi> lifthday of April Courts. The Commissioners were notified and trains and have about 5 hours on the grounds, audience with local “ hits’” were guilty of gros.* Farw ell, Jo se p h 293 12 Spear, E R 288 ber ran to the spot, and the body of one of For stealing, assault, or even murder, there may that law is tin* best m eans o f suppressing in tin- year one thousand Eight hutidi edand held a meeting the next day. Gen. Titcomb in­ turning by the afternoon trains. Liberal reduc­ violation of propriety by the offensive use of the Farrami* 8c Spea 160 35 Spear, E R & Co 132 two, the following to he mv last ill and formed his colleagues that he differed from them Farw ell. X A 990 90 Sim onton Bros 4&9 the girls was seen at the bottom of the be extenuating circumstances, by which we can tin* liquor-traffic, but it is a question as to tions in fare will be made from all stations 011 the names ofjiersons in the community. The per­ F uller & Cobb, 149 50 Sim onton, Fred J 101 Testament hereby revoking and annulling as to the construction of tin* law. but as Judge 183 78 Simonton, E 155 find some excuse for the culprit. But here, mad. Hon. Neal Dow, Governor Dingley, Mrs, formers doubtless thought this witty, but though Gay, Fisher river. Parties also arrived in boats, ami whether tin* liquor-traffic ought, to be made a n v oilier Will or codicils of Wills hereto­ Peters was then in the city he would suggest that (Say, Ephraim, 274 22 Sm ith, George A 109 where the sacredness of the tomb should ever re­ mi appeal he taken to him.aud have tin* matter local illusions not of an offensive character may ay, iviii;..... W illiam 105 72 T itcom b W m II lu4 with the assistance of an oar the body was utterly odious and to be suppressed. The fore made by me. Kent Mason, Ex-Governor Perham, Hon. Joshua main inviolate, there is no excuse, aud therefore d isp o of, as soon as possible. Hills and Hawes Hix, Tim s. W 196 37 Tillson, Davis 257 pushed in shore and easily drawn from the f irst. Having perfect confidence in mv N’ye, II M. Bryant, J. R. McKelvy, J. K. Osgood, Ik* allowed and laughed at, the making free Hooper, Je re m ia h , 220 92 Thom pson, L ucy 250 cry of “ hypocritical law" against tin- rejecte«l the offer, and 1 was notified that D. P. Hewett, W. T. 114 07 Verriil, Levi U 11-8 13 water. It proved to be Miss Deinuth, who the guilty parties have sunken themselves below beloved wife Lucy Knox 1 hereby apixunt Francis Murphy and others are expected to he with the names or reputations of persons in the Jam eson, Oliver 131 34 W hite it Case, 355 48 Maine Law is itself hypocritical, because Rose was iu the pay of the Couuty, and they was taken at once to the house of (’apt. the meanest and most outrageous acts of barba­ and constitute h er to he the sob* E x ecu trix should hold me and my bondsmen responsible for present aud address the meeting. Music will be community, for the purpose of raising a laugh, is Jones, N athaniel 221 50 W ight. II W 318 74 the thing sought by tin* opponents of the to thi- m y last W ill an.l T estam en t, tru stin g his WheIl , why l|n.v di(1 not get u Keene, H oratio X 184 29 W iggin, Geo S Henry Mathews, and Drs. Walker and Lev- rians. furnished by the Waldoboro Band. Should an indignity which no respectable audience should Kim ball, Geo W 198 50 W hite, Jo n a th an law is not a better way to suppress the rum plieitly that she will do and perform , ,UJU;<1}UI1US troil, thl. (\ al, ts, Mr. Ilawes said their We are at liberty to say that the parties above allow to go unrebuked. This thing may have Keene, Charles A 195 17'Williams, Benj i ensaler were suininoned to rentier medical every tiling, and take the best legal adv Thursday prove stormy, the meeting will be held Kimball, Geo W, Jr ,44 S4 Williams & Dean, named will pay liberally for information leading traffic, but a system to legalize; it and make counsel (Mr. Gould) was out of the State, by Kimball, I K (estate) 197 13 Williams, Benjamin aid. During the meantime Miss Pendleton’: for to inaiiag*; and dispose of the estate iu which it appear.**l they did not know their legal on Friday. There should be a great gathering on been done before an.l may be done again, but we it respectable. If Gen. Roberts means any. K im ball, I K (heirs) 123 99 G uardian, body floated away, and was not procured to the discovery of the guilty rascals. the best manner so that every Just creditor adviser the <’o. Attorney at all in the ease. Since this occasion. hope that if it occure in Rockland again the audi­ Kimball, Mary S 299 88 W illiam s, Mary thing when he says the prohibitory law is a niav receive as early :is possible his due; that time Mr. Rose has calle.1 twoor three times to ence may have sufficient self-respect aud regard Ward Four. for an hour and a half after the accident of Reliuioi s.—Rev. Dr. N. Butler, from Bangor, The Universalist Sunday-school of Bath, clog to the wheels of business, he means and that the resi.lue may he under tin; best know if he can have access to the records as the for the rights of others to promptly hiss it down. Andrews, (> S 108 GO Rockland Gas Co falling into the water. Her body had float preached at the Baptist church afternoon and eve­ agent of the Commissioners. Believing, as I most and others of that city, to the number of about Brown, Geo W 154 27 R ockland Shoe Co that putting a prohibition upon rumselling direction for the benefit of herself and her Burpee, X A it S II 517 22 Robb: Levi M ed down beneath the toll bridge, and when ning last Sabbath, Rev. F. P. Chapin morning conscientiously do, that the laws of our State au­ .300, made an excursion to this city over the K. & A Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Blood it H ix, i i s nn cn...... Shaw , J & Co 109 82 in any city deprives its merchants of the children. drawn from the river, her life was extinct, And I hereby ordain and direct that my thorize me to appoint all clerks to be employed in Fellows is to be instituted at Damon Hall in this B rainerd, Geo M Ull 35 Sanborn, L ucy 101 i and cveuiug at the Congregationalist, and Rev. IL L. R. It. last Friday, going lienee to Camden by ...... Sum ner, M aynard 375 25 although means were tried to rest*,re hv custom of those who will only go where wifi* Lucy after the just debts are paid, he my office, an.l, that neither myself or bondsmen Berry, John T, 2d A. Shorey at the Methodist in the afternoon. can be held responsible, if the duties of my of­ steamer Ulysses, being joined on this portion of city this evening, by Grand Master F. M. Laugh­ _ 127 89 Singlii, E A 150 40 rum is free, and deprives those who would tin; sole heir of all my real and personal C rockett, Jo h n 102 85 Sleeper, A lfred 120 .81 breathing. As soon as Miss Demuth wa There being a number of emineut clergy­ fice are to be divided between myself and the ton, of Bangor, Joshua Davis, Grand Secretary the trip by a considerable number from this city ( use, Geo W 1-2 60 Saekcr, Erank 103 05 taken to the house everything was done •• t make money hv making.huying and selling estate of which I shall die seized and pos­ County Commissioners, I have answered Mr. and F. T. Littlefield, Grand M arshal,of Portland, C lark, Benj 142 Gl Tighe, Francis 157 10 men from abroad in our village, among sessed. I repos** this tru st in her, in ord er The excursion train ran directly to the wharf, and Cobb Lim e Co 10,148 75 T horndike, Jo se p h 231 30 restore her to life again.” A large crowd liquors, at wholesale or retail, of the de­ Rose's request in the negative an.l shall continue !sted by members of Star of Hope Lodge, of whom are .John 0. Fisk. D. D. of Bath, and that she may have a mimfortahle subsist­ to do so, until the courts decide that I shall open mindful of the favors ex* ended to them iu Bath on Farrow, William 1G3 59 Ulmer, Hannah 2S4 05 assembled, and willing hands went to work sired profits of their devilish business. Vinalhaven, and Union Lodge, of Union. Five F a rnsw orth, Fannie 102 35 Ulm er, A ndrew 135 83 Prof. M. B. Riddle of Hartford, Conn., ami ence in tlie decline of life, well knowing my office for the Commissioners to enter and per­ the occasion of the excursion last week, some of Farnsworth, W A G51 3S Verril, Henrvl ITS 41 to do all in their power to save the young several of our former pastors, a meet ing was her unspeakable tenderness for her chil­ gentlemen of this city recently took their degrees Hunt, John W 235

I. .lump, Pai i. il..,||jlttP_ LEAXDERTnOMAS. FI. IT. O i’io Ac OO. the points of fresh shoots. | 49-* Send 25 cents and get ECOLLECT that Dr. ’s Summer Reme­ copy of his dy is adapted to all ages and will postfvely cure, H. IL CltlE & CO., *205 Main St. as tr by magic, DiarrhtEa, Cramp, Cholic, Cholera Mor­ at Giofray’s. B ook, T5BANKS, Town Orders and Auditor's ly31 bus aud the {most violent pain. Ask for it. Price 25 Reports printed at short nouoe Re e n u . 6 lA Switches a t CJiolray’ WAS SHE A BRICK? Fact, Fun anti Sentiment. M iscellaneous. M iscellaneous. Uitsmess t'lifUs. lltulriiiiilx A' 'Iraniboat*. It was one of the handsomest packets on — One thought fills immensity. the river, anti among the passengers bound SANFORD’S NEW STYLES OF , QUININE HAIR TONIC! SAMUEL T. M1GR1DGE, KNOX & LINCOLN RAILROAD. for Vicksburg were a Georgian and liis — When does a man have to keep his word? NEW ERA IN BAKING. wife, who have relatives in Mississippi. Vhen uo one will take it. F ijroniiiij in public far r. Each Musical Instruments mouth increases its sales nearly double He was a large-sized, handsome looking — The thankful receiver bears a plentiful har- A N D | that of the previous mouth. The follow m an. and she w as a p leasan t looking w om an If jou ivuut to Iiukf inu.-l DELICIOUS, LIG111 Aing are some of the reasons why it SUMMER ARRANCEW2LSMT, JAMAICA ” pleases so universally. t'V’I IO.l IFlil Ii A lii F1.4GS, with blue eyes anti short chestnut curies. WH11 E. 8 W EEr and HEALl'H Y, jnl:w g o o d s , Takes effect Juue 14th, 1875. BAYOLINE never fails to stop tail­ <».» Cupl. G. W . Brown’s \\ hurt One would have said that she w ould have — Went out t ii a fly—that absconding treasur- BISCUIT, ing out of the hair. N am i after M ONDAY, Ju n e 14t*i, a passenger screamed at a tilt of the boat. ISAYOI.INE will iinm eiliately eradi- I) 11 tia iu w.l! h a v e R ockland at 9:2d A. M. fm* Bath, •' of a St. Louis base ball club. OPortland ami Boston and a I p-.inL- on the M. C. R R. 11c sat smoking with other gentlemen ROLLS, -The soul of sweet delight Leave Rockland at 1 :2U 1*. M. lbr Bath, Lewiston, after she had retired to her state room, and _ never be de­ GINGER! r pliable. F. H. CROCKETT, Augu.-ta, Cortland and Boston, a: riving in Boston at filed. BUCKWHEAT CAKES BAYOLINE is clea 10 P. XI. and the cabin was entirely clear of ladies, 278 MAIN STREET. Passenger trains at rive iu Rockland at 10:15 A. M., Tills elegant preparation is prepared from the TREE We HAVE ) « HAND and 5:50 P. XI. when some one proposed a game of cards. — A tourist who was asked in what part ol Jamaica Ginger, combined with choice aromatics and BAYO LINE will not color the hair. PHOTOGRAPHER, GRIDDLE CAKES, A mixed train will leave Roekiaml at 6.30 A. XL; re­ In ten minutes after half a dozen men were genuine French brandy, and is vastly superior to every Ckickering & Son’s, Bourne’s, Emerson’s . BAYOLINE has won for itself a Switzerland he felt the heat the most, replied, popularity which lias never before been 255 Main St-, Rockland. turning, haves llatli at 11 A. XL; due in Roekiaml shuffling cards over the cabin tables, and other Extract or Essence of Ging- r before the public— WAFFLES, : 3:35 P. XI. “ When I was going to Berne.’’ all of which are prepared with alcohol by the old pro- and Haines’ Piano Fortes. equal ed by any other preparation recom­ the Georgian was matched against a stran­ mended for the same purpose. All who Large Views of Private and Public Buildings, made Trains will arrive ami depart from R. R. W harf for Musou & Hamlin have Ten New Styles of o order. all Steamei connections. ger to all on board. lie was a quiet, cour­ — “ If Smith undertakes to pull my ears,’’ said MUFFINS, Cabinet Organs ready this Month. fehave used it are willing to vouch for its ■ability to perform all that is claimed for Stereoscopic Views of Rockland and vicinity for 27 C. A. COOMBS, Supt. teous, well-dressed man and had bet n taken Jones, “ he will just have his hands full, now.’’ The Piano H arp Cabinet Organ, an exquisite __ _pit. It is without doubt the best Hair CHOLERA MORBUS, CORN BHEAD, ■onihitiution of tlicKe instrum enta. T h e I m p r o v e d Dressing’ever used. Prepared by for a traveler in search of health. He was I he crowd looked at the man’s ears and thought I oix Celeste when played loud has the ring of a lucky in his cards, but be could not propose so too. JOHNNY CAKE, Clarion, when noft, the delicacy of an Kolianc Ilarp. LEVI TOWER, Jr.. BOSTON. Maine Central Railroad. playing for stakes. It was the nettled Cramps, Pains, Diarrhea ami Dysentery, are instantly 'I he Seraphone is a delicate reed stop. The K tagere Gilchrest, White & Co,, relieved by it. it will render" an aitick of Cholera Cabinet O rgan is an appropriate and useful combi- Solti Everywhere. HO cents u bottle. Georgian who proposed it. lie called him­ — How to tell a good horse : Stand in front ol Morbus impossible, if taken when tlie symptoms of this GRAHAM GEMS, As a guarantee of the reliability of BAYOLINE we DEALERS IN self a champion hand at poker, and when dangerous complaint fust manifest tliemselves. are permitted lb use the name of GEO. 11. Nit'HOLS, his shoulder anti j>ull his head down gently till his DUMPLINGS, M. !>., who has used it in his family w ith exceedingly Arrangement of Trains. he found that he had met his equal he de­ ear is at the level of your lips. Then tell him. We have new and desirable styles of beneficial results, and is perfectly acquainted with its Ship Stores^ Ghandiery termined to test tlie stranger’* financial CRAMPS AND PAINS, PUDDINGS, GEORGE WOOD'S ORGANS ! composition, lie unhesitatingly recommends it to his I> A S S E N G E R T rains leave B ath 12.15 I’. XL, after Parodoxical as it may be, there is uo man more patients, and declares it flee from any injurious sub- 3 6 SOUTH STREET, I arrival of Train leaving Roekiaml 9.20, A. XL, con- m etal. Our experience in the business enables us to accept "iinee. PB3m25 PWJEW VO15K. Whether produced hy indigestion, improper foi the important inventions and reject the uninqiortaiit. neetingat Brunswick for Lewistou,Farmington, Augus­ They had fifty dollars on the table when purely practical than he who is most truly ideal. POUND CAKES, MRS. P. II. FOOTE, Agent for Rockland and Au­ S e p t. 22, 1873. l>* ta, Skowheganand Bangor,at Yarmouth with G. T? R. change of water or diet, too fn-e indulgence in ice \ gusta. the captain looked into the cabin, lie l'itz-Huyh L ttdlow. ter, exposure to sudden changes of temperature, i Hie surest, quickest and most satisfactory way is t« at XVesthrook with I’, x It., at B. x M. Junction with caught the Georgian’s eye and gave him iinmeiliately relieved by it. (hie ounce added to a g trains on Boston x Maine Itoad, and at Portland with — “ Get out of the way! what are you good for ? ’’ loll of usttthe 0,1 ^•:u’lcrn Road, arriving in Boston at to understand that his opponent was a river XEWADVERTISEMEX I S. B. KIRKPATRICK & CO black-leg, but the other gentlemen had said a cross oh 1 man to a little bright-eyed urchin, Royal Baking Powder, Afternoon Train leaves Bath, 4.15 P. XL, (after arriv­ dropped their cards and crowded around, who happened to stand in his way. The little ICE WATER al of train leaving Roekiaml, 1.30, 1*. M .,; conm-cting Il is now used in tin* best fam ilies tin* c ountry ovei at Brunswick lor Lewiston ami Augusta, and arrivimr money was up, and the information had fellow, as he stepped one side, replied very gent- and stand- highest for strength and purity. <>u cai FORTUNE IN IT. Every family i.iiy- Shipping and Commission Merchants, in Portland 6.15 P. XI. And sweetened, form a mixture which, as a «■< A Dealers in Ship\<:iutndh rij, Ship Stores, Ji'c uai vs kkive Morniug Train leaves p„iHand, come too late. Besides the Georgian was : “ They make men of such things as we are.’’ not tail w tn it it properl) used, even iu poor Hour. T . A .— healthy and refreshing Summer Beverage has no Huii.-ckcepers, Cooks, Restuurunt Ke« pers um 6J.»; arrives at Bath 7.53, connecting to Roekiaml. doing well enough, and he tlatteied him­ Barrels of ice water, prepared in this way, in Ihrough 1 rains leave Portland, 1.Io P, XI., after ar- — Thu reception one meets with from the wo- Baker-, willl find it invaluable in rendering light an R ockland. May l«74. ‘' “ "T,’ " ? ;.'" ’ ; P i c ' i o u , N, self that lie could teach the courteous black drank without the slightest injury, and happy palatable all form ol cooking where S. da ami Crean AGENTS WANTED. Vui " l|i 'r',it",'p r" ,ki “rriv< I*. M., inau who finds in this a substitute for" sp 'irito " u s liquo: Agents tor Vale Coal. Iron and Manufacturing Co. leg a lesson. an ol a family, generally determines the tenor I art ar are ordinarily used—adding Io the ddicat- ^ e n o r w om en. $34 a w eek. Its vjilue to the Farmer, Mechanic and Laborer cannot whiteness and heallht'ulness i> every preparation ii Proof fumiBheti.DuBineBsplcas- Also for Messrs. Perkins & Job, N. Y. .*i Boston. Freight Trains each way daily, without t h; nge of It was a very quiet group around the one s whole entertainment.— He Qaincey. he over estimated. It is so cheap as to lie w ithin the w liiuli it is used. *8/, ant and honorable wit lino risk. Coal Charters always on hand for I-. S., West table, and after the play had continued for reach of all; so finely flavored : s to he enjoyed hy Cordage, Tar, Pitch, r A 10 puge circular and Valuable Indie.- and South American Port-. Con-igiunents nt , ,L_. PAYSON TUCKER, Sunt. — 1 he newspapers state that a well-known lovers of the choicest liquors. For snle| Wholesale and Rcluii hy Ssamplus free. nrSem l yourad- vessels and merchandise solicited. * ly 13 Ju n e 21, 1S75. fifteen minutes the gentlemen spoke in drcHx on postal card. D on't de- whisper, and some of them were reminded banker m Paris abscouded, leaving a large deficit Oakum. Paints, lay but write nt once to C o b h , Wight & Norton. F . i l . REED.Stu st.,new yobs. of old times on the Mississippi, when gam- behind. Mis. Partington thinks it was very good DYSPEPSIA, JOHN G. LOVEJOY’S Ihii-kliui'l anil Viuulli.-neii Steam ­ R ockland, M arch 4, 1875. L't Ami sill kinds o f Ship Cliiindlery. bid's had the full run of every boat. ot the poor man to leave it, when he might have boat Line! Flatulency, Sluggish Digestion, w WHEREVER IT HAS BEEN TRIED The Georgian bail luck with him from got oil clear with everything. tivity in the Stomaeh and Bowe II. II. CRIE A; CO., tin* start, and w hile he looked sm ilin g and HUNDREDS Insurance Agency, I • » I M . I t A I t I t A JNng range and double .-hot gun, lbr sale hy purities, and regulates the entire system. C. P. KITTREDGE, r * II irhor lor Roekiaml dailv (Sundays execmed*) The Georgian proposed to increase them, — The required step must he taken to reach the • itself, and operate as an : II. II. CRIE, X CO., Agents. Warren Powder Mills IT IS NOT A DOCTORED RITTERS, hut is: e || n perform the functions o ID Main Street, Roekiaml Maine. and the gambler agreed. In ten minutes goal, though a precipice lie the result. Work lently helievv is to he foi Hampton Tea Comp’y, of N, Y. ^p.""** 4 M ’ bl"S the latter had his $200 back. Luck bad most be done and the result left to God. VEGETABLE TONIC Fare, 75 cents each way. which assi-ts digestion, and thus stimulates the appe Best Oolong Ten, 37 I -2 t<» -IO vents. turned. The Georgian lost $20, then $50, Freight taken at fair rates. Seven o’clock boat from — “ We all have our crosses,” sighed Cardinal Sanford's Jamaica (linger, tite for food necessary to invigorate the weakened ut SBvst Japan, 50 to GO cents. tlien $90.then $100,. MAINE I’O r/YSsII ! it R ockland, for McClusky, as he mournfully pinned on that $20,- inactive organs, ami gives strength to all the vital forces WIndesal and Retail. Samples at Store, Tin* g am b ler’s face w ore a q u iet sm ile, An e « guilt combination of the True Jamaica Gin IT CARRIES ITS OWN RECOMMEND ! as the Georgian became nervous. His 000 diamond one the St. Vincent pupils thrust with tin- choicest Aromatics. Il is beyond all comp; A'1 T IO N .as tin- large and rapidly increasing sales testify Opposite th«; Post Ohire, Roekiaml. 1)51 bands trembled as beheld up the cards, upou him. son the most healthy, invigorating tonic and stimulant Rockland, Nov. 11, 1874. Price One Dollar a bottle. Ask your druggist fur it A. SAFFORD, Agent. Rockland. before the public. It is earnestly recommended Geo. C. Goodwin it Co., Boston, Mass. Whohsal. BEN J . L A N E , A g it, Vioalhai and his face was wet with moisture. A gents. 4w33 Roekiam l, J u ly , 187 — lx;t every minister while lie is preaching re­ weak and nervous, to those recovering from debilitating G. MOFFITT, 44 Come, gentlemen!” said one of tin* i whom it imp: w arm th o. member that God makes one of ids hearers. It i valuable » I lie group, “let’s have a general hand for Life and Fire Insurance Agent. I.X5SI 1X13 U N I-:. amusement, and then turn in.” — The Indianapolis News has found out how Represents T hirty-nine XI illion Dollars. 'l’lu; Georgian looked up with a fixed the sex of that man in Europe who went about in INTEMPERATE OUR ENTIRE STOCK 1SJ5. Slimmer Arrangement. 1S75. glance, and replied: n o ■ Losses adiusted a t this office.] woman’s clothes was discovered. “ lie inadvertent­ “ I have lost $100; he must give me a In assisting them to overcome a morbid appetite Q No. 287 Union Block, ly said ‘ lhank you,’ when a gentleman gave up intoxicants. Taken by one of confirmed habit it ’ Three Trips Per W eek. fair sh o w !” allay thirst, generate a healthy flow of the gastric juii H iK kiai IIWWiV. 5 UtODKLAN’D, MAINE. The plav went on, the heap of green­ his seat in a street ear.” thereby furnishing the proper solvent for food, and Bangor to Portland, Boston permit, hy taking tin- place of intoxicant-, and assist RHEUMATIC o backs at the gambler’s right haml grew’ —If Brigham Young wore an additional “ weed” by its renovating action on tin- system, tlie eomph-ti HEAL ESI’ATE HltOKEIt, Lawrence and Lowell. larg e r. Once in a w hile the ( leorgian w

PUBLIC LAWS OF THE STATE OF MAINE, Passed by the Fifty-fourth Legislature, A. D. 1S7A.

C h a p te r 1. Sect. 5. Every inspector who inspects any kin 1 hereby amended, by inserting in the fourtl | of fish that are split and pickled tor packing, shall I said section, after the word “ dollars,” the w< • AN APT to amend section seven.chaptnrnlncty-one s<*e that they are, in the first instance, free from taint, commissioners of Cumberland county, a sui o f the revised statutes, in relation to liens on ves­ rust or damage, an 1 well struck wit h salt or pickle; ceeding twenty thousand dollars,’ so that sai sels. and such of said fish as are iu good order and of good , as amende l shall read as follows: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa­ quality shall be pickled in tierces, barrels, half bar-; ‘Sect. 6. Said boards of commissioners 1. tives in Legislature assembled, as foltow s: rels, quarter barrels, and tenths of barrels, or kids; ! oral coun'ies, may, after the passage of this Sect. 1. Section seven of the ninety-first chanter each tierce containing three hundred pounds, each by loan to their sever il counties, or otherw of the revised statutes, is hereby amended, by adding ■ barrel two hundred pounds, and so on, in that, pro- of*money not exceeding 'ive thousand de.. thereto the words following, viz: ‘and the owner or I portion: and the same shall be packed in good, clean,. ; commissioners ofCuinberland couuty, a si ... owners of any dry dock or marine railway which coarse salt, sufficient for their preservation; anti ceeding twenty thousand dollars, to inak* : shall be used for any vessel, shall have a lien on said theueaca cask shall be headed up and tilled with utions and improvements mentioned iu tb vessel for the use of said dry dock or marine railway, clear, strong plokle, and shall be branded by the in­ tion of this act. and to expend so much of nd which lien may he enforced by attachment within spector with tin* name and quality of the fish therein, i ey as may ba necessarv for the purpose.’ four days after the la«t day in which said dry dock or Mackerel of the be«t quality, not mutilated, ineasur- J [Approved Feb. 10,1875.J marine railway shall have been used or occupied by ing, when split, not less than thirteen inches from i said vessel,’ so that said section as amended, shall the extremity of the head to the crotch or fork of the C h a p te r 4* read as follows: [ tail, free from taint, rust or damage, shall be branded ‘Sect. 7. Any person who furnishes labor or ma­ 1 number one; the next best quality, being no less than : terials for building a vessel, shall have a lien on it eleven inches, mea urin^-as aforesaid, free from | theretor, which may be enforced by attachment taint, rust or damage, shall be branded number tw >; poor ilebto thereof, within four davs after it is launched, lie those that remain aft *r the above selection, free from ' Be it enacted, tCc., as follows: shall also have a lien on the materials furnished, be­ taint or damage, and not less than thirteen inches, Section twenty-one of chapter one hundred and fore they become part of the vessel. which inay be measuring as aforesaid, shall be branded number thirteen of the revised statutes, 13 hereby am 1 enforced by attachment; and a person who furnishes j three large; those of tha next iuferior quality, free by striking out the words “ twenty-!' labor or m iterials lor a vessel after it is launched, or from ta in t or damage, not less than ten inches, | for its repair, shall have a lien on it therefor, which 1measured as aforesaid, shall be brauded number three; may be enforced by atta hment within four days af- all other mackerel, free from taiut or damage, shall aided shall read as follows: ter the work lias been complete 1; and the owner or be branded number three small. The inspector shall ‘Sect. 21. When so arrested, he may, with owner? of any dry dock or marine railway, which brand iu plain letters on the head of'every meh ing bond, disclose as provided In section tw -.n: shall be used for any vessel, shall have a lien on said cask, the weight, tin* initials of his Christian name, and the following sections, by giving n> vessel for the use of said dry dock or marine railway, the whole of his surnanv*. the name of his town, and time and place appointed therefor, to the creditor r which lien may be enforced by-Attachment within the letters Me., .an abridgement of the month and his attorney, at least twenty-four hour.- for ev»-r' four days after the last day in which said dry dock the year, in figures, when packed. twenty miles travel from his residence thereto. Tzu or m trine railway shall have bpen used or occupied Sect. G. All tierces, barrels and casks which are debtor shall pay the officer for serving the notice at: by said vessel.’ used for the purpose of packing pickled fish, shall be keeping him from the arrest to the dbclosure, belt- [Approved Feb. 4 ,1S75.] made of sound, well-seasoned white oak, white ash, he can be discharged.’ spruce, pine, chestnut, or poplar staves, with heading [Approved Feb. 10,1875.] C h a p te r 2 . of either of such kinds o f wood, sound, well-planed C h a p ter 5 . AN ACT to rerulate the Inspection of Fish. and seasonal, and when of pine, to be free of sap, and the barrels to be hooped with at least three AN ACT to amend section one hundred and forty enacted, <£•«., as follows: strong hoops on each bilge, and three also on each Sect. I. The governor, with advice of the coun­ eight of chapter six of the revised statutes, relat cil, shnll. from tim e to time, as occasion may require, chime; the barrel staves to be twenty-eight inches ing to abatement of taxes. appoint in each city, town and plantation in this in length, and the heads to be seventeen inches be­ Be it enacted, «Ce.. as follows: stnte. where pickled fish are cured or packed lor ex­ tween the chimes, and made iu a workman-like man­ Section one hundred and forty-eight of chapter six portation. one or more persons skilled in the quality ner, to hold pickle. of the revised statutes is hereby’ amended by aiding of the same, to be Inspectors of fish, who shall hold Sect. 7. Every inspector who Inspects pickled in the third line, after the word “collector,” the their office for a term of five years, unless sooner re­ alewives, or herring, packed whole or round, shall words ‘or treasurer;’ and by striking out, in the fifth moved by the governor and coalicil. see that they are struck with salt or pickle, and then 1 line.after tin* word “taxes.” the words “ were emniit- Sect. 2. Every such inspector. • before entering put in good casks of the size and material aforesaid,! ted,” and inserting the*words‘are to be pa; to ob­ upon the duties of his office, shall be duly sworn, and packed closely therein, and well silted, and the tain the abatement,’ and by inserting after i ■ word shall give bonds with sufficient sureties to the treas­ casks filled with the ti.-h and salt, putting no mire “abatement,” in the eighth line, the word- but in urer of the city, town or plantation for which he is sail with the fish than is necessary for their preser­ such person shall receive an abatement of in >n* than appointed, to tne satisfaction of the mayor and al­ vation; and the inspector shall brand all such casks ten per centum of the amount of tax assess •! again-t dermen of the city, the selectmen of the town, and; with the n une o f the inspected fish as aforesaid. but the treasurer of the plantation, in the penrl sum of j iu no case shall the inspector brand the casks unless not less than five hundred nor more than five thous­ the fish contained therein shall have been packed and and dollars, for the faithful performance o f Ills offic-: prepared under his immediate supervision. ial duties; and such municipal officers shall, at least Sect. 8. The fees for inspection and branding, once a year, examine the bonds given bvsaid inspec-, exclusive of cooperage, shall be for each barrel seven tors, and if that of any inspector is not in their opin­ cents, and all such fees shall in the first instance be times within which he is so entitled; : ion sufficient, they shall forthwith notify him, ami if paid by the original owners of the fish, but such own­ tion of such votes, and the time when such tn x<-- are lie for thirty days after such notice neglects to give aI ers shall be entitled to recover the amount thereof to be paid to obtain the abatement, sh••.!• »• • <■ -t. ,i bond satisfactory to them, they shall give informa-I from the party purchasing or receiving the same, un- j up by the treasurer ia one or more public plan tion thereof to the governor, and he shall remove [ derthe mirks and brands aforesaid, and in addition ■ such inspector from office. . to the price thereof. Sect. 3. Every inspector shall, on or before the Sect. 9. Section one to section seven, chapter I such abatement"; but no such person shall recieve an tenth day of December, annually, make a return in­ i forty, of the revised statutes of eighteen hundred and j abatement of more than ten per centum of the to the office of the secretary of state ofall fish by him seventy-one. anti all other acts ami parts of acts in -, amount of tix assessed against him; and all taxes inspected during the year preceeding the first day of consistent with this act, are hereby repealed, but not so paid shall be collected by the collector or his December, designating th e quantities, kinds and qual­ nothing herein contained shall ba construed to affect , deputy, under the other provisions of this chapter.’ ities of pickled fish, and the secretary shall publish the liability of any person or remedy therefor ex ist-1 [Approved Feb. 12, 1875.] the same immediately after in the state paper. ing when this act takes effect. Sect. 4. Any person injured by the neglect or Sect. 10. This act shnll take effect whenapproved. | C h n p tcr 6 . misdoings of any inspector, <>n tendering to such [Approved Feb. 10, 1875.J tre a su re r u reasonable indemnity against th e c AN ACT additional to “AN ACT In relation tocon- shall be entitled to bring an action on such inspec­ C h a p te r 3 . tested elections.” tor’s bond in the name of the treasurer, for bis own Be it enacted, <£<:., as follows: u-e. and to have a copy o f the bond therefor; and If AN ACT to amend, so far as the county of Cumber- , Sect. 1. N dice of intention to contest the right judgment shall be rendered thereon for the plain­ land is concerned, chapter one hundred and thirty- of any person claiming to be elected to a seat in tho tiff, execution shall issue for the sum found due to three of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy- house of representatives, with a statement of the the person for whoso use such action is brought, and three, relating to the jail system of the state. reasons for so doi lg, may be served on such person the sun\awarded in damages shall be entered by the Be it enacted, «£•nt shall have the right to be heard by the court, al summons, and bo served by delivering to the state Sect. 2. If any tax illegally Imposed as aforesaid, ipecting the same, in the same manner as is above treasurer an attested copy thereof. Auu said action shall have been paid, the same shall be repaid with provided. may be brought iu the supreme judicial court, iu any interest, and the governor, with the advice of the Sect. 4. When an assessment or call has been, as county in which said railroad compauy has au estab council, may draw a warrant for the amount of the above provided, ratified, ascertained, or established, lished place of business. It the tax is voluntarily same. In favor of the corporation entitled thereto, a decree shall be entered which shall be final aud con­ piid, the same remedy and proceedings may be had payable out of any money iu the treasury not other­ clusive upou the company and all p^rii^s liable to to test the validity of said tax as in cases of distress. wise appropriated. the assessment or call as to the necessity ofthe same, The state treasurer shall notify the attorney general Sect. 3. If any tax assessed as aforesaid, upon a the authority of the company to make or collect the of the pendency of any such suit, and it shall be his valuation determined by the first two sections of the same, the amount thereof,aud all formalties connect­ dity to defend it. And in either case the judgment t to which this is additional, shall, iu the opinion ed therewith. And where an assessment or call thus recovered, if any, against the state treasurer, the governor and excessive through hereafter made shall be altered or amended by voto shall be forthwith certified by the clerk of the court y circumstantial error or mistake, or by excessive of directors aud decree of the court thereon, such where said judgment is recovered, to tho governor, luation, the excess may be abated by the governor amended or altered assessment or call shall be bind­ and thereupon the governor shall draw his warrant and council within one year from the assessment ing upon all parties who would have been liable un­ upon the treasurer of the state for the amouut of the thereof, and the amount so abated shall be deducted der it as originally made, and in all legal proceedings judgment so recovered, with interest from the date of from any unpaid tax due from the corporation as­ shall be to bo such origiual assessment or c,yi. the warrant. sessed; and ifthare shall be no unpaid tax, the gov­ All proceedings above provided for shall be at die Sect. 4. Tho warrant herein provided for may be ernor, with the advice of the council, shall draw his cost of the company, unless the court ior cause dth- warrant for the amount ofthe abatement, to be paid erwise ordered; aud in all cases the court may eon- front any money in the treasury not otherwise appro­ priated; and when any like error or mistake, or omission shall occur, whereby the tax assessed un­ enforce the payment of such assessment d erb id sections is less than the just sum, the gov­ agaiust all persons liable then for. ernor and council may, within one year aforesaid, Sect. 5. Whenever it shall appear to the presid­ Chapter 17. and after notice to the corporation assessed, and a ing judge of the eourt before which such petition Is hearing, or in default of an appearance by said cor­ pending, that the net proceeds ot any assessment or AN ACT relating to fencing Railroads. poration at the time and place appointed for a hear­ call will not be sufficient to turnish substantial relief Be it enacted, £ c., as follows: ing, by a supplementary assessment correct said er­ to those having claims against the company, said Sect. 1. The owner of any inclosed or improved ror or mistake, or supply said omission ; and the tax judge may decree that no assessment shall be collect­ land or wood lot belonging to a farm abutting upon thus assessed shall be paid at such time as the gov­ ed; and when, upon the app.ication o f the insur- any railroad which is finished and in operation, may ernor and council may direct; and all remedies pro­ comniissioner, or any person interested, said at any time from the twentieth of April to the end of vided by law to enforce the payment of the original shall be of opinion that further attempts to October in each year, give written notice to the pres tax shall apply to the collection ofthe supplementa­ collect any assessment then partially collected ' dil ident, treasurer, or to either of the directors of the ry tax. [Approved Feb. Id, 1875.] not benefit those having claims against thecompaMr, corporation owning, controlling or operating such he may stay the further collection of said assessing a. railroad, when such is the fact, that tho line fence Chapter 20. Sect. 6. This act shall take effect when approved. against his said laud has not been built, or it built, [Approved Feb. 22,1875.] that the same is defective and needs repair. Aud if. AN ACT relating to Mutual Fire Insurance Com­ after receiving such notice, said corporation shall panies. Chapter 21. neglect to build such fence or to repair it, as the Be it enacted, &c., as follows: AN ACT to amend section four of chapter two hun­ case may be, for a period of thirty days, it shall for­ Sect. 1. Whenever the directors of any mutual dred and three of the public laws of eighteen hun­ feit to such owner tho sum of one hundred dollars, fire insurance company, or any mutual marine insur­ dred and seventy-four, providing pensions tor dis­ the same to be recovered iu an action on the case. ance company, shall make an assessment, or call on abled soldiers and seamen. Sect. 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent its members for money, or shall by vote determine Be it enacted, <£-e., as follows: with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed, that there exists a necessity for such asses-ment or Sect. 1. Section four oi chapter two hundred and this act shall bo in force on aud after its approv­ call, they, or any person interested in the company and three of tho public laws of eighteen hundred al by the governor. as an officer, policy-holder, or creditor, may apply to and'seventy-four is hereby amended so as to read as [Approved Feb. 18, 1875.] the supreme judicial court tor any county, by a peti­ follows: tion in the nature of a bill in equity,’praying the “ Sect. 4. No soldier who has served by enlist­ Chapter 18. court to examine said assessment or call, or to de­ ment iu the army or navy of the United States, iu termine the necessity therefor, and all matters con­ the war of eighteen hundred and slxty-one. and in AN ACT to provide for the appointment of Deputy nected therewith, and to ratify, amend or annul tho consequence of injury sustained in said service, may Town Treasurers. assessment or call, or to order that the same be made become dependent upon any city or town in this Be it enacted, <£

Sect. 2. This net shall take effect when approved. , revised statutes is hereby tided by inserting after grading, not exceeding fifty per cent thereof, to bo [Approved February 22,1875.J thea words words “from “ irom town town t to town,” in the second line paid to the town in which the grading has been ereof, the words “an to grade hill* in any such done, from the county treasury. ghway; ” aud by inserting after the word “..1 er.i- Sect. 8. In all ca->* wi m” in the sixth" line thereof, the werd “grading,” agreed on, on a petition I ? bun- u three of chapi that said s ction, as amended,:shall read a- follows: : li is be i npp< 1 $ of public laws « I “ssjsct. 1. Cou.ty commissioners have power to i of the ouuty commissi edred aud se\ vur, relating to ; lay out. alter or dbcoutiuue highways leading ir on lot be ry fo s.ia coiiunilte< to be o r di blurs. ! town to town, aud to grade hills in any such high* be the reed ou for t twlng the •uncled, «tc., s folio j way. Nothing in any city charter shall be so con- 1 hearing the par. _uctiun three «»f chapter one hundred j .-trued as to deprive them" ol the power to lay out, Sect. 9. .Section eight of said chapti • eighteen ucty-eight of public laws ot eighteen hundred alter or discontinue county reads within the limits is hereby amended by inserting after the word jveuty-iour is hereby amended by inserting | thereof, llespousihle persons may present, at their “ record,” iu tiie second line thereof the words “to he word “state” in the tilth line, the words. , regular session, a written petition describing a way. increase the damages, or,” so that the tir»t para­ it such island is c muected with main laud I auj stating whether its location, alteration, grading, graph of said section, as amended, shall read us ridge or bridges.” co that the sa as amend- j or discontinuance is desired, or an alternative action. follows: 1 read as follow in whole or in part. The commissioners may act up­ “Sect. 8. When a petition is presented fur an in­ ______of disclosure byvirueof on ii, conforming substantially to tiie description, crease of damages, an agreement may bo made and the provisions ol chapter one hundred and , without______adhering _____strictly ______to its "bounds.” e n te re d of record to increase the damage*, or to of the revised statutes, or acts amendatory•ndatory 1i «jjucr>----- ••2. Section • - four o f said chapter eighteen is submit the matter to a committee, who shall notify shad a creditor be cited or notified to attend I iH;reby amended by inserting after the work “altered” and hear the parties and make return of their decis­ purpose ol hearing a disclosure upon any . ju t|lc fourtn ijue thereof, tue word “graded,” ami ion, which being accepted, shall be conclusive.” n this State, except -uch island is connected by ju.ertiug after the words “ dually established,” in [Approved February 22, 1875.] i land by...... a bridge.. or bridge,, —unle ■«««» i t|w uad tenth lines thereof, the words “aud tne ume of said disclosure, the debt vel,” so that said section, as amended, Chapter 21>. resides upon such island, and was i Ibllows: county where the same is situated; and all disclos­ “Sect. 1. They shall meet, at the time aud place AN ACT to repeal chapter three hundred and four­ ure.- made in violation of this section shall be void.” appointed, and view the way, and there, or at a teen of the resolves of eighteen hundred and - 1 2. Ail acts aud parts of acts inconsistent place in the vicnity, hear t ie parties interested. If seventy-four, and to revive all acts and parts of . act are hereby repealed. they judge tiie way to be of common convenience acts repealed by said chapter three hundred and [Approved February 22,1S75-] amt necessity, or that any existing way shall be al­ fourteen of the "resrive* of eighteen hundred and tered, graded, or discontinued, they shall proceed to seventy-four, and to amend chapter seventy-six of Chapter i£3. perform the duties required; make a correct return the public laws of eighteen hundred and seventy- of their doings, signed by them, accompanied by an AN • r additional to chapter twenty-nine of tin* a curate plan of the wav. aud state in their return Itc it enacted, Ac., as follow?: w • f eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, couceru- when it is to be done, the names ot the persons to Sect. 1. Chapter three hundred and fourteen of ing he Militia. whom damages are allowed, the amount allowed to the resolves of eighteen hundred aud seventy-four ~ - acted. Ac., as follows: each, aud when to be paid. When the way has b.en Is hereby repealed, and all statutes and parts of 1. The volunteer company known statutes relating to the land agent or laud office, in ird Light Infantry is hereby made subject to dually established aud opened to travel,"they shall cause durable monuments to be erected at the augles force at the passage of said resolve, are hereby re­ duties, and granted all the privileges provid­ there< vived. ed A; volunteer companies of unlitia, by chapter Sect. 2. Section two of chapter seventy-six of twenty-nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and Sec t. 3. Section twenty-six of said chapter eiglit- hereby amended by insei ' the public laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-two eixty-hine. is hereby amended by s-liking out the whole of said ect 2. This act shall take effect when approved. “laid line thereof, the S . "graded,” so that said ended, shall section, and substituting therefor tl)e following [Approved February 22,1675.] read a- follows: “Sect. 26. When a town way has b en laid out, “Section four of chapter seventy-six of the public Chapter £-1. graded or altered by the commissioners, the r pro­ law.* of e ghteen hundred and seventy-two is hereby ceedings cannot be affected by any action ot the amended by striking out the letter “ s ” in the word AN ACT to seoure the education of Youth in the “office?” in the eleventh line of said section; also, State of Maine. town within five years; and when one has been dis­ continued by them, it canuot be again laid out by by striking out, in the same line, the words “and Be it enacted, Ac., as follows: Bangor;” also, by striking out, in the thirteenth Sect. 1. That every parent, guardian, or otiier the town within i wo j ears. The commissioners have person in the Siate of Maine, having control of auv the same power to alter or discontinue such ways line, the words “either of,” and also the letter “ s ” child or children between the agesoi nine and fifteen for live years, as they have respecting highways.” in the word “offices,” so that siid section, when years, shall be required to send such child or child- Sect. 1. Section tweufy-eight of said chapter amended, riiall read as follows: • n to a public school for a period ol' at least twelve eighteen is hereby amended by after the “Sect. 4. The governor and council aud land w - * in each year, unless such child or children word “liable” iu the second line thereof, the words ' agent shall constitute a board, under whose direction ar« \-used from such attendance by the school “or hill within the same has not been graded.” so 1 all surveys of land shall be made. An accurate plan * i - " the town in which such parent or guard­ that the ti ,t paragraph of said section, as amended, j or map of all lands surveyed, shall be returned to ian reside*. upon its being shown to their satisfaction shall read folio the land office, and entered upon the plan-books, that the mental or bodily condition of such child or sect. 26. When a town or highway is not I within three months after the survey is completed, - ouildren has been such as to prevent ^ eu d an ce at opened aud made passable by the town liable, or hill j on which shall be laid down all lakes, pond*, rivers, school or application to study lor the period requir­ within the same has not been graded, within the ! streams, falls, mill-sites, and road*. The field notes ed. and tin certificate of a physician shall be deemed time prescribed therefor by the commissioners, they j of such surveys shall contain a description of the h.-fiicii-nt io satisfy said officers; or that such child may, after notice to the town, causa it. be dupe by an growth, soil, and general character of the township, Iren Lave Deen taught at a private school or agent, no1 Cue of themselves, ou petition ol' those I a n d of every lot, if it is surveyed into lots, which ut home in such branches os are usually taught iu interested.” primary schools; provided, iu case a public school Sect. 5. Section thirty-seven of said chapter shall not be taught for three mouths in the year eighteen is hereby amended by inserting after the ; at the office in Augusta, open for inspect: within one and one-li ilf miles by the shortest trav­ word “altering” in the third line thereof the word i all times when the land agent or his assistant is in eled road ot the residence ot such delinquent, nor ••grading,” so that said section, as amended, shall 'sa il office; he shall aid in furnishing infortna ion within the school di.-trict within wtnoh such child read as follows: 1 about the public lands to all persons who teek for it “Sect. 37. Parties interested may appear jointly I at iiis office.” re-.: «es, he sha.l not be liable to the provisions of ect 3. The land agent, under the direction of this act. or severally, at tue time of hearing, before the com­ S . SEor. 2. In case any parent, guardian, or other missioners, on a petition for Lying out, altering, the governor and council, shall, as speedily as the grading, or discontinuing any highway; aud any ' public good allows, bring to a termination all unset- person having such control, shall fail to comply with 1 tied business connected with the land office, and re- section one of this act, he shall be liable to a line uch party may appeal from their decision thereon, it any time alter it has been placed ou filo, and oe- 1 lating to the lands belonging io the State. not exceeding five dollars and costs of prosecution I Sect. 4. The governor, state treasurer, and laud 'Ljj,for snch offsiioe, to be recovered iu any court coiu- lore the next term of the supreme judicial court iff said county, at which term seen appeal may be en­ I agent are hereby created a commission, to inquire ^Fjripetent to try the same, aud the ina'istrate or court | what further steps are necessary in order to finally ?<,',7rto which said fine shall be paid shall pay the same tered and prosecuted by him, or by any other party lip t fie affairs of the land office, and placing the to the treasurer of the town iu which the offence who so appeared. And all further proceeding* be- the c nmnissioners are to be stayed until a de> was committed, and shall be by him accounted for, Intel the same as money raised for school purposes. u is made in the appellate court.” :cr. G. Section thirty-nine of said chapter and report to the next legislature. Sect. 3. Every boy in this State between the Sect. 5. All the official acts of Parker I’. Bur­ ages of nine and fifteen years, woo shall ueglect or eighteen is hereby amended by inserting alter the word “out,” in the second line thereof the word leigh. as laud agent, since the thirty-first day of refuse to atteud school as required iu section one of December, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, are thia act, unless excused by the school officers of the “grading,” so that the first paragraph ol said section , hereby made valid. city, town, or plantation in which he resides, oa be­ as amended shall read as follows: ect 3.L If the judgmeut of the commissioners Sect. 6. This act shall take effect when approved. ing convicted of such offence, shall pay a fine not "S . [Approved February 22,1875.] exceeding five dollars. in favor of laying out. grading, or altering a way us prayed lor, is wholly reversed on an appeal, they Sect. 4. It shall be the duty of the school com­ C 'hnjitcr 127. mittee or town supervisor to eul'orce the several pro­ shall proceed no farther; aud in all cases when the visions of this act. judgment of the commissioners shall be reversed on AN ACT to amend section nine of chapter one hun­ [Approved February 22, 1675.] appeal, no petition praying for substantially the dred aud thirty-three of the public laws of eight­ thing shall be entertained by them for two een hundred and seventy-three, relating to the powers and duties of Prison and Jail inspectors. Be it enacted. Ac., as follows: AN ACT to amend chapter eighteen of the Ucviecd •Sect. 1. .Section nine of chapter one hundred {statute?, relating to ways. : out, shall have power to direct the amount of such and thirty-three of the public laws of eighteen hun­ B it enacted. <(v., a.» follows:- i grading, which shall be si tied in their return; and dred aud seventy-three. Is hereby amended by add­ Sect. 1. Section one ol-chapter eigbteeifci the | they may order a portion of the expense of such ing thereto: “And said inspectors shall have power 1875 PUBLIC LAWS OF THE STATE OF MAINE. 5

to iemovo prisoners from jails where no arrange* men is are made for the convicts to labor, to some other jail where they may be set at work; and when maintained by any district or union of districts in one jan has a larger number of convicts ai libor Chapter 31. he same town, such school shall be under the super- than can be well accommodated, to remove a portion rision of the superintending school committee of of them to another jail where better facilities for AN ACT fixing the compensation of Councillors, iuch town, or ’he State superintendent of labor can be afforded them. For this purpose said | Be it enacted, d'c., as follows: inspectors may issue precepts to any officer in this Sec- ’ State qualitied'to serve precepts in criminal cases, to shall i cause such removal, and the expense of removal shall representative to the legislature, lor services be paid by the county in which said convicts were ! councillor during the annual session of the council .-hall employ the teacher or teachers for the i sentenced.” | commencing in January and cl sing immediately When established and maintained by two districts in Sect. 2. This act shall take effect when approved. after the adjournment of the legislature, l-’orser- different towns, such school shall be under the su­ [Approved February 22, 1875.] | vices at other sessions of the council, each council­ pervision of the superintending school committees lor shall be paid two dollars for every days’ actual of such towns, who shall constitute a joint board for Chapter 2S. attenduice, aud two dollars for every ten miles' that purpose, and under the financial management travel one way, from his place of abode to the State AN ACT giving to the Municipal and Police Courts capital: aud for authorized services on committees, jurisdiction in matters o f liens upon personal prop­ when the council is not is session, three and one- erty in certain cases. half dollars per day and necessary expenses. Be it enacted,

Chapter 37. the public laws ofeighteen hundred and seventy-four, ered. under the direction of the governor aud coun- AN ACT relating to the meeting of the grand jury is hereby amended sons to read ns follows: cil, to cause a careful examination to be made, at o f Oxford county, at the December term of the ‘Any common carrier that brings into Ibis state the eardest practicable time, of all the State lands supreme jndic:al court. any person nor having a settlement in the state, shall j in the townships set apart lor settlement, find deter- lit it enact • d. a* follows: cause the removal beyond the lines of the state, of • mine what part and parts of said lands are unlit tor That the grand jury for the county o f Oxford, any such person, if he falls into distress within a settlement, aud as soon as may be, cause the same to shall attend only at the terms of the supreme judi­ j ear, which removal said common carriers are here­ 1 be advertised and sold at public auction, upon the cial court liolden in said county of Oxford, in tin* j by authorized to make: provided, such person shall I same terms and conditions upon which the timber months of 31 arch and September, unless otherwise bi* delivered on beard a b at or at a depot ot such lands ot the State were .“old in eighteen bundled specially required by any judge of said court, and common carrier, by the overseers or municipal offi­ I and seven tv-four. The avertisement shall specify that all laws conflicting with this a-t be inapplica­ cers requesting such removal : and in default thereof, I the township ami range, and number of acres in­ ble so far as relates to the December term o f said such common carrier sh ill he liable in an action of cluded in each pare -1 and lot of laud, and shall be court in said county; provided, that all the provi­ assumpsit forthe expense of the support of such per­ inserted in one daily paper in the cities of Bangor, sions o f law applicable to the several terms of the son alter such default.’ I Portland aud Augusta, such length of time as the supreme judicial court in said county in relation to Sect. 2. Sections thirty-nine, forty and forty-one, ! land agent and governor and council may determine criminal business, shall be applicable to said Decem­ of chapter twenty-l'our ofth e revised statutes, are that the public interest requires; aud the cash pro­ ber term, with the exception of the assembling of hereby repealed. ceeds of said sale shall be paid over to the State the grand jury ns heroin-before provided. [Approved Feb. 2-1, 3875.] treasurer, by the laud agent, at any lima the govern­ (Approved February 23,1876.J or may direct. Chapter 4*A. [Approved February 24, 1875.] Chapter 3S. AN ACT additional to chapter twenty-seven of the AN ACT to amend the forty-eighth section of the revised statutes, relating to intoxicating liquors. Chapter 46. eighty-second chapter of the revised statutes, in Be it enacted, Ac., as follows: AN ACT explanatory of and additional to chapter relation to demands filed in set off. •Sect. 1. No person shall knowingly bring into two hundred and fifty-one of the public laws ot Be it enacted, Ac., as follows: this State, or knowingly transport from place to eighteen hundred aud seventy-four, relating to The forty-eighth section of the eighty-second place in this State, any intoxicating liquors, with in- taxation of Insurance Companies. chapter of the revised statutes, is hereby amended y-nt to sell the same in this State in violation of law, lie it enacted, Ac., as follows: so as to read as follows, to w it: or with intent that the same shall be so sold, by any Sect. 1. The legal reserve required on life poli­ •‘Sect. 4$. Demand" between plaintiffs and de­ person, or to aid any person in such sale, under a cies, which section two of chapter two hundred ami fendants may be set off against each other, as fol­ penalty or fine ol fifty dollars tor each offence. fifty-one of the public laws ol eighteen hundred and lows: The defendant, dm ing the term to which the Sect. 2. All such intoxicating liquors intended seventy-l'our, allows to be deducted from the prem­ writ is returnable, must file a brief statement ol his for unlawful sale in this State, may be seized while iums received, in computing the tax on life insur­ demand, in substance as certain as in a declaration, in transit, and proceeded against the same as if they ance companies, shall be held and construed to mean which by leave of the court may be amended. The were unlawfully kept and deposited in any place. the amount to be annually set aside as a reserve clerk shall enter on it and on the docket the date, [Approved February 24,1875.] from premiums received in this State during 'the and on the docket, under the action, notice of the year for which the return is made aud the tax as­ filing." Chapter 43. sessed. [Approved February 24,1875.] AN ACT regulating costs in certain cases. Sect. 2. In case any insurance company or asso­ ciation shall refuse or neglect to make the return re­ Chapter 39. lie it tnacted, Ac., as follows: oect. 1. Any amount legally chargeable by sten­ quired by section three of chapter two hundred and AN ACT explanatory of and additional to section ographic court reporters, lor writing out their re­ fifty-one, of the public laws ofeighteen hundred and sixty-tive of chapter eighty-one of the revised stat­ ports for use in law cases, and actually paid by eith­ seventy-four, including each and every item therein utes, relating to Civil Actions. er party, whose duty it is to furnish said reports, specified, as provided by said chapter, or by this act Be it enacted, Ac., as follows: may be taxed in the' bill of costa and allowed against explanatory of and additional to the same,’the treas­ Sect. 1. So much of section sixty-five of chapter the losing party, ns copies are now allowed lor, if urer shall make the assessment of the tax prescribed eighty-one of the revised statutes, as relates to at­ furnished by the clerk. in said chapter two hundred aud fifty-one, on such tachments o f property, shall be understood and con­ Sect. 2. Tiiis act shall take effect when approved. net amount as he may think just, with such evidence strued to apply to such property as the debtor own­ [Approved February 24,1875.] as he may be able to obtain; aud from such assess­ ed, or in which he had an interest at the tune ot his ment there shall exist no right of appeal on the part death, and which by the dissolution of such attach­ Chapter 44. ol the company or association failing to make such ments. becomes assets belonging to bis estate, to be return. distributed amongst his creditors. AN ACT to amend section sixty-two, chapter forty- Sect. 3. This act shall take effect when approved. Sect. 2. When property has been legally attach­ nine. of the Revised Statutes, relating to Foreign ; [Approved February 24,1875.] ed on a just debt or claim, and the debtor subsequent­ Insurance Companies. ly sells or conveys the same, subject to such attach­ Be it enacted, Ac., as follows: ment, such attachment shall not be dissolved or af­ Sect. 1. That section sixty-two, chapter forty- Chapter 47. fected by his death or by a decree < f insolvency in nine, of the revised statutes, shall he amended by in­ AN ACT relating to Savings Banks. the probate court, but judgment may be entered and serting, after the word “foreign,'’ in the first line, Be it enacted, Ac., as follows: execution issue in the same form as if the estate the words "fire or marine;’’ and by striking out the Sect. 1. Section one of chapter seventy-four of were solvent, and may be levied on the property at­ word "one," in the fourth line, and inserting thereof the public laws of eighteen hundred and seventy- tached in the same manner os ifthe debtor were alive. the word “two;” and by adding after the word two, as amended by section two of chapter two hun­ / [Approved Feb. 24,1875.] "aforesaid," in the seventh line, the words "and no dred and sixty-six of the public laws of eighteen foreign life insurance company shall he admitted to hundred and seventy-four, is hereby further amend­ Chapter 40. do business in this State unless it have a bona tide, ed by inserting between the word “ its" and the AN ACT to amend section four of chapter fifty-nine paid up, unimpaired capital, if a stuck company, of at least one hundred thousand dollars, well invested word "deposits," in the fourth line, the word of the revised statutes, relating to marriage and its "gross;’’ by inserting between the w ord “deposits’’ solemnization. in or secured by real estate, bouds, stock, or securi­ and the word “for," in the same line, the words “as Be it enacted, Ac., as follows: ties other than names alone; or If a mutual compa­ held on the first Saturday of eacli aud every mouth;’’ Sect. 1. Section four of cluroter fifty-nine of the ny, cash assets to the amount aforesaid," so that by inserting between the word "returned” and the revised statutes is hereby amended by inserting after said section, as amended, shall read as follows: word "one," in the eevemli line, the words "each the word “granted." in the fourth line of said sec­ “Sect. 62. No foreign lire or marine in-iimnce half year;’’ and by striking out the words "for thir­ tion. as follows: ‘and if one only of the parties In­ company shall be admitted to do business in this State unless it have a bona tide, paid up, unimpaired ty days after it is,” in the tenth and eleventh lines, tending to be joined In marriage resides in tiiis state, and inserting the word “ when," so that said section, they shall cause notice of their intentions to be re­ capital, if a stock company, of at least two hundred thousand dollars, well invested in or secured by real as hereby amended, shall read as follows: corded in tlie office of the clerk of the town in which “Sect. 1. On the last Saturday preceding the sucli party resides, at least five days before a certifi­ estate, bonds, stock or securities other than names alone, or if a mutual company, cash assets to the first Monday of May and November of each year, cate of such intentions is granted,’ so that the said every savings bank in this State shall return, under section, as amended, shall read : amount aforesaid; and no foreign life insurance company shall he admitted to do business in this oath, to the State treasurer the average amount of "S ect. 4. All residents of this state intending to its gross deposits as held on the first Saturday of be joined in marriage, shall cause notice of their in­ State unless it have a bona fide, paid up, unimpaired capital, if a stock company, of at least one hundred each every month, for the then last preceding six tentions to be recorded in the office o f the clerk of months, deducting therefrom the value of all real the town in which each re-ides, at least five days be­ thousand dollars, well invested in or secured by real estate, bouds. stock or securities other than names estate owned by the bank, and within forty-live days fore a certificate of such intentions is granted; and if thereafter, pay to the State treasurer one-half of one only of the parties intending to be joined in alone; or if a mutual company, cash assets to the amount aforesaid. Aud no stipulations or condi­ one per centum on the amount so returned, each marriage resides in this state, they shall cause notice half year; one-half of the amount so paid to be ap­ o f their intentions to be recorded in the oflice of the tions shall deprive the courts of this State of juris­ diction of actions against such companies, nor limit propriated for the use of schools, as provided nt clerk ot the town in which such party resides, at chapter eleven, section ninety-one of the revised least five days before a certificate ol such intentions the time of commencing them to a period o f less than two years from the time the cause of action statutes, and one-half to the use ot the State; and is granted; and the book in which such record is ii any bank neglects to pay said tax when due, the made, shall be labeled on the outside of the cover, accrues. ect 2. Section sixty-six, chapter forty-nine, of treasurer shall issue a warrant of distress to enforce with the words ‘record of intentions of marriage,’ S . paymeut thereof out o f its estate and effects.’’ and be kepi open to public inspection in the oflice of the revised sta'utes is hereby repealed. ect 3. This act shall not affect any foreign com­ Sect. 2. If, in the opinion of the bank examiner, the clerk; and if there is no such clerk in the ph ce S . any savings bank, or its officers or trustees, shall bn of their residence, the like entry shall be made with pany already admitted. found to have persistently violated any law relating the clerk of an adjoining town.’’ [Approved Feb. 24,1875.] to savings banks, or to have made incorrect return [Approved Feb. 24, 1S75.] of deposits as required bvlaw, he shall forthwith re­ Chapter 45. port the same to tin* attorney general, with such re­ Chapter 41. AN ACT to facilitate the business of the land oflice, marks as he may deem expedient; and the attorney AN ACT in relation to Paupers. and the disposal of the public lands. general shall forthwith institute a prosecution for Be it enacted, Ac.. as follows: Be it enacted, Ac., as follows: such violation in behalf of the State. The penalty Sect. 1. Chapter two hundred and fifty-nine of The land agent is hereby instructed and empow­ for such violation, unless otherwise prescribed, shall 1875 PUBLIC LAWS OF THE STATE OF MAINE.

not be losrt than one hundred dollars, nor more than Chapter 49. 5- ties shall be entitled to any fees or compensation for rive hundred dollars. lance at, or service in any court.” Sect. 3. Bond and stock brokers shall bo ineligi­ [Approved February 24,1S75.] ble to hold salaried office in savings banks. [Approved February 24,1S75.J and Bears Chapter 55. Be it enacted,

that the State librarian be authorized to furnish one “Sect. 8. .lodges of municipal and police courts ' poll In the State, a separate box to receive the ballots each of such volumes pablished since eighteen hun­ shall he appointed by the executive power, in the j of the electors in re’ation to said amendments; and dred and seventy, ns may be needed; provided there same manner as other judicial officers, and shall hold each elector may present a ballot on which shall be are spare copies in the library. their offices for the term of four years; provided, printed or written, or partly printed and partly [Approved February 24, 1875.] however, that the present incumbents shall Hold written in the form following, namely: For all tho their offices f.r the term for which they were elect­ : propositions on this ballot which are not cancelled RESOLVE relating to the advertising of the I’ubiic ed.” with ink or pencil, and against all which are so can­ Laws. Taxation. Section eight of Article nine shall be celled. amended, by inserting after the word “ real,” the For the proposed amendment iu relation to Elec­ Resolved. That the public laws of the Sta’c shall words “and personal,” so that the section as amend­ tion of Senators by Plurality vote. continue to be promulgated by extra sheets through ed shall read as follows: For the proposed amendment relating to Special the several newspapers of the State as provided by “Sect. S. All taxes upon real and personal estate, Legislation and Corporations. existing resolves; but that all acts and parts of acts, assessed by authority of this State, shall be appor­ For the proposed amendment in relation to Power resolves and parts of resolves, requiring such public tioned and assessed equally, according to the just of Governor to pardon. laws also to be advertised in ti e columns of the value theieof.” For the proposed amendment in relation to Ap­ newspaper published by the printers to the State, be Said article shall he further amended, by adding pointment of Judges of Municipal and PoliceCourts. and hereby are repealed. the following: For tho proposed amendment in relation to Taxa­ [Approved February 24,1875.] “Suer. 9. The legislature shall never, in any tion. I manner, suspend or surrender the power of taxa­ For the proposed amendment in relation to Abol­ RESOLVE in favor of Maine Insane Hospital. tion.” ishing Land Agency. Abolishing Land Agency. Section ten of article For the proposed amendment in relation to Con­ Resolved, That the trustees of the Maine Insane nine, of the amendments, is hereby amended, by stitutional Conventions. Hospital are hereby authorized to take in charge the striking out the words “laud agent and.” For the proposed amendment In relation to Bribery erection and construction of a building which shall Constitutional Con rent ions. Article four, Fart at Elections. contain a hall, for a chapel, ami amusements, and ' third, shall be ameuded by adding thereto section For the proposed amendment in relation to Codifi­ apartments lor other purposes, including a kitchen; J nine, as follows: cation of the Amended Constitution. also provide suitable furniture lor tin1 present brick “The legislature shall, by a two-thirds concurrent Each of said ballots shall be counted as a vote for chapel building, so that it cun be used lor the accom­ vote of both branches. have Vite power to call con­ each proposition thereon not cancelled with ink or modation of putienta, and for the necessary beating stitutional conventions, for the purpose of amending pencil, and against each proposition so cancelled. apparatus; and the sum of twenty-five thousand this constitution.” And the ballots shall be received, sorted, couuted, de­ dollars is hereby appropriated for the purpose, the Bribery nt Elections. The legislature may enact clared, and recorded in open ward, towu, and plan­ bills for tlie expenditure of which shall be audited laws excluding from the right o t suffrage, for a term tation meeting, aud lists of the votes shall he made by the governor and council. No portion of this not exceeding ten years, all persons convicted of by the aldermen, selectmen, assessors, and clerks of appropriation shall be expended in laying founda­ bribery at any election, or of voting at any election, the several cities, towns, wards, and plantations, tions for, or as the commencement of other new and under the influence o f a bribe. aud returned to the office of tho secretary of State, expensive structures; or lor repairs that shall be i Codification of the. Amended Constitution. Aiit- in the same manner as votes for governor. And tho such in effect, other than authorized by this resolve. , icle 10. Section six of article ten shall be amended governor and council shall count the raine, and make [Approved February 21,1875.] : by striking out the same,and inserting instead there- return thereof to the next legislature, and if a ma­ 1 of the following: jority of the votes arc iu tavor of any of said amend­ RESOLVES providing for certain Amendments to . “Sect. 0. After the amendments proposed here­ ments, such amendments shall be declared by proc­ the Constitution o f the State of Maine. with shall have been submitted to popular vote, the lamation of the governor to he adopted, and tho Resolved, Two-thirds of both houses of the legis­ : chief justice of the supreme judicial court shall ar- constitution shall be so amended, to take effect o i lature concurring, that the follqwing he proposed as , range the constitution, as amended, under appro­ the first Wednesday of January, in the year of our amendments to the constitution of the State of priate titles, aud in proper articles, parts aud sec­ Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. Maine, to w it: tions, omitting all sections, clauses, and words not Resolved, Thai the secretary of State shall cause Election of Senators by Plurality Vote. Senators in force, and making no other changes in the provis-1 printed ballots to be prepared, in the form herein­ shall be elected by a plurality of the votes given in ions or language thereof, aud shall submit the same j before prescribed; and said ballots, and also proper by the qualified Rectors. i to the legislature at its next session. Aud the draft, blanks for the return of the votes, shall be furnished Sections four and five of Article four, Part second, 1 and arrangement, when approved by the legislature, to the aldermen of the several cities, the selectmen of the constitution, are amended, by striking out I shall be enrolled on parchment aud deposited in the of the several towns, and the assessors of the sever­ the word ••majority,” wherever it occurs in said sec­ office of the secretary of State; and printed copies al plantations iu this State, at the same time and in tions, and inserting instead thereof the word “plu­ ! thereof shall be prefixed to the hooks containing the the same manner as blank returns for the votes for rality.” 1 laws of the State. And the constitution, with the governor, anil shall be kept at every poll during the Relating to Special Legislation and Corporations. I amendments made thereto, in accordance with the time of voting, in sufficient quantities for tho use of Amend Article lour, part third, of the Constitution, 1 provisions thereol, shall be the supreme law of the the electors; anil one of said printed ballots shall be by adding thereto the following sections: ; State. posted up with every warrant for calling the meet­ “Sect. 13. The Legislature shall, from time to Sect. 7. Sections one, two aud five of article ten ing for said general election, in every place where time, provide, as far as practicable, by general laws, | of the existing constitution, shall hereafter be such warrant is required to be posted up. tor all matters usually appertaining to special or i omitted in any printed copies thereof prefixed to Resolved, That the secretary of State be directed private legislation.” j th e laws of the State; hut this shall not impair the to seasonably prepare and furnish to the municipal “Sect. 14. Corporations shall he formed under ; validity of acts under those sections; and said t-ec- officers o f ih e several cities, towns and plantations general laws, and shall not be created by special acts 1 tion five shall remain in full force, as part of the in the State, blank warrants, in due form, for the ot the Legislature, except for municipal purposes, j constitution, according to the stipulations of said calling the next annual meeting in the mouth of and in cases where the objects of the corporation section, with the same effect as if contained in said September next, containing proper articles for the cannot otherwise lie attained; and, however formed,. printed copies. election of all officers required by law to be voted for, they shall forever be subject to the general laws of Resolved, That the aldermen of the several cities, and also proper articles setting forth the proposed the State.” and selectmen of the several towns, and the assessors amendments to the constitution of the State, as Power o f Governor to Pardon. Article five, Part of the several plantations in the State are hereby named iu the first resolve. first, section eleven, shall be amended, by striking , empowered and directed to notify the inhabitants of Resolved, That th e secretary of State shall publish out o f said section all after the word “reprieves,” j their respective cities, towns, anil plantations, in the these resoives, in the same manner and at the same and by adding thereto the following: “Commuta­ • manner prescribed by law, at the annual meeting in time that the public acts of the legislature are re­ tions and pardons, except in cases of impeachment, ; the month of September next, to give in their votes quired to be published. upon such conditions, and with such restrictions ! upon the questions whether the amendments [Approved February 24, 1875.] and limitations as may be deemed proper, subject to j proposed iu the foregoing resolve, to the constitution Midi regulations a- may be provided by law, relative of tlie State shall be made; «nd the questions sttb- RESOLVE relating to a New Insane Hospital. to the manner of applying for pardons. And he I initted to said inhabitants shall boas follows, to w it: Resolved, That the governor, with the advice of shall communicate to the legislature, at each session Shall the constitution of the State of Maine be council, be and hereby is authorized aud directed to thereof, each case of reprieve, remission of penalty, amended, as proposed by resolves of the legislature, appoint a committee consisting o f three persons, commutation or pardon granted, stating the name approved on the twenty-fourth day of February, in whose duty it shall be to consider what measures of the convict, the crime of which he was convicted, the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred shall be adopted to provide suitable additional ac­ the sentence and its date, the date of the reprieve, and seventy-live, to wit: (Here insert all tho above commodations for the insane; and in furtherance of reml.sion, commutation, or pardon, and the condi­ named proposed amendments, seriatim et verbatim.) this e n i if they shall consider it advisable to pur­ tions, if any, upon which the same was granted.” Resolved, That the aldermen of tho several cities, chase the United States Marino Hospital near Port­ Appointment of Judges of Municipal and Police the selectmen of the several towns, and the assess­ land; or if they shall not deem this advisable, to se­ Courts. The constitution shall be amended, by ors of the several plantations in this State, at the lect a suitable location for a new insane hospital, striking out Section eight of Article six, aud insert­ general election to be held iu this State on the second and report to the next Ipgis'atnre. ing the following: Monday of September next, shall provide, at each [Approved February 21,1975.]