Parrot Tim1 3 Feascinating Facts about Marshallese The Thinking of Speaking Issue #35 January / December 201 9 AAnn IInnddiiggeennoouuss YYeeaarr HHooww 22001199 bbeeccaammee tthhee I ntern IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall YYeeaarr ooff ation Year al IInnddiiggeennoouuss LLaanngguuaaggeess Ind of igen Lan ous guag Is es SSaayy TTāāllooffaa ttoo TTuuvvaalluuaann sue An iintroductiion to the Tuvalluan llanguage SSttoorryy ooff tthhee RRoommaa A hiistory of European "Gypsiies" VVuurrëëss ooff VVaannuuaattuu Cooll thiings about thiis iindiigenous llanguage 3300 FFaasscciinnaattiinngg FFaaccttss aabboouutt MMaarrsshhaalllleessee Diiscover detaiills about thiis iislland llanguage PPLLUUSS •• IInntteerrvviieeww wwiitthh aauutthhoorr aanndd ppuubblliisshheerr DDrr.. EEmmiillyy MMccEEwwaann •• BBaassiicc GGuuiiddee ttoo NNaahhuuaattll •• RReevviieeww ooff MMooaannaa Parrot Time | Issue #35 | January / December 2019 1 1 3 Fascinating Facts about Marshallese LLooookk bbeeyyoonndd wwhhaatt yyoouu kknnooww Parrot Time is your connection to languages, linguistics and culture from the Parleremo community. Expand your understanding. Never miss an issue. Parrot Time | Issue #35 | January / December 2019 2 Contents Parrot Time Parrot Time is a magazine Features covering language, linguistics and culture of the world around us. It is published by Scriveremo Publishing, a division of 1 0 A User-Friendly Introduction to the Tuvaluan Parleremo, the language learning community. Language On what was formerly known as the Ellice Islands lives the Join Parleremo today. Learn a Polynesian language Tuvaluan. Ulufale mai! Learn some of it language, make friends, have fun. yourself with this look at the language. 1 8 An Indigenous Year The UN has declared 2019 to be the International Year of Indigenous Languages. But who decided this and why? Editor: Erik Zidowecki Email:
[email protected] Published by Scriveremo Publishing, a division of 20 13 Fascinating Facts about Marshallese Parleremo.