Management and conservation of large carnivores in West and Central Africa To het memory of Jean Paul Kwabong 1952 - April 4th 2007 Management and conservation of large carnivores in West and Central Africa Proceedings of an international seminar on the conservation of small and hidden species CML/CEDC, 15 and 16 November 2006, Maroua, Cameroon Editors Barbara Croes Ralph Buij Hans de Iongh Hans Bauer January 2008 Conservation of large carnivores in West and Central Africa. Proceedings of an International Seminar, CML/CEDC, 15 and 16 November 2006, Maroua, Cameroon Editors: Barbara Croes, Ralph Buij, Hans de Iongh & Hans Bauer Lay out and cover design: Sjoukje Rienks, Amsterdam Photo front cover: Chris Geerling Photo’s back cover: Ralph Buij, Barbara Croes, Monique Jager, Iris Kristen and Hans de Iongh isbn 978 90 5191 157 2 Organised by: Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University, The Netherlands; Centre d’Etude de l’Environnement et du développement (CEDC), Cameroon; Regional Lion Network for West and Central Africa; African lion Working Group Sponsored by: Netherlands Committee for IUCN, Prins Bernhard Natuurfonds, Van Tienhoven Foundation, Dutch Zoo Conservation Fund, World Wide Fund for Nature-Cameroon, Regional Network Synergy CCD and CBD/CEDC Address corresponding editor: Hans H. de Iongh Institute of Environmental Sciences POB 9518 2300 RA Leiden The Netherlands Tel +31 (0)71 5277431 e-mail:
[email protected] Editorial note The conservation of large carnivore populations can only be accom- plished successfully if conservationists throughout the continent work closely together and exchange information on all aspects of large car- nivore conservation.