ARCL0162 Make/Mean Gk – handbook 2018/19 1 UCL, INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY ARCL0162 MAKING AND MEANING IN ANCIENT GREEK ART COURSE-HANDBOOK 2018/19 15 credit optional module - MA [ARCL0163, 20 Credit version – KCL etc] Turnitin Class id: 3885651 Turnitin password: IoA1819 Module coordinator: Professor Jeremy Tanner
[email protected] Office: Room 105. Tel: 0207 679 1525 Office hours: Tuesday, Wednesday 11am-12pm 1. Overview of course: This module is designed to develop in students the skills of careful looking, and detailed visual analysis, grounded in a strong awareness of the major theoretical issues, which are central to research in classical art history. It will take the form of a series of seminars addressing key themes in the historiography of classical art through detailed consideration of specific works of art in the British Museum and other London museums, where most classes will be held. Alongside traditional concerns with issues of style and iconography, a particular emphasis will be laid on questions of ‘facture’, ‘materiality’ and ‘agency’ which have been at the centre of recent discussions in archaeology, the anthropology of art and art history. Particular themes and classes may vary from year to year to reflect students’ own research interests, new publications and special exhibitions. Module schedule: Classes will be held in the British Museum, 2-4pm every Tuesday. We will meet in the Great Court at the Entrance to the Egyptian Galleries. 3/10/17: 1. Introduction to the course: some key concepts and approaches 10/10/17: 2. Geometric Greek art and the world of Homer 17/10/17: 3.