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BOOK PLATES. It Is a Hard Forest to Travel Through, Could Scarcely Refrain from Shedding Eyelid Cut Badly While Playing Ball


JUVENILES ORGANIZE AT STRONG. to get along well here. The tracts we W ESf PHILLIPS REUNION. Frank Gray, H. R. Butterfield, J. C. I have been riding over Henry county in a have to explore contain 200 square | Wells, Octavia Blanchard, J. W. buggy and on horseback the past few days. The roads are best suited to horseback riding. Yes­ Franklin’s Musical Town Now Claims miles, but we are about done and are I Brackett, Henry McKenney, A. A. GATHERING OF FORMER RESIDENTS terday I looked over a four-hundred acre farm Youngest Band In State. in hopes to be able to get back in Blanchard, G. L. Kempton. once owned and occupied as a home by Patrick OF PHILLIPS AND VICINITY. Henry. If the great orator and patriot didn’t The business section of Strong was season to attend the reunion at West The address by De Berna Ross, Esq,, farm it better than the present owners are doing taken somewhat by storm one day last Phillips. was well delivered and appropriate, and There are lots of moose in this ter­ it, he didn’t deserve the honor of having the week when all unheralded a sound of Speeches by Residents and Visitors and received very favorable comment. county named for him. revelry and music was heard from the ritory. We often see them at the shore Letters of Regret From Those Who The reminiscences by Judge Lakin Possibly some of you may have noticed that of the ponds, but we have not had any Henry county, Va„ took the first premium on street. The occasion was a somewhat Couldn’t Come. were enjoyed, as he recalled many of trout. The brooks look like trout chewing tobacco at the St. Louis fair. Though unique serenade as the initiative ap­ Another of the annual West Phillips the old residents, but his personal re­ brooks, but we have tried them and there may be money in raising tobaceo, it has been pearance of the youngest band ever reunions has passed into history, a re­ marks about his bashfulness in regard an unmitigated curse to the people and country. they are not here. But very few organized in the state. Since that time union which will be remembered with to the girls in his younger days were Its effect on the land that grows it is much the deer and now and then a caribou are same that it is on the small boy that uses it. open air concerts have been a daily pleasure by the large number present, rather doubted by some of his female seen. schoolmates of those days who were There are three and four hundred-acre farms occurrence and all Strong now awaits estimated to be very nearly or quite here of good land originally, that fifty years ago No mountains and not very high present. with great anticipation the sound of 200. It was remarked by one who has or so were covered with a heavy growth of oak ridges are found, although from the drum and cymbal. been present at past reunions that it tract we are on now we can look onto Augustus Richardson, Berchard Look, was the largest number yet. the St. Lawrence river. About half of Lloyd True, William Rounds, Kenneth TLe day was bright and sunshiny but our territory lays south of the Mata­ Hight, Clifford Rounds, Frank Small rather breezy and on this account it pedia river which flows into the Resti- and Holman Daggett are the youthful was thought best to hold the exercises gouch river and the Restigouch flows musicians. Their ages range from 3 to in the schoolhouse instead of on the into the Bay Chaleor. 9 years. Master Clifford Rounds, who lawn as had been planned. G e o r g e L. S m it h . is the youngest member, beats his A train left Phillips at 8.30, which drum with just as much respect for took a goodly number, and from that time and rhythm as the oldest member Returns to Old Home After 30 Years’ time until 11 o’clock the arrivals were of the bunch and his military bearing Absence. many. would do credit to any regiment. P h il l ip s , July 30, 1907. The president, Mr. Chandler Lufkin, Decked in their military paper hats To the Editor o f Maine W oodsman: called the company to order and prayer and crimson ribbon sashes, heralded by Leaving Phillips at 7.30 a. m. pn the was offered by Rev. M. S. Hutchins. noise of drum and clash of cymbal, the morning of June 3, 1907, to visit the The company joined in singing America little pageant marches by and many old home of my childhood in the with Mr. IX F. Hodges as director and gather to witness the performance. province of New Brunswick, I Mrs. T. R. Spaulding accompanist. Their instruments while rather crude reached Lincoln in Penobscot county Mr. Bion Wing in his address gave are a triumph of artistic deception. at 3.35 p. m. where I was met by my them all a most cordial welcome and At the close of each concert the brother, A. L. Matthews, and visited that it was most sincere no one could treasurer usually passes the hat and a him a few days. doubt. Rev. N. C. Brackett was down question as to the use they intend to I had been absent from the on the program for the response, but make of the pennies and nickles and provinces for 30 long years. The as he was unable to be present he sent quarters that drop in, is always met reader may naturally suppose there a letter, which was read by H. F. with the positive reply that it all goes were many changes wrought during my Beedy, Esq. The president then toward the expenses. long absence. dismissed the company until after 1 The boys plan to buy fifes as soon as There were many farms that were o ’clock when they dispersed to enjoy they can raise enough money and then in a flourishing condition when I a basket picnic. Hot coffee and beans j they will form a fife and drum corps. came away that had grown up to had been furnished for all and several The organization of the band was become a forest. The farm buildings remarked “ what tastes better than effected wholly among themselves and were all gone with the exception o f a good baked beans in a place like this?” at their own initiative. few old sheds, left only as the last Mrs. F. J. Toothaker and Mrs. rose of summer that marked the spot Chandler Lufkin served ice cream, familiar to my memory, while other MAINE EXPLORERS. which was most delicious, and they forests and hillsides, which were were generously patronized. timber lands in my early life, had been After dinner had been partaken of Search For Spruce and Cedar In cleared and beautiful fields of grass and a social hour enjoyed, the com­ Canadian Forest. took the place. Farm buildings were pany were again called to order and (Special correspondence to Maine W oodsman). built up very beautiful to behold. the following officers were elected for JUDGE JAMES MORRISON OF PHILLIPS G a s p e P e n in s u l a , P. Q ., As I neared the old home of my 1908: George L. Smith of Augusta, July 29, 1907. early life and gazed out on the old president; Charles L. Prescott, vice A beautiful poenpwas r 3ad by Mrs. Perhaps it will be interesting to my farm where I had spent my boyhood, now so exhausted by tobacco raising that they president; Mrs. Levi B. Field, Mary Smith Kimball. It was not orig­ won’t bring $10 an acre, or half the cost of tha many friends in Franklin county to my thoughts were turned backward to secretary and treasurer. The officers inal but it was especially appropriate buildings on them. hear from me, as it has been some time the happiest days of my life. Twenty The climate here is delightful at present. were given power to appoint all other for the occasion, and as she remarked, since I was up that way. I am down minutes’ drive brought me to the home Celeste says it is the year around, but if I was committees needed. it expressed her sentiments exactly, here in the Matapedia valley and on the of my sister, a woman of strange young, as we all used to be, I would rather have a The idea of the association having a It was entitled, “ In^Dear Old Maine. ” good Franklin county farm to live on, than I have Gaspe Peninsula in charge of a party of appearance to me yet I must well know yet seen in Henry county, Virginia. With much little financial aid was talked up by Many regrets were expressed that explorers. There are five of us in the that she was the person that I had several and no doubt in.the near future love and the earnest hope to meet you in the fall party, a guide, cook and three explor­ come to see and I must recognize her Rev. A. S. Ladd, Rev. N. C. Brackett, of 1908, and a sincere prayer that the Great a sum will be raised yearly by small Father may bless and keep you all, I am, ers and we are looking for spruce and as my sister. I suppose I must have Mrs. Jennie Blanchard and others were assessments from the members and Yours truly, cedar lumber. The explorers are all appeared to her very m uch the same. unable to be with them. others who wish to add their mite, to N. C. Brackett, We predict that the reunion of 1908 from Maine. We left Maine the first I remained with her for a few days. carry on the necessary expenses of will be still larger. of June. We are 300 miles northeast I then boarded a stage coach and took these reunions. Springfield, Aug. 10, 1907. My Dear Old Friends, Also My New Friends—I of Quebec and over 100 miles north of my departure homeward bound, and as The following program was carried It was interesting to note that three the most northeasterly part of Maine. I drove away a thought came to my wish I could be with you today but I shall be out: pupils were present on this occasion with you in heart. Shall try to be with you ia The spruce in this section is all white, mind, shall I ever visit here again? Reminiscences, Geo. L. Lakin, Esq. who attended school there 50 years ago 1908. I hope you will have a good day and a grand no black or timber spruce. The growth Well, I very much enjoyed the visit Instrumental music, and was taught by Benj. Butler. They time. I well know the absent ones are never on the highlands is mostly fir. In the and I think after 30 years’- absence Mrs. Spaulding, Ether Smith were Mdms. H. R. Butterfield, Mary forgotton. Miss Mollie Hescock Yours truly, valleys there is the finest cedar 1 ever from a place very familiar to one, Recitation, McKenney, Charles Lufkin. Recitation, Miss Vivian Wing Jennie B, saw, sound and large. It is not an un­ they are well paid for their trouble. Poem, Mrs. Mary Smith Kimball Two lively games of ball were played common thing to find cedar three feet Nevertheless, there were places that Instrumental music. by both old and young. We are sorry and even four feet at the butt. marked spots of pleasure to me that I Address, DeBerna Ross, Esq to note that Harold Worthley got his BOOK PLATES. It is a hard forest to travel through, could scarcely refrain from shedding eyelid cut badly while playing ball. so much underbrush, but we average tears. The following letters were received They Came Within Fifty Years Aft«r about 10 miles per day. Stalwart young men approached me and read: the Invention of Printing. There has been lots of rain in this with a hand shake unrecognizable to To the friends assembled for their annual reun­ It was within half a century from country since’we struck here. It has me. ion, greeting: the invention of printing that book I had planned fo be with you. Though I had ac- rained every day for the last eight The eastern bound train’ carried me plates were introduced as identifying j cepted no less than four invitations in Maine and marks to indicate the ownership of the days, so we are wet every day, as we safely back to my adopted home in j New Hampshire to preach at camp meetings—not volume. Phillips again where Ijjm ust settle | including my own district meeting at Old Or- have to camp about where night over­ Germany, the fatherland of printing ! chard—I was careful to reserve the date of the takes us. down to the busy cares of^life and I from movable type and of wood cut­ shall never reflect my j time and | reunion. But other circumstances have so The seasons are very short here. shaped themselves that I am'obliged to deny my­ ting for making impressions in ink on The grass is about two-thirds grown at expense to enjoy such a visit’ again. self the delightful privilege. May you have paper, is likewise the home land of this date. The snow falls very deep J. L. M a t t h e w s . sunny skies, refreshing breezes, limber tongues, the book plate. here, from five to seven feet deep, and pleasant memories, happy hearts and good appe­ The earliest dated woodcut of ac­ tites. by the looks I should say even deeper, cepted authenticity is the well known A Chinese aoiomon. I shall wait with all the patience that I can “ St. Christopher of 1423,” which was for I have measured some stumps that Two Chinamen, brothers, well ad­ command for the report of your pleasant gather­ discovered in the Carthusian monas­ were eight feet high. They never use vanced in age, quarreled over a piece ing. At my time of life it seems to me that I cannot afford to miss a single occasion of this tery of Buxheim, in Suabia. but one horse for a team to log with, of land which they had jointly inherit­ It was to insure the right of owner­ ed from their father and went to law. kind, but our gospel is one of self-denial and we and when the snow gets very deep they j ought to practice what we preach. ship in a book that the owner had it The native magistrate heard the testi­ yard the logs with men on a sled. The May abundant blessings be upon you and yours, marked with the coat of arms of the mony on both sides and determined j sleds are made with long wide runners, not only on this glad day but in all the coming family or some other heraldic device. that both were wrong and both right,; days that are before you, and through God’s with two bunks and they put the logs Libraries were kept intact and passed according to the different points of abounding mercy may we all participate in the from generation to generation, bearing upon these bunks, and with man’s view. Therefore, instead of rendering j eternal reunion in the better country. the emblem of the family. * strength haul them to the yards. a judgment in favor of either, he order-1 Yours in strong bonds, The first book plate in France is dat­ We find these queer sleds at most ed that both be locked up in a cangue j A. S. Ladd. Ognnquit, Aug. 12, 1907. ed 1574: in Sweden, 1575; Switzerland, every camp we pass. with their heads fastened face to GILBERT L. KEMPTON 1607, and Italy, 1623. The earliest Eng­ face and kept there until they settled Another thing I notice that is very SHillsdale Farm, Home of Rev. J. C. Newcomer, lish book plate is found in a folio vol­ their quarrel. The cangue is a sort of primitive, carts made with block Boxwood, R. F. D, Henry County, Va., ume once the property of Cardinal Wol- cage in which prisoners are placed wheel. They take a large log and saw The following were called upon for August 8, 1907. sey and afterward belonging to his with their necks locked into a hole in a Dear Home Friends—I cannot tell you how a piece off the end and use it for wheels remarks and who responded with the royal master. board. It resembles somewhat the : deeply I regret my inability to be with you at the exception of a very few: Messrs. S. B. The earliest mention of the book as we used to make our trucks when we j ! reunion. A journey from Harper’s Ferry to stocks which were used for the punish­ plate in English literature is by Pepys, were boys 50 years ago. Wing, C. J. Beedy, G. L. Smith, ' Phillips is more of a burden than it was thirty ment o f malefactors in olden times. July 16, 1688. The first known book This country is certainly 60 years be­ When the brothers were placed in the Herbert Stowers, Reuben Sargent, H. years ago and just now we, Mrs. Brackett aBd I, are more than half as far southwest of Harper’s plate in America belonged to Governor hind the times. The towns back near cangue, they were both very stubborn F. Beedy, James Morrison, S. H. Beedy, Roscoe Whitney, D. F. Hodges, Ferry as Phillips is northeast of it, or in round Dudley. Paul Revere, the patriot, was the timber limits are but lately settled and indignant, but toward the end of numbers more than 1,000 miles from my native one of the first American engravers of Benj. Butler, C. L. Kempton, Bion and they are all French, but are very the second day they began to weaken hills. But hills are here, too. Twenty miles book plates and a designer of great honest and industrious. Anyone wants and on the third day reached a satis­ Wing, Lewis Prescott, Bell Beedy; westward over across Patrick county rise the high ability.—Journal of American Historv. factory settlement and were released. Mdms. Mary Kimball, Bridgham, summits of the Blue ridge* to understand the French language MAINE WOODSMAN, PHILLIPS, MAINE, AUGUST 16, 1907,

now prohibition territory? This in­ BUSINESS CARDS. cludes the prohibition of states and Beedy’s Assurance counties and that found under local ip. 0. HOPKINS, M. D., TIRED AND SICK option laws. Agency, pmkps. Me., . But now Maine needs help. She is | Physician and Surgeon, YET MUST WORK disgraced by the disregard of law with­ Represents ! Phillips, - - Maine. “ Man may work from sun to sun in her borders. To meet this need in Office and residence at Mrs. Eva Toothaker’s. but woman’s work is never done, 1899 the Christian Civic league of The jEtna Assurance Co. of Hartford. Conn. In order to keep the home neat Maine was formed, largely through the The Phoenix and pretty, the children well dressed DeBERNA R. ROSS, and tidy, women overdo and often efforts of Wilbur F. Berry. It en­ The Home “ “ “ New York suffer in silence, drifting along from Attorney at Law. deavors to teach the sacredness of law. The German American Assurance Co. of New bad to worse, knowing well that Law is the expression of the mind and Real Estate and Probate Business a they ought to have help to overcome York. specialty. the pains and aches which daily will o f the people, and it should be en­ The Niagara Fire Assurance Co. of New York. Office over Phillips National Bank, make life a burden. • forced. Phillips, Maine. It is to these women that Lydia The Civic league is to help the people The New York Underwriters Assurance Co. of Fire Insurance, both farm and 'village risk. E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, rule the rulers; to help it to teach the j Life Insurance. made from native roots and herbs, ______New York. Until further notice, I shall be in Rangeley Mon­ dangers of disregarding law and so en­ day of each week. Consultations invited. Desk comes as a blessing. When the spir- ^ Aiif* IVON The Fire Association Assurance Co. of Philadel­ its are depressed, the head and back M K /\UU,» couraging lawlessness. As its repre- j in office of E. I. Herjrick. aches, there are dragging-down pains, nervousness, sleeplessness, ana sentative I am here to arouse a deeper | phia. reluctance to go anywhere, these are only symptoms which unless Prompt attention given to the adjust­ JAMES MORRISON, heeded, are soon followed by the worst forms of Female Complaints. sense of the importance of its work, ] and to see who among you will stand ment of losses. A 11 o r n*e y a t Law, Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound for law and for prohibition. The Beal Block, Phillips. enemy will fight hard for this state of keeps the feminine organism ina strong and healthy condition. It cures Business is Solicited. Telephone connections. Inflammation, Ulceration, displacements, and organic troubles. In \ Maine. Money will not be lacking in preparing for child-birth and to carry women safely through the Change the hands of those who wish to win the of Life it is most efficient. . . I do^ all kinds of Mrs. Augustus Lyon, of East Earl, Pa., writes: Dear Mrs. I ink- state for license and to destroy the in­ BAKERY GOODS Jeweler. watch and clock re­ ham:—“ For a long time I suffered from female troubles and had all kinds fluence for temperance that she has pairing promptly and in the best pos­ of aohes and pains in the lower part of back and sides, I could not gained. Let all friends of righteous- fresh from Farmington. Ice cream and sible manner. If you have any old- sleep and had no appetite. Since taking Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable ness and progress rally to uphold her | soda, candy and cigars, fjruit and fashioned clocks or watches that you Compound and following the advice which you gave me I feel like a want to save, I can do it. Barber snop new woman and I cannot praise your medicine too highly. banners, and by voice and vote keep lunches. connected. her from falling. In this matter, “ Let Mrs. Pinkham’s Invitation to Women ETHER SMITH, Upper Village, Phillips your conversation be such as becometh E. MARCHETTI, Phillips. Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to write Mrs Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Out of her vast volume of ex­ the gospel of Christ.” WANTED. perience she probably has the very knowledge that will help ycur Temple. case. Her advice is free and always helpful. At mill or on cars on railroad all kinds of logs— I will mail you free, to prove merit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fuller and two Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, Basswood and Hardwood; samples of my Dr. Shoop’s Restora­ children of Livermore Falls spent also 4-foot Green Fir. Highest market price. See tive, and my Book on either Dyspepsia, us before you sell. The Heart or The Kidneys. Troubles several days last week with their cousin, PHILLIPS MANUFACTURING CO.. of the Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are AMONG THE CHURCHES. equipped with approved machinery, but Mrs. John Ranger. P h il l ip s. M a in e . unless there is water to turn the wheels merely symptoms of a deeper ailment. Don’t make the common error of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chandler and or steam or other power to set and keep treating symptoms only. Symptom daughter, Virginia, are working for BOARDING AND Rev. J. B. Lapham, formerly a pre­ in motion his engines, he cannot apply treatment is treating the result of LIVERYISTABLE. siding elder of the Augusta district in Jesse Hodgkins in haying. the material to his use. The promise your ailment, and not the cause. Weak We keep only first-class horses. Can the Maine conference of the Methodist to the disciples was “ ye shall receive Stomach nerves—the inside nerves— Leeman Brooks, while haying for supply hitches for any occasion. Horses mean Stomach weakness, always. And church, was the speaker at the Metho­ power, after that the Holy . Ghost is Sumner Savage, got something into bought and sold. dist church Sunday afternoon. He the Heart, and Kidneys as well, have his eye and was obliged to have a phy­ come upon you.” their controlling or inside nerves. NORRIS J. HACKETT. came to Phillips in the interest of the sician remove it. The promise had been and was being Weaken these nerves, and you inevi­ Stable only 30 rods from depot. Christian Civic league o f Maine in tably have weak vital organs. Here is I ------fulfilled. The disciples had received Oscar Ranger and Ed Tilton have whose work he is assisting. where Dr. Shoop’ s Restorative has bought a 20-acre field of grass of Sum­ Willows Livery Stable. and were receiving power to suffer, made its fame. No other remedy even Mr. Lapham’s text was the first power for work too great for power claims to treat the “ inside nerves.” ner Savage. I have purchased the Willows Livery Stable and solicit patronage. Teams to clause of Phil, i, 27, “ Let your conver­ simply human. As the divine power Also for bloating, biliousness, bad George Staples of Hartford, Conn., breath or complexion, use Dr. Shoop’s I let and boarders solicited. sation! be as becometh the gospel of wrought through them, so the divine in was in town Saturday. Christ.” Restorative. Write me to-day for HENRY M. GOLDSMITH, us will work that too great for us sample and free Book. Dr. Shoot), Prof. Day of preached Upper Village, - - Phillips, Maine. Paul, as he wrote this epistle, was in alone. Racine, Wis. The Restorative is sold at the Intervale church Sunday. prisonjat Rome. It was uncertain re­ by all dealers. Telephone 45-2 Paul’s converts, and Paul would say There were a few from this town to garding the outcome of the trial which the same to us today, as he then said be baptized at West Farmington Sun­ W. E. Sampson’s he awaited. The result might be ac­ to them, were to speak the words of W e ld . day. quitted or it might be conviction. God, they were to work out the plans Mr. and Mrs. Fessenden and daugh­ Livery and Feed Stable, Should it be the latter, there was for of God. Then as now, and now as ter of are stopping at Mr. Miss Mollie Blodgett is at home from him speedy death. As he thinks of it then, living better than words. They Metcalf’s cottage. Sheridan Hodgkins’ s. Her sister, Rosie, Opposite Electric Light Station. death^seems the more desirable. He were to live the life taught by the gos­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and Harold is taking her place. Single and double hitches, with or would rejoice to depart and be with pel, and so living bring blessing to the Staples o f Carthage, Andrew Smith, The Ranger reunion will be held at without driver. Christ. Yet he thinks not of himself peoples about them. The influence of Francis Phillips and Kenneth Phillips Frank Ireland’s, Wilton Notch, Aug. alone. There are the churches that he such living would fall as a benediction o f Brooklyn, N. Y ., occupied Mr. 20. Ice, Trucking and Jobbing. has planted. The converts ignorant of upon all who should be affected by it. Swett's cottage a few days last week. Mrs. Hannah Colburn and grand­ Baggage and Pianos moved to any so many things in which they need his One individual so living in the church Miss Sylvia Buffington and Miss daughter, Miss Grace Wood, of Water- part of the town by instruction. Because they need him so will make that church a light, but let Edith Jackson of Tall River, who have town, Mass., are visiting at Dana Ham­ F. A. PHILLIPS. much he believes that it will be God’s the whole church live according to the been visiting Miss Dexter at her camp, lin’s. will for their sakes to protect him from gospel and its beneficent power would returned home Wednesday. Families moved, frieght transferred Mrs. Benjamin Kenniston of Allen’s —in fact all kinds of Trucking and Job­ his enemies a little longer. He expects reach the entire commnnity. Edward McCarty and wife and John Mills is stopping at Rev. W. B. Kennis- bing done promptly and at fair prices. to see them again, yet he writes as one To the Philippian church it was given McCarty of Livermore Falls are at ton’ s for a few weeks. Telephone, Northeastern 12-4. who may be giving his last counsel, and to carry on the work of Paul. To many the Beehive. Miss Isabelle Norton has returned he writes of those things which seem a one God gives special work, but he Mr. and Mrs. Turner of Foxboro, HARNESS REPAIRING. to him to be of the highest importance. also gives the power for the work. Mass., who have been at Glen cottage home from Wilton. He wishes them so to walk in the Our country has had, in the past, great for the past six weeks, went to Dix- Fred Blanchard of Wilton was in “ A stitch in time saves nine.” Christian way that they may be a light work to do for humanity. It has still field where they will spend the rest o f town one day last week buying cattle. Bring your harness work to unto Asia. This text is a part of his great work to do. We wonder, some­ the month. Mrs. Theodore Wing of Phillips S. W . Springer, S5uLvt e i counsel, “ Let your conversation be as times, about God’s purposes. Why Mr. and Mrs. George Stevens and visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. beeoi eth the gospel of Christ.” did he wait so long 1 efore he called daughter, Lucile, were the guests of Henry Jenkins, last week. ! All repairing andjnew work'guaranteed. Now this word conversation has here this land to its part in the world’s H. B. Austin last week. a significance more than is given in our progress? W e cannot read all his Fred Sketop and Malcolm Davis of ! Spruce, Fir and Poplar Pulpwood ordinary use of the word. The root is ways, but we see that he waited till Brockton, Mass., are camping at Camp THOSE SPLITTING HEADACHES! 5000 Cords wanted on line of Sandy the same as that from which we derive the people and the times were ready. Webb. River, Franklin & Megantic and Phil­ the words city—citizens. Paul is say­ When this New World was first Sick, Nervon* or Neuralgic Headache* lips & Rangeley Railroads. New prices Harold Pickett of Columbus, Ohio, for 1907. Write, telephone or calf on ing to Phillippians that they are to brought to the knowledge of the Old, is the guest o f Mr. and Mrs. H. A. > Cared by Simple Anodyne. 9 live as citizens of a kingdom ruled by the people in it were not ready for the MacDonald at their tent. Nothing Is more distressing and A. W . McLeary, Phillips. Christ. To do this they must have the work to be done here. The Puritans and Mr. and Mrs. George Newman and weakening than a headache. It takes spirit of Jesus. So he comes to the all the tuck out of anyone, and drives the Pilgrims were prepared by their daughter. Miss Nellie Newman, of Em­ the sufferer to a darkened bed-room Pratt’s New Studio foundation of all his preaching—salva­ experiences and hopes and brought to poria, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Fred so that work has to be neglected. over Joseph Matthieu’s Barber Shop, corner of tion. They are saved through grace the waiting land. Newman, Mr. and Mrs. Albert New­ A 25 ct. bottle of Neuralgic Anodyne Main and Broadway is now opened to tha which gives them the presence and Our history reads strangely. We man, two sons, Albert Newman, Earle will save many days of pain and weakness, as It Is guaranteed to cure Public. Natural Poising, and Good Likenesses will spirit of Jesus. have wonderful resources. Agri­ Newman, Captain Hose and wife of or relieve any form of headache or the be my motto. Power comes through the spirit. You cultural resources varied and abundant; Kansas; Mrs. Hattie Purington of money will be refunded. It differs know how necessary is power if one is mineral wealth beyond computation. West Bowdoin, Maine; and Miss Ger­ from other headache remedies, as it is A. D. PRATT, Photographer, Farmington. to accomplish anything of worth. The There are canons rich with precious trude Waterhouse of Wollaston, Mass.; used internally and externally, thus manufacturer may! have abundance of reaching the source of the nerve pains, metal, which we are yet to bring to are stopping at the Pleasant Pond material at hand. His factory may be strengthening the whole nervous sys­ our service. We are a people before House for ten days. tem, and at the same time finding its Fit and Quality whom open wonderful possibilities of Robert Holt of Providence, R. L, way locally through the pores of the commerce and wealth and material who has been in town for two weeks, skirt to the aching tissues and throb­ In getting your horse shod the thing that counts is quality o f shoes and a progress. Yet these outside things are bing nerves. returned home Wednesday of last • Neuralgic Anodyne is also invalua­ ! proper fitting job. It pays to have him not the great, not the true riches. We week. ble in relieving and curing neuralgia shod at Rideout’s. Once a customer have been growing up, developing in and rheumatism, and is sold every­ always a customer. A Hair Dana Holt and party from Dixfield where. Made by The Twitchell-Champ- some of the higher things of true are at Mr. Decker’s upper camp. lin Co., Portland. Me. Rideout Bros:, Upper Village: greatness and helpfulness, also. Pi­ Fourteen of the young ladies at The D racy was once known in our waters, but Maples had a very interesting tennis ressinq it has been banished. Slavery had a tournament last week. The finals are home in our land, but it is no longer to be played by Miss Leila Albrecht, C a t a r r h Nearly every one likes a fine known. Other evils have been over­ and Miss Margaret Dexter. Blacksmithing. hair dressing. Something to come. A party of ten from Mr. Batchelor’s We are now in the midst of battle camp at Wilton spent Friday at The j free Trial Boxes of Dr. Shoop’s Catarrh Cure. make the hair more manage­ Id o this because I am so certain, that Dr. Shoop’* If, you want your horses shod for against evils that assail. The greatest Maples last week. Catarrh Cure will bring actual substantial help. able; to keep it from being in its baleful results is intemperance. Nothing certainly, is so convincing as a physical work or speed, leave them at my shop test of any article of real, genuine merit. But that while you trade at the new store too rough, or from splitting When difficulties of other kinds are in article must possess true merit, else the test our pathway we roll up our sleeves and condemn, rather than advance It. Dr. Shoop’s at the ends. Something, too, Boon Catarrh Cure is a snow white, healing antiseptic I have a*full line o f veterinary reme­ go at them. We should get into the balm, put up in beautiful nickel capped glass jar* that will feed the hair at the t o at 50c. Such soothing agents as Oil Eucalyptus, dies. line of battle against this. This state SUFFERERS Thymol, Menthol, etc., are incorporated into a same time, a regular hair-food. velvety, cream like Petrolatum, imported by Dr. My shop is fitted with machinery for o f Maine has stood in the front ranks. Topsfield, Me., Aug. 27, 1906. Bhoop from Europe. If Catarrh ottlie nose and Well-fedhair will bestrong,and The influence of fifty-four years as a "W e have sold the ‘L. F.’ Atwood’s throat has extended to the stomacn, then by all all kindsjof work. Band 3awing your leans also use internally. Dr. Shoop’s Restorative, will remain where it belongs — prohibition state, has not been without Bitten for the past three years, and lumber saves the price of sawing. our customers claim they have been tomach distress, a lack of general strength, avail. There has been great progress .floating, belching, biliousness, bad taste, etc. 6 on the head, not on the comb! greatly benefited by their use.” purely call for Dr. Shoop’s Restorative. I am prepared to do your work cheap­ The beat kind of a testimonial— in the attitude of the people toward For uncomplicated catarrh only of the nose and Yours truly, Mrs. L. P. P. Pineo. tturoat nothing else, however, need be used but er and better than can be done by “ Sold for over sixty years.” temperance. Georgia in its recent vote F.” Atwood’s Bitters are the un­ hand. Made by J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Ma m . on the question of prohibition stood in rivalled remedy for just the ailments Also manufacturers of the senate, 36 in favor to 8 against; in common to men and women of all ages, Dr. Shoop’ s Produce taken in pay for blacksmith- . . ^ > SARSAPARILLA. all stations, all walks in life* Then- 1 i O the house, 138 for prohibition to 39 ing and woodwork. f * C pills. superior merit is in their prompt and l y W f O CHERRY PECTORAL. against. Do you know that one-half of A unfailing power to relieve. 36c. at Catarrh Cure the territory of the is druggists. "ALL DEALERS” T. R. WING, Phillips, Me. MAINE WOODSMAN, PHILLIPS, MAINE, AUGUST 16, 1907.

Kingfield. lowing little friends in honor of his Frank Trainer has moved his family Stereoscopic Views. Saturday Stage Driver Lincoln of sixth birthday: Misses Hilda Huse, from the farm near Cross hill to the Hotel Willows, Flagstaff was a business caller in this Shirley Merchant, Florence Corson, Vose house on Main street. Tours to all parts of the world with­ village. Marie Merchant, Laura Corson, Agnes Ed Burns of Madison made a Phillips, Maine. Porter, Christine Mitchell, Masters After a visit with her sister, Mrs. 0. business trip to this village a few days out leaving your fireside. Team meets all trains. Large M. Vose, Mrs. Nellie Merrill has re­ Emil Winter, Arthur French, Charlie ago. Dolbier and Vaughan Huse. Sand­ Call and inspect our new line of the comfortable rooms. Public Bath turned to her home in Waterville. Mrs. Velzora Richards of New Port­ wiches, assorted cakes, pop corn balls, Room. At the Free Baptist church on Sun­ land has employment in the family of latest improved Stereoscopic views [at ice cream and lemonade were served. Life, accident and sickness day evening last E. H. Emery, San­ C. H. Adams. Master Kendrick received many gifts of insurance, just what you want. ford, of the Christian Civic league of love from his little guests, who enjoyed Dr. H. S. Spear of New Portland is a EMERY BUBIER’S, Beal Block, Help Wanted.—One all, round Maine, with special reference to the a delightful afternoon. frequent professional caller here. kitchen woman and one table issues of temperance, delivered a most Phillips, Maine. girl. Telephone, 7-11. Mrs. Rebecca Lovejoy was in town Mr. and Mrs. Ira H, Holbrook of interesting address before a large audi­ Malden, Mass., are guests in the ence. A hundred or more stereopticon the first o f the week visiting old GEO. L. LAKIN, Prop. friends. family of Judson Alward, Mr. Hol­ views were exhibited, illustrating per­ brook being a brother to Mrs, Alward. tinent and important facts which the Ephraim Dunlap o f New Portland FIRE PROOF At Carrabasset on Sunday afternoon officials of the league wish announced was a recent business caller here. AJnew line of fire proof cooking dishes. through the efforts of Rev. G. O. to the citizens of every community, re­ Many farmers have now finished hay­ Not expensive and very ^durable. Hay­ Bruce, pastor of the Evangelical church Spring Lambs garding the high license system and ing, owing to the excellent weather the ing Tools and general hardward line at of this town, a Sunday school was temperance forces of the 20th century. last of the week. organized by Mrs. Fannie Lord Howe W. S. JACOBS’S, Kingfield, Me. and Fowl Miss Fannie Snydam of Delmont, At Carey pond in the Dead River with 20 members and more are soon Second Hand Furniture a Specialty. Mass., is a guest in the family of J. N. region the Winter party have been en­ expected to join, as interest is fast Parker. joying a friost delightful outing the past j awakening in that little settlement. SMALL’S RESTAURANT. WANTED One afternoon recently Miss Lena week at their pleasant cottage, ; Rev. Mr. Bruce will hold a midweek Sansouci. R. C. Tufts served as chef Page, the 10-years-old daughter of Mr. service there every two weeks. All our friends and every lady and of the party which was composed of and Mrs. W. D. Page, entertained On Friday afternoon of last week a gentleman who come to Best market prices paid more than 20 members of the Dolls’ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dubocq and Willie most enjoyable picnic was held on for the above. club at her home. Peanut butter sand­ Dubocq, Mrs. Jennie Winter and Clif­ Stanley hill by the Eastern Star lodge. RUMFORD FALLS wiches, assorted cakes and iced lemon­ ford Winter and Walter Haan of Brook­ A most bountiful repast was prepared lyn, N. Y ., Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Huse, are invited to take their meals with us. ade were served by the hostess who by the ladies and a large number did N. E. WELLS prepared the lunch, making the cakes W. D. French, A. G. Winter and Er- ample justice to the viands which were We make a specialty of furnishing with no assistance from others. We land Winter. spread on tables beneath the trees good dinners at a reasonable price. infer there are young ladies more than Owing to the ill health of her hus­ near the pleasant little cottage owned Phillips, - - Maine. double Miss Lena’s age who could band, W. H. Small, Mrs. Small, after by F. B. Hutchins, which was kindly W. W. SMALL, Prop., scarcely equal her culmary skill. a thirteen years’ service as teacher of opened and at the disposal o f the lodge. 14-16-18 Bridge street, Rumford Falls Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Phillips and chil­ one of the boys' classes in theUniversa- At Grace Universalist church on dren of Strong, also Mr. and Mrs. list Sunday school, where she has been Sunday morning Rev. Louis J. Keene o f Lewiston, enjoyed a several a most faithful and efficient teacher Richards of Fort Plain, N. Y ., occupied days’ outing at the old home farm in seldom absent from the work she was the pulpit and delivered a most New Portland several days last week. deeply interested in, has resigned. At impressive sermon from Psalm xxxvii, Mrs. J. Perley Haynes and little son, the present time the class numbers six, 37. At the conclusion of the service Herman, were home from Stratton namely, Norman Small, Philip Porter, Mrs. Otis F. Alvord of Rome, N. Y., several days the first of the week with Reginald Schafer, Clive Small, Ellery rendered a solo which was greatly her mother, Mrs. Mary P. West. Butts and Donald . Norton, who enjoyed as she has an extremely sweet Rev. L. Arthur White and C. F. Col­ presented Mrs. Small a prettily framed voice which shows much cultivation. lins made a trip to the plains on Dead landscape picture, showing the love in Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Wilkins have River last week and despite a pouring which she was held as their teacher and returned from Nunda, N. Y ., where rain picked a bushel of fine blueberries expressing regret at her resignation. they spent several weeks at the in a few hours. They report the ber­ Roxie, the six-years-old daughter of former home of Mrs. Wilkins. They ries abundant and almost daily now Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Dunton, had the will soon go to housekeeping on Maple teams pass through this village on misfortune to break her leg on Sunday, street in the tenement house o f J. W. their way to and from the plains. the result of a fall. Jordan. Messrs. H. H. Landers and Charles Mrs. Jack Parnell has gone to Eustis, The old school building on Main Green called here recently en route by after having been employed at the street has recently received two coats auto to a trip down river. Kingfield House for several months. of paint, while at the Stanley school Next Sunday morning at Grace Uni- E. Bert Thompson, wife and two slight repairs have been made on the versalist church Children's day will be children o f Andover, N. H., are guests interior, exterior painted and other appropriately observed and special mu­ of his father, M. D. P. Thompson, and improvements. sic furnished by the children’s vested other relatives in this town. Old Last week Messrs. Nason Whitcomb choir. The committee having the pro­ friends are always glad to welcome of German, N. Y., and Charles M. Hill gram in charge spared no pains to Bert. | of Bingham visited their niece and make the concert one of unusual inter­ The Allen camp meeting, which opens sister, Mrs. Abel J. Hunnewell. est and it is hoped a large number will at Strong this week, will no doubt be Mrs. L. Arthur White has returned be in attendance. visited by many from this town, as in from a pleasant vacation spent in Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Angier A. Ja­ former years. different Maine towns. cobs and little Miss Evelyn of Phillips Miss Lelia Hunnewell was a guest in Isaac James of New Portland was a visited relatives in town. The trip was the family of A. G. Howard, M. D., in caller here a few days ago. made by auto as Mr. Jacobs has re­ Farmington over Sunday. John Lander has returned to his cently purchased one. Mrs. Fred E. Page, who on Wednes­ home in Bingham after a visit with his The first of the week William B. day week underwent an operation for parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lander, Bradbury visited his brother, Charles appendicitis, is resting,comfortably and at Elmwood farm just above the vil­ E. Bradbury, in Lexington. a speedy recovery is hoped for by a lage. Miss Mamie Thomas has returned large number o f friends. A trained Mrs. Cynthia Peterson has returned from Boston where she spent several nurse from Lewiston is caring for her. from Lexington and is now visiting in weeks with friends. At New Portland on Friday last the i the family of N. H. Peterson. On Wednesday afternoon, August 7, Butts reunion was held. Several from Last week Mrs. Robert H. Cunning­ from 2.30 to 5 o ’clock at the home of this town were in attendance. ham and Miss Opal were at Ocean his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Libby, The past week Will S. Jacobs has Park where they enjoyed an outing. Kendrick L. Libby entertained the fol­ been confined to the house by illness. Americus V. Hinds spent some time recently with relatives in Phillips and vicinity. Does It Concern You? Miss Mary Scribner has returned Are you particular about the candy you eat? Does quality from a several weeks’ stay in New mean anything to you? Portland. REVERE CHOCOLATES LEAD. In Boxes, 25c and 50c: Take your lady friend to L. L. Mitchell’s soda fountain where the L. L. MITCHELL, Druggist, Kingfield, Me. beverages served will be pure and deli­ cious. Remember also that the finest confectionery is on sale at Kingfield’s SILVER BRAND COLLARS drug store. Quaker Ranges. East Madrid. Have flexible folds that don't crack so quick in the Mrs. B. C. Moulton and maid and Mrs. Sarah Loring o f Allston, Mass., laundry. Two for 25c. We carry a large assortment of are spending their vacation at F. H. Thorpe’s. rubber collars. Miss Ena Harnden of Dryden, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Solon MEN’S FANCY SHIRTS Mecham, for several weeks, has re­ turned to her home. can be purchased now at low figures. Mrs. Addie Curtis of Auburn spent a few days with her uncle, Andrew Keene, recently. S. J. W Y M A N , Kingfield, Maine. Andrew Keene is visiting in Auburn and Lewiston. Watch this space for Widow Jones Clothing adver­ James Towle of Dover, N. H., called on friends and relatives in this place tisement. last week.

The Limit of Life MUSIC LOVERS The most eminent medical scientists READ THIS Call and hear some of the latest are unanimous in the conclusion that Edison Records. Our machine is for the generally accepted limitation of your use. human life is many years below the If you want to send your friend attainment possible with the advanced a Souvenir Postal you may select Edison Phonographs knowledge of which the race is now sold on easy terms. possessed. The critical period, that from the determines its duration, seems to be I. L. ELDRIDGE, Kingfield between 50 and 60; the proper care of LARGEST LINE IN TOWN the body during this decade cannot be too strongly urged; carelessness then New Prints and Ginghams being fatal to longevity. Nature’s bes£ by calling at helper after 50 is Electric Bitters, the Quaker ranges will take a 24-inch stick of wood, the full size at R. FRANK COOK’S. scientific tonic medicine that revitalizes of firelbox. O. W. GILBERT’S, every organ of the body. Guaranteed Buy now and secure a good by W. A. D. Cragin, Phillips; L. L. Mitchell, Kingfield; C. E. Dyer, Strong; A. L. & E. F. GOSS CO., Agents, Lewiston, Main Kingfield, - - Maine. choice. Kingfield, Maine. E. H. Whitney, Rangeley, Druggists. 50c. and Lincoln Streets. MAINE WOODSMAN, PHILLIPS, MAINE, AUGUST 16, 1907.

celebrated their Ira Holbrook, to Kingfield Sunday, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL week Friday. where the latter will visit his sister, Maine Woodsman, Full line of fruit. Fresh vegetables of all kinds. Confection­ Miss Susie Emery is visiting her Mrs. Judson Alward. (WEEKLY) PHILLIPS, MAINE. ery. Full line of domestic and imported groceries, 8 percent cousin, Miss Hattie Emery, of Lewis­ Mrs. Amy Kennedy visited her discount on groceries for cash. Cigars and Tobacco. All kinds ton. daughter, Mrs. Flora Barker, last week. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Mrs. A. N. Kennedy of Strong is of soft drinks. Moxie and Ginger Ale $2.10 a case. Mr. and Mrs. Holly Morrison o f Liv- j , .. 0r 8 months, $1.00 ermore Falls are guests of Mrs. Mor- j visiting in town. 1 1 10 months, $1.25 8 months, 38 cents. months, $1.50 F. L. MARCHETTI Rangeley, Maine rison’s brother, Fred Walton, and wife , Mrs. Belle Gould and children of i Z & T ^ U . 16 months. 52.00 fora few days. Vermont, who have been with her par­ Cash in Advance. Rangeley. weeks, returned to camp Saturday Mrs. Elmira Natt_ and son, Melvin, ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Smith, re­ $2.00 a year if not paid in advance. Ralph Jacobs is visiting his uncle, night. of Wisconsin are visiting her brothei, turned home Thursday. A game of baseball was played Maine W oodsman solicits communications ! Billy Soule, at Pleasant Island Camps. M. L. Hutchins, and family. Mr. Warren Look lost his family from its readers. Miss Sadie Pickens went to Wilton Monday afternoon between the Munyon Mr. L. A. Davis is spending a few horse last week. When ordering the address of your paper Spring boys and a nine from the changed please give old as well as new address. Friday where she has employment in days in Augusta, Bath and Portland. Rangeley Lake House. The result If you want it stopped, pay to date and say so. the telephone office. Among the relatives from out of Entered at Phillips, Maine, a* second class mail Freeman Centre. Arthur Carlton has moved his family was a victory for the Munyon Spring town to attend the golden wedding of matter. , , boys. Score, 19 to 4. The annual reunion of the Goldsmith J. W. Brackett Company, Publishers. to Dresden, Me. Mr. and Mrs. William Parsons were: The weather is now all that could be family will be held at Ed Gold­ J. W. BRACKETT, Editor and Manager. Miss Etta Taylor of Phillips was in Their daughter and son, Emmie and smith’s in Strong, Saturday, Sept.- town last week. desired fot haying. Will, of New Mexico; Rev. Henry THE EDITION OF MAINE WOODSMAN 7. Business meeting at 11 o'clock. Hinkley company have sold out their Miss Winnifred Hinkley went to Parsons, wife and little daughter of THIS WEEK IS 2,225. It is hoped all relatives o f the Gold­ meat business to Sylvester Brackett Phillips Thursday to attend the wed­ Rhode Island; Miss Ella Butts of India; ding o f her cousin, Miss Belle Samp- smiths will be present. Picnic dinner. FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1907. and Lovell Nile. Mr. and Mrs. Simmons from the west; Alonzo Richards is cutting the grass Mrs. Blaine Wilber and children of Willard Carville from Colorado; Mrs. on the Cyrus Parlin place. Franklin County Officers. Phillips are visiting Relatives in town. Della Germain o f Massachusetts; Mrs. Charles Russell is making quite an Clerk of Courts-Byron M. Small, Farmington. Christa Dow has returned to her Connty Attorney—Cyrus N. Blanchard, Wilton. Ina Thomas of New York. improvement on the inside o f his house. home in Livermore Falls. Judge of Probate-Josiah H. Thompson, Farm­ We understand that Fred Nutting Miss Dora Abbott was in town Tues­ DENTIST ington. New: Vineyard. has bought the lumber on what used Register of Probate—Albion L. Fenderson day of last week. Dr. L. J. Holt of Phillips will be at the Farmington. Robie and Ralph Davis of Massa­ residence of A. E. Blodgett, Rangeley, Miss Florence Bogardus of New Jei’- to be the Gammon place at Tuttle cor- Register of Deeds-George D. Clark, New chusetts have been visiting at Elmer from sey is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Vineyard. Rebecca Luce. Treasurer—Carleton P. Merrill, Farmington. Voter’s. Monday, Aug. 5, to SherifE-Dana O. Coolidge, Jay. Henry Searles of Phillips was in Mrs. Estelle Paine and daughter, Deputies-Joseph A. Witham. Weld; W- B. town last week with a load of home­ Saturday, Aug. 10, 1907 Mildred, of North Anson visited her Orchard Farm $1,700. Small, Kingfield; James H. Howes. New Sharon; sisters, Mrs. Francis Holbrook and A. J. Merriman, Jay; Herman Sanborn, Wilton; made cheese. My summer vacation will come on Valuable assortment of 200 splendid apple trees, George M. Esty, Rangeley; Harry E. Bell, Phil­ Mrs. C. Bilodeau of Auburn is visit- the following dates: From Saturday, Mrs. I. S. Wilcox, a few days last week. a dozen pairs, adjoining- a $10,000 apple farm; Mrs. Alice Dobbins and son, Frank, pleasant neighborhood, one and one-half miles to lips; David Richardson, Strong; Lester D. Eaton, ingjMrs. Charles N7 Hamblin. ;'4i Aug. 17 to Saturday, Aug 31* depot, ten miles to city o f Lewiston, a splendid Farmington; Charles S. Robbins, Chesterville; Phillips office will be open from Tues­ o f Farmington are with her sister, Mrs. market town; 67 acres, well fenced, level, no Asher Duphney of Rumford Falls rocks; keep six cows and team, mail delivered; W. S. Morrow, New Vineyard. day, Sept. 3, until Saturday, Sept. 7. Ella Williams. County Commissioners—Charles.;. R. Hall, East was in towrn last week. abundance wood, pleasant house, water in sink, Rangeley office from Monday, Sept. 9, barn 40x48, henhouse for 100 hens. To close ac­ Dixfield, B. F. Beal, Phillips; Sherman I. Bean, Carl Grover of Phillips ;is employed until Saturday, Sept. 14. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holbrook accom count. price out to $1.7t0 and machinery, tools Jay. and hay will be included. L. H. Strout, Win- in Isaac Ellis’s livery stable. panied his son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. throp, Maine. Terms of Supreme Judicial Court, the first Mr. and Mrs. John Pratt and little Tuesday of February, third Tuesday of May and West New Vineyard. fourth Tuesday of September. daughter, Helen, of Norton, Mass., are The farmers are glad to see this Terms of ProbateJCourt, the third Tuesday of visiting at Frank Kempton’s. good hay weather. Hope it may con­ tastes as good as it looks— each month. Mrs. Grace Weld of Oquossoc was in Beech - Nut Regular session of County Commissioners tinue for two weeks or more. There is town last week. court, last TuesdaymtfApril and last Tuesday of lots of grass to be cut in this vicinity. Sliced Bacon and it looks very good. A December. Mrs. Nell Parker and Alice went to Joe Turner has finished haying. Phillips Saturday. Miss Bertha Pratt celebrated her 16th Stratton. Mrs. Diana Aldrich of Phillips was birthday by inviting in a few of her delicious breakfast dish, of The Old Folks concert was a success, the guest of Mrs. Geo. Oakes a few friends to spend the evening. They both financially and otherwise. The days recently. played games and listened to some great food value, wholesome costumes were ancient as well as the Mrs. Will Quimby has been suffering very pretty vocal and instrumental acting. Much praise is due Mrs. with neuralgia. music, after which refreshments were all the year ’round. Try the C. E. Beane, Mrs. Swasy, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Wilbur was in town Satur­ served, consisting of ice cream andjcake. Mrs. L. H. Beane for their old time day. They left for home at a late hour, all “ Beech-Nut Brand”—it’s dif­ solos. H. P. Dill and wife of Port Hope, feeling that they had spent a pleasant H. N. Parker of Lexington and his Ontario, with their daughter and evening. ferent. grandson, Stanley Jewett, of Foxcroft husband, Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Norton, Mrs. Esther J. Savage spent Saturday visited at W. H. Safford’s and picked of Lewiston are occupying Mr. Dill’s night and Sunday with her son’s family a few blueberries the first of the week. cottage, Moxie Ledge. - in Freeman. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Durrell are visit­ NEAL, OAKES & QUIMBY, 'j Edgar M. Berry of Lewiston made) a Joe Turner sold a very pretty two- ing relatives and friends in New Port­ business trip to Rangeley last week. years-old colt to Leon Nickerson of land and Skowhegan. An unusually large and appreciative Farmington. Rangeley, Maine. Miss Georgie Taylor of Bingham is audience listened to the sermon Sunday The Guild Sunday school is progress­ visiting relatives in town, her old by Rev. E. H. Prescott, whose text ing nicely. Clad to see so many inter­ home. was found in Acts viii, 35. ested. They have bought them' a new F. M. Norton of North New Portland Dr. F. A. Noble is to preach at the , library consisting of 32 good books. was a caller in town the first of the A GOOD PLACE TO EAT church next Sunday, Aug. 18. Dan Pratt nas gone with the militia week. Mrs. Frank Moores of Somerville, boys to Bath and Augusta. Old-fashioned home cooking. The kind that tastes right. Don’ t forget the horse trot and ball Mass., and daughter, Mrs. McCormick, Little Harold Savage has been quite Prices moderate. Special rates for board and room. game Aug. 22, ball game at 9.30, of New York are visiting Mrs. Moores’? sick with scrofula swelling on his neck. Stratton^vs. West Rangeley. A good cousin, Mrs. George Oakes. Rangeley’s new Restaurant, EDWARD W. ABBOTT, Prop. He is better at this writing. time. N. P. Noble and family are at Angle- Miss Mary Palmer of Dedham, Mass., Good weather for haying. We need wood for a few weeks. is visiting at Marcia Spaulding’s for a it, lots of hay to be cut. Charles Wilber of Phillips was in few weeks. DELIGHTED Sherman Lisherness of Flagstaff was town Saturday. Miss Sadie Bates and Nellie Glennon in town last week. Mrs. Bertha Hubbard of Massachu­ You will be after trying some of my Lenox'Chocolates. o f Auburn are visiting Mrs. Records. Rand' and Kmney have taken Mrs. setts has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. Mrs. Nellie McDaniel is in very poor FIRE Reed’s cottage to build on Blanchard Minnie Cushman. health. She has never fully recovered Save your kitchen fire by eating EGG-O-SEE, the idealibreak- avenue. Mrs. Riley Cook of Avon is caring from a fall she received last year. fast food. We understand there is some talk of for Mrs. Charles Harnden, Mrs. Morton making a lake of the intervale near being obliged to return home on A N E W LINE this village. We think it would be a account of illness. East New Portland, of Ladies wrappers just in. good investment, for we need some­ Miss Ida DeJay and Mrs. Ada Mr. and Mrs. William Parson s thing of the sort and we also hope it Sprague are working at Mr. Shaw’s F. E. RUSSELL, Rangeley, Maine. will be done. cottage. The Knock-out Blow. Successor to W. E. Tibbets. The box shop shut down Saturday Mrs. Edgar Berry and little son, The blow which knocked out Corbett afternoon for a little repair. Norman, arrived in town Wednesday to was a revelation to the prize fighters. Orrin Moody of Madison was a caller remain a month with relatives here. From the earliest days of the ring the in town recently. Among the guests who were enter­ knock-out blew was aimed for the jaw, Urban Shoes M. D. Jacobs, who has been on the the temple or the jugular vein. Stomach tained at Marsquamosy by the Misses punches were thrown in to worry and sick list, is able to be out. Timberlake last week were Miss weary the fighter, but if a scientific man have a lot of friends in this State. John Trainer made a business trip l Louise Atwood and Miss Lucille French had told one of the old fighters that the Have you ever£worn|them? Rangeley last week. of Phillips. most vulnerable spot was the region of the stomach, he’d have laughed at him W. H. Safford is at work for E. O. Velma Nile has returned from sev­ Made in all Leathers. Men’s, $4.00; Women’s, $3.50. Welch in haying. for an Ignoramus. Dr. Pierce is bringing eral months’ visit with her sister, Mrs. hom^^to the public a parallel fact; that A party of young ladies spent Sun­ Dana Keene, of Kingfield. thq stomac\is the most vulnerable organ ROCK OAK SOLES. day at Jones’s camp on Bigelow. out of\he pn^e ring as well as In it. We Miss Amy Wilber was the guest of Blueberry picking seems to be the protect pur heaHs, throats, feet and lungs, If your dealer doesn’t carry them write us. order of the day at present. her cousin, Iva Hinkley, the first of the but theS>N^NFSwe are utterly indiffer­ ent to, until disei^Xfinds the solar plexus Mrs. Laura Richards is at work for week. and knocks us ouu Make your stomach A. F. COX & SON, Mrs. Bernard Taylor. W. A. Faunce, who has been at his SglUld ajd string by llie. iLe_ of Doctor Npierce s _G o 1 d e n,_ ^1 eImaTJJiscovery, and Portland, - Maine. Mrs. Taylor from Flagstaff is at home in Atlantic City for several you pru tc^ ^ T u ^ ITjii your mostlyulner" able snot. Golden Medical Discovery " D. F. Hoyt, Phillips; S.J. Wyman, Kingfield;! G. A Proctor, Rangeley, work for Ira Sedgeley. cures "weak stomach,” indigestion, or Agents. I ’ ll stop your pain free. To show dyspepsia, torpid liver, bad, thin and im­ you first—before you spend a penny— Hay Fever and Summer Colds pure blood and other diseases of the or­ what my Pink Pain Tablets can do, I gans of digestion and nutrition. Victims of hay fever will experience will mail you free, a Trial Package of The "Golden Medical Discovery ” has a great benefit by taking Foley’s Honey them—Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tablets. specific curative effect upon all mucous and Tar, as it stops difficult breathing Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, $ 20.00 surfaces and hence cures catarrh, no immediately and heals the inflamed air Period pains, etc., are due alone to matter whore located or what stage it buys this instrument. L,. passages, and even if" it should fail to blood congestion. Dr. Shoop’s Head­ may have reached. In Nasal Catarrh it cure you it will give instant relief. ache Tablets simply kill pain by coax­ is well to cleanse the passages with Dr. Latest records, $4.20Jpei The genuine is in a yellow package. ing away the unnatural blood pressure. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy fluid while using doz. Edison’s popular, en W. A. D. Cragin, Phillips; L. L. Mitch­ That is all. Address Dr. Shoop, the "Discovery ” as a constitutional rem­ ell, Kingfield. Racine. Wis. Sold bv all dealers. edy. Why the "Golden Medical Discov­ tainer. Call or(write[to ery" cures catarrhal diseases, as of the stomach, bowels, bladder and other pelvic GUY SEDGELEY,; organs will be plain to you if you will Special Sale of Bathing Suits, read a booklet of extracts from the writ­ Stratton. ings of eminent medical authorities, en­ Just received a large line of Ladies’ and Gents’ Bathing Suits, dorsing its ingredients and explaining their curative properties. It is mailed all sizes and patterns. free on request. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. This booklet gives all the Ingredients entering into Dr. Pierce’s Something New medicines from which ft will be seen that they contain riot a drop of alcohol, pure, In Gents’ summer shirts, combining soft collars, necktie and gold triple-refined glycerine being used instead. Dr. Pierce’s great thousand-page illus­ pin. New Crash Hats, 25c and 50c at trated Common Sense Medical Adviser will lie sent. free, paper-lxnind, for 21 one- cent stamps, or cloth-bound for 31 stamps. H. V . KIMBALL’S, Rangeley, Maine. Address Dr. Pierce as above. MAINE WOODSMAN, PHILLIPS, MAINE, AUGUST 16, 1907.

Farmington. shall reach Lewiston the first week in Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Nichols and little ‘Sam’ Expects to Visit Maine Salem. H. I. .Spinney was in Phillips last September and attend the State fair a daughter, Nathalie, are at New Har­ Very Soon. H. H. Rice and family were at their week where he sold a Pope Tribune few days, at least Thursday and Friday, bor, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harley A r k a n s a s C i t y , K a n s a s , cottage over Sunday. automobile to Arthur W. Me Leary. hoping to meet many old friends. Greenwood. July 29, 1907. Miss Clara Beal visited her sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Me Leary and Sam F a r m e r . Mrs. A. F. Austin went to Weld last To the Editor of Maine W oodsman: Mrs. W. S. Dodge, recently. daughter, Algie, are guests of Charles week where she will spend a week with The very sharp drought of the past A Safeguard For Every Home. Mrs. M. M. Girton is entertaining Pierce at Harpswell this week. her son, H. B. Austin, at his cottage on few weeks was broken Friday night of friends from Massachusetts. Mrs. Mittie Wade has added a new the shore of Weld pond. Even the healthiest people are always the 26th inst., with a copious shower subject to sudden attacks of sickness. Mr. and Mrs. William Everett o f ell to her cottage home, among the Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Palmer and Mr. which lasted till nearly noon and the Often the disorder assumes grave Lawrence, Mass., are visiting here. other needed improvements. and Mrs. Geo. A. Thomas are passing a next night another heavy rain fell, symptoms before medical help can be Mr. William Seaveyis ill. He is a t­ summoned, and much suffering can be Madame Lillian Nordica is to make few days at Harpswell. They made relieving the people all over the country tended by Dr. Currier. extended repairs on her birthplace. the trip by automobile. averted by having at hand the right of the fear of losing the corn crop, remedy. “ L. F.” Atwood’s Bitters Rev. J. T. Kelley of Washington, D. The house is to be painted white with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Butler went to which now has a fine prospect of a can be depended upon to give speedy C., spoke to the people here last Sab­ green blinds and is to be newly papered Machias Sunday evening on the Pull- bountiful yield, and everybody is smil­ relief in many forms of sickness. Suf­ bath. ferers from headache, indigestion, bil­ and painted on the interior. A piazza ! man, called there by the death of Mrs ing. The wheat is much better than Rev. O. F. Alvord of ew York will also be added and the walks about iousness or torpid liver will find the “ L. Butler’s father. expected and of very fine quality, all of F. ’ ’ Bitters invaluable. They act visited at W. S. Heath’s recently. the grounds are to be graveled, thus Mrs. W. F. Baldwin and daughter, which is the only assurity of good quickly and beneficially on the whole giving the place and its surroundings system—stop the pain, restore vigor to Constance, also Mrs. George A. Walker times. MONEY MAKING FARM. the i red and overworked digestive or­ an attractive appearance. of Boston, and Mrs. Hattie Bartlett of Mr. A. D. Prescott and Harry Farrar, Bordering and Overlooking Mrs. Frank Dyer of Strong was in gans, remove existing evils and pave Denver, Col., are the guests of Mr. both Franklin county boys, have just the way to sound and lasting health. An Arm of the Ocean town last week. 7 cows, pair horses, wheelbarrow, spring tooth and Mrs. A. C. Norton this week. returned from an extended trip through The “ L. F .” medicine in the house is harrow plow, two-horse mowing machine, horse Mrs. J. M. S. Hunter was in Portland Miss Agnes Greene of Woodford’s, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, reliable protection against sudden sick­ rake, cultivators, horse cart, dump cart, sleigli. riding wagon (for which he has just paid $75), 2- over Sunday. who has been visiting Miss Mabel Wyoming, Colorado and other states. ness. Can be obtained at any drug­ gist’s for 35c. seated wagon, a valuable assortment of tools, and G. C. Purington, Jr., of Boston is 30 hens will be included with this 40-acre farmj Hunter, left last week for Wilton Mr. Prescott last night gave a de­ sell milk at door; wood for home use; good or­ spending old home week with his where she will visit before returning to scription of their trip in part and what chard of 50 trees; also plum, cherry; grape vines, etc.; 9-room house, painted, with water in sink; parents. her home in Woodford’s. A Philosopher. they saw and said it is a wonderful Askitt—Why do you consider Smiley barn 36x42. seingled walls; henhouse; work house Dr. A. G. Howard and family are and new stable built last seson; fine fishing and country, though very different from a philosopher? Noitt—Because of liis boating. Owner must make quick change and spending this week at Varnum pond. West Farmington. the middle states and more like New $2,000 takes all. Farm alone is worth $2,500 if ability to bear other people’s troubles a cent. For traveling instructions to see it, see Misses Ethel Withee and Cora Pres- Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Stevens have England though much more gigantic. with fortitude.—Kansas City Independ­ No. 12',634. page 7, “ Strout’s List, No. 19” ; just son were recent visitors in Portland. been visiting friends in town. out; copy f tee. E. A. Strout Co., 335 Water St., The mountains are much higher, the ent. Augusta Me. S. O. Tarbox, Jr., and a party went Mrs. John Hunt’s brother made her tops being capped with snow. On their to Bigelow the first of the week, mak­ a visit last week. way they spent a few days in Los ing the trip by auto. The most of our farmers have got Angeles and called on a few friends, COOL REFRESHING DRINKS. Miss Mittie Fairbanks of Boston is pretty well along with their haying. among whom was Mr. E. A. Roger spending a few days at her home here. James Huse and wife from the west from Rangeley and Mrs. Emma Davis, College Ice with Pure Crushed Fruit. Mr. and Mrs. John Allen Sweet were have returned from Mrs. Fanny Nile’ s mother and daughter, who are living in Ice Cream Soda at in Portland a few days recently. The and are now stopping at Ralph an elegant home in Los Angeles and in trip was made by automobile. Ellsworth’s. comfortable health. They said the NORTON’S, FARMINGTON, MAINE. Mrs. W. W. Small recently suffered Rev. E. S. Longly is away on his daughter is a charming young lady and a very severe attack of tonsihtis, but vacation. He has decided to place his moves in the best of society and that is now much better. resignation in the hands of the church Mrs. Record is in the best of health Miss Frances S. Belcher of New York officials and they will not accept it so and has grown old but little in her Youths, Come Here for Your Suits City is enjoying a few weeks with her he will stay his year out, which will be looks. parents, Major and Mrs. S. Clifford until December. We are all very glad They next visited Portland, Oregon, 50 per cent Discount on all clothing for boys from 8 to 15 to hear it. Belcher. a few days, thence to Seattle where years, just Half Price. Mrs. Dana Hamlin o f Temple and they saw A. J. Blethen, formerly con­ Mrs. S. R. Norton went to Wilton last nected with the Abbott school for boys Men’s Outing Suits Sold this week at 50 per cent discount. week to the Larrabee sale and found in Farmington, now editor of the Men’s Shirts Half Price. New Khaki things very reasonable. Seattle Times and has become very Mrs. Irene Bass, who has been visit­ wealthy and is estimated to be worth Yours while they last at ing friends in town, left for her home $250,000. He is a large stock owner in in Belfast Monday. Cloth for suits that paper, valued at a half million J. E.^McLEARY’S, Flora Deane was operated on for ap­ dollars, another financier from Frank­ Broadway, Farmington. Both Phones. pendicitis a few days ago. She is doing lin county, Maine. (Neglected to 19c per yd. well. mention their few days’ visit in San Sunday school at the Red schoolhouse Francisco. They next visited Spokane 1 lot percale suits marked js progressing finely and increasing in and Colorado Springs on their way down from $1.25 to $1.00 numbers. Every seat is filled and it is home. They enjoyed a trip on the GUSHEE FURNITURE CO. expected that arrangements will soon Columbia river and investigated the and $1.00 to 79c. be made for more seats. salmon fisheries and how they are Infants' slips and short Charles Greene has lumber on his caught by running them into a box as premises for a new stable. ARTISTS’ MATERIALS dresses from 25c to $2.50 1 they come do\vn the river and when the Mattie Kennedy has gone home for a | box is full are shut off and the big each. short vacation. fellows taken out. A great deal more A large assortment to select from including paints, 1 lot ginghams, good Janie Leeman fell from a load of could be said but space forbids. hay and broke both bones of her right Rumors were current here that these brashes, oil and varnishes, academy board. Canvas styles, 8c per yard. arm. gentlemen were making the trip with stretchers made to order. 1 lot of A. F. C. ging­ view to invest money, which is entirely Eustis. denied by them. It does not look hams, regular price 12c, The blueberry pickers are beginning reasonable that two men owning 40,000 to come. my price 10c per yard. acres of land in Kansas and any amount A large line of new picture moulding just received. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parnell have gone Large line of dress goods. of city property here, would for a to Big island to work at Dr. Paine’ s moment think of absenting themselves Send for samples. private carry. from their homes here. Mrs. Harry Secord has a cat named GUSHEE FURNITURE CO., Mr. Prescott told the writer there Teddy that walked nearly 20 miles ARBO C. NORTON, are many places in the southwest, west through the woods. She walked from and northwest for intelligent men to 31 and 33 Main Street, Adam’s Block Big Island Camps to The Chimes and 14 & 16 Broadway make fortunes but when it is all summed Charles Smart found her at The Chimes up and the millions of acres of the rich and brought her out here. She was Farmington, Maine. prairie soil that need no fertilizers for Farmington, Maine. sent back to Big island. so many years and the mild climate in the middlefstates, there is no better Tel 141-2 Dallas. place for one* to spend their days and Be Good to Your Complexion Mr. William Oakes has bought him enjoy making trips either to east or and buy your TOILET another farm down to Dead River west than Kansas, that being the SUPPLIES of station. center. CRESSEY & ALLEN HARDY & TARBOX, Mr. James Searles, wife and daugh­ There is no better place for one to You are cordially invited to call and examine our pianos PRESCRIPTION PHARMACISTS. ter, were the guests of Mrs. Charles enjoy the summer than Maine and in whether you contemplate buying or not, Ivers Pond, Yose Adams one day last week. & & Farmington, - - . Maine. California in winter. And when the Sons, Regent, Chickering and others. Also ask to see our Victor Fancy Stationery a Specialty. Miss Della Adams, who has been at nation owns the railroads and inter- work at the Mooselookmeguntic House, urban railroads are constructed, as they Talking Machines and hear our latest records. Would you enjoy a good meal? Call has finished work and gone home. are sure to be built, then life will be CRESSEY & ALLEN, Charles H. Adams has finished hay­ at worth living. It is not the high priced 6 Masonic Block The New Up to Date Cafe. ing for Mr. Sylvader Hinkley. fares that make money for the rail­ Lovell Nile and Sylvester Brackett roads, but the big crowds that cannot FARMINGTON, * MAINE. Regular meals 25c. Weekly rate have bought out Mr. Hinkley’s meat afford to pay high fares, which has been I. C. Foss Manager $3.50. business. demonstrated by all the big cities who Open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 9|p. m. Maine Tel. 117-5 L. E. WEEKS, 42 Main St., Farmington The raspberries and blueberries are have interurbans running in all direc­ very thick this year. tions carrying people many miles for a When In Farmington We have had a lot of rainy weather few cents. We are soon expecting to this year. have one in Arkansas City. You may find the very best livery service at Roderick Brackett is taking in wash­ Howard Gould’s Stables. Smart hitches at reaon- Mrs. A. D. Prescott will, in a few able prices. ing and ironing for Pickford’s folks. days, go to Colorado Springs for an EVER SEE AN OIL CAN Boarding and Baiting. David Gray and his brother, Montell, outing. Her health has been quite poor We make a specialty of buying and selling horses are to work for Mr. Fred Lamb in hay­ for a few weeks and was informed a HOWARD GOULD, Far m ington. Me.____ ing. few minutes ago by telephone from Mrs. Alice W orthley that Mrs. Edna ABSOLUTELY NON-LEAKABLE ?l Underwood, her daughter, will leave The Empire Madrid. A NEW Faucet in the breast, Kansas City for the same place this Haying is yet in order. (POTBNTEO) avoids dripping when week with the hope of getting relief A. S. Douglass has finished haying. Steam Laundry from her rheumatic troubles. IDEA can is notin use and Will Berry of Farmington is in town Mrs. Farmer has so much improved in for a short time. protects faucet from is fast gaining a reputation for health that I am planning to go to Maine Artemus Wing, wife and Vivian, doing first-class work. The peo­ soon and if nothing happens to prevent being jammed in ple rather patronize a home in­ were guests o f Mr. and Mrs. J. C. c a r r y in g dustry when they can get just Wells recently. / as good work. The business of Vance Whitney and nephew, Master Free, for Catarrh, just to prove UNUSUALLY SUBSTANTIAL Drake, of Portland were seen recently merit, a Trial size Box of Dr. Shoop’s this laundry is fast increasing IN CONSTRUCTION with packs on their backs. They re­ Catarrh Remedy. Let me send it now. and its patrons are among the It is a snow-white, creamy, healing, best dressed people in the state. sembled hungry and tired urchins. antiseptic balm. Containing such PRICE Cap. 5 GiVLS.| Mrs. Emeline Dunham is assisting healing ingredients as Oil Eucalyptus, / Geo. S. McLeod & H. S. Baker, Mrs. John Wing who is in poor health, Thymol, Menthol, etc., it gives instant for a few days. and lasting relief to Catarrh of the Phillips Hardware Co., Managers & Proprietors nose and throat. Make the free test Raspberries have been numerous and FOR. Farmington, Maine. and see for yourself what this prepara­ so have been the pickers. Phillips, Maine. tion can and will accomplish. Address KWIESTER Save your bundle for Hollis Do not forget the Dunham reunion Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Large jars the 22d at William Dunham’s. 50 cents. Sold by all dealers. Holt, Agent, Philips. MAINE WOODSMAN, PHILLIPS, MAINE, AUGUST 16, 1907.

Mrs. Ray Hinkley has been quite ill Phillips and Vicinity for the past week but is now some­ what better. Rev. J. B. Lapham, former presiding "*Mr. J H. Bell is having a few days’ elder of this district, preached at the fishing at Redington, with good results. Methodist church last Sunday. Mr. Miss Etta Taylor of the Northeastern Lapham is now working for the Telephone company was in Rangeley Christian Civic league of Maine. The one day last week, the guest of Miss usual services will be held in the Elsie Badger. Telephone Connections. Methodist church Sunday afternoons but the next prayer meeting will be Mr. Daniel Wells has purchased the Toothaker stock between the two August 28. Sedgeley, Hoyt & Co. villages, formerly occupied by Mr. E. Rev. H. A. Clifford is president of R. Toothaker. We understand that the Monmouth Academy association Mr. Wells intends to put in a line of which met in Monmouth, August 14. AUGUST ready-made clothing, etc. North Franklin Pomona Grange will Mr. A. W. McLeary has sold his hold a field day meeting on the camp Pope Hartford to Mr. H. I. Spinney of Everybody can, if they wish, buy bar­ grounds at Strong on Wednesday, Farmington and has purchased another August. 28. State Master Gardner, gains at our store this month. machine of Mr. Spinney. Hon. M. L. Merrill of St. Albans and B. Walker McKeen of Fryeburg are Mr. and Mrs. Dana Aldrich and Mr. August is the one month out of the NOW READY expected to be present and speak. and Mrs. R. H. McMullen were at twelve when we sell goods below cost. Everybody is welcome. Basket picnic. Greene’s Farm one day the first of the Aurora Grange will furnish coffee. week. In August of last year our sales were The Fall Styles, The teachers in the several schools Mrs. Hoyt of Wilton has been in large, if we beat last year’s record and we of Avon for the fall term are as fol­ town for the past week canvassing. lows: Town House, Ina M. Harris, While here she has been the guest of shall try to, our only chance is to sell stiff and soft hats. Salem; Worthley school, Bertha M. Mrs. Alice Toothaker. Beede, Phillips; Mile Square,' Alice F. Mr. W. S. Toothaker is in Gardiner goods below cost. True, Phillips; Mt. Blue, Bessie Web­ this week where he is in charge o f some Please notice the ster, West Freeman; Cushman school, changes Supt. Lawton is making on the Lillian M. Locklin, West Freeman. Kennebec Central railroad. new shapes in the The second annual reunion of the Mr. G. B. Carpenter spent Sunday in teachers, pupils, and friends of W ill's Rangeley this week. Crossing school, District No. 8, Avon, Mr. Joseph Barden and family have Jubilee Derby, the will be held in Sweet's grove in Avon moved to Kingfield where they will Tuesday, August 20. Picnic dinner. make their home in the future. The twelfth annual reunion of the Mr. Aruna Berry has taken rent in DRUGS AND MEDICINES DRUGS AND MEDICINES best fitting stiff hat Stevens family will be held at the the Macomber house at the upper camp ground in Strong, Thursday, Aug. village. 29. Picnic dinner. Mr. R. O. Dill o f ■ Dixfield was in ever offered at Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Burnham of town one day the first of the week. Lancaster, N. H., were in Phillips this Mr. and Mrs. George B. Dill and two week. children of Everett, Mass., are visiting $ . . Mr. N. P. Noble, superintendent of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elbridge 2 00 schools, has arranged for the opening of Dill. They made the trip from Everett the rural schools in Phillips oh Monday, in their auto. NewTelescope Aug. 19, with teachers as follows: Miss Gladys Dutton is spending a few Reed school, Carrie H. Soule; Prescott, days in Rangeley with her friend, Miss T H E BLUE LINE (Madrid Station) Daisy C. Davenport; Fern Voter. shapes in soft hats, Blethen, Rena M. Hinds; Cushman, Harold Hoyt, Rinaldo Brann and Gertrude V. Cushman; teachers and Donald Goldsmith spent three days last TO HEALTH date of opening for village schools to week camping on the island in Reding­ Black, Pearl, Mole, be announced later. ton pond. The boys had a grand good The Dunham and Kinney reunion time with plenty of Redington trout. This interesting little book­ will be held at Wm. Dunham’s Thurs­ Mrs. Lizzie Hammond and two chil­ Acorn, etc., $1.50 day, Aug. 22. dren of Coplin are visiting her parents, Messrs. Ralph and Robie Davis of Mr. and Mrs. Elbridge Dill. let has been put into the Brockton, Mass., have been in-town for Mrs. Alice Robbins o f Strong was in and $2.00. the past week, the guests of Mr. and town this week, the guest o f Mrs. Dana hands of each family in our Mrs. Norris Hackett. Aldrich. Miss Myra Dill of Livermore Falls Mrs. James Mitchell of Rangeley Tourist shapes, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. was in town Tuesday, the guest of Mrs. village and every family on and Mrs. Elbridge Dill. Fred Masterman. Mrs. Johanna Jenkins has been suf­ Mrs. Alberta Grover is visiting Mrs. the four R. F. D. Routes. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. fering this week from a severe attack Ervin Parker this week. o f indigestion but is somewhat better. Mrs. Amanda Lavender o f Pasadena, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Morse of Brook­ Cal., and Mrs. George Lowell o f West Many people have already Golf caps, 50c. lyn, N. Y., and Round Mountain Farmington were the guests of Mr. Camps, Eustis, were in town Saturday, and Mrs. Edward Greenwood last perused its interesting pages en route for camp where they will week. Yacht caps, 50c spend a month. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Greenwood and j and are feeling better for the Mrs. Diana Aldrich is spending a few Mr. and Mrs. Angier Jacobs were in weeks with friends in Rangeley and Kingfield Sunday in their automobiles. and $1.00. Redington. Master Mason Russell of Rangeley is instruction received there­ Mrs. Frank Hinkley and two children I the guest o f his aunt, Mrs. Edward spent a few days this week in Range- Greenwood, this week. from. This is right. Read Leather Auto ley, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Selden Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Brackett of Hinkley. Harper’s Ferry, W. Va.r have been Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Noble spent the visiting their daughter, Mrs. Celeste it carefully, you will be sure caps, $1.50. Sabbath at their camp on Rangeley Brackett Newcomer, at Boxwood, Va. lake. t They will remain until late in August to find much that is useful and expect to be joined there by their Boys’ caps, 25c oldest daughter, Mrs. Mary Brackett Robertson, of Chevy Chase^ Maryland. and many truths that can be REACH THE SPOT. S. B. Wing is visiting his daughter, and 50c. Mrs. Hayden Plummer, for a couple of daily of use in any family. To- cure an aching back, weeks. The pains of rheumatism, Mrs. Eva Bradbury of Medford, The tired-out feelings, Mass., is the guest o f Mrs. E. H. You must reach the spot—get at! tks Shepard. Her mother, Mrs, S. W. At the cause. Parlin, also accompanied her. W. A. D. CRAGIN, In most cases 'tis the kidneys. Mrs. Day of Boston and Miss Ever- Doan’s Kidney Pills are for the kid­ dene Shepard spent several days last Comer Store, No. 1 Beal Block, neys. week at the latter’s cottage at Long Clothing Store. Charles Bierbach, stone contractor, pond. living at 2625 Chestnut St., Erie, Pa., says: “For two Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Field and Mr. years I had kidney, and Mrs. C. E. Cragin spent Sunday at Main Street, Phillips, Maine. trouble, and there Sandy River pond. was such a severe H. F. Beedy, Esq., and wife have pain through my, been at home this week from their loins and limbs that cottage at Long pond. I could not stoopi Eben Newman is in Weld. or straighten up Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Parker, who D. F. HOYT, without great pain, have been at Ocean Park for a week, had difficulty in get­ returned home this week. ting about and was unable to rest at Mrs. A. N. Tourtellotte of Nashua, night, arising in the N. H., who is visiting her brother, Mr. PRICES TO CLOSE OUT. morning tired and H. R. Butterfield, in Phillips, is visiting No. 5 Beal Block, worn ouf. The kid­ relatives in Weld this week. 25c Children’s Tan Hose, - 12 l-2c ney secretions were Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Bartlett of 10c Hose, irregular and de­ Berlin, N. H., are in town this week. 7c posited a heavy sedi­ Mrs. L. S. Goodwin and daughter, 25c Hose, - 19c ment, Doctors treated me for rheu­ Mrs. N. S. Rice, of Cambridge, Mass., matism, but failed to help me. I lost are visiting their daughter and sister, Ladies’ 62c Union Suits, . . . Phillips, Maine. allconfidence in medicine, but Doan’s 39c Kidney Pills relieved me so quickly Mrs. J. M. Wheeler. Ladies’ $1.00 Union Suits, - and so thoroughly that I gladly made & The marriage of Mr. Brice Pease and 79c statement to that effect for publication. Miss Belle Sampson will occur this 50c Corsets, 39c This was in 1898, and during the six Thursday evening. Friday evening Agency for the Universal years which have elapsed I have never there will be a reception at the home 50c Dress Goods, - 35c known Doan’s Kidney Pills to fail.’1' of the bride. All are invited. All $1.00 Dress Goods, - A FREE TRIAL of this great kidney E. E. Field and party are camping in 79c medicine which cured Mr. Bierbach will Madrid on Lot 7, Range 5, making a Steam Laundry. be mailed on application to any part of survey of the Elias Thomas land in MRS. FLORENCE H. WILBUR, the United States. Address Foster-Mil- Madrid. They will be there about ten burn Co., Buffalo, N. ¥. For sale by days longer. all druggists; price, 50 cents per box. No. 6 Beal Block, - Phillips, Me. MAINE WOODSMAN, PHILLIPS, MAINE, AUGUST 16, 1907.

Strong. visiting her parents, has returned to Will and Harold Flint are in Portland Harold Welch and Edgar McPhail her home in Gardiner. with Co. K of Farmington. HATAHWAY SHIRTS, $1.00 were in Farmington recently. Miss Edith Haines of Lowell, Mass., Henry Sprague of Farmington does Mrs. 0. H. Hersey and daughter of is a guest at M. A. Will’s. not seem to get much better. He is Why not pay $1.00 for your summer shirts and be well Portland are stopping at J. C. Terrill's. Misses Hermia and Ella Beal have still a very sick man. dressed. Mrs. Margie Butters and daughter of returned from a trip to Long pond. Some members of the F. M. I. C. are Cambridge, Mass., have been visiting Mrs. P. W. Mason is visiting in working on the building at the camp The Hathaway leads them all. Just received a large at W. L. Jones’s. Portland. ground trying to get it finished before Friday next. There is about $60 sub­ assortment. Mrs. Stephen Pratt is visiting her Mrs. C. B. Luce and Miss Laura scribed beside what will be used of the daughter, Mrs. L. P. Rackliffe, in Wa- Luce are visiting relatives in Flagstaff. club’s money. E. W. LORING, - Strong, Maine. terville. Mrs. C. H. Pease has gone to Dix- We understand Edwin Moore had a The Brackley reunion was held on field for a short visit. very strange experience one day last Northeastern Telephone 38-6. the camp ground Thurday afternoon. Miss Florence Crosby is visiting her week. It seems he had taken gas to A fine time was enjoyed by all. aunt in Rangeley. have some teeth extracted and while in Mrs. N. J. Foster and daughter of Mrs. E. W. Loring is entertaining a semiconscious state he wandered Boothbay Harbor are visiting Mrs. Mrs. Fred Watson of Portland. about town, bowing and smiling to all Foster’s daughter, Mrs. E. R. Sprague. Mr. and Mrs. E. Simpson of Win- he met. He finally strolled into Dyer’ s Walter Bradford is home from throp are visiting their parents, Mr. drug store, helped himself to a seat Rangeley where he has been at work and Mrs. Gilbert Eustis. and took a quiet nap, after which he this summer. Mrs. P. H. Stubbs is the guest o f came to himself. People who saw him At the residence of Mrs. Belle her daughter, Mrs. Oscar Peterson, in were sure “ Ed was off his legs” and for Knowlton on Wednesday of last week Cornish. sure he was. occurred the marriage of her daughter, Mrs. Alice Quimby Bigelow and two Allen camp meeting at Strong begins Clare Mabelle, to Atherton M. Ross, daughters arrived at William Albee's Fridav. M. L)., o f Rangeley. Both are well- Tuesday evening from New Britain, known people of Strong and Phillips. Conn., to spend a few weeks' visit with West’s Mills. Their many friends wish them much friends in Strong and Freeman. Some have finished haying and others joy and happiness. The twelfth annual reunion of the Miss Freda Mitchell is able to be out have not, while some we know of have Durrell family will be held with Mr. not begun, as they put what time they doors once more since her recent acci­ and Mrs. Herbert Parker at their home dent. could get somewhere else and if good in Fairbanks, Maine, Thursday, Au­ Mrs. E. F. Partridge of Massachu­ weather comes they will be very glad to gust 29, 1907. Picnic dinner. improve it. setts has been visiting at R. E. W. G. D u r r e l l , Secretary. Burns’s. Several men are working on the roads in town, trying to get them in Mrs. Walter Daggett attended the South Strong. suitable conditions fo r passing. The 50th anniversary of her great uncle, The raspberries have been unusually bridges are all built that went out William Parsons, at North New Port­ plenty this year and all who could, have in the awful electric storm of land last Friday. been berrying during the poor hay July 20. Mrs. Lucy Pratt, Mrs. Mattie Gilkey weather. Mr. E. H. Emery, a worker in the and daughter, Grace, and a friend Nellie Brackley and children were at * A Christian Civic league o f Maine, ex­ drove up from Farmington Saturday E. L. Johnson’s Thursday. hibited at the church Wednesday afternoon and took dinner on the camp Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor of Strong Box o f evening, August 7, and gave some very ground. were in town one day recently. interesting talks on temperance, etc., Liggett's Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Walker and Calvin Moore has finished haying, with moving pictures. Mrs. H. J. Bates visited Mrs. L. L. also F. A. Flint and Louis Partridge. Miss Gertrude Richardson of Mon­ Saturday Partridge at South Strong Saturday. Burton Moore is at work for Harry mouth has been visiting her uncle, Rev. The temperance lecture given by Smith. Candy G. A. Tinkham, for a few days. E. H. Emery in the Congregational A large deer is doing much damage Mr. Geo. Cain and Ina M. Lovejoy church Friday evening was a great to Harry Smith’s oat piece. Harry High quality and low price do not generally Jock arms, but Liggett’* took a trip to Wilton Friday and re­ Saturday Candy is the exception — you find them solidly linked together benefit to all present. says if Mr. Carleton doesn't look after turned Saturday. Miss Lovejoy went in every pound. E. O. Will of Brunswick was a guest his property better, there will be more The candy delights the taste, tickles the "palate and nourishes the to Anson Sunday, where she is en­ at C. B. Richardson’s the first of the to it. Don’t say a word, Harry, just stomach. It is absolutely pure. Even little tots can eat it with beneficial gaged to work at R. B. Norton’s, week. coax him to stay around a little longer results. We limit the sale of this candy to Saturdays, and sell it at 29c. a lb George Bean of North West Farm­ Miss Gladys Gilman has returned to and we’ll all dine on venison steak. ington was in town Sunday. C. E. DYER, Druggist. Strong Maine. her home in Livermore Falls. L. A. Worthley was through here on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kennedy of New Benjamin Jones of Lewiston is home his way to Farmington with a fine load Vineyard visited at Andrew Kennedy’s Near Lewiston, Maine for a few days. of veal calves for market Monday last. NEW SHOE STORE IN STRONG over Sunday. Ralph and Robie Davis o f Brockton, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Clark are en­ Fine orchard farm of 46 acres within three miles I Norman Fowle and Harry Lovejoy of Lewiston and Auburn. Electric cars pass j Men's, Women’ s. Boys’ and Children s hoes of Mass., were visitors in town last week. tertaining company from away. door; near school and neighbors. 500 young apple have gone to North Anson to work in trees of best winter varieties just commencing to j the latest fashions, at prices to suit all. Repair­ Mrs. Wilma Chapman is in Phillips Louis Partridge had the misfortune bear, and will soon bring in a good income. ing: o f all kinds. the sawmill. this week. to cut his hand quite badly Saturday Fields cutting 30 tons of hay, pasture for five j E. D. ROSS, Strong, Maine Mrs. Emma Ellis is assisting at C. C. cows; good 8-room house; barn 36x40; hay carrier Mrs. A. F. Goldsmith, who has been morning. and collar; tool and wagon house; all in good re­ J. H. Bell Store. Campbell’s. pair. Can sell house lots if desired. A fine loca­ tion; price reduced to $5,300, with one-half down Mr. Oliver Goding is very low and it to settle estate. Frank L. Sanborn. Sabattus Me. is not expected that he can survive C . V . STARBIRD, long. Chesley Pinkham was called to This was, indeed, a sad ending to so Walter A. Wood and Deering Mow­ short a visit. His daughters returned ing Machines and repairs. New York Farmington on Friday last by the Champion Rake. BUILDING MATERIAL death of his brother, James Pinkham. to Fowler with the remains, where the Manufacturer of Building Finish, interment took place. Moulding sand Hard Wood Floor. It is with much regret we publish t^e He leaves one brother in Maine, the Dealer in General Merchandise, Boots following account of the sudden death last of a family of eight. At his and Shoes. We carry a full line of doors, windows, blinds, of our old friend and esteemed towns­ death he was 76 years, 6 months. Strong, Maine. man, Mr. George Meader, of Fowler, He lived an exemplary life and left stair and piazza rails, balusters, posts, brackets, Ind., who only recently came to visit the world better than he found it. his brother, R. F. Meader. He was R. F. M. accompanied by his two daughters and J. Hutchinson, nails, shingles, etc. If you are in need of goods in his little grandson. Lexington. Carriage repairing and paint­ George Meader was born in Allen’s A few days of fine weather last week Mills, Maine, and lived there until a ing. Harness repairing. this line let us quote you prices. helped the farmers to secure their hay young man. He went to Indiana some crop which they have been so long try­ STRONG, MAINE. 47 years ago, and by his ability and ing to get. Over True Luce’s shop perseverance won for himself success. James Pinkham, who has been sick so He was an inventor and was granted & WILL, long, passed away Friday morning, DAGGETT many patents on many inventions; be­ August 9, at the home of his brother, Just a Few More Hats Left sides thiB he was a prosperous farmer. George Pinkham. His remains were Mr. Meader married Hepsey Rogers, Strong, Maine taken to Farmington for burial. These will be sold at cost during the Store Near Station, a lady from his own native town. He It is reported that blueberries are remainder of July and August. chose wisely an agreeable companion quite plenty at Dead River and teams $6.00 hats marked down to $4.00 and a great helpmeet. She passed are passing through town daily on their $5.00 hats marked down to $3.00 away two months previous to his death. way to the blueberry grounds. $4.00 hats marked down to $2.50 They accumulated a good property Pedler Furber was in town Friday. $3.00 hats marked down to $1.75 and became well off financially. They Delay is dangerous when the eyes need attention. Every day that eyes Miss Elsie Nutting has been at work Shirt Waists, 89c, 98c, $1.29, $1.69, which need glasses are forced to work without them is making them so much leave three daughters and a son, all $1.98 $2.19. for Mrs. Appleton Webb. worse. having families and settled near If headaches or anything else lead you to think that you may need glasses, Mrs. Fred Ford has been spending a Fowler. MRS. E. R. SPRAGUE, I earnestly urge you not to wait any longer, but come to my office at once and few days with her parents, Mr. and Mr. Meader was a thorough musician find out. Mrs. George Pinkham. Mr. Ford has and for many years was the leading Strong, - - Me. been up river haying. C. B. RICHARDSON, Optician and Jeweler, Strong, Maine. bass in Franklin; Kennebec and Penob­ Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Pinkham are scot counties at musical conventions made happy over the birth of a 10- led by Professor B. F. Baker o f Boston, pound boy. Mass. He arrived at Madison July 29. A fter PIANOS. Hammock Weather West Weld. visiting relatives there he came to Miss Elsie A. Flagg visited Gladys W est’s Mills and visited Mrs. E. M. The Henry F. Miller Grand Black at Hon. F. W. Patterson’s, where and Sade Brown recently. Ida Snowman visited Mrs. J. E. and Upright Pianofortes. We carry a nice line of they were highly entertained. From The business establishedlmore there they went to the old home place, Hutchins last week. M. M. Moy and wife visited Mrs. than 40 years, always under one Allen’s Mills, arriving. there Saturday Moy’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. management and today retaining HAMMOCKS p. m., August 3. He and his party its original personality. were entertained at Mr. Goldsmith’s. Holt. Martin Moy and Charlie Smith are The Miller is the artistic* Piano The following Monday all took a sail to cut the hay on what is known as forte of America. Its individu­ at prices to suit. This summer time around Clear Water pond, and he ex­ ality invites the attention of all pressed himself as already feeling bet­ the John Snowman place. Fred McGrath is at work for E. L. interested in the Finest Art Prod­ weather reminds one of the Hammock. ter and said he felt that he was well re­ ucts of the World. paid for his journey there. While he Holt. A line of Artistic Pianofortes, Farmers, Take Notice. We sell all was eating his dinner he was stricken the Henry F. Miller, Briggs, Dav­ with a paralytic shock, from which he “ Regular as the Sun’ ’ enport & Treacy, and 20 other kinds of Haying Tools, Paris Green died the following Thursday forenoon. is an expression as old as the race. No doubt the rising and setting of the sun well-known makes. and Bug Death. is the most regular performance in the Piles get quick and certain relief universe, unless it is the action of the S. G. WHEELWRIGHT, from Dr. Shoop’s Magic Ointment. liver and bowels when regulated with Please note it is made alone for Piles, Dr. King’ s New Life Pills. Guaranteed BYRON & FOGG, and its action is positive and certain. by W. A. D. Cragin, Phillips; L. L. Piano Dealer, Itching, painful, protruding or blind Mitchell, Kingfield; C. E. Dyer, Strong; iles, disappear like magic by its use. E. H. Whitney, Rangeley, Druggists. Elarge nickel-capped glass jars 50 cents. 50c. East Dixfield, - Maine, Strong, - Maine. Sold by all dealers. MAINE WOODSMAN, PHILLIPS, MAINE, AUGUST 16, 1907. 8 Mrs. Fred O’Brien of Avon was ar­ Farm Notes. Phillips Mrs. F. M. Nelson and daughter of MUNICIPAL COURT. and Vicinity* South Boston are visiting Mr. and Mrs. rested by Deputy Sheriff Bell last We have mentioned the Dill brothers fine oat field in Phillips, now if they Mr. O. A. Badger, a former resident C. A. Mahoney o f Phillips, JUVENILE OFFENSES FORM CHIEF Wednesday and brought before Trial o f Phillips, arrived in town Tuesday A Phillips man, who isn’t much of a BUSINESS IN RECENT SESSION. Justice Cony M. Hoyt on complaint of would tell the particular method em­ evening from Casino, VV is., where he farmer, says since the arrival of pota- her niece, Mrs. Fred Childs, who al­ ployed in raising them they would con­ toe bugs years ago he hasn’t seen any The Wood Boys Are Again Arraigned For has resided for the past 39 years. Mr. leged assault and battery. Nobody fer a benefit to other readers of the Badger will be the guest of his brother, potato balls. Breaking and Entering and Larceny. appearing to testify against Mrs. W o o d s m a n . W. S. Badger, during his stay in town. Mrs. Sarah Bradbury of Portland is Two Boys Prom Industry Sentenced O’Brien she was discharged. C. E. Dill, Beedy brothers and W. S. Dr. W. H. Hawkins of Lewiston was the guest of Mrs. Alice Toothakey. For Malicious Mischief. in Phillips this week on an automobile Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Peary and little Hodges are among the few who fin­ If business in Junior criminal conduct tr ip through the county. son, Ellwood, of Madison visited Phillips DOUGHERTY ISLAND. ished haying last week. Walter has continues at its present pace in the Mr. and Mrs. George L. Smith and in their Stanley automobile this week. qlso cut hay around Berlin Mills landing municipal court, Judge Locke may daughter, Miss Belle, of Augusta, Mrs. Harry Bell is beautifying his resi­ It Is the Most Remote and Desolate and next week expects, with two men deem it wise to recommend to the Francis Bridgham of Bridgton, Mrs. dence on upper Main street with a new Spot on Earth. and three horses, to get Judge Morri­ county the establishment of a Juvenile' Which is the loneliest, most desolate Mary Kimball of Boston, Mrs. Nettie coat of paint. son's hay on the Walker place. * court, where youthful offenders may and most inaccessible island on the Gray of Portland and her granddaugh­ Rural delivery clerk, Mr. Marshall Will Mitchell and J. R. Doyen are receive special judicial attention. face of the globe? Many people would ter, Miss Marion Smith, were in town Davenport, is enjoying a two weeks’ also among those who have finished For the past two weeks the only of­ doubtless plump for one of the Crozets, to attend the West Phillips reunion. vacation. His daughter, Minnie A ., is haying. The hay of the latter was fenders who have appeared before the in the south Atlantic ocean. And yet Sherman Smith of Waterville is visit­ his very competent substitute. cut by Norman Calden, done by the court have been boys under 15 years of Hog island, the westernmost of the ing his cousin, Mrs. William True. Lin wood E. Clark of Wilton has been group, Is by no means an undesirable job. I think Hezekiah Lufkin had Mrs. Chester Hight and Mrs. Helen in town this week canvassing for a age. place of residence, abounding as it some of the stoutest grass on this road. Fresh from their recent court experi­ Smith of Strong were in town Wednes­ medical book. does in hares and rabbits, penguins, As a whole the hay crop will be about ence when they were called to answer day of this week. Miss Alice Hood went to Rumford albatrosses and sea elephants. 90 per cent of last year’s crop. How for the charge of the larceny of $38 Misses Olive and Edith Stanley of Falls Thursday morning where she Herd island, in the same seas, is so much good hay has gone into the from Frank L. Butler’s grain store, far more isolated as well as more bar­ Farmington are visiting Mrs. Rufus spent a few days. barns is almost a mystery. ren. but it possesses, as does Hog, a Miss Shirley Holt and brother, Hollis, the Wood boys, Ardine and Melville, on B eede. shelter hut for castaways, and it is In my diary of the 8th inst., is The evening service at the Union Wednesday of last week again ap­ went to Dixfield Thursday morning visited by whalers occasionally. So, written: Signs of a dry spell. I hope church next Sunday evening will take peared before Judge Locke to answer where they will visit for a time. too, is South Georgia, but it has no this is not to be true, for in spite of all the form of a thank offering service in for a similar offence perpetrated at the C. J. Beedy and A. A. Sanborn of shelter hut, and as it is right out of the bad hay weather of last month the charge of the Phillips auxiliary of the store of the W. W. Small Co. The Somerville, Mass., are visiting their the track of shipping any one unlucky streams are low and the ground has Free Baptist Woman’s Missionary so­ offenders had entered through a window enough to be cast away thereon would sister, Mrs. George Batchelder. They little water in it. ciety. attended the reunion on Wednesday. in the basement and from thence stand a very poor chance of ever get­ Bell Beedy o f Gardiner was in town through a trap door to the store. The ting off alive. Potato beetles have been thick, wise only goods the company was absolutely Bouvet island, in the same seas, is are those who apply bordeaux or boxal WANTS, FOR SALE, ETC. this week and attended the reunion. sure had been stolen was an Iver visited even more rarely, and on the and thus kill beetles and guard against Price i cent a word each insertion Levi Shepard of Princeton, Mass., is Johnson revolver. This was later last occasion when a ship touched future rot. Apples on the intervale Stamps or cash with order. visiting his nephew, E. H. Shepard, found to be in the possession of the there five corpses were found frozen farms are nearly none, on the hills No advertisement accepted in this department whom he has not seen since the latter on the beach, grim mementos of some boys’ father, Mr. Wood. there will be a fair crop. unless paid for in advance. was six years of age. unrecorded tragedy of the sea. Pos­ L. V. Winship and daughter, Rachel, The defence claimed .that this revol­ session Island, in its turn, is still Will Calden has been helping the Dill a man who recently advertised in this column of Auburn were in town this week. ver had been found in the tool chest on lonelier and more inhospitable than brothers who expect to finish haying for hotel help informs Maine W oods that he received 25 replies and hired ;the people that he They attended the W est Phillips the old transfer on the Sandy River Bouvet. this week. Will and Russell Campbell wanted as a result of the advertisement, which railroad at Farmington by Joe Boston. But probably the palm In this direc­ cost very little. reunion. will help Walter Hodges in cutting Mr. Mrs. C. E. Parker, Mrs. C. F. The prosecution failed in the evidence tion must be ascribed to Dougherty Morrison’s hay. T OST—Between Strong and North Strong, la- Chandler, Mrs. Eva Toothaker and to connect the boys with the case and island, on which, so far as is known, -*-J dies’ hand bag, containing gold bracelet and no landing has ever been effected. It For a change, if the day is fine, take two gold rings. Finder please leave at Sprague’s Mrs. J. W. Brackett drove to New they were discharged. The revolver store. Strong, Maine. has only been sighted twice in a cen­ the road over the hill, going or coming, Vineyard Thursday to attend the was identified by the W. W . Small Co. to West Phillips and take your field OTICE—I am prepared to furnish the best of tury and is officially described in the milk and cream, also skim milk. Extra Pomona Grange meeting. and returned to them. admiralty sailing directions as “ the glass with you. Coming down that orders delivered at any time of day. Order by ’phone. Telephone 30-5. Charles F. Ross. On Wednesday, July 31, two Industry most remote and isolated spot on way by the busy haymakers we could earth.” —Pearson’s Weekly. FAMP TO LET. Keep house yourself. Prices N e w A dvertisememts . boys, Norman Fowler and Arthur Fick- but notice that splendid field o f oats reasonable. First-class trout and salmon fish­ Fall styles, D. F. Hoyt. ett, "were arraigned before Judge belonging to Will and Joe Dill, the ing. Address H. E. Parker, Phillips, Me. Eyes Keen For Colors. Bargains at Sedgeley, Hoyt & Co. largest, most even, in short the best Locke on the charge of malicious mis­ young man who had made applica­ t ( TUST a gleam of Heaven” describes Hillgrove A piece o f oats we have seen this year. O cottage and surrounding scenery. A sum­ The Blue Line to Health, W. A. D. chief against Mr. Sanford Spencer of tion for the position of clerk in the mer Paradise. Price $850. Address, H: W. Ladd, Cragin. Across the road Charlie Pinkham was Onawa, Me. the same town. The boys, according silk department of a large store was Silver Brand collars, S. J. Wyman, to the testimony, had gone out to Mr. questioned closely as to the exact driving the mowing machine through FOR SALE Kingfield. Spencer’s house near Henry Oliver’s shade of a great varietj’ of samples very stout grass and a little further Building material, Daggett & Will, mill about nine o’clock in the evening shown him. “ We do that,” the super­ along Charles Berry was opening "JT'OR SALE—Fox and rabbit hound, dogs and Strong. and after creeping up to the house, intendent explained, “to make sure bunches where there must have bee* pups. Address Box 75, Chebeague Island, that you are not color blind. A dry Maine. Electric Lights, Phillips Lumber & stepped back and threw stones through two tons to the acre. goods store is the one place where Tf'OR SALE—Very fine new potatoes $1.00 per Electric Co. the window. The boys pleaded not •*- bushel. Order by telephone. James B. Ross. color blindness is a positive bar to Khaki cloth for suits, Arbo C. Norton, guilty but were found guilty and fined efficiency. Very often you hear of IT OR SALE—In Dublin, N. H., 150-acre farm $5 and costs. F. W. Butler, Esq., for bordering Thorndike lake; one mile from Mo- Farmington. color blind workmen in all other Furniture nadnock mountain. High hill, trout brook, the defense appealed, and Judge Locke Lost. branches of business. There are, it ap­ spring water. Fine location for hotel or summer bound the boys over under $50 bonds pears, even color blind engineers and home. Two cottages with other lake shore land For sale. AND for sale. Henry V. Shattuck, Box 125, Jaffrey, for their personal appearance at the color blind artists, but the big stores N . H. Orchard Farm, L. H. Strout, Win- September term of the Supreme court. absolutely shut out men who have not TpOR SALE—A gasolene auto boat. 40 feet long, a keen eye for all colors.”—New York -*• Morris Heights, four cylinder, 18 horse power throp, Maine. Undertaking. engine. Outfit complete. Very fast. Cost, Some Trials. Post. built to order in 1896, $4,500, run only during the Wanted. Deputy Sheriff Harry E. Bell of Phil­ I always have a very attractive month of August. Will be sold for less than half For sale. They All Thought About Alike. price, if sold this month, for cash. Can be seen lips arrested George Goldsmith of by applying to Mrs. E. C. Gilman, Rangeley, Me. Three “tired” citizens—a lawyer, a supply of Near Lewiston, Maine, Frank L. Salem last Saturday night on complaint TTOR SALE—Lumber, Basswood boards and doctor and a newspaper man—sat In a Hemlock plank. For information inquire of Sanborn, Sabattus, Maine. of John F. Marsonof Strong for alleged back room in the gray light of the the Phillips Hardware Co., Phillips, Me. For sale. undue familiarity with Marson’s wife, early dawn. On the table were many Furniture empty bottles and a couple of packs FOR SALE _ Rock River Cottage on Money-Making Farm, E. A. Strout Theresa Marson. the line of the Phillips & Marson was present and he caused to of cards. As they sat in silence a at right prices. Rangeley railroad, new a year ago. Two small Co., Augusta, Maine. lots of real estate. Also 100 steel traps, 1 double- be summoned for the state, several rat scurried across the hearth into barrel gun, new pair of Indian-made snowshoes, the darkness beyond. The three men fishing rods. etc. These will be sold at a great prominent citizens of the town of I carry a feood stock of Edi­ shifted their feet and looked at each sacrifice as I am going away. E. H. Kenniston, Births. son Phonographs and records. No 1 R. F. D., Reed’s Mill. Salem, viz: Edgar Will, town clerk; other uneasily. After a long pause Lexington, Aug. 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin TpOR SALE—My two-story house in Phillips Walter Heath, postmaster aDd Arthur the lawyer spoke. “I know what you x village. Mrs. Emma Raymond. C. Pinkham, a son. Jones and N. P. Harris. These gentle­ CHAS. F. CHANDLER, Farmington, Aug. 2, to Mr. and Mrs. C. S. fellows are thinking,” he said; “you /'•AMPS TO LET—By week or month, all fur- Bean, a daughter. men were more or less familiar with think I thought I saw a rat, but I nished for housekeeping. Terms reasonable. Phillips, Maine. Address F. E. White, Oquossoc, Me. the facrt that Marson’s wife and the didn’t.”—Argonaut. respondent went riding, to dances, etc., FLAVORING EXTRACT-Lemon. Orange, Al- Marriages. x mond, Nutmeg. Per quart, $2; per pint, $1. together and that they had been often Observant Man. , Sample bottle of each sent for 60 cents. Portsmouth, N. H., July 15, Chester H. Brewer> It is a popular belief that no men J. C. Mitchell, Wickoff, N. J. Farmington, and Miss Viola D. Ranger, Wilton. in public together but they didn’ t know Wilton. July 31, by Rev. H. S. Ryder, Ernest L. anything to help the state in the alle­ “ understand dress.” Still, it should be F O R S A L E -M y two farms in East Madrid* known that they have a sort of rough ~M OTICE- Parsons and Miss Etta F. Purington of North gations of Marson. v -*■ Andrew Keene, Phillips, Route 3. appreciation of general effects. They Jay. There was an attempt made to prove OR SALE A second hand Alamo gasoline Farmington, Aug. 4, hy Rev. E. S. Longley, C. can distinguish between the woman To our Patrons. F engine 15 H. P.. in good order. Will be sold Carroll Whitney and Miss Justina Ripley, both o f that Goldsmith paid Mrs. Marson’s cheap. A. H. Webber, Phillips, Maine. who dresses well by instinct and one Farmington. board, but Fred Childs, who boards at who does so with an effort. They are On Aug. 1, 1907, we shall XpOR SALE—Trained fox, ’ Coon and Rabbit Greenwich, Conn.. JulyllO, Henry A. Warren, the same place and is a son o f Mrs. able to recognize at a glance the girls L hounds. Guaranteed as represented. Pups Farmington Falls, and Miss Flora Herbers, sell grain for cash only, and from 4 to 12 months old. Kunkel Bros. Ashland, Childs of Salem, where Mrs. Marson and women who go through life in Ohio. Croton-on-Hudson, N. Y. Jay, Aug. 5, by Rev. H. S. Ryder, William P. boards, swore that Mrs. Marson works the wrong kind of garments and wear­ our prices will be very low PHEASANTS FOR SALE-Eggs safely MacLeod of South Framingham, Mass., and Miss ing hats which infatuation has Im­ shipped anywhere by dozen, hundreds or to pay the board of herself and her on all kinds. Don’t forget thousands. Now booking orders. 90 to 95 per Amelia S. Taylor of Jay. baby. Harry F. Beedy, Esq., ap­ pelled them to buy against their bet cent fertile. Send stamp for complete price list Phillips. Aug. 15, Mr. Brice Evans Pease and ter judgment. — London Lady’s Pic-1 peared for the state and DeBerna if you wish to save money before placing your order. Ten cents for booklet. Miss Belle G. Sampson of Phillips. torial. The Pheasant Industry.” The Ohio Pheasantry, Columbiana, Ohio. Box O. Ross, Esq., for the respondent. Trial to inquire about our prices. Justice Cony M. Hoyt could not dis­ Microscopic. TTUNTERS’ AND SHOOTERS’ GUIDE—New. Deaths. You will get it low. L I 25c postpaid. Sportsmen’s Publishing Co., Allen’s Mills, Me., Aug. 8, George Meader, aged cover probable cause for holding the The best microscopes are warrante< Fairport. N. Y.______76 years, 6 months. respondent and discharged him. to magnify about 1G.000 times. Thos F O R SALE—Well-known sporting camps. Great Farmington. Aug. 10, Mrs. Amy G. Greenleaf, are the kind most people would mak WILLIS HARDY, business opportunity. $3,000. A negotiable paper required. Address H. B. 142, MAINE aged 85 years, 2 months. Alice Childs, w ife o f Fred Childs o f use of in examining their neighbors W OODS Information Bureau. Farmington, Aug. 6, Mrs. Frances A. Burrill, Phillips, appeared before Trial Justice faults.—Washington Post. Upper Village, Phillips, Me aged 63 years, 7 months, 2 days. Cony M. Hoyt last Monday on com­ WANTED. Farmington, Aug. 7, Mrs. Anna Rebecca Rob­ plaint of Sarah Lozena Barker, wife of bins of Wilton, aged 58 years. Brunswick, Aug. 13, Marcia, daughter of Mrs. Leroy G. Barker, who alleges that TIWANTED—Ten good Weymouth lathe men, also V V flve good sawyers and stock-fitters to go C. P. Venner, aged 11 years, 10 months. Mrs. Childs assaulted her on the even­ out of the state. Good pay and steady work t i Whitinsville, Mass., Aug, 9, Mrs. Mattie Oakes DURVEAS’ ing of Saturday, August 10, on the good men. Address H. Williams, Hotel At­ Parsons, aged 44 years. wood, Lewiston, Maine. sidewalk near the pavilion at Phillips Hartford, Conn., Aug. 12, Raymond Titcomb Corn Starch Gray, aged 18 years, 7 months, 24 days. upper village. will help von do better cooking, will produce COAL! -WANTED AT ONCE— finer foods and daintier desserts. Our free Sarah Leeman, Annie Will, Ronald Four young ladies to work in Hotels at the Book ol Recipes and Cooking Suggestions gives Rangeley Lakes. First-class positions and good Walsh and Hollis Holt were summoned valuable information. Pound packages—ioc. pay. Apply at once to M aine W oods office, Resolutions. NATIONAL STARCH COMPANY. New York. Phillips, Maine. Whereas, It has pleased our Heavenly Father to by the state. There was a good deal Wholesale and R-etail. remove from us by death our beloved sister, Cora of spicy testimony, some of it not suit­ TXT’ANTED—Chambermaids and waitresses at E. Millett, while we bow in humble submission to What About » » Rangeley Lake House at once. His will we mourn our loss, therefore be it able to print, and after a delay of 24 Leave your orders early for Resolved, That we feel deeply our loss and hours and the appearance of Ernest “WTANTED—One laundry woman and one kitchen will ever hold her in remembrance by her amiable ELECTRIC LIGHTS next winter’s supply. For prices girl. J. Lewis York, York’s Camps, disposition, ever ready to speak a good word and Voter, who saw the scrap, Trial Justice Rangeley, Maine. do a kind deed to anyone in need. These hot nights? Do you ever thin1 apply to Resolved, That it be just to the memory of the Cony M. Hoyt fined Mrs. Childs $1 and what great saving in heat is effect© l YU ANTED—First-class r girl for general departed that in regretting her removal from our costs, amounting to $14.63. Harry F. by their use? When you ’ V housework. Wages '$6 per week in Port­ midst we mourn for one who was in every way Beedy, Esq., for state; DeBerna Ross land. Call at any Northeastern telephone office worthy of our love and respect.. ARE BEAL & McLEARY, and inquire for F. E. Ebersole. Resolved, That we extend to the bereaved for defence. husband and children of our deceased sister, our swetting beneath the oil lamp just cot YU ANTED—Deer and "Moose scalps- A. E. kindest sympathies and a continuation o f that sider how much » * Coburn, hTaxidermist, t1204 So. Main St., friendship which enlarges the mind and purifies Stimulation Without Irritation. Office at Phillips Station. Los Angeles, Cal. the heart. COOLER Resolved, That our charter be draped for That is the watchword. That is what W a n t e d -T o procure a camp or camps suitable thirty days, a copy sent to the family and these Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does. an electric lamp is and AGENTS: ” " ’ to accommodate from six to ten people for resolutions spread on our records and sent to the the summer, with the privilege of buying or leas­ Maine Woodsman for publication. Cleanses and stimulates the bowels Have your house wired. ing for a term of years. Would prefer Richardson Eva Toothaker, ) Committee without irritation in any form. W. A. J. A. Russell & Co., Rangeley. or Mooselookmeguntic. Address Maine W oods Edith Haley, j on D. Cragin, Phillips; L. L. Mitchell, Phillips Lumber & Electric Co. onformation Bureau, Phillips, Maine.; Ethella Davenport, ) Resolutions. C. B. Richardson, Strong. Kingfield. Phillips, Maine. L. L. Mitchell, Kingfield.