
Beautiful Spring Brides. Bowery section of New York, where Among the numerous spring brides she had sung at mission meetings, to of the national capital, two of the the most critical box holder of grand of the are Miss Nora the houses in all of the world's Children for Fletcher's WEEK prettiest Pepper, I Cry NEWS musical The (former trade expert of the state de 'great centers. purity i partment, and Miss Sybil Scott* of her voice, employed in many Edifying Scene In New York Church. only way—by serving somebody else ! daughter of the Iowa congressman, tongues, had delighted hundreds of Three led by Bouck than themselves. And what greater Socialists, I George C. Scott. Miss Pepper is to thousands since the day, 40 years ago White, head of the Church of the So thing could you serve than a nation [ marry Dr. George W. Calver of the she first appeared in public as cial Revolution, were thrown out of such as this we love and are proud ! IT. S. Navy, and Miss Scott is engag- soprano soloist at Grace church in Calvary Baptist church, in New V'ork, of? ed to Mr. Dale Moore, a well known | . which John D. Rockefeller attends, "Are you sorry for the lads Are ; newspaper man, formerly of St. Paul. Nordica and Eames—although the when White tried to speak at lust you sorry for the way they will be latter was born of American parents Kind You Have and which has been Sunday morning’s service. remembered? I hope to God none of The Always Bought, in off China—were of old New Mutual Mating of Mutes. far In use lor over 30 ha"’ borne the signature of Ushers dragged White up the aisle you will join the list, hut if you do, years, With the four principals the bridal England stock, both claimed by the /> and has been made under his per- while he clawed at every pew and pil- you will Join an immortal company | attendants and more of the assem- ; state of Maine, aud they made up a sonal supervision rince its infancy. lar. The whole congregation was on and while there goes out of our | * blage deaf mutes, the Misses Laura i notable American contribution to the /wmJsW Allow no one to deceive you in this. ita feet and cries of “Let him talk!” hearts an affectionate sympathy for j and Eva Lanoue, daughters of Walter operatic world. \ farm house built All Cour Imitations and are hut "Shame, shame.” “Put him out; thiB them, we know why we do not gd | forfeits, “Just-as-good” Lanoue, wealthy building contractor, by the prima donna's great grand- Kx|H*riments that trifle with and endanger the health of ia the house of God” re-echoed all away from this occasion with our were married, Laura, to F. S. Cagnier father on a hill just outside the vil- Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. over the church. hearts east down but with confidence of North Adams, Mass., and Eva to lage of I’artnlngton. Maine, was Nor- Half a dozen fist fights started im- of how it will be worked out; net Moise Lebane of Lowell, Mass. The dica’s birthplace, in 1859. Her true mediately between ushers and only the more vague future of this What is CASTORIA ceremony was in sign I name was Lillian Norton. She chang- W. but the immediate future. performed White’s followers. The I. W. country, Cnstoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- language by Rev. Father Quinn of St. it to the Italian, Nordica, 20 leader was thrown out bodily from "We have gdne down to Mexico to ed and It is Pleasant. It Joseph's Cathedral, Hartford, at St. later when she began to study goric, Drops Soothing Syrups. sidewalk. I years the churyh vestible to the serve mankind if we can find the way. cor tains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Laurent's church. in Italy for an operatic career. He landed on bis face and hands. We don’t want to fight the substance. Its age is Us It destroys Worms Mexicans,; After her graduation from the New guarantee. Emmanuel I.opez, a Portuguese who we want to servo them. and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind And More to Come. England Conservatory of Music at had entered the church, was sur- "I listened to the list," he added Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation During the fourteen months Post- Boston, and successful singing of the rounded by police on the sidewalk with a profound feeling, "because and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the master General Burleson has been in leading roles in several of the ora- and beaten until several teeth bad they were not Irishmen, or Germans Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. office he has appointed 23,317 post- torios given by the Handel and been knocked out, one eye was un- or Hebrews when they went to Vera The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. she went to masters. Of these 5,171 were of Hayden society, Europe recognizable, and he stood helpless Cruz. They were Americans, and no grade and 18,146 of in 187S, as a soloist with Gilmore's with blood running all over the matter where their came from presidential people Eu- GENUINE ALWAYS fourth-class grade, and nearly all are band. Pile decided to remain ill CASTORIA ground. they did the things that were Ameri- Democrats, the latter civil ser- rope and attempt an operatic ca- White and eleven others were ar- can. being vice appointments. When Burleson reer. She went to and became rested, charged with disorderly con- "War is only a sort of dramatic took the reins there were in the Unit- a pupil of Sangiovanni, and within duct and interfering with religious representation, a symbol of a thou- [ ed States, Alaska, Porto Rico and six months she had mastered ten service, and locked up. In the night sand forms of duty. 1 never was In 8,610 presidential postoffh es . court the cases were adjourned until battle or under fire, but I fancy it is Hawaii and 48.930 fourth-class postoffices, a I Her debut in opera was at | Tuesday. just as herd to do your duty when grand total of 57,540. in in "La Traviata." After a Rev. Dr. Cornelius W'oelfkin, pas- men are sneering at you, for when | 1873, 1 i to St. Petersburg she appeared tor, who had stood in the pulpit they shooi at you. they take your trip for trial before Ambrose Thomas and throughout the riot, resumed the natural life and when they sneer at Preparing For the San Francisco : j ihe Vancorbeil, who The Kind Yon as soon as the had impressario Have service rumpus yon, they ran wound your heart. Exposition. en-j Always Bought transferred to the sidewalk. of for the jgaged her for the grand opera house1 been And men who are brave enough, By way preparation heavy In Use For Over 30 Years nor Paris. Her first appearance there,: Neither John D. Rockefeller are steadfast just the same." travel which is expected in connec- jin THE CIWTAUW COMPANY, TT MCWWAY »TWEET, NEW VOW* CITY. his son was at the service. tion with the Panama Exposition at in 1882, as “Marguerite" in "Fault' i San Francisco, the I’nion Pacific rail- i ••.as a triumph. The critics observed ! I i Services to American road company has recently placed an ! her American accent, but said it gave Memorial Col. Jaekling Thinks Copper Out- Marines Killed at Vera t'mz. order for 54 locomotives costing piquancy to her tone, and her acting j look is Good. | Tasman that the vessel ran ashore be buried near the old homestead In to I To the men of the navy who died about $1,000,000. Twenty-five oi was lauded as equal her singing. Col. lJ. C. Jaekling reached on Thursday island in the Antipodes. Maine.' in the of Vera Cruz, the these are of the Pacific type, 15 are She returned to America and tour- occupation Phoenix Tuesday night from Ray and The shock of the accident anil ex- The Nordtca fortune must be large. nation tribute at New York, last Mikados and 14 are of the six-con-! ed this country with great success. I paid Hayden, where in company with G. posure brought on pneumonia. It was as a fact in 1909 she published in a demonstration chiefly nected type. Forty of the locomo- in the succeeding years appeared Sunday, j L. Stone of Hayden, Stone & Co. of Her body, undoubtedly will be that she had made 1128,000 during remarkable for its silence and soleni-1 tives will go to the Fnion Pacific, 10 | in opera or com ert in almost every : New York and Boston he inspected brought directly to this country and that season alone. For four miles through the' to the Oregon Short Line and 4 to city of musical culture In the world, nity. the big mines and smelters of the j more than city streets the funeral cortege pass- the Oregon-VVashington line. Her repertoire Included { Ray Consolidated Copper company. j and behind it in an open earrige fifty operas. Her success with Wag- ed, j General Manager Jaekling expressed rode the president. He sat for the1 The Meanest Man in New York. nerian roles became the pinnacle of himself as gratified at the activity at most part with head bared, though ! The world's meanest man was her fame. At Bayreuth in 1894 she the mines at Ray and at the big the sun beat down on him and somewhere near Pier 32 North River,1 appeared as Elsa in "” and CHANGE THAT May smelter and concentrator at Hayden. cA cTWEANS in the mercury climbed above seventy, , on a recent evening. she is, perhaps, best remembered j "We now have an average monthly a million saw the' The police learned about it when that part. She received decorations Perhaps persons in ex- j output of copper considerably I seventeen coffins, each on a caisson, j Mary Smith, 14 years old, was picked of various sorts abroad, and gifts cess of 6,000,000 pounds,” said Colo- borne from the Battery plaza in Low-1 up, penniless 3nd hungry, without number from friends at nel Jaekling. "Last month the out- er Manhattan to the navy yard in Mary, who had been living in Bay- home. put was 6,300,080 pounds and we was near- was on Green I Her matrimonial ventures number- and Brooklyn. The procession onne. her way to River, Comfort are going to exceed that magnificent ly two hours in passing. to live with a cousin who had sent her ed three. She was first married in ilgure from this time on. a weal- Though there were but seventeen enough money to make the trip on. 1882 to Frederick A. Gower, j "The mines are running with un- of her of the dead in the procession, Secre- She was going to Troy by boat. With thy electrician and a native the crews and we are con- usually large a ticket and state of whom she met in tary of the Navy Daniels made il | her money she bought j Maine, stantly developing the great resources 32. Near the she 1 Paris. Shortly after she had begun plain that the ceremonies were for j went to Pier pier Economyfor of our in the Ray district. Gow- all who had died at Vera Cruz, not properties saw a man with a badge on. separation proceeding in 1884; At Hayden we have thousands of men a only the seventeen, whose bodies' “Are ou the man who takes the er disappeared. He attempted engaged in the operation of our plant balloon across the English chan- were brought up by the cruiser Mon- J tickets?” she asked. trip and it will not be long before our balloon was later tana, but also for Clarence Harsh- j "I am." he said, and he took nel. Although the forces will be increased.” berger and Henry Pulliam who have present Mary's ticket. The real ticket col- found, nothing was ever heard oi i housekeeper j Mr. is traveling in his new since died. Jaekling lector listened to her story, and told seen of him. WHY IX) YOU WORK OVER A all-steel tar which like the famous married HOT STOVE THIS SPRING The religious ceremony at the navy- her that she must buy another. In 1896, Mme. Nordiea for traveling palace he has used a I WHEN ELECTRICITY OFFERS yard was more impressive, if possi- Mary wandered about on the street /oltan Doeme, Hungarian army years has been named the Cyprus. It she I SO MANY COMFORTS? ble. than was the sight of the slow until a patrolman took her to the officer and singer, from whom was placed in commission less than a moving cortege. Children’s society. secured a divorce in 1905. week and is conceded to be the President Wilson in his address ago Her third marriage was in London ! most luxuriously equipped and most said: Electrical Wizard I’uts It«n On | in 1909 to George W. Young a weal- ; COOK, HEAT AND DO conveniently arranged car on wheels was CPTDI "Duty is not an uncommon thing, “Coffin Nalls.” | thy New York banker. It an-: PITY today. C| gentleman. Men are performing It When 6700 employes at the Edison j nounced at that time that Nordics, YOUR IRONING BY LLLU I III III 1 I in the ordinary walks of life all With Mr. and Mrs. Stone, Mr. industries at West. Orange, N. J.. 1 | would retire from the stage, but after around us, all the time, and they are Jaekling left New York on the initial went to work Monday morning they a honeymoon spent in part at the old CONSERVE YOUR ENERGY AND SAVE MONEY making great sacrifices to perform it. * trip of the car. They have since in- were confronted on every side with Norton homestead in Maine, she de- let our tleaionMnite the new for you. What gives men like these peculiar spected the plants at Chino and in signs which read: t ided upon a farewell concert tour of representative nppllnnee* CALL PHONES M-Y A 1« distinction is not merely that they the Ray district. They are on their “Cigarettes not tolerated. They | the world. It was while making one j did their duty, but that their duty way to Los Angeles and will proceed dull the brain. ileg of this trip on tile Dutch steamer: had nothing to do with them or with thence to San Francisco, then to the it was by reason of correspondence ELY LIGHT C& CO i POWERo their own personal and peculiar in- | Nevada Consolidated and the Utah with Henry Ford, the Detroit auto- terests. They did not give their lives properties and on to Butte, Montana. mobile manufacturer, that Thomas A. | ^A for themselves; they gave their lives I Colonel Jaekling is enthusiastic Edison decided to be a crusader 1 for us because, we called on them as over the present outlook in the cop- against the cigarette. At the request and the time Is not a chetnl- MEAT an situation says of the inventor made CITY a nation to perform unexpected per Ford, j j Arizona brands j duty. That is the way in which men far distant when the proper- cal analysis of at least twenty ^ grow disinguishcd. and that is the ties will be the greatest in the world. of cigarettes. While the tobacco eon- !! MARKET i tained in them was of all qualities. :: !► he he found poison in all the WEISS * DKDKRICHH <> said, j <> are o papers iu which they rolled. of the but he is a enenjy cigarette, !! I.AMIt AMI FANCY IHtESSMl o heavy smoker of cigars and chews Depository I’Ol'IiTRY o tobacco For Postal Savings. j; Fresh Vegetables and Jli Famous American Singer l»ie» in Java Fruits :: Mademe Lillian Nordica, the singer, died at Batava, Java, Sunday TINGLEY BLOCK ELY, NEVADA night. <' We have made arrangements | | j Madame Nordica had been ill since it for assignments with the "j the steamer Tasman, on which she Sna-IiiiiK Company 11 was a passenger, went ashore on i" i*honk Ht» Bramble Bay in the Gulf of Papua. i" PHONK ORDERS ARK IIK I December 28 last. Nervous prostra- |M MVKRKD TWICE DAIRY tion was followed by pneumonia. STEAM HEAT ELECTRIC LIGHTS j! put r part of your enrnings, no mat- The Tasman was floated in three AND COLD WATER ter HOT days and put into Thursday Island. how amall, fn this hank and make There Slme. Nordica was placed un ATEN TiS up your mind to do the same thing der the care af a physician who re« VALUABLE INFORMATION FREE mained in constant attendance upon If you have an invention or every pay-day. You won't miss the her until April 1, when she sailed for any patent matter, write im- money, but you will be surprised to Batava. It was against the advice mediately to W. W. Wright, of her physician that she made the registered attorney. see how quickly a good-sized fund Hotel Washington Loan & Trust Hhlg. Northern trip. WASHINGTON. D. G for a rainy day will accumulate. NEVADA It was the intention of Mine. Nor (SLY, dica, to sail for Genoa where she was to meet her husband. George W. COPPER NATIONAL BANK a New York banker. She al- Young, > Insist On East ready had taken passage for the j Ely, Nevada Headquarters for BECKER’S or voyage when the relapse occurred. !; pcfcn ;; Traveling Public Lillian Nordica was an American BUDWEISER DLLI* ;; singer of world-wide fame. Her ad- | Sold Over All Bars mirers ranged from the men of the