
tlOBOICA 5T E FAMOUS GRAND SINGER WHO WAS TAKEN ILL SINCLAIR cSRILLIAl IT5HINE SUDDENLY IN . ! IS. Ai Will Make Copper AS ABOUT TO SIIIG AFFINITY PARTED Shine Like Gold Copper pots, kettles and other metal kitchen utensils can be kept brilliantly bright easily Paralysis Overcomes Great Novelist's Former Wife Tires with the use of a little of this of Life With Tramp Poet wonderful liquid metal polish. Prima Donna of Grand Requires no hard rubbing. and Uncertain Meals. Opera Stage. Sold by grocers, druggists and hardware dealers. Look

" ' for the name and portrait of '' "7""' . . MISSING E. VV. Bennett on each can. CONDITION IS CRITICAL HARRY KEMP IS

Mora Good News Concerning the CaNkl Ruiicd on Sjwclal Train to Little Bungalow In New Jersey Now E.W. lioMon I'nim Xf York to nil Deserted and Woman Exponent Bennett Half Price Sale of Undermuslins JLove" Replenishes Co! Engagement of Soprano of "Free a Yesterday was trie first day of the wonderful Half Price Sale of Noted for Love Affair. Self at Paternal Larder. Manufacturers dainty white undermuslins and is positively the best underwear bargain will continue this San event offered this season Today, the second day, we Francisco wonder event with just as many and just as good reductions. Do not miss this sale; if you have any doubts just come in the store and see for BOSTON. Feb. IS. (Spffll) Mad- -l NEW TORK, Feb. 12. (Special.) g finest of dainty under- m Lillian Nordica. the. famous Amer-n- Mrs. Meta Sinclair, one-tim- e wife of yourself how very cheaply you can secure the soprano who rose from tha ob-K- ur Upton Sinclair, the novelist, and Harry garments. town of Farmlngton. Maine, to b Kemp are no longer In a little bun- of the privileges conferred by charter. Every garment in the sale is THE REG- ne of the greatest prima donnaa of galow on the Manasquan River near "We have an army of mobile troops JUST HALF :h grand opera stage, waa stricken West Point Pleasant. X. J. Mrs. Sin- not more than one to 1000 of our pop- ULAR PRICE. ah waa to so ulation, and now it Is proposed by our with paralysis aa about clair Is with her father and mother Democratic friends In Congress to re- In 174 Eighty-sevent- h on the staa here tonight. their apartments at West army by eliminating: one-thi- rd Combination Suits Half Price appear and street, writing a book, and duce that Madam Nordica did not of our cavalry. They would cut Corset cover and open drawer combinations in the newest cut. A Madame Gadskt waa rushed from New Kemp has departed and left no address. out some of the best cavalry In the Trk on a special train to take her It Is said. world, five regiments of which are splendid assortment of many styles. The corset covers are daintily placet It waa announced that Madame All that William M. Fuller. Mrs. Sin-clal- needed for a nucleus of a larger army and heavy laces; also fine embroideries, may be serious. father, would commit himself trimmed in the new Valenciennes Nordlra's condition should we ever be suddenly called Into style finished with last night was this: "My daughter is war. same reason they, pro- ribbons and beading. The drawers show the new skirt Dtvere Create eaatloa. Is For the with her father and mother. She pose to depart from the time-honor- embroidery edging. These suits are all finished at the waist with Madame Nordica. who attracted writing a book. The episode is over." lace or world-wid- e ob- practice of adding to our Navy each fine longcloth attention In 101 br Novelist Sinclair Is said to be on his year by headings and ribbons. These suits are made of a and taining an abaolute dlvorc from 4 two battleships cutting them wsy to Europe with tbelr off altogether this year. some of flaxon. huaband. Zoltan Doemet and son, David, will go to school in subsequently marrying the New Tork who 75c i NORDICA. Germany. Sinclair Is expected back Curtailments Held Mistake. $1.50 Combination Suits banker. Ueorae W. Tounic. la on of LaLIAX in the Spring. "In considering our many responsi- Suits $1.00 the beet-know- n singers In grand opera. bilities In different parts of the world, $2.00 Combination n Dietary Ph bea-a- her singing In a church Existence I'ncertala I think this Is a great mistake. Cer- $2.50 Combination Suits $1.25 choir la her home town. Essential monogamy may be Irksome, tainly the diminution In the additions Combination Suits $1.38 . rT Bbe studie-- d In Italy and made her present but better a life with an essential to the fleet ought not to be contem $2.75 Vlo-let- ta and Frost are expected to $1.50 4but at Hrect In the role of charges that the officers "napped"' monogamist like Upton Sinclair, whose plated until the Panama Canal Is com- $3.00 Combination Suits In Verdi's "La Travlata." After writings have a market value that In- pleted. In words our Demo- engagements LETTER READ while on duty, at a special meeting of sures square an other $4.00 Combination Suits $2.00 that mmrntnt followed TAR the City Council tomorrow night. three meals dally, than cratic friends are doing the very thing j a Marcuerlte In "" and Alice In Following stormy meeting of the uncertain dietary existence with a that they are always reputed to do; L Dlable." Then the long-haire- d Meyerbeer's "Robert Council Saturday night. F. F. Tooae. tramp poet like Harry they are doing the right thing at the Princess Slips Half Price she wnt with the Italian opera at 8L on Kemp. wrong time. Petersburg. After appearing In Lon- chairman of the committee health And answer to Mrs. Princess slips of fine longcloth cut with circular necks and some with success, and police, said that he would file no herein lies the "With .unfailing accuracy, they have don and scoring a tremendoua patrolmen Meta Sinclair's return to "Popper" and selected as policy which Is yokes of dainty lace and insertions, medallions, ribbons and beading. Madame Nordtca to America. In written charges against the apart- their that cim Paymaster-Gener- al "Mommer" Sinclair's comfortable defensible under existing condi- Witness in unless a written charge was also made least trimming of . embroidery. These slips are modeled in the latest 1T. against Shaw and ments at 174 West Eighty-sevent- h tions. Also . Chief of Police under-ruffl- e. First II bead Ua( la Bailee Inquiry. Night Policeman Cooke. street, and Poet Kemp's departure for "I have said this much to show that styles and come with or without the , experi- Major Ray Z1m-Ic- k parts unknown. Is a sad blow to begin- In the early '10a the singer The wrangle between Mayor It the Republican party since Its Slips . 75c enced her first romance. She married and the members of the Council all those esthetic ones who looked ning more than BO years ago always $1.50 Princess for Frederick A. Oower. who. in lisS. over th position of Chief of Police upon Mrs. Sinclair's practical demon- haa been a progressive party, and it $2.00 Princess Slips for fl.UU started on a balloon Journey In Franc Saturday resulted in the Council stration of the "free love" theory as a alwaya has recognized Its responsibil- Slips for 1.2S and waa never after warda heard from. adopting a resolution condemning the great boost for the cult. ity by action. $2.50 Princess Ten jreara later Madame Nordtca mar- FREQUENT SHIFTS EYED Mayor's action in Insisting upon For the last week or so Mrs. Sinclair Party" Record Seen. $2.75 Princess Slips for $138 ried Zoltan Doeny. a Hungarian ten- K. acting aa Chief of has been replenishing her wasted ma- Charles Burns well-stock- In 10 Princess Slips fcr $1.50 or, whom ah had met during her refused to terial self at the paternal "We have a record the last $3.00 engagements. Police. The Council haa seen apartment years and. especially In the last three Slips for $2.00 musical confirm Bums' appointment, favoring larder. When at the years, of responding to popular needs $4.00 Princess Herr Doera vu a cavalry officer the of E. L. Shaw. today Mrs. Sinclair gazed sadly upon Slips for $4.5U aa aa and waa very pop- retention She appeared peaked by legislation specifically adapted to $9.00 Princess wJl a tenor House Committee Seeks Information The resolution adopted by the Coun- her Interviewer. afford the proper remedies, so why ular at the Hungarian capltol. The cil declares the Mayor's action as "un- and thin. One might almost say she winning a him In 1S7. th pt appearance. should we not be sure of ameer married after on Alleged Influence of Presi- wise, unpatriotic and against the good had an vote of confildence from the people? Night Gowns at Half Price vast Oower estate had been settled. order best of the city." Talk. ' They were apparently happy, bat all at In Kndeavoring to Avert and Interests Mr. Sinclair Woi'l "We know what we propose to do, Night gowns of fine longcloth, nainsook and mull. These gowns are dent Mayor Dimlck's appointment of Burns "Why have you and 'Kemp sepa- so we a definite programme: once. th rumor that Oower atlU offer slip-o-n necks. They are whn Army. to the office of Chief for the third rated?" was asked. show definite results and we believe mostly in the styles with circular and square lived persisted, came the newa that Scandal in time against the wishes of the Council headings ribbons. th prima donna had filed ault for di- "I must positively decline to discuss these results are what the people embroidery trimmed or have dainty lace insertions, and er described as "disrespectful" to that vorce In New Tork against hor singer-soldi- are my affairs for publication." said Mrs. wish. We do not hesitate to ask for' with high necks. body, and "In utter disregard of th Sinclair, pensively. "It Is really non support. Some plain styles and some made husband. a large majority of th peo- their elbow effect. The divorce action caused a sensation wishes of of anyone else's business, you know. "It Is because of my confidence that The sleeves come in three styles, flowing, puff or WASHINGTON. Feb, IS. Paymaster- - ple of this city." The Council in Its To put It quite plainly. I am sick of Republican party can point to In musical circle. Doeme coming to Army, ap the Mayor to place the Gowns Night Gowns.. 75c thla country and time faint- General Whipple, of th resolution advises th publicity and notoriety that has definite deeds already accomplished, to 75c Night 38c $1.50 evral peared today before the House com- the question In th handa of th voters come through my endeavor to on books, ing publicly at the feet of th singer. I to me laws already the statute $1.10 Night Gowns 55c $2.00 Night Gowns. .$1.00 mittee Investigating expenditure In for determination. It he in doubt live my own life as I saw fit, and must and being enforced, and carried to a th War repartment. In connection as to public sentiment. decline to add further to my embar- useful purpose and proposed statutes $1.25 Night Gowns 63c $3.00 Night Gowns. .$1.50 SALEM with th Inquiry Into th alleged In rassment." with a clear description of the terms LOWELL G0ESTO fluences enloved by Major ueecner a. and effects of these statutes, that I Rav. an Army paymaater. In securing confidently rely upon an ultimate ver Senatorial Candidate to File Nom- frequent changes of station and Im- 12 STUDENTS DROPPED LINCOLN dict by the people in favor of the old munity from trouble. TAFT SPEAKSJJN Republican party, the party or uncoin inating Petitions Soon. Paymaster-Gener- al wnippie tesuiieo (Continued From First Pae.) and of Grant, the most progressive Oriy-- that Major Ray had established a rec- party In the history of this country or rVCTxaondiate. cf ?Verll - changes In station. In IS years forgetful of the fact that In Lincoln's country. 1 can-llda- te ord of any other Stephen A. Lowell of Pendleton, he had been successively stationed at TOP RECORDS ARE EARNED BY life th men and the party were so for the Republican nomination average assign- IS point, whereas the SEVEX STUDENTS. closely united In aim and accomplish- tor United Ftates Senator, waa In Port- ment of a paymaster at any station Is OXXY history one Is the Sunday on hie way to Salem, years. Chair- ment that the of the today. Examination by surgeons May 25, 1856, she was married to Wil- land between three and four I JEWELS SEIZED bay where he will be the principal speaker General Whipple If history of the other. The truth thst SNEED revealed heart failure as the probable son Carl, a pioneer of 1853. Her hus- man Helm asked 60 years, sur- tonight at a Lincoln day banquet given any of th assignments had been mad Lou I Bond, Clad In Knee Trousers, the history of the last wlh cause of death, and it is believed he band died In 1897, but four sons by the Republican of Marlon County. at th direction of President Taft. one or two exceptions, has been the was attacked by that disease while vive. They are: Carl, at Prosser, Wash.; Returning from Salem tomorrow. Judge --Tea," he answered; "In the Pres- Reglirters for Entrance With history of Republican party. returning to the steamer last night, Edwin S., George H. and W. W., at go Grove, where 10 the wharf. His son, Ray- Carlton. Two brothers reside at Ixwrll will to Foreat ident asked, that Major Ray be sent to "AH-A.- to make the selec- CUSTOMS OFFICERS and fell from the for an addresa Wednes- Record of " "With the effort FEDERAL mond, aged 14, who was accompanying and one sister at Yamhill. he la echeduled Atlanta, and In November, 111, that he tion of candidates, the enactment of day night. be sent to New Tork." HOLD $52,000 GEMS. Brockman. is in the detention home, Mrs. Margaret Gibson, of 350 Jefferson "In the next week or ten days I shall "At whose request waa It that Major legislation and the decision of courts pending instructions from his mother street, Portland, is also a sister. gather In my nominating petitions Ray was sent to Chicago from Atlanta, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene, depend upon the momentary passions in Seattle. from the different countlVs and arrange to New TorkT" Feb. IS. (Special.) Twelve students, people necessarily Indifferently rather than men, suspended from the of a A. G. Bojce, Jr., Whose Father Is Youthful Slayer Surrenders. them for filing In the Secretary of Wife's lllaeas Reasea. all have been Informed as to the Issues presented, Carlton Pioneer of 1852 Dies. State's cfflce." said Judge Lowell at university for one semester aa a result Alleged Been Killed by HARRISON, Idaho.. Feb. 12. Ev- got orders from the chief of staff's scholarship In and without the opportunity to them to Have 12. Mrs. Mary the Multnomah Hotel last night. "Suf- "I of their low standing CARLTON, Or.. Feb. 15. charged with obtained office to make th change to Chicago. th semester just closed. These raer for time and study and that delibera- Sent Stones. Carl, pioneer of 1862, died here to- erett Black, aged ficient signatures have been Mrs. Ray Woman's Hnsband, J. a stabbing William Whiting. 20. to these petitions to place my name on Th chief of staff said that failed to make above 70 per cent In th tion that gives security and common day. The funeral will be Wednesday. fatally was 111 and surgical operation was to required by County. Ohio. in a quarrel here Saturday night, sur- the' ballot In the primary nominating a nine semester studies the sense to the government of the people, She was born In Noble today. aa soon aa have filed be performed In Chicago. General car. university ruling. Minn., 12. Jewels August , 18S9, and in 1852 crossed the rendered to Sheriff McFarland election. Just I this change waa mad at th Is such extremists would hurry us Into a CROOKSTON. Feb. by ox team. Whiting, who was stabbed five times, Salem I expect to ter said Though th number of "Hunkers" $52,000. shipped by express by plains with her parents . these petitions at request Whit House." condition which could find no parallel valued at In Port- died Sunda.-- Black declared that he rome Portland and remain for soma of the no larger than usual, th statement Is A. Boyce, Jr., to Mrs. Lena Sneed, After remaining a short time to of President Taft except In In G. on plead e. looking after my Senatorial can- One of the letters made that the average seal of class the French revolution or J. B. Sneed. the wealthy land, she came to this section, and would time to paymaster-Gener- al Whipple, put In usual. Straight bubbling anarchy once charac- wife of didacy." case public marks Is lower than the that Amarlllo Tex., banker, on trial at Fort evidence In th and made "A" (95 to 100 per cent) records were terized the South American republics. Worth, for the murder of Captain today, follows: by only seven in th Tex. Whipple I have earned students "Neurotica" Are Scored. A. G. Boyce, Sr.. have been seized by "Dear General entire university: Miss Clementine Cut- St. Vincent. Minn., 76,000,000 PERSONS RIDE read th letter of regarding Ella L. "Such extremists are not progre- the customs office at CLEANSES THE HAIR AND you have ler, senior, from Portland: Miss on the Canadian border. IKES Paymaster Ray, which ahown Moulton, Junior, from Baker: Miss ssivesthey are political emotionalists Th. er. helns- held. It is de Shov.--s me before. In tlmea past I had had a Goldsmith, senior, from Eugene: Seattle Klrotric Com pan j personal Interest In th welfare of Frieda or neurotics who have lost the sense clared, because a document which. It Miss Beulab Stebno. freshman, from Is said, would complete the evidence Done In Year. Major Ray. 1 have no relation with Mlsa Ethel Sanborn, of proportion, that clear and candid Bulnra prevent my Morris. Minn.; own that the Jewels were purchased and LUSTROUS AND ABUNDANT Major Ray that directing post-gradua- Uni- consideration of their weakness FLUFFY, ac- entered from the owned In the , is lacking. you to take the earn disciplinary versity of South Dakota: Charles N. as a whole, and that clear perception OLTMP1A. Wash.. Feb. IS. (Special.) respect to him as In th case tion In Reynold. Junior, from Portland, and of the necessity for checks upon hasty FORT WORTH. Tex.; Feb. 12. At the With the Public Service Commission of any of your subordinates. Benjamin H. Williams, post-grsduat- e, year ending September SO, 1911. me It would be wise popular action which made our people trial of John Bean Sneed, charged with for the "It seems to that from Eugene. fought the of Captain A. i. Boyce. ness and an incomparable gloss and has been tiled the annual report of the to send General Garllngton or a trusted unusual of all the new reg- who Revolution and who the murder Never Any Falling Hair, Itching you you Company, and shows Ray's accounta and The most drafted the Federal Constitution th the prosecution resumed the lustre and try as, will cannot Seattle Electric it assistant to Inspect istrations received today was filed by of William H. Atwell. the You Use find a trace of dandruff or falling hair; that the streetcar system In that city those of his clerk, as well as th Bond, a lad, clad In greatest people that the Scalp or Dandruff if Ti.000.00il people In as If th charge Louis United States District Attorney, who but your real surprise will be after rarrled more than rhargea make, knickerbockers, who entered the uni- world over knew. as Sneed s attorney before the a Little Danderine. about two weeks' use, when you will IS out aa states, to separ- "All-A- acted th month. turn to be versity with an " term report has been said, and It Is a com- killing of Boyce. heavy, see new hair fine and downy at first Of thla number 71.4SO.000 paid fares ate from Ray at once. Eugene High School. It ia be- "It To be possessed of a head of $1.4:5.880. or an aver- Ray's If charges from mon platform expression, that It is beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy, yes but really new hair sprouting out amounting to at "While conduct. lieved that Bond is the youngest fresh- prefer man dol- over your scalp is, we sever- knee-trouser- well to the above the wavy from dandruff is merely all Danderine age of 4.1 centa a tide, showing that are true, could subject him to the man and th ft rat ed en- and free grower; advantage of th av-in- g condemnation, seems from lar, as If the preservation of property LAKE AUT0ISTS MISSING a matter" of using a little Danderine. believe, the only sure hair few people take est there trant recorded here. Four of th Bond right had some other purpose than the destroyer of dandruff and cure for itchy to be made by buying tickets In 'a language and telegram to be such family have preceded him In th uni- The very first application cleanses of school by him and hi wife assistance to and the uplifting' of hu- the scalp, stops Itchiness, destroys and scalp and it never falls to stop falling books and that the number a condemnation versity, three brothers and one sister. property es- Two Trying to Cross Superior Ice once. children using half farea la compara- that It would be well to avert the de- man rights. Private was dissolves every particle of dandruff and hair at Army In- tablished as an Instrumentality in th preventa the from falling out. If you want to prove how pretty and tively email. moralising scandal for th uplift- Are Not Heard From. hair your really is, volved In the court-marti- al proceedings, progress of civilisation and th It is easy and inexpensive to have soft hair moisten a cloth plsce stigma on LILLIAN DENIES PARTING ing of man, and It is equality of op- nice, aoft hair end lots of It. Just get with a little Danderine and carefully which would a pro- DLLUTH. Minn., Feb. 12. D. Bourea, your TUMBLES and Mrs. which they could never portunity that private property a nt bottle of Knowlton's Dan- draw It through hair taking one WOMAN AVIATOR motes by assuring the man the results who, accompanied by a newspaper cor- now all drug stores recommend small strand at a time. Tour hair will recover from. Ray could be told that Mls Russell Says She'll Wed Moore was reported Satur- derine hla supervisors knew his fault and have of his own labor, thrift and respondent, last t apply a little as directed and with- be soft, glossy and beautiful in just a Mn. Julia Clark. Curtis Pnpil, provided against It. and In the Interest Even If He Isn't Wealthy. day to. have left Port Arthur. Ont., in in ten minutes there will be an appear- few moments a delightful surprise of his victims and the Army It was Abuses Are Dlaalnlahlac an endeavor to cross Lake Superior in ance of abundance; freshness, fluffi- - awaits everyone who tries this. Tails eo Fret Injuries Slight. deemed beat not to present it to th "W have permitted the establish- an automobile on the Ice, 196 miles, on condition that he avoid NEW TORK. Feb. IS. (Special.) In ment of corporations and th acquisi- had not arrived here today. board th Inquiries from up the lake failed to Mrs. such conduct In th future. spit of reports to th contrary, Lil- tion of power through the corrupting 9AS DIEGO. Feb.; IS. Julia money In politics, so aa times locate the automoblllsts. Clark, of Chicago, a pupil of th Cur- gcaaidal Net Waate4, lian Russell Is to have another husband, use of at as- some weeks ago to give to a few dangerous control in tis aviation school, lost control of her "These suggestions are on th and. as was conceded government, during YOUR DOLLARS WORKING? sumption that 's charges are tru by both parties In th case, he Is Alex- legislation and but Seattle Man Found Dead. ARE machine this afternoon when It waa Garllngton the last 10 years rruch progress IF NOT, LET US HIRE THEM over- and that General knows ander P. Moore, of Pittsburg. Miss Rus- SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 12. The body caught In a gust of wind and court-marti- al against such abuses has been made in FEU CENT PER AVNTM FOR I TEAR them to be so. I don't favor so today In of Brockman, a retired book- 7 YEARS turned. proceedings In such cases sell said refutation the this regard. Statutes have been of Albert PER CENT PER AX.MTl FOB rumor she and Moore had parted passed, notably the anti-tru- st statute keeper of Seattle, who was traveling Proportionate rates for intermediate terms. She fell :o feet to the ground. The where there la condonation. In order that to Los Angeles on the WE PAY Army suffers, because Moore couldn't guarantee an and the Interstate commerce law, and from Seattle machine waa badly wrecked and Mrs. to prevent scandal. The Its amendments, to restrain a misuse steamer President, was fovnd In the Absolute Security No Expense No Worry Clark was painfully Injured. She will the parties suffer and only the pru- Income of $60,000 a year. says readers of such trials receive any "I don't know how those reports got recover, and sh will not abandon rient discipline Involved to learn to fly. aurantuge. Th started," said Miss Russell. "It Is too her determination does not outweigh In It benefit for ' injuries to the prestige foolish to deny." Wliy Have "Merves?" the Army the objected Mr. Moore's beKifl DIRECTORS. F. R. COOK, Secretary, of th Army and the demoralization It Tou haven't to This is th raasoo why woman hsve " nerves." Whea thoughts to .row Harrison O. Piatt K. G. Crawford 2U6 Stark. St. HUSBAND SEES WIFE BURN causes. Income?" sad oooartaia, impulse la aad th warnings of pain and distress are sent Henry A. Harsent J. P. Jaeirer Floor, Railway Exchange loudr ia ten, a Frank E. Dooly H. O. Colton Ground "You can show this letter to General "Certainly not." tik aying meeaagea thruhout limbs and frame, straightway, nine times V. ti. McPheraon F. R. Cook Building. Main 5327. Man to Aid Woman Trapped Garllngton and General Oliver, but I "And you expect to be married in th wsaaawiU lay th cause of th trouble to some defect at the point where she first t'nable would prefer that it do not go on our you planned?" of irritability or twitching and CAUL FOR OUR 7 PER CENT FOLDER suggest Is Spring, just as felt it. Is k a headache, baokaohe, a sensation in Flaming Iloue. official files. The course I us In mean- something must be wrong with th head or back, a one It aeeras to me Is best under the "Unleaa one of dies the uaooatroIlaM nervousness, the time." woman natnraHy says, but all th time the real trouble very often centers in the circumstances. and a MII.WAIKKK. Win. Feb. 12. Major Ray did me some service of a wamanly organs. Ia nine easa out of tea th seat of the difficulty is here, Trapped In a burning cottage political character some years ago at wsaaaa skoal take rational treatment for its euro. The local disorder and inflam-sss- lj SEE THE today. Mr. Annie Runtce. aged 4S years, the Instance of my brother, and he 1 CANDY MYSTERY UNSOLVED tfco detieat spaoiaa organs of the sex should be treated steadily and while her hus- much, on was burned to death disposed to assume much, too any eyfsaatiealey. band, aged SO. unable to help her. stood that score. I wish him treated aa period of praotrae, found that a prescription made outside and watched her die. other officer In the service, and I would Slan and Woman Already Dead but Dr. Pi area, dwna a loaf fire from the explosion same suggestion as to any frosa maslieiaal ntraot of native roots, withoa th us of sjoobol, relieved over 90 The started make th Ball Player Will Recover. prae-ti- o of a lamp. officer In a similar case. Sincerely per eet. of swoh oases. After ajsiag this remedy for maay year ia his private yours. WILLIAM H. TAFT.' be pat h up as form of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, that would make it MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 12. Police are easfly procurable, aad it oaa be had at aay store where medicine are bandied. Show Km Ire Family I'nlxiiirtl. Auto trying today to solve the mystery of the ATUXTIiTITT. N. J.. Feb. IS. Mys- COUNCIL CONDEMNS MAYOR desths of Simon O'Malley and Bonnie Mas. Liu B. HAwgnts, of Zeus. Va., writes: " I had been failing in health tery surrounds the death of two chil- Reedy, which occurred Saturday night for twa years most of the tin was not able to atsead to my household duties. ALL THIS WEEK AT dren of Jchn Lewl. who were taken Oregon City's Executive's Action Is from poisoned candy left at the door Female waakz) wm my arouMe and I was getting very bad bat, thanks to Doctor elrk yeaterday after eating a break-las- t of O'Malley's home. Pleree'g mediolnes, I am well and Strong aealk. I took only throe bottle of Favor- of oatmeal and milk. The entire Declared t'npatriolic. Louis Spencer, a semi - professional ite Prasretpaion,' and need the) LoMoa Tablet. ' I hav nothing bnt praise for WASHINGTON STREET family of seven waa made 111. baoeball player, who also ate some of Baur PreroB'a waodeifuj saedfrlnsj." 617 Spe- randy, Is In the hospital. He The Coroner and th police are nr.Klii 'X CITY. Or.. Feb. 12. the still ILLS. cial.) Accusers of PaUvlmcu Green will recover. TAU E&, ES2 ?lrEAdA3I ffiLLBTA. EfiK.UVfiS