40Th Annual Report, Department of Fisheries and Marine (1907)
7 ) 7-8 EDWARDVI!. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 22 A. 1908 FORTIETI-IANNUAL REPORT ')F THE BEPRTET OF HRINE kNB FISIIERIES 1907 FISIIEBIES PRINTED BYORDERuF PARLIAMENT OTTAWA PRINTED BY S. E. DAWSON. PRINTER TO THE KINGS MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1907 [No. 22—190S. 7-8 EDWARD VII. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 22 A. 1908 ToHis Excellency the Right Ilonourable SIR ALBERT HENRY GEORGE, EARL GREY, Viscount Howick, Baron Grey of Howick, a Baronet, G.C.if.G., bc,,&c.,t'c., Governor General of Canada, MAY IT PLEASE YOUR EXCELLENCY I have the honour to submit herewith, for the information of Your Excellency and the legislature of Canada, the Fortieth Annual Report of the Department of Marine aud Fisheries, Fisheries Branch. I have the honour to be, Your Excellency's most obedient servant, L. P. BRODETJR, Minister of Marine and Fisheries. DEPARTMENT OF MARINE AND FIHERLES, OTTAWA, November, 1907 7-8 EDWARD VII. SESSIONAL. PAPER No. 22 A. 19O ALPHABETICALINDEX TO THE FIIIERIES REPORT 1907. A PAGE. Alberta, report of Inspector 207, 211 Antigonish County, N.S., returns 56 Areas—extent of water—or coast xxv Armstrong, Vm., Hatchery officer, Newcastle, Ont 261 B Baldwin's Mills, rearing ponds 265 Bait Freezer system in Canada xl Bait, cold storage of, by Peter Macfarlane 287 Black Bass, breeding ponds 244 Barker, \Vin. H., Hatchery Officer, B.C 251; Bay View lobster hatchery, N.S 276 Bedford hatchery, N.S 273 Behring Sea Question, remarks xl Sealing Fleet of 1906 229 Belliveau, A. H., Inspector's reports xlix, 147 Bertram, A. C., Inspector of Cape Breton Island, reports xlii, 30 Biological Marine Stations Lake Georgian Bay and in B.C xxi Block House Point Hatchery, P.E.
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