Buddha’s Brain: Lighting up the Neural Circuits of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom Esalen July, 2013 Rick Hanson, Ph.D. The Wellspring Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom www.WiseBrain.org www.RickHanson.net
[email protected] © 2012 Topics Self-directed neuroplasticity Self-compassion The power of mindfulness Inner strengths The evolving brain The negativity bias Being and doing Your loving nature Two wolves in the heart Equanimity Flowers pulling weeds Strength with heart Coming home Self-Directed Neuroplasticity Common - and Fertile - Ground Psychology Neurology Contemplative Practice When the facts change, I change my mind, sir. What do you do? John Maynard Keynes The Natural Mind Apart from the hypothetical influence of a transcendental X factor . Awareness and unconsciousness, mindfulness and delusion, and happiness and suffering must be natural processes. Mind is grounded in life. We ask, “What is a thought?” We don't know, yet we are thinking continually. Venerable Tenzin Palmo A Neuron Mental activity entails underlying neural activity. The Rewards of Love Ardent, Diligent, Resolute, and Mindful Christian Nuns, Recalling a Profound Spiritual Experience Beauregard, et al., Neuroscience Letters, 9/25/06 Repeated mental activity entails repeated neural activity. Repeated neural activity builds neural structure. Lazar, et al. 2005. Meditation experience is associated with increased cortical thickness. Neuroreport, 16, 1893-1897. The Opportunity We can use the mind To change the brain To change the mind for the better To benefit ourselves and other beings. Honoring Experience Your experience matters. Both for how it feels in the moment and for the lasting residues it leaves behind, woven into the fabric of your brain and being.