The Anchor, Volume 70.16: February 28, 1958

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The Anchor, Volume 70.16: February 28, 1958 Hope College Hope College Digital Commons The Anchor: 1958 The Anchor: 1950-1959 2-28-1958 The Anchor, Volume 70.16: February 28, 1958 Hope College Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Library and Information Science Commons Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 70.16: February 28, 1958" (1958). The Anchor: 1958. Paper 6. Published in: The Anchor, Volume 70, Issue 16, February 28, 1958. Copyright © 1958 Hope College, Holland, Michigan. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Anchor: 1950-1959 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor: 1958 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. <4 HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR nn 16 Hope College — Holland, Michigan February 28, 1958 Batons Poised Sing Nears With the all-important date just six days away, the active mem- bers of Hope College's fraternities and sororities are preparing for the Penny Carnival fifteenth annual All College Sing with might and main. Because of Theme To Be increasing attendance at each of the previous performances the event will be held in the Holland Civic Center this year. "CAROUSEL" Serving as co-chairmen are Joan Peelen and A1 Grube. Assisting "Carousel" is the theme of the them will be Don Lee, Program cover design; Joe Vasey, head usher; Penny Carnival to be held on Sat- Barbara Wolfe and John Vander Ven, Civic Center accommodations; urday, March 22, 1958 in the gym- and Donna Paris and Gerry Boeve, programs. nasium of Hope College. Sponsor- ing this event is the WAL. Helen The first "Sing" was held in 1939 Hungerink and Jan Owen are gen- under the sponsorship of the Wom- eral co-chairmen. en's Activities League. Only the Chairmen of the different com- Choir and Sym- sororities were represented in the mittees for the Penny Carnival are: first contest. A silver cup was don- Mar-les Exo, Admissions; Carol phonette Prepare ated as the prize for the event The Dorians, defending champions in the women's division of this year's Ham, Publicity; Jane Klaasen, which was won by the women of All College Sing, are pictured in practice for that event which is For Tours Program; Marilyn Kortenhoven, Sorosis. In 1940, however, the com- to be held on March 6. —Photo by John Kraai The itineraries for the Sym- Booth; and Phil Prins, Clean-up. petition was expanded to include phonette and the Choir tours have Featured at the Penny Carnival the fraternities. That • year the been announced. The choir will will be a booth from each of the Community Ambassador Program ... Emersonian Fraternity proved its sororities and fraternities on cam- tour the East this year, while the talent in the vocal arts and was pus. The "Y" and the wives of Experiment In International Living Symphonette tours the Midwest. the victor in the first completely Hope students will also sponsor EVERY TRAVELER HAS AN leaders, parties with your new Tuesday, March 25 is the depart- All College Sing. On the distaff side, the Sorosites won their sec- booths. A cup will be awarded to OBJECTIVE — what do you want friends, etc. ing date for the Symphonette. ond consecutive victory. the booth which makes the most from your trip abroad? A pass- The Community Ambassador Their destination is Morrison, 111. In 1941 the men of Emersonian money. port full of immigration stamps? from Holland must be between 19 Wellsburg, Iowa, is scheduled for All profits from the Carnival A whirlwind visit to all the major and 30 years of age, and he must and the women of Sorosis again a March 26 conceit. That Thurs- dominated the scene, repeating will be used to help the Interna- capitals of Europe? A conversa- be from the greater Holland area. day the group will jump to Hol- their successes of the previous tional Relations Club bring an tional gambit such as "Now when Other qualifications include: (1) land, Nebraska. A program is year. The Second World War inter- Austrian student to the United I was in Paris last summer . ."? genuine interest in making a per- scheduled in Prarie View, Kansas, rupted the series and it was not States. If these are your objectives, please sonal contribution to international until the spring of 1943 that an- read no further. understanding (2) proven maturity the next day. other contest took place. and ability to get along well with The highlight of the tour will But — if you are interested in Last spring, the Cosmopolitans Concert Programs people of different backgrounds occur March 29-30 when the group combining travel with an oppor- and Dorians took top honors with and interests (3) constructive per- tunity of meeting the people of is in Denver, Colorado. No concert their rendition of "Oklahoma" and For 1958 -1959 sonal interests or hobbies (4) par- other countries, of talking with is scheduled for the twenty-ninth. "Thumbelina." ticipation in extracurricular or Announced them, learning to understand them, One concert is scheduled for March There is a set of definite rules civic activities (5) experience in The Civic Concert Series closed and making life-long friendships 30 in Denver. governing the competition. They its campaign for membership with with them — and if you would like outdoor living (6) conversational Swinging back towards Hope on are designed to assure the partici- over 2000 members signed up for to give others a chance to form fluency where a foreign language March 31, they will play a concert pating groups of the uniformity the 1958-59 season. Memberships their opinions about Americans is required (7) satisfactory acad- in Rapid City, South Dakota. Re- of criteria to be used in the judg- from as far as Grand Rapids, Mus- from a live, personal experience emic standing (8) sound emotional maining in South Dakota April ing, specifying such things as: kegon, and South Haven were re- rather than from the movies, the stability and physical health. 1-2, the group will offer two con- The judging will be almost en- corded for the new season. press, etc. — then the Community The selection is based upon per- certs to be played at Corsica on the tirely on the performance itself. Announced at this time by the Ambassador Program can provide sonal merit and is open to all re- first and two concerts in Chancello Dress and other special features Talent Committee were the pro- you with a meaningful and lasting gardless of race, color or creed. on the second. On April 3 the sym- wil be given little consideration. grams for the Concert Series dur- experience in international travel. Ambassadors are chosen accord- phonette will be in Edgerton, Min- Musical selections with solo ing the 1958-59 season. Six con- Each year Holland's Community ing to their qualifications, and up- nesota and on April 4 in Waterloo, parts will not be accepted. certs are scheduled. Included in the Ambassador joins a large organi- on recommendation of professors, Iowa. On Saturday, April 5, the All preparation and presentation series are The National Symphony zation called "The Experiment in employers, other associates and group will return to the campus. must be entirely under student Orchestra with Howard Mitchell International Living". The funda- former Experimenters. direction. The choir is departing one week conducting, and a large vocal en- mental belief of this group is that The applicant may select two of The groups have been practicing after the symphonette. On Sunday, semble with costumes, etc. will be "people learn to live together by the following countries: Spain, since last Saturday and next week March 30, they will offer their first presented in The Singing Boys of living together", and their program France, Switzerland, Germany, will begin adding the final touches concert at Wauseon, Ohio. They Mexico. includes the following features: Austria, Italy, England, Scotland, to their selections in hopes of win- backtrack to Detroit for a concert Chamber music on the new series — membership in a small group of Ireland, Holland, Norway, Den- ning the coveted cup and the pres- on Monday. On Tuesday April 1 will be presented by the Eger about ten mark, Sweden, Finland, Yugosalvia, tige that goes with it. The prepar- the choir will perform in Marion, Players. The group is composed of — carefully selected and trained Israel, Egypt, Turkey, India, Japan, ations will be completed with a New York, April 2 in Rhinebeck a French Horn and strings. leaders Australia, Philippines, Brazil and final rehearsal in the Civic Center New York, Thursday April 3 in Ferrante and Tercher, Duo Piano — travel overseas in the stimulat- Chile. on the afternoon of March 6. Each Hawthorne, New York and Friday is another attraction. They played ing atmosphere of a student ship Dr. Donald F. Brown, president organization will be allotted a per- in Tarry town. New Yok. in Holland three years ago and (or by air in a few cases) of the Community Ambassador As- iod for a short rehearsal. were very popular. — a month's "homestay" with a sociation, has announced that the Highlight of the tour for the The dance attraction is Gaya and family in the country of your deadline for filing application choir members will be a free day Fran Roundhouse to Matteo, Dance Team. Folk dances in New York City on Saturday, choice blanks will be Monday, March 3. Give Senior Recital of many lands are their specialty. Further information and applica- April 5.
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