Sunday of the Samaritan Woman 16/29 May, 2005 Tone 4
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Sunday of the Samaritan Woman 16/29 May, 2005 Tone 4 NOTE: The service for Midpentecost and for the Samaritan Woman are found in the Pentecostarion. IF VESPERS ONLY: Priest: Blessed is our God… Reader: Usual post-Pascha beginning Opening Psalm (Psalter – Psalm 103) Great Ektenia Choir: Blessed is the man… (VIGIL MUSIC) Small Ektenia At Lord I have Cried: Octoechos 4 Midpentecost 3 Samaritan Woman 3 G: Samaritan Woman N: Dogmatic Theotokion in the Tone of the Week (VIGIL MUSIC) “O Gentle Light…” (VIGIL MUSIC) Prokimenon for Saturday evening (VIGIL MUSIC) 2 Ektenias with “Vouchsafe O Lord…” between them (VIGIL BOOK) Aposticha: Octoechos: 1 Paschal Stichera G: Pentecostarion N: “It is the day of the Resurrection…” & “Christ is Risen…” 1x “Now lettest Thou Thy servant…” through “Our Father” (Vigil Book) Priest: For Thine is the kingdom… Troparia : Sunday Tone 4 Glory…Both now… Midpentecost Troparion Priest: Wisdom! Choir: Father bless! Priest: He that is is… Choir: Establish, O God, the holy Orthodox Faith of Orthodox Christians unto the ages of ages. Priest: O most holy Theotokos… Choir: More honorable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim; who without corruption gavest birth to God the Word, the very Theotokos, thee do we magnify. Priest: Glory to Thee… Choir: Glory…Both now… Lord have mercy 3x. Father bless! Priest: Dismissal. Choir: The Orthodox Episcopate… (VIGIL MUSIC) IF VIGIL: Priest: Glory to the Holy… Choir: Amen. XB 3x (different languages if possible) Å “Bless the Lord, O my soul…” Great Ektenia Blessed is the man… (VIGIL MUSIC) Small Ektenia At Lord I have Cried: Octoechos 4 Midpentecost 3 Samaritan Woman 3 G: Samaritan Woman N: Dogmatic Theotokion in the Tone of the Week (VIGIL MUSIC) “O Gentle Light…” (VIGIL MUSIC) Prokimenon for Saturday evening (VIGIL MUSIC) 2 Ektenias with “Vouchsafe O Lord…” between them (VIGIL BOOK) Aposticha: Octoechos: 1 Paschal Stichera G: Pentecostarion N: “It is the day of the Resurrection…” & “Christ is Risen…” 1x “Now lettest Thou Thy servant…” through “Our Father” (Vigil Book) Priest: For Thine is the kingdom… Troparia: “O Theotokos Virgn…” 2x Midpentecost Troparion 1x Choir: Blessed be the name… 3x Psalm 33 Priest: “The blessing of the Lord…” Choir: Amen. XB 3x Å Matins: Reader: 6 Psalms (in middle of church before icon, holding candle) Great Ektenia Choir: “God is the Lord…” Tone 4 Troparia: Sunday Tone 4 2x Å Glory…Both now… Midpentecost Troparion 1x Choir: LHM 3x Glory… Reader: Both now… Read one psalm Glory… Choir: Both now… (Alleluia 3x, Glory to Thee O God!) 3x LHM 3x Glory… Reader: Both now… Read one psalm Glory… Choir: Both now… (Alleluia 3x, Glory to Thee O God!) 3x LHM 3x Glory… Reader: Both now… Read one psalm Glory… Both now… (Alleluia 3x, Glory to Thee O God!) 3x Priest: Small Ektenia Reader: Sessional Hymns Pentecostarion Choir: “Blessed art Thou, O Lord…” Priest: Small Ektenia Reader: Hypakoe (OCTOECHOS) Hymns of Ascent, Tone 4 (OCTOECHOS) Priest: Prokimenon (OCTOECHOS) Choir: Prokimenon (OCTOECHOS) Priest: Stichos Choir: Prokimenon (OCTOECHOS) Priest: Prokimenon (OCTOECHOS) Choir: Prokimenon (OCTOECHOS) Priest: Let us pray to the Lord! Choir: LHM Priest: For holy art Thou… Choir: Amen. Priest: Let every breath praise the Lord! Choir: Let every breath praise the Lord! Priest: Praise ye God… Choir: Let every breath praise the Lord! Priest: Let every breath… Choir: … praise the Lord! Priest: And that He will vouchsafe… Choir: LHM 3x Priest: Wisdom, aright… Choir: And to thy spirit! Priest: The reading… Choir: Glory to… Priest: Let us attend! Reads Gospel Choir: Having beheld… (VIGIL MUSIC) SUNG THREE TIMES – QUICKLY Å VIGIL MUSIC: Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Through the prayers of the apostles… Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Through the prayers of the Theotokos… Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy… Jesus having risen from the grave… Priest: Save O God… Choir: LHM 12x Priest: Through the mercy… CANON SUMMARY Paschal Canon All – IRMOST SUNG, REST READ Å Midpentecost 2 (Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! & Glory…Both now…) Samaritan Woman 2 (Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! & Glory…Both now…) Choir: Paschal Canon as on Pascha – Ode 1 Sing Irmos – Read Rest (Verse: Christ is Risen from the dead!) Reader: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Reads first troparion (NOT THE IRMOS) Midpentecost Reader: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Reads second troparion (NOT THE IRMOS) Midpentecost Reader: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Reads first troparion (NOT THE IRMOS) Samaritan Woman Reader: Glory… Both now… Reads last troparion (NOT THE KATAVASIA) Samaritan Woman Choir: Sing Irmos of Paschal Canon as Katavasia BUT NOT XB 3X Choir: Paschal Canon as on Pascha – Ode 3 Sing Irmos – Read Rest (Verse: Christ is Risen from the dead!) Reader: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Reads first troparion (NOT THE IRMOS) Midpentecost Reader: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Reads second troparion (NOT THE IRMOS) Midpentecost Reader: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Reads first troparion (NOT THE IRMOS) Samaritan Woman Reader: Glory… Both now… Reads last troparion (NOT THE KATAVASIA) Samaritan Woman Priest: Small Ektenia Choir: Kontakion & Ikos Midpentecost (p. 196) Sessional Hymn Pentecostarion (at end of Ode 3) Choir: Paschal Canon as on Pascha – Ode 4 Sing Irmos – Read Rest (Verse: Christ is Risen from the dead!) Reader: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Reads first troparion (NOT THE IRMOS) Midpentecost Reader: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Reads second troparion (NOT THE IRMOS) Midpentecost Reader: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Reads first troparion (NOT THE IRMOS) Samaritan Woman Reader: Glory… Both now… Reads last troparion (NOT THE KATAVASIA) Samaritan Woman Choir: Sing Irmos of Paschal Canon as Katavasia BUT NOT XB 3X Choir: Paschal Canon as on Pascha – Ode 5 Sing Irmos – Read Rest (Verse: Christ is Risen from the dead!) Reader: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Reads first troparion (NOT THE IRMOS) Midpentecost Reader: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Reads second troparion (NOT THE IRMOS) Midpentecost Reader: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Reads first troparion (NOT THE IRMOS) Samaritan Woman Reader: Glory… Both now… Reads last troparion (NOT THE KATAVASIA) Samaritan Woman Choir: Sing Irmos of Paschal Canon as Katavasia BUT NOT XB 3X Choir: Paschal Canon as on Pascha – Ode 6 Sing Irmos – Read Rest (Verse: Christ is Risen from the dead!) Reader: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Reads first troparion (NOT THE IRMOS) Midpentecost Reader: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Reads second troparion (NOT THE IRMOS) Midpentecost Reader: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Reads first troparion (NOT THE IRMOS) Samaritan Woman Reader: Glory… Both now… Reads last troparion (NOT THE KATAVASIA) Samaritan Woman Priest: Small Ektenia Reader: Kontakion and Ikos (Pentecostarion) Choir: Paschal Canon as on Pascha – Ode 7 Sing Irmos – Read Rest (Verse: Christ is Risen from the dead!) Reader: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Reads first troparion (NOT THE IRMOS) Midpentecost Reader: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Reads second troparion (NOT THE IRMOS) Midpentecost Reader: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Reads first troparion (NOT THE IRMOS) Samaritan Woman Reader: Glory… Both now… Reads last troparion (NOT THE KATAVASIA) Samaritan Woman Choir: Sing Irmos of Paschal Canon as Katavasia BUT NOT XB 3X Choir: Paschal Canon as on Pascha – Ode 8 Sing Irmos – Read Rest (Verse: Christ is Risen from the dead!) Reader: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Reads first troparion (NOT THE IRMOS) Midpentecost Reader: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Reads second troparion (NOT THE IRMOS) Midpentecost Reader: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Reads first troparion (NOT THE IRMOS) Samaritan Woman Reader: Glory… Both now… Reads last troparion (NOT THE KATAVASIA) Samaritan Woman Choir: Sing Irmos of Paschal Canon as Katavasia BUT NOT XB 3X NO: Priest: The Theotokos… NO: Choir: My soul doth magnify… (VIGIL MUSIC) Choir: Paschal Canon as on Pascha – Ode 9 Sing Irmos – Read Rest (Verse: Christ is Risen from the dead!) Reader: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Reads first troparion (NOT THE IRMOS) Midpentecost Reader: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Reads second troparion (NOT THE IRMOS) Midpentecost Reader: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Reads first troparion (NOT THE IRMOS) Samaritan Woman Reader: Glory… Both now… Reads last troparion (NOT THE KATAVASIA) Samaritan Woman Choir: Sing Irmos of Paschal Canon as Katavasia BUT NOT XB 3X Priest: Small Ektenia Priest: Holy is the Lord our God. (VIGIL MUSIC) Choir: Holy is the Lord our God. Priest: For holy… Choir: Holy is the Lord our God. Priest: Above all… Choir: Holy is the Lord our God. Choir: Exapostilarion of Pascha Reader: Glory… Exapostilarion Samaritan Woman Both now… Exapostilarion Midpentecost Choir: Let every breath…, Tone of week (VIGIL MUSIC) Praise ye God…, Tone of week (VIGIL MUSIC) SKIP PSALM VERSE TO VERSE 8 Reader: Read Verse (from VIGIL BOOK – PERHAPS IN VIGIL MUSIC TOO) Choir/Reader: Verse from Octoechos Praises (Repeat for each of the 8 verses: 6 from Octoechos, 2 from Samaritan Woman) Last two verses between praises: Reader: Glory… Reader: Samaritan Woman Choir: Both now… Most blessed art Thou… (VIGIL MUSIC) Priest: Glory to Thee… Choir: Glory to God in the highest… (VIGIL MUSIC) Special Sunday Troparion, Tone 2, at end of Doxology (VIGIL MUSIC) Priest: Two ektenias, nothing in between.