

Sonia Purnell | 400 pages | 14 May 2015 | Aurum Press Ltd | 9781781313060 | English | , United Kingdom Biography of Clementine Churchill, Britain's First Lady

First Lady is a bold biography of a bold woman; at last Purnell has put Clementine Churchill at the centre of her own extraordinary story, rather than in the shadow of her husband's.' 'From the influence she wielded to the secrets she kept, a new book looks at the extraordinary role of 's wife Clementine who proved that behind. First Lady: the Life and Wars of Clementine Churchill, review: 'fascinating account of an under appreciated woman' Geoffrey Lyons reviews Sonia Purnell’s enthralling new biography of one of Britain’s most misunderstood figures. Keeping silent was, Purnell argues, Clementines most decisive and courageous action of the war. Anne Sebba is the author of American Jennie, The Remarkable Life of Lady Randolph Churchill (WW Norton ) and is currently writing Les Parisiennes: how Women lived, loved and died in Paris from for publication in First Lady: The Life and Wars of Clementine Churchill

First Lady: the Life and Wars of Clementine Churchill, review: 'fascinating account of an under appreciated woman' Geoffrey Lyons reviews Sonia Purnell’s enthralling new biography of one of Britain’s most misunderstood figures. Royal Oak lecturer Sonia Purnell’s new book, “First Lady: the Life and Wars of Clementine Churchill,” is out to rave reviews. Examining Clementine’s role in some of the critical events of the 20th century, Purnell retells a history that has largely marginalized Sir Winston’s wife. Keeping silent was, Purnell argues, Clementines most decisive and courageous action of the war. Anne Sebba is the author of American Jennie, The Remarkable Life of Lady Randolph Churchill (WW Norton ) and is currently writing Les Parisiennes: how Women lived, loved and died in Paris from for publication in

Born Clementine Ogilvy Hozier, Clementine Churchill (April 1, – December 12, ) was a British noblewoman and the wife of prime minister Winston Churchill. Although she lived a relatively quiet life, she was honored in later life with a Dame Grand Cross and a life peerage in her own right. Sonia Purnell is a biographer and journalist who has worked at The Economist, The Telegraph, and The Sunday Times. Her book Clementine: The Life of Mrs. Winston Churchill (published as First Lady in the UK) was chosen as a book of the year by The Telegraph and The Independent, and was a finalist for the Plutarch Award. Keeping silent was, Purnell argues, Clementines most decisive and courageous action of the war. Anne Sebba is the author of American Jennie, The Remarkable Life of Lady Randolph Churchill (WW Norton ) and is currently writing Les Parisiennes: how Women lived, loved and died in Paris from for publication in

Sonia Purnell is a biographer and journalist who has worked at The Economist, The Telegraph, and The Sunday Times. Her book Clementine: The Life of Mrs. Winston Churchill (published as First Lady in the UK) was chosen as a book of the year by The Telegraph and The Independent, and was a finalist for the Plutarch Award. First Lady: The Life and Wars of Clementine Churchill by Purnell, Sonia at - ISBN - ISBN - Aurum Press Ltd - - Softcover. Born Clementine Ogilvy Hozier, Clementine Churchill (April 1, – December 12, ) was a British noblewoman and the wife of prime minister Winston Churchill. Although she lived a relatively quiet life, she was honored in later life with a Dame Grand Cross and a life peerage in her own right.

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