MultipleMultiple stressorsstressors impactimpact onon thethe ecosystemecosystem ofof PeterPeter thethe GreatGreat BayBay (Japan/East(Japan/East Sea)Sea) OlgaOlga N.N. LukyanovaLukyanova,, SergeiSergei A.A. ССherkashinherkashin andand MikhailMikhail V.V. SimokonSimokon PacificPacific ResearchResearch FisheriesFisheries CenterCenter (TINRO(TINRO--Center),Center), Vladivostok,Vladivostok, Russia.Russia.
[email protected] Vladivostok Amur Ussury Bay Bay 43 Nakhodka Nakhodka Peter the Great Bay bay Possyet 42.5 Bay 131 132 133 Far Eastern State Marine Reserve ¾¾ TheThe densitydensity ofof populationpopulation inin thethe RussianRussian FarFar EastEast isis low,low, 120120 personspersons perper 100100 sq.sq. kmkm inin average.average. ¾¾ TheThe maximalmaximal densitydensity isis inin PrimoryePrimorye,, onon thethe southsouth ofof thethe district,district, coastalcoastal zonezone ofof PeterPeter thethe GreatGreat Bay,Bay, approximatelyapproximately 16001600 personspersons perper 100100 sq.sq. Sea surface temperature (oC) in the Sea surface salinity (psu) in the Amur Bay on August 16-18, 2010 Amur Bay on August 16-18, 2010 43.2 43.2 43 43 42.8 42.8 131.4 131.6 131.8 132 131.4 131.6 131.8 132 Hydrogen ion exponent (pH) at the sea surface in the Amur Bay in August 2010 (left) and 2009 (right) 43.2 43 (courtesy of V. Rachkov, 42.8 TINRO) 131.4 131.6 131.8 132131.4 131.6 131.8 132 Year-to-year fluctuations of air temperature and SST according the data of 4 meteorological stations in Peter the Great Bay ―― Vladivostok