5.3 Water Environment
5.3 Water Environment (1) Scarcity and Degradation of Freshwater in Egypt The water resources of Egypt could be divided into two systems; the Nile system and the groundwater system in desert area. The Nile system consisting of the Nile River, its branches, the irrigation canals, the agricultural drains and the valley and Delta aquifers. These water resources are interconnected. This system is replenished yearly with approximately 58.5 billion m3 of freshwater, as is given in the survey by MWRI. Egypt depends on the Nile for almost all of water resources; naturally, it is a crucial issue on how to preserve water quality of the River Nile. On the other hand, water in desert area is in deep sandstone aquifer and is generally non-renewable source, though considerable amounts of water are stored in the groundwater system. Table 5.13: Water Balance of the River Nile Water balance 3 Items (billion m /yr) Inflow Outflow & use HAD release 55.50 Effective rainfall 1.00 Sea water intrusion 2.00 Total inflow 58.50 Consumptive use agriculture 40.82 Consumptive use industries 0.91 Consumptive use domestic 0.45 Evaporation 3.00 Total use and evaporation 45.18 Navigation fresh water 0.26 Fayoum terminal drainage 0.65 Delta drainage to the sea 12.41 Total outflow 13.31 Source: MWRI Water demand in Egypt has been increasing due to population growth, higher standard of living, reclaiming new land, and advancing industrialization. Available water per capita per year for all purpose in 1999 was about 900m3; nonetheless, it is expected to fall to 670m3 and 536m3 by the years 2017 and 2025, respectively.
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