The Genus Anadenanthera in Amerindian Cultures
THE GENUS ANADENANTHERA IN AMERINDIAN CULTURES BY SIRI VON REIS ALTSCHUL, PH .D. RESEARCH FELLOW BOTANICAL MUSEUM HARVARD UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 1972 This monograph is dedicated in affectionate memory to the late DANIEL HERBERT EFRON, PH.D., M.D. 1913-1972 cherished friend of the author and of the Botanical Museum, a true scientist devoted to the interdisciplinary approach in the advancement of knowledge. A/""'f""'<J liz {i>U<// t~ },~u 0<<J4 ~ If;. r:J~ ~ //"'~uI ~ ()< d~ ~ !dtd't;:..1 "./.u.L .A Vdl0 If;;: ~ '" OU'''-k4 :/" tu-d ''''''"-''t2.. ?,,".jd,~ jft I;ft'- ?_rl; A~~ ~r'4tft,t -5 " q,.,<,4 ~~ l' #- /""/) -/~ "1'Ii;. ,1""", "/'/1'1",, I X C"'-r'fttt. #) (../..d ~;, . W,( ~ ~ f;r"'" y it;.,,J 11/" Y 4J.. %~~ l{jr~ t> ~~ ~txh '1'ix r 4 6~" c/<'T'''(''-;{' rn« ?.d ~;;1';;/ a-.d txZ-~ ~ ;o/~ <A.H-iz "" ~".,/( 1-/X< "..< ,:" -.... ~ ~ . JJlr-0? on . .it-(,0.1' r 4 -11<.1.- aw./{') -:JL. P7t;;"j~;1 S .d-At ;0~/lAQ<..t ,ti~?,f,.... vj "7rU<-'- ~I""" =iiR-I1;M~ a....k«<-l, ¢- f!!) d..;.:~ M ~ ~y£/1 ~/.u..-... It'--, "" # :Z:-,k. "i ~ "d/~ efL<.<~/ ,w 1'#,') /';~~;d-t a;.. tlArl-<7'" I .Ii;'~.1 (1(-;.,} >Lc -(l"7C),.,..,;.. :.... ,,:/ ~ /-V,~ , ,1" # (i F'"' l' fJ~~A- (.tG- ~/~ Z:--7Co- ,,:. ,L7r= f,-, , ~t) ahd-p;: fJ~ / tr>d .4 ~f- $. b".,,1 ~/. ~ pd. 1'7'-· X ~-t;;;;.,~;z jM ~0Y:tJ;; ~ """.,4? br;K,' ./.n.u" ~ 7r .".,.~,j~ ;;f;tT ~ ..4'./ ;pf,., tJd~ M_~ (./I<'/~.'. IU. et. c./,. ~L.y !f-t.<H>:t;.tu ~ ~,:,-,p., .....:.
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