
PRICE 10 CENTS. VOL. III.NO. 298. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1885. gMcrtistmtnts. THE DAILY PACIFIC 3fiDtrtistmtnls. llusiufss (Carrts. dvrrtisenmds.

PC COMMERCIAL I.. JOHN" ADVERTISER. M. THOMPSON, S. STANLKY. SrRlAXlt. U. .1. WALLElt. T H DALTON, 4 TTOItXKY-AT-LA- AND SOLIC1TOK IN PETER . & t 'hum-cry- Oflice Campbell's Block, Spruaiice, Stanley Co., PUBLISHED second is story, rooms S and 0. Entrance on Merchant Balke-Collend- er . Importers and Jobbers of Fine Co. street, Honolulu, 11. I. I BUTCHE It, Brunswick, Every Morning Except Sundays. ISTo. 91 WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, T T II E F 11 O X T . Kins St. 110 Front .St., San Francisco. Once more solicits the patronage and support of MAOFAELANE & CO-- , 473 tf A w T TO THE 4 ' t V Kll TIOXH those who for twenty years knew and A GREA UooX rilOI.KSALE DEALERS AXD EN- - nealt with lilm. eral Jobbers in WINES and LIQUORS. Daily P (. Advertiser, 1 year, (I'asbi fi 00 Burr & Finck, ! Dally P. C. Advertiser, 6 months, (Casta) . 5 00 !Vo. V.i Kaahinnauu Street. Honolulu l3ublic 1 23 Leading Fashionable Tailors Dally P. C Advertiser, week, (Cash) Plain Talk Pays Always. HONOLULU. o75-t- f The Weekly P. C. Advertiser, 1 year. (Cash) 5 00 OF SAX FKAX'CISt'O. Beef, Veal. Mutton. Pork and Fish IN THE WORLD. orelifu Subscription V. P. C. A. (Including THE MOST EXTENSIVE BILLIARD HOUSE f No. Market St., Opposite Palace Hotel. kept for FOt'R DAYS after being killed, by pofftite .....16 Sq H. HACKFELD & CO., 620 Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Guaran- Billiard ami Pool Tables. 1 Manufacturers of Peter has for many years worked for and en- E.XEICAL .1IMI.SSIX AUEXTK. Having already a large trade with Honolulu, they tT Mi:t tf Queen St., Honolulu, H.I. respectfully solicit further Island patronage, ami teed to keep longer after delivery than duerfisemenfs deavored to please every class of the community are prepared to complete orders at one day's no- Importers and Dealers in all kinds of Billiard Materia'.. Swl Agents for Hyatt Billiard tice. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and the FRESH lill.El.I) MEATS. Pins, Balls and Tins. Sporting from the highest In the land down to ih humblest V. BANNING. W. MAKIITKSS. V OI'rJUtOKLT Hnest stock of latest goods constantly on hand. Balls, which will stand any climate. Ten say 191 SS-T- o be had in any of Mr. Waller's Markets. Goods of all kinds. Sole Owners and Patentees of the unrivalled of the working classes, and he can that during ED. HOFFSCHLAEGEB, & CO., tfiw that time he never made an enemy or lost a ens. A-- Commission Merchant. FRANK GERTZ, Metropolitan Market, utis-t- CUSHION." INTER-ISLAN- D tomer. Now fee has again put his hand to the Importers f "MONARCH QUICK Honolulu, H. I. Ou Iiiu Street. plow, and Is as well able and willing to give honest the be-- t in the world for accuracy, correct angles and durability, and used exclusively for PInprfer and Manufacturer MEAT l'OR SALE ALL DAY. work, good material, and Inir value for money ns A. S. CLEGHORN & Co., all Championship Games. Of all Descriptions of Co. ever yet was done In the Hawaiian Islands. Has W holesale nml Itetail Liat.-- Steam Navigation 1niMrters anl C"Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price H always on City Market. hand & G55 Market Street (LIMITED.) General Merchandise, BOOTS SHOES On Miiinim St. Office and Salesroom, 653 and ftlugJe Harness, 3f9-- aud Double Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Sis. t jj Orders from the other Islands solicited. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Express Harness, No. 114 Fort St., Honolulu. Market. :o:- - 37i-tfw- Hotel Street STEAMER W. Q. HALL, Plantation Harness, W. AUSTIN WHITING. tf On Hotel Street. Wlilps. Spurs. Law. G. MACFARLANE 6c CO., (MALULANI.) tlorney anil Counsellor at W. Chamois. Npongeit, Agent to Take Acknowledgments to Instru JOHN UTSCHIG, 7 tfiw Agents for the Hawaiian Ilaud. BATES Comiuauder Brushes. ments for the Island of Oahu. No. 9 Kaahumanu Eureka Market. Street. Honolulu. 11. I. 108-mr3- 1 At Fish Market. Will run regularly to Maalaea, Maul, and Kona Aud everything requisite for the Fashionable Boot Maker, and Kau. . Stable. M. PHILLIPS & Co., No. 326 Bush St., San Francisco, Cal. ami Wholesale Dealers in Hawaiian Market. ANHEUSER-BUSC- H 0"A full line of English and Sydney Saddles, ImportersRoots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish Will fill orders in his line at the shortest possible On Maunakea St. STEAMER PLANTEK, Saddle Cloths, Blankets, etc., always In stock. ng and Fancy Ooods. No. 11 Kaahumanu Street notice. Planters will find it te their advantage to v A'hat be has not got he can make. Honolulu, H. I. 366tf-wt- f call on MR. UTSCHIG before going elsewhere. 404 tf&w Chinese Market, ASSOCIATION, (LILINOE,) 290 my2Gdfcw On Meek Street. BREWING ; CAMERON Commander m S. J. LEVEY & CO., J. W H1NQLKY. GEO. WOOD. BEEF AND PORK. Leaves every Tuesday at 5 p. m. lor Nawlliwili, HAWAIIAN HOTEL STABLES, Koloa, Eleele and Wainaea. Keturnlngr, will leave G1 roeers ami Provision Dealers. J. W. HINGLEY & CO. 3Thanking the public for past favors, I so- Nawlllwlll every Saturday at 4 p. ni., an ivlng at Family Grocery and Feed store. Orders entrusted to us from the other Island will Manufacturers of licit a continuation of the same. Honolulu every Sunday at 5 a. m. (Cor. Hotel and Richard Streets, Honolulu, H. I. be promptly attended to. 52 Fort St., Honolulu 397 tf O. J. WALLER. 367tf-wt- f Royal HAVANA CIGARS, Opposite Hawaiian Hotel. CLAtTS SPRKCKKLS m. a. irwin. STEAMER IWALANI, Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in WM. G. IRWIN & Co., ONTARIO" FREEMAN Commander Wish to notify the public that they are prepared to furnish FACTORS nnd Commission Tobacco, Cigarettes & Smokers' Articles e, iiVOAIt 3DTJCE Kukni-hael- Will run regularly to Hamoa, Maul, and O AGENTS. Honolulu, H. I. 3M-tfw- tf SAILi Honokaa and Paauhau, Hawaii. BUGGIES, TRY OUR NEVIL.L.E & CO., 1 JOHN RUSSELL PHAETONS, Home Manufactured Cigars. SOLE AUEXTS, 3 4 ttoruey at Law. STEAMER C. R. BISHOP, xV lir Xo. 39 Campbell's New SAN FRANCISCO WAGONETTES, ETC., ST Fort St.. iu EXTRA FAMILY Commander No. 42 MERCHANT STREETT NEAR FORT BOTTOM COTTON, MACAl'LEV 365tf-- w Biuldiugr, Xo. MADE FROM AI iBAHA Fireproof and E Leaves every Saturday at 8 a. m. lor Waianae, With Stylish, Gentle Horses. 78 Hotel Steeet. LAG-E- g, FROM SIZING ST, LOXJIS Oahu, and Hanalel and Kilauea. Kauai, Tteturn-n- FREE BEER leaves Hanalel every Tuesday at 4 p. ni., and 1YI. IY10NSARRAT, HONOLULU, n.I. 410-w- tf touching at Walalua and Waianae Wednesdays, J. AND NOT LIABLE TO MOULD. and arriving at Honolulu same day at 4 p. m. Horses boarded by day or mouth. ATTORNEY AT LAW FOREST MARKET. Saddle Horses to Let. AND WARRANTED JAMES MAKEE, Horses Bought and Sold. Corner Hotel and uYiion Streets, The Best and most Durable Sail Duck STEAMER Hacks at all hours day and night. NOTARY PUBLIC. Commander BUAXCH OF El'REKA MARKET. IN THE WORLD. W KIR Any incivility, reckless driviiic, overcharging, any part the - etc., by drivers employed by this Company will Estate in ofon Kin? Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai. pleuse be reported at office. Keal Bought, Sold and Leased Commission the Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn. For Sale in Honolulu. The undersigned will open this new market FOSTER, President. So. 27 MERCHANT STREET. T. R. & with the choicest beet, venl and mutton. Also i ly MILES JIACFAltLANE. 371-t- J. Ena, secretary. Gazette Block, Honolulu. f GANDY'S PATENT Fresh fork Sausage made every day Telephone No. 32. d&w 213 X 3NT C2r , Dr. E. Cook Webb, Illood aud Eiver Sausages aud Bo 33 T I from the Very Best CENTRAL PARK Residence and Oflice, cor Richards & Berctania St loifiia a Specialty. Made tf Hard Wotc Cotton Duck.. Eouge" Special Attention given to Diseases of the All orders promptly attended to SKATING KINK. Cordon Respectfully, Kidney and Urinary Organs & CO., CJEO. SCHUAEDER. NEVILLE and OrncK Horns: I. SOLE AtJEXTS, Hold Medals and Premiums awarded rhiludelpliin, lH7fi; J'ariM, 1H7S; and Amsterdam, Open Every Arteruoou XiSt 8 to 10,' ls.i. m 2 to 4, Telephone Xo. 3. EXCEPT WEDNESDAY NIOHT. 565-my2- 4 kin 7 to 8. Forest Market, Telephone No. 365. SAN FRANCISCO. & Eureka Market, Telephone No 11 1. THE BEST MACFARLANE CO., ' AND FRIDAY AFTERNOONS 4S4-apl- U i' TUESDAY J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., O For Ladles and Children. BELT, Klaalnairiaiiii Street, Honolulu, 2rl. I. ALTIN RASE3IAN, DRIVING 471 tf A w STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, II. SOI.E AGEXTS FOR THIS t KLEHRATED RF.F.R. ADMISSION .25 CENTS Neither Heat or Dampness afreets Skates free afternoons. them. Hawaiian Gazette Block. BOOK BINDER, XT Calico Carnival next week. 5aper Ruler and Blank Book They do not Stretch. 01 27 Merchant St., Honolulu. H.I. Manufacturer. Stronger than Leather, OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO. oS'.l tt EOYAL HAWAIIAN HOTEL. ftS"Bookbindin: of all descriptions nea.;y and Better than Rubber, J. lA'OSS. L. J. LEVEY. promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. WILL OUTLAST BOTH. V' w - Building, Honolulu. 4m- LYONS 6c LEVEY, Cazette Por Sale inI3,"tf mya JOSEPH TILDEN Manager THE NEW AN D ELEO AST STEAMSHIPS EXTRA DRY .iictioneers 382tf MERCHANT STREET. 'MAKIPOSA' & 'ALAMEDA.' AND- - DRVvc'eWtJAY' J. J. WILLIAMS The Royal Hawaiian Hotel is one of the lending architectural Will leave Honolulu and San Francisco on the FIRE OFFICE General Commission Merchants. Xo. 103 FORT STREET, SUn structures of Honolulu. The grounds upon which it Btands comprise FIRST and FIFTEENTH of each month. 1 I PHRTATiniliN Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu. Leaiing PhatoOTlier of Honolulu. O F I. O N ON. an entire square of about four acres, fronting en Hotel Street. This , 85J ale of Stock, Ileal Estate may have their names btKked and Hener.ilFurniture..Merchandise properly attended to WORK FINISHED IN large area affords ample room for a lawn and beautiful walks, which i PASSENUERS s ESTABLISH E 1) 17 10, in advance by applying at the office of the Agents. Solo Afjent tor: Water Colors, Crayon. are laid out most artistically with flowering plants and tropical trees PVKSENOERS by this line are hereby notified . .t. :,i i... n. .n ruiiimta f hu??ae Ink, or Oil, cottages within enclosure, all Railway when traveling American & European Merchandise. EFFECTED ITO.V EVERY There are twelve pretty this charming FREE by the Overland INSURANCES property nt the rnrrent rates :7i-t!'w- accom- East. tf Photo. Colored, tie. of premium. under the Hotel management. The Hotel and cottages afford vr.iMiuinw Tii'Vl'Ttf rnllllii trio. JI25 The only Complete Collection of any of frcompany's steamers modations for 200 oucsts. The basement of the Hotel contains the Uo.l to return by the & CO., Total sum Insured in 1SS3 - - 310,421,000. witniii ninety ias. G. W. MACFARLANE THOMAS LINDSAY Island Views finest in a well , billiard hall the city; also, tar, stocked with MERCHANDISE intended for shipment by this Terns, Shells,, Claims arranged by Hie local assent.-- and paid .... : i. fr,. of eliarirp. in COUJ the Curiosities, &c with promptitude ami liberality. fine Danv'n new warehouse, and receipts issued for Cor. Fort & Queen Sts., 3IaiiufacturLng wines and liquors. . ...s wnr- - Jeweler, otnie. iiisiirani' iiii unniminir ta CHARGES MODERATE. of tt!.' I.oc;J v owners' risk. HONOLULU, II. I. as.jtf The Jurisdiction Tribunals rec!fiiizd. The main entrance is on the second floor, to the right of which ar h ntie will be at If j "J . tiOXiiiniiiii Street. WILLIAM UlAVIX A 4'0.. Tor fti-an- il ot VV. &. the elegantly furnished parlors. A broad passage way leads from the u Mole Ascent tlii Favorite ,(iusite Hollister t t'n Macfarlane Co., TELEPHONE 55 main hall to the dining-room- . These apartments open on to broad Honolulu, II. I. 353tf Ai-nt- fr the Hawaiian Inlands. -- - verandas, where a magnificent view of Niiuanu Mountains may bo CHAMPAGNE. I the 4C9 tf fc w Particular attention paid to repairing. fPNTERPRIS MHFIt MAIL SUM! seen through the wealth of tropical foliage that surround tha I. V. HKRTNO. JOS. Hl'BASH. PLANING MILL. 3 C. BIKKS & CO.. balconies. WENNER & CO. Hawaiiau Jewelry Factory, The fare dispensed is the best the market affords, and is first-clas- s Alakea. near Hneen St. 5.1 IIHJII STREET. 30 Honolulu, 92 Fort Street, No. Merchant Street, H.I. -- C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor. in all respects. Hotel and cottages are supplied with pure water from ir.i TIME TABLE. S. t:. Have on hand New Foreign and Homemade Peckham. I.oikIoii. an artesian well on the premises. The Clerk's office is furnished with Jewelry. JEWELRY, Kl'KUI Contracting & Building. the Telephone, by which communication is had with the leading busi- DIAMOND SETTINC a Specialty. Watches, Bracelets, Necklets nd FINE ness firms of the city. Pins, Lockets, Clocks, MOULDINGS AND FINISH Colonial Merchants. PACIFIC MAIL S.S. CO. All kinds of Jewelry made to order aud re- ALWA 1 3 ON HAND. And ornaments of all kinds. paired. Watches carefully repaired aud war- ranted. General engraving and fancy monograms FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cu neatlv executed. All done at moderate prices. EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE San Francisco Silver and Gold Plate 5.10 and Split. Indents executed for alljkinds of English For t tf -- Eleg-an- Solid Silver Tea Sets. 37 7 if Ou or about May 10th and Continental Goods, against Bank Zealandla Suitable for Presentation. And Money Lavishly Expended under the Present Able THE CURRENCY ACT Credits or Produce, facilities for drawing For Auckland and Sydney : ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. A Specialty. against the latter. Agencies accepted at 2 Management to make this establishment City of Sydney On or about April Id the it branches. The XevToold Law. on of 393-tfw- in all per cent net amount tf Repairing manufacturer's - King's Eye Preserver. f&- Sole Agents for OF THE WEEKLY invoices, including cash discounts varying ly FEW COPIES All accounts for Advrtlsln and Job Printing Pacific Commercial Advertiser from to 3 per cent. Purchases in " 2. containing at the MODEL FAMILY HOTEL." Drifted Snow Flour. of the 29th July. 1SI. name. HAWAII A IWESTMEM at AGEXCY CO., the FULL TEXT of the Currency (ROLLER PROCESS.) Paelfle Commercial Advertiser (Limited.) Act, can be had on application to Twenty years' buying experience for A Reputation it Enjoys and LEASED THE SALINAS MILLS, the 1. C. Advertiser Office. HAVINGnow prepared to supply, in quantities Loaned on First Class Office will from this date be ureseuted tor pay. export. i suit, all orders, with the celebrated famUy Money for long or short period. Apply to A No. 1 pro 25 monthly. Eank, 79 - ' Flour, DRIFTED SNOW, and also the W. L. GREEN, Manager tern. Price cents each. ment Reference: Continental Lombard SUN. Please address all Macfarlane fc Co. bakers brand, RISING Office on Queen St., OTer G. W. MOST 445-w- P E. C. 465ap2 JUSTLYft MERITS. C. L. DINOLEY, 2.1835. Street, orders to 433-t- f Fnblisber P. C. ADVERTISER. Honolulu, March mb:4-7-3a- a No 13 Steuart St., San Francisco.


.'! i v , r rinri-i- T vi r ft

THE DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. i THE DAILY does follow to any serious extent, the LOCAL AND GENERAL. Utrtistmcnts. policy of continuing them would be open to consideration. Home huge iisu were in the market yes- Pacific Commercial Advertiser Such a logical sequence did not terday. occur to the Planters' Monthly, how Iolani College this morning for & CO., the auiamt-- r term. LEWIS ever. It "improved the opportunity" 67 69 Hotel Street-Cainpbe- lTs Fireproof Building 3 and . IS PUBLISHED in an editorial article on the "Liquor The cups Utoly won by the Myrtles in the o on bund. Fresh Question,'' which we deliberately March iegatta races have been forwarded to Whole-.il- aii Retail Grwers. A complete line of choice Groceries uiwnys them. KAMEHAMEHA DAY. Goods cont:uuaily on tbe way. Island Butler ulways 0:1 hand. Lowo.tt possible prices. Kerosene r un- 8 characterize as disingenuous and Oil a specialty. (.;. J cVIivered free of charsre. Telephone No. 21 ; 1. O. Bo 7Tpl6-- EVERY MORNING. fair. We do so upon a careful perusal The moot remarkable book of the season, of the following passage in it : Dr. Frank Cowan's "Visit in Verse to Hale-maumau- ," is on sale at J. M. Oat & Co.'s, When we consider the gre it injury that Merchant street. Trice, twenty-fiv- e cents. 10 will be done by issuing licen-- ' . and the ab- have B. & CO., TERMS OF SIBSCRIFTIOX, solute lack of reason in favor of them, why The prisoners at work on the streets F. EHLEE8 "ck-a-u of King street, and do the powers that be insist upon forcing made a sweep" annum 1 00 Per Why are members of the can now turn their attention to Merchant J Hix 5 00 the measure? months from street. Per month 1 00 Privy Council summoned from Ililo, Per week 0 25 llamakua and from Wailuku. for the special Advertise in the Wefklv T. C. Advehtiser sarSnbscrlptionv Payable I ways in purpose of licensing the sale of intoxicating if you wish to sell your wares to advantage. of ia more generally read than any other Monday,- 20, 1885. Advance. liquor in the very centers the plantation It . Opening April Communications from all parts of the Kingdom districts? Is it for the purpose of raising a weekly paper published in the Kingdom. depreciated credit lifL will always be very acceptable. revenue to help out the The material, mostly coral rock, taken Treasury? might U Persons residing in any part of tbe United .States of the National That from the site of the Chinese club house on is the reason is can remit tbe amount of subscription due by Post a reason, but that such King street, is being used by the Enterprise Programme of the Races :o:- - Office money order. negatived by the action taken by the Trivy Mill to fill in the street and parts of their Matter intended for publication in tbe editorial Council. After the vote had passed author- lots on the Esplanade. columns Bhnuld to licenses to be issued, a motion was be addressed izing the An impromptu skating match for a purse Com made the licences be put up at auction, Editor Pacific vkbcial advertiser.' that of S10 took place yesterday afternoon at the was promptly voted down by TO BE HELD AT KAPIOLANl PARK OX DRESSMAKING RESUMED, Business communications and advertisements but the motion Central Tark Rink between James Steiner sbould be addressed simply same men who originally voted that the and Dan J. Lyons. The distance was one ' P. C. Advertiser." licenses be issued. An increase in the reve- Absolutely Pure. mile, and on accouut of a number of fouls Under management of MRS. E. O. MM AM.. and not to Individual.. nue is not therefore the prime object. If ThU powder never varici A marvel of purity, the committed by both contestants, the judges etrength and wholesomcness. More economical the revenue is not the object, and the than the ordinarv kind s, and cannot be sold in com- Thursday, June 111885, decided that the race should be skated again low-te- st, A GREAT NEWSPAPER. themselves do not wish the petition with the multitude of short districts next Wednesday night. weight, alum orphosphate powders. Sold OKLTCI licenses, what is the object? There is one cans. Baiu Powcim Co.. 100 Vall-6- is glad to Eotal The Wkkklv P. C. Advertiskb the best answer, and one only. The object is to in- We are notice that the enterpris N. Y. paper in King A-- of 230 AUSPICES OF THE and most complete published tbe crease the number of positions at the abso- ing firm of S. Cohn Co. at the Temple tf UNDER THE dom. Jlaving been thoroughly remodeled in all Fashion are about to enlarge their business lute disposal of the Government, in which its departments, it will be found to be uniformly with an additional stock of the finest mil- HOLLISTEB &CO newsy speci tenure depends upon services rendered. By bright, and reliable. Being intended linery that we have ever seen, and which British Benevolent Society. ally for tbe family circle, it will contain nothing parceling out gin-mi- ll licenses to persons of would be a credit to the largest city in the offensive to morals or refined taste. Arrange- - the right kind, a potent influence will be Hawaiian Jockey Club. world. They have also opened the corner moots have been perfected for giving a complete centered in each district with a Govern- digest of the world's news up to latest date, in store formerly occupied by Messrs. Rich ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BRITISH ment cocktail mixer and political expounder THE rooms Drugs, addition to all the local and general news of tbe ardson fc Co., with an elegant line of gen- Society will be held at the in charge. Has it then come to this, that of Club Kingdom. Correspondence, detailing facts, Is in goods, which were se- the British the lives of the few remaining natives, the tlemen's furnishing vited from all parts of the Islands. Orders for lected purposely for this climate, and are to Manager. peace of the rural districts and the pros- ON THURSDAY, APRIL 23d. subscriptions should be addressed the offered at ridiculously low prices. It would The Weekly P. ('. Advertiser Is mailed to perity of the agricultural interests of the Tobacco repay anyone to purchase (Saint George's Day), at 7:30 P. M. 1 GRAZIER'S PLATE. subscribers at $ per annum, payable In advance. country are to be jeopardized, and sacrificed there. Remittances may be made by P. O. Order. of a political By the last mail a circular was received Arrangements will also be made for the cele- Running Race ; half-mil- e dash open to all ; if need be. for the sake little weight for age. power? So it seems; and well may we say giving a brief description of Mr. II. Farjaa bration of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria's. Birth- day. By JAMES KENNEDY, 2 QUEEN'S PLATE. CigaxSi 17th. countries progress except Hawaii. apparatus for diffusing sugar cane. In this order A. FRIDAY APRIL that all 3 Secretary. process the cane is cut in pieces the smaller Trotting Race ; mile heats, to harness ; best 2 in is really deplorable that the of 3; for Hawaiian bred horses only. It the better and placed in a cylinder in OPERATION OF THE LIQUOR LAW IN ficial organ of an influential organi- 3 HAWAIIAN JOCKEY CLUB CUP. which it is subjected to a pressure of 60 Gringei? .A.le HONOLULU. zation should give statements to the pounds steam, the 13 jST A .Sweepstake of SoO added ; cup to be won for of sent into cylinder IT S two consecutive times by the same person ; one- - world to damage political rivals HOT : three-year-oia- s. through a perforated worm. This process, mile dash open to all weaieu The Advektiskr is a journal of which are devoid of truth, and un- EVERY SATURDAY. nominations, inclosing a fee of $10, to be sent to it is claimed, extracts the juice from the the Secretary of the Hawaiian Jockey Club, on or "Water. fact and opinion. is prepared, ac- Soda It manly in their scope and purpose. cut pieces of cane, and the steam pressure before 2 P. M.on the 4th day ol June Final sweepstakes on or therefore, to throw light upon every The action of the Privy Council was causes this juice to mount in a verticle pipe ceptances as to the balance of WINQ TO THE GREAT DEMAND FOR before 2 P. M. on tne lutn oi juue. r . local and general question as far as due considera- to a at double or times taken after debate and height least three O 4 GOVERNOR DOMINIS' CUP. this may possibly be done by accu- is not the action of the Gov that of the cylinder. ''This pipe (we quote), tion. It .A sweepstake of $50 added. Running Race: cfc as I two-ye- ar - reporting. Now, inasmuch -- O. rate ernment. The Privy Council gave the object of which is to concentrate the Hot Cross Buns mile dash ; open to all old Hawaiian- II. HALL SON (Limited), public opinion is very much divided juice, must ascend and descend at least bred horses ; entries ciosea on August i, isst. effect to the law, and the Minister of At Easter, and by request of many of my cus- Have just received from Boston, ex. steiini ImikenUne MORNING STAR.ar.d by Other lat upon effect of twice, and its capacity must equal one-twentie- th 5 KING'S PLATE. arrivals, the the unrestricted the Interior in issuing these licenses tomers, hereafter 1 shall have HOT BUNS ready tbe following, viz: sale of liquor to natives, we thought of that of the receptacular dif-fuse- r." my Trotting Race ; mile heats, best In 5 ; open is simply performing a Ministerial for customers DOWXER'S KEROSENE i I best way to a con- Mr. Farja3 proposes to substitute to all. Oil., KIi:XTIXE AMt PAINT OIE-- that the reach just act. The Privy Council lett some EVERY SATURDAY AFTERNOON. CUP. BOSTON t'AKH MATCH E.'. AX EN, was to of this apparatus for the heavy rolls now in HIM". II'IE'I clusion consult the records doubtless, and ; ; open Ha-- HINT'S HATCHETS (All NOBWALK LOCKS. thing to his discretion use, he being of the opinion that "those who Guaranteed as good as the Easter HOT CROSS Running Race mile dash to all Iiimls. police arrests for drunkenness in the waiian-hre- d horses ; weight for age. It is fair to assume that this discre expect to find a complete solution of the BUNS. ICE CREAM FREEZERS. .t I'.l'HHaER ATORS, city during the twelve months pre- 7 RECIPROCITY CUP. tionary power will not be abused. To problem (that of drawing as much juice as ag-Lea-ve your orders early. ERASIVE SOAP, COLGATE'S TOILET SOAPS, ceding such legalized sale and subse- Running mile clash; free for all; YELLOW LAVN'BUY SOAP. CASTIEE AND HARNESS SOAP. : think otherwise is to judge meanly possible from the cane) in a preliminary re- Race; 1J we F. HORN, weight for age. quent thereto. This have done of a responsible Minister, and argues duction of the cane juice to a more or less fallowing : Confectioner and Fancy Baker, Hotel street. 8 GENTLEMEN'S RACE. with the result an exceedingly mean spring of action simple expression, and in the use of more Stoves Ranges before licenses. after licenses. tf Trotting or Pacing; mile and repeat; open to aui Lubricating Oils, For. Nat. For. Nat. In the thinker, whoever he may be powerful and effective rollers are, without all horses that have never beaten three minutes; 1881. ...19 19 1182..,...23 64 OF ALL SIZES, October, October, is not all. The reference to the slighest doubt, on the wrong track." owners to drive, to road wagon. The Largest in NOV , lMil .lli 17 Nor., 1882 ..33 93 But this Stock th Dec, mi 20 Dec, 1882 ...37 Ct the motion to put up the licenses at auc ST. MATTHEW S HALL, 9 PONY RACE. And Kitchen Furniture Market, Including January, 18SJ 17 January, 1383 ....30 69 Fnol on Plantations. Feb., 1832 ..17 13 Feb., 1883 ...35 79 tion is unfortunate, because it displays K'liming Race ; mile da3h ; open to all ponies of Of Everv Description. Lard Oil, In cases and bbl.. H En. P. C. AnvEBTisF.R Sir: Noticing an 1 1 hands or under. March. 18SJ... ..15 11 March, 1833...... 33 15 Ignorance of MATEO, CALIFORNIA. Black Oil, la barrels, April, ...13 19 April, 1833. ..2C 53 at once the animus and of S.X Iron, Granite Ware, article in your iseuc yesterday morning, 10 KAMEHAMEHA PLATE. Skidegate Oil, lu cases, May, 1882 ...13 5 May, 1383 ...30 45 the Planters1 Monthly. It should not in which you advocate the planting of treea June, 19S2 13 Juue, 1883 -- .33 79 Running Race; 2 mile dash; open to all; Wire Cloth (all sizes,, Cylinder Oil, In canes, July, 1882 IS July, 1383 ...30 74 be ignorant of the law, but it appears for fuel in preference to raising sunflower weight for age. Paraline Oil, In cases, August, 1382...... 26 18 August. 1883. ...13 52 Hoys. Cotton Waste, 1882 ...40 31 1383 to be so. Now, the law expressly stalks for the same purpose, lam induced to School for Sperm Oil, In drum Sept., Sept., ...35 66 Applications for stalls to be made to the Secre Two Chinese. prescribes how liquor licenses shall drop you a line deprecating the use of any- Packing, all and barrels, UNDER MILITARY DISCIPLINE. tary. kind. - This comparative statement proves he granted, and the sale of them by thing for fuel in the sugar mill furnaces on Amount of purses will be given on or before si June 1. 1S85. conclusively that the permission to auction is not contemplated. In fact, these islands except begasse. Experience IN THE BEAUTIFUL VILLAGE All ruuning races to be under the rules of the rOCATKD on the southern Pacific Kail-roa- d. AXLE GREASE. Also, Neat's Foot ami Peanut Oil by the case or gallon. has shown where the double-effe- ct is Hawaiian Jockey club. sell liquor to natives increased drunk- this cannot be done under the law, that 21 miles from San Francisco. Established All trottiHg races to be according to the rules of enness among that people. There is and if the motion referred to by the introduced in sugar mills here, the begasse In 1365. Fourteen instructors of reputation and the National Trotting Association. furnishes fuel enough. Tree planting ability. The buildings are extensive, are heated Entries close at 2 P. M. on Monday, June 8th, Just to hand, a new lot of aud about two a noticeable increase of arrests among planters' organ had been carried, it by steam, and are in every way arranged for the at the oHice of C. O BERGER, Secretary, with Hall's Cclebrntrt! Plow iiikI Ilreakertt, should be encouraged, but the use of wood health and comfort of the cadets. Trinity Session the exception of races No. s 3 una 4. hundred pairs of Plow HaixllOM of all sizes. Also, extra Plow to fit all our plows. foreigners also, but thi3 may be ex would have been a nullity. A reso began July 24th, and the Easter Session will com- (is.apl3-t- Secretary, Shares as fuel done away, with. Sunflowers may f C. O, BERGER, Plow All kinds of plained hy the fact that there has by Privy Council is not a mence January 8, 1SS5. Beams. Agricultural Implements needed for rice or cane culture, lution the be grown wherever anyouo wants them, and been a large accession to the foreign is an expression of opinion, For further information and catalogue, just A Fine Stock of Shelf Hard ware Constantly on Hand. law. It the teed used for chicken feed, the dry nut, address our com may be WILDER'S STEAMSHIP CO., We make a specialty of filling population. continuing and to that extent valuable; stalks for the kitchen stove ; but no plant of REV. ALFRED LEE BREWER, M. A., orders or country stores and plantations, and with our superior facilities and long parison up to the present month, but it cannot repeal a legislative en a permanent nature should go into our mill Principal. experience, can do so with the greatest dispatch. we find that there has not been any actment and substitute something furnaces. X. (Limited . All onr Uooris are of the Best Quality, mid are sold at Lowest Market Rates. sensible increase of late. In other else in its place. The motion to Our article had reference to the sugges- words, the average of arrests for auction licenses was, therefore, tion of the Planters' Monthly, which con- Make Your Wife Happy. drunkenness Hawa-iian- s use the of sunflowers to amonjr native "voted down" because it was templated cultivation STEAMER KINAU, 2 may20 stands about the same now Govern furnish fuel for plantation laborers. Ed. P. E. O. & S03SJ". that less, and not because the (King, Commander), IrlLL it did in the first month the re patronage for C. Advebtiseb. after ment wanted to create Will leave Honolulu each Tuesday at 4 r. m. for striction on sales of liquor to them corrupt political purposes, which they iTOU CAN MAKE YOUR WIFE HAPPY BY Lahalna, Maalaea, Makena, Maliukona, Kawaihae, The Seethe Pot or Pele. L purchasing her one of them "Laupahoehoe and Uilo. Leaves Hilo Thursdays at was removed. Thus: were bent upon securing at the sacn What Jules Tavernier has done for the noon, touching at the same ports on return, arriv PACIFIC HARDWARE COMPANY, Foreign. ing back saturuaj s. Native fice of lives of the native people, of present- October, 1883 39 87 the crater Kilauea with his brush, in PASSENGER TRAIN from Niulii will leave (LIMITED), 1883 well-bein- g November, 38 82 and the and prosperity of ing the similitude of its lurid flame and Elegant Refrigerators, each Friday at 1 r. M., to connec t with the Kinau December, 1883. 31 e-- at Maliukona. Successors to Dillingham A ami Samuel No It. January, 1834.. 34 71 the community at large. The reck spouting fountains to the eye by means of a 0. v . Febraary, 1884 .. 25 49 & 1 lit IV I II a 11 Jl . i.j A W V & of charge must occur to m arvelous combination of colors, Dr. Frank Lately Imported by MESSRS. E. O. HALL on Passengers if a signal is March, 1384 .14 45 lessness this SON, and supply the same with Pauuhau down trips for fair-minu- eu person. Cowan has done for the eye of the mind, ill maue irom tne snore. BREAKERS, These figures, if not very satisfac- everv It is Made from our wholly inexcusable. Whatever may his poem on the same grand but terrible tory, are at least instructive. We patterns. be thought of the Lolicy of the law, scene. Every prose description of it sinks STEAMER LIKE LIKE, Double Furrow iwn assume that the number of police ar into commonplace beside his "Visit in Verse I. rests is a very fair criterion of neither the Privy Council nor the (Lorenzon, Commander), the to Ilalemauman." It is as clearly and ICERefrigerating Com- ANI From the People's and . Government were actuated b3' the lee everv Monday 4 1". M. - i' :. F1,WT PRIZE, amount of open drunkenness in the a work of art, in its highest pany's works. SuM Company's Ice contains eight lTnnnlnlii at for - 'TCj-- and detestable purpose at- degrees more cold storage than any other Ice Kahului, Koanae, every other week: community, although of course it is atrocious manifestation, as is Jults Tavernier's pic- Huelo, liana, Kipahulu and Nuu. Returning, will Light steel I'loii's. I". made at the Hawaiian Islands. . our monthly stop aoove ports, arriving uiu-k- naiuruaj uot a reliable guide to the total con tributed to them. Let ture of Tele's cauldron. at tne contemporary fight fair. The days morninyrs. sumption of liquor. Telephone 153. For mails and passengers only. " They are the BEST POL'BLE FLKKuW PLOW'S we ever nsed."rC. A. CA A PIN, Manager of successful political ambush in There will be special skating attractions Kohala Plantation. "Orders for Ice left at the store of MESSRS. is the BEST BREAKING PLOW I evr used." J. RICHARDSON, Manager are at an end. Facts at the Central Park Skating Rink next Wed- S. J. LEV EY A CO. will receive prompt atten- "It Walanae r DISINGENUOUS AND UNFAIR. Honolulu 70ap20 STEAMER LEIIUA, Plantation. correctly nesday evening. Two gold medals will be tion. "The VERY BEST BREAKING PLOW I ever used In this or any other country." fWM Y should be plainly and stated, HORNER, l4ihaiia, Maui. The Advertiser vesterday did leaving the people to draw their own presented, and the championship of the (I)avies, Commander) one-mil- e GRAHAM COMPANY, " a much better way islands decided. Also, a skating PAPER Will leave regularly for Paauliau, Koholalile, New Goods received per Morning Star and other late arrivals : Silver Plated Ware, Stoves. justice to the argument of the inference. This is Haka-la- u Ranges and '1 in ware; Refrigerators contest for a 'purse of $40 between James Oukala, Kukaiau, Honohina, Laupahoehoe, and Ice Chests; House Furnishing Goods, Chandeliers, Lamps Planters' Laborand Supply Company than to attack by falsification and St. I.ouiM. Mo. and Onomea. and Lanterns; Soap and Caudles. Balance of consignment of Clocks very low. Steiner and Daniel J. Lyons. Full particu- ! ! ! ! against the issuance of outside li dishonest suggestion. Manufacture and Supply all kinds of OIL OIL OIL OIL ! OIL OIL ! OIL ! will be given in Adteb- - lars Skidgate, Genuine Albany Cylinder, Lubricating, Lard. Peanut, Castor and Neatsoot. Paints, censes for the sale of spirits and other . KILAUEA II OU, Oil, 1 STEAMER Paint Turpentine, Varnishes. California Wind Mills, In use. very TISER. llook. the best A complete stock of i intoxicants. It is a question which of Malthus would be Flat and Isabel Paper. Hardware and Agricultural Implements. Correspondence solicited. Discirr.Es Binders' Boards, (Weisbarth, Commander), suM-apM- y admits of a wide range of discussion, Twines, Etc. PACIFIC HARDWARE shocked past all expression if they gltlvmUifmcntjs. V.'ill leave regularly for same ports as the S. S. COMPANY, Honolulu. and one upon which dogmatism is an should chance to read the article on Lehua. Impertinence. ror tnl3 reason we "Immigration for Population" in the W. G. RICHARDSON, protest against an editorial article in STEAMERMOKOLII, California Rose Company. ASSIGNEES' Planters1 Monthly for April. Never- BROGLIE & SPEAE, RESIDENT AGENT, SALE. the last issue of the Planters1 Monthly. (.McGregor, Commander), theless we agree with that publica "rauttlACturiiis: and Importing: 203 teidesdorfT Street. down an absolute rule, and Jew i, It lays tion in thinking that the natural in Telephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO. Leaves Honolulu each Wednesday for Kannaka-ka- 4(M--w- - tf 75 HONOLULU. Pukoo, Halawa, Wailau, C. W. MACFARLANE TAKES PI.EAS- Y recognizes no right of divergence en- FORT ST. Kanialo. Moanul. I ORDER OF M. GREEN AND W. T. REY--I crease of population should be Pelekunu and Kalaupapa ; returning, leaves Pukoo MR. in aunouncin g that ho has been ap- - NOl.Ds, Assignees of the Bankrupt EsUte of B.-Spe- cial to ; Saturday The absurdity of such a position is on these X. Attention given Friday a. m. for Lalmiiia leaves Lahaina pointed SOLE AGENT of couraged. Children born CTJNHA, 474 tt&w Pukoo, remaiaining Sunday, and arriving at the self-eviden- t; one do E. S. ere Contracts. for but men of idea islands will grow up to regard them tar Honolulu Monday evening. & Wine Dealer, I'nion Saloon, ROSE COMPANY Kennedy Co. not perceive how ridiculous they ap birth-plac- e, Jjetail CALIFORNIA We are instructed to sell at with affection as their Hxj The Company will not be responsible for Puolic Auction, pear, when riding their hobby, to In the rear of the Hawaiian Gazette Building, any freight or packages unless receipted lor, nor and devote themselves to their indus 99-w- tf For the Hawaiian Islands. Parties who desire persons of average reasoning powers. No. 23 Merchant Street. 1VITJSIC for personal baggage unless plainly marked. Not On Wednesday, trial development. The question of responsible for money or jewelry unless placed in to add choicp and beautiful varieties of April 22d, world were to only of Purser. If all the drink is not so easy of hall charge the AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, land for settlement water might be better for the world, F. A. SCHAEFER & CO., THE SAN FRANCISCO DRAMATIC COMPANY All possible care will be taken of Live stock, but THE QUEEN OF FLOWERS it solution as our contemporary imag- the Company will not assume any risk of accident. our salesroom, corner of Queen leading artists, will play in Hono- At and Fort but we are by no means sure of it. ines, but it is not by any means over- Importers Commission Merchants Composed of SAM'L G. WILDER, President. To their Mower gardens will be furnished with streets, the stock in Trade, Book Debts and good There would certainly be a stupendous lulu for a limited season. S. B. ROSE, Secretary. CATALOGUES containing names, prices an4 will of said firm of KENNEOY fc CO., said stock looked. is much easier to pass a and Queen streets. being now at No. 109 Fort street, Honolulu, and It HONOLULU.iH. I. OFFICE Corner Fort other information concerning over 2"0 varieties, at Wailuku, Maui. waste of natural products that are 23-- ly w Mar ::) homestead law than it is to fiud avail- 407-- tf THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 10TH, The stock on Fort street will be open for In now profitably utilized, and a total sus able land for bona fide occupation by GROWN ON THEIR OWN ROOTS. spection on pension of half the world's industries; small farmers. H. W. SEVERANCE, Fanchon, the Cricket ! and we fail to perceive compensating Monday and Tuesday, at IZxj' astonishingly low for guaranteed t'ousnl and Commission Box plan now open. Reserved seats J. E. Prices April 20th and 21st, from 10 a. m. till 2 p. m. advantages for this industrial cata Hawaiian 31G California Street, ban Francis-co- . WISEMAN'S. LOST! should varieties. Tourists and residents in Honolulu 4. 40fi-- w tf : 75 cents and 50 cents. clysm. As, however, there is no California. No. Prices of admission $1, C. W. Agent. TERMS OF SALE. Cowan's poem, Doors open 7:30 ; performance commences GOING ALONG MACFARLANE, buy copies of Dr. Frank at A CARRIAGE WHILE " an occurrence, S FROM of Cash, in ; possibility of such It of Kilauea, and at o'clock. or Punchoowl streets, Volume Honolulu. March 27, l.',. mar2-2Jn- wtf Gold coin 10 per cent be discussed, descriptive of the volcano C. of purchase money must be deposited with the need not lurther what the journey from Honolulu to the brink of GERTZ, Auctioneer, as a guarantee for completion of pur- li- chase on the fall of we have to consider is whether to dis IMPORTER AND DEALER IN JMatin.ee, the hammer. the seething crater, and mail them Saturday Hooker's Book of Ferns, H. McINERNY, censes to sell intoxicating drinks in tant friends. It gives a more vivid concep- - for Ladies and Children. UPSET TRICE, $5,000. OUtlying settlements of these islands tion of tbe weird and terrible appearance & GRAND MATINEE. (Species FilicumV Illustrated. and Dealer in Clothing, For further information apply to tbe Assignees Boots Shoes, Importer Hnts, Caps, Jewelry, Perfumery, at the othee of M. Phillips fe Co., Honolulu. ' Will increase the consumption Of and surroundings of this lake of fire than Doors open at 1:30 ; perforaiance commences Cutlery, and every description of Gent's ALSO A suitable reward will be paid upon the return Pocket has ever been at 2 o'clock. Superior Furnishing Goods. T5J Benkert's Fine liquor. If this does not follow, then anything else that written. : 50 cents ; unaer iu of the volume to MR. W. M. GIBSON'S resi- .1-- Admission Adalts, cniuren paper. Calf Dress Boots; always on hand. LYONS LEVEY, A li- - J M. Jk Co., years old, 25 dence, or to the office of this argument against granting For sale by J. Oat Merchant cent. ir.-mf Dressing. 74-ap- N. E. jl the French w April 15, IBii. Corker Fort Mfrchant sts. Auctioneers. e 90, Honolulu. 403 cense9 falls to the ground ; but If this street. Trice., twenty-fiv- cents. No Fort Street, f THE DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER

BY AUTHORITY. Man Fraud co Dramatic C'ompan.v. The performance la3t evening at the Mu- ROUTED BY A TIGER. sic Hall of Maggie MitchcR'a cli arming f lay of "Fanchon the Cricket" by the San Fran- A SCHOONER'S CREW TERRIFIED AND OFFICE OF cisco Dramatic Company was a decided buc-ces- a. THE VESSEL DRIFTING. AND The acting of Miss Emma Htatk iu HOUSES J. E. the was surprise to very WISEMAN. a IJt-ast'- title role pleasant A Tiiii Captain'- - of tlio Ke-capttl- rv many present, and was warmly applauded at tiy four IU vol vet's and a Shot-Gu- n of act. She was well sup- the end each into Action HOMESTEADS. ported throughout the play, and her laugh- Iiroi!:t Iff W.iter Cure. & Co., ter and tears in turn touched tho sympa- ESTABLISHED IN 1839. 6. W. Macfarlaiie Tbe Board of Education has appointed the REV. thies of the audience. Misi Minnie Young, C. E. OROSER, of Wailuku, to the position of !l'i,i!al. .1.1 Ti a3 Madelin, was as bright pretty as Vice-Princip- and of half-pa- st the Reformatory School. "I think it must have beou about 5111. hiis Instructed rue to eyer, 1 E. F. DILLINGHAM and Mr. Willie Simms, as tho fund 3 o'clock, said Capt. Jlcaley, of the AGENTS FOR j offer for Private Sale a portion of hl Splendid DEPARTMENTS. and foolish Didier Earbeaud, sustained his tujr-boa- t Hercules, "wheu the maa oaj All persons are hereby forbidden to bathe in high reputation as a comedian. The Landry watcb. ran down tri my bunk aud shook: pool Kapena in Valley, or the at Falls, Nuuanu Barbeaud of Mr. Stetson was carefully acted, me up with the startling news that therej - any way to defile the water supplying tbe Woodlawn Property In and the other characters in the play were was a schooner drifting down upon us; tMPLOYJilXX ASEXT, LiTK XXSrEACB A6EST, Mirrlees, Watson & Co., Glasgow,- saine, or to trespass on the adjacent grounds. broadside to. I slipped a pea-jucke- t oa. agent, fairly well rendered. The costumes were Fibe Insurance agent, Raileoa.d Any person disregarding thi3 notice will be and ran on deck, aud sure enough there On Beretanla and Bingham Sis. ADVtBTisrxa agent, and g enseal AND May ijQO-tu- n prosecuted to the full extent of the law. good, and the graceful pole dance wa3 was a .schooner bearing down BCSINES5 AGENT. ALSO, CCSTOH CHAS. B. WILSON. loudly applauded. upon us with all her .sails sot. She had' HorsE Bhokeb Sloxr Bbokeb her side lights up, but there was nobody Superintendent Water Works. The audience, though not quite so good AXD HOUSE BEOKEE. & Co 1995. at wheel. What surprised me John Fowler Leeds, Office Honolulu Water Works, March 25, in point of a3 on previous nights, the numbers was that she should drift almost broad-- , Approved: CHA8. T. GULICK, were well satisfied with the evening's enter- Campbell's Fireproof Building, ' on hand, immediate delivery, rar23-X3-lmd4- on. 1 w Minister of Interior. side to the wind with her canvas The Lot No. Is 111 feet Iront and 300 feet deep, Have for tainment, and we do not doubt that those only way I could account for it was that with a Fine House and out Buildings, Stables. or (be Moon Dnrintr April, who witnessed the careful and praiseworthy her anchor was down aud dragging the Carriage House, etc., npon it. and is the property 28 MERCHANT STREET. ONE TRIPLE EFFECT G feet pans, 3,435 square feet of heat- Phaf) bottom. She fortunately did not lately occupied by fiev J A Cruzan. The House is 1S5. acting of last nie;ht will agree with us that collide i comparatively new. Is in fine order and will be - ing surface, with pumping engine complete. a.s S?s.pKsVii?- Honolulu H. I. the San Company are with the tugboat, and she drifted past open for inspection lor any person desiring to view D. II. M. Francisco Dramatic I shouted in hopes of waking up the pco- -. it. Tha upset price for this splendid piece of New' Moon .. 21 4S r. M. to support, for tho property will be ?6,500. ONE DOUBLE EFFECT 6 feet pans, 2,290 square feet of heat entitled the hearty rest pic on board, fur, to tell the truth, T WISEMAN i Buys and Sells Real Estate. f their season here, of the theater-goin- g thought hey had all turned n without ing surface with pumping engine comjjlete. Nun. ONE-FOUR- TH 1, 2 The HlHlng and Setting: of tbe public. The management have wisely setting any anchor watch and that the CASH, BALANCE IN WISEMAN Leases and Rents Property of all Iron staging for either of the above apparatus. schooner had simply drifted from her kinds. The sun rises morning at 5:40 o'clock. selected "Fanchon the Cricket" for the my AND 3 YEARS, WITH INTEREST evening 6:20 o'clock. moorings. You can imagine surprise megass The sun sets this at matinee performance afternoon. a AT 7 PER CENT. ONE 26x54 MILL, with engine, gearing, cane and carriers when at least half dozen voices answered WISEMAN Collects Rents. Pays and Discharges. my shout. As the .scaooner loomed up Takes Insurances, and attends complete; one spare 26x54 roller. POUT OF HONOLULU, 11. I. Hawaiian Oeuealosj. through the morning mist I made out the Lot No. 2 is 90 ft by 200 ft; upset price.... H.325 00 generally to Property Owners situation of the men. Lot No. 3 is 85 ft by 200 ft; upset price..., 1,300 00 interests. PINIONS, segments 26 inch mills. In the Supreme Court yesterday, during Lot No. 4 is b5 ft by 200 ft; upset price... 1.300 00 SPARE wheels and for "There was one man standing on the Lot No. 5 is '.5 ft by 20 ft; upset price... 1,200 00 ARRIVALS. the progress of a case in which the owner- foretopmast crosstrees, with a red hand- Lot No. 6 U 75 ft by 200 ft; upset price .. 1.200OO WISEMAN Is the only recognized Passenger ONE PAIR OF COMPOUND BOILERS, 6x19.6 feet and lG.g Thcksdav. April 16. ship of certain lands was in dispute, a ven kerchief tied in the rigging above his Lot No. 7 is 80 ft bv 2oo ft, upset price ... 1,000 00 Agent for the noted Chicago, Stair Lehua, Davis, from Ilaniakua head; another stood up m the maintop, Lot No. 8 Is 80 ft by 200 ft; upset price... 1,000 00 Burlington aud Qulncy Route. feet; complete mountings and spare boiler tubes. Laupahoehoe. erable old native was called upon to give his Lot No. 9 is 80 ft by 2'.0 ft. upset price.... 1.000 00 Schr Ka Moi, from shouting, and in the yawl-boa- t astern evidence in regard to certain points of 1 , men, one And upon the same terms as for Lot No. so to ONE 21 INCH GAUGE LOCOMOTIVE, 6 inch cylinders. where three of whom stood up that pa3"ments can be very easily met. WISEMAN Attends Custom House Business; DEPARTURES. genealogy. The man, bent with age, slowly in the bows ot the boat with an oar in his Enters Goods, Discbarges Freight April 16. room, by a A plan of these lots can be seen at the auction room and Duty Bills, and Delivers PERMANENT AND PORTABLE RAILROADS, 10 and 14 pound Thursday, tottered into the court aided hand, as if he were waiting for somebody same. Stmt James Makee, Weir, for Kapaa. Kauai, stalwart policeman, and was placed in a or something to show over the ship's taif-rai- l. The new Tramway, for which a Charter was rails. direct, at 5 p. m. As they drifted past one of the men recently granted by the Legislature, will bring StmrMokolIi, McGregor, circuit of Molokai, via chair near the interpreter. He wiped hi3 this Property within 15 minutes of the Post Office WISEMAN Finds Employment for all seeking p. in the yawl got up and shouted: in of and tour Lahaina and Lanai, at 5 m. bleared eyes with his handkerchief, and lent " and will naturally increase it value. We invite work on the Islands. WESTON CENTRIFUGALS, single and seta two Stmr Waimanalo, Neilson, for Waimanalo 'Come aboard of us, for God's sake! an examlnaUon and Inspection of those Lots as a deaf ear to the queries shouted at him. "We are helpless!' thej-- are well situated and very desirable with Mirrlees, Watson & Co.'s new and improved arrangement of mixer He was asked a question concerning relation- "At first I could not imagine what was WISEMAN Attends to Books and Accounts: the V-H- Ha Leaving Thi Day. Distribution of Quarterly Bills and framing. Spare spindles, bushes, pulleys, etc.. for centrifugals; cen- ship, and in a few words carried his listen- the matter, except mat the vessel was in Bark Calbarien (Am i, Hubbard, for San Fran- E. I3. and collects the same. trifugal linings, rubber buffers, belting, rubber ic the hands of mutineers. This I thought ADAMS. Helvetia sugar carrying cisco, at 10 a.m. ers back to almost pre-histor- Hawaiian 27-- 1 probable, as there were only live men to 17 mar m times. He spoke of his grandmother a3 a be seen. There were still two or three WISEMAN Loans Money on good Real Estate bands. trout Foreign younger of Hecurity. VeaelA Expected Fori. sister in the family his an men to be accounted for judging from tha CARS. Steamship Alameda, II O Morse, from San Fran- of IRON CANE April 22 cestors. He told his family, eight the schooner's size. The men in the boat cisco, due still kept shouting and waving at us, so PACIFIC WISEMAN Insures your Life and protects you Steamship City of Sydney (Am), Dearborn, from in number, with two friends leav- try BOGIE CANE CARS. Colonies, April 19 tug's crew, got our In Losses Fire in the best San Francisco, for the due ing his birthplace Kipahulu, Maui, I called the anchor un Companies in the World. U S S Hartford. Perkins, from Valparaiso, Chill, in and started in chase of the drifting 23-2- TIPPING WAGONS, for excavating and road making. S A. due Mar 5 in a canoe, and landing on the wind- W 11 Meyers (Am), Paul, from San Fran- schooner. She was drifting in shore, and Bark of be- WISEMAN Is known to be only standing cisco, due April lii-- 20 ward side tbe island, " there by the time we got within a cable s length, the PLANTERS studying economy should inspect tho Glasgow Filter CO Whitmore (Am), Calhoun, from Port grounded. Bv I Commercial Advertise General Business Agent on the Bark ing but very few foreign vessels here at of her she that time made Hawaiian Islands. Cane-to- p Townsend, due April 27-- 30 preparations to board the vessel and cap- Presses, Cutters and Drilling Machines. Bark Ceylon (Am), Barstow, from Departure that time." He told of their loves and mar- 10-- mutineers who supposed Bay, due May 15 riages, methodically ticking off on his ture the I had Foster (Haw), from Newcastle, N possession of her.I I shouted to the men in, WISEMAN Answers all Correspondence of every Bark Thos it -- :o:- S W due April 15 fingers the names of husbands, wives, chil- tnc yawi to cut aarut ana come on ooara Business nature. Am bark Neptune, from Newcastle, N S W.due STEAM BOOK AND JOB May dren and grandchildren until he had traced of us, but they had only one oar in the 15 from Newcastle, N S W, due the ramifications of the eight who boat. As we got near the schooner I mus WISEMAN Receives orders of every descripiton Am bark Aut'imn, intricate from the arious Islands, and May 610 came from Kipahulu in a canoe down to the tered the five men on board the Hercules attends to Shipments Promptly. Bark Chasca (Brit), from Liverpool, due April and counted our weapons. AVe had three G. W. & Co. 10-- 15 "When he was FEINTING OFFICE Macfarlaiie present day. left speaking revolvers and a shot-gun- . Bark Mendota, from New York, due March w Is 25-- engaged in the task of making clear, to WISEMAN 'S oflice conducted on Sound Busi 31 'Now let her go for the schooner,' I O Pedro, ness Principles, and all Patrons Brit batk James Bain, from San due judge, jury and counsel Jhe degree of yelled to the pilot as I reached up for the' And him Energetic and Attentive Also offer for sale Marcb in which certain ones stood signal rope and blew three shrill whistles. Is prepared to do all kinds of to their business wants. Brit bark Birmab, Witts, from Glasgow, aue away April 30 towards the parties to the suit. The last shriek had hardly died when Brit bark Oriente, Hughes, from Liverpool, due a terrific, blood-curdlin- g roar that almost Clarifiers, Flat Coolers, Tipping Coolers, Cooler Wagons, Crab "Winches, May 20 took us off our feet came from the Commercial & Legal Work Chain Blocks to lift 10, 20, 30 and 40 cwt., Bourdon Am bark Amy Turner Newell, from Boston, The IIarleu Hand Urenade Anin schooner's deck. We were almost along-- , Pressure and due April 30 Successful. Bktue Amelia (Ami, Newhall, from Port Town-sen- d, side and I had barely time to pull two Give Wiseman Call. Vacuum Gauges, Rubber Valves for Vacuum Pumps, Steel Sleepers and 10-- a due May 15 Brief mention was made in yesterday's bells to back her when the vessels touched.; CORRECTLY AND WITH DISPATCH. Flickinger, Young, from New- Clutch Bolts for Portable Track, Car Springs, Am bktne Katie Advebtisek of tho fire at Mr. George There was a jar, the schooner trembled,, 39S-t- f Railroad Spikes, Plate castle, N S W, due April 25 30 off, Am bktne Beulah, from Newcastle. N S V. Cavanagh's restaurant on Hotel street, on and as the tug drew slowly another Layers, Spares and Tools, Hammers, Rail Benders, Rail Tongs, Files, Due April 15tb, terrific roar drowned the noise of escaping ligtiie Claus Spreckels (Am, Drew, from San Wednesday evening last. A waiter attempted steam. A great monster of a tiger sprang etc., etc., and they would call particular attention to some Saccharometers Francisco, due April tl-- ll to extinguish a large brass center lamp con- from behind the galley house. Three Having just Ueceived a Complete and New Am trgtne John Smitli, Fjss, from Newcastle, and boiling-hous- e shot-gu- n Assortment of Thermometers, imported specially for use. N S W, due April 5 10 taining, probably, two quarts of kerosene revolvers and a were pointed at .m U-r- Reporter, Conk, from Newcastle, N S oil. In doing so lie upset the lamp, and the brute. 'Hold on, boys,' I said, 'let ua FEED CO, W, April Also, to a few samples of Iron Fence Railing. due 1015 the blazing oil, falling from a hight, spread make up our minds what is best.' , "The schooner s crew, who were perched, Job Types ami Ornaments Queen f-- Edinburgh Streets, vi;sm:i.?i over the whole lloor of the dining-room- and in the rigging, yelled for us to shoot low Estimates furnished for any machinery or ironwork on application to toui:i;. is in a moment the entire place was in a blaze. WHOLESALE IX. Am Missionary steam-bktn- e Morningirt.Star, I. and kill the beast. I pulled one bell and 4 BETA Bray, from Boston Mr. Cavanagh states that he and others stopped the tug. By this time the men in Nor ship Imperaior, M C Uoie, from Liverpool yawl boat had cut and Of tho Litest KtyleB, from the most Cele- Dealers Li American bark Caibarieu, Hubbard, from San seized the Harden Grenades, which were the adrift they Francisco kept ready for use, and tho tiro being wide- clambered over the side of thq brated Foundries of the United States, II A Y AXD URAI.V, Uig. They were Captain 1'cttit and the spread, they broke four or iivc flatks in mate and cook of the schooner. There aud employing only Experienced Telephone No. 175. G. Nllll'I'IXCi XOTEN. different directions. Two of the waiters, W. Macfarlaiie & Co., was no time for explanations. Captain and Tasty Workmen, we arc Goods delivered promptly. who had been trained with buckets to use had a heavy navy revolver with him, The. schooner Ka Moi yesterday brought 2,601 Pettit prepared to turn out bags sugar from Laupahoehoe. She sails again in such an emergency, rushed in and, simul- and we now slowly steamed around tho Island Orders Solicited. taneously with the use of tho Hand Gren- stern of the schooner and crept up along- side as close as we could with safety. Letter Heads. The old and well-wor- planks at the Inter-Islan- d ades, dashed water on the floor. Mr. Cava- "His majesty, the royal Bengal tiger lay Hill Heads, Honolulu. Steam Navigation Company's wharf have nagh says that the extinguishing of the fire dozing on the starboard side of the gal- been taken out and replaced by new ones. was due to tho use of the Hand Grenades, ley house. As I pulled the gong to stop Circulars, Note Heads. The barks T. It. Foster and Neptune and the though tbe force of tho water may have the tug he raised his head and I gave the 361tf 65,000 Foet of schooner Reporter, all with coul from Newcastle, assisted tho spreading of the Grenade liquid word 'aim!' lie looked at us for a Statements, 52 days to-da- moment, and, as he opened his mouth to N. S. W., are each out in all directions, for in less than five seconds Bills of Lading, BEAVER SALOON. The steamer Lehua arrived at midnight last roar, I shouted 'fire!' The contents of Contracts, the flames, which touched the roof, were revolvers and a shot-gu- n Galvanized Wednesday, with 2,963 bags sugar from various four wei poured Pfortifajre Notice to the Public. NO. 7 FORT STREET. Iron Pipe completely extinguished. This is an elo- at the tiger, and with a roar of rage and Blanks. ports in Ilaniakua. She will sail at pain that you could have heard a mile Leases, Opposite Wilder fe Co.'si noon. quent argument in favor of the general adoption of the Harden Hand Grenade. off, the animal rose on his haunches. One Shipping: Contracts, The British bark Btrmah, Captain Wiltz, con-Sign- of his forepaws hung limp. The beastj (In Hawaiian English and Fittings F. Schaefer & Co., from tried to gather himself up for a - to Messrs. A. Attempted Suicide. spring but H. J. Nolte, Propr.- H, 1, VA and Vt inch. Glasgow, is 105 days out to-da- y. She may be ex- he couldn't manage it; he had been pep- Calendars, Tlie Elite A young half-cast-e woman named Maggy, OPKX TOM. 3 A. it. TIU. 10 P. it pected within two weeks. pered in the legs. daughter of Gordon of Waialua, Blank Checks. the II. " don't want to kill the tiger, said FIRST-CLAS- S The Norwegian ship Imperator liuishes n load- I Bonds. I LUNCHES, COFFEE, Oahu, and wife of Mr. Y. Anim, a well-know- n Capt. ettit, 'if we can get him to go For sale, at very low figures, by ing her coal at the Pacific Mail Company's wharf l ICE CREAM PARLORS Chinaman, living in a small alley off back between decks, where his cage is. Stock Certificates, TEA, SODA WATER, GINGER ALE, Co-da- y. She has already taken in as stiffening Meek street, attempted to commit suicide I am afraid the consignees won't pay Business Cards. JAS. A. HOPPER, 1,000 sacks sugar, and will proceed for San Fran- freight on him if I make away with him.' Oigrr?s cisco in about two weeks. yesterday forenoon. Trouble had arisen "After that we threw chunks of coal, Meal Checks, and Tobaccos wife consequent upon OF BEST BRANDS An anchor, used for a mooring post at the between Anim and his clubs, boards, anything we could get hold Milk Tickets, Ice Cream will be served ut the SARATOGA Klnau wharf, after having been in the ground for her keeping up a written correspondence of at the tiger, but he only got wilder ana Plain and Fancy personally selected from HOUSE, 011 Hotel Street, until Further notice. PIPES nearly thirty years, was taken out yesterday, its roared louder. An idea struck me. with a young Chinaman. Yesterday Magy Bank checks, tbe Manufacturers, and a Large Variety services not being necessary. This one had been " 'Unreel the hose,' 1 yelled. Orders, Pantheon Stables, took a dose of corrosive sublimate, but was en put in by the late Captain J. Brown, of the Pele. "In a jiffy we had a length of fire hose AbT-On- Dally until 10 P.M. of BEST QUALITY prevented swallowing a fatal quantity by her attached. Receipts, The American bark Calbarien clears at 9 o'clock husband. Mr. Dayton, Deputy Marshal, " '.Now, pump hot water from the boil- Marriage Certificates, Cor. Fort fc Hotel Stroota. tunriiing from the Custom-hous- e, and will Orders received and carefully attended to. SMOKERS' ARTICLES. lids being sent for, she wa3 compelled to swal- ers.' tti Oceanic Steamship Company's wharf at Diplomas, leave low a dose of mustard, which relieved her of "The boiling water fairly hissed as i Weddings and Parties supplied. 0 o'clock for San Francisco, with about 12,500 deadly drug. Dr, was shot out of the muzzle of the hose, but Catalogues, Lovers of BILLIARDS will find an Elegant bags sugar and several passengers. the Henri McGrew the sight of the show was when it struck called in shortly after and administered an Blotting Pads, The Pacific Mall Steamship Company's ware- the tiger. He jumped ten feet into the Druggists Labels, Telephone 181. EMSWICB CO. EILLIARD IAELE LIVERY, BOARDING, house Is well filled up with sugar, and several emetic. The woman was soon pronounced air and let out a roar that fairly shook the i hundred sacks are heaped In the shed, well can-yaso- d, out of danger. vessel. Again the water struck him and Envelopes, on the Premises. AND to prevent being injured by the coal-du- st he jumped and roared. "We followed him SALE STABLES. them Our with Celebrated Ice Cream will make The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a ral ship Imperator. The Oceanic all over the deck, giving him the benefit Shipping Receipts, crt from the Dr. Frank Cowan's "Visit in Verse its usual route In the evening. 395 tf Ktnmship Company's warehouse Is about thiee-fourt- hs to Ilalemauraan." of the hot stream at every pause. He Ball Programmes, om his Friends and the Public generally half way up in the foretop-rig-- f Carriage for Lire at all of filled up with sugar. Owing to unavoidable delay in the print- climbed may nouri tbe dry or ing and nearby put the man up in the fore-to- p Theatre Programmes, who desire a night; also, conveyances of all kinds for parties ing office, copies of this remarkable poem, I. A SMOKE, A going into a lit. But he dropped back on First-Clas- The Celelratei MatcUess l'XCII, OR DANE OF around the island. Dritfh Benevolent Society. notes, And in fact evervthinq which a s Polish with its explanatory introduction and deck and as a fresh spurt of steam struck BIIXIARD.S. Excellent Huddle Horse meeting of the British Be- on M. & yester- square in the face he turned tail an FOR SALE AT for Ladles The annual were not sale at J. Oat Co.'s Office oan (Jo. and nevolent Society will be held at the British day, although many inquiries were made jumped down the main hatch, where Oenllemeu. Uuaranteed Oentle. cage lay. In two seconds we MCLEAN'S CIGAR STORE, Carriages , Club, at 7:30 p. m., on the 23d instant, for it. Orders have been received which his broken No. S, 46,47,48,49, were on board the schooner, the hatches No. 73 Hotel Street. 50, Si, 5a whop the Treasurer will present his report indicate that it will have a large circula- were on and the tiger was secured. For THE CASINO and 53. if members of the society take the trouble tion. It will be ready for delivery to pur- an hour after Capt "Petlit sat in my cabin SYL. J. CAETY, Double and single teams always to be had on AT TOE PARHi livery at the most reasonable to send , in their subscriptions before that chasers this morning from 9 o'clock. To and told me and my crew how he man- P. C. A. Job Printing Office. Sole Agent for Hawaiian Isl wds. fates. date. It is to be hoped that this will be prevent disappointment, early application aged to get into such a fix. lie had taken Large and small omnibus for picnics and excur- the tiger on board at Richmond. He had! IS 0PEX EYERY DAY. sion parties, carrying from 10 40 done. The demand upon British benevo- should be make for copies. Dr. Cowan re- to Daaseners. can been sold by Adam Forepaugh to the A. ROSA, FOR SAXE, always be secured by special arrangements. lence must" be considerable at sea- grets the disappointment experienced by trustees of Roger Williams Park in Prov- only Resort AT LAW AND NOTARY rThe Seaside in the Omnibus time tables can be oy towns all over the world, and The only R. I. , to be placed in VTTORNEY - obtained apply. port Honolulu the public. compensation he can idence, the manag? with the Attorney General, Alli- H Ing at office. l2-t- --A- - tngdoin. II. J. XOLTE, the is not an exception. In San Francisco, the have is in knowing that the poem will give erie there. In a windstorm at night, oianl Hale. Honolulu, H. I. mr26 f California- Mare, 36-t- f river, the cage The Long kindred institution there, which is now pre-- satisfaction on perusal. coming down the broke BrancU Ilatliluir Hnn adrift from its fastenings and wasso dam- SIX YEARS OLD. can always be secured for picnic or aided over by an old colonist, excursion aged that the beast managed to crawl out. ISTotice parties by applying at the office. Wm. Greer Harrison, Esq., spends large The hatchwaj' over his cage had been left Landlord's JOHN COOK, Police Court. BAY, PERFECTLY SOUND, KIND Corner sums annually in the relief of British sub- BEFORE TOUCE JUSTICE BICKEBTOX. open for air and the tiger took possession OF BLOOD ery ; by Fort and Hotel Street. handsome sired Nut- Telephone increases between Thuksd.vy, April 16th. of the schooner's deck. They had been wood (record 2:lSi4); was Imported by MR. No. 31. jects, and as trade this AGNEW, and sold for GOO. upon drifting for nearly three hours when we ly htm Carpenter, No. 31 Alakea St. city and the Colonies, the demands tho John Wilson, charged with drunkenness, sighted them. " SALE OF FUENITUEE, JAS. DODD, here $C. Proprietor. benevolence of British residents will forfeited his bail of YILL BE NOW $300, npon a Distress lor SOLD FOR 399tf increase also. M. Fis, charged with assault and battery A Sociable Man. Taken Rnt. Will attend and contract for all kinds of work In I Burlington Free Press. bis line. on Falmet, was remanded until the ISth And she is as good as she ever was, if not man is one when Also, REMOVING, or the Weekly P. C. Adver- instant. "A sociable who, he DIRECTIONS OF JAS. STEIN ER, I AM better. RAISING REPAIRING old Subscribe for has ten minutes to spare, goes and bothers BY to sell at Public Auction, at my or new buildings. Benson, Smith & Co., and mail copies to friends abroad. A Ed. Delix, remanded from the 15th in- " I salesroom, vjueen street, on tises somebody who hasn't, sa3's an exchange. Tlie Best Saddlellorse in tbe C ountry, Work to be paid for when complete, single copy will give them a better idea of stant on a charge of larceny of a watch, This item is correct except in respect to satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay. sociable man single-foo- JOBBING the progress and condition of the islands valued at $33, withdrew his plea of not the number of minutes the Friday, May 1, 1885, A t racker, very easy ; is also well Charges as low as the lowest in the town. AND RETAIL than twenty letters, however voluminous, guilty, and pleaded guilty. He was sentenced has to spare. - broke to harness; Is only three years old, hut very 29-se- At 12 M., the following Furniture: gentle broken by myself. Apply to Post Office box 135. pt 30 could do. to imprisonment at hard labor for one year, Dr. Adam Clarke once remarked that pay a fine of ?50 $1 costs. secret of happiness is never to Walnut Bedstead ; Laving ex- and to and the suffer ; C. E. MILES, Tha brig Tawara,. undergone your energies to stagnate. Bureau DRUGGISTS, by Mr. Was lis land ; S250 REWARD. tensive repairs, has been renamed cncie i!.seK: You cant be familiar Spring Mattress : Punchbowl and Queen streets. Bo we, her owner, Allie Rowe, in honor of Marchant has a new lot of "Full Dress" Chairs ; PROPRIETORS OF THE without losing a certain amount of re- : REWARD OF ?2o0 WILL BE PAID FOR Toilet Table a-- ,,. cigarettes, Kinny Bros, well known manu- information - loan tvm i bis wife. The vessel goes on to the patent spect for yourself and for the other man A . that infcv. ui&cnk aim Beinjr the same distrained from the premises of NOTICE. COnVICrn Of the nnrtv r,w riartlaa .v. .v, slip in a day or two for final repairs, when facture. too. JOHN BROWN, in rear of Hotel street, No. 99, eVeninZ Of thp 9!th Instant nv,n.n .'..l.v, ' non-payme- nt AND AFTER she will bo as good a3 new. She will sail &, Co. announce an opening Professor David Swing: win soon Honolulu, on Marcb 26, 1885, for of THIS DATE ALL OUR calling wires of the Hawaiian Bell Telephone. jVfaile B. F. Ehlers ON - it rent, by said Jas. feteiner. - v. vuuvjri Cologne, be confessed that some arc too rich, and of as Jii.'.iirilil luiirau GODFREY BROWN, for Hongkong towards the last of this on Monday next, the 20th instant, to E. P. ADAMS, quarterly, heretofore. some too poor. Auctioneer. S. J. LEVEY & CO. President .Hawaiian Bell Telephone Company. 113 AND 115 FORT STREET. month new and choice goods. rated Honolulu, April 9, 1533. M Honolulu, Feb. 2nd. 15?".. 497 tf March 30, 1335. 27 mar 30-t- f iaar27-19-C- THE DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER

tSiuttismtntis. 3&btrtiscmtnis. dmlisrmenfs. Sdwtiscmntis.

S-A- ! FOR .j E .THE Honolulu Almanac A Horse! a IIor,e! My King-Joi- fur u Horse King Richard. AXD The East Trotting Stallion THE WHITE HOUSE. THE IDIlCTOIRY. " AX OFFICIAL AM) :o: Business Directory of Honolulu,' ri.'ra O

LL. If TOMETIIF.R WITH FI MESSRS. RAPHAEL WEILL & CO. Statistical k General Information Opposite Cani)beVs Modi, and Next Blatiuic to the llatv'ii Islands. Door to the New Bank Building, Have the honor to announce to their numerous customers of the For Sale by J.M.Oat; Jr.. & Co AXD AT IsT . Hawaiian Islands that they are prepared to take Special Orders for Office. V T U R E E kinds, of Cor. Merchandise The P.C. Advertiser RECORD, 2:27. all. iu the Fort and Merchant Streets. PRICE, Having purchased thi celebrated Stallion from MR. JAMES CAMPBELL, I hereby notifv the public that he will stand the present season at my headquarters, corner of FIFTY CTS. PER COPY Punchbowl and Queen streets (Captain Cluney's.t. Terms for the season, $50 ; to insure, -- :o: $100. Honolulu, January 27, 1835. GOODS LINE, Description. DRY DURING THE PAST MONTH, THIS Wm, G. & Co. Venture is a rich chestnut color, 1G hands high, and weighs about 1,100 pounds. In Irwin structure he is the picture of great muscular power, aud in appearance, temperament and To be executed in Paris by their buyers, and delivered in Honolulu, disposition, he is faultless. Full of fire and gentleness, he is without speck or blemish. As a etock horse he is having extraordinary success ; his numerous progeny, both in Cali- via San Francisco, in transit. EMPORIUM. OF TRADE OFFER FOR KALE fornia and in this country, attest this fact, several of them being able to trot low down, and one of his daughters (Venus) can trot in 2:25. Venus is also the dam of Transit, which is said to be the most promising two-year-o- ld in California. He trotted a mije last Has been Enlarged.- and lienovated, and season, as a yeaning, in t: . We beg further to call their attention to our long established Sugar! I?edigree. the Manager now wishes to inform the Public Star! Soar! Venture, chestnut horse, foaled in 1SC3, bred by Henry Williamson, Esq., Oakland, house, known all over the Pacific for its honorable dealings, and beg California ; by Belmont, lie by American Boy, he by Seagull, he by Imported Expedition. that an 1st dam, Miss Mostyn, by American Boy, Jr. 2d dam, by Kcnners Gray Medoc. to assure them that we will spare no pains to continue to deserve their 3d dam, Imported Lady Mostyn, by Teniers. 4th dam, Invalid, by "Whisker. patronage. 5th dam, Helen, by Hambletoniaa. HILEA PLANTATION " Washed" Sugar 6th dam, Susan, by Overton. ENTIRE NEW STOCK in kegs. 7th dam, Drowsy, by Drone. 8th dam, by Old England. -- :o :- - CALIFORNIA SUGAR REFINERY 9th dam, by Cullen Arabian. 10th dam, Miss Cade, by Cade. Cubo Sugar in 25 lb. boxes. 11th dam, Mis3 Makeless, by son of Greyhound. Has been Received by late Arrivals, and more Belmont, by American Boy. Dry Granulated, in barrels and Lp3. 1st dam, Imported Trundla, by Comus. Samples sent 2d dam, by Partisan. All Orders Promptly Executed, and to Arrive, in the Line of "A" Crushed Sugar, in barrels. 3d dam, Pawn, by Trumpator. "D" Coffee Sugar, in kegs. 4th dam, Trunella, by Highflyer. 5th dam, Promise, by Snap. on Application. Clothiiap;, Gold?o Syrup, in gallon tins. Gtn dam, Julia, by Blank. Shiits, 7th dam, Spectator's dam, by Partner. 8th dam, Bonny Lass, by Bay Bolton. by Darley's Arabian. TTiiclevweai?, 9th dam, :o:- - Neckwear, 10th dam, by Byerly Turk. Coils Manila Rope, all sizes. 11th dam, by Taffolet Barb. 12th dam, by Place's White Turk. Hose, Haiidkerchiels, Coils Sisal Rope, 6 thread to 24 inch. 13th dam, Natural Barb Mare. Ooils Bale Rope and Banana Twine. In offering the services of this horso to the public I make one claim for him, which is that ho is the highest bred trotting stallion in the world, living or dead, and in support N. W. Corner Kearny and Post Streets, Suspenders, I lals, Caps, of this claim I am willing to submit it to any authority that can bo obtained, and if he is not, then i will forfeit all my claims to horse knowledge. It will be seen that his pedigree represents a union of the purest blood of the English and American thoroughbred racer, Boots, Slioes, rIi,nnlvS, Pipe one of his grand dams, as also one of his great grand dams, being imported from Eng- Reed's Patent and Boiler land to tho United States. When Venture was on the turf, about eight years ago, he was the sensational horse of the Pacific Coast, and the sporting papers in the Covering Sizes. . at that time 'V" All East, that were always so much opposed to running blood in the trotter, commenced FRANCISCO. Bags, alises, Etc., Etc. picking away at his pedigree, trying to find a cold cross in it, at the same time declaring SiN that it was simply impossible for a strictly thoroughbred horse to trot as fast as he was -- :o:- then trotting; but at last they had to give it up, and admitted the fact that he was a strictly thoroughbred horse, but declared him a phenomenon, and were unable to account 477 ap23fcw MANILA CIGARS. for his great speed at tho trotting gait. But tho famo of his sire, old Belmont, is almost FThe Main Feature of tbe O. P M. B. is to sell 25 per cent. LESS than well-know- world-wid- e, and it i3 a n fact his blood nicked better with the trotting families than that of any other thoroughbred horse ever known, as, in addition to Venture, two any of its Competitors. This it is enabled to do by the advantages of Low other thoroughbred sons of his, Capt. Webster and Owen Dale, were said to have pos- sessed great speed at the trot. Besides theae,",ho sired the dam3 of Belle Echo, 2:20 ; Flora Rents, Purchasing for Cash, and General Good Management. Salmon, Beef ani Port, in barrels. Shepherd, 2:30 ; Monarch, 2:28 ; Nelly Patchcn, 2:27 ?i ; Rustic, 2:30 ; which is a showing a great many of the best trotting bred horses cannot equal. Mr. Patrick Farrell, that -- :o:- who is one of the most experienced drivers on tho Pacific Coast, told me the last time that I saw him, that Venture was tho fastest trotter that Lo ever pulled a line over, and 1-- Lis temper not been soured in his youth by bad handling, he believed he One 4 2 foot Smoke Stack, 83 feet that if had that would have equaled, if not surpassed, all the records ever made, and that he could show OA.LL --A.HSTD IllSti. will be Sold Cheap. a two-minu-te gait with him to a wagon, but in company ho Mould becomo wild, on ac- MEEGHANT TAILOB, INSPECT count of his hot blood, and was often beaten by horses that could hardly run as fast as 574-Ju- 6 he could trot. His record of 2:27, which was no measure of his speed, was made at the Oakland track in 1877, in a race which ho won, beating Alexander, Gus, General Reno and Billy Hayward, this being his.last public performance. BUILDIISTGr, Our Large & Stock. CONOVER BROS'. It is thought by some people that an aged horso is not as good a producer as a young GAZETTE Varied one, but no greater mistake could possibly be made. Indeed, the opposite is claimed by are so numerous of horses siring many large breeders, and instances their best foals at.an flan Just Returned from Europe :o:- - PIANOS, advanced age that tho above theory has long ago been exploded. Imported Diomed was twenty-seve- n years old when he sired Sir Archy, his best son ; Bonnie Scotland, who died iSTThanking our Friends and the Public for their Generous Support 105 EAST 14TH ST., NEW YORK. only a few years ago, sired Luke Blackburn and George Kinney, by far the best of his get, WITH A LARGE STOCK OF after he was twenty-fiv- e ; Imported Leamington sired Iroquois, his best son, the last year heretofore, we respectfully solicit a continuance of their patronage that he lived, at twenty-five- . Among trotters may be mentioned Volunteer, the Bire of St. Julien, whoi3 thirty-on- e years old this spring, and is said to be as lively and vigorous upas as ho ever was, and his young foals as promising as any that he ever got. Old Hamil-tonia- n J:"v; died in March, 1876, aged twenty-seve- n years, but sired two foals the last days of .AT THE his life, and one of them, called Hamiltoniau's last, made a trotting record of 2:25H the New Goods and Materials past season, and the other one is said to be equally as fast. With these facts before us, it is plain that the age of a horse has nothing to do with hi9 success a3 a sire. I think myself that there is a great deal in the condition that a One Price Mechanics' Bazaar, horse is kept, for an animal that is well fed and cared for, with plenty of exercise, will Of the Latest Styles and Patterns, beget better foals than one that is turned loose and never stabled or fed grain. Venture is twenty-tw- o years old this spring, and with the care that I intend to give COR. FORT AND MERCHANT STS.. him, I expect him to sire better foals than he ever has before. He is a remarkably snre vVbich he is Prepared to Make up Iu tbe breeder. Mr. Campbell assures me that he has never bred a mare to him yet that did not produce a foal, and his many beautiful colts, now on Mr. C.'s ranch, are worth a long Opposite Cam2betVs Block. Jfonolulu, II. I. journey to see ; and now as he is to be kept so convenient to the general public, no one owing a good mare should be so blind to their own interest as to neglect the opportunity FASHION, of obtaining his blood while they have the chance. LATEST :o: The most artistic Upright Pianos ever produced, For any additional particulars apply at Punchbowl and Queen streets. AND FOR THE both for quality of tone and wonderful aud elastic Proprietor-Honolulu- , open 6 A. 91. H M. 10 actions. Tbe comic? upright pianos of the world. O. 33. MILES, Store from to f. Saturday Eteuiuy till o'clock. Sen4 for illustrated catalogue, description aud April 10, 1S83. Iu. S. W. prlcos to J. KOSEXBEKG. 'LEDBItim, Manager LOWEST PEICES POSSIBLE 391 tf F. W. SPENCER CO., S33 my 11 Pacific Coast Agents

23 aud 25 Fifth Street. SAN FRANCISCO. 475 USr.w JOHN NOTT, The Hartford Fire Insurance Co., Grand. Opening! Bedding, Furniture, OF HARTFORD, COjSTsT. Grrand Opening! AND CARPETS, ORGANIZED 1704. Tls Lines; mill Ilest Selection on tho ! C'on;t. Opening licitic ) fliii Grand Make, oo Alt of E'lsieru and Foreign :0. ASSKTS ji.r.ixi.ooo - AT- 2,179,400 00 and Latest Design. KVRPLVM AS TO POLICY HOI.DKRS. "3 OrrEKs AT LOW FIGURES.

Having PstablisUed an ARfiicy ut Honolulu for tlie Ifawnliun Inlands, the nndersiKiid pri-pure- & Co., favor-ahl- Jos. Fredericks to accept risks against tire on Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture and Machinery on the most The Temple of Fashion, tit u.nd it'll SAN FKANCISCO F.HK. Market si., L: - terms. LOSSES PROMPTLY AIUTSTED AND PAYABI.K H C. O. BERGER, Nos. oi, r,3 fi'j AVERY & PALMER, mar27-H-d.w2- Agent for the Hawaiian Island. ami Foht Street, tieueral Builne and Real Estate Ageutt. Qlst. Prompt Attention given to Collections. At the Old Stand, No. 8 Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu, ! .April 18th, GOth and G. W. MACFARLANE & CO., OOZe, !fo. 66 Fort Street, Honolulu. EUEEKA :o:- - 589 tf IMPORTER AXD HEALER IN ALL THE LATEST IMPROVE! We have received a con.signiotnt of the most Economical and Valuable Feed for all NOTICE. kinds of Stock, viz.: S. COIIJNT CO. Tb anderslgned have this day been appolntea aiTcl Ranges, MEAL. & ASSIGNEES of the Esute of A. W. RICHARD- Stoves COOKED LIXSEED SON fc CO., bankrupts. All persons Indebted to Beg to announce to the public they will open their new Htore (formerly occupied bj Xi-k- f ! ; ; that said estate are hereby notified to make lmmedl-it- e Grauite Irou Ware, I'luiu ami r!at'l Rubber Hose It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and ; Richardson) Complete Stock A GENTLEMEN'S payment at the offlc of W. C. Parke. Tiu Ware, of all kinds; Galvanized Iron and I.ad Pipe Butter producer in use. Mr. with the most Fashionable and W. C. PARKE, 1 ; Sheet Lead and Copper : CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. While trying to please and cater to the SsMITll! Assignees. Chandeliers O. W. Iron-Ston- e Pipe. Lamps and Lanterns ; Train Oil Cake Meal shows about S7 per rent, of nu wants of our gentlemen patrons, we have also remembered Honolulu February 2Gtb, 1S85. 56 tf Pumps ; tritive matter; this nearly 39 per cent. 100 B3. of this meal is equal to 30O Ss. of oats, I. A. O ;PE y P. P. GRAY, M.D., or 318 lbs. of corn, or to 767 Bs. of wheat bran. T IT E S PHYSICIAN AXD SUItUEOX, For Sale in Lots to Suit. And have opened the FINEST AND MOST COMPLETE FASHIONABLE MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT IN THE KINGDOM, at the head of which reigns the celebrated OfBce next door to the HONOLULU LIBRARY, Also, our Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work, & lady whose experience alone should recommend her toj the patronage Cor. Fort Queen Sts., our usual supply of the best kinds of MISS EURK, a of U 9 to 10 A.M. HONOLULU, II. I. every lady in Honolulu. Particular attention called to our stock of MILLINERY .'' ALL KINDS, ATTENDED TO. Hay, OmcK Hoc as 2 to 4P.il. Oats. Wheat, Corn, Etc.. Etc. GOODS, which, exception, in the finest ever imported to this ifcingdom. we 7 to 8 P.M. SoleJAffenta for tbis Favorite Brnntt of without All Sundays 9 to 11 A.M. fc aak i3 a call at our opening day, which will be suflicient to prove our assertion. fcts. CHAMPAGNE. LAIIsTE CO. 542-mar- Cor. Kinau aud Pensacola ftp2-3T-O- RESIDENCE A Variety cf House FurnisLing Goods, too numerous to ruentic irctfiw 373 531 my 17 XT tf