t PRICE 10 CENTS. VOL. III.NO. 298. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1885. gMcrtistmtnts. THE DAILY PACIFIC 3fiDtrtistmtnls. llusiufss (Carrts. dvrrtisenmds. PC COMMERCIAL I.. JOHN" ADVERTISER. M. THOMPSON, S. STANLKY. SrRlAXlt. U. .1. WALLElt. T H DALTON, 4 TTOItXKY-AT-LA- AND SOLIC1TOK IN PETER . & t 'hum-cry- Oflice Campbell's Block, Spruaiice, Stanley Co., PUBLISHED second is story, rooms S and 0. Entrance on Merchant Balke-Collend- er . Importers and Jobbers of Fine Co. street, Honolulu, 11. I. I BUTCHE It, Brunswick, Every Morning Except Sundays. ISTo. 91 WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, T T II E F 11 O X T . Kins St. 110 Front .St., San Francisco. Once more solicits the patronage and support of MAOFAELANE & CO-- , 473 tf A w T TO THE 4 ' t V Kll TIOXH those who for twenty years knew and A GREA UooX rilOI.KSALE DEALERS AXD EN- - nealt with lilm. eral Jobbers in WINES and LIQUORS. Daily P (. Advertiser, 1 year, (I'asbi fi 00 Burr & Finck, ! Dally P. C. Advertiser, 6 months, (Casta) . 5 00 !Vo. V.i Kaahinnauu Street. Honolulu l3ublic 1 23 Leading Fashionable Tailors Dally P. C Advertiser, week, (Cash) Plain Talk Pays Always. HONOLULU. o75-t- f The Weekly P. C. Advertiser, 1 year. (Cash) 5 00 OF SAX FKAX'CISt'O. Beef, Veal. Mutton. Pork and Fish IN THE WORLD. orelifu Subscription V. P. C. A. (Including THE MOST EXTENSIVE BILLIARD HOUSE f No. Market St., Opposite Palace Hotel. kept for FOt'R DAYS after being killed, by pofftite .....16 Sq H. HACKFELD & CO., 620 Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Guaran- Billiard ami Pool Tables. 1 Manufacturers of Peter has for many years worked for and en- E.XEICAL .1IMI.SSIX AUEXTK. Having already a large trade with Honolulu, they tT Mi:t tf Queen St., Honolulu, H.I. respectfully solicit further Island patronage, ami teed to keep longer after delivery than duerfisemenfs deavored to please every class of the community are prepared to complete orders at one day's no- Importers and Dealers in all kinds of Billiard Materia'.. Swl Agents for Hyatt Billiard tice. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and the FRESH lill.El.I) MEATS. Pins, Balls and Tins. Sporting from the highest In the land down to ih humblest V. BANNING. W. MAKIITKSS. V OI'rJUtOKLT Hnest stock of latest goods constantly on hand. Balls, which will stand any climate. Ten say 191 SS-T- o be had in any of Mr. Waller's Markets. Goods of all kinds. Sole Owners and Patentees of the unrivalled of the working classes, and he can that during ED. HOFFSCHLAEGEB, & CO., tfiw that time he never made an enemy or lost a ens. A-- Commission Merchant. FRANK GERTZ, Metropolitan Market, utis-t- CUSHION." INTER-ISLAN- D tomer. Now fee has again put his hand to the Importers f "MONARCH QUICK Honolulu, H. I. Ou Iiiu Street. plow, and Is as well able and willing to give honest the be-- t in the world for accuracy, correct angles and durability, and used exclusively for PInprfer and Manufacturer MEAT l'OR SALE ALL DAY. work, good material, and Inir value for money ns A. S. CLEGHORN & Co., all Championship Games. Of all Descriptions of Co. ever yet was done In the Hawaiian Islands. Has W holesale nml Itetail Liat.-- Steam Navigation 1niMrters anl C"Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price H always on City Market. hand & G55 Market Street (LIMITED.) General Merchandise, BOOTS SHOES On Miiinim St. Office and Salesroom, 653 and ftlugJe Harness, 3f9-- aud Double Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Sis. t jj Orders from the other Islands solicited. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Express Harness, No. 114 Fort St., Honolulu. Market. :o:- - 37i-tfw- Hotel Street STEAMER W. Q. HALL, Plantation Harness, W. AUSTIN WHITING. tf On Hotel Street. Wlilps. Spurs. Law. G. MACFARLANE 6c CO., (MALULANI.) tlorney anil Counsellor at W. Chamois. Npongeit, Agent to Take Acknowledgments to Instru JOHN UTSCHIG, 7 tfiw Agents for the Hawaiian Ilaud. BATES Comiuauder Brushes. ments for the Island of Oahu. No. 9 Kaahumanu Eureka Market. Street. Honolulu. 11. I. 108-mr3- 1 At Fish Market. Will run regularly to Maalaea, Maul, and Kona Aud everything requisite for the Fashionable Boot Maker, and Kau. Hawaii. Stable. M. PHILLIPS & Co., No. 326 Bush St., San Francisco, Cal. ami Wholesale Dealers in Hawaiian Market. ANHEUSER-BUSC- H 0"A full line of English and Sydney Saddles, ImportersRoots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish Will fill orders in his line at the shortest possible On Maunakea St. STEAMER PLANTEK, Saddle Cloths, Blankets, etc., always In stock. ng and Fancy Ooods. No. 11 Kaahumanu Street notice. Planters will find it te their advantage to v A'hat be has not got he can make. Honolulu, H. I. 366tf-wt- f call on MR. UTSCHIG before going elsewhere. 404 tf&w Chinese Market, ASSOCIATION, (LILINOE,) 290 my2Gdfcw On Meek Street. BREWING ; CAMERON Commander m S. J. LEVEY & CO., J. W H1NQLKY. GEO. WOOD. BEEF AND PORK. Leaves every Tuesday at 5 p. m. lor Nawlliwili, HAWAIIAN HOTEL STABLES, Koloa, Eleele and Wainaea. Keturnlngr, will leave G1 roeers ami Provision Dealers. J. W. HINGLEY & CO. 3Thanking the public for past favors, I so- Nawlllwlll every Saturday at 4 p. ni., an ivlng at Family Grocery and Feed store. Orders entrusted to us from the other Island will Manufacturers of licit a continuation of the same. Honolulu every Sunday at 5 a. m. (Cor. Hotel and Richard Streets, Honolulu, H. I. be promptly attended to. 52 Fort St., Honolulu 397 tf O. J. WALLER. 367tf-wt- f Royal HAVANA CIGARS, Opposite Hawaiian Hotel. CLAtTS SPRKCKKLS m. a. irwin. STEAMER IWALANI, Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in WM. G. IRWIN & Co., ONTARIO" FREEMAN Commander Wish to notify the public that they are prepared to furnish FACTORS nnd Commission Tobacco, Cigarettes & Smokers' Articles e, iiVOAIt 3DTJCE Kukni-hael- Will run regularly to Hamoa, Maul, and O AGENTS. Honolulu, H. I. 3M-tfw- tf SAILi Honokaa and Paauhau, Hawaii. BUGGIES, TRY OUR NEVIL.L.E & CO., 1 JOHN RUSSELL PHAETONS, Home Manufactured Cigars. SOLE AUEXTS, 3 4 ttoruey at Law. STEAMER C. R. BISHOP, xV lir Xo. 39 Campbell's New SAN FRANCISCO WAGONETTES, ETC., ST Fort St.. iu EXTRA FAMILY Commander No. 42 MERCHANT STREETT NEAR FORT BOTTOM COTTON, MACAl'LEV 365tf-- w Biuldiugr, Xo. MADE FROM AI iBAHA Fireproof and E Leaves every Saturday at 8 a. m. lor Waianae, With Stylish, Gentle Horses. 78 Hotel Steeet. LAG-E- g, FROM SIZING ST, LOXJIS Oahu, and Hanalel and Kilauea. Kauai, Tteturn-n- FREE BEER leaves Hanalel every Tuesday at 4 p. ni., and 1YI. IY10NSARRAT, HONOLULU, n.I. 410-w- tf touching at Walalua and Waianae Wednesdays, J. AND NOT LIABLE TO MOULD. and arriving at Honolulu same day at 4 p. m. Horses boarded by day or mouth. ATTORNEY AT LAW FOREST MARKET. Saddle Horses to Let. AND WARRANTED JAMES MAKEE, Horses Bought and Sold. Corner Hotel and uYiion Streets, The Best and most Durable Sail Duck STEAMER Hacks at all hours day and night. NOTARY PUBLIC. Commander BUAXCH OF El'REKA MARKET. IN THE WORLD. W KIR Any incivility, reckless driviiic, overcharging, any part the - etc., by drivers employed by this Company will Estate in ofon Kin? Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai. pleuse be reported at office. Keal Bought, Sold and Leased Commission the Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn. For Sale in Honolulu. The undersigned will open this new market FOSTER, President. So. 27 MERCHANT STREET. T. R. & with the choicest beet, venl and mutton. Also i ly MILES JIACFAltLANE. 371-t- J. Ena, secretary. Gazette Block, Honolulu. f GANDY'S PATENT Fresh fork Sausage made every day Telephone No. 32. d&w 213 X 3NT C2r , Dr. E. Cook Webb, Illood aud Eiver Sausages aud Bo 33 T I from the Very Best CENTRAL PARK Residence and Oflice, cor Richards & Berctania St loifiia a Specialty. Made tf Hard Wotc Cotton Duck.. Eouge" Special Attention given to Diseases of the All orders promptly attended to SKATING KINK. Cordon Respectfully, Kidney and Urinary Organs & CO., CJEO. SCHUAEDER. NEVILLE and OrncK Horns: I. SOLE AtJEXTS, Hold Medals and Premiums awarded rhiludelpliin, lH7fi; J'ariM, 1H7S; and Amsterdam, Open Every Arteruoou XiSt 8 to 10,' ls.i. m 2 to 4, Telephone Xo. 3. EXCEPT WEDNESDAY NIOHT. 565-my2- 4 kin 7 to 8. Forest Market, Telephone No. 365. SAN FRANCISCO. & Eureka Market, Telephone No 11 1. THE BEST MACFARLANE CO., ' AND FRIDAY AFTERNOONS 4S4-apl- U i' TUESDAY J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., O For Ladles and Children. BELT, Klaalnairiaiiii Street, Honolulu, 2rl. I. ALTIN RASE3IAN, DRIVING 471 tf A w STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, II. SOI.E AGEXTS FOR THIS t KLEHRATED RF.F.R. ADMISSION .25 CENTS Neither Heat or Dampness afreets Skates free afternoons. them. Hawaiian Gazette Block. BOOK BINDER, XT Calico Carnival next week. 5aper Ruler and Blank Book They do not Stretch. 01 27 Merchant St., Honolulu. H.I. Manufacturer. Stronger than Leather, OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO. oS'.l tt EOYAL HAWAIIAN HOTEL. ftS"Bookbindin: of all descriptions nea.;y and Better than Rubber, J. lA'OSS. L. J. LEVEY. promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. WILL OUTLAST BOTH. V' w - Building, Honolulu. 4m- LYONS 6c LEVEY, Cazette Por Sale inI3,"tf mya JOSEPH TILDEN Manager THE NEW AN D ELEO AST STEAMSHIPS EXTRA DRY .iictioneers 382tf MERCHANT STREET. 'MAKIPOSA' & 'ALAMEDA.' AND- - DRVvc'eWtJAY' J. J. WILLIAMS The Royal Hawaiian Hotel is one of the lending architectural Will leave Honolulu and San Francisco on the FIRE OFFICE General Commission Merchants. Xo. 103 FORT STREET, SUn structures of Honolulu.
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