Situation Assessment Report in S-W Coastal Region of Bangladesh
Livelihood Adaptation to Climate Change Project (BGD/01/004/01/99) SITUATION ASSESSMENT REPORT IN S-W COASTAL REGION OF BANGLADESH (JUNE, 2009) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) Acknowledgements The present study on livelihoods adaptation was conducted under the project Livelihood Adaptation to Climate Change, project phase-II (LACC-II), a sub-component of the Comprehensive Disaster Management Programme (CDMP), funded by UNDP, EU and DFID which is being implemented by the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) with technical support of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), UN. The Project Management Unit is especially thankful to Dr Stephan Baas, Lead Technical Advisor (Environment, Climate Change and Bioenergy Division (NRC), FAO, Rome) and Dr Ramasamy Selvaraju, Environment Officer (NRC Division, FAO, Rome) for their overall technical guidance and highly proactive initiatives. The final document and the development of the project outputs are direct results of their valuable insights received on a regular basis. The inputs in the form of valuable information provided by Field Officers (Monitoring) of four coastal Upazilas proved very useful in compiling the report. The reports of the upazilas are very informative and well presented. In the course of the study, the discussions with a number of DAE officials at central and field level were found insightful. In devising the fieldwork the useful contributions from the DAE field offices in four study upazilas and in district offices of Khulna and Pirojpur was significant. The cooperation with the responsible SAAOs in four upazilas was also highly useful. The finalization of the study report has benefited from the valuable inputs, comments and suggestions received from various agencies such as DAE, Climate Change Cell, SRDI (Central and Regional offices), and others.
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