Elected Officials
.» . • /••. >' fllE BOOK OF tHE" STATES SUPPLEMENT I • C3 Mai^c^,:::J963 .^ «.-~.«j?-'- « © > > i^r 'V ^../ji^ l.:-J: • . V )^J-l ;. ^ ~ 1 •••;-;h: :^ •' : • •;••••• -^ -•.•/:•: •;; • / ,;• ^:\' V •-•*• ^'• •^'••'••:f:':^^-^^^^ > -THE BOOK "^ OE THE STATES •:"•;.•,;: SUPPLEMENT T- ':£:A .-/•. March/1963 ; • - • \- . • . • .. • , ..••.,., State Elective Officials • and the Legislatures ' ' • . •- 1. • . - -. • „ %• :iir», \. • • _ **•***• •••.-,- - . ••;•. w•••• ;• ****•**.*• *** ^mir-kit THE COUNCIL OF STATE COVEHMERTS, •^••^•'"••^•.'•^^l•:•''•••:•••:'••' y. L^—__ J \ The Gouhcil of State Governments 1 • • Chicago •• ;• .: ".'•'.. /// / ^r-<...i.4 e '• .-,, COPYRIGHT, 1963, BY THE COUNCIL OF STATE GOVjERNMENTS ^. y .^' Library of CpngTMS Catalog G^d Number: 35-11433 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA '••y Price, S2.50 l>l ^ • '•': . u. I ••.•\ FOREWORD ^3 \' JJiehe Book of the States, issued big^ially, is designed to provide informa tion, on the structures,'working methods, financing and functional activities of the state governments. It deals ^with their executive, legislative and judicial branches, their intergovernmental relations, and their major areas of public service. Two Supplements present compre hensive lists of state officials and members-oO^he legislatures. This volume. Supplement I of the 1962-63 edition oi The Book of the States, is based on information received from the states by the end of 1962 or soon thereafter. It lists the elective administrative officials, the elective Supreme Court Justices, the members of the legislatures for 1963, whether newly elected or holdover, officers of the legislatures and legislative se/vicc agencies. Some of the lists of legislators are unofficial, but every effort for accuracy has been made by the state J 1 officials who provided the information and by the Council of State Governments. Supplement /covers only the state'offices that are filled by statewide popular vote and the members and officers of the legislatures.
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