Iii\ winter 2010-11 ~ number 53 end cymru campaign for nuclear disarmament ,,., "\ ( r' ~~.__.._ ..... A,- - ~c-H - •) ~ ~ ,,,. -. QI 3 0 'iii Q u :E Q. ~ Ol Imagine all the people sharing all the world (f) 'Churnalism' vs Independent Analys"i"s- n was no surprise _ and certainly no disappointment - that the British Defence heddwch Training Rationalisation (DTR) Project in Sain Tathan (~t. Athan),_ Val~ of is the magazine of Wales' Glamorgan was scrapped on 19th October. Apart from ~~ing wrong '". P~mcip!e, a Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament massive privatisation of public ass~ts and a crude po!itical foot_bal), it Just ~1d n~t add up as a viable project even on its own ter~s. As 1s usual with_ defence pr~Jects, (CND Cymru) this over-hyped pipe dream - bordering sometimes on the hysterical - was mainly CND Cymru works to rid sold as a job creation project. Britain and the world of all may be felt at local level". The critical words are weapons of mass When it was first announced, the headlines destruction, for emblazoned across the media in Wales were 'portion' and 'may'. peace & human & '5,000 jobs'. This figure was trumpeted, time and environmental justice As part of the Metrix planning applications, the again, by the British politicians who promoted it. Vale of Glamorgan council cautioned that'The editor: More frighteningly, this magic number was creation of these job Jill Gough uncritically reported by the media ,_.__ opportunities does not imply translator: here. I know of no serious that the local population Sian Edwards journalistic attempt to get to the necessarily will take advantage
[email protected] co.uk jobs reality, even as the projected ofthem ..