St. Elizabeth Orthodox Church Woodstock, GA April 11, 2021 THE ST. ELIZABETH NEWS A Loving Community of Orthodox Christians

St. Elizabeth Orthodox Mission Church Reverend Father Matthew Dutko Pastor/Administrator 2265 E. Cherokee Drive Woodstock, GA 30188 Father Deacon Steven Hanes A parish of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese Phone: 404-268-6359 Email: [email protected] Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople Ruling Hierarch: His Eminence Metropolitan Gregory of Nyssa

Sunday of St. John Climacus 4th Sunday of Lent Epistle: Hebrews 6:13-20 Gospel: Mark 9:16-30

Glory be to Jesus Christ! If you have never been to an Orthodox Church before, you are about to participate in the Divine Liturgy. The Liturgy is the work of the people and that means that all of your prayers are necessary! We hope you will stay and join us for coffee hour in the atrium. Please feel free to ask Fr. Matthew any questions you might have! May God’s blessing be with all of you! This week’s music…

Tropar & Kondak Resurrection Tone 3- Pg. 87 Tropar& Kondak of John of the Ladder- Pg. 183

Icon of Saint John of the Ladder

The St. Elizabeth News Christ is Among Us! 1 St. Elizabeth Orthodox Church Woodstock, GA April 11, 2021 St. John Climacus, or St. John of the Ladder (Climacus is Greek for of the ladder) was an ascetic saint who spent the most of his life struggling and striving for holiness. St. John is said to have been born around the year 570AD, at the age of just sixteen he left his home and joined the Monastery of St. Catherine’s on Mt. Sinai. Just four years after the young St. John entered the Monastery on Mt. Sinai, the place where Moses received the Ten Commandments, he was tonsured a monk. Imagine the faith of this young man who at twenty-years old, hears Weekly Schedule Christ calling him to the monastic life and answers that call. Our Lord is not calling us all to Wednesday 4/14 5:30 pm- Parakalis to participate in His the Mother of God holiness, just like He Thursday 4/15 5 pm- Food Sale Prep called Saint John. Friday 4/16- 9 am- Presanctifed Liturgy When we look at St. John’s life and read 10 am- Pirohi/Nut Roll Baking his writings, his book 5-8 pm - Food Sales titled The Ladder of Saturday 4/17 10 am- Pirohi/Nut Roll Divine Ascent, we see clearly laid out Baking before us the path of 11:30 - 4:30 pm- Food Sales struggle that leads to 5 pm- Great Vespers Holiness; The Ladder of Divine Ascent that Sunday 4/11 10 am- Divine Liturgy - leads to Christ and to 5th Sunday of Great Lent Paradise. St. John began the ascent of this ladder as a young man, and See Full Calendar Here! if we have yet to begin that climb then the time to start is right now. Remember the words that St. John Chrysostom gives to us in his Paschal Homily which we hear every year on Holy Saturday: “If any have arrived only at the eleventh, let him not be afraid because he comes so late.” Even if we come at the eleventh hour it is not too late! Lent is Here… So, no matter our age, no matter if we have taken this Lent seriously so far or not, today let us all heed the wise words of St. John of the Ladder and either begin or continue our ascent to Paradise. But how do we do Will You Be? this? Think, how can I enter into the desert like Saint John, even in small ways, throughout the remaining few weeks? Can I let go of my earthy cares and come to more Church services? After all it is St. John who tells us that avoiding the Holy Services of the Church is a sign of the deadening of our souls. Can I worry less about my own needs and do more good for my neighbor? It is during lent that we are reminded to give alms, which means to do good deeds. Can I focus less on the food that sustains my body and instead focus on the Heavenly Bread, the spiritual foods of prayer, forgiveness, repentance, and love that sustain my soul? Continued on the Next Page…

The St. Elizabeth News Christ is Among Us! 2 St. Elizabeth Orthodox Church Woodstock, GA April 11, 2021

After all Lent is also known as The Great Fast. The opportunities to enter into the desert are put right before us all throughout Lent, don’t wait until the eleventh hour, come, seek out, and fnd Christ now so that you can journey with him to the Cross. Seek and fnd Him Who receives us into Paradise; just like the Icon for Sunday of Saint John of the Ladder shows Christ receiving His servants into His arms. St. John spent forty years living humbly in silence, prayer, and fasting. He is an example for us of the power of repentance and he implores us to that end in his writings. St. John guides us, reminds us, and shows us the power of a repentant heart. In his Book, The Ladder of Divine Ascent St. John says, “As fre burns and destroys dead wood, so do pure tears cleanse all impurity, both inwardly and outwardly." The power of our heartfelt tears over our sins provide the fuel for our souls to be saved. St. John likens our tears of repentance to Baptism, we are cleansed and made holy in the Baptismal waters of our own tears. We always need to be reminded of the gift our Lord and His Church gives to us in Holy Confession. Now during Great Lent, we need to come once again before the Icon of Christ, and with repentance in our hearts and tears in our eyes over the sorrow of our own sinfulness ask for our Lord’s forgiveness. We need to take advantage of this gift while God graces us with the strength and opportunity to do so. In this very moment, with this very breath; God is waiting for us. In St. John’s writings he warns us to avoid the passions and teaches us how to do so. He tells us how diffcult it becomes to even acknowledge our struggles the more we become used to them, the more we give them a home in our hearts. However, the journey of a thousand miles begins with the frst step, and so as we spend time in the desert of our hearts, we need to seek out those things which prevent us from seeking frst the Kingdom of God and evict them from our home; evict them from our hearts. St. John was especially concerned with vainglory, or pride. St. John tells us to battle this passion through “humble-mindedness”, by seeing the greatness of our own sins; by seeing ourselves as the frst among sinners. Before his death, St. John of the Ladder was asked to come out of his isolation in the desert, where many people would come to seek his wisdom, and to become the Abbot of the St. Sinai Monastery. It was during this time, near the end of his earthly life that monks from another monastery asked him to write down and preserve his teachings, which became his famous spiritual guide, The Ladder of Divine Ascent. His teachings provide for us a path to holiness and show to us the way to a Holy life in Christ and Salvation in His Kingdom. Let us follow St. John’s example throughout the remainder of Lent and all throughout our lives. Glory to God for all things! If you are interested, you can follow this link and purchase his book here.

The St. Elizabeth News Christ is Among Us! 3 St. Elizabeth Orthodox Church Woodstock, GA April 11, 2021

The ladder of Divine ascent is climbed daily in the small acts of love and kindness to one another, to Christ, and to His Holy Church.

The St. Elizabeth News Christ is Among Us! 4 St. Elizabeth Orthodox Church Woodstock, GA April 11, 2021 A Few Announcements… • Food Sales Project- We are back to Work This Week! - We have a little more pirohi/nit roll work to do this week. Please check the weekly schedule on page 2 to see work times. • Sunday School Today!- Today we will be learning about the Cross and Decorating Special Three Bar Cross Cookies! • In the 5th Week of Lent ask yourself- Have I been attending additional Lenten Church Services? Am I praying more? Fasting? Have I made a good Confession? This is the time we’ve been given…Let’s use it wisely! • News on the Rectory Renovation Project- This week an appraiser came Saint Elizabeth’s as part of the refnancing process. He told us it would take about two weeks to fle his report with 1st Summit Bank in Johnstown. As we learn more information it will be shared via the bulletin. • SPF 50 Issue 6 Is Now Available on Pages 7 & 8 of the Bulletin! • Important Information on Camp Nazareth Summer Camp 2021 on Pages 9 & 10 of the Bulletin

The St. Elizabeth News Christ is Among Us! 5 St. Elizabeth Orthodox Church Woodstock, GA April 11, 2021 St. Elizabeth’s Parish Family Prayer List For the Health of: Evelyn & the Melnikoff Family, Pani Betty Jean Baranek, Fr. James Gleason, The Paccio Family, Kara, Johanna, James, Anna, Basil, David, Dianna, Denise, Alex, Jason, Athanasia, Ethel, Kathy, Lester, Sally, Jack, Tyler, Maria, Page Family, Blanar Family, Emma Rae, Floyd Family, Zachary, George, Robin, Michael, Dean, Margaret, Metropolitan Gregory and his family, Rick, James, David Family, Fr. Scott, Joseph, Maria Starcova, Janis, David & Paulette Novak, Suzette, Bob, David. Michelle, Stephen, James, Brian Paul, Kathy, Mike, Debbie, Ken, The Hayes and Boucher families, John, Peyton & the Gully Family, John, Alexandra, Benjamin, John, The Hazuda Family, Pani Amy George and the George Family, Eddie, Mary, Cathy, Drew, Pani Connie & Family, Marilyn & family, Mark, Fr. John Zboyovski & family, Kasi, Judy, George, Scarlett, Athena, Jay, Tim, George, Chris, Joy, Fr. Dcn. Stephen, Michelle, James, Rachel, Kate, Fr. Blaschak & Family, Larry, Alexandra, Tammy, Trahan & Skiba Family, Michelle, Ashley, The Hood Family, Fr. Jonathon, Rachel, Anna, Steve, Mary Kay. Mileshko Family, The Franklin Family, Caroline, Jon, Milton, Bob, Beatrice, Alexandra & Elizabeth, Jerry, Burt, Sandy, Stephanie, Caroline, Mariana, George , Xenia, Pani Kathy, Mary , Tommy, Stephen, Emilia, Alisha, & Aaron Zak, George, James, Joanna & the Puziculiks Family, Jenny, Mike & Family, Rodney, George, Phillip, George, Audri, Irinia, Elizabeth, Joanna, Fr. Dcn. Andy, Davina, & Family, Stan, Fr.Dcn. Charlie & Sally Ellis Fr. Ken, Justin, Charlie, Herbert and Mary Schleining, Fr. Tony Jospeh & Family, Spencer, Julie, Baby Maverick, James & Joanna, Anna, Fr. Larry & Pani Linda, Sherry, Steff, Galina & Family, Fr. Jim & Pani Kathy Dutko, Rick, Katlain, Elenor, Mark, Robert & Cindy, Melissa, Ben, Anthony, Rachel, Christine, Cora, Rick, Michelle, Tim, Robert, Tripp, Rachel & Family, Ashley & Family, The Kelemecz Family For the Departed: Patricia+, James+, Stephen+, Anna+, Charles+, Robert+, Loraine+. Helen+, Lewis+, Jeane+, Vera+, George+, George+, Ernie+, Eddie+, Maria+, Carl+, Mark+, Barry+, Jospeh+, Phillip+, Jenny+, Peter+, Bryan+, Rebecca+, Fr. Paul+, Maria+, Fr. Hazuda+, George Smisko+, Helen Spanovich+, Bob+, Alma+, Bo+, Saddie+, Fr. William George+, Violet+, Fr. Kozar+, Benjamin+, John Haddad+, Fred & Helen Mileshko+, Anna+, Natalie+, Lilly+, Christine+, Anna+, Tamara+, Anastasia+, Yvonne+, John+, Betty+, Ada+, Peter+ & Wanda+, George+, Jerry+, Barb+ & Harry+, Beth+, Louise+, Nikolay+, Boris Melnikoff+, Pani Patsy, David+, Fr. Michael+, Natalie+, Helen+, Ted+, Tom+, Mike+, Madeline+, Tim+, Fr. John Baranek, Reader Stephen+, Dean+ Through the prayers of the Birthgiver of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, St. Elizabeth, The Holy Fathers & Mothers, and all the , may our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ have mercy on us and save us!

Holy Saint Elizabeth Pray for us! Eternal Memory!

Keep Your Parish Family in Your Prayers! God is with us!

The St. Elizabeth News Christ is Among Us! 6 St. Elizabeth Orthodox Church Woodstock, GA April 11, 2021

Join us for...

An Online Gathering for Youth ages 5-18

“O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of laziness, despair, lust for power, and vain talking. But give to me, Your servant, the spirit of purity, humility, patience, and love. Yes, Lord and King, grant me to see my own sins and not judge my brother, for Blessed are You forever and ever. Amen.” +Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian Here: The Vine and the Branches—4/11/21

The St. Elizabeth News Christ is Among Us! 7 St. Elizabeth Orthodox Church Woodstock, GA April 11, 2021 SPF50 SCRIPTURE . PRAYER . FAMILY

Essential Bible Stories—Continued

We continue our journey through the important stories from the Bible that every Christian should know. As we conclude reading the book of Genesis, we will move into the book of Exodus.

Your Goal: Read the Bible together once per week. Feel free to sit comfortably in your living room, at your dining room table, etc. You may wish to have copies of the Bible for each member of the family, but only one copy is necessary. Take turns reading. When children are old enough to read, encourage them to read at least a few verses.

Week Reading Theme April 4-10 Genesis 42 Joseph and His Brothers April 11-17 Genesis 43 Joseph and His Brothers April 18-24 Genesis 44 Joseph and His Brothers April 25-May 1 Genesis 45 Joseph and His Brothers May 2-8 Break for — Christ is Risen! May 9-15 Genesis 47 People of Israel Move to Egypt May 16-22 Genesis 48 Joseph Visits Jacob May 23-29 Genesis 49 The Death of Jacob May 30-June 5 Genesis 50 The Death of Joseph June 6-12 Exodus 1 & 2 Moses Saved from Death June 13-19 Exodus 3 The Burning Bush June 20-26 Exodus 4 The Burning Bush June 27-July 3 Exodus 5 & 6:1-13 Moses Talks to Pharaoh

(Next Issue will begin July 4, 2021!)

Praying as a Family

Your Goal: Offer the prayers on the next page at least once per week. Stand together as a family fac- ing a place of prayer with an icon, etc. You may read them together, or take turns offering the prayers. For additional prayers, please refer to the “Come to Me” prayer book (available at

Pay special attention to the different prayers for the changing liturgical seasons of the church, In this way, you will be able to extend what is happening in church to what you are praying at home.

. SPF Issue 6 . The St. Elizabeth News Christ is Among Us! 8 St. Elizabeth Orthodox Church Woodstock, GA April 11, 2021 The Usual Beginning Prayers A Prayer for Our Family Lord Jesus Christ, You reign on high with Your Eternal Father In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy and the . By Your presence, You blessed the home Spirit. Amen. of Your Ever-Virgin Mother and the righteous Joseph. Come also to us and fill our home with Your blessings. We humbly  April 4-May 1 & June 20-July 3: pray to You: unite our family in a bond of peace and harmony. Instill in our hearts wisdom and virtue, and help us to obey Glory to You, our God, glory to You! Your commandments. Banish from us all anger and bitter- O Heavenly King, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, who are in ness, and instead grant us a spirit of forgiveness and peace. all places and fill all things. Treasury of blessings, and giver of Help us to be examples of Your love. In moments of trial and Life, come and dwell within us, and cleanse us from every temptation, give us the strength to avoid sin. Send your holy blemish, and save our souls, O blessed One. angels to guard us from all misfortune and evil. O Christ, we enthrone You as King of our home: may we also be made  May 2-8: Use the “Special Bright Week Prayers” below. worthy of a place in Your heavenly kingdom forever. Amen.

 May 9-June 9: Sing or say three times: Praying for Others

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death Save, O Lord, and have mercy on (name anyone you wish to and to those in the tombs, bestowing life. pray for at this time).

Then continue with “Holy God…” St. Ephrem’s Lenten Prayer

Add this short prayer on weekdays from March 15 to April 28.  June 10-19: Go directly to “Holy God…” O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of lazi- Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy ness, despair, lust for power and vain talking. on us! (three times) But give to me, Your servant, the spirit of purity, humility, patience and love. Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now Yes, Lord and King, grant me to see my own sins and not and ever and forever. Amen. judge my brother. For blessed are You forever and ever. Amen. O most Holy , have mercy on us; O Lord, cleanse us of our sins; O Master, forgive our transgressions; O Holy One, A Prayer to the Mother of God come to us and heal our infirmities for Your Name's sake. Hail Mary, full of grace, O Virgin Birthgiver of God, the Lord is

Lord, have mercy. (three times) with you. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, for you have given birth to Christ, the Sav- Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now ior and deliverer of our souls. and ever and forever. Amen. A Prayer to the Holy Trinity Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy The Father is my hope, the Son is my refuge, and the Holy Kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Spirit is my protection. O Holy Trinity, glory to You! Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not Concluding Prayer into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, through the prayers of Your

most-pure Mother and of all the saints, have mercy on us. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory of the Amen. Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen.

Special “Bright Week” Prayers Before the dawn Mary came with the women and found the stone rolled away from the tomb. And they heard from the

angel: He abides in life everlasting. Why seek Him among the In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy dead as if He were a man? Behold the burial shroud! Go and Spirit. Amen. proclaim to the world: The Lord is risen and has conquered

death. For He is the Son of God and He is the Savior of man- Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death kind. and to those in the tombs, bestowing life. (three times)

You descended into the grave, O Immortal One; yet You de- Having beheld the resurrection of Christ, let us worship the stroyed the power of death. As Conqueror, You arose, O holy Lord Jesus, the only sinless One. We venerate Your Christ God, saying to the myrrh-bearing women: “Rejoice”, Cross, O Christ, and we praise and glorify Your holy resurrec- granting peace to Your Apostles, and offering resurrection to tion; for You are our God, and we know no other than You; we the fallen. call on Your name. Come, all you faithful, let us venerate

Christ's holy resurrection. For, behold, through the Cross joy Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death has come into all the world. Let us ever bless the Lord, prais- and to those in the tombs, bestowing life. (three times) ing His resurrection, for by enduring the Cross for us, He has And He bestowed upon us eternal life, therefore let us destroyed death by death. worship His resurrection on the third day!

The St. Elizabeth News Christ is Among Us! 9 St. Elizabeth Orthodox Church Woodstock, GA April 11, 2021


The time for Summer Camp is Rapidly Approaching!!! The clock is ticking!!

Pre-REGISTER ONLINE STARTING APRIL 10, 2021 @ 6PM (Eastern Time)!!! ======Dates for the Summer Camping Program Week 1: July 18-23, 2021 (Sunday to Friday) New England, NY, NJ, and Florida Deaneries

Week 2: July 25-30, 2021 (Sunday to Friday) Johnstown, Pocono, Southern Tier, Youngstown and Chicago Deaneries

Week 3: August 1-6, 2021 (Sunday to Friday) Pittsburgh, Mid-Atlantic, Tri-State and Washington D.C. Deaneries ======BEFORE you pre-register, please read the attached page carefully!!! ======Pre-Register Online Starting April 10, 2021 @ 6pm (EDT) Register at – Anyone interested in attending Camp MUST pre-Register between April 10, 2021 at 6pm (EST) – April 30, 2021 at 12pm (EST). ======VERY IMPORTANT Due to State limits on gathering in numbers, the total number of campers each week will be 72. This means that pre-Registration for Camp will be on a First-Come First-Serve Basis!! Again, the pre-Registration for our 2021 Camp will be on a First-Come First- Serve Basis!! All 17 and 18 year olds (Juniors and Seniors) are asked to pre-register as soon as it opens, but no later than April 12. Please pre-Register at the link above. ======

The St. Elizabeth News Christ is Among Us! 10 St. Elizabeth Orthodox Church Woodstock, GA April 11, 2021

Important Information Re: 2021 Diocesan Summer Camping Program For 2021 Online Registration will take place in 2 steps. The 1st step will be a Pre-registration period that will run from Saturday, April 10 (6pm EST) – Friday, April 30 (12pm EST). Anyone interested in attending Camp MUST Register DURING this time period. However, due to State limits on gathering in numbers, the total number of campers each week will be 72. This means that registration for Camp will be on a First-Come First-Serve Basis!! Again, the Registration for our 2021 Camp will be on a First- Come First-Serve Basis!! Please also note the following with regard to Registration: 1. A camper must be 10 years old ON or BEFORE the Sunday that begins their Camping Week in order to register for Camp!!! 2. Again, the maximum number of campers we are allowed to house at Camp is 72. 3. You must register during the April 10-30 dates, NO EXCEPTIONS! Once registration has concluded on April 30, no one will be able to register for Camp. No exceptions!! 4. Again, registration will be done on a First-Come First-Serve basis. Once we’ve reached the limit of 72, the rest of those registering will be put on a Waiting List. Priority will be given to our 17 and 18 year olds (Juniors and Seniors). If they pre-register during the April 10-20 period, they will automatically be given a spot even if a 10-16 year old camper registers before them. We are asking all 17-18 year olds to register as soon as registration opens on April 10, but no later than April 12! If a spot opens up, those on the Waiting List will be contacted, again on a First-Come First-Serve basis. 5. This initial registration will be quick. It will not require you to answer many questions. However, pay close attention because the Registration links are separate for Boys and for Girls for each week!! 6. Because of the number of Male and Female Counselors and the number of cabins Camp has, the maximum number of females or males attending any one week will be 40. Once that limit has been reached for males or females, the rest will be put on the Waiting List. 7. VERY IMPORTANT: You may ONLY register for your parish’s Deanery’s Week at Camp!!! You may NOT register for multiple weeks. Again, you may ONLY register for your parish’s Deanery’s Week at Camp!!! You may NOT register for multiple weeks. For example, a camper whose parish is in Pittsburgh may ONLY register for the Pittsburgh Deanery’s week at Camp. A camper whose parish is in New Jersey, may ONLY register for the New Jersey Deanery’s Week at Camp. DO NOT try to register for another week…only your parish’s Deanery’s Week!!! If you do not know what Deanery your parish belongs to, ASK your priest!! The Camp Weeks for 2021 are as follows: 1. Week 1: July 18-23 New England, NY, NJ, and Florida Deaneries 2. Week 2: July 25- 30 Johnstown, Pocono, Southern Tier, Youngstown, Chicago Deaneries 3. Week 3: Aug 1- 6 Pittsburgh, Mid-Atlantic, Tri-State and Washington D.C. Deaneries 8. Once you pre-register, and you are one of the first 72 to pre-register for your Deanery’s Week, Camp will email you instructions on or before May 4, including instructions for further online registration.

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The St. Elizabeth News Christ is Among Us! 12 St. Elizabeth Orthodox Church Woodstock, GA April 11, 2021 OUR JOURNEY TO PASCHA! 2021 Created by Fr. Jonathan Bannon (ACROD) SUNDAYS THEMES / GOSPEL READING HOW TO PARTICIPATE: TRIODION WEEKS Fast - Free Week Publican and the Pharisee Show compassion on the poor and distressed. Trust in God, FEBRUARY 21st Epistle: 2 Timothy 3:10-15 Gospel: Luke 18:10-14 not yourself and ask for His help before every task this week. Normal Fast Week The Prodigal Son Returns! Schedule a Confession. Every morning

FEBRUARY 28th Epistle: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 say, “Today I will be humble.” Gospel: Luke 15:11-32 Use up/freeze meats this week. Meatfare The Last Judgement Pray facing East this week. MARCH 7th Epistle: 1 Corinthians 8:8-9:2 Christ is returning from the East and Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46 we wait for Him! FAREWELL TO MEAT TODAY Use up/freeze dairy this week. Cheesefare Adam and Eve are cast from Paradise!

FORGIVENESS SUNDAY Ask each other for MARCH 14th Epistle: Romans 13:11-14:4 forgiveness each evening this FAREWELL TO CHEESE TODAY Gospel: Matthew 6:14-21 week before bed.

1st Sunday of Lent GREAT LENT BEGINS WITH FORGIVENESS VESPERS MARCH 21st SUNDAY of ORTHODOXY Bring an icon to church Epistle: Hebrews 11:24-26, 32-12:2 for a procession. Gospel: John 1:43-51 2nd Sunday of Lent ST GREGORY PALAMAS Bring a prayer rope to be MARCH 28th Epistle: Hebrews 1:10-2:3 blessed today! Gospel: Mark 2:1-12 Use it and pray the Jesus Prayer each day this week.

3rd Sunday of Lent VENERATION OF THE HOLY CROSS HALF WAY TO PASCHA! Wear your cross to church and APRIL 4th Epistle: Hebrews 4:14-5:6 kiss the cross Gospel: Mark 8:34-9:1 each morning with a bow!

4th Sunday of Lent ST JOHN of the LADDER Every time you climb stairs this week APRIL 11th Epistle: Hebrews 6:13-20 ask St. John to help you reach Gospel: Mark 9:17-31 Paradise with the sign of the cross!

5th Sunday of Lent ST MARY of EGYPT Ask the Theotokos to offer you APRIL 18th Epistle: Hebrews 9:11-14 and the world pure thoughts Gospel: Mark 10:32-45 and ideas this week.

FLOWERY (PALM) SUNDAY! GREAT AND HOLY WEEK Place your palm branches APRIL 25th ENTRY OF OUR LORD INTO JERUSALEM and pussywillows behind Epistle: Philippians 4:4-9 an icon at home GREAT WEEK BEGINS Gospel: John 12:1-18 and in your car! GREAT AND HOLY FRIDAY GREAT AND HOLY FRIDAY JESUS DIES ON THE CROSS Refrain from TV, Internet & APRIL 30th CHECK WITH YOUR PARISH FOR Phones to honor Christ’s Death. ROYAL HOURS AND VESPERS SCHEDULE Greet everyone with FEAST OF FEASTS! BRIGHT WEEK “CHRIST IS RISEN!” MAY 2nd HOLY PASCHA! (CHRIST IS RISEN!) & say it before NO FASTING! Epistle: Acts 1:1-8 Gospel: John 1:1-17 good morning and goodnight!

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Most-Holy Ever-Virgin Mary, Birthgiver of God: receive this heartfelt supplication from us, your unworthy servants. We run Oto you tearfully, O Sovereign Lady, as this dreadful illness spreads through the whole world. Listen to the much-afflicted sighs of your ailing people and grant healing of soul and body. As a loving Mother, cover your suffering children everywhere with your protecting veil. In times of despair, console the faint-hearted, strengthen the weak, and enlighten those with embittered hearts. Guide the minds and hands of our doctors and nurses, that they may serve as instruments of the all-powerful Physician, Christ our Savior. You are the strong intercessor for our city, our country, and the whole world, O Queen of All. Present our prayers before the throne of the King of Glory, your Son and our God, that He may be merciful towards us and grant His grace to those who honor you and bow before your holy icon with faith and love. O joy of the sorrowful and consolation of the afflicted, stretch out your hands which are full of health and cures, so that having quickly received your wondrous help, we may glorify the Life-giving and Undivided Trinity: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen. 3-31-2020

The St. Elizabeth News Christ is Among Us! 14 St. Elizabeth Orthodox Church Woodstock, GA April 11, 2021 Diocesan Coronavirus Prayer List

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