Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss., doi:10.5194/esd-2017-18, 2017 Manuscript under review for journal Earth Syst. Dynam. Discussion started: 2 March 2017 c Author(s) 2017. CC-BY 3.0 License. How to represent human behavior and decision making in Earth system models? A guide to techniques and approaches Finn Müller-Hansen1,2, Maja Schlüter3, Michael Mäs4, Rainer Hegselmann5, 6, Jonathan F. Donges1,3, Jakob J. Kolb1,2, Kirsten Thonicke1, and Jobst Heitzig1 1Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Telegrafenberg A31, 14473 Potsdam, Germany 2Department of Physics, Humboldt University Berlin, Newtonstraße 15, 12489 Berlin, Germany 3Stockholm Resilience Center, Stockholm University, Kräftriket 2B, 114 19 Stockholm, Sweden 4Department of Sociology and ICS, University of Groningen, Grote Rozenstraat 31, 9712 TG Groningen, The Netherlands 5Frankfurt School of Finance & Manangement, Sonnemannstraße 9-11 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany 6Bayreuth Research Center for Modeling and Simulation, Bayreuth University, Universitätsstrasse 30, 95440 Bayreuth, Germany Correspondence to: Finn Müller-Hansen (
[email protected]) Abstract. In the Anthropocene, humans have a critical impact on the Earth system and vice versa, which can generate complex feedback processes between social and ecological dynamics. Integrating human behavior into formal Earth System Models (ESMs), however, requires crucial modeling assumptions about actors and their goals, behavioral options and decision rules, as well as modeling decisions regarding human social interactions and the aggregation of individuals’ behavior. In this tutorial 5 review, we compare existing modeling approaches and techniques from different disciplines and schools of thought dealing with human behavior at various levels of decision making. Providing an overview over social-scientific modeling approaches, we demonstrate modelers’ often vast degrees of freedom but also seek to make modelers aware of the often crucial consequences of seemingly innocent modeling assumptions.