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Ccbs Journal 2016 the Journal of CROSS BORDER STUDIES in Ireland VOLUME 11 2016 The Journal of Cross Border Studies in Ireland Volume 11 2016 This edition of the Journal of Cross Border Studies in Ireland is dedicated to the memory of our Board Member Ann McGeeney 1962-2014 ISSN: 2054-572X The Centre for Cross Border Studies ARMAGH OFFICE: 39 Abbey Street Armagh BT61 7EB Northern Ireland Tel: +44 (0) 28 3751 1550 Fax: +44 (0) 28 3751 1721 Email: Website: DUBLIN OFFICE: Room D203, The Bea Orpen Building Dublin City University Dublin 9 Ireland Tel: +353 (0)1 700 5635 Fax: +353 (0)1 700 8863 © The Centre for Cross Border Studies 2016 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher. All views expressed in The Journal of Cross Border Studies in Ireland are those of the authors of the articles and do not necessarily represent those of the Centre for Cross Border Studies. ISSN: 2054-572X The Journal of Cross Border Studies in Ireland 2016 I 1 CONTENTS Chairperson’s Foreword ................................................................................. 03 Helen Johnston Introduction ................................................................................................... 10 Ruth Taillon Ann McGeeney: Cross-border peace builder ................................................ 14 Kathy Walsh Northern Ireland and the EU Referendum: .................................................. 18 The outcome, options and opportunities Dr Mary C Murphy Obstacles to Cooperation on the Franco-Spanish border ........................... 32 Jordi Gomez The Benefits and Challenges for Cross-border Cooperation ....................... 40 in the Cieszyn Silesia Euroregion Marek Olszewski Leading Cross-border Collaboration on the Frontlines ............................... 57 in the US-Mexico Border Region: What is important?” Charles Matthews, et al Revitalising Border Towns and Villages: Assets and ................................... 71 potentiality in the Irish Border Region Ms Caroline Creamer and Dr Neale Blair The Management of Heritage in Contested ................................................. 91 Cross-border Contexts: Emerging research on the island of Ireland Andrew G McClelland REVIEWS ....................................................................................................... 105 The EU-Russia Borderland: New contexts .................................................. 106 for regional cooperation Reviews by Ekaterina Mikhailova and Virpi Kaisto The European Union and Peacebuilding: .................................................... 113 The cross-border dimension Reviewed by Martin McTaggart 2 I The Journal of Cross Border Studies in Ireland 2016 Borderscaping: Imaginations and practices of border making ................. 117 Review by Prof Cathal McCall Spaces and Identities in Border Regions .................................................... 121 Reviewed by Dr Katy Hayward Piecing Together Europe’s Citizenship: Searching for Cinderella ............. 124 Review by Annmarie O’Kane Justice in the EU: The emergence of transnational solidarity ................... 126 Review by Michael Farrell The Journal of Cross Border Studies in Ireland 2016 I 3 Chairperson’s Foreword Helen Johnston The work of the Centre for Cross Border Studies (CCBS) over the last year reflects the themes of referendum and remembrance. The UK referendum on membership of the European Union was a major preoccupation for CCBS given the implications for various exchanges across the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, as well as relations between Ireland and the UK as a whole and between the UK and the rest of Europe. Work on remembrance was attuned to some of the events to mark the centenary of 1916, with the Centre involved in a number of occasions of historical importance. A more personal remembrance is of our own late Board member, Ann McGeeney, as documented in the comprehensive and thoughtful tribute in this Journal by her friend and colleague, Kathy Walsh. I personally knew Ann well when she was the Joint Manager of Border Action and I was the Director of the Combat Poverty Agency. Ann was an exceptional networker, skilled in her ability to link people and issues together to achieve a common purpose, which made her such an effective cross-border worker and peace builder. I was delighted when she agreed to join the Board of the Centre for Cross Border Studies where she brought first hand cross-border experience and community development practice to the organisation. One the projects we were working on when she became ill was engaging with the Board members and staff to prepare the Centre’s vision, mission and strategic plan. I hope you take the opportunity to read Kathy’s insightful article in the Journal. The remainder of this Foreword provides a record of the Centre’s main activities over the past year, which has been busy and diverse. I’d like to take this opportunity to place on record my appreciation of the quality of the work carried out by Ruth and her staff team of Anthony, Mairead, Annmarie, Eimear and Tricia, and for their commitment to the work of the Centre. I’d like to thank Martin for his contribution to the work of the Centre and to wish him well in his new role. I’d also like to thank the Board members for their invaluable advice and support in their role of providing governance and guidance to the Centre. I acknowledge the contribution of our partners and our funders, particularly the Irish Government and the Northern Ireland Executive, without whom we would be unable to address cross-border issues to the extent that we do. The Centre’s Annual Conference for 2016 – Bordering Between Unions: What Does the UK Referendum on Europe Mean for Us? – set the agenda for the first half of the year, leading up to the Referendum on 23 June. We recognised then that a referendum result taking the UK out of the EU would have enormous consequences for everyone living on this island. 4 I The Journal of Cross Border Studies in Ireland 2016 Our conference set the shape not only of the Centre’s contribution to the pre- Referendum discussions, but for the wider conversation. The Centre was delighted to welcome speakers and attendees from across Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, England and beyond for what was a thoroughly successful and informative event. Almost half of all those participating were elected representatives and public officials from all levels of government (despite the clash with campaigning for the imminent election in Ireland). Likewise, our speakers brought considerable knowledge and expertise to the conversation: these included Mr Dáithí O’Ceallaigh, Former Irish Ambassador to the UK; Dr Martin Mansergh, Former Minister of State; Dr Mary C Murphy, University College Cork; Mr Humza Yusaf MSP, Minister for Europe and International Development, Scottish Government; and Vice-President of the European Parliament, Mairead McGuinness, MEP. Likewise, panel discussions on the possible socio-economic, legal, political and constitutional implications of a UK withdrawal from the UK were informed by leading academics, politicians and practitioners. (The 2017 Annual Conference, Building and Maintaining Relationships Within and Across these Islands, will be in the Armagh City Hotel on 23 and 24 February.) In partnership with Cooperation Ireland, CCBS produced a series of briefing papers. Commencing with The UK Referendum on Membership of the EU: What does it mean for Northern Ireland?, additional briefing papers addressed issues including free movement and citizen mobility, the Human Rights Act, cross-border cooperation, peace-building, regional development, the constitutional issues, citizen mobility issues, EU funding and the wider economic and trade issues. All of the briefing papers and our submissions are available on our website. The CCBS website has been identified by the National Library of Ireland for inclusion in its Web Archive with the aim of preserving Irish websites of scholarly, cultural and political importance. The Library is creating a collection of sites relating to the EU Brexit referendum. It will be made available through the Library’s website Now that the votes have been counted we continue to face uncertain times; while in ‘limbo’ waiting for Article 50 to be invoked and during the two years (or possibly more) ahead while the UK government negotiates its departure. Certainly, the potential impacts will be enormous on both sides of the border and it is essential that the voices of everyone living on the island of Ireland – irrespective of whether they are citizens of the UK, Ireland, the EU or elsewhere – are heard, their concerns respected and their interests protected as negotiations proceed. Following the vote and throughout the second half of 2016, the Centre’s activities have thus been dominated by ‘Brexit’. CCBS has responded to numerous requests from a range of media and press outlets as well as invitations to speak at seminars and conferences. The Centre and a number of other organisations involved in cross- border cooperation in the Irish Border Region came together in September to discuss the challenges for cross-border cooperation in the context of the recent referendum decision. We are concerned that the commitments for cross-border cooperation embedded in the
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