8opyright 1813.3 !%~ . •>Y Beadl e & A

THE ARTHUR WESTBROOK CO. No. 58 Cleveland, Ohio Vol. V

DUCK DR.AOGKU THE BOUND ANO G.t.GG&ll 11.411' &>n'O SMALL. DARK. APARTKltNT, AND LOCK KD THE DOOR. hn" rlght 1883-1889, by Beadle&: Adams. Entered at Post Oll1ce, New York, N. Y., as second ClllS!!. matter. Mar. lb,~ THE• ARTHUR WESTBROOK CO. No.58 Cleveland, O hio Vol. V • Here, numerous rows •A hou90S have for yean bean converted into offices, which are occuvted Buck Hawk, Detective: hy perhaps as many di1ferent tradM and pro­ OR, fessions as there are rooms. Into the second story front room of one of tb0110 buildings, the gentleman ushered Turk., The Messenger Boy's Fortune. and bade him be seated, until he returned; afte:­ whicb be went down-stairs. BY EDWARD L WHEELER, The apartment was meagerly furnished, tbe AUTHOR OF "DEADWOOD DICK" NOVELS, ETC. floor being covered with oilcloth, and a desk, several office chairs, a few pictures on the wall CHAPTER I. forming the rem11inder of the furnitu;·e. AN ARTFUL DODGER. Having nothing else to do, Turk amused him· "CAN you furnish mB with a trusty messen­ self with looking at the pictures, which were of ger boy for a couple of hours-one, mind you, men whose faces were anything but ro their who is reliable in every se>nse of the word, and credit. quick-strung, in the bargain1'' "Sporters, or I'm a shad!" the boy muttered. This question was addressed to the clerk at the "That feller wi' the eyes cut bias, looks like (l'lceiving window of a branch office of the Skin the Slugger, who got ninety m Moya, for Western Union Telegraph Co. in Philadelphia, liftin' pocketbooks. Wonder what sort of 11 one morning previous to the opening of the rooster keeps this rancbi Must be 'quaint wi' Bi-Centennial celebration in the Quaker City. the rascals o' Pbila." The inquirer was a portly man of perhaps Jerome. St. Clair, as be bad introduced hiID­ fifty years, well-dressed, and the possessor of a self to the boy, soon returned. short-cropped gray beard, st.tiely-gray eyes, of "Well, I'm ready for r.ou," be said, banding hawkish intensity, and hair to match his beard. a sealed letter to Turk. • You are to take tba~ He had the appearance of being a man who Jetter to my residence, and deliver it to my was well-to-do, and who bad no cause to com­ daughter. If she is not in, you can giv~ it to plain at the way the world used him. some one of tbe servants, who will give you fl "All our messengers are out, hut if you will package, which you are to hasten back with, wait a moment, probably some of tbem will be and deliver to me at the Broad street dep<>t. in, and I can supply your wante," the clerk said, You will find me tbere in the waiting-room. B9 gazing at the inquirer through a pail· of breen spry, nqw, and I will make you a present on goggles. - your return." , In the course of ten minutes a messenger-boy "But give us yer directions," demanded entered. Turk. "Got a number, hain't yei" He was a strong, sturdy lad of fifteen, with an "Certainlv. HAre is my card, which will open, honest face, a shrewd peering pair of eyes, enable you to find my residence without trouble. aud wore an expression of goorl humor. Here is some money for street-car fare. Now, He was attired in the neat regulation then, be oft'." of a W. U. mes..enger boy, and was rather And Turk needed no second warning. dashing looking, with his cocked a little to Already gigantean air-castles were building one side of hi3 curly bead. before bis mind's eye in anticipation of the "Hillo, Billy!" be cried, tos.~ing his book to promised reward for alacrity, the clerk. " What's the next racket? Made a The card read: quarter out o' last trip. Jest con1J_ect me wi' JlilROME ST CLAIR, another secb a job, ef ye please." ~ _ The clerk looked over at the man who was DIAMOND MEROBAN'l, waiting. " Here's a boy that will be likt0ly to you, No. - N'T•I 17Tn STREET, sir," be said; whereupon _the gentleman came (Private House.) Pailad'a, Pa. forward, and gave the boy a cnt1Cising glance. "What's your name1'' be asked, sharply. And it Is needless to say that the messenget "Turk, sir," was the prompt answer. boy was not long in landing in front of the im­ "Turk1' the gentleman exclaimed, in sur- posing mansion which bore the diamond-dealer'a prise. "Turk whRt1'' name upon the door-plate. " Dunno. Reckon nothin' but Turk, from Accustomed to ringing door-bells, he gave the Black-cat Alley. Never was called anything knob a tremendous pull, which speedily brought ehe." a frowsy-beaded Iriab-woman, with a red, "Strange name. Well, my boy, I am about freckled face, to the door. to engage your services for a little while pro­ "Ph11t the loikea of yez m'ane by pullia' IO Tiding you know where Jerome St, Clair \ives, bard av of the dure-belU" she cried augr(ly. on North Seventeenth street." " Oh, go refrigerate yourselfl" Turt iretortecl. "Dunno. Give's the number, and I can root "I want to see the bosi!'s darter." out the rest." • "Yez can'• see her, ye omadhaun. It's DOt ht "Very well. What will be the charges, she is, at all." cle;k1'' "Bahl ye can't stuff me. rve got am~ The clerk named the amount, whloh was for her." promptly paid, after which Tnrk and his em­ "Let me have it thin." p&oyer let• the office, and proceeded t.o Walnut · "Like blazes! The boss sent me, and -.Id I street, near Eighth. • waa to wait until his gal came in," •* • "' Thin come along wid ye an' wait on the "Why, of course. Uncle has sent for the cheer in the hall till the young miss returns; an' hundred-thousand-dollar set of diamonds, which arlnc1 lad, I'll bave an eye kept onto yez." be bas tried so long to dispose of. I gueS11 it "K.erect, Biddy. But ain't you goin' to ax will be all the 118.1De if I give them to you. _ 111e in.to tbe parlorr• Wait!" " Not a oit of it. Sit yez right forninst the Sbe left the parlor, and Turk h011rd her trip­ cheer in the ball1 and if yez stir an incb 1'11 send ping up the stairs for the jewels. the nagur up to oounce yez." "It's a shame " he muttered "bow sum folk~ Presuming that Miss St. Clair was in the can waste their ~ash on gew-g~ws, while tberest house, Tnrlt took possession of the prGft'ered o' us have to dig like f11n to get PnufI ter eat! chair in the richly-furnisbed ball, and witb a Wish I were rich as Jay Gould! I'd pop the parting nod of warning .Biddy i:etired to the question to Miss Etta, sure I" iiomestic quarten. Wishing bad never made Turk rich yet, and Turk bad not waited long when a young so he knew there was no use for him t-0 consider woman, or, more appropriately, a girl, of such a thing. about tbe boy's own age, came down the wind­ Miss Evelyn soon returned and handed Turk ing stairs. a jewel-case, wrappffi up in paper. She was 11eatly, yet rather plainly attired, "There! You are to take tbat dire('t to Mr. but this fact did not detract from l.er exquisite St. Clair," she enjoined, "and be very careful beauty. A perfect mold of face and petite fig­ that you don·t lose it, or mak ~ a mistake whom ure, with soft, dreamy, hlue eyes, a tempting you gh-e it to, for if you •hould, mercy only mouth, and rare bealtb·tinted complexion knows wbat they would do with us." made her at once an object for attmct10n and "Oh, never you fear! He'll get this box all admiration. hunky, if I don't get struck wi' lightning," was She uttered a little cry at sight of Turk, who his confident assertion. " I suppose ye'll recker­ wllS staring at ber in wonderinj!; admiration, nise a feller, ef I should happen to meet ye, at "Great guns! ain't sbe a stunner? Ef my the Bi-Centen1" ,;bank acconnt were a little larger I'd go fer her, "Of course l shall," responded the young lady, regular Cupid style," were his unuttered as sbe ushered him out. "Be careful of the dia­ thoughts as be pa used at the foot of the stairs monds." in evident astonishment. "But I will!" Turk r eplied. as he strode 9way "Whnt are you doing beref' she asked. down the street, whistling merrily, and wishing "Sittin' down," Turk replied , with a grin. he was a millionaire. "Tbe Irish stew sed as how I •hould wait here; At tbe Broad Street Station of the P ennsyl­ didn'$ ax pie into the parlor," vania ltailroad, Turk .found the man who had ".Obi you are a telegraph boy'I'' employed him for the errand pacing to and fro "Not mu<:! h. I'm a telegraph young man, if in tbe waiting-room, es if in great impatience. you please," Turk declared with self-<:onscious His face lightened, how£ver, when he mw pride. Turk and the packagP. "Oh, why yes! Pray excuse my mistnke," "Well! you're back At last., ehf' he said, seiz­ the young lady sairl, amusedly. "Have you a ing tbe package. "You were unreasonably message to deliverr• long. I have barely time to catch the train." " Yes, I've got a letter here fer Miss Aurelia And with these reproving words he turned, St. Clair, what her gov'nor sent, and sed I was and was about to move off, hut Turk was not to t-0 hurry llack with a package what you would be bluffed in this way. ' give." " I say! bold upI" he cried, catching the "I have not the good fortune to be Miss St. man's co11t sleeve. "You're kinder forgetful, Clair," the girl replied quicklT and in a half ain't ye?" scornful way, Turk fancied. ' I am Etta Eve­ "What do you wantr• lyn, Mr. St. Clair's niece. Miss St. Clair has "Why, ye was goin' ter whack out a pre~nt gone rirling in the Park, 1Lnd;will not be back for wereo't ye, if I heat Goldsmith Maid's time1'' a couple of hours." "Ohl I forgot! Yes, here is a dime." Turk IK'ratched his head. And t-Ossing the coin to the astonished mes· "Dunno what a feller·s goin' todo'I" he asked. seuger-boy, the diamond merchant disappeared "The hoss sed I could deliver the letter to OD'! among the crowd. of the servants, who would give me the package "Well, rel! me out fer a huckster if that ain't to fetch to him." cheek," Turk muttered, turning away in dis­ "It that is so, I can perhaps act for my gust. "Ten ~nts fer a hundred thousand dol· cousin," Etta said, "though I know .,,very little lar job. I wasn't bal(-8mart, or I'd 'a' collected about uncle's affairs. Come in here. hefore delivery. Never mind. I'll see t4e old Sbe led the way into the grand parlor, and chAp ag'in, sometime." bade Tnrk be seat.ed while she received from Ania"londs l" echoed the messenger lad. six P. M. came, he was invariably pretty tired, Buck Hawk, Detective.

and not loth to seek hi\. quarters in Black-<;at -nor at all, for tbat matter," he muttered• Alley. " 'cause that hawk, Jack Grimes, would durn;I To-night, especially, he found himself nearly soon find me out, the bound I I know that fel­ fagged out, as with bis dinner basket on bis ler, I do; arid he knows I know of some of hiil a r m, be left the office in com pany with another smart games. rt's me an' him fer it now, and messenger. Pat Murphy by name. best one is goin' to win." "There'll be a divil of a row to-morrow," Not knowing what else to do, be wandered P at observed, as they trudged along, down to tbe Delaware wharves, aod watched " What kind of a row1" Turk asked, rather the st.ream of people surging in the direction of disinterestedly. the ferries. " Och I sure it's some one o' the messenger Rut, tbougb his gaze rested upon them, bis boys will get bounced." mind was upon the trouble which loomed up be­ "HumptJ I what for~" fore him like a grim giant. "Robbery, be jabers- an' one of the cutest, " I reckon about the best thing I kin do is to too. J est b ~ ard of it up on Seventeenth." go and surrender," be muttered-" but I'll be "Seventeenth'!" Turk echoed, bis heart sink­ dashed if I'll do that, eitber I Every one fer in?, within him. bisself; an' ef I don't keep an eye peeled fer 'Yes; it seems that some chap applied at one Turk, durned ef any one else will, Jeremityl o' the district offices, and hireoffice through the gla!

Afobougb be bad been in the company'fi employ bad by this time fully shaken off the effects of for a long tim~. be bad not yet sown the full tbe hquor. . measure of his wild oats, and knowrng bis failing, "Well, by thunder, that's a case, for a fact. Turk VI a~ not surprised to find him "half the But you can rest easy, so far as I um concerned. seas over" on reaching bis room. I'll never_give yon away." "Hillo! Sultan I jest in time, old feller. Got "Then I will also keev mum about your game· some prim" stomacu bitters here," Jones crinse. What's the harm of a fellow eh?" ' having a little cheer, after gettinjl; out of prison? •·Yes. Do you know, I'm goln' to nose into I believe iD work when you work and smile when this case am:l recover them diamonds1 Goin' ter you play. What fetched you up from Black- turn sort o' detective, ye see; und see wbat fer cat, Turk¥" luck I have at the biz." " Ob I I came to see you on business, Bill." Turk bad not Jong left tbe operator's room, "Bab l business be banged. No more business when Bill J ones had another visitor-a tall, for n1e till eight to-morrow morning." well-formed, and rather good-looking young "But I say yes," Turk declar~d, firmly. man of six or se\'en and twenty, dressed in the "There's a big row goin' to be kicked up, and best of clothes, with the additions of a sik bat, you're tbe chap tbat can stop it. Did you turn kid gloves, and gold-teeded cane. in the casb for my errnnd to-day!" .A not over-abundant mustache was waxed The question seemed to have an ele~tric effect out et either end; and tbe habitual steely glitter upon Jonei;, and to dissipate all tbeeffects of the in bis hlack eyes indicated the existence of evil liquor be bad imbibed. in bis tea rt. "To be sure I did," he flusten'<.l, appearing to This men was Jack Grimes, the detective, who feel highly indignant at tbe question. "What was considered one of tbe most successful pri- do !,OU tHke me for, you young Arah1" vate experts in the city. ' Ob I I only wanted to see if you were pre- "HE>llo! is it you!" Billy Jones Pxclaimed, as pared to prove your part of tbe transaction, in the Rleuth entered. "What the blazes are ye <'"-Se there's trouble," Turk returned, eying the after! I was just preparing to sail off into a clerk. goolf. Fortune in it, if l win." you're liable to get trippi'Cl. Ye didn't turn the "What is it!" • cash for that enand to-day." "Ob! it's a Recret. Don't know hut I can tell "Curse it. Doefi the company know! Have you, if you're mum." you beeu squealiu' nn me, Turk!" "Humpb I guess you know me1" · "Tbe company knows nothing. I know of "Well, it's true you never went beck on me, several hits of cash that the company never so I'll let you in. You see, old St. Clair the dia­ saw." mond , I can <'aosP. your dis- da\" ,"Jones d eclare1! 1 deliberately. obarge, but I don't propose to d(l it if we can "ArP you sure!" agree. No one connecte

"Pooh! honesty is b!lt a convenience at be,t. "Hello! wbe.t ails you?" St. Clair ejaculated, T bere is not a person rn the world who wouldn't looking around. "Am I a bear, that you are look hungermgl7 at a huudred thousand dollars, frightened at m~?" before passmg it by. We rli>tflctives are neces­ ''O~l not nu! no! but I didn't expect to see saril_y the most honest class of people Jiving, but you here," she Sd.icl, coming forward and kneel­ I'm blamed surP if 1 saw a clever chance to rake rng by bis side. "I thought you were in New in a hundred th'.>usand, and get away with it, Yor k." ,._ I'd de it." , _ "New Yorkl What nonsense, child l How "I don't doubt it. I neverquites3t you down came such a thought ever to enter your mind1'' a> a saint." "Wby, because you sent tbe messenger boy A silence ensued, during wbich Grimessei-med for the diamonds!" to be in deep meditation. " Tbe what? l 've sent for no diamondsl "Well, I'm bound to make a case.out of this, Wbicb ones? Speak, explain l" somehow. You know, by the way, that I've " Tbti magnificent ones you have always been paring some considerable atteution to St. treasured so higbly, in tbe green satin case. A Clair's dau~hter lately, and the old gent fancies messenger boy came with a note from you, say­ mi' suit. So he sends for me to take cbarge of ing I was to deliver them to him to fetch to you." this case and slips a cool thousand dollars into "And you did this!" my hanas1 to start on, adding that he will give · "No, for I was out r iding. Your dear sister's a bigger sum for the recovery of• the diamonds. child, Henriette, performed the wor k!" Ob! tile old nut is really worked up about the Tbe banker was wbite with passion as be affair, and it strikes me that t ber e is more im­ arose and paced to and fro across the carpet. portance attached to the loss of tbe diamonds "'Send for the girl,'' be finally hissed, and than their simple pecuniary value. Now, Miss St. Clair seemed eager to r ing for a servant Jonesy, if you and I could put our heads to­ to dispatch on the er rand. getb2r and recover the diamonds, we wpuld be Miss Evelyn soon made her appearance, but able to command a competency for our efforts." an apprehensive expression came over her face "Bab! I know nothing ill regard to the mat­ as she saw the m ~ rcbant . ter, and will have nothing to do with i~-so that "Young woman, who gave you autbority to ends tbatl" Jones declared, emphatically. delivei: my diamonds up to other people, open "Then that, also, ends our intervie.v," and m.Y daughter's letters and the like of thatP the detective arose and left tbe room. " 'rhere was no one at home, except the ser­ He also left Billy Jones in rather an unpleas­ vants, sir, and seeing it was your writing, and ant frame of mi od. the bot sayii.g he was ordered to come right hack, didn't suppose but what I would b~ do- Jerome St. Clair, diamond merchant, had re· ing you a favor, sir-" turned home, about five o'clock that evening, "I never sent the letter nor the boy. You from town, aud, fatigued with bis day's busi- are implicated in a conspiracy to defraud me· neos, had sought his warm, cozy parlor,

I wa.~ able to work, and could not well find a more ing, she went in search of the residence of the cheerle83 abodE'. atlvertiser. "Wbut!" Jerome St. Clair cried, c.ngrily, af- She found it, :<1t length-a large, imposing t er recovery from his astonismont at her edifice, with a marble-tr~'llmed front, and a.s­ words. " Do yon mean to defy me, you saucy ceudiug tbe steps she rnng the bell, somewhat cbit!'' timidly. " I mean jnst what I said, and nothing more I" A colored servant in livery answered t he sum- Etta answered. " Because I have been depond- mons. ent upon you for my Jiving, it does not follow "I called in answer to an advertisement, sir," that I will allow any one to make rue out a thief, Etta explained, eagerly. nor do I ca re to stand 1our daughter's insulting The " sir" seemed to banish the servant's conduct much lon~er.' chilliness of demeanor, for be opened the door "Indeed I Perhaps it would cure you of some still further, with a g racious bow. of your lofty importance to turn you out on tbe "Walk rigbt'in, miss-walk right in. De boss world for a timel Tbat I shall certainly do if is in de parlor 'xaininin' a lot ob gals dis berry you do not deliver me up that paper!" 1 minute." "Theo, I will consider myself dismissed!'' fae And before she ..-as scarcely aware of it, Etta girl retorted, with flashing eyes. "If 1 can see found herself ushered into a grand reception­ Captain Clvde I am si;re be will beip me to find room, wbere an old gentleman and several a situation!" young ladies were seated. • "If you ctare to speak to Captain Clyde, J will All of tl:e latter were dressed much more ex- bave you arrested I" Jerome St. Clair cried, pensively and stylishly than Etta, and she felt while his daughter looked the jealous avvqr she rather uncomfortable, as she became a ware that tel~. . their eyes were bent upon her, but a spirit of "Ob I you are afraid, Mr. St. Clair, tb.. t the resolution c>1.used her to show no trace of agita· captain will bear of bow you have treated me, tion or confusion.- and will not then realize so much pleasure in The old gentleman was a fat, round-faced your daughter's company. Perhaps you are personage of sixty years, who he'd a very bald right!" bead, and a pair of pleasant eyes which rather And with a defiant laugh, Etts. swept from agreeably lit up his ruddy, clean-shaven face. the room, and set about preparing tv le1we the He was seated in a ccmfortable chnir, witl' house. one foot upon a cushioned stool, wrapped up. Sbe bad a little money which she bad saved wi£b a plenitude of blankets and flannels, which from her montb'Jy allotment, but it did not ex- was plain enough evidence that be was a suf ceed teu dollars all told, and she knew she could fori>r .i'rom the gout. not exist Jong ou tbat amo11nt without work. He nodded to Etta, as she entered, and mo It was yet early iu tbe evening, and she was tioniag her to a seat, turned to a haugllty-ap­ resolved to set forth tbat very night, but ot the pearing lady, ~ho bad previously beeu speak- same time bad no idea where she should go. mg. Packing ber not extravagant wardrohA into ·• So ye think you'd fill the bill, do ye!" be her sacbjll, and wrapping herself up, she loft the queried, surveying bi>r critically. St. Clair residenco, a feeling of freedom thrilling " l d:i," was tbe r eply. " I am proficient in bei· •~i t.b hope and ambition. all branches of study, and would like you to As quickly as possible she got out of the neigh- give me a trial." borbpod, for she r eally believed that Jerome St. "Yas, I suppose so," was the repjy. "That's Clan· wouid send the officers after her, what these other girls want, too, but they'v11 all Afti>r an hour's wandering, she found herself got fellers. I can't have 110 gals about my place at the Broa ~l street railway depot of tbs Penn- what has got feller on the brain. S'po>!e you're s.vlvania Railroad, aud feeling fatigued, she cou- like tbe rest, eh!" cluded·to r est in tbe spa<·iou~ waiting-room, un· "Certainly. But I don't think yo., nre do­ til she read an evenin?;paper she bad purchased, ing right to interfere in a young lady's prjvate hoping to see a situation advertised tllat would affairs." suit her fancy. "Tben we don't agree. I pay a &irl good There were plenty of calls for girls to do hO!l5e- waiz;es to be ready for biz, w beo l want her. work, but having a ii;ood education, Etta felt If I should want to bear tbe new.. read at two that she was capable of filling some higher posi- in the morning, I t')xpect her t.o be ready to Mon than being a common servant. rea

"That'll do. Ye kin t ake otr yer thing;;, get i There being more money for him by tlite yer suppe1· in the dining-room, send Pull fur cb·mge, Turk went to wnrk. your luggage, and then come in Emd write f:>ur H e was pretty well versed in telegraphy, and letters, twixt now and bedtime. You other gals bis first forenoon's work went off satisfactorily, ind then pect me at any time. I have no re-;nlar scl1edulP. sought the parlor. "URI.AH EVELYN." J a>on Titus was half asleep, but aroused, "Must be the pnrty gal's dad comin' b 1ck," when she entered. Turk muttered. " T bar.,s sumthin' secret 'bout "Thi> bh1sted gout has 1,1igb about worn me [ th3t g11l an' I wouldn't. min1 knowin' it. out. of hte," be growled. "Never baa !.t., did R 3ckon l doo't want to take no messf!ges up ye1" there, though." "No, sir," Etta admittQd amusedly. Tbe otner message can:e a few miou~s later, "S'pose not. Mi ,, ht 'a' 11mow'd Letter. Get anrl was atldres3ed to "Fred St. Clair, N 0. - the paper, yonder, aJd se~ what stocks are doing,· Market street. up-stairs." in ~ e w Y ork." It was c!ate::l from New York, and ran as fol- Etta cornplizd with hi• request, and read for lo>rs: an huur, to bim, oa different sul.jects. " F::i.zo:-Cannot do anything with them here - During tbe evtJning, a c"llector ca:no for a 'Will bring tllem hack. Tv·night, at the S.>cial." sum of mouey, and it rem .t ined ror Etta to wait Tnere was 0 0 signature, but t tle fact tb:i,t both upon him, sbe pr.:icuri11g the m0ney frotU "safe, messages were for St. Cla:r, rather aroused tte in tbe librarv. ' youn~ fueaseoger's curio,ity. Titus tberi bad her briug f Jrth bis bJuks, and ·•One is t o the old boss, and t'otber is to a. in an hour she knew about all Lis busiue,s young St. Clair," be mutte1erl. ""Vonder ef affair,, how much he was wonn, and every- the young aml tbe ohl is rel>ltecl! and what it is tb!U~ tbat C.)acerued bis plans. tbe Ne ;v York chap eau't d" a.nythiug with, ·Hi> money he Jr 3pt iu his safe, a t home, not over there. Mebbe the diamonds!" having anv faith in bauks. T ne U ea struck him with force enough to "Et's 11 11 in yer charge, now, an' ye c.rn go on leave a lasting impres,ion upon bis mind. an' do t>izness S'ima as thu' I was a1,1 e," the old There wa< just a p1ssibilit.v, he thought, that man nnn o un~ a d . "I know you're honest, or I be bad struck a clew to tbe robbery, and there wouldu't tru it ou; o' t;ie tion, clew or no elew. cash drawer evary rl~y. T nat's all. Y o11' re at As it was noon, h<> surrendered the instru­ liberty for tbe rest o~ t he evening. H elp your- ment. to F,11 cb, the other operator, and took self t o the piauuer", if you want. Molly will tbo Market street message to the delivery-clerk show you y1mr room, when you want to r etire. himsdl'. Get up early t o-morrow, for a morning drive "Put that in an envelope, Chris," he said; "I with ma." want to deliver that myself." When Etta retired that night, shs was won- "Got asweetbeartup tbere, eh?" Chris smiled, dering if it could all he trne. com1Jlnng witli hb r •auest. Seemingly, it bad been a lucky bapp0 nin6 for "0), nu! TbPy don\ trouble me yet," Turlt ber ,,. lli cb bad been such a heavy loss to the r eplied. 11 Time enoup;h for that hereafter." St. CJair3. He took pos,ession of the message and depart- ed, wondering if he wouh.l he able to make a. Turk, the messenger boy, felt greatly relieved, discovery. on returning to Li> lodgings, tqat night. for be. At last he arri..-ed at the number, and ascended barl canse to b ~lieve that he could depend u ·1on a 111rrow staircase t' the secontl floor of an old Billv J rm3s'; ' ilencP, which woitld insure him building, tbe hwer floor of wbich was used as a. against immerlhte dan:;er. baruess sbop. i::lo he resolve:i t'.l return to work the next Ther13 were SEWPral doors openin<; otr from the mornin;t. hall, on one of which was a tin plate bearing On his arrival nt the office, tbe superintend­ the inscription: ent informed hi'Il that be <"'lul 1 t ake cbe.rgl3 of "THE SOCIAL OF SEV~." an instrument. during; tbe ~i·Centennfol week, durino- each forenoon, to "spell" the diC,rent As none of the other d JOr3 bad do,n·-plates operators, an ··I in the afternoons ·resume hia Turk concluclad b try tbP do'1r of the "Social >I messenger duties. in guest of Mr. Fred 'st. Clair. Suell: Hawk, Detective. • His rap was unanswProd; and after waiting a boy's tboug-bts. "It isn't you I'm after, by a moment, be turned the knob of the doer, and loug shot. I'm wanting a wide-awake lad as au entered tue room, wlJich was handsomely fur­ apprentice, and, judging by your ph 1 siog, yon'ni nished. the hoy 1 want. So co11111 along with me." There was no one in it, bowPver, with whom tle did nut say 1t invitingly, but authorita­ to lea vo the message, and so be concluded to tively, and Turk hardly knew wbat to say or do. wait a few minutes. He bart in the do:itective line. After about h:ilf an hour's wait, the rear door "I guess you'll have to strike some other fel­ opened nnd a man entered the parlor. ler," be demurred, shaking his bead. "I've pot He was·nbout thirty years of age, well bnilt, a p,retty good ;nap with the Western Union.' richly clre;sed, anrl bore marks of d ssipation 'Psba wt you can't make your living at that. upon bis otherwisA rather attractive face. I'll pay you good wages, and guarantee you a He see~E:d much surprised at sight of Turk, badge after a short trial. So come along. You and not over-pleased. can h11nd in your resignation to the company "What d'ye want here1" be growled, looking later." at Turk sharply. "What'll you give? Money is what makes "Got a message for Fred St. Clair. Know the mare go." such a chap around bere1" Turk r~p lied care­ "'Ien dollars a week, and more when you lessly, producing his book. earn it. Hurry along now. I've got sume "Yes; tilat's my name. Let's ha Ye the mes­ work ahearl." sage, and then :vou skin out cf hem. We don't "Gness I'll try you a whack, anybow," Turk allow boys here." muttered. "Ten's six bi~ger then totin' mes­ "Don't, eh1 What kind of a ranch is it, ye're sages around. Sail ahead.' so 'fraid1" Tbe detective was evidentl.v no strHngP-r in tbe "None of your business, yon rascal. Give me <'ity, for be led the way up Thirteenth street until the rnessage." they came t o a qni<>t two-story brick rlwelling, "Jest affix your handle to this book first, the door of which he unlocked, and they eutered Frederick," the ferret said coully, "and pan oat a plainly furnisb~d front room which bore unmis­ a quarter-then the message is yourn." takable indications· of being a bachelor's head­ St. Clair growlingly obeyed. quarters. "Wait-see if there's an answer!" be said, "This is my abode when I'm borne," the de­ tearing open the envel.,pe. "Nv; yuu can go." tective announced, motioning Turk t.o a $eat. Turk left tbe room and desceoded into the "My name is Buck Hawk. ''I' 's y:.mrs1" busy s~reet, with its swarms of sight-seers. · "Turk!" Passing aruund tbe new public buildings, past i "Turk1 Is that all1" Hawk asked, with a the Pennsylvania depot, from wbich hundreds grin. of people were ponrrng as fast as tbey were "All I know of," was the answer. "Guess ushered int'> the city hy huge train-loads, he it's all r equired fer natural purpose•." suddenly felt a band placed upon his shoulder, "Funny name. Know any of the ·city deteo­ and faced about to find himself in the presence tive3!" of a tall, lank individual, 1Vith 1 bin, sharp feat­ "Once in a while one. Know Hnlfisb, Gray, ures, a book uose, bead-like black e.ves, and a Grimes and Mack." decidedly Frenchy mustache of a like color, "Humph! Know any of t he suspects!" waxed out at the ends. "Nuts, you mean-bard cases!" His dress, however, was of tho shabby-genteel "Yes." order, and among almost any crowd be would "You bet! I've got a heap of thAm have been classed a bummer. down fine, and k11ow some of their bang-outs "Hello! what d'ye wanU" Turk demanded, and fence-posts like a book." as be critically surveyed tile man. " Don't try "Glad to bear it. It will help us along. I'm none o' your confidence dMges on me-1'm too from New York, and not known to the profes­ &alt!" sionals ovAr here generally. Bnt, as it happens, The hawkish man laughed. l'm looking for a chap-in fac; several cbaps­ " I just reckoned so," be said, with a strange but one m particnlar. A visit to some of these chuckle. "And you're just the very cbap 1 dens may put me afloat. I'll fix you np as a want." <'Onnt ryman, and we'll take a tnru in at Joe An1 as he spoke be turned aside bis vest­ Burns's." collar, and exhibited a glittering gold detective "The bluz3s ! K etch me in there. It's a reg­ badge. ular cut -tbro11t den." "Don't tell me wbat it:'"i•. But as Jong as I'm CHAPTER IV. with yon, you're all right. All you've got to TURK ON THE BEAT, do is to put on 'country jist come t"w town to SURPRISED anJ alarmed, Turk in~tantl:v con­ see tbe sights,' anrl I'll fence you ubout. J'm a cluded tbat this detective had discovered him to thoroughbred, you understand, who is showing be the ~ame person who hAd procured the dia- you the s;!(bts." monds from the St. Clair M1tnsion. • If Turk bad any misgivings Buck Bawk soon "Don't be scared," the officer said, reading the talked them away. · Buck Ha.wk, Detective.

Out of a large stock of disguises which be "Bet I can; kin beat the feller what put the hauled from a trunk. be soon bad Turk cbarac­ spots on 'em 1" t.eristically arrayed as a cJumsy, loutiRbcountry "All right. You're not t.o know me if we boy from tbe back woods,'and no ene could have meet." suspectewaiting-room for several hours, to meet any faces I know. Saw Scrogger up the watching the crowds of people who were tfock­ street tho'." ing in by every train, "N~? Didn't know he was out. Got ninety About dark be saw Fred St. Clair in the de· awhile ago. Who're you!" pot, strolling ab0ut, and occasior.ally accosting "Scriver!" some of t.be stra n g~rs. "Humph! Heard Scroggpr speak of you. Turk was seated in one corner of tbe apart· Know Mike Kerrig, don't you!" ment, sta ring in the most gawky manner im• "Yes." ~ agmable at the surrounding-a. "He's doing well over on Market, fencin' fora "Good-evening, J obnny I" St. Clair a ccosted, 'Social!' Rather hurting me-still I like to sw familiarly. " Corne down to take in the glori­ the boy prosper." ous Bi-Centennial!" "What's the number?" "I reckon, ef I don't got tuk in myself," Turk · "No. - Market ' street-up-stair s. Social of repli ~ d. "Kinder tired travelio' 11round, 11n' Seven. Nice place to play a game of cards- no tbort I'd take a rest." one about." "Right. E xcess of sight-seeing makes it tire­ "Have to look it up. Think I've struck a some pleasure just now. Let me see, your face 'liner,' but ain't sure. How's peelers 'long her e?" seems familiar. You're from Perryville, are "S;>lid. P er cent.-ten. No trouble." you not1" "All right. I'll call again. Let's all have an­ "Lor·dy Je1·usbal bo,y'd ye ever gness that f" other drink." Turk ejacnlated, with a grin of surprise. The drink was had and paid for; then Hawk " Oh I I've been tbrou ~h t here, traveling for and bis apprentice left, and r eturned to the house pleasure, and it somehow st ruck me I 'd seen on Thirteenth street. your face somewheres." "I've struck one desirable point," the detect­ "Yas , me an' dad runs the Schoonover cheese ive declared. "I've found out where this 'So­ factory ther e, an' turns out the best cheese in cial of Seven' is, and my man is a member of the S tate,b Dad e kicked lil:e t hunder when I it." set sail fur beer ; lrn t, durn it, I cum on my own "So do I know wher e it is," Turk added. "I hook. I couldn't borry no stamps frum him, so t ook a message to the room just before I met I jest sol1 my interest ia tbe last mnkin' o' y ou." cheese, an' beer I am. Since d:id j'ined the "Who tor' cburciJ I'm gol-darned ef he don't git tighter an' "Fr8d St. Clair." tighter every day." With a low exclamation tbe detective b ecame " Come down to see the sigots, I suppose?'' suddenly refl.ectivtl a nd silent. " ·w aa l, I judge. Don't know mu ell about the He was something of a conundrum to Turk city, but I g uess I kin gi t my money's wu't.b. who bad taken to watc b in ~ bi m keenly. Didn't cost a beap t o cum. Got in wi' a feller all 'Wben thay arrived at t he detective's abode was fetchin' over a car-load o' sheep." they entered, and H" wk proudCed snrn e dried "Well, you want t o t ake care of yourself. beef and c h~ese , a nd a bottle of wine, as he r e- T here's a great abundance of r ogues in t be city m ar ked : ' 1 laying for fat pocket-books, and any one's liable "'\oVA'll have somE' better grub a t the hotel to get robbed." after a while. I'm going t o leave you t o do ' as you pbasa for a time, wbile I skylark a bout "Bet they won't soap me ! Carry all my for points. By all means r etaiu your rural dis­ spondulics in my -pocket, 'cept 'bout a hull4 guise, an

"1'oy, what is the meaning of thi31" Hawk Poor Etta's heart sunk within her. dema11ded. "How comes this rascal here, of all Captain Clyde coming here to dinner! places in the world!" What in the world should she do-bow could "Ohl him and his set were trying to tap me, she face him, Aurelia St. Clair's loverl Lut I war too foxy l'.:ir 'em, an' lured this fPller She bad met him frequeotly at tbA St. Clair here, so you could bi,v a look at him!" Mansion, and he had treated her with full as Hawk whistled. much cordiality a11 he had Aurelia, whom.Dame "I'm mighty glad, This is Slippery Fred, Rumor said was to become bis bri1e, somewhere one ol Murrell's gang-a nabob s. rt of rascal, along about the holidays. :you know-big relations, you know-allus g,;ts If be came here, and saw and re.cognized her, <>ff Scot free." be would likely inform Jason Titus of her former Hawk taking a pair ol handcuffs from his surroundings, and there was no telling how big. coot . pocket, ~ut them on the gambler's things would turn. wnsts, without res1.tanc-e. He next bound his " I am sure you will kindly excusa me, Mr. feet together, and then gagged him so system­ Tit111s,11 she said, blushing. "I bad r ather not atically, tbat be could utter no sound above a meet your company, if you can spare me. I groan. Tl:.is done be dragged him into a ·small had rather not make any acquainta<>ces." dark apartment oft' the front r oom. "Pooh! Nonsense) · I say yes, and that set­ "There! You stay there for the present, 11nrl tles it. So, now, run down to town, and inquire if you make any noise, I'll break your head, at Drexels if the Panama is in port yet, and You koow the sort of a hairpin I am, and I then return. 11 reckon you've got sense enough to behave your­ Seeing there was uo way to get out of the di· self.'' lemma, without offending him, Etta determined He then locked the door and turned to Turk. to" face the music," and make the best of the "So far so good!" he said, triumphantly. situation. ' 'That catch is worth five thousand dollars, if So she ordered the hack, and was driven down­ you want to know it~ " town, where she made inquiries concerning the Just tbeu there came a rap at. the do:>r. ship, Panama, aod then stopped a t Strawbridge Hawk looked at Turk to enjoin silence. and Clothiers to do some sboppiny. The rap came again, While there, a man ertered the store.>, and Hawk crept toward the door. tapped her on the shoulder. F or the th.irrl time the r ap <'amel It was Jack Grimes, the detective! Turk was wondering what was next on the Etta bad seen him occasionally at her unc)e's programme for the evening's entertainment. house, bnt further than knowing bis profes~ional The show was beeorring very interesting. calling, knew nothing about him. Sb& turned and g"zed at llim, haughtily. CHAPTER V. "Sir!" she said, inq_uiringly. TURK CUTS LOOSE, "Excuse me, 11 be said. "M11y I speak to you, ETTA EVELYN was well pleased with her new pl"ivately, a moment111 home, the longer sbe remained iu it. Her duties "No, sir," Ett'.t r eplied. "I do not know were light, and she bad much of the time to ber­ you!" And she turned to the counter. ~elf, as old Jason Titus snore

well meet any charges brought against her at to use me as the stumbling-block to others first as at last. . What shall I do1 If I refuse to hear bis ex.. So she returned to Eighth and Market, and planatiou, he may influence ·my immediate dis. found the hack still waiting for her, b~ Jack charge, if be does not work me greater harm. GI'imes was not to be seen. If I bear what be has to sav., I mav be better Getting into the conveyance, she gave the able to defend myself." • - • order to drive home, which she soon reached , Further deliberation strengthened her belie! and she .'.Dade her way to her room to take off that she bad better humor bis r equest, and so her wraps. • procuring a of paper, she addressed it to '.'On going down-stairs, she met Molly, who him, and added: siud: I will be ready at half-past seven." " If you please, miss, the waste'" wishes to see you in the parlOI'." Presuming that be dP.sired to hear from the . Let us return to B~ck Hawk and his appren­ Panama, Etta accordingly hastened to the par­ tice. lor, and entered. The third rap upon the door of their quarters She gave a faint gasp of surprise as she did so, in Thirteenth street was given loud and per­ for she beheld Jack Grimes seated there, in com­ emptory. pany with Mr. Titus, her employer. "The devil!" escaped from Hawk's lips, and The latter lookej up with a nod, but the de­ cockmg bis r evolver, be flung 0pen the door, tective gave her only a passing glance, appear­ and there entered a woman ~ome sixty years of ing not to recognize her. age, who bobbled along with a cane, and was "Gal," old Jason said, in bis bluff but hearty dressed in old and ragged attire. Her hair was manner, "this is Carl Clyde, whom I was Sp\)ak­ unkempt and white, and her face wrinkled end in' about. Haven't seen him before in three withered, but her eyes, black as jet, .bad the fire years, and be bas changed somewhat in that and sparkle of youth. time." She helped herself to a seat while Hawk was Etta acknowledged tbe introduction as· best closing the door, and took a keen survey of she could, and then escaped to another portion Turk, who was standing in the center of the of tbe parlor, in order tliat Titus might not no­ room. ., tice the astonishment that was expressed upon "Wlio have you got here, Buck?" she queried her face. in a pleasant voice, whiC'b was hard at contrast W bat was Jack Grimes doiug here, masque­ with her appearance, a1:d betrayed the fact that. rading in the nom de plume of Carl Clyde? she bad not al ways been in her present position What villainous scheme bad he on foot? in life. Pool'-Etta trembled. "Ob, be's a young rat I've picked up to help Sue was well satisfied that be bad some plot me," Hawk replied. "Turk, this is my to further, and calculated to use her as the tool, mother." depending upon his knowledge of her former Turk looked in surprise, and acknowledged circumstances to keep ber quiet. the introduction wito a bob of bis bead. The very t.hought of such a thing made bet so Hawk then lit a pipe, and seated himself, nervous, that she was heartily glatl when Jason and gazed through the clouds of smoke at his asked ber to play something upon the piano. mother. . She played several pieces, and then excused "What brought you bas, were no signs of life about it-a peculiarity con. an' made a mash wi' her. 'Spect to hitch on to nected with numerous Quaker City rt>sidences. her when I git promoted." On the samA Tuesday evening that Jack Buck and his mother exchanged amused Grimes was to escort Etta Evelyn to the theater, glances. Turk chanced to be pasEing the Titus residence "So the gal airi't at St. Clair's, eh!" Turk at about half-past seven o'cloclt. went on, eagerly. A close carriage had just drawn up at the "No. Why do you ask! · Do you know any­ door, and a man leaped out, almost against thing about her whereabouts!" Turk, as he was passing. -Turk scratched his head. Hastily excusing himself, he asc;ienrled the "No, I can't say as I do, but you jest bet ef steps and rung the bell, and then it was that St. Clair has hurt that gal I'll fix him, sure's Turk saw for t-be first time that it was Jack I'm elected governor in 1890. Bet I know what's Grimes. the reason the gal is gone." "Rumph I I wonder what racket that son-of­ "You do! Then explain, for it is a matter or a-gun is up tor• be mused. " Bet a cent he's up great importance to u11." to some mischief!" "Oh, it 1•. 'Sposin' you explain the wbyfore Curiosity impelled bim to stop at the corner, to me firstr• a few steps further on, and wait to see what "Indeed. You are cute, ain't you! But I sup­ tqroed up. pose you mifiht as well kuow, as you are likely Io the course of ten minutes tho door to be of use.' opened, and Grimes and Etta came out of the And Hawk gave the old woman an inquiring house. glance. As they did so, Turk made it his business to "Nol ool" she cried angrily;" tell 'the young pass them; and bis astonishment knew no bounds monkey nothiug. Boys can't be dependeti on. when he perceived who the young lady was. If you'll please me, you'll send that fellow away, Old Jason Titus stood in the doorway, and Buck; I don't like bim !" called out, as Jack was about helping her into "But mother-" the carriage: ' "Send bim away I sav ! Have nothing to do "Tal

{s the same as yours, however, in regard to our And the rascals gathered around the prisoner missing member. Sometbing's up, and I reckon threateningly. the sooner wa wind up our meetings here the It looked as if it were all up with him jue& better we will be off." . - then. The others gave a grunt of approval, showing unanimity of sentiment, CHAPTER VII. "I was about to suggest the same thing my­ TURK INVESTIGATES A NEW LEAD. self," Kidnapper remarked. "But wbere will GAME to the last, bowever, was Turk, when we go, and what wiJl, we do with the goods?" threatened hy danger, and although bis prese11t And be gave a glance toward the back room. situation was manifestly dubious, bis grit was "I cau arrang<> with a young Jew to taketbem ample to cope with great odds. off our ," Murderer declared, "and work " What d'ye mean by rnenkin' into our rooms them off in •be country. I've struck a new and playin' ea vesdropp~r?" the captain demand­ meeting-place, too, more safe than this." ed, sternly, giving the young ferret a shake by "At Mademoiselle Stael's!'' the shoulder. "Yes. Sbe is a warm friend of mine, and an "None of yer bizness!" Tmk responded, adroit' fence,' in the bargain. None but well­ promptly. "Reckon I know wb!ft lam about." r ecommended professionals can bide under her "Oh! you do? Well, maybe you.won't know protection." quite so much about it directly. DiJ you pur­ "She'll give us cover, then¥'' posely come here to overbenr our interviewf1 "Ob I yes. I made arrangements all right to­ "Bet ym;r faro chips I did l Didn't get left on day. So that, after to-night, we'll adjourn to it, neither." meet next at Stael's, using Jettei-s, instead of our "That remains to be told! Do you know what present titles. For instance, I, the captain, will we1re going to do with yon?" use tbe letter Z; you, Kidnapper, the lPtter Y, "Nix. Haven't any idea more'n the dog that • and the others in rotation backward. We will couldn't ketch bis tail." then be as a new organization. Now Jet's bear "Well, I'll try to impress it on your mind, what news there is before we adjourn. Is tbere then, that we're going tn get rid of you." anything new in your line, Kidnapper?" "You don't say! Didn't ~uppose you'd let me "Yes. I mane a capture of tbe girl I was off that easy. What·rout.e are you going to send telling you there was a mystery about, and shall meoffbyf' bold ber till I can get a good ransom.'' "The Delaware river route. Drowned kids "Blackmailer knows something about what never bleat I" the mystery is about the girl, does be noti" "Don't fool yourself. 'I'hey sometimes cl ange " I guess be don't know anything for acer· inter merm·aids, and curri · bock to life. Bet a tainty. Anyhow the girl is the ono who gave ,jack-knife ag'in' seven cents there ain't a stun in up tbe St. Clair diamouds, and she's better out Puila' w'ot kin keep me under water." of the way, until we get them disposed of." " We'll see a bout tba t. I'm a pretty good "You are rigbt. She may be a mint to us hanr J g• t "No-not for certain, although I have beard tbruugh with 'em," and at that bstant Turli re­ of him, and suspect that be is both watching ceive::! a stunning blow beside the bead, and all and dodging me. He's left the telegraph offices consciousness left him. and is said tQ be iu the street every day." When he recovered bis senses the scene had Tbe other members were questioned, and gave entirely changed. Instead of bPing in the rooms reports of dull business. of tbe Soeial Seven be found himself Jymg 11pon "Wen if there's nothing of special import­ his back in the bottom of a small r ow-hoat, ance, wed1 better adjourn. I'll turn the goods which was being propelled upon the water by a over to tbe Jew pawnbroker to-morrow, and roughly-dressed, gt im-looking man, some forty­ our next meeting will be at Stael's.'' five years of age. The following instant there were sounds of a Turk instantly comprel:ended the situation. scuffle and angry words. He was bound band and foot and being rowed Tbe captain sprung to the door of the inner out upon tbe Delaware River. the bottom of room, whence the sounds emanated, and opened wbi<'b was designed bythe::5evrn to be bis grave. the door quickly. With a slight effort be gained a sitting posi­ "Help. boss! Dis nigger done gone cotcbed a tion and took in bis surrounilings. burglar!" Tbe night was dark, and t.ba river was com­ In an instant all the members sprung to the paratively free from •hipping, except along the rescue, and Turk was yauked out into the coun­ docks, and from their 1"cation Turk judged tral; cil chamber, where be stood puffing and panting the skiff bad started out from the vicinity of from his struggle, but still defiant, Federal street docks. "A spy!" exclaimed Kidnapper. He had timE> only to make these observations "Yes, and the infernal messenger ratl"tbe when bis captor growled 1Jut: captain cursed. "Didn't I warn you we'd best •• Lie down, there, you young monkey, before look bright or we'd have a grate in front of us? I clab you over the head." This little devil is more dangerous than a dozen "Sav, now, 100kee here, Cap," •aid Turk, lean­ older sleuths, and we've>got to put him out of ing forward, and peering ir.to the man's bf>ru·ded the way this very night." face, " sureli you ain't mean eDou"b to take a. "Of course I" the others assented. "The best young fellers life, like me, what never gitl you way is to sink him in the bottom of the Dela· any barmt" ~are I" _ "Git ou,tJ . 0' cou1·se ! ani. What thp deur.e •• Buck Hawk. Detective• do I keer, eo Jong as the shekels come inf The to you, any time I have news. Tell me one world klcka me, an' hain't I a right to kick thing-do you consider the St. Clairs e:aemiee or . bar.kt" friends I" "But, if you can make more money doin' a "Enemies!" goed turn, why not do it1 It will pay you just "And a woman-a Mrs. Hawk?" as much to Jet me Jive. Now, you just put me Evelyn shuddered. ashore, and come along with me, an' I'll give "The same," be gasped. you two hundred dollars!" Turk was tempted to question him concerning "Show up yer cash, or sbet up!" Mr. Titus, but something aeemerl to iell him not "Can't show a 1"6d, now, 'cause it's all in mr, to do so. roo:n a·t the hotel. It's solid fer you, tho I They landed at the wharf, and Evelyn left the Heern of Ttirk, the boy shadow, aiu't ye?" boat to drift whither it would. Evidently be "No l" contemptuously. bad previously stolen it from some other docli:. "Ohl you're a stranger, then. My name is They then walked up Federal to Fifth, and as notorious as Mayor King's. Got a ripe old north on Fifth to Market street, where t.bey sep­ case on h and, too. Girl abducted, Savy1 arated, Turk goin1t to the American Hotel and Stolt>n by same gang as hired you to Sf.ill me. turning in for the night. Big r eward1 wbeu I find the gal Sev ril par­ Tbe boy's brain bacl little rest, however, for ties want ner. Sort o' my~tery about her. he Jay awake nearly the balance of the nig ht in F etch a fat pric.,, you bet!" perplexed thought. The man only gave vent'to a grunt of indiffer­ At length morning came, and l:te was not ence, and ro•ved on . sorry, for be felt wide awake and eager to get .Tu rk'~ hear t sunk w ithin him. I t was appar­ to work, rather than sleepy. ent that be bad n o mer cy to expect from the After a h earty break fa~ t be dropped over on ruffian. Must be then submit to the fate the Walnut street to a certain de~ tive office, Social Seven bad prepar ed for him! which he knew J ack Grimes occasionally fre­ The thought was horrible! quented, and made inquiry for that worthy:, but A m oment of silence ensued-then ibe man bis whereabouts were not known. He did not suddenly asked: belong to the regulars of the city, and there­ "What's the gal's name, boy?" fore little track was kept of bis m ovements. "Etta Evelyn l" Turk replied, a faint hope A visit to the city agency brought llle same budding a fresh, in his heart. result, aud thus far Turk found himself baffied. And hi.a words r esulted iu causing him no He was resolved, however, nt o let o amount of little astonishment, for the man at tbe oars ab­ failu1·e discourage him, and accordingly did not ruptly ceased rowing, and uttered an oa th! feel disappointed. " What!" be gasped, leaning forward, b i.~ eyes During the forenoon b e met Pat Murphy, the glowing like coals of fire-" Etta Evelyn, did messenger-boy who had first apprised him of the you say'!'' diamond r obber v. "Jest exactly what I said!" Turk declared, "Hello!" P 11t Saluted~" pbat tbfl di vii is the excitedly. " And I bet a cent you are Uriah ailin' av vez, Tuurk1 why yez !'ave t he offis so E vely n!" suddinU'r "Cuss my skin I how in blazes do you know "Ob, I met an old pard who took a fancy to that'!'' my mug," Turk replied: •1 a nd so I don't have The man's surprise was r,;eat. to work any more. Everything lovely with the "Waal, I jest surmised,' Turk r eplied. "See'd boJs'I'' yer message, when it cum fer J erome St. ' Be jabers, it is! An' it's a foine feller that Clair. detective is I was tellin' yez of." " And you tell me the girl has been stolen from "Indeed!" St. Clair! And will you attempt to find her, "Yis. Ivery time I giv' him a whist o' news and deliver her up to me, if I spare your life1- he s:ips a dollar into me band." will you swear to do this, and, more-to not "That's good, How you getting on with that cause ml arrest?" case about the diamonds'!'' "Wei, I reckon I bain't at all particular "Divil a bit at all; but I manage to invint a a'llout passin' under tho river, so I'll agree to de­ bit av a sthory to make bis nibs tbenk it's on liver up the girl to whoever she belongs to, pro­ the trail I am." Titin' it's you." "Humph l Better look out or he'll nab you at " Then I'll spare you." it. He's a snoozer, is Grimes. Where does he lie drew a knife, severed the cords that bound bang out1" Turk, and then c-banged the course of tbe boat "No. - Walnut street, up-stairs." lte.ck teward Federal street wharf. Turk started but did not betray it. As they neared the wharf, Evelyn said: The number Pat had mentioned was the num­ " I am an old ocean pirate, and there's a man ber of the building in which the young shadow here who ls after me, with &OS118SSion of fore making the trip for the diamonds. my child, and seek some quiet place to pass the Could tllis diamoud-procuring gent and Jack rest of my days in peace. Mind l you are to Grimes be one and the same¥ tell no one that I am here, but when you want It looked to Turk a.s~f it were more than poe­ me, you'll find me b1rnglng around the vicinity slble. of Tenth and Callowblll streets." As soon as possible, Tnrk left the young Hi­ ''Correct. I'll set to work at once, in my at­ bernian, while be1 himself1 sauntered about tellllltB to find the girl," Turk said, "and report town, fiDaJJy bringing. up ali the front of the ' Buck Ha.wk, Deteetlveo

building on Walnut street, which Jack Giimes "Best to be sure," was the reply. "Stael's ia frequent.ad, according to Pat's testimony. No.-, Lombard St." Remembering that the room he bad once ••Thanks. Might have searched an age it I 'Visited had a glass door, through which one hadn't thought of you." could look, from the hall, be went up-stairs. And with this bit of pr1lise, the boy took his A glance &.ltisfied him that Grimes was not in departure. the office, and so be entered, a11d found a young A trip to Lombard stl'eet acquainted him with man seated at a table, engaged in counting over the location of Stael's place, which looked like a a number of packages of money. • private house; but as it 1,ore the appearance of He was rather a blear-eyed, disagreeable look­ being closed, be concluded not to pay n visit, un· ing -person, and Turk at once judged that be til be had time to arrange careful plans. belonged to the cJa$S which was composed of On bis return down-town, he passed the house Grimes and. bis pals. of one of bis farmer message mates, and saw a "Billo!" he saluted, as the young ferret en­ funeral just entering the carriages, which, on tered. "Anything I can do for you1" inquiry, he found was of bis former companion. "P&rbafs," Turk replied, with a good-natured There being one vacant carriage, be accepted emile. " just called to see if Y was in." an invitatioc to ride to the cemetery. The clerk, for such he evidently was, looked The place of burial was West Laurel· Hill, at the ferret, suspiciously. and the cortege reached that beautiful city of "I do not know who you mean," be said. the dead in due time, and the interment took "There's no such a party here." place. "So I perceive, but he was here, not long ago, Turk was about re-entering the conveyance and you know who I mean." that bad brought him, when be caught a glimpae "Well, he's not in, if I do," was the answer. of Hawk, the detective, in another part of the ,. "Started out sometbing like an hour ago!'' cemefery. "To the den1" The sleuth's movements were so sly and dodg. "Reckon not-to Stael's, most likely." . ing, that it instantly struck Turk that be was "Humph I .Guess I'll wait in the neighbor- trailing soma one, or something, and the boy re­ until he returns." solved to try and learB what it was, knowing be And with this declaration, Turk took his de­ could return to town by street cars, or Schuyl· pal'ture. kill steamers. He did not remain in the vicinity, however, So he sauntered away in pursuit of Hawk, but wandered about, wondering where · Stael's keeping monuments and bushes as much before could be. him as possible, to avoid being discovered. Jf the Seven were to use Stael's pla('e as a So sleuth-like and irNgular were the detec,. "fence," might not Etta Evelyn be confined tive's movemeuts, that Turk found it difficult to there, Loo? keep him in sight; but at last the chase came to an end. L ~ ter by a couple of hours he chanced to drop Ahead of him he saw Hawk standing in the into the Devil's Den, on South 17th street-a concealment afforded by a large monument, tumble-do" n r ookery, for the sale of vile rum, around which he wns peermg. which bas in ;rears past gained a notoriety as a Still furtbel' ahead Turk saw the door .of a place of curiosity, from tbe fact that in one vault, which a young lady was either trying to corner of the small pen used as a bar-room, lock, or unlock-the latter, evidently, for the stands a full-sized and grotesque statue suppooed door soon opened, and she entered, and closed ii to resemble Satan. behind her. Turk knew that the proprietor, who is known She was richly attired, and it was she that as Old Mummy, was well posted on the various Hawk'was shadowing. known and unknown resurts about town, for he "Wonder what kind of a racket this is1" bad often carri;id cipher messages to him, from Turk muttered:' "Sometbin' in it, OJ' Hawky different parties who bad a pretty tough crimi· wouldn't be after it. Sbe must be fond o' roam­ ual recor1. Therefore, be resolved to try and i1J' about in the dark, among a lot o' stiffs, sen ce pump out of the old fellow the secret of Stael's she has shot herself in. Mebbe she's a SD9tcber. place. Jinks! jest strikes me she's mebbeconnecteq w1' Entering, be called for a glass of whisky, the Seven!" which he wade a feint of drinking, but instead The thought aroused in him a greater in­ tossed upon the floor. 1 terest in the case, and he watcbPd th ~ door of Taking out his former message book, be turned the vault, which was built in the side of the over several blank envelopes. hill overlooking the river, full as eagerly as In the operation he managed to direct one, Hawk did. · . with a pencil, to "MadE>moiselle Stael," after An hour passed by, but no one came from the which.be handed it to the old man, saying: vault. "Know of such a crook, Mum1 Dash me if I Hawk maintained his vigil rather uneasily. can find her, and it's important, too." Turk bad more patience. The ol the tomb. "Where's your uniform?" be asked. next, re­ Hawk then manifested bis disgust by sneak­ garding Turitan, keenly. ing_ away as cautiously as be bad come. "Bum, gettin' sewed an' washed," Turk ft8.. Nut so with th ~ young shadow. .He was bent bed, well knowing that the old sinner was sus­ on seeing the thing through before he left. picious of l::im. "Why do you aak.1" What the woman could be·doing in the vault •• Huck Ba.wk, Detective• IO Jong, with the door shut, was a puzzler to all, before I join in your schemes. In fact, I am llim. not so sure but what I may be'onsted out of a "I wouldn't be afeard to bet my name ag'in, home at any minut;e, and it is well to be pre­ Mayor King's, that there's a ~m game on fut, pared. Bahl don't look horror-struck. You about tbat i>.ire cadaver pen,' he mused. "No know there's a secret between the lives of Hen­ gal would stand the smells an' grins o' a lot o' rietta Evelyn and myself, and a deep secret, too, stiffs, ef thar wasn't some peculiar rnducement that might not be pleasant for you, were it re­ fer it. Ah! tbar she is I" vealed. I half believe that you and Jack Grimes As he was speaking the young woman l ~ft the know wbere the girl is!" vault, closed and Jocked the door, and came to­ "Nonsense. •You are wild. There is a secret. ward where he was crouching, rendering some but it can never concern you, if you go back on quick dodging necessary. me. Tame down tbat inft1rnal temper of yours, As she passed near him he looked at her keen­ or it may be tbe worse for you." ly, and studied her features shrewdly. Aurelia laughed mockingly and. swept from "Bet a stew that's J erome St. Clair's daughc the room. ter," the boy mused when she was gone. "Sue J erome St. Clair gritted his teeth as be beard luks suthin' like the feller as hired me. Dnrned her leave the house. if I wouldn't like to know what's the rumble in­ " A terrible change bas come over her in a side of tbat vault." few days!" be muttered. "l've half a notion When be considered it was safe-for him to do Jack Grimes is at the bottom of it-the infernal so be approached the door of the vault, but it scamp! I don't half trust him, even though he was securely fastened with a padlock. works well for me. Egad! if-" "No use of bangin' around here, I guess," He stopped abruptly, as Jack Grimes sauntered Turk concluded, as be noted that the day was into the room. well advanced. "Maybe I might make a fur­ Grimes laughed. ther discovery by nifht, but I ain't werry " If wbaU" be interrogated. partial to wras'lin' wi spooks. Think I'll call "If you have been successful, you're a thou­ again." sand dollars inl" St. Clair answered. Remembering the location of the vault, he " Then I'm out, for I have not been success­ caught a car on leaving the cemetery,_and ful." reached Sixth and Arch before dusk, where he "No clew1'' left the car, and hurried away to tbe hotel for "None. I'll wager the diamonds are not in supper, for he meant to investigate Mlle. Stael's America." place during the evening, if possible. "You are not sanguine enough. Something tells me they are still in America-in-this very CHAPTER Vlll. city. How1s the girH" A BAFFLED WOMAN. "Gritty as a restive ghost." IN bis p:irlor sat J erome St. Clair, a little later "Any signs that she knows where the jewels that evening, in an easy-chair, drawn up to the are1" grate, wherein e>rackled a cheery hickory fire. "No. Take my word, she's as innocent as a His chin rested in the palms of bis hands, and lamb." his eyes watched the flames with a stony sort of "Well, keep her comfortable awhile longer, as stare. Hi~ brows were also contracted, and it I may want to use her. By the way, have you was apparent by his general aspect tl>lat bis seen Titus since the abduction?" thoughts •vere not of a pleasant nature. "No. He keeps close in-doors, and it wouldn't They were presently interrupted, however, by do for me to call. It keeps me pretty busy the entrance of bis atately daughter, Miss Au­ dodging the dr.tectives he sent after me." relia, wbo was attired for tbs street. ·' Have{on seen Clyde?" An expression of displeasure came over the . "No. wrote him, under an a-s.~umed name, diamond m0rcbant'a face as he saw her. · to lie low, as be was suspicioned of a crime. "Where now, pray1" be said, snarlingly. "I Was that right?" am not in favor of th0se frequent nocturnal ex­ "Yes. I didn't want the fellow troubled. curs10ns of yours, girl." He's a catch, onlv he don't know it." "Oh I you're notr' Aurelia retorted, rather "Well, I r eckon h e'll keep shady. Miss Au· haughtily. "And wh71 Am I not capable of relia's be trot bed r• taking care of myself?' "No! Not yet, but I desire to see them mar· "I am not sure.about .it. Tell me, why does ried. By tbe way, Grimes, did you find out tiot Captain Clyde call for the last few days?" anything ahout Fred 1" " Ob! w., bad a lover's spat. He will come to "No. Tbeie'; no two ways about it, he is time after a bit." locked up somewhere for some caper, but not in " Curse it, did I not command you not to let Pbila your net?" "I fancy not myself, unless tho Hawks know "Did you1 Oh! w .. 11, I don't know as I um something abnut him. Have you learned any• obliged to be commanded. I don't think he cares thing about tbem1 I am positive they know me for me, and am not sare I care enough for him of olrl." · to tie my,elf to him." "ThPy are both' shadows,' I take it, and, so "Nousen"A I You must-you shall! It is all far as I can learn, are not long over from Scot­ Important vou sbtmld." land Yard, London. I sbonld judi:w, by their •· l fail to see why." movements tbat they aTe hunting for som_!> one." "BPcans"' you do notuobe said, IJ er eyes betraying eagerness upon it, and after pausing to judge whether be in their expresiioa. had been discovered or no, he crept towa rd the "', these diamonds were stolen r ecently, windows anJ. cautiously peered through them. and are held in the anticipation of a fut reward. Tb~ first openert iuto a room wbwb was H ow would you like to bRve them?" wbolly unfuru1shed, tbE' second into a ball, and H 11 took a large envelope from Lis J)ocket, and the third into a bedroom, "'bicb at the time, emptied its contents into .her lap. There was a apparently bad no occupant. magnific.ont diamond and brooch, a . In eacb instance darkness reif:Ded supreme. diamond-set bracelet and four diamond ring;;, Tbe windows of the ball and bPdroom were tbe sc,ttings of all or1 which were large and of fastened on the in>ide, but that of the unfur­ great value. I nisbed r oom yitlded to Turk's attempt to raise Stael was a connoisseur of diamonrts, and she it, and be gained a cceRS without trouble. uttered a cry of admiration at . sight of the Here be paused to listen once more, and still beautiful treasurP. be found no reason to rn~pect that he had been "Ob, monsieur! what a prize!" she uttered, discovered. handling them nervously. "They arc for .me, Groping about, hE' found a door that opened are tbey not, my lover?" readily iuto the ball. A long this be Etole cau­ A keen grimace from Grimes. tiously t o the front of tbe house, until he came - "Ob, ye ; they are yours-hut not until yon to tbe parlor, which a glance convinced him are mine, my beauty. Go array yourself, and was not occupied. be wAiting here within half an hour, when I Hearing a door open down-stairs, he dodge_d will return with a priest, and we will be mar­ into the parlor, and hastily took refuge hehilld ried. When we are one, I will have the pleasure a large book-case that stood across one corner of of presenting you with the diamonds, anrt you. th~ room. I, and Pierre will start at once for la belle Here be was in no present danger of being Fran<'e." rliscovered, and might be able to play tbe eaves­ "'Tis a bargain, then!" Stael assented, as this di:opper to some interesting conversation. villainous agent of the 19.w gatberecl up the He was hardly ensconced in a comfortable JX>­ jewels. "I shAll be rearty hPre when you sition, when be beard two persons enter the return-in half an hour, monsieur." room, and the voice of Jack Grimes said: Sbe tben arose and glided from the parlor "Be seated, sir. Mr, lady will be ready fOIP with the irrace of a sylph, wbile Grimes do1Jned the ceremony directly.' bJs overcoaland bat and left the house. Then silence reigned. / Buck Hawk, Detective.

Tulllk puckered his mouth, and almost whis- Grimes turne:d to Stael, but she hurled him tled. away! " Hello t" he mused, ·"I'll eat my shirt of tber "Got coward. got" sbe bi~. "Leave the ain't goin' to be a splicin' set-to! Lucky I corue, house inshntlyl" by jingo! Wonder if it's Etta Evelyn goin' to "Stop!" be cried. "Explain one thing-have marry Grimesyi I'll just ydp out and inter- you been deceiving me?" . rupt the banns. I •IJ sp'ile Grimesy's little game, "Of course, you fool!" Pierre is my husband, ef be tries to force the gal to marry him." I Go! take your priest along!'' Unfortunately, the book-case was so high that Giving her a terrible look, the baffied de. Turk could not ~ee over the of i.t; Sfl be bad tective sdzed his bat and left the room, followed to content himself with his acute sense of hear- by the man he had brought, to perform the ing. maq·iage. "Wish they'd go ahead with the lark," he In his concealment Turk was literally tearing mnttered; "fer ef it's Etta, I'll make a racket, his hair, because be could not break loose to fol· if I bu' ~tl" low either Grimes or the long-whiskered robber. Soon tha rustling of a woman's dress was He was not urmed, or he would have .made the beard by him, and then Grimes's voice spoke attempt, as it was; for he was well satisfied up: that the-:e diamonds, to-night, were the same ".Ah, at last, my dear! Brother Haley, this that h3 had furnishe 'I the pseudo-Jerome St. is mv betrothed-Mademoiselle St9.el-an l we Cl!!fr, at the Penn'a depot. will be married at once• .Are you realy, ma'm'- FurthermorP, there could now be no doubt sellel" that Grimes it was who had personat;PA the There was a low murmur of assent, and the diamond merchant. pair took their position. .After Grimes WflS gone, Stael trod the floor Turk's curiosity was now-at fever-h('at, and with impatient step, for some moments, her he could no longer stancl tho agony of being m rrnner extremely nervous, and her face flushed able to hear without seeing. with passion. So off came bis in a jiffy, and ca tching "I will have revenge on him,' now-I will hold of the broad edge of t he t or of t he hook- strike him a blow, for offering me so magnificent case, he drew himself up n oiseles;;ly to a seat on a priz1, and then daring to band i~ over to an- 1op. ot'.1e1:l" A high molding ornamented the front of the S ':!e t :mchod a bell, in the wall, and d irectly case, and tbe young !Prret wns able t o make after wurd a dapper littl" man of F rPnch pby - this screen him from view when neccssar v. sique a nd flashy attire, mado his appearance. Grimes and Staelt bad aken their positions, "V7ell1'' he sa id, surveying her. and the minister was r <>ading the ceremony-a " It is not we11 I" she hissed. " Zs devil is to seedy-looking minitep for ward, "I'll-" A few moments later, t hey left tbo parlor, and " Hold I" t he other ordered, ster nly. "I for- Turk beard t hem ascend t o the third floo\. l>id t he banns. That woman is only marrying "Reckon this is a furnished house, k'ept by y ou for tbe diamonds, which are n ot yours. these ro1ues, and t bt'y're going t o skip. Won­ Hanrl t hem over t o me, or I'll shoot y ou down der if I hadn't better follow 'em 'I'' in your tracks I" · To escape to the street, now, by the front " Ze diamonds! They are mine- they are way, r equirt>d no special effor t, and he waited mine!" S tael orierJ , frantically , clinging to in the alley, for them to come out. Grim e~. " H~o , l. them over to me!" tbe stranger l"Oared , CHAP TER IX. m enacing with his pistol. "Hesitate at t he ex­ A BR ACE OF V ULTURES. pense of your life !" SHORTLY ufte,· the v isit of J ack Grimes, that Grimes wag white a~ a sheet. evening, J er ome S b. Clair had still another H <> drew t be en velope from Jlln inner pocket , caller, who r 1ther unceremoniously made bis and cast it at the strane:er',; feet, t bat p, · ~o n age appearance in the diamond merchant's p~rlo r, picking it u p witb a quiet lq,ngb. a nrl took n s ~n in Europe for the last five years, Evelyn I" but bas been residing in this self-same city." St. Clair leaped to bis feet. " You lie I" " You I" be gasped, wh itening. "Say so, if you like; I know the truth. I "You bet!" the otber laconically replied. suppose you nre aware that I am not your only "S'prised ye didn't reckegnize me at furst." ac3uaintance in this C01Jntry1" "You have changed greatly, What in the ' You refer to the Hdwksl" name of furies brings you back to America¥" "Yes, to be sure. They came over from "Oh, pecooliar inducements, over which I Scotland Yard, London, in search of a notorious bave no control." murderer named-well, no need to mention "I can't imagine why. I r.hought we settled Gerald H awk as being tbe man. St. Clair, 1 up years ago." sup'(.'ose, sounds more protective to yon !" "Ye did, eh? Oh, no! I was not so extreme- The diamond merchant gnashed bis teeth. ly green as that. Ir a feller don't look out for a "Curse you, man, begone! Your presence is rainv day he's likelv to gEts a oakin'; anyhow, hateful to me!" be criecl. • that's my logic. Where's the gals?" "Lightly-lightly, J eromf!! Don't let yer "The deuce only knows where yowrs is; sbe angry pa ~sion s rise. 1 don't care a durn bow ran a way the other day, and hasn't turned up mad ye git, • ~ause I know I've got tbe clutch on since." t he helm and can r111ta reef in yer canvas when• " The deuce you say! So you was abusin' ever! like. All 1've gottodois togowbisper her, eh1" in the ear of N:rncy Hawk that you are bere, and He spoke angril_v. sbe and Buckingham will make it interesting " By no means!" St. Clair hastily assured. for you, aud clon't forget it!" "She bas bad some sulky spells of late, because " If you clare, I w.ill murder you I" I could not afford to dress ber as well es Au- " Hal hal ba! I'll take my chances. I don't relia, and sbeprohably concluded to try to get a 11ropose to be bard on you, providin' you don't living on ber own hook." git too penurious. It's t h1~ way-I'm icoin' to " Humpli l If I knew for sure that vou ever leave off hard work aud epeckilate like a gentle· spoke a cros1 word to ber, I'd mop tho floor with man. Ef you ham got mor.i sand to heave into you. W bere is the other gaH'~ my !Jank tbcn Sir Pa£:<', why you're my man. " My daughter is at the opera." If not, vice versa. P-lain us Scripter, the logic " Indeed I You are bringing her up in style, 0 1 that, not?" I see. Notnin' like that when one's rich, with Jerome St. G'lair, as we shall still continue to the pro3{10c t of being richer. Glad you are well call him, looked as tllougb be could have mur• heeled too, for I'm dead broke." de1wl bis enemy with good h~art just then. " And calculate you cau make me your bank, His face was wbite nud red by turns, and bis I s11ppoqe?" eyes bad a snakish glitter that spoke of t he bit- " Well, to a certain extent, ves. I know what ter venom which rankled in bis heart. a liberal heart you've got, so. I've no fears but " May the furies seize you I" he his!!ed. "If what you'll come down. should I call upou you. you think to bleed me, you will reckon without "You a re quite liable to be deceived in t hat yo ur host. I am not worth a cent, and, besides, respect. I have no intentions of aiding you a Sir Page iq where vou will never find him, if,,in- cent's worth!" deed, he is not in England."I "Ob, well, time will show ! By tbe way, "You are wrong. I have not been a fool all 'Jllease to hand over t he diamonds. I can live this time, even t bnugb a wild Gypsy and yo11. like a.prince on the wor th of them." a sche mim~ bailiff. If you are particular t c. "You'll not get them, They belong to Aure- know it, Sir Page resides in this very city, and J 'tin, and I i-baD keep them for her. You may know where to lay my bands on him at an in- 24 Buck Ha.wk. Detective.

Gtant's n 'lti 'f>. II' v:ill pay a round sum for the parlor, in company with another gentleman, at real bei , if you will not!" the sight of whom Turk started. · "BJt po Sir Page of his diamonds all. Baen up past S.lint's, but couldn't i:et an nnd his cbild and hri 1g them to you, wh~n you eye ou YOJl." would set me up in llusiness and make me rich. "You mustn't be so inquine !'' "Perhaps you are right, lad-perhaps you a re An evil :;?. litter ont.:>red the merchant's eyes at right. Anybow, let us bear what success you this, wtiicb Evely·1 did not notice. have had. Captain Clycle, here, is deeply lnter­ "So you see," t!1e latter went on, "if you ested in tbe case of my late amanuensis, too." d on't w'iack u;i, I'll set the dogs at you, an see Miss Evelvn." A. TRIANGULAR CONFA.JJ. ''Obi I savy. W ell, I haven't found out Oun young ferret, Turk, couid not really where she'd concealed y et, \mt I'm thinkin' 1 rave explained bis motive for dodging the aiu't fur off. Got onto a racket bst night. movementR of the Staels, but follow them be F .. und out that Grimeq and his pal3 bad got a. did, nevertheless, to a. hoarJing- hou~e in Barker n!lw ban£;-out at a place kept by a woman named street. Stnel. Know ber1" 'l'lley were a:lmitted by the landlarly, ancl as And the boy'~ keen gaz9 sought Clyde's face ·.hey did not reappear within half an hour, he in ti

" The diamonds!" Ja..,,.,n Titus cried. "Perhaps," Mr. Titus suggested, turning to "The diamond•!'' echoed Capt. Clyde. Clyde, "it will be nothing to my detriment to "Tbe diamonds, you bet!" 'furk repeated, let the boy into the story, as be seems to lie a "an' as tbe bewhiskered chap flusbt>d bis band worthy young fellow, and bas both energy and wi' a loaded club contAioing ~everial bullets, sbrewduess he.vond bis yean>." you can bet Griwe~y 'passed' over the spark- "You are right. I VIOuld recommend that l'.ars, an' the "tranger 'went it alone down tbe yon Jay the matter before him, and bis gamin stairs,' two steps ;it a time. 'Fer" goiu' he told wit may tneble him to make more outof it then Grimesy as bow the gal Stael was manied, we could." which made his jiblet• mall . nnd be "ailed out. "Lookee bP.re l don't git so fresh and flatterin' ·rears he was gom' to gh-e Stal'?! the diamonds. -it dr,n't agree wi' my constitution," Turk de­ After Grimes skipped. Stael called in acotber mune"rity peach, an' allo"·s sbo can mash nny feller in and happiness, aud in an nnguArded moment at­ Pbila, at the tender age of sixteen-soft gloves, tempted to rob me, but was discovt>red 11nd fled, Queensbury rules !" first, bowever , m urdering my young wife, Lady "This Stael rnust he the same I once saw!" Pagel Mr. Titus averred. "She was tben the child- "Yon may know that I spared neithe1· money queen of a roving hand of Gypsies that camped nor pains to have bim apprehended, but through iwm1 the moor. Jack Evelyn was one of these tba agency of a band of Gypsies, be evaded samP!" every attempt to capture him, and escaped to "Hello! •!'ye know Jacki" Turk asked, prick- this country. Later, by a couple of mo ... tbs, ing nµ bis ean;?" my only cbilPven hired him to git frustrated by Evelyn's escape to tbis country, rid o' me. ye see, hut afore be got ready to whPre, I am now well-sati•fied, be placed my chuck me over, I got tellin' him uhout the io- child in tbe cbarge of Ra Vlk, as I have since consistency of tbe tltiug, 'ca'se huw I bad a j ~ b learned, through my friend here, and also tbat o' rescuia' 11 go l namecl Evelyn, which must be be bad been an ocean pirate, for A. number of done, an' so forth, an'--fio forth. Well, tbe re- years!" suit was be pricked up his ears, sed tbe gal was Turk's eyes were literally ES big as saucers, his'o, an' consented to Jed me breathe for an ia- when tbe narrator paused. definite periorl, if I would find and deliver the "Jehosephat Jobn Rodgersf' be ejaculated. gal to him. So I promise

"My heart seems to tell me so. While sbe "And what is t hatf' r emained a member of mv household, I studied " This. If I should happen tu scoop in the1 her narrowly, and the more I d id so, the more affections of the gal you'll not Jet the captain mv ll eart yearned toward her. Then, tbe very here interfere?" f'lct that she was a member of St. Clair's house- " Consider tnat part of it settled,'' Sir Page hold is ev'idenca in itself." • sait.I, with a smile. "Dunno. I've bin tryin' to git some o' these After a little further conversation, Turk took p'ints tb1·u my noddle, an' I can't jest 'spress bis departure and went back to the hotel, wbere mv opioion as clear as I mdy be able to do, he sat down at a table, lit a cigar, and gave hereafter. Are ye sure St. Clair a url Hawk are himself up to thought. one and tbe same?" There were several things that must needs be "I am well sati>fied on that point. My friend attended to. Clyde bas given me a (lescription of St. Clair First, tbe graveyard mystery concerning that so corresponds with Gerald Hawk, I have Aurelia St. Clair and the old vault. · no doubt be is the same. Tben Turk dtis1red to get ou track of what •· Descriptions don't go very fur. Feller once game the Hawks were a[ter, nlso to get an in.. hired me to carry a note to a certarn uumber, terview wiLh Jack Grimes, anrl most of all, to while 1 was on tbe messenger force. Said slle fin1 out where Etta Evelyn was concealed. was tall, slim, wore good togs, and had a bright All that he hnd heard at the Titus place had angelic smile. I tuk the message, and the one not served to throw any more light upon the that answer~d tbe bell corresponded to the de­ whereabout'-! of Etta's place of concealment. scription-so I guv it to her. Met the feller, and just bow he was to go to work to find it o.:it ltfter, anrl be threatened t o give me six 30'3 at was a sorry puzzle to him. Moya. Sed I'd given the message to the cham­ Tbe cemAtery matter, be was awa1·e, musll ber-maid instea'.i of tbe young lady be had needs be investigated at night, a•dbring the day mashed in the Walnut street cars. Then, th 0 re'~ it was visiterl by large numbers of paopla. another p'int. There's an extra ga I. Tb is What was tbe attraction within the vault for Evelyn is a smart Aleck-mebbo nobody don't Miss Aurelia S t. Clair was also a mystery, tha know which is which 'twixt them gals. Did Pxposure of whichmig bt bring a sudd~n revela·· St. Clair or Hawk have a gal when he left ti on. ED" .1" After dinner be donned a disguise, and carry... .l"Nol He left a wife and son in ·L ondon­ ing another one in a bundle, wrapped in a news· the same tbat are in this city now!" p!iper, be set out on a visit to the numerous "I savyl Must look aftPr 'em to-day. Well, thieve<' dens in hopes of finding some tidings of ef be hadn't no gal, did Evelyn, tho Gyp, have Jack Grimes. one?'1 He was di3!ippointed, however, and next. "I arn of th" impression that he did have a sought the establishment of the noted pugilist, child, but am not certain." Artbut· Chamber"· on Ridge avenue, but could " B~d. That rooster.'s got a head as long as a find uotbing of Uriah Evalyn, nor did inquiries J ersey waterml\lon. Ho could have easily elidt n<>ws concerniug him. mixed things up in lellvin' the kids with St. Satisfied tbat he migbt as well strike some' Clair." other t'1.ck, the young ferret then roamed around Sir Page looked somewhat startled. town, waiting for night to approach, when it . "How do you mean1 Do you think be would was bis intention to visit the cametery. give my child to St. Clair and claim that the other :me wa> bis, then afterward try to extort SJon after tbe last worve mv own child, unles>-" "Stael, a• I live !" he ejaculated. under his •· U '\less tbA bil:.tb-mark has been counter­ breath. " The ve1·y one I wanted t ,>s Pe." feite 11" C1pt~in Clydo interroi;;:a t ed . Tile next minute 'be ordered the rlri ver to stop, .. EYar,~ly ! s:ie b:id a birth-ma rk, which I arn1 wben the barnuebe "as oulted he sprung r.emember nlainly, and I will not be convrnced t o tbe pavement, just as the ex-Gypsy qaeen that Etta Evelyn is not my daughter until it is was passing. proven to me tllat she doeH not bear tbe mark, " Mademoiselle Stael!" be exclaimed, stepping wbir.h it wo11ld be uP.x t tn i:npossible to copy." toward ber. " What is this me.r'd" Turk &"kPd. · She gave him a startled look at first, then an "I prefer to k ~ Pp that a secret untiJ I see tbe expression of recognition beamed upon b.er girl a nil fin-I ow rbe trut.b." countenance. "Well, boss, I'll go ye a hundred eyesters fer "Monsieu r Hawk-can it r.ie possiblel'' news wben I report ag'in. Got 11 kind o' saln· "Most ns•uredly, and of all persons I i'l,ll.11t w brious ide'1, ye know, that I kin find out where see, you are the one!" tbe gal i•, ye know, nn' ef Any electric li2:bt "Wbat for, monsienr~" c0nclusions bit me, I'll run into tbis clock and "On important business, for w~eh. ,..., l>

"Ze monsieur is not laying z.e snare1" "Yes!" "By no means. You sbould judge better of " Then marry me first, and I will do the worh me than that, for you kuow I was once your you are too much of a coward to dol" ardent admir er!" "WdU" CHAPTER XI. "Wbere can I seeyou'I'' THE BOY FERRET'S GRAVEYARD SCENE. "If yuu wi•h, I will come to your place." WHEN night bad fallen over the city, Turk "Good 1 ~t mto my barouche and I will the Ft!rret ;umped aboard a Ridge avenue car , drive you there 1" and in due time was landed at LaUt·el Hill " Mauy tbanks. I will come around this eve­ Cemetery, to whicb be was not long in gaining ning: ." an entrance, without discovery. "Very well. Here is my present name and It was certainly a apectr11l place to enter, address," and be gave her his card. with the dim moonlight gleaming over -its " Do not fail me." thousands of marble slabs and monuments; but "I will not!" , Turk bad made dp bis mind nqt to ullow any And with a winning smile, which made her silly snperstit.ion to di•suade him from investi­ look years younger than she was, sbe swept on, gating the vault mystery. while St. Clair entered his barouche and drove "Never beerd o' any one gittin' hurt by on his way. snooks yet," be soliloquized, as he kept a wary "TM key to victory is now within my grasp I" eye 11round him. " 'Spect et would make a fel­ he chuckled, and he returued to his residence, ler's hair rise, tho', ef he was to git bugged by to eagerly await tbe coming of Stael. one o' them." It was nearly nine o'clock ere sh., 'Nas ushered He was not long in reaching the vicinity of into the parlor, whtre tbe diamond merchant the vault, but found it locked, as usual, and D l> was waiting for her, 009 in the vicinity. He helped her to a seat in a luxurious arm· Tlus

"Has Miss Etta arrived safely?" •·_Give us yer chloroform." "Yas, sah; just done come, a few minqtes The diamond merchant produced a bottle and ago!" a spo11ge, and handed them to the old pirate. "All right. I will call around in the morn­ "Be lively, now, for I want to get out of the ing.,, city, before morning." He tl:en sought his hotel lodgiogs, and rest "Out of the city?" for the night, prett_y well satisfied that be "Yes. I met an old friend, to-night, and have b11d been in luck iu finding an:! releasing Miss hired him to take us down the bay in his steam Evelyn. tug. On ~e beyond the breakwater, we will laud But the end was not yet. at some southern port, and I .. m send an envoy Shortly after Turk and Etta escaped from the to collect a ransom from Sir Page. If he pays c.emet.ery vault, Aurelia St. Clair stood within a big price, be can have her. the Tauft and before Jack Grimes, who had re­ "D'ye 'spect me .to go a!Jng1" covered consciousness, and narrated what had 0 Yesl" just happened. . "An' ye'll whack up tbe ransom?" "Can it be possible that it bas been discover­ " Yes. I've been preparing for this, an\) if ed that I have been connected with you in this you're lively, we'll leave South •street, Schuyl· secret?" Miss St. Clair said, cuttiag his bonds. kill River, before daybreak I" "Of course!" Grimes lied. "I learned from "All right. You'll find me an ugly customu . the boy that everytbmg h11s been exploded, and to deal witb, if you don't keep yer promises." both yourself and your father will be arrested. This conversation wa• not conducted in an un­ It remams for us to let the old man look out for dertone, for owing to the lateness of the hour, it himself, while we make a break for cover until was not deemed DP.cessary. Just outside the the wind blows over. We must, however, if back yar1 fence, in the alley, a roughly drP.ssed possible, secure the girl." · person had been crouching, in a JisteRing atti· "Nol no! let u·s escape from the city by the tudtJ. midnight train." Dressed in , slouch bat, sbaggy beard, Being scarcely able to 'valk, Grimes saw the and hair, no one would ever have suspected thAt necessity of obeymg her suggestion, and ere an this cleverly disguised eavesdropper was Turk hour mor~ they were aboard the train, speediag the Ferret. for New York. To explain bis presence here, he bad been in the Tbat was the last ever seen of them in the hotel au bour, when sometbingset' med to tell him Quaker City. that dangPr was menacing Etta Evelyn. So stroag did the matter press upon bis mind, CHAPTER XII. that he arose and disguised himself, aLd left the hotel, with tbe resolve to spend the night in the THE HAWK'S SWOOP. vicinity of the mansion. A MAN had been prowliag abou'o the Titus He bad arrived in the alley about the same in· residence, at the time Etta Ev<>lyu had arrived stant that St. Clare and Stael bad arrested Eve­ and entered, and this man was none other t::.an lyn, in bis burglarious act. the old sea pirate, J1velyn, who bad ")reviously Consequently, be bad overheard the couver- learned that Sir Paged welt there. • sation hetween the conspirators. When finally the house became q uiet, and ''Here's a go," be muttered. "Now it is for time enough bad e~ apsed for its occupants to me to play my cards, and take the game. Ef I get asleep, be gained access to the rear yard, call the perlice, they'll get the credit, an' I none. and producing a slender bar of i'ron, was not I'll just get passage on this ship, and rescue Etta long in prying open a shutter. in true style. Reckon old 8ir Donald will come It was nea.rly two in the morning and he bad down bands.>me." little fear of being discovered. Yet be bad His mind was Lt\de up. hardly got the shutter open, when h" felt some- Gliding from the alley by its rear course, be thmg cold touch bis cheek, and wheeling around, set out rapidly for South street, Schuylkill River saw tb!lt the cold article was a revolver, held in -for rapidity was now es:iErnti11l. the bands of J·erGme St. Clair, who was also ac- Several times be passed policemen who eyed companied by Stael. him suspiciously, but none of them offered to Evelyn recognized them both, and uttered an stop him. oath. In due time he rooched the docks along the "What the devil do you want?" be growled. river; and found a s:eamer, such as is generally "What -do you want, in there?" Jerome St. used for towing purposes, alongside the wharf, Clair demaruled, sternly. below the South street bridge. Thi~ craft, bow- " Money I" Evelyn growled, a~ain. ever, had an upper cabin, and was rigged for "I believe you lie! Has the girl returned?" sailing in caae of the engine giving out. "No-not as I knows on." The steam n as already up, and a man sat upo~ "Don't lie to me. Now, lookee here, Evelyn the rail smoking a pipe-a bewhiskered indr '"''ln go into that house, chloroform the girl, and vi1iual, dressed in sailor's attire. '>ring her to me, and I will give you a thousand Turk passad along, payin;; no particular at- c! "rve got three jail·birds in one bunch," be employ a young feller about the diagrau..' cf !'l·• , t1aid. "Uriah Evel.vn, the pirate, the Gypsy, and the scoundreli Gerald Hawk, tbs murderer Sultan o' Turk-eb1" ~Lady Page; ana Stllel, the once-famous tlUOOn LATE ST AND BEST.· · HA~DSOME TRI-COLORED COVERS. OeadW00d Dick 32 Pages.

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DEADWOOD D ICK LIB R ARY. I Deadwood Dick, the Prince of the Road ~ Tony Fox, the Ferret; or, Boss Bob's Boss Job I The Double Daggers; or, Deadwood Dick's Defiance 84 A Game of Gold; or, Deadwood Dick's Big Strike I 'fbe Buffalo Demon; or. The Border Vultures S5 Deadwood Dick or Deadwood; or, The Picked Part~ 4 Buffalo Ben, Prince of the Pistol 86 NPw York Nell, the Boy-Girl Detective & Wild Ivan, the Boy Claude Duval !fl Nobby Nick of Nevada; or, The Scamps of the Sier ra. fl DPl~th - Face, the Detective 88 Wild Frank, the Buckskin l:n'avo J 7 The Phantom Miner; or, Deadwood Dick's Bonanza 89 Deadwood Dick's Doom; or, Calamity Jane's-1..as• 8 Old Avalanch.,, the Gre,at Annihilator; or, Wild ~dvPttture Edna, the Girl Brigand 40 Deac 'wo,ci Dick's Dre9:ro.: or, The Rivals of the Rns< 9 Bob Woolf, the Border Ruffian 41 Dead»·<>~d Dick's \.., _ o., The Black Hills Jezeoe1 10 Omaha 011 , the Masked Terror; or, Deadwood Dick 42 The Arab Detective; or, 'snoozer. the Boy Shar p in Danl!'er 43 The Vent:iloquist Detective. A Romance of Rogne'.. ~ l J im Bludsoe, Jr., the Boy Phenix; or, Through to 44 Detective Josh Grim; or, The Young Glad i ato r ' ~ Death · Game 12 Deadwood Dick's Eagles; or, The Pards of Flood 45 'rhe Frontier Detective; or, Sierra Sam's Scheme Bar 46 The Jimtown Sport; or, Gypsy Jact< in Colorado 1 18 Buckhorn Bill; or, The Red Rifle Team 47 The Miner Sport; or, Sugar-Coated Sam's Claii;. 14 Gold Rifle, !he Sharpshooter 48 Dick Drew, the Miner's Son; or, Apollo Bili, the 111 Deadwood Dick on Deck: or, Calamity Jane Roan-Agent 16 Corduroy Charlie, the Boy Bravo • 49 Sierra Sam, the Detective 17 Rosebud Rob; or, Nugget Ned, the Knight of the 50 Sierra Sam's Double; or, The Three Female Detect. Oulch ives J.8 ldyl, the Girl Miner; or, Rosebud Rob on Hand 51 Sierra Sam's Sentence; or, Little Luck at Rough 19 Photograph Phil: or, Rosebud Rob's Reappearance Ranch 00 Watch·EJ•e , the Shadow 52 The Girl Sport: or, Jumbo Joe's Disguise 21 Deadwood Dick's Device; or, The Sign of the Double 53 Denver floll's l:'e vice; or, The Detective Queen Cross 54 Denver Doll as Tultective ll2 Canada Chet, the Counterfeiter Chief 55 DenvPr Dnll's Part~er; or, Big Ruckskin the Sport 28 Deadwood Dick In Leadville; or, A Strange Stroke 56 Denver Doll's Mim or, Little Bill's Big Loss for Liberty 117 Deadwood Dick Tn.,,ped 24 Deadwood Dick as Detective 58 Buck Hawk, Detective; or, The Messenger Boy a 25 Gilt-Edged Dick Fortune 26 Bonanza Bill, the Man-Tracker; or, The Secret Twelve 31! D<'adwood Dick's Disguise; or, Wild Walt, the Sport 27 Chip, the Girl Sport 60 Dumb Dick's Pard; or. Eliza Jane, the Gold Miner 28 Jack Hoyle's Lead; or, The Road to Fortune 61 Deadwood Dick's 111is•ion 29 Boss Bob, the King of Bootblacks 62 Spotter Fritz; or, The 8tore-Detectlve's Deco7 30 Deadwood Dick's Double; or, The Ghost of Gorgon's 63 The Detective Road-Agent; or, The Miners o Sass9 Gulch f ras City 31 Blonde Bill; or. Deadwood Dick's Home Base 64 Colorado Charlie's Det