International INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF MEDICINE 2017 Medical Society SECTION: HUMAN ANATOMY Vol. 10 No. 215 ISSN: 1755-7682 doi: 10.3823/2485 Humberto Ferreira Morphological Study of Palmaris Arquez1 Longus Muscle ORIGINAL 1 University of Cartagena. University St. Thomas. Professor Human Morphology, Medicine Program, University of Pamplona. Morphology Laboratory Abstract Coordinator, University of Pamplona. Background: The palmaris longus is one of the most variable muscle Contact information: in the human body, this variations are important not only for the ana- tomist but also radiologist, orthopaedic, plastic surgeons, clinicians, Humberto Ferreira Arquez. therapists. In view of this significance is performed this study with Address: University Campus. Kilometer the purpose to determine the morphological variations of palmaris 1. Via Bucaramanga. Norte de Santander, longus muscle. Colombia. Suramérica. Tel: 75685667-3124379606. Methods and Findings: A total of 17 cadavers with different age groups were used for this study. The upper limbs region (34
[email protected] sides) were dissected carefully and photographed in the Morphology Laboratory at the University of Pamplona. Of the 34 limbs studied, 30 showed normal morphology of the palmaris longus muscle (PL) (88.2%); PL was absent in 3 subjects (8.85% of all examined fo- rearm). Unilateral absence was found in 1 male subject (2.95% of all examined forearm); bilateral agenesis was found in 2 female subjects (5.9% of all examined forearm). Duplicated palmaris longus muscle was found in 1 male subject (2.95 % of all examined forearm). The palmaris longus muscle was innervated by branches of the median nerve. The accessory palmaris longus muscle was supplied by the deep branch of the ulnar nerve.