
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.39.5.461 on 1 May 1976. Downloaded from

Journal ofNeurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 1976, 39, 461-464

Pronator syndrome: clinical and electrophysiological features in seven cases

HAROLD H. MORRIS AND BRUCE H. PETERS From the Department ofNeurology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA

SYNOPSIS The clinical and electrophysiological picture of seven patients with the pronator syndrome is contrasted with other causes ofmedian neuropathy. In general, these patients have tenderness over the pronator teres and weakness of flexor pollicis longus as well as abductor pollicis brevis. Conduction velocity of the in the proximal is usually slow but the distal latency and sensory nerve action potential at the are normal. Injection of corticosteroids into the pronator teres has produced relief of symptoms in a majority of patients. Protected by copyright.

In the majority of isolated median nerve dys- period 101 cases of the syndrome functions the is appropri- and the seven cases of the pronator syndrome ately first suspected. The median nerve can also reported here were identified. Median nerve be entrapped in the forearm giving rise to a conduction velocity determinations were made on similar picture and an erroneous diagnosis. all of these patients. The purpose of this report is to draw full attention to the pronator syndrome and to the REPORT OF CASES features which allow it to be distinguished from Table 1 provides clinical details of seven cases of the median nerve entrapment at other sites. pronator syndrome and Table 2 shows results of Our material was gathered over eight years of electrophysiological studies. Two cases, described in consultative neurological practice. During this detail below, exemplify the clinical features.


Case Age Sex Occiupation Symptomns Signs (yr) Numbness Weakness Forearnm Atroplhy Weakness Sensory Tender over pain loss pronator teres 1 28 M Shoveller - - - Fpl, op + + 2 53 M Woodworker + - apb - + on September 25, 2021 by guest. Fpl, op apb 3 61 M Mechanic -- + +- Fdp Fpl, fdp 4- -- apb 4 27 M Baseball pitcher -t- -! - - Fpl, op A 5 44 M Fiddler + - + - Fpl op + + apb 6 44 M Mechanic + - -- - Fdp, fpl -+-- apb, op 7 70 M Barber* - - + - Fpl, fdp + 4- apb

Apb=abductor pollicis brevis, fdp=flexor digitorum profundus, fpl=flexor pollicis longus, op=opponens pollicis. *Bilateral pronator syndrome. 461 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.39.5.461 on 1 May 1976. Downloaded from

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Case Distal latency Motor conduction Motor conduction Sensory latency (ms) to wrist to elbow (ms) (m/s) (m/s) 1 3.6 40.0 46.1 ND 2 3.3 40.0 67.0 ND 3 3.4 61.9 ND ND 4 3.3 42.7 61.4 3.16 5 3.2 61.4 ND 2.70 6 2.9 42.0 59.0 2.6 7 3.8 R 38.0 60.0 ND 3.5 L 42.0 ND ND Normal S4.5 > 45.0 2 45.0 c 3.2

R: right; L: left; ND: not done.

CASE 1 A 28 year old male noted numbness and conducted at 67 m/s but slowed to 42 m/s in the tingling of his right and three weeks segment between the elbow and mid-forearm. The after starting an industrial job in which he cleaned patient was treated with steroid injections into the sludge from magnesium cells by holding a long pole pronator region and advised against exercise requir-

at the end of which was a bucket, emptied by re- ing forceful pronation and flexion. Response toProtected by copyright. current forceful pronation ofhis right forearm. When this therapy and advice was complete and the patient seen two months after the onset of his symptoms found he could resume his golfing without dis- there was slight weakness ofthe right flexor digitorum comfort and actively pursue his hobby by using an profundus and moderate weakness of the right flexor electrically powered screwdriver. pollicis longus, opponens pollicis, and abductor pollicis brevis muscles. There was a slight decrease in pin and touch sensation in the median nerve distribu- DISCUSSION tion including the . Tenderness to palpation was present over the right pronator teres Entrapment ofthe median nerve at the level ofthe muscle. Distal motor latency of the right median pronator teres was first recognized by Seyffarth nerve was normal at 3.6 ms. Motor nerve conduction (1951), who in 1951 reported on 17 patients. velocity from axilla to wrist was 46.1 m/s (normal No clinical series have since been reported in the greater than 45 m/s) but in the segment distal to the English literature, although Kopell and Thomp- pronator teres it was reduced to 40 m/s. Electro- son (1958) and Esposito (1972) have refined the myography confirmed denervation of the right syndrome's clinical definition. All of our seven abductor pollicis brevis. The patient improved after patients and the majority of those previously http://jnnp.bmj.com/ infiltration of the right pronator region with cortico- reported were males and experienced symptoms steroids and change in occupation. in their dominant . In all instances, the CASE 2 A 49 year old college professor and avid patient's work required considerable muscular weekend woodworker had noted intermittent burning activity of the forearm and , especially and tingling paraesthesias of the right forearm, forceful pronation accompanying finger flexion. thumb and usually after a weekend spent The most common presenting complaints were pursuing his hobby. Symptoms were especially severe pain and tenderness of the proximal forearm and on September 25, 2021 by guest. after vigorously using a screwdriver or playing golf. paraesthesias of the hand. Weakness of the hand The discomfort would subside in several days. was a less common complaint. Compared with Physical findings included tenderness and a Tinel's the carpal tunnel syndrome, intense nocturnal sign on palpating over the median nerve at the discomfort was uncommon. All of pronator teres. There was moderate weakness of the paraesthetic right abductor pollicis brevis muscle and slight our patients demonstrated definite weakness of weakness in the flexor digitorum profundus and flexor the flexor pollicis longus and only one did not pollicis longus. Nerve conduction velocity studies have weakness of abductor pollicis brevis. The showed a normal median nerve distal latency of flexor digitorum profundus and opponens pollicis 3.3 ms. The median nerve overall (motor fibres) muscles less often showed clinically demonstrable J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.39.5.461 on 1 May 1976. Downloaded from

Pronator syndrome: clinical and electrophysiologicalfeatures in seven cases 463 weakness. It is noteworthy that the degree of experience, a normal motor and sensory distal weakness was often slight and would be missed latency of the median nerve in the of a if not specifically sought for in comparison with demonstrable clinical weakness is very unusual the contralateral muscle. Most of these patients in the carpal tunnel syndrome but is a common are accustomed to manual labour and may have finding of the pronator syndrome. surprising strength even in involved muscles. An identifiable supracondylar spur of the Sensory impairment, also often subtle, was noted is present in a small proportion of the in six of the cases. Tenderness over the pronator normal human population and although it is muscle was an invariable finding and frequently usually clinically silent it may give rise to the was associated with a positive Tinel's sign over humeral supracondylar spur syndrome. This can the median nerve at that point. clinically mimic the pronator syndrome except Electrophysiological studies were helpful; six that in it a spur can be appreciated about 5 cm of the seven patients had slowed motor nerve above the medial epicondyle by palpation and/or conduction in the forearm with a normal distal radiography. Also, because the median nerve and motor latency. In some cases motor nerve the brachial course under a fibrous band conduction measured from elbow to wrist fell ( of Struthers) connecting this spur with within the normal range (greater than 45 m/s), the medial epicondyle, the radial pulse will but conduction of the elbow to mid-forearm frequently disappear or diminish on fully segment was slowed. In several of the cases an extending and supinating the forearm. initial impression of carpal tunnel syndrome The anterior interosseous nerve entrapment Protected by copyright. had been made and a correct diagnosis was not syndrome is unique in lacking sensory symptoms. recognized until the patient was examined again This nerve is compressed in the proximal forearm after electrodiagnostic testing. near its branching point from the median nerve. In the differential diagnosis of median nerve The muscles usually supplied by this nerve are dysfunction not due to acute severe trauma the (with some variability that may add confusing carpal tunnel syndrome justly receives first elements to the diagnosis of any of these syn- thought. In this condition, the patient will dromes) the flexor pollicis longus, flexor digit- experience pain and paraesthesias frequently orum profundus to the index finger, and the more severe at night in the median innervated pronator quadratus muscle. A characteristic aspect of the hand. The painful paraesthetic posture of the thumb and index finger is assumed feelings of the carpal tunnel syndrome may when the patient pinches them vigorously extend up the forearm-but, unlike the pronator together. The metacarpal phalangeal of the syndrome, there will be no tenderness or Tinel's thumb and the proximal interphalangeal joint

sign over the . In both of the index finger are hyperflexed whereas the http://jnnp.bmj.com/ carpal tunnel and pronator syndromes a distal interphalangeal of each are hyper- Tinel's sign at the wrist may be encountered, extended (Esposito, 1972). although it is usually more prominent in the The thoracic outlet syndrome should seldom former. Although it is true that reduction of present differential diagnostic difficulties. There sensation in the pronator syndrome may extend is usually a sensory loss in a lower over the thenar eminence and that this is not seen distribution, weakness of ulnar-innervated in carpal tunnel compression, this is not often a and tenderness a in muscles, and/or bruit the on September 25, 2021 by guest. diagnostically useful clinical feature because of supraclavicular space. A unilateral radial pulse the subtleties and inconsistencies of sensory reduction on the Adson's, hyperabduction, or testing. More useful is careful scrutiny of the costoclavicular manoeuvre may be seen. A delay muscles. In the carpal tunnel syndrome the of median nerve distal latency or focal median abductor pollicis brevis is most commonly the nerve slowing of conduction distally is not found. -only clinically weak or atrophic muscle, whereas Slowing of conduction along the as in addition to this muscle the flexor pollicis longus measured by stimulation at the supraclavicular and flexor digitorum profundus will be at least space, although infrequently found in our experi- modestly weak in the pronator syndrome. ence, is a helpful finding when present. Electrophysiological tests are very useful. In our When an atraumatic median mononeuropathy J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.39.5.461 on 1 May 1976. Downloaded from

A6A 4Harold H. Morris and Bruce H. Peters

presents abruptly, tests for diabetes and collagen the forearm to the flexor vascular diseases should be deep digitorum sublimus done. and at the wrist gives off a sensory branch to the Solnitzky (1960) reviewed the of the thenar eminence which median passes superficially to nerve and found that in 85 % ofdissections the flexor retinaculum is not involved the nerve pierced the two heads of and, hence, the pronator in the carpal tunnel syndrome. The nerve con- teres muscle before passing deep to the tendinous tinues into the hand arch of the supplying the first two flexor digitorum sublimis-the lumbricales and all the thenar muscles except the so-called 'sublimis '. Occasionally, an adductor pollicis. anomalous fibrous band connects the pronator teres to the 'sublimis bridge' and may impinge RESULTS OF THERAPY has been con- on the median nerve at that Surgery point (Figure). sidered to be the definitive treatment, but in our experience non-surgical measures are of value and should be tried in each case. Infiltration ofthe pronator teres muscle with corticosteroids should Medion be done and repeated if the response is incom- plete. When possible, the patient is advised to avoid vigorous supination-finger-flexion activi- ties. Simple measures, such as utilizing a screw- driver attachment on a variable speed electric

drill, may benefit a patient who must do carpentry Protected by copyright. or other work requiring use of the screwdriver. Five of our seven patients had been adequately relieved of their symptoms and able to maintain their after nerve employment corticosteroid injections. In patients who are not adequately relieved by conservative measures or whose work results in repeated exacerbations ofthe pronator syndrome, bridge exploration of the pronator region and surgical division of any constricting band or compressing lesion is suggested. The authors are grateful to Mrs Betty Morris for the anatomical drawing.

FIGURE Diagram of anatomical relations of left http://jnnp.bmj.com/ median nerve to structures in front of the elbow joint. REFERENCES Esposito, G. M. (1972). Peripheral entrapment neuro- pathies of upper extremity. New York State Journal of Near its passage through the pronator teres, Medicine, 72, 717-724. the median nerve sends to branches the elbow Kopell, H. P., and Thompson, W. A. I. (1958). Pronator joint, pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, flexor syndrome: a confirmed case and its diagnosis. New pollicis longus, and flexor digitorum sublimis. EnglandJournalofMedicine, 259,712-715. It then gives rise to the anterior interosseous Seyffarth, H. (1951). Primary myoses in the m. pronator on September 25, 2021 by guest. nerve which usually supplies the flexor pollicis teres as cause of lesion of the n. medianus (the pronator longus, flexor digitorum and syndrome). Acta Psychiatrica et Neurologica Scandin- profundus, pronator avica, suppl., 74, 251-254. quadratus. This nerve is on the anterior aspect of the interosseous membrane in the forearm. Solnitzky, 0. (1960). Pronator syndrome: compression neuropathy of the median nerve at the level of pronator The main trunk of the median nerve courses in teres muscle. Georgetown Medical Bulletin, 13, 232-238.