Crop & Livestock Report 2013
VENTURA COUNTY’S Crop & Livestock Report 2013 Local and World Marketplace OFFICE OF THE Contents AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER 1 Agricultural Commissioner’s Letter AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER Henry S. Gonzales 2 Recapitulation & Index 3 Five Year Comparison CHIEF DEPUTY AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER Rudy Martel 4 Ten Leading Crops for 2013 4 Other Million Dollar Crops DEPUTY AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONERS Korinne Bell, Ryan Casey, 5 Fruit and Nut Crops Ellen Kragh 6 Vegetable Crops ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT 8 Ventura County Local and Rita Aguilera, Maribel Lemus, Bernice World Marketplace Muñoz, Sara Venegas, Luz Villavicencio 10 Nursery Stock SUPERVISING AGRICULTURAL 11 Cut Flowers INSPECTOR/BIOLOGISTS Blanca Enriquez-Pratt, Jamie Mastright, 12 Field Crops George Mendoza, Michael Otani 12 Livestock and Poultry AGRICULTURAL INSPECTOR/BIOLOGISTS 13 Apiary Production Lauren Balthazor, Justin Bertoline, Vanessa Cruz, Tim Fritch, Brady 13 Timber Gergovich, Freddi Herrmann, Jennifer 14 Sustainable Agriculture Le, Bridget Lux, Nanette Quayson, Christy Robinett, Jose Ruiz, Loveleen 15 Certified Farmers’ Markets Sandhu, Zamara Thibodeaux, Greta Varien, Carl Waite, Scott Wilson, 16 Story of the Avocado: Ventura David Wirta, Darrin Yant, Cristina County Born, Raised and Consumed Zamora, Erika Zapien INSECT DETECTION SPECIALISTS Sincerest thanks to staff members, both present and past, who contributed to this report. Special recognition goes to Brittnee Clifford Ball, Linda Bellamy, Carter for assisting in data collection and to Linda Bellamy and Andrew DuBridge,
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