Journal of Modern Physics, 2015, 6, 1478-1491 Published Online September 2015 in SciRes. On an Intriguing Invention Albert Einstein Made Which Has Gone Unnoticed Hitherto Jean-Paul Auffray ex: Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, New York, USA Email:
[email protected] Received 19 August 2015; accepted 13 September 2015; published 16 September 2015 Copyright © 2015 by author and Scientific Research Publishing Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). Abstract We retrieve three mysterious sentences Albert Einstein wrote in the early years of his wondrous scientific career. We examine their implications and we suggest that they provide a surprising new basis for Quantum Physics as well as some enlightenment concerning the whereabouts of Dark energy. Keywords Einstein, Absolute Measurements, Electromagnetic Energy, m = E/c2, Space Points, Dark Energy, M. S. El Naschie, Quantum Meteorites 1. Introduction Einstein’s name is affixed to stunning discoveries made in the field of theoretical physics in the early years of the twentieth century. Less known is the fact that, even as he worked then as a Technical assistant Third Class in the Swiss Patent Office in Bern, Einstein also made a genuine great invention (i.e. discovered a hidden treasury, as in archeology) which has remained unnoticed hitherto. We retrieve this invention in the present note and we examine what it entails. Three mysterious sentences that Einstein wrote at that time will help us in this endeavor.