active congregations of all of the mainstream Protestant denominations and widely Frank Lloyd Wright– advertised the fine homes of its leaders. The architecture of the early homes Prairie School built in the historic district was quite of Architecture typical of any community of the era. The For more information, call or write: cottages and homes designed in the Oak Park Historic Historic District popular Greek Revival and Italianate Preservation Commission styles of the first years of the nation were Village of Oak Park yielding in the 1880s and 1890s to the 123 Madison Street various styles of the late Victorian era Oak Park, IL 60302 designed by local and regional architects. 708.358.5417 Some of the first Prairie designs would 714 & 716 Columbian
[email protected] be tried during this period in reaction to Or visit the Village’s web site at the highstyle, overly ornate and exuberant continued to grow, doubling every ten years Victorian architecture favored by Oak to nearly 60,000 people in 1930. Today, Park’s prominent citizens. The Prairie style the district encompasses the architectural On the cover: Heurtley House, provoked responses, both favorable and development throughout that period. 318 Forest Avenue unfavorable, and drew attention across Guidebook the country. The Oak Park Historic Preservation Commis- This brochure has been financed (in part) By 1920, as a building boom ensued, sion published a guidebook to the Frank Lloyd with federal funds from the Department the various revival styles came into vogue, of the Interior, administered by the Illinois Wright-Prairie School of Architecture Historic supplanting both the late-Victorian and Historic Preservation Agency.