Ohio Northern Alumnus - October 1928

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Ohio Northern Alumnus - October 1928 Ohio Northern University DigitalCommons@ONU Alumni Journal University Archives 10-1928 Ohio Northern Alumnus - October 1928 Ohio Northern University Alumni Association Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.onu.edu/alumni_mag Recommended Citation Ohio Northern University Alumni Association, "Ohio Northern Alumnus - October 1928" (1928). Alumni Journal. 17. https://digitalcommons.onu.edu/alumni_mag/17 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@ONU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alumni Journal by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@ONU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. OHIO NORTHERN ALUMNUS Pl'BLISIIED Ql"ARTFRL\ IIY TilE Atl'MSI ASSOCIATIOS Of OHIO NORTilERN l'NI\'ERSITY AND ITS ASSOCIATeD Cl.t:8S Vol. II OCTOBER. 1928 CO:-JTENTS I lomccoming R,· (;,o. JlcXamorn Talking Movies /Jy H. H. Timbrrs Northern Review - The Student Paper Fraternities l\Ieeting of The Alumni Secretary Committee /IJ L. fl. Gaul"" Campus Activities News of the Alumni ' \"ol. H, No. 1 Oo..·mhc-r, l9:Z3 0 H I 0 N 0 R T H ERN A L U ~IN US Pubfislwl Qutlrtuly by th' tllllmni AwJtiation of O!tio Nortltun Univer~ity nnd !IJJodautf Clubs. Editor. Waruen f . Hid:enltll Rusi,un .\fanaga, J. J. Pill iod Orf'IC:t, IS Arro~ Pwcl!, N.t!w You, 1\. 'i. Enttr'd tlJ urqRd (/all matttr lllay 10, U)2;, at tlu Port Of!ire ttl Nrrw York, N. }'. undu tlu atl ()/ .\ftJrrlt .7, lSi(), Subun)tiqJJ priu $u10 ~a J'tar; singlt ttJ Piu J5 ants. 0. N. U. ALUM!\ I ASSOCIATION Cnurol Olfiars E:rt-cutiwe Commitlte Prc..-s:drnr. .L K. Rockey, •o7 Paul Baintf!r Citiuns lluiltling, Lima, Ohio Znutroille~ Ohio Vice-Pres., A. U. Bordner, '97 C. C. Carpenter 355 Clark lJui:'ding, Ctmlon, Oltio Ada, Oilio Sec .•T re:1s., Tluanas J. Smull, '04 Mrs. Olo F. Snyder Ada~ Ollio Adt~, Ohio OIRilCTORY OF ALUM.NI CL UBS ATLAJX.rA1 GA.-ru·~idt:ll, jo~i~h T .R<otol'; &c!"C'· Ot1'1~01'1'. MICHIGAN- r•ruident. K" '' An,.,-paeh, Ulry, Ml!l!l Mae Neplune. (.of,$ F.lla St .. S. \\'. 12.10.$ ('AI'CIICie: Vicc-·I'I"C'!Iident. C. R. Alden, 1«2 E. AKRON. OHIO-l'ruideut. E. II. ll ~e, ' S w .. ~t Grand llh·tf.; ~rd$ty, l"luliv A. & valfe. li.H F.xduuog{' Stl'ftt. Akron: \ 'i«.J'ref;odenl, C C Sc•·ard. l.lola•, ;5\l ~Ulh ith Strt'l:'t. Cuyab-.t Fn ll~. ().; t'REMO~T. O lllo-J're&ident, J. P. Mau.le; Stt(etao y , SecrcUH)' ·TtC'ilSI.I~~r. M\n lol.a Ruffer. CAuU li. Wi:~mar. REI.J.F.FON1'1\I!\e. OHJO--I•ruident. Louis. P. lble; KEXT'ON, Olllo-P.-Wdent. Foe u•r Klnt; Seo:rc-tary, Sec.tet.ar)', For~• 1~. Wrikbt. Charlu HiD. BOSTON, MASSACHCS£rrs-J•~Rdent. C'o«~r~f' U. T.n.rA, 0 1-J IO-J>rt!Jidl'l:lt, J-1. J, Meredith; Sec:rdn.rr . ~. 11 Pine S1., B~lto)()fot. ~h...a. ; Vke· l'~idc:nt . J.li,.,-, FrAn(tl JJ.o•·rer. i'.tl S. bhin St. \Villi' E. Sonhh. <19 We~t('f'll A ... t .. Bl'vnlr. Ma:~•. : S\-<:rdary, Mr,. 1>.\\•id A. N rbolt, Ill Wt~llt~r St., ).lARION. OHIO-l'rc,.,-id«~t, C. R. [..ea.,.ent, 191 F;as1 8%1<1o. Wildwood Ct. .Marioo. XAf'OLEON, OIIIQ-PI'('sldtnt. Ferd Behn-ns; 5«"'· DOWUNC CKE£N. OHJO-l'ruidenl. Norn11.n M. tary . .Ur,.,-. Nnr11 f'ontiU$. locke; S«r~ta~y, Nettito Cna,. RUFFALO. ~£\\' \ 'ORK (be_in~t or~mniud)-Cii hM :\&\\' VORK-hellidl!'nt, W. F. liio:kemdl, U A,.,-lor \V. Fltnnlkc'n. Hantbourg; Howard J. Krnntdy, JJ0 f'laor: S«:rt:lary, )liMe-. J. P11Jiod, IS 01!'y St. Wildwood, S~tl~noano;;t., l'<\UI..Dit\G, OIJJQ-I're•idtf'lt, StrpMo) S. Outtf; CANTON. OHIO--Prl'llidl'nt, J, H. Emslty, Firn 5«!'f"tllry, o.1ta Wahl. P•yoe, Ohio, Nuional lbnk Rulldbof, Ci:nt<ln. Ohio; Seui'IU ... , l'JTT'SIJ URGJI, f'A.-Pre~ident, Ot. ).1. K. }leKay, ~ld S. Smy1b, Firtt Na lloo~o~~l O;t.nk l:llliklinC, J.IIO lo ..·a St.; Vio:e·I'Te:r... Or. lbnle f'i~e&.ui. ·tU Catotoo. Oh.io. Wa ~h m gt()n Avt., Rridll:l'vine. i>a. ; S.,.o;l"('tary, t.:. CHICAGO. JLUXOJS- f're~l..:ltf'lt, A. M. Elli~t, 77l8 1.. Stulin$1'. 60 Taylor S1., CrdtOII, 1'11. CAI'pe.,ter St.. (.;hiealco: Vke·l•re~idc:nt. lliu Ann11 f'ORTI.AXD. ORF.GOS'-P«tidtttt, C. C. Hoo:kky, Gabri('l, ZDI Broadway, Cary, Illdia.u; Stuctuy. Jo'. W. Bank Bkl~.; Vice.P~idtnt :11'<1 S«retllry, NOf'man M. StilloC'man, 1121 Ash St., Winl)ttka, E. 1< . Wabh, Ll!'wU Old~. Ill.; Trcasu.~r. N. W. Tobiae, e/o Bre-voon Hotd, J't.:TNAM COUNT\'1 OJJIQ-Prf'r.ldt(lt, C. W , Paw· 0oi!CA&'0. tell. Ott_,,,,a, Oh.o: Secretary. llr4 Jl. L 1-T<lif· J.OWER CALII'ORNIA- f'.ttsident, Milo Smith. m;tn, L~1P61¢, Ohio- Orange. C.lif.·l Vio:l!' Prt"-5idl'r~t. A. S. McAteer. &.n Fernarn!.o, C. if.; Treoatmu. ~ R<ll,ll6(ll'l, Saw· SH>~&Y. Olii0-J'"''ident, ]. £. Balmer; Seerct11ry, Idle. Calif.; Seeretary, Mr&. N"ell~ Scok&, RJ N. J.l fl. (... 8. AOO e.wn. l-lnwnm3, Gleud;tlr, Calif. SPRTNGFIELO. OH10--Pruident, G. R. Clutter. UZZ CL£Vti.AND. OJIIQ-f'Ttside•ll, F.. 1:. Boylt, 1298 Ln.•tgod~t S•.; Settetar-y, E. H. Brown. 2-41 W. Oe... eland J:lu. m ... d.: Vice. l'rui.dent. S. C. Elli.nu. Uberty $1. 1271.."0 ArB, Ori,•e. Lakewood; Secr~tary, R. C. SOUTHEKX CA LII,."~RNJA-I.._,ui.clent, Milo ~•nith. C'<lbbt, J<!6S Ikrklty Ave.• Clevdaod HriJhU. Ohio. TOLJ::OO. OJ-11()-I'rt~~id"ntt Cltatkt E. Chittendeo, COI.U"MBUS, OJJJ()-PTC$idoenr, EdW1rd P. 1'1«, lU 6:6 Hume Rank Duilainl{, Tol«<o; Secrttarr, E. IJrOQd St., (;aJumbue: ~dJiry, .[.. M. D1'11ke, &tbcr An1in, 120 Spiue-r Ouildinf, Toledo. 195 1'ibet Rd.• Columb!u. IJf'PER SANDUSKY, OHIO-l'ruiduu. L. H. Houpt; £k1E OOUNTY, 0HJ0-t>ru-idl'r~t J. bl. £akio. Crty Secntary, Mi•e r..oule llowt"r. Eng1rteer, Sand"'""LV'tte·Pre&klt'lot, 1 IJ. S. Miller. \',\:\' WERT, OHJO-Pruid~t. Or. D. R. Uendurc: Phy6ieal l)irettor, ttigb Sebool, Sandlhky: Stt· SeCI'tt.at)'·Treasurer, ()paJ Welker. c/o \'.W.C.A. tf'IArY·Tttll.curer, 1-1. F. Gerold, $14 Warretl St,, WAUSEON. OHJQ-I'rtsidcnt, l~rank H . Rtit1lard; S11ndud:y. Sceret.ary, Clyde L. Caalield• DAYTON. OUJQ-Pruident, MorriJ Rice, O.born. .)J.AHONING VALLEY (YOUNGSTOWN), OHIQ­ Oh.io; V'll:1.'· Pruident, l"rof. N. H. Stull, 2121 W. l'ruidenl. lloo)rr ('p,rlyle: Vi«-Presidelll, Cyrut S«ond St.• Oaytoo. Ohio: Sec:n-tary. E. L. Ed· Sa.1n 11C'I~ ; S«re1ary, t:.arl D. l latiner, 11()1 Rl'lllty -..rdJ, 9JO Ferndale, l>11yton. Uuildong, Yvu•l,ft~tvw11, DEPIANCF., OHl()-l"rHidenr. WilliJim (... M'an$han: CUBA-Prnident, Dr. F. M. Pedrou. Placjta&. Cuba; S«.retary, Wayne J'. llikletbcd:, Jewdt, Ohio. Sen~tary, Or. Julio M. G.ucia. Cuba. - ---THE OHIO KORTHERK ALU~ I l' S Homecoming IJJ GtiORC.F. i\ld\A\IARA B<'Jtinninl Friday, o~·tuhrr 26, Ohio ~itr", who wen~ the ht.'it to be tliminated. Northrrn C.:f'lebrated orlc uf thr mo:.t sue- ''\li,.. Ohio i'\orthern" came: through with c:t",.ful hom«omings ir' hrr hi ... ror). At a lca)o punch oHr her mul'h largn oppon­ cha()fl Kn·ice u. the mornine: chf.er:. \\trc tnt anJ \\on the priu. M.·und place was ~hen tc.r d~ mtmbtn of thr football squad ;mardN to tht Si$t~J~a Pa frattrnity. who and pep talks wert ddiHrtd br 'ariolb prarnttd a m~ical ac-t ~..-on .. i,tin.: of K:vc:ral mnubrr~o of the facult\ ancl the w-«k-t"nd numhtrs h) a quartet. prQJ!ram \US explained b) Or. Smull. h '' •• il da) of double victor)' for the Fritl;l)' ni~ht the student" ltd by Cheer Drltn Thrtll J>hi frattrnity whu nlso re­ L('oultr F'reddy Florida wound through [ht cf"iVC"d a :.iiHr trophy for the bt~t decorated town in a S1wke dnncr, checrinJt and singing. humc- nn tile campus duriuf.! homecoming. Tlli~ '"ouud up ::tt the athletic field where Thdr hoU'i<', which was formrrly the Fess a l~l41tirc h:td been prrparcd b) the Fresh- home on r\orth :\lain Street, '""'' practic­ mt"n. Thro follo" rd a mel\ it at Lehr all~ co~ealed in oran~ and bl~ck bun ring, audtturium. EHn a\ r.arl' J!l. Frida} night while pillah at the cntrarKT hdd up a color­ the homcooming alumni btgan thtir inva- ful arch bearin~ the l~d. "At thr end of sion and thtre was much 1-haLinl!: of hands the rainhou." On the hnu1 htadins: for and hacblapplng, ~r>«-i:all) in the fr:uer- a n:11oh \Us ol mini:atur(' airpl:mt, "The nih homrs. :O. Jlidl c1f Athtn'in, lxarin~t tht placard, Sntu•·day morning wa~ f,.rivrn O\'C't' to reg- " \Vrc-..:1.
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    Ohio Northern University DigitalCommons@ONU Alumni Journal University Archives 10-1930 Ohio Northern Alumnus - October 1930 Ohio Northern University Alumni Association Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.onu.edu/alumni_mag Recommended Citation Ohio Northern University Alumni Association, "Ohio Northern Alumnus - October 1930" (1930). Alumni Journal. 9. https://digitalcommons.onu.edu/alumni_mag/9 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@ONU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alumni Journal by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@ONU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. - OHIO NORTHERN ALUMNUS INAUGURATION of OR. ROBERT WILLIAMS as PM"sident of OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY VOl, IV oerou8tt, t!t:!O NUMUt;l! 3 Vol. IV !\umber 3 OHIO NORTHERN ALUMNUS Pt.bl. A,d Q aartf'riN 6r1 tit# Altr•nti A ~t-ot I Oluo \G tArn. t ,......;tJt ,.., A~IIQ' Cl·b· Erltt&r. w. 0. ~ I S\\ 4'11t:R, ... OlfiC't", Room 8, Rill Ruilrlint. \•In Uhiu f:~tltf"trl tl• •~rtn•d 4'lt&.U tliultrr, FtbrtiOYJI S, IIJ.tfJ, «t lht llfl,.l•l/firt' raf Ailtl. OlliCI, ftl'lllrr the a.ct of Mru•rh ;J, N"lli ~vblffriJ,tfmt prire II.QO per uear; ~tinol•· t'tlJntM .M t"rt~l.ot CONTENTS: Northern's New President Homecoming Inauguration Program Freshman Registtation Faculty Changes Message to the Alumnae Oass of 1930 Athletics Prominent Alunmi Alumni Notes NORTHERN'S NEW PRESIDENT A committf'e of the boaTd of truJ~I the !uet WIA evident upon lh(' umpus of of Ohio Northern University, a.lttr more that Jar~ ¥tate in~tituti.on.
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