PUBLICATIONS for Calendar Year 2004 and RESEARCH PROJECTS LISTS for FY2005
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ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY PUBLICATIONS for Calendar Year 2004 AND RESEARCH PROJECTS LISTS for FY2005 1 CONTENTS Center for Aquatic Ecology and Conservation ..............................................................3 Scientifi c Publications ..............................................................................................3 Technical Reports .....................................................................................................4 Miscellaneous ..........................................................................................................6 CAEC Research Projects .........................................................................................7 Center for Biodiversity ................................................................................................10 Scientifi c Publications ............................................................................................10 Technical Reports ...................................................................................................12 Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................13 CBD Research Projects ..........................................................................................15 Center for Ecological Entomology ..............................................................................19 Scientifi c Publications ............................................................................................19 Technical Reports ...................................................................................................21 Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................22 CEE Research Projects ..........................................................................................25 Center for Wildlife and Plant Ecology .........................................................................28 Scientifi c Publications ............................................................................................28 Technical Reports ...................................................................................................29 Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................33 CWPE Research Projects .......................................................................................34 2 Center for Aquatic Ecology & Conservation SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS Garvey, J.E., K.G. Ostrand, and D.H. Wahl. 2004. Energetics, predation and ration affect size-depen- Aday, D.D., D.H. Wahl, and D.P. Philipp. 2004. dent growth and mortality of fi sh during winter. Assessing population-specifi c and environmental Ecology 85:2860–2871. infl uences on bluegill life histories: a common garden approach. Ecology 84:3370–3375 Graeb, B.D.S., J.M. Dettmers, D.H. Wahl, and C. E. Cáceres. 2004. Fish size and prey availability Burkhardt, Jr., R.W. and D.W. Schneider. 2004. affect growth, survival, prey selection, and forag- Stephen A. Forbes: The intricate interrelations of ing behavior of larval yellow perch. Transactions living things. Pages 55–68 in L. Hoddeson, ed. of the American Fisheries Society 133:504–514. No Boundaries: University of Illinois Vignettes. University of Illinois Press, Champaign. Herendeen, R. 2004. Net energy analysis: concepts and methods. In C. J. Cleveland, ed., Chick, J.H., C.R. Ruetz III, and J.C. Trexler. Encyclopedia of Energy. Elsevier Press. 2004. Spatial scale and abundance patterns of large fi sh communities in freshwater marshes of Herendeen, R. 2004. Bottom-up and top-down the Florida Everglades. Wetlands 24:652–664. effects in food chains depend on functional dependence: an explicit framework. Ecological Chipps, S.R., J.A. Dunbar, and D.H. Wahl. 2004. Modeling 171:21–33. Phenotypic plasticity and vulnerability to preda- tion in juvenile bluegill sunfi sh (Lepomis macro- Herendeen, R. 2004. Goods and services: energy chirus). Oecologia 138:32–8. costs. In C. J. Cleveland, ed., Encyclopedia of Energy. Elsevier Press. Chipps. S.J., and D.H. Wahl. 2004. Development and evaluation of a mosquitofi sh (Gambusia Herendeen, R. A., and W. Hill. 2004. Growth affi nis) bioenergetics model. Transactions of the dilution in multilevel food chains. Ecological American Fisheries Society 133:1150–1162. Modeling 178:349–356. Clapp, D. F., and J. M. Dettmers. 2004. Yellow Herendeen, R. 2004. Energy analysis and EMER- perch research and management in Lake Michi- GY analysis-a comparison. Ecological modeling gan: evaluating progress in a cooperative effort, 178:227–237. 1997–2001. Fisheries 29(11):11–19. Herendeen, R. Dynamic trophic cascade. 2004. Claramunt, R.M., D.E. Shoup, and D.H. Wahl. Ecological Modeling 177:29–142. 2005. Comparison of push and tow nets for sam- pling larval fi sh: Implications for assessing littoral Herwig, B.R., D.A. Soluk, J.M. Dettmers, and habitat utilization. North American Journal of D.H. Wahl. 2004. Trophic structure and energy Fisheries Management 25:86–92 fl ow in backwater lakes of two large fl oodplain rivers assessed using stable isotopes. Cana- Cooke, S.J., K.G. Ostrand, C.M. Bunt, J.F. dian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Schreer, D.H. Wahl, and D.P. Philipp. 2004. An- 61:12–22. gling-induced cardiac disturbance of free-swim- ming largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) Hill, W. R., and I. L. Larsen. 2005. Solar radia- monitored with heart rate telemetry. Journal of tion alters heavy metal concentrations in micro- Applied Ichthyology 20:28–36. algal biofi lms through growth dilution. Environ- mental Science and Technology 39:1513–1518. Gaff, H., J. Chick, J. Trexler, D. DeAngelis, L. Gross, and R. Salinas. 2004. Evaluation of and Hoxmeier, J.H., D.H. Wahl, C.L. Pierce, and M.L. insights from ALFISH: a spatially explicit, land- Hooe. 2004. Growth and survival of larval wall- scape-level simulation of fi sh populations in the eye in response to prey availability. Transactions Everglades. Hydrobiologia 520:73–87. of the Fisheries Society 133:45–54. 3 Ostrand, K.G., B.J. Braeutigam, and D.H. Wahl. videography. Fisheries Management and Ecology 2004. Consequences of vegetation density and 12: 19–26. prey species on spotted gar foraging. TransactionsTransactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:794–800. TECHNICAL REPORTS Ostrand, K.G., S.J. Cooke, and D.H. Wahl. 2004. Effects of stress on largemouth bass reproduction. Brofka, W. A., and J. M. Dettmers. 2004. A sur- North American Journal of Fisheries Management vey of sport fi shing in the Illinois portion of Lake 24:1038–1045. Michigan. Annual Performance Report to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Ostrand, K.G., S.J. Cooke, J.E. Garvey, and D.H. 2004/02. Wahl. 2004. The energetic impact of overwinter prey assemblages on age-0 largemouth bass. En- Creque, S., and J. Dettmers. 2004. Growth and vironmental Biology of Fishes 72:305–311. survival of nearshore fi shes in Lake Michigan. Annual Performance Report to the Illinois De- Pegg, M.A., and M.A. McClelland. 2004. As- partment of Natural Resources. 2004/11. sessment of spatial and temporal fi sh community patterns in the Illinois River. Ecology of Fresh- Creque, S.M., S.J. Czesny, D.C. Glover, and J.M. water Fish 13:125–135. Dettmers. 2004. Yellow perch population assess- ment in southwestern Lake Michigan, including Schneider, D.W., and G. Sandiford. 2004. River- the identifi cation of factors that determine yellow ine Systems. In James R. Grossman, Ann Durkin perch year-class strength. Annual Performance Keating, and Janice L. Reiff, eds. The Encyclo- Report to the Illinois Department of Natural Re- pedia of Chicago. University of Chicago Press. sources. 2004/04. Stoeckel, J.A., C.R. Rehmann, D.W. Schneider Dettmers, J., and S. Creque. 2004. Field assess- and D.K. Padilla. 2004. Retention and supply ment of an electrical dispersal barrier to protect of zebra mussel larvae in a large river system: sport fi shes from invasive aquatic species. Annual importance of an upstream lake. Freshwater Biol- Performance Report to the Illinois Department of ogy 49:919–930. Natural Resources. 2004/09. Stoeckel, J.A., D.K. Padilla, D.W. Schneider, Dettmers, J.M., A.S. McNaught, D.M. Mason, and C.R. Rehmann. 2004. Laboratory culture D.J. Jude, and J. Janssen. 2004. Mechanisms of Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771) larvae: affecting recruitment of yellow perch in Lake spawning success, adult fecundity, and larval Michigan. Annual Performance Report to the mortality patterns. Canadian Journal of Zoology Great Lakes Fishery Commission. 2004/12. 82:1436–1443 Diana, M.J., J. Stein, D.D. Aday, R.W. Oplinger, Suski, C.D., and D.P. Philipp. 2004. Factors D.P. Philipp, D.H. Wahl. 2004. Quality manage- affecting the vulnerability to angling of nesting ment of bluegill: factors affecting population male largemouth and smallmouth bass. Trans- size structure. Annual Progress Report, Illinois actions of the American Fisheries Society 133: Department of Natural Resources. 2004/13. 1100–1106. Dodd, H., S. Butler, D. Wahl. 2004. Evaluation Suski, C.D., S.S. Killen, S.J. Cooke, J.D. Kieffer, of the modifi cation of the upper Batavia dam D.P. Philipp, and B.L. Tufts. 2004. Physiological on the Fox River, Illinois. Annual Performance signifi cance of the weigh-in during live-release Report to the Illinois Department of Natural Re- angling tournaments for largemouth bass. Trans- sources. 2004/08. actions of the American Fisheries Society 133: 1291–1303. Dodd, H., J. W. Neisler,