Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 349 6th International Conference on Community Development (ICCD 2019) Legal Protection of Youth Suffrage Imam Ropii Hb. Sujiantoro University of Wisnuwardhana Malang University of Wisnuwardhana Malang
[email protected] Abstract. As a large number of young voters still have The implementation of an accountable and responsive no identity card (Indonesian: Kartu Tanda democratic system of government embodied in each state Penduduk/KTP), the legal protection of youth policy formation always cooperates or involves people's suffrage is becoming a discourse by the General representation that has been elected and determined Election on 17 April 2019. Distribution of eligible through general elections [1]. citizens’ suffrage must be prevented from any According to Mahfud MD, the substance of the obstacles, mainly administrative issue. To the young democratic system places the people as the main subject voters, as the age when registering for the vote are not in every state policymaking through its representatives in old enough according to the law, the population the people's representative institutions [2]. administration office is unable to provide electronic The guarantee of the legal protection of citizens' identity cards (KTPE), resulting in them not being suffrage in general elections as regulated by the electoral registered as voters. The lack of electoral literacy and legal framework must be interpreted as an obligation to the constraints of administrative requirements make the government and elections organizers as well as the young voters vulnerable to losing their voting citizens to be realized. Likewise, the mass media plays a rights. A National Identification Number role as a controller and voicer if the implementation of (Indonesian: Nomor Induk Kependudukan, NIK) as the citizens' suffrage protection is hampered or cannot be the single identity number of each resident is listed on implemented due to the electoral law, population the family card (Indonesian: Kartu Keluarga, KK).