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, % 9* 8 #; #; ; SIDISrtVUU@IB!&!!"&#S@B9IV69P99I !%! %! ' )* )+,-./ -- 1 /-*0 #! -*) #. /1)02$,(0* (/1*,!/)( "(/N)0* (/,/4/(</800) 0D8+2)0) +,0C,/(2$$,8)2"0 (<0* 2*,=1/)0)( + !'(>? )) @?@ A/ ( 0 / 0 !#12013,-4,.1 Q ! "$% !& Q R ! " R " !" (),/$/) L,$ L , - day after Jammu & +/ .4 # AKashmir Governor Satya 4 Pal Malik dissolved the State 4 ( #, legislative Assembly to scuttle #, 4M formation of a Government by $ 4 "$! any of the two alliances, the #M L! Congress and mainstream par- # "68$ L* ties in J&K described the Raj ( * #+ Bhawan’s move as “undemoc- 6 7 4 ratic, unconstitutional and 67 $: against the mandate of people.” $ /#, 67 The Governor has justified 8 9 ::4M 4 $ 4M his decision to dissolve the ( /4M #M ## Assembly and rejected claims %& # that he acted at the behest of ! the Centre and the BJP. Former Home Minister P NIA. Another side said MLAs Chidambaram slammed Malik were being lured with large- for dissolving the State scale money. Horse trading # " $ Assembly, saying he is attract- had started 20 days ago,” he ed to the “Gujarat model” of claimed, referring to PDP chief Government not the 0 1 #* ! Mehbooba. Westminster model. “As long as # ! $ $& Had she given any side the no one staked a claim to form opportunity to form % a Government, the J&K challenged”. Raza Ansari has joined his He said the Congress, the Government, it would have Governor was happy to keep “Dissolution of Assembly party, People’s Conference. NC and the PDP had formu- created a bigger mess, he 0!*0+, Madhav responded, “Just Assembly under suspension.
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