CPExecutive.com RRISINGISING TTOO TTHEHE TTOPOP 19 20 Presenting the Recipients of the 2019 Distinguished Achievement Awards 19 TABLE OF CONTENTS 20 4 Foreword: Meet the Winners 6 Best Investment Transaction: Single Property 10 Best Investment Transaction: Portfolio 12 Best Lease 14 Most Effective Property Management Program 16 Most Effective Repositioning/ Redevelopment Plan 18 Best Development 20 Unbuilt 22 Sales Broker of the Year 24 Rising Star SIGN UP FOR YOUR FREE SUBSCRIPTION For new subscriptions, renewals or address changes @ https://www.cpexecutive.com/subscriptions/ This is a special publication from Commercial Property Executive (ISSN 1042-1675; USPS 003-611), which is pro- duced 10 times annually by Yardi Systems, Inc., 60 E. 42nd Street, Suite 2130, New York, NY 10165. One-year digital edition subscriptions, newsletter subscriptions, changes of address and other customer inquiries can be completed at www.cpexecutive.com. Copyright 2019 by Yardi Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Commercial Property Executive editorial and advertising offices: 60 E. 42nd Street, Suite 2130, New York, NY 10165. ADVERTISING/EDITORIAL REPRINTS & PERMISSIONS: Reprints of editorial or ads can be used as effective marketing tools. Permission for one-time digital or printed use of our content—including full articles, excerpts or charts—may be acquired by contacting Anastasia Stover of The YGS Group at 717-430-2268 or
[email protected]. 2 Distinguished Achievement Awards 2019 | Commercial Property Executive Congratulations to the winners of the MHN excellence awards. 3605 13TH AVENUE BROOKLYN, NY 11218 800.570.1455
[email protected] AJMADISON.COM AJMADISON.COM/TRADE 19 20 Meet the Winners: CPE’s 2019 Distinguished Achievement Awards BY GREG ISAACSON Selected by an independent panel of industry experts from a nationwide field of submissions, the winners of the 2019 CPE Distinguished Achievement Awards represent the best of commercial real estate.