Kansas University Quarterly

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Kansas University Quarterly r'S.i \:t*^ 7/ jr>?^^^ mm„'^:^^'::n >v<V i^i^M^ f-.v#:v;:^M' 1^ HARVARD UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. i2MrIMS ,]LoikAlS ^"t^mmiitJLU.l'i^^ THE Kansas University Quarterly. DEVOTED TO THE PUBLICATION OF THE RESULTS OF RESEARCH BY MEMBERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. SERIES A.— SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS. VOL. VIII LAWRENCE, KANSAS: PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY. 1899. COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION. E. H. S. BAILEY. F. W. BLACKMAR. E. MILLER. C. G. DUNLAP. H. B. NEWSON. S. W. WILLISTON. W. H. CARRUTH, Managing Editor.. FEB 15 1902 Kansas University Quarterly. Volume YIII. 1899. Series A. TABLE OF CONTENTS. JVo. 1. PAGE The Coccid.e of Kansas, i>. J. Hunier 1 The Characters or Bison occidentalis, the Fossil Bison of Kansas and Alaska, F. A . Lucas 17 A Preliminary Description of the Opercular and Other Cranial Bones OF XiPHACTiNus Leidy, Alhan Stewart 19 Diphtheria in Kansas, Marshall A . Barber 23 Pachyrhizodus minimus, a New Species of Fish from the Cretaceous of Kansas, Alban Stetcart 37 Some Additional Characters of the Mosasaurs, .S'. W. WilUston 39 JVo. S. The Five Types of Transformations of the Plane, Henry B. Nevson . 43 The Coccid.e of Kansas, II, S. J. Hunter 67 Description of Some New Forms of Pseudomonotis from the Upper Coal Measures of Kansas, J. W. Becde 79 Note on the Yellow Helium Line, A. St. C. Dunstan and M. E. Rice. 85 Some Additions to the Cretaceous Invertebrates of Kansas, W. X. Logan 87 On Tetracaulodon shepardii Cope, George Wagner 99 CuPRO GOSLARiTE, A New Variety OF ZiNC SuLPHATE, Austiu F. Rogers . 105 P^o. 3. Notice of Three New Cretaceous Fishes, with Remarks on the Sauro- dontid-e Cope, Alhan Stewart 107 A New Genus of Fishes from the Niobrara Cretaceous, S. W. WilUston, 113 Notes on the Osteology of Anogmius polymicrodus Stewart, Alhan Stewart 117 New Fossils from the Kansas Coal Measures, J. W. Beede 123. New and Little Known Pelecypods from the Coal Measures, J. W. Beede an el Austin F. Rogers 131 Note on the Distribution of the Cheyenne Sandstone, C. S. Prosser. 135 oVo. ^. Bibliography of Scientific Publications by Members of the Univer- sity OF Kansas 138 A New Species of Sagenodus from the Kansas Coal Measures, S. W. WilUston 175 Normal Ankerite from Phelps County, Missouri, Austin F, Rogers 183 Notes on the Coraco-scapula of Eryops Cope, S. W. WilUston 185 MAR 20l89f Vol. VIII. JANUARY, 1899 No. 1. Kansas University Quarterly. SERIES A:—SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS. CONTENTS. I. The Coccid^ of Kansas S. J. Hunter II. The Characters of Bison occidentalis, the FOSSIL Bison of Kansas and Alaska F. A. Lucas III. A Preliminary Description of the Opercular AND other Cranial Bones of Xiphactinus Leidy A/ban Stfwart IV. Diphtheria in Kansas Marshall A. Barber V. Pachyrhizodus Minimus, a New Species of Fish from the Cretaceous of Kansas Alban Stewart VI. Some Additional Characters of the Mosa- saurs S". W. Williston PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY Lawrence, Kansas, Price of this i2u?nber, jo cents. Entered at the Post Office in Lawrence as Second-class Matter. AOVERTISKMENT. The Kansas University Quarterly is maintained by the Uni- versity of Kansas as a medium for the publication of the results of original research by members of the University. Papers will be published only on recommendation of the Committee of Publication. Contributed articles should be in the hands of the Committee at least one month prior to the date of publication. A limited number of author's separata will be furnished free to contributors. Beginning with Vol. VI the Quarterly will appear in two Series : A, Science and Mathematics ; B, Philology and History. The Quarterly is issued regularl}', as indicated by its title. Each number contains one hundred or more pages of reading matter, with necessary illustrations. The four numbers of each year constitute a volume. The price of subscription is two dollars a volume, single numbers varying in price with cost of publication Exchanges are solicited. Communications should be addressed to W. H. Carruth, University of Kansas, Lawrence. COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION E. H. S. BAILEY F W. BLACKMAR E. MILLER C. G. DUNLAP GEORGE WAGNER S. W. WILLISTON W. H. CARRUTH, MANAGING EDITOR. This Journal Is on file in the ofiace of the University Review, New York Olty Journal PuBiiiSHiNO Company Lawrbnce, Kansas MAR SO 1899 Kansas University Quarterly. Vol. VIII. JANUARY, 1899. No. i. The Coccidct of Kansas. Contributions from the Entomolog'ical Laboratory. No. 04. HV S. J. HUNTER. With Plates [ to VII. The Homopteran family, Coccidae, in man}^ respects anomalous and in others similar, is unique in the diversities of the sexes and the modes of distribution. Sex and genus necessarily present differ- ences. The variations existing within a single species, and grada- tions between species, however, have proven of peculiar interest. It is with these specific differences in view that the studies upon this group have been prosecuted. It is believed that from a large series of discriminations interesting deductions might be made. The manner of preparation and method of study of this group have occupied some time. I will endeavor to give briefly an out- line of my observations and experiments upon the technique of the genera mentioned in this paper. The first work was done with the usual bleaching reagent, a strong solution of potassium hydrate, washed in water, transferred to fifty per cent alcohol, then to ninety- five per cent alcohol and from here to a clearing mixture composed of two parts by measure of carbolic acid crystals and three parts of rectified oil of turpentine, taken from this to slide and mounted in xylol-balsam. The difficulties found in this process were: dan- gers of boiling too much or of not boiling enough, specimens had to be removed while the liquid was warm else a deposit would col- lect upon them and render them useless, material was generally more or less macerated and frequently the plates were not retained throughout the process. (1) KAN. DNIV. QU.\K., VOL. VIII, NO. I. .JAN.. 1899, SERIES A. 2 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. Another means used was to soften the specimens in warm water then transfer to fifty per cent alcohol, then to ninety-five per cent alcohol, from here through the clearing mixture into balsam. This I found better, in that it insured the retention of the plates present but it had the objection of not rendering old and heavily chitinized scales transparent. For a new bleaching agent, chloral hydrate, saturated solution, boiling specimens in this under cover for a few inoments and also by leaving in the fiuid under cover for twelve to twenty-four hours. The latter method — leaving in for a da)' or less — gave the best re- sults, rendered the specimens transparent and kept them reason- ably firm. It did not appear to affect the plates and spines; did not leave any undesirable substances upon the specimens. From the chloral hydrate they were taken into the water and then through the process previously described. In experimenting with the action of xjdol upon the plates it was found that it rendered them very brittle and left them undesirably transparent, so that in some specimens mounted in x3dol-balsam I noticed a tendency to render the plates of the same refractive index as the balsam. Glycerine as a mounting medium was tried, and it was found that specimens could be more readily taken from a chloral solution into glycerine than by any other method used. The objection to the glycerine is, of course, that permanent mounts require to be incased in cement. Gl3cerine jelly, I think, will largely overcome this difficulty, and I expect to test it in my sub- sequent work. Having the mounts ready for study I found daylight not always the most satisfactory light for revealing the points desired, so that the light of the Welsbach burner passed through a liter balloon flask, filled with a solution of copper sulphate, rendered the de- sired clearness by the addition of ammonia (NH.^), the test being a white light thrown upon the reflector. This illuminatmg apparatus is spoken of in Botanischcs Practicum, Strasburger, iHgy, and Micro- scope and Microscopical Accessories, Zeiss, No. 30, i^!g5. Mr. Mc- Clung, of the department of Zoology, in his work tried the ad- dition of a drop or two of saturated alcoholic solution of saffron to the fluid in the flask. This I consider advantageous; enough be- ing added to give the light a tinge of pink, which gives good con- trasts with the yellow subject. I had endeavored to find a stain that would hold in firmly chitinized specimens, but met with little success. This pink . light, showing the necessary contrast, as it does, served the same purpose at a great saving of time and labor. hunter: the COCCIDA''. of KANSAS. 3 The microscope used is the C. Zeiss, Jena, stand la, with complete equipment. The objectives used on triple nose piece are low power B, high power F, and oil immersion 1-12 inch, N. A. 1.22. Though I have tried an Abbe camera lucida, I prefer to make the sketches free hand. Aspidiotus forbesi Johns. Plate I, Figs, i, 2, 3, 4, 5; Plate II, Figs. 6, 7, The scales of male and female in this group, brought together from widely separated localities, conform to the description. Lots A, B, C, F and E show distinct tendency to congregate in groups and then others mass upon these. Lot G, though on old cherry trees, were few in number and only to be found upon one or two spots in three adjacent cherry trees.
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    Pbysocephala bwgessi (Williston). Courtesy E. S. Ross. 4 BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA INSECT SURVEY VOLUME 6, NO. 2 THE CONOPID FLIES OF CALIFORNIA (DIPTERA) BY SIDNEY CAMRAS (Chicago, Illinois) and PAUL D. HURD, JR. (Department of Entomology and Parasitology, University of California, Berkeley) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEYANDLOSANGELES 1957 BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA INSECT SURVEY Editors: E. G. Linsley, S. B. Freeborn, P. D. Hurd, R. L. Ushger Volume 6, No. 2, pp. 19-50, 4 figures in text, 25 maps, frontis. Submitted by Editors, October 26, 1956 Issued Sept. 3, 1957 Price, 75 cents & UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY AND LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON, ENGLAND PRINTED BY OFFSET IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THE CONOPID FLIES OF CALIFORNIA (Diptera) BY Sidney Camras and Paul D. Hurd, Jr. INTRODUCTION The conopid flies are characterized by the closed Zo~logy,Harvard College (M.C.Z.); California In- or narrowed first posterior cell of the wing (fig. 2) sect Survey, Department of Entomology and Para- and in all the Nearctic forms by the elongated sitology, University of California (C.I.S.); Mont A. proboscis. These flies, especially the members of Cazier, American Museum of Natural History the subfamily Conopinae which have the base of (A.M.N.H.); H. Dietrich, Department of Entomolcgy, the abdomen narrowed and somewhat thread-waisted, Cornell University (C.U.); H. J. Dybas, Chicago superficially resemble some of the wasps and cer- Museum of Natural History, (C.M.N.H.); G. F. fain asilids, bombyliids, syrphids, and tachinids. Knowlton, Utah State Agricultural College They ate found frequently around flowers.
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