I qTreI \ E F )tr E I RUPEES I h.. ; ! INDIA UT I I @ero rr"sc fuirrrqr rELANGANA 6 .),ol\! qJ\l 0ate......',.1..6.'MAB"201 slrlo-,,.......,;*.. .......... s. & &-0r'^+1d s -t[cL .( t trj-.- sdd {1, ["*.8l^-[€''^ t.-llln ow^is Eor Villfilr...... '. 'Ir,^ o r^.2a.'A i q:J,..ot\'^ FORM 2!"+U**-t I (See rule 44) paper before the Retuming Offrcer for affidavitBto be filed by the candidate along with nomination (Name House) electi on to House of Peonle-Lok Sabha of E (name of ConstituencY) From derabad Pa entary ConstituencY E PART.A E *+son Late Sultan Satahuddin Owaisi aged 49 I uddin Owaisi / aaughter++\tif€ of m Red years, resident of 8- 1 Sh at the above election' do hereby solemnly affirm 500052 (lnention fulI postal address)' a candidate and state Pn oath as under:- (1)lflnacandidatesetupbyAlllndiaMailis:E:IttehadulMusllmeeg(4.I,M.I.M)(**nameof thEpoliticalpu,ty1lJ-.(**strikeoutlvhicheveris nq aPPlicable) C nsti en Te n (Name (2) name is enrolled in 5 d Na in Part No. the ConstituencY and the state), at Serial No. l!! S r P '^'(l =i::c'- GAI..i & NOTARY .YASH A NILAYAM' i'..2-1 A7 51 6, Bagh Amberp.;r !J\rL\ F R.r.\EIAD-i:1, ii .i.!.?, @ H (3) My contact telephone number(s) k / are 09848013569 / 09868180569 and my e-mail id (if any) is
[email protected] and my social media account(s) (if any) is/are (D @asadowaisi (Twitter Account) (ii) https://www.facebook.com/Asaduddinowaisi/ (FacebookAccount) (iii) NrL (4) Details of Permanent Account Number (PAN) and status of filing of Income Tax return: The financial Total income shown in year for which (in sl.