<4 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. May 1. 19«S MANCHESTER CONNECTICUT U.S./WORLD WEATHER Chaiiengei^s space zoo plans plenty of tests 8th District residents I I Hous^ dumps repeal GOP tries to stop Rain likely tonight; crucible," Wang said. '.‘The cruci­ fey William Harwood applications. ble essentially prevenU sonte Van den Berg is a co-investigator Reagan budget rout more likely Friday Unitod P r n t Intornatlonal experiments, some new materials won't pay more t£Mesl I of emissions tests of an experiment using a vapor cannot be manufactured." growth system to create mercuric ... page 4 ... page CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. - Another fluid dynamics experi­ ... page a I _____ - page 2 iodide crystals. Such crystals are F ive NASA astronauts, two civ­ ment aboard Spacelab Is designed sensitive to X-rays and gamma ilian scientists, a pair of feisty to help BcientisU understand more rays and could prove useful in monkeys and two dozen doomed about the structure of the atmos­ nuclear power ^ant monitors, rats took off aboard the shuttle pheres of stars and giant planets Chaiienger Monday on a weeklong prospecting tools and for medical diagnosis. like Jupiter. _ . . Spacelab science expedition. Located behind the Spacelab It was the 17th shuttle mission "It turns out if you try and grow this crystal on Earth, that it’s module on a platform in the open foliows the iandlng of its sistership payload bay are two instruments Discovery by Just 10 days. subject to gravitational imperfec­ tions by its own weight," Flchtl for atmospheric and astronomical llie rats, which will be sacrificed observations. after the flight, a said. “ As a result, there’s an inherent limitation to the purity or One instrument called ATMOS ■ /' dhe squirrel monkeys are simply — Atmospheric Trace Molecules going along to test sophisticated the degree to which we can grow Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Thursday. May 2,1985 — Single copy; 25< defect-free crystals of mercury Spectroscopy — will record the space cages that wiil be used on solar spectrum aet passes through future Spacelab life science iodide." i Van den Berg said he hopes the Earth’s atmosphere. By studying missions. weightlessness of orbit will minim­ that spectrum, scientistscandeter- For commander Robert Over- mine what materials are present in myer, co-pilot Frederick Gregory ize those effects. The technique involves injecting the upper atmosphere. and crew members Don Lind, The other experiment in the Ruling a vapor of source material into a Norman Thagard, William Thorn­ payloadbay isanindianinstrument Reagan gets sealed container inside a furnace. ton, Lodewijk van den Berg and designed to study the nature of Taylor Wang, the flight means five / The vapor will condense on a seed 4 charged particles blasted away more days of two-shift, around-the- crystal, held at a slightly lower f rom the sun and other stars. k ills ^ r t temperature, and the crystal will clock work. Throughout the flight, Lind will t r . ‘‘Wehaveaveryspecificmission, grow. * 1 ^ use a battery of cameras to study that is, to maximize the scientific ' A second experiment sponsored a Earth’s flickering aurora, pro­ T^ralse for return from Spaceiab,” Overmyer by French scientists will study how duced by the collision of charged of pact said in an interview before Mon­ mercury iodide crystals grow and ■HC > - particles from the sun with mole­ day’s liftoff. a third will study trlglycine sulfate it crystal growth using a low- cules in the upper atmosphere. By Kathy Garmus "The beauty, of course, of a Herald Reporter 24-hour operation is that you're - temperature solution growth T H E T W O SCIENTISTS doing scientific data return for 24 system. Part of a five-year agreement trip decision ABOARD Challenger will try to hours. That’s like a flying a 14-day “ Triglyclne sulfate is of interest combat space sickness with between the town and tte Ambu­ mission in a one-shift operation, so as a technological device in terms thought control in an experiment to lance Service of Mancheiter Inc. < By Jim Anderson you really maximize-the science of its capabilities as an infrared under which the company was to 2 determine if biofeedback can return.” -3 L detector," FichtI said. United Press International Free trade tops minimise unpleasant symptoms. M y the town $20,000 tor the right to Thornton and Thagard, both To grow the crystals, a solution be the firat reiponder to m ^ical The aliment affects about 50 BONN, West Germany — Presi­ agenda at summit astronaut-physicians, each have a of source material is first heated emergenciea ii illegal, a atate percent of those who fly In space \ t dent Reagan was roundly praised previous shuttle mission to their and then allowed to cool. Again, ihe official haa determined. — see page 10 and its treatment is a m ajor today by West Germany’s leaders credit as does Overmyer. Wang is a material will solidify on a seM In a letter deled April 25, Chria concern to NASA scientists. at the stair of the annual economic physicist at the Jet Propulsion crystal, which will grow through­ A. Gentile, director of the atate Symptoms include reduced summit for having the “ courage” liar feeling and said he "appre­ Laboratory inPasadena,Calif.,and out the process. Office of 'Emergency Medical m stomach activity, changes in blood to go ahead with bis controversial ciated the president’s courage," van den Berg is a scientist with Servicea, aaid atate law prohibita t v flow to the hands and feet, visit to a German war cemetery. the official said. EGAG Energy Measurements Inc. IN LIFE SCIENCES, SIX inves­ ambulance companiea from offer­ vomiting and in some cases The president, smiling and ap­ West German government spo­ of Goleta, Calif. tigations are planned, including ing money to towns in exchange for nausea. While the symptoms tend pearing genial as he emerged from kesman Peter Boenlsh also an­ " I think probably the most four involved with the evaluation the excluaive right to provide to disappear in two to four days, one-on-one sessions with West nounced today that four members significant thing from my stand­ of the animal cages. A urine aervice in those communities. the sickness is an unpleasant German Chancellor Helmut Kohl of the German resistance who point, we are sending scientists into monitoring system will be used by Without the law, towns might be distraction that reduces and Japanese Prim e Minister fought against Adolf Hitler’s re­ orbit to operate the experiments UP! photo the astronauts to evaluate its Inclined to evaluate proposals for efficiency. Yasuhiro Nakasone, played down gime will go to Bitburg for the they have originated," said Lind, a ^rformance. . ambulance service baa^ strictly “ Unlike sea-sickness where you Sunday’s scheduled visit to the wreath-laying. physicist-astronaut who has waited The crew of the seven-member Space lead the procession. Behind them, from In addition, Wang and ,van den on the amount of money they were have a lot of vomiting and nausea, Bitburg military cemetery, where Among the four is the son of Col. 19years for his first space flight. front to back, are Don Lind, Lodewijk van Berg wili participate in an experi­ offered, instead of the quality of Shuttle Challenger leaves their Cape here you just have a sudden Claui Schenk von Stauffenberg, ment to determine if “ autogenic aervice, Gentile said. Ambulance 49 members of the Nazi Waffen SS Canaveral, Fla., quarters bqfore liftoff den Berg, Taylor Wang, William Thorn­ episode of vomiting and it’s over,” who was executed and suspended THE SHUTTLE FLIERS WILL feedback training" can minimize companies would then be forced to are buried. ton and (not visible) Norman Thagard. said Thornton. from a meat hook for his role in the conduct IS ambitious experiments Monday. Pilot Fred Gregory, left, and the symptoms of space motion either provide marginal services Reagan was scheduled later failed 1944 .attempt to assassinate throughout the Spacelab mission to Commander Robert Overmyer, right. sickness, which affects 50 percent "The bowels, or the stomach, or raise rates to recoup the today to meet French President Francois Mitterrand and British HiUer. study materials processing, life of those who fly in space.^ have stopped. The stomach just payments, he said. ship's airlock by a 19-foot-long but only twocould be trained in time the cages were larger so we could P r im e Minister Margaret The Bitburg visit, despite admin­ sciences. Earth's environment, FichtI said the technique in­ absolutely stops. You just don’t "Should this restriction be lifted, tunnel. to operate their cages' food and see theirfull repertory." Thatcher. istration efforts to play it down astrophysics and fluid dynamics. volves self-suggestion exercises feel good. You’d like to go off in a I would envision a deterioration in Twelve of the experiments are The laboratory module is 23 feet watersystems. A senior U.S. official told repor­ during Reagan’s lO-day E u ro^an “ to tell themselves they can get com er." terms of the quality of emergency long and 13 feet wide, providing a The monkeys will not be sacri­ ONE EXPERIMENT AL­ swing, overshadowed Reagan’s sponsored by American scientists, back to nominal conditions." medical care,” Gentile aaid in his ters Kohl and West. German roomy shirt-sleeveenvironmentfor ficed but the rats will be killed after READY ENCOUNTERED techni­ primary goal for the 11th annual two by French scientists and one by "The way they do this is they During Challenger’s mission, letter to the Legislative Commis­ President Richard von Weiz- thecrew. the flight for a series of medical cal problems. Thagard was unable economic summit — persuading researchersinindia. make measurements of the blood Wang and van den Berg will take sioners Office, the biil-drafting saecker were effusive in praising "The whole Spacelab series is a studies to leam more about the to open the outer door the airlock in allied leaders to support a new In addition, the shuttle still has volumes of the hands, skin temper­ turns wearing sensors and a Dick arm of the General Assembly. Reagan because he “never wa­ plans to launch two small satellites preview to the space station." said physiological changes that occur the Spacelab module to expose the round of trade talks and his "Star atures, basal skin Response, heart Tracy wrist unit that will display Prior to enactment of the law, vered" in his decision to visit from canisters in the payload bay Lind. "This is a major national during weightlessness. wide-field astronomical camera Wars" defense system. rate, and this information is heart-rate, respiration, sweat and ambulance companies frequently Bitburg, despite a sUll-riiqilipg neartheendofthemission. science facility and we’re doing Four of the two dozen rodents will and make a survey of the sky in the After his session with Kohl, displayed on a wrist display," blood flow. offered "lavish Christmas gifts furor in the United States from One.calledNUSAT.willbeusedt'o some very, very good things for a lot have surgically implanted sensors ultraviolet region of the spectrum. Reagan was asked if there were FichtI said. and other niceties in an effort to religious leaders, veterans and Calibrate air traffic control radars of fields." that will radio vital data to Ultraviolet radiation is given oft any plans to discuss the cem etery “ When they perform these exer­ Each shuttle flier received 12 secure the lucrative ambulance C o n ^ s s . and the other, called GLOMR for Challenger last flew in October. recorders during the mission. by young high-temperature stars visit. He responded, "W hy should cises, they can look at the wrist half-hour sessions of "autogenic busineu,” he said. While posing for pictures with global low-orbiting message relay The spaceship was grounded in Barring an emergency, the crew and by massive stars nearing the display and reinforce the self- feedback training’’ to teach them satellite, willbeusedbytheNavyfor November because of trouble with has no plans to interact with any of end of their lifetime, and such suggestive exercises that they’re how to regulate Such bodily func­ pretation of state law after state controlling oceanographic sensors. its heat insulation tiles and repairs the animals during the flight other radiation is reflected by interstel­ Nancy, wera officially welcomed doing.” tions. Thornton and Don Lind, who Rep. James -R. McCavanagh, nation to go ahead udQi the visit. Such a system eventually could be were not completed until early than toobserve them periodicallyto lar gas and dust. Ultraviolet at the West German president’s Wang also is principal investiga­ did not receive the training, also D-Manchester, was preparing to Kohl had invited Reagan to lay a used totrackenemy submarines. March. ensure they arecomfortable. astronomy could offer insights into home, the white classic Villa tor of a 30-hour fluid dynamics will wear the gear and act as introduce an amendment that wreath at the cemetery and, “I NUSAT weighs about 115 pounds Mission managers originally Thornton observed the behavior the distribution of matter in the Hammersdiimdt. experiment to study the behavior controls. would have exempted Manches­ said I never had any intention of and is valued at $1.5 million, mostly planned to include four squirrel of six rats during the eighth shuttle universe. Security was extraordinarily of small drops suspended by sound ter’s agreement from the restric­ doing anything other," Reagan in donated parts andlabor. Giomris monkeys on the flight. But 95 missionandhesaidbytheendofthat' One of the primary goals of the Patricia Cowings, the principal tight with police officers standing waves. The study could yield tion, McCavanagh said today. said. a $1 million 150-pound satellite. percent of the species carries a flight, "som e of those rats literally Spacelab mission is materials investigator for the experiment at shoulder to shoulder in double rows valuable information about con­ State Rep. Otto C. Neumann, The senior official said Kohl told Challenger’s mission marks the non-human herpes virus and the were doing backwards prot;essing and three experiments NASA’s Ames Research Center, around the villa. The Reagans’ tainerless processing, which in R-Granby, the chairman of the H«rald photo by Pinto Reagan his decision “ has sent a secondflightofSpacelab.aflbillion space agency decided late in the somersaults." are on board to take advantage of Mountain View, Calif., said the limousine -was preceded by a turn could prove useful for metal­ Legislature’s Appropriations very powerful message to the European-built laboratory module program to include only virus-free "They were enjoying weightless­ the lack of gravity in orbit to training procedure combines the phalanx of 17 motorcycle lurgy and chemical engineering. Conunittee, said today that Gen- Jailed tor the night German people.” carried in the shuttle’s 60-foot-long subjects. ness and the monkeys — I can't wait best features of biofeedback and policemen. produce ultra-pure crystals that "On the ground, everything you tiie’s interpretation will kill any Weizsa^ker expressed a sim- payload bay and connected to the Four such specimens were found tosMwhatthemonkeysdo.Ijuetish have a variety of technological autogenic therapy. do you need a container, a legislative efforts to exempt the This leopard-like figure is caged in the an MCC student exhibit which will open Manchester agreement. art gallpry of the Lowe Building of Friday at 8 p.m. The reception marking $200 billion ripofi “ Special exemptions don’t make the opening will begin with the good sense," he said. Manchester Community College. The Manchester Assistant General figure — shown through the bars presentation of six short films by Jack Manager Steven R. Werbner said because the gallery was closed — was Coleman, an MCC alumnus and recent, he was not sure what impact the sculpted in plaster by art student graduate in fiim making from New York Meese goes after defense fraud -finding could have on the agree­ University. ment, which was reached with the Richard Miller and combines animal and fraud to "make sure taxpayers human'elements. It is one of several in By Leslie Anderson ambulance company in 1983 when United Press International aren’t being ripped off by unscrup­ • s the town was setting up its ulous procurers." paramedic service. The Justice Department is also "Basically we’ve been operating BOSTON — White-collar crime targeting defense procurement under the contract, but there’s l . v . Students at tiling support from money laundering to defense fraud to insure that "citizens get been no exchange of money," he procurement fraud costs the na­ said. an honest dollar’s worth of goods tion about five times as much as it The matter will be referred to for their tax dollars,” lie said. did a decade ago, U.S. Attorney Assistant Town Attorney Malcolm Bank and securities fraud will also General Edwin Meese says. F. Barlow, who helped draft the controversial healtl^ course receive special attention from the “ Fraud against the government agreement, Werbner said. Neither Justice Department, he said. alone drives up the cost of Barlow nor Manchester attorney By Bill Yinallna grade students at both junior high Ninety-seven percent of the Josiah J, Lessner, who represents providing essential services to the ^ Meese said the prosecution of Herald Reporter schools. ^ ninth-graders and 80 percent of the the ambulance company, could be The results of the survey were eighth-graders said the course taxpayers of our country," Meese Bank of Boston for failing to report reached for comment this Tuesday told the federal Economic $1.2 billion in international cur­ Eighth- and ninth-graders at released Wednesday by The material helped them “ understand morning. tiling Junior High School over­ Rambler, the student newspaper the realities of growing up in Crime Council, a group of law rency transactions places other J The $20,000 payment was agreed whelmingly approve of a contro­ at niing. today’s world." banking institutions "on notice” enforcement officials upon after an earlier plan to versial health and sex-education The survey questionnaire in­ # 1 "At the same time, private that the Justice Department is Charge users of the paramedic course taught at Manchester’s two cluded six statements with which Ninth-grader Fiona MaePher- investors are being ripped off at an cracking down on banking service and have the town and junior high schools, according to a students could' either agree or son, features editor for The hm alarming rate,” he said. violations. ambulance company split the fees survey conducted by the student disa$pree. Rambler, said that students gener­ 'k - Claiming white-collar crime af­ was scrapped. newspaper. Among the findings of the survey ally feel the course is necessary. Bank of Boston admitted in Even small businessmen UK - fects '“all Americans,” Meese Users must pay for ambulance The survey, which was distrib­ were that; "A lot of kids feel funny talking - 0 February that it did not file service but the town paramedics pledged a federal crackdown that uted to 200 eighth- and ninth- • Ninety-three percent of the to their parents about things like required reports oir transactions service is paid for by taxes. The will target ffaud In banking, have cash flow problem^ graders at tiling, showed that 100 ninth-graders and 85 percent of the that,” MaePherson said, referring from 1980 to 1984. It pleaded guilty paramedics do not transport defense procurehiqnt, health care percent of the ninth-graders who eightl^graders said they disagreed to sexual matters. to a felony charge and paid a patients. responded and 88 i^rcent of the that the Focus on Wellness course She said the results of the survey and securities. ) record $500,000 fine. " I guess they were just trying to eightn-graders agm d with a would be better suited for high were close to what she and her In 1974, Meese said, the U.S. soften the blow (to taxpayers),” statei^ent that the course, "Focus school students. fellow staff members had Chamber of Commerce estimated Your newspaper carrier depends Roger W. Talbot, owner of the " I think what the Bank of Boston on Wellness,” should continue to be • Ninety-three percent of the predicted. 2 the annual loss from economic Ambulance Service of Manches­ U P l photo case did was to put other financial .taught at both tiling and Rennet ninth-graders and 82 percent of the Faculty Advisor Elaine K. Shultz crime at $40 billion.-In 1982, a Institutions on notice that not on his collections each week to ter, said today. junior high schools. ' eighth-graders said they thought said the newspaper polled only Talbot said the agreement pro­ survey by an accounting firm ATTORNEY GENERAL EDWIN MEESE paying attention to those laws that pay his bill, whether or not he The students also reported over­ that filmstrips on teenage suicide eighth and ninth-graders because pegged the loss at $200 billion; he vided no great benefits to the whelming parental approval of the and venereal disease should not be those students have either taken . . . wiants white collar crime crackdown require the reporting and the company because It has been the said. proper handling 'of currency tran­ has received payment from his course, with 100 percent of the removed from the course. School the course or are taking it now. firat responder for medical emer­ nintji-graders and 85 percent of the MaePherson said most of the Meese attributed the increase move between jurisdictions with­ prosecute white-collar criminals sactions are going to be prose­ officials have already removed gencies in town for about 30 years. eighth-graders saying their par- several filmstrips on the topics. students at tiling have paid little partly to the prevalent use of out being detected. through both the civil and criminal cuted,” he said. customers. When he doesn't get The Ambulance Service o f Man- ente favored It. • Ninety-six percent of the attention to the dispute among computers as ' ‘an instrument of Meese said state and federal law courts. . Chester la the only ambulance The course, which covers a ninth-graders and 84 percent of the parents and school officials over crim e" and the ntl&on’s decentral­ enforcement officials must work He said the Justice Department "And I would anticipate that in paid, he has to dip into his • company based in Manchester. variety of topics including first aid, eigh tl^rad ers said they thought the course. is placing high priority on investi­ the future judges are not going to ized form of government which together to address economic • But Werbner said the agreement human sexuality, venereal disease the faculty members who teach the "Most of the kids feel that they be very lenient." pocket to make up the difference. ' benefitted the company by giving makes it easier for criminals to crime on a "national basis” and gating Medicare and Medicaid and mental health, has been course "do so knowledgeably and are making a big deal out of them the right to provide ambu­ 4,. ■' ■ asfalled by some parents who in good taste.” nothing," she said. lance service over a 5-year period. cojitend that it is taught in an New NRA president chides media on fairness You can help keep a smalj The town has the authority to explicit manner that Is inapprop­ determine what ambulance firm It riate for eighth-graders. The will use, he said. The town could Bikers shoot trooper course is required of all eighth- AUGUSTA, Maine (UPI) - The elected president of the NRA That’s not our objective. Our waste of time." -businessman from going under if. have decided to provide the service Hank) photo by Torqulnk) incoming president of the 3 million- during an annual board of direc­ objective is to get a fair Itself or could have solicited STRATFORD (U P I) — A Con­ Trooper Angel QonzaloA, 31, ol member National- Rifle Associa­ tors meeting last week in Seattle. presentation." And, he said, media takeovers you pay your carrier when he ' competitive bids for the service, necticut state trooper was shot and Bridgeport; an eight-year veteran, Praying for breakfast tion seld he would try to put the The lobby has a yearly operqtlng such as those planned by conserva­ Werbner said. wounded early today while serving was struck by bullets fired through During the coming weeks, the Inside Today media In his cross hairs to ensure . budget of more than $70 million to tive groups may not be out of the calls to collect. Thank you. Talbot said his firm never paid a warrant during a nationwide a door of a Stratford residence Cathy Burke, a junior at East Catholic High School^ 70-year-old dentist said he would question. the gun lobby gets “ a fair shake” in lobby its views before Congress. the town UO.OOO because lawyers arrest of Hells Angela motorcycle “ after police announced their appoint a committee to study ways serves at the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast this morning at Uie press. “ We haven’t had a fair shake for the company and the town were ' 20 pogM, 2 •actions chib members on drug charges. presence" a spokesman said. in which the NRA could exert more “ We’ve got members who could V Concordia Lutheran Church. Rabbi Leon Wind, rabbi , "W e have tremendous economic from media of all kinds,” Garcelon aware that It might not be legal. The trooper was reported shot leverage over the media. buy one share of stock and we’ve clout and power. We might put it to said. "Basically, we’re one-issue Besides the payment provisloi Advlos— — 12 ObItUSriM twice ahortly before 7 a.m. while he state police, F B I and U.S. emeritus-of Temple Beth Sholom, was honored at the got members who could buy 100,000 Ana towns _ ^ _ •' Opinion , i. ^ 8 work in an attempt to get the media people and that iMue Is the "When we’ve objected to some of AAanchjaster Herald the agreement also spells out the and federal agenU tried to serve an Justice Department officials re­ breakfast. Health Director Ronald Kraatz, attorney shares of stock," he said. “ We put C latsH M ____ 18-18 P s a p M a lk _ ^ t arrest warrant: He was taken to fused to make any further state­ to be a little bit more fair in its Interpretation of the Second the articles that have been printed, them all together, and we could ■ Oriteria on which the performance 8 Sports___ 1$-1T .Vincent Diana and Cantor Israel Tabatsky of Temple EntsHaMmSnl_ 18 TsIovWon Bridgeport Hospital where he ments, withholding all comments preoentatlon of the gun Issue," Amendment. & we’ve tried ,to be polite and buy a controlling interest In some of the ambulance company is to be LoUsry 2 Wsettisf 2 underwent surgery and was re­ until a scheduled news conference Beth Sholom spoke during the breakfast, which was Alonio Garcelon said Tuesday. "W e’re not going to control considerate," he said "But we organlzations and a large interest evaluated, including response anyone’s freedom of speech. fo ^ d , in some cases, that that’s a ^ 647-9946 time. ported in stable condition. later In the day. organized by Mayor Barbara Weinberg. Oarcelon was .una'nimously in others. It’s possible."

.a MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. May 2. 1^85 - 3 t - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thurwtey. Mgy 2, 19«5 House kills emissions testing repeal, O K » O ’Neill District residents House opponents of Oov. William home," he said. ___: a member of the Environment successful candidates in last ye­ Supporters of the nppolntment,^, By Mark A. Dupult XA. O’NeiirsO’Neill appointee said they Committee. "It’s well-conceived, ar’s legislative elections made Inclumng members of the Eksou-r Unlttd P rn s Intarnatldnol State Senate approves repeal of the teats major themea of wore______concerned,jrned that LenainsLenaink to pay same rate it’s cost efficient. Where, can you would seek to move all retarded tive and Uglslative NomliwHons get clean al^ for $10?" their campaigns. < Committee who Interviewed U n ­ ** HARTFORD — The state Houae drinking age of 21 p eo^e to group homes and shut Wilber said repeal of the testing The House also confirmed a sink at a public hearing, said be late Wednesday soundly rejected down the M a n s^ ld and Southbury — see page 5 prograni and failure to meet the former Ariaona official aa the new had'Convlnced them he was an attempt to eliminate or substan­ mental retardation commissioner training schools. after budget cuts standards could mean the loss of to close the training schools. tially change Connecticut’s contro­ “ How do you tell a parent whose more than gSOO million In federal despite opposition from those brought to the House floor for son is profoundly retarded, is blind The committee’s co-chalrmw,’ versial motor vehicle emissions concerned about moving pro­ district’s Ux and sewer revenues debate by Rep. Eugene A. Migliaro funds to the state. and deaf, that the state of Connecti­ Rep. Emil Benvenuto, R- B v Sarah P o s m II testing program. The House technically never foundly retarded people out of enough to cover the coat of future The House voted 9 M ( to accept Jr.. R-Wolcott, who has fought the cut believes his son belongs in a Greenwich, said Unsink gsve n Herald Raportar debated the merits of the bill since Instltutimui. capital purchaiee. They referred the decision of the Transportation program since Its inception. group home?" said Rep. Carol A. commitment to keep the traning the I M I vote was only on whether The Houae voted $ M I Wednes­ speciflcally to private developers’ Committee to kill a' bill that would Migliaro. who says he has Herakowitz, R-8outhbury. schools open. If he doesn'ti Benve- Voters at the Eighth Utilities to accept the Transportation Com­ day to approve the appointment of plans to build a condominium have repealed the program, which collected 280,000 signatures from nuto said, lawmakers can push for District’s annual meeting M ay 22 mittee’s report recommending Brian R. Lenslnk of Tuaoon, Arts., •Rep. C arleton Benson, R- complex of more than 300 units and people oppo^ to the program, LensUk’s removal,, as will consider a budget' (or the was begun in i9S3 to clean up the to head the state Department of Proapect, a member of the South- an Ohio motel chain’s plans to open said scientific reports have failed rejection. coming fiscal year that the presi­ stata’s air. The emissions testing require­ Mental Retardation during one of bury Training School Poundatlon» commissioner. - a hotel north of Tolland Turnpike. Rep. Elinor F. Wilber, R- to show the emissions program is dent says will require no new ment took effect in 1988 and drew iU most difficult periods in years. said the state already has moved House leaders expected opposi-; Fairfield, the committee's co- cleaning up the air. taxes. BEFORE C UTTING the $50,000, immediate vocal opposition from Lenaink was choaen from a field many residents from the training tion to the appointment but had not- chairman, said the panel did a The emissions testing program Four of seven members of the the board had added $120,0U to the motorists who objected to paying of 123 appllcanu to succeed Gareth schools to community based predicted as many negative votes detailed review and concluded the was enacted to help reduce smog district Board of Directors, a bare spending plan (or the (Inal pay­ the $10 fee and waiting in line to D. Thorne, who resigned last year facilities. against Unslnk. The 96-48 v ^ , ’ program should at least until over Connecticut and bring the quorum, attended a Wednesday ment on the land bought for the have their vehicles tested. amid controversy over state ef­ however, confirms the appoint- its currently scheduled termina­ state into compliance with federal "The children who are left are night budget workshop at the planned firehouse, insurance and a The complaints subsided as forts to move retarded people from ment since Senate action la not tion at the end of 1987. ' clean air standards. grossly and severely retarded and district offices on Main Street, beefed-up fire investigations people became more familiar with large institutions into community The Transportation Committee "The program is working," said could not make it in a group required. > where they voted unanimously to the program, although a number of based group homes. program. voted 1^ to kill the bill, but it was Rep. Timothy J. Casey, R-MIlford. cut $58,000 from the spending plan The board voted to increase the (or fiscal 1985-96, which begins (ir e marshal’s investigation July 1. budget from $1,000 to $7,900, so that The latest plan calls for expendi­ the fire marshal's staff can start Weather tures of $946,080, Just $500 short of inspecting multi-family dwellings Peopletalk projected revenues and surplus more regularly. District leaders from the current district budget. say they want to protect the (ire Htr«td photo by Tarquinlo Today's foracast To reach that figure, the directors marshal from criming charges Getting ready for Newport cut two capital reserve funds Putting Gary Grant on ice Connecticut. Massachusetts Mayor Barbara Weinberg Wednesday frees 350 in Center Park, where thd brief birthday celebration took like those lodged against the intended for the future purchase of Waterbury (ire marshal after a A Cary Grant cocktail packs a considerably Singers Arto Guthrie, Joan Baez and Judy and Rhode Isimid; Mostly cloudy / balloons from a town truck so they can begin a flight in place, watched the balloons rise and float rapidly toward m ajor apparatus for the fire and .series of catastrophic fires. stronger punch than a Shirley Temple. Bni Collins, whose 1960s trips to the Newport Folk north. Cloudy with a few sprin­ celebration of Connecticut’s 350th birthday. Spectators the southeast. public works departments. Another $72,000 will go to Ri­ Mysak, longtime bartender at the 21 Club in New Festival vaulted kles south. High in the 90s. District President Walter chard Keeney as final payment (or York, has come up with a drink in honor of Grant, them into musical TonighU rain likely developing. Joyner said he regrets the one- the land at the corner of Tolland one of his favorite customers — 2 ounces 9! prominence, will Cold with a low in the40s. Friday half-mill tax cut approved by Turnpike and Buckland Road Absolut vodka, a dash of Tio Pepe and a bit of headline the event’s cold and raw with occasional Town Joins state in birthday ceiebration voters last year. Directors Thomas where the new fire station is to be Rose’s Lime Juice. revival this August rain. High 45 to 55. Landers and Sam Longest also 2 “ In the old days he drank scotch on the rocks,” in its Rhode Island built. Maine: Mostly sunny today mothers on the park lawn. One mumbled unhappily about the In addition, the board voted to Mysak told Gentlemen’s Quarterly. “ But in home. ’ The noon horn blasted at the truck, and the truck’s canvas the colored dots in the direction of with clouds increasing over spectator was seated on the flat effects of the tax cut on budget accept a lone bid of $37,849 from its recent years it’s been vodka and water. The last Producer George central firehouse, startling some cover lifted slowly. Groton or MysUc. southwest portions this aRer- plaque which marks the spot planning (or the new fiscal year. current insurer, the W. J. Irish time I saw Cary Grant he’d Just turned 80. But Wein said the Aug. of the spectators who had gathered noon. Highs in the m id 50s to The small crowd, mostly , town where a time capsule was buried in But Joyner said the board had Insurance Agency, for the year. when he took his seat at the dinner table he swung 4-5 event at Fort in Center Park across the street for Two hundred and forty cubic feet lower 60s. Clouding up over the workers on their lunch hour, the nation’s bicentenial celebra­ promised residents they would not Including other policies that were his leg over the back of the chair.” Adams State Park, the brief ceremony. of balloons that had been trapped rest of the state with rain slowly gasped a bit at the spectacle, then tion. It tells that the capsule was have to raise taxes to pay for land not bid, such as Blue Cross/Blue Mysak, who once played Rod Steiger’s hit man home of the New­ ' At the blast, Mayor Barbara under the canvas floated free and overspreading the region to­ applauded. dedicated Nov. 23,1976 and is to be they bought last year in Buckland Shield medical coverage for dis­ in the movie "A l Capone,” had the Cary Grant port Jazz Festival, Weinberg, mindful of the. perils rose majestically into the sky. The opened in 2076. as tbe site of a new fire station. trict employees, the total added to drink put on 21’s official drink list, joining the will provide iVi night. Lows in the 30s to lower liresented by the spike heels'on her - pastel-covered patch roee and took Manchester had taken part in the Directors Gordon Lassow, Wil­ the budget for Insurance was Marlene Deitrlch (Peter Heering liqueur over ice hours of music each 40s. Chance of rain north and i$ioes, climbed a step-ladder to the off soutbeaetward toward the spot celebration of Connecticut’s 350th Connection will be 441 years old lard Marvin and Jospeh Tripp $46,553. with vodka and a cherry), the John Wayne (Jack day with a crowd rain likely elsewhere Friday. top of a town dump truck. She where Glastonbury, Bolton and birthday. then. were not present (or the workshop. Daniel’s on ice with a dash of Pemod) and the Fay limit of 7,000 per Highs in the upper 40s and 5M. roleased a gadget at the side of the Hebron blend, a course that aimed A few children sat with their IRISH’S BID is nearly 33 percent New Hampshire: Increanhg Wray (champagne and peach brandy). day. THE FOUR DIRECTORS wor­ higher than his bid last year, “ We need a spon­ cloudiness today. Highs in the according to Landers, who is p.m. ried aloud about what they would sor, like we have for mid 50s to mid 60s. Rain May tiowan a n our conaolaUon district insurance commissioner. The excavation will be filled daily by the do if a piece of fire or sewer the Jazz festivals, spreading from south to north Today: cloudy and cool. A few sprinkles likely. High 55 to 60. Manchester contractor and house laterals will be connected to Fire C alls equipment were to break down It represents a $4,269 increased in but we are going tonight. Lows in the mid SOs to Northeast wind 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 60 percent. Tonight; irre ^ ra b ly. They slashed the the current Insurance budget. Mayflowertng ahead without one the new sewer main. m id 40s. Rain likely F rid ay with cloudy with occaalonal rain. Low In the mid 40s. Northeast wind 10 to reserve fund in the fire budget Landers said rates were exception­ Hundreds of friends and curious strangers this year In hopes of ArlO G u th rie • partial clearing over the north 20 mph. Chance o f rain 80 percent. Friday: cold and raw with In Brit^ M a n c h M to r from $90,0(W to $51,000, with all but ally low last year because there crowded into the Limelight disco in New York to landing a sponsor and mountains during the after­ Eddy named lab director $1,000 alroady allocated (or refur­ was a lot of competition for for the future. With the capacity there, we cannot occasional rain. High 45 to 50. Chance of rain 80 percent. Saturday Tuesday, 8:42 a.m. — medical help Sydney Biddle Barrows, the "Mayflower noon. Highs in the upper 40s and bishing E nglM 5. business. . make money without a sponsor,” Wein said partly sunny and cool. A high In the 50s. Today’s weather plctura was Votmr seMlont scheduled Laura A. Eddy, who has been a laboratory call. 6SD Pascal Lane (Town, Madam,” raise funds for her legal defense SOs. "Y ou ’re going to have to pay the This year’s bid also includes a Wednesday. “ I suspect we can break even this drawn by Heather LIsk, 10, of Rachel Road, a fourth grader at technician with the Water and Sewer Division for Paramedics). against charges of running a high-class hooker Vermont: Partly sunny today The Manchester registrars of voters will piper," Fire Chief Harold Topliff new policy to cover errors and year with the support we know is there for folk Robertson School. six years, has been appointed laboratory director Tuesday, 8;49 a.m. — medical ring. Each guest paid $40 admission and most conduct voter-registration sessions tonight from w a rn ^ . “ If you don’t pay me now omlsaions of district workers, at a music.” north, mostly cloudy with a at an annual salary of 925,233. call. 30 Campfield Road (Town, wore black or white tie and ball gowns as 6:30 to 1:30 p.m. and Saturday from 11:30 a.m. to I ’m going to get you later.” He said cost of $2,615. Wein said the artists who already have agreed chance of rain this afternoon She replaces Kevin Walsh, who was named requested on the invitation. Barrows, 33, danced 2:30 p.m. in the mall at the Manchester Parfcade. Paramedics). the fire department will need to He said that this year he to appear this siunmer include Baez, Guthrie, south. Cool. High in the 80s to water operations manager in February. Ekidy Tuesday, 11:27 a.m. — brush away the evening with her date, actor-director Any resident of Connecticut is eligible to buy a new engine in fiscal 1987-8$ to distributed bid forms to six insu­ Collins, Sweet Honey In the Rock, TuJ Mahal, Doc near 60. Tonight mostly cloudy has been acting as labortory director since fire, 427 Hartford Road (Town). Tom Bird, and her brother, Philip Molxer. "We register at the sessions. Changes of address and replace En^ne 4, estimating the rance agents. Two told him they and Merle Waiaon, Buskin and Battean, Peter north, light rain likely south. Walsh’s promotion. Tuesday, 1:52 p.m. — alarm. have been dating for some time.” Bird said. party affiliation will also be taken for Manchester cost at a minimiun of $200,000. could not offer a better rate than Rowan, Tom Paxton and Dave Van Ronk. Low in the 30s to near 40. F rid ay Eddy is a 1977 graduate of the University of Manchester Community College "She’s a wonderful girl and she will be residents. "One of these days we’re going to Irish, who deals through the The Folk Festival began in 1956 as an offshoot of gradual clearing north, a chance (kmnecticut with a bachelor’s degree in biological acquitted.” In the crowd were a host of men who (Tow n ). have to hammer you,” agreed Middlesex Insurance Co. The other Wein’s Jazz event. It drew as many as 20,000 fans a of rain early then gradual sciences. said they had never met Barrows before and bad Subdivision plan filed Tuesday, 2:18 p.m. — brush fire, Longest, who is public works three simply (ailed to return the night to hear the artists who became top folk clearing south. Cool. High 50 to come out of curiosity and several young women 186 Adams St. (Eighth D istrict). commissioner. Longest said his completed bid documents, Land­ singers in the ’80’s. An application to resubdivide eight acres off who admitted being "paid escorts.” One 60. Sweepers head north department will need a new pickup ers said. The Newport Folk Festival became a career Blrdi Mountain Road was submitted to the Tuesday, 3:51 p.m. — trash can unidentified man carried balloons saying “ I don’t truck sontetime in the next couple The insurance allocation in­ launching pad for musical unknowns, highlighted Planning and Zoning Commlaaion Wednesday ^ The town Highway Department will begin fire, 1366 Tolland Turnpikb approve but she’s family! ” No one was on hand Extwid«d outlook of yeare. He gave up $19,000 in cludes a $300 addition (or Increas­ by the year Bob Dylan traded his folk guitar for an afternoon by Nicholas J. Palermo, president of sweeping streets in the north end of town (Eighth District). from the Society of Mayflower Descendants, of Wedneaday’s aesdon, accepting a ing the bonds on the district’s top electronic one, and 1966, when Arlo Guthrie, son Extended outlook for New Bir<^ Mountain Estates Inc. b e gh ^ n g on Monday..'. . which Banrows is a member. Tuesday, 4:08 p.m. — smoke token $1,000 in his reserve fund. officials — the president, tax of folk balladmmittee on Energy. Palerm o could not be reached for comment. 4Hed a $2 million suit against Universal Pictures, executives from American Motors, United Parcel New Hampshire and Malno: Mississippi River. A band of cioudiness is visible from Central The committee plans to explore options in saying they were cheated out of profits from 'Service, CSX Corp., Yamazaki Machinery, chance of showers north Satur­ to the Northern Rockies. Clouds can also be seen across utility rate-making and long-term energy plan­ ning, Zinaaer said in a news release. videocassette sales of their movies "The Sting” Kroger and Chippera Nuts. day, otherwise fair and cool. New Mexico and Texas. Sewer on the move and "Slap Shot” ... Gov. Martha Layne Collins decided to send her Lows 25 to 35 and highs 45 to 55. “ I am looking forward to thia appointment, ’’ he World renowned vioUnlst-conductor-music ed­ special invitations to the corporate world, hoping Work on installation of the $1.7 million Porter -said. 'T v e enjoyed working with the NCSL in the ucator Yehndl Menuhin can finally be called Sir to use the hallmark of Kentucky hospitality to woo trunk sewer will shift Monday to Florence Street, paat and this iriU givel me another opportunity to Yehudi, almost 20 years after he was knighted by investment to the state. "The governor has AcroM the nation SE Robert Young, administrator of the Water and voice Connecticut rM denta’ concerns about Sewer Diviaion, has announced. energy and other inipMlant issues with legisla­ Queen EUiabetb II. The American-born Menuhin directed her Derby resources to economic Rain and thunderstorms will BOSTON Young aaid the contractor on the project, Glenn tors from around the nation." couldn’t use the title tecause he wasn’t British development,” an aide said. “ Virtually all the reach from southern New Eng­ ■ 30.00 Conatructlon Co., will work eaatward along Zinsser is the co-chairman, of the state but he was made an honorary citizen Wednesday tickets available for her to entertain are being land across northern Florida, EW YORK after living in England for the past 20 years ... used for economic development purposes.” Florence Street toward East Cemetery. Con- Legislature’s Energy and Public Utilities over the lower-Great Lakes, the strucUon will start dally at 7 a.m. and end at 4:90 Committee. Ohio valley, the Tennessee val- leym Alabama and northeast- Mississippi. Rain also will be scattered along the northern LOS Al Pacific coast. Highs will be in the upper 50s LOWEST T h « sniff TEMPERATURES and 60s from the northern Oji'8-amSdk 40 of succsss Atlantic coast across the Great LEANS Lakes and the Ohio valley, also LEOEND- Paul Prndhomme, the along the northern and central famous Cajun chef known Pacific coast. Highs will be In the l ^ ^ ^ RAM [-‘ I'-VJSNO* for his hot regional cook­ SOs along the southern Atlantic NOW THRU MAY 12 ing, Inspects a Creole \\y// 'jsWOVZW*^ PLOW coast and across Texas. Highs ' tomato by sniffing, before UPI WEATHER POTOCA9T «< EMBROIDERED TOPS. bidding $1,100 for two will reach the SOs and 90s from the upper Missouri valley FYetty feminine tops cases, the first of the MeiL-8Bt a AM - a M f; i o a a A « - a M f Louisiana harvest, at a through the northern Plateau National torecaet in many styles to choose fund-raising event in New and Great Basin, with highs from. White and soft pastels. Orleans Wednesday. reaching 100'and higher through For the period ending 7 a.m. EST Friday. During early Friday morning Sizes: S-M-L Reg. 19.00 He plana to use the the desert Southwest. rain is forecast for parts of the Pacific Northwest and the Atlantic U8DA CHOICE (SPOON POAST) , . tomatoes to make shrimp coast states.' Elsewhere, the weather will be fair. Minimum temperatures .will Include (maximum temperatures In parenthesis); ik creole tonight at his High and low BONELESS SIRLOIN ROAST«... ^ .9 9 French Quarter restau­ Atlanta 56(74), Boston 41(48), Chicago 42(67), Clewsland 39(62), 12.97 2 rant, saying, "using these The highest temperature re­ Dallas 58(64), Denver 50(86), Duluth 38(65), Houston 56(83), 1 LEAN HEAD CUT and the latest catch of ported Wednesday by the Na­ Jacksonville 63(60), Kansas City 50(76), Little Rock 55(77), Los BUTTON FRONT SKIRT fatty shrimp, that creole, tional Weather Service, exclud­ Angeles 55(68), Miami 71(85), Minneapolis 48(78), New OrleSfis ) CORNED BEEF BRISKET______* 1 . 5 9 * . 1 Elastic waist, full you coiild eat forover.’* ing Alaska and Hawaii, was 105 62(76), New York 45(54), Phoenix 70(100), St. Louis 40(74), San button front skirt in degrees at Blythe and 'Thermal, Francisco 46(63), Seattle 46(61), Washington 53(63). -- assorted brights. Sizes: S-M-L Calif, and at Gila Bend and Lake / US m QPADE A IDAHO u n photo reg. 20.00 Havasu City, Ariz. Today’s, low ___ ^1.195lb.bag ^ was 27 degrees atMarquette and f BAKING POTATOES._ Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Manchester Herald Richard M. Diamond, Publisher n SWEET.UPE 15.97 Penny Sadd Mark F. Abraitls ox* 1 Abnanac Lottery Associate Publisher Business Manager 1 APPLE JUICE__ _ USPS 327-SOO VOL. CIV, No. 180 1 SWEET LIFE (5 VARIETIES^ Today Is Thursday, M ay I, the On th^date in history: war, a British submarine sank Connecticut daily Putollihtcl dally txcapt Sunday Suosested carrier rotee are SI.10 m nd day of 1985 with MS to In 1903, Confederate Gen. the Argentine cruiser General and certain holldayt by the Man- weekly, tS.12 tor one month, S1S.3S VEGETABLES____ ...... 3/^1 lSoz.can \ ctweter Publishing Ca., 14 Bralnard / follow. Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall” Wednesday: 326 for three months, 030.70 for six Belgrano, killing 321 Argentine Place, Manchester, Cann. 04040. monthsond S41.40for one year. Moll Hie moon is moving toward Jackson was mistakenly shot by sailors. Play Fpur: 7760 Second close postoee paid at Man­ rotes orb available on requeet. with this coupon, you g e l an additional fullness. his own soldiers. He died eight In 1983, a strong earthquake chester, Conn. POSTM ASTER: 1 ’ SW EET LIFE other numbers drawn Wed­ Send oddrees chonoes to the Man­ The morning stars are Mer­ days later. centered near Coallnga, Calif., chester Herald, P.O. Box 9S1, To place a closelfled or dieplav cury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. In 1941,' the Federal Commimi- injured a number of people and nesday in New England; Manchester, Conn. 04040. advertisement, or to roport o news 1 BACON______...... ^l*29l Hk. pkg. Item, story or picture Idea, coil any ono ainglo itain you diooao, Ttie evening star is Mara. % cations Commission approved caused more than $31 million in Maine daily: 181 OUARANTEED ; If 443-3711. office hours ore0:30 a.m. •von N that Itom ia on sal* «lr*adyl Tboae bom on this date are the regular scheduling of aim- dam age. New Hampahire daily; 9871 you don't receive your Herald by $ to $ p.m. Monday threuth Prtdov. under the sign of Taurus. They Rhode Island daily; 1388 .p.m. weekdays or 7:3IL am . Satur­ 317 Highland Street, (coupon oxpiroa May 12.) merclal television broadcasts. day, please telephone/veur carrier. .include piooMr Zionist Theodor In 1972, FBI Director J. Edgar Vermont dally: 873 If veu're unable to reoch your The Moncheeter Herald It a H IS H L A N D PAHK MARKET Not*: Only on* coupon par Kam, plaasa. >Hersl in 1M8; com poser Lorenz Hoover died at the age of 77. Also A thought for tiie^day: Irish Massachusetts daily: 8818 carrier, coll subscnlier service at subscriber to UnltodProse Interna­ Hanchesier 646-4277 443-2711 by 7 p.m. nbjikdavs or 10 tional nows sorvlcte and Is q Hart in 1885; chlldcarespeciallst that'day, 91 people were killed in poet Oscar Wilde said, "W e are Massachusetts weekly; Yellow SLm. Saturdays for/ euaronteed member of the Audit iureou e4 Dr. Benjamin Spock in 190S (age a mine fire in Kellogg, Idaho. all in the gutter, but some of us 8*8, Blue 11, and White 8 dellverv In Manchest^. . circulations. 81), and Bing C m b y in 1904. In 1982, in the Falkland Islands are looking at the stars." “ M egabucks"; 33-24-I8-I9-SI-33

/ MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. May 2. 1985 — 5 4 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. May 2. 1985

U.S./World In Brief GOP looks to stop budget rout Connecticut In Brief Senate approves 21 as drinking age By Mark A, Dupuis property, get married and assume clinics where dogs could be vacci­ O’Neill will sign the measure. * > Opponents of the bill said the the Reagan budget since the HiU. will return to this Issue (Social Unltod Prtst International other responsibilities while not nated at a fee lower than the $15 Report sees growing wiretap use Bv JOMOh Mlonowonv Security) In an attempt to reduce ‘Love gone sour* ends in strangling commission is needed to assure provision was a m ^or element of "Unfortunately. I predict that being allowed to drink. generally charged by United P re u International the federal deficit.’’ the Kansas firm regulation of boxing and WASHINGTON — The number of wiretaps continues to rise the compromise. when all is^ald and done, this PLA IN V ILLE — The former boyfriend of a yourtg woman HARTFORD — The Senate has "Here we are today chipping veterinarians. Republican said. The bill to abolish the Boxing promote the sport in Connecticut, under the Reagan administration. Jumping nearly 40 percent last WASHINGTON - Senate Re­ The Senate then turned its Congress w i l ^ t have the political found itrangled in her car hag been charged with murder in what approved a, bill to raise Connecti­ away saying you have all those But Dole agreed the budget plan rights but you can’t drink,” said Commission squeaked through the while lawmakers wanting to abol­ year, a federal report shows. publican leaders, who suffered a attention to another key part of the guts to make substantial, reduc­ police described as a case of “ love gone sour." cut’s legal drinking age from 20 to "may take some hits" and some Sen. Michael L. Morano, R- Senate on an 18-17 vote and wasws- ish it said the move would save the A report by the administrative office of the U.S. Courts showed major defeat on Social Security in plan — military spending — and tions in anything other than Scott Huey, 21, Of Plainville, was arraigned Wednesday in 31 this fall in an attemp* to reduce I? Republicans conceded the Social Greenwich. sent on to the governor. Aides saldv state mone^ Wednesday that federal judges granted 289 applications in 1984 to the first true test of the GOP-White took Up an amendment that would defense," he said. Bristol Superior Court for the slaying Monday of Robyne George, alcohol-related traffic deaths and ‘~ Security amendment could open place listening devices on telephone lines or to place a- House compromise budget, hope to allow the Pentagon budget to grow The'Soclal Security amendment 21, said Police Chief Francis Roche. insure continued federal highway The amendment to allow would add about $82 billion to the the floodgates for other changes. microphone to eavesdrop on conversations, compared to 208 in stave off a feared unraveling of the only with inflation next year. Huey was placed in the University of Connecticut psychiatric funding members of the armed forces on Reagan has pushed for a 3 percent budget package during three ye­ " It’s a killer amendment,” said The bill won Senate approval 1983 — a 38.9 percent increase. whole package. center In Farmington "for his own protection” after an interview active duty and in uniform to drink ' IncreiMe above Inflation. ars. while the defense provision' Sen. BUI Armstrong, R-Colo„ "The Wednesday on a 26-7 vote and was The number of wiretaps has risen steadily since Reagan’s first After several hours of some­ with police Monday night, said Roche. He had bandages on both at 20 was sponsored by Sen. Donald Hiat amendment is sponsored would cut about $34.6 billion from passage will undoubtedly set the sent back to the House, which Specializing Exclusively In year in office in 1981, when there were 106, reaching 130 in 1982 times heated debate, the wrists and apparently had attempted suicide, the chief said. Schoolcraft, R-Groton, whose dis­ Republican-led Senate Wednesday by Sen. Charles Graasley, R-lowa, what Reagan wants. stage for unraveling this whole Huey is being held in lieu of $250,000 bond after arraignment approved the bill last week but trict includes the U.S. Navy SLENDERIZING plus-size fashions and hitting 208 in 1983. During the Carter years, wiretaps budget package.” voted 63-34 to keep Social SecuriW and suppwrted by several other Senate Republican leader |lo- Wednesday in Bristol Superior Court. must consider a Senate amend­ Submarine Base in Groton. declined from a high of 137 in 1976 during Gerald Ford's last year Republicans. With Democrats uni­ bert Dole said be was not giving up ment to allow members of the cost-of-Uving adjustments at full But Budget Committee Chair­ Schoolcraft said he believes that in office to 77 in 1977, then to 81, 87 and 81. ted in their efforts to defeat the on the compromise, which would armed forces to drink at age 20. levels, rather than the 2 percent man Pete Domenici, R-N.M., said if a person "is serving and WharafaMomia limit included In President Rea­ Reagan budget, its chances for cut about $^ billion from the more he didn't "think It’s unraveling any Capitol has own May Day rallies The bill would raise the legal passage seemed good in the than $100 billion deficit. drinking age to 21 effective Sept. 1, defending this great nation they etook, " House seats Democrat; GOP walks gan’s budget compromise. faster than was expected.” are capable of handling alcohol Nineteen Republicans, 11 of who Senate, which the GOP controls by Even if numerous changes are HARTFORD — About 100 members of the Connecticut State although people who were age 20 at notasise Special Sizes Domenici also indicated senti­ consumption responsibly.” are up for re-election next year, a slim 83-47 edge. A vote was made through amendments in the Police Union staged a May Day rally at the state Capitol the time would retain the right to 12’/4-26V4 WASHINGTON — The House ended the bitter struggle over an ment was building for an across- If the House approves the joined 46 Democrats in voting for expected today. < next week. Dole could try again for Wednesday as Connecticut launched its 350th anniversary drink under a "grandfather Indiana congressional seat, giving it to Democrat Frank the-board budget freeze, although amendment, the bill would go on to and 36 to 52 the amendment. Sen. John Stennls But Sen. Barry Goldwater, R- the cuts by proposing a new overall celebration. clause” approved by both McCloskey, but Republicans walked out in protest and say they he said that was a long way off. Democratic Gov. William A. of Mississippi was the lone Demo­ Arls., the head of the Armed budget package that included chambers. aren’t finished yet. Several freeze plans, including a The troopers haven’t had a pay raise since July 1.1983. which is O’Neill, who recommended earlier crat to oppose the move. Services Comnoittee, complained them. Sen. Thomas F. Upson, R- ' "W e are not going to bring the government to a standstill, but Democratic version. Include some resulting in a loss of senior troopers to better paying jobs, said this year that the state adopt the Although the vote was not final, the military was twcoming the "Thik senator is still very Waterfoury, co-chairman of the there are ways short of that,’ ’ said Republican leader Robert form of tax hike. union President Jerry Herskowitz. 21-year-old drinking age to combat it was .««*n a« a wrioiia ^.There was Uttle but mostly made for backing from the Organi­ need congressional approval, be­ next stage in an undeclared war clerk at Blue Hills Hospital in Hartford. announced. Although u les for the weekly negative official reaction, world­ zation of American States. He cause the Sandinista government’s , against Nicaragua. Ortega termed Roberts entered the plea Wednesday before Superior Court The game was steadily losing its game have declined, Lewis said, hundreds of practical Grand jury Indicts 4 policemen wide, to the total ban on trade — on raised the prospect of still further military buildup threatens the it "aggressive and unreasonable.” Judge Joseph J. Petrill who will review an adult probation report appeal and with the start-up of the "Sales Jor the remaining three Nicariguan airline flights and actions againt the Sandinista before sentencing next month. popular Lotto game in November lottery games — daily. Play Four gift items in her NEW YORK — A Queens grand jury has indicted at least four ships arriving in U.S. ports — reginne. The prosecution charged Roberts conducted an elaborate 1983, "Sales have experienced a and instant — have increased special size. police officers on charges of torturing drug suspects with electric announced early Wednesday on Deputy spokesman Larry PLEASE NOTE systems he used for almost four yeafs to skim money from the constant decline,” J. Blaine Lewis along with Lotto’s success.” t stun guns in part of the worst scandal to hit the Police Reagan’s arrival in Bonn, West Speakes said, “ A number of hospital’s payroll until an audit uncovered the scheme last Jr., lottery unit chief, said Rainbow Jackpot players who Department in more than a decade, reports said today. Germany. options remain. We hope it will be December. Wednesday. purchased tickets through the Gift Certificates 'The indictments were issued Wednesday and immediately “ Nicaragua is going to add this seen that we are serious and they'll ECONOMY ELECTRIC SUPPLY Investigators said Roberts would divert overtime checks from Ticket sales for the current June 3 deadline will be eligible to sealed at the request of prosecutors. Lawyers for the officers to the case we have initiated before mend their ways.” employees and cash them himself and also inflate the number of Rainbow Jackpot game will end win in the final full drawing June6. A v a ila b le . confirmed their clients were ordered to surrender to the Queens the World Court against the U.S. Senate GOP leader Robert Dole overtime hours on time cards. If an employee complained, June 3, and the last weekly The final claim date for the last I district attorney’s office today. government," Nicaraguan Vice Will be closing to normal business Roberts would add the overtime payment to employees next televised game of finalists will be Lucky Color finalist and grand We now carry wide width shoes. President Sergio Ramirez said in prizefSpkawings will be announced The New York Daily News reported today eight indictments overtime paycheck or pay the worker out of petty cash, held June 27. Managua. beforehand. were issued, but said it was unclear whether more than four CALDWEll at 12 NOON this Friday, May 3rd., investigators said. In contrast to the. Lotto game In Bonn, where he is attending which awards a minimum of $1 In addition. Rainbow Jackpot officers were charged or if the same officers were named in two the economic summmit with Presi­ game subscribers will receive sets of indictments. and will resume normal business million each week, the top prize in dent Reagan, Treasury Secretary Oil INC. Beer truck spills brew on 1-91 the weekly game was $100,000 and ,refunds for the unused weeks of The panel charged the four officers from the 106th precinct in James Baker said, "W e’re already finalists on the show had a chance their subscriptions, Lewis said. Queens, dubbed the "Torture Precinct.” with assault in the 99.9 in the World Court on another hours Saturday morning, starting NEW HAVEN — A truck carrying a load of light beer rolled to win a jackpot that grew by The Rainbow Jackpot show will VBMON - VEMION CIRCLE C4R-4430 second degree, possession of a dangerous weapon and official issue. per gal. C. Q. D. over on Interstate 91 about 8 p.m. Wednesday, forcing police to $40,000 each week, but never continue to air every Thursday at 8 .jgisconduct, sources said. "This matter was run by the at 8:00 A.M. close all four southbound lanes and backing up traffic for hours reached close to $1 million. p.m. on Connecticut Public Televi­ AVON— ■■«4,r usnHwi Justice Department," he added. 649-8841 Police said no one was injured in the accident, which involved The game accounted for only sion, Channel 24, through June 27. Minimum requirement one other car. three percent of all lottery sales, or Lewis said when the game MUSTOl— ...... started in 1972, it drew $34.7million |Oi. Flying debris Prteta tubitet to Change 440 Oakland Street The driver, Douglas Pierce, 33, of New Britain, has been onlY M-3 million in the first nine SpeeMiMing In charged with driving while intoxicated and reckless driving. months of the current fiscal year, in its first fiscal year but started to Irks astronauts Counind Thnnd 550-1,000 gals. 97.9 C.O .D . .Manchester compared to $10.6 million in the decline slowly. Embroidery CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. (UPI) — A previously disoriented Defense says space monkey appeared better w « carry the vary batf today but Challenger’s zookeepers socialite drank reported rodentdroppings escaped •uppllaa in d accaaa4>rtaa for PROVIDENCE, R.I. (UPI) - BOTANY 500 into their laboratory when they THISTLE ***^ Defense attorneys — claiming replaced crumbling rat food bars. N e K II I. K W O R R « The space shuttle crew used a drugs, booze and sweets put Claus vacuum cleaner to catch escaping calf 039-8SO3 Open T u t o X l 1B-B, TiHir. IN t von Bulow’s wife in an irreversible BLAZERS debris, but some got away. 122 tIaiiBiie A va, Olartenbury t h e _ _ coma — got the wealthy aristo­ tor dInetloM crat’s stepson to admit she took “ a "It’s really quite a mess when • Navylovy ( number of pills.” you pull these old food canisters • Grey out,” ci'aid astronaut Norman Von Bulow, 58, a Danish Childran’s socialite-financier, is charged with • Lt. Blue Thagard. ” ^ ♦-. He then checked on monkey No. < \ ' i V > <> trying to kill his heiress wife by • Lt. Green 1, who had appeared confused and injecting her with insulin to Th e brand that fits? siOQ®" i ^ . it aggravate her low blood sugar. • Tan leg. *150 lethargic Wednesday, and said the ' A Place ^ animal was moving about, went to The defense claimed Wednesday the front of the cage "and seemed .Mrs. von Bulow was an alcoholic, • 38 to 50 Reg-- '♦0 *«> SOL, 38 to 44 Short to be curious and looked out.” binged on sweets and combined "Primate No. 1 is certainly drugs, putting her into two comas 4 DAYS ONLY! drinking,” Thagard said. "1 ENROLL YOUR CHILD NOW in 1979 and 1980. She remains ACTION watched him drink quite a bit a comatose in a New York hospital. while ago. He was really going at "Are you familiar with the fact WED.-THURS.-FRI.-SAT. WOOL it. But he doesn't seem all that IN MANCHESTER'S MOST CREATIVE that your mother took a number of Interested in eating right now pills?” defense attorney Thomas although I suppose that will pick up f AND COMPREHENSIVE Puccio asked Prince Alexander too. von Auersperg. Martha “ Sunny” ENTIRE STOCK OF "Neither one of them appears to CHILD CARE FACILITY von Bulow’s son from a previous be in any trouble at all. It’s just marriage to an Austrian prince. that (No.) 2 is obviously more 482 TOLLAND TURNPIKE, MANCHESTER Von Auersperg said he was. Reg. *40 Puccio asked if the pills Included OENIMS. SHEETINGS active than No. 1.” Eeay eeeeaa to h84 the prescription tranquilizers Va­ Shuttle commander Robert lium and Seconal. The 25-year-old Overmyer, co-pilot Frederick Gre­ witness agreed they did. gory and crewmates Don Lind, TWILLS the state charges von Bulow William Thornton, Taylor Wang, tried to kill his wife to inherit $14 Lodewijk van den Berg and million and marry his lover. Thagard are working in two shifts Alexandra Isles. to staff the billion-dollar Spacelab Puccio tried to show that von module 24 hours a day during the Auersperg stood to gain millions weeklong mission. from his mother’s and grandmoth­ Overmyer said during the mid­ er’s estates, a Pennsylvania utili­ morning shift change that "eve­ ties fortune inherited from Mrs. rybody is in really good health.” von Bulow’s father, George REGAL’S Van den Berg, a civilian scient­ Crawford. ist, worked through the early He demanded to know if the morning operating a series of young prince Inherited $30 million DRESS SHIRTS crystal-growth experiments. In his grandmother’s will when she iNTIRE STOCK OF • Short Sleeve died last year. • Dacron & Cotton Von Auersperg said he didn’t T b « KSis”***44>mloffa Mkidl* Srhooi te m wSiiwiH— I • White, Blue, Ton 4i)r HhaJ Mnkis •Iii4«au ki smd«« slpii Oma wrar 40 la »i 9 ^ 0 a know how much. M m hi Iha H a tlM ana. Tkaachoal 4aaa aal diaarhahwia la aMa ” Am I warm?” Puccio LEE POLO SHIRTS • 14V^ to 17 al aOalaUaM ar hirtas aa lha faaala ml raaa, rcJl^oa, aaa, haaiS raa ar , demanded. Reg. *16 aahale harhafa. Von Auersperg nodded slightly, but he emphasized that hii^rren t income, including a tnutfund and his salary as an E.F. Hutton REGAL’S / The Kingswood-Oxford ■ retirement plan manager, is only Holly Urbanettl-Cassano — Owner/DIrector $78,000 a year. POLO SHIRTS Middle School . Von Auersperg and Edwin Lam­ bert, a private investigator, testi­ • 6 0 % Cotton-40% Poly. Program Emphasis on Creativity fied Wednesday that they together • Interlock raided von Bulow’s lock^ closet at $129® 695 Prospect Avenue, West Hartford Art and Music Specialists (Hartt College Graduate) ' the family’s Newport mansion a • 7 Colors, S, M , L XL month after his mother’s second Reg. *19 invites you to'an Experience, training and integrity a must for alL * coma. They seised a black bag containing needles, pills and a vial employees— of liquid, they testified. O P E N H O U S E Separate programs for all children age 4 weeks Lambert said one needle ap­ peared to be used because it had an 91 An opportunity to learn more about the school to 5 years old "encrustration.” Puccio also tried to show that jeans+pkis 0 "YourPasMonJapnMstotm" . REGAL’S and its programs. Exciting summer fun program— weekly sessions .von Auersperg and his sister ‘Your Quality Men’e Shop’ available ; inherited money from the grand­ 7:30, Tuesday, May 14, 1985 mother that would have gone to :ciaus and Martha von Bulow’s 297 EAST CENTER ST MANCHESTER, CT DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER — OPEN THURS. 'TIL 9:D0 Call for details — 6 4 3 -5 5 3 5 only child, Coslma, If the teenager OPEN MON.-SAT. 10-6 THURS. NITE TIL 9 ’ TRI CITY PLAZA, YERNON — OPEN WBflSh THURS., PRI. 'TIL 9;00 For further information, please eall 233-9631, ext. 128 had not been disinherited for .remaining loyal to her father. MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. Mav 2. 1955 - 7

6 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. May 2, 1985 Richard M. Diamond, Publiah«(. Oougias A. Bevins, Managing Editor James P. Sacks, City Editor CALDOR OPINION CIRCULAR SALE Continues Put Congress on the spot on Nicaraguan issue Through meddle in the subject with unconcealed zest. Just contend with the Sandinistas in front of him while Saturday The congressional reaction to President Congress snipes at his back. Reagan’s request for $14 million in aid to the the other day two Democratic senators flew to SAVINGS • NOW THROUGH SATURDAY Nicaragua, conferred privately with the head of Nicaragua contras highlights once again a serious b u t WOULD CONGRESS pass such a the Sandinista Junta, and returned triumphantly defect in our present system for making tJ.S. resolution? If it refused, we would at least know bearing an “ offer” by him which, whatever its policy in such situations. We had better recognize W i l U a m whom to blame If the situation in Central Aiperlca the problem, and devise some effective way of merits, could and should have been submitted'to our government through the U.S. ambassador in got worse (as it surely vi'ould). But I have a hunch coping with it, before a bad situation becomes that even 'Dp O’Neill would think long and hard Rusher Managua. \ infinitely worse. before refusing the solemn request of a popular The problem begins with the nature of modern' Finally, it should be borne in mind tliat what President Reagan wants isn’t a declaration of presi^nt who asked for authority to set a course, aggression. Wars between the major powers in the short of war, in a situation so fraught with “ war” against the Sandinistas anyway. That nuclear era are just too ghastly to contemplate; so potential danger to the peace and security of all of communist aggression is usually committed by would include, at least implicity, a qpmmltment to Central America. BUT ONCE A PRESIDENT is committed to an use U.S. forces in Nicaragua if necessary, and Mr. surrogates, and may take the form of guerrilla The form and phrasing of the resolution are uncompromisingly hostile course of conduct Reagan has made it clear that his policy involves warfare by imported "volunteers” or domestic secondary matters. The central problem is to find against a foreign nation, the fact that Congress no such thing. What he needs is an unambiguous insurgents. a way. In the context of current techniques of has never formally agreed to that policy offers an declaration by Congress that a free Nicaragua is a Our current constitutional provisions are wildly aggression, to associate Congress with resistance f-m unsuited to dealing with this sort of crisis. It would infinite number of opportunities for rhischief- vital interest of the United States, and that the to such aggression. If it refuses to be thus making: withholding supportive appropriations president is authorized and directed to take all be ridiculous to ask Congress to declare war on the associated, the resistance is probably doomed in Sandinista government of Nicaragua (let alone altogether, or attaching all sort of promises and steps short of war to brin^ it about. the long run anyway, along with any purely the form er communist regim e in G renada), and a conditions to them, etc., etc. Armed with such a resolution, Mr. Reagan executive policy that tries to support it. No fim similar sense of disproportion was probably one of Moreover, 40 years ago the makingof foreign would be clothed with the necessary authority to president should be asked to expend his or his the considerations that lured Kennedy and policy was understood, by both parties, to be the bargain, and in a strong position to ask for such country’s political capital on a foreign policy that John.son into the fatal error of not requesting a unquestioned prerogative of the executive. No further legislative action (appropriations, etc.) as Congress refuses to endorse. declaration of war against North Vietnam. more! Members of Congress and their staffs might be required. Without it, he is forced to _i. 32047 ComMOompMsisllhiMarfaMcaMes eosyhooi^uptoliwoomptoSr.Adiuslaaasiiy. I An editorial Kingpins of drugs iFyuiSCOlOr VI Hard work given a wrist-siap

WASHING­ needed on TON - The fed- eral g'overn- t s f l m e n t h a s the budget thrown all its Jack O ff A ll Software I a w - wpi|i your Commodore 64 Computer enforcement Anderson b00o » ii0iiino games plus educational and businsaa ants from agencies into 'emiioeflWecwxfof brand luanes. Senate Majority Leader Robert Dole 13' Color Monitor MS. ■ 2 A U the war against % avoided a costly stalemate and got the drugs. But the •se|fl||pwiiSuBd-A-Book ...... 3247 ...27.17 president’s package of $52 billion in budget dru g t r a f ­ •ElnetfolilcAifaKHhitieConntnietkMiSet.1247 ...15.87 cuts onto the floor Tuesday. Now the hard part fickers have •Pifoliogtilpnnl ftottwnmi Ttftrin F e u m ...... $2.97 ...27.17 begins — producing a budget that will some powerful friends on the months of their 10-year sentences. ;; minimize waste and meet the needs of the federal bench. , For ex3mple, Salvatore Larca, •Mlndaeaiw: MFftxwrd K a M ...... 24.«7 .. .27.187 41. partner in a New York heroin^ country without raising taxes. Undercover drug agents have •Mindacww: Pnrfnct Scorn S A T ...... so.27 .; .4 7 .8 7 f^lm peiiettOO cracked the drug lords’ security at operation, drew a 15-year sentence- T ile P d i M Congress has wallowed in partisan politics terrible risk. Prosecutors have in late 1976. Despite the vehement " “ n fuwfvixsk; ; i Fuji Diskettee-^10 Peck since the beginning . of this session. The pressed their cases in the face of protest of the M eral prosecutor, ...... iOfm‘ ,«2h»(«44Mk bribes and death threats. Courage­ Larca walked out the prison gate : I;; I ! 1 i; 11 i h REQ. 17.07 Singtoeided, doubledeneeydlslietles. ' nonsense reached the depths of meanness and 1 " M n I i; 11 ■ n t II ' Comes compMswkhconvanieni storage oase. navnaom-aiitis rancor during the squabble over the Indiana ous juries have rendered guilty after five years. Angelo Meli, 54. member of a;^ S U i' OlskettM — 10 Pack ^Im ioiyisn Concepts FHp *N FHO 2S. nag. 17.07 ...... 1 4 .7 0 congressional seat. Several Washington ob­ verdicts against ruthless drug dealers and their minions. New York mob family, was con-'- f- servers have noted with sadness the loss of But all of these efforts to sweep victed in the early 1970s in a plot to diplomacy and compromise in modem up the sleaze are frustrated by distribute 53 pounds of heroin. He 1 0 0 4 * 9 . ' , politics. Serious, good-faith negotiations are S G cii judges who treat the kingpins of was sentenced to 20 years, but the Texas neMed to reduce the massive deficits that nOCteV the narcotics underworld like parole commission released him Photo *NCA. Instrumente first-offense jaywalkers. . after he served 10. AttMun threaten the economy. Washington got a Ligtit homework before writing the column. James B. Grimes And of these, 114 were drug dealers Agency sources a n afiraid Hut '•My FAVORITE show — ‘Lifestyles of the Rich Like myself living in South Windsor, II Sunset Lane who had served an average aent- the number of bank (aUnrsi tMo endUttle.'" boaters are all around us. They could be Bollan ence of only (our years and (our year will top 122. V MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. May 2. 1985 — 9

a - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, May 2. 1985 CAPTAIN EASY 'by Crodbe 6 C— aid 7> f » THERE MUST TH&Y AIN’T t^ Q U B Preuss says capital projects overdue BE edWE KINP OSTTIM’ AWAV Thursday T V OF MISTAKE. with TH|i9i Editor’i note: The Bolton elec­ about them. Members of the board have said tion i i M ay 6. On Friday, the (22) N e w i they will try again to convince 6:00 PM (3b) 8:30 PM CS) Carol Burnett Herald will conclude lu aeries of ClD Three's Company townspeople to reconsider propos­ C h a n n e l s ( T ) Sale of the Century candidate profiles with profiles of als, defeated in a referendum last Hart to Hart 122) Femily Tie* Ak)x k)arn6 sonv) the two candidates for first thing about himself when hi» best friend November, to renovate Commun­ (11) Private Benjamin « 9 ' W F89 Hartford. C T anrKMjnces his engagement (R) selectman. Carl A. PiwiiM (25) M*A*S*H WNEVV Naw York. NY S ity Hall and build a new public • (241 Better HeeHh 158 Bolton Center Road. (24) Dr. Who WTNH Naw Havan. C T works garage. WOK Naw York. NY (5^ N ew York'* Maeter Chef* By Sarah Poasall ProTession: flrefightBr, Town Preuss said he is frustrated by (55) One Day at a Time WPIX Naw York. NY IV [ d i s ] Moutterprece Theater Herald Rtportar of East Hartford; employee, W.H. the failure of town leaders to (40) Newswatch WTXX Watarbury. CT 70 convince residents that the con­ (41) Reporter 41 WWLP S^ngfiald. MA n 9:00 PM (3) Sinwn ft Sinron Rick anager hires them to find his real par­ member. Board of Fire Commls- improvements into the budget,” (H B O l MOVI^E: 'Hard to Hold' ICC) A CNN Cabla Nawa Ntwrk Ic n n ) T?AN5ACT10N. Democrats and Republicans rock singor falls in love with a conservative DISNEY Dianay Channal iDttl ents (60 min ) ^ alonara, 1977-79. Preuss said. "T h ey ’re always the PLEIA6E m iT. alike in town say Preusa, 20, a homebody who doesn't know or care who ESPN Sports Natwork IlS S N l (B MOVIE; Enigma' An American in Education; B.A., Eastern Con- most vulnerable to the knife. But iMaol selectman for the last six years, is ho IS Rick Springfield, Path Hanson. Janet H 90 Homa Box Offica East Berlin becomes embroried m a nectlcuJState College. we're going to have to wrestle with fiber 1984 Rated Pd CINEM AX Cinamax Um a x ) scheme to kill Soviet dissidents Martin an effective leader. More often these programs.” ^ [U S A ] Cartoon Express TMC Movia Channal iTfrICi Sheen. Derek Jacobi. Sam NeiU 1982 than any other member of the Age USA Natwork iUSA) USA (221 94) Cheers Carla sees red when her He cited a long list of stalled 6:30 PM CB W1) one Day at a Tima board in the last two years, he has former school principal shows up at brought unstudied issues to the building projects, including plans (11) Benson Cheers Papa Br^ar dreams of making his son a attention of the rest of the board, to remove asbestos insulation from (20) Hogan's Heroes « (24) Mystery baseball star usually along with a recommenda­ two of the town’s schools, to (22) (30) NBC News (41) Noche de Gala [U S A ] NHL Hockey Playoffs: Teams To tion for action. replace the leaky parts of the @4) Nightly Business Report Be AnrKHinced Coverage of Game «7 of {^7) Livit>g Plartet: Portrait of the Earth Bolton Center School roof, and to the Divisional Finals will presented if ne­ And more often than not, the ( ^ Jeffersons (CC) install a soccer field at Bolton High cessary Time IS tentative (3 hrs ) (C N N ] Freeman Reports board has taken action on the (4Sl ABC News (CC| issues, though not always exactly School. m ) Ntniciero SIN 8:00 PM (3) Magnum. P.l. Magnum [ d i s ] Einstein seems to bo bordering on a riervous break as Preuss has recommended. He “ It gets very frustrating lately,” [E S P N ] Top Raidr Boxiitg from Atlantic (CN N ) Showbiz Today down when he ihinkshc sees a dead friend he said. “ W e're Just spinning our City. NJ ALLEY OOP ‘ by D ay Or»u» nearly always agrees to (D IS ) EPCOT Magazine on the streets of Honolulu (R) (60 min ) I ' M WALLACE wheels.” THIS GKXJSE ,THEN WE NAY, SIR KNIGHT.' NOW COM E a n d , compromise. Committee could infringe on the board, Preuss would like to see (E S P N ) Compaq Sports Special Ken- (3 ) PM Magazine 9:30 PM (22) Night Court Harry OF WIMBISHI As a professional firefighter, a has to figure out how to legally gel political FELL TO THE CAN'T THE BIRD IS WIARM VOUR Preuss, a Republican, is seeking selectmen’s authority, the board several major improvements to tucky Derby Day (W) (4d) Street Hawk (CC| Jesse helps an / KEEP IT.' ------.«,AND SELVES BY MY asylum for the brother of his Russian GROUND another term in the May Selection. to turn it into the Water town buildings undertaken while former member of the Board of [M A X ] MOVIE: 'Yor: The Hunter from insurance agent solve a case involving val­ US, VOUR HERE.M'LORD FIRE WHILE T ■ friend Fire Commissioners and the the Future' A warrior from the future finds uable race horses (60 min ) LORDSHIP.' IT'S YOURS! LADS PRGPAF “ I try to keep things hopping,” Pollution Advisory Committee, he is a selectman. Months before CXIR MEAL.' brother of town fire Chief N. James himself in a prehistoric society as a result C B News 10:00 PM (3) Krtot's LarHiing The he said in a recent interview. with no independent authority. First Selectman Henry P. Ryba of a nuclear holocaust Reb Brown, Connrte Valley's financial backers pressure Greg to allowed the behind-the-scenes Preuss, he often briefs the board on (11) MOVIE: 'Key to Rebecca' Part 2 ' 'There’s so much to do and so little Preuss had recommended abolish­ Clery. John Steiner 1983. Rated PG. get Gary out of 'he protect (60 n^in ) time to do it.” ing the committee altogether, but planning for the projects to be developments in emergency servi­ [TM C l MOVIE: 'A Midsummer Night's (20) MOVIE: The Magnificent Seven' A News gunfighter recruits six rugged men to de (B After Preuss warned that the went along with the compromise. made public last year, Preuss said ces in Bolton. Town firefighters Sex Comedy' At the turn of the century, (4 « BORN LOBBW «by Art I six-day strike by 1,S00 union More than 1,000 workers walked Haunted by visions and dreams of flying. Dancin' Days employees of Emhart Industries’ off their Jobs last Friday, hours vehicle accident. Route 31 at Wednesday, 10:44 a.m. — m ^ - db) Barney Miller Regan becomes a link between science (S^ Mystery! (CC) The W oman in White Talcott Hill Road, Coventry (North cal call, Shore Drive, Coventry (22) Wheel of Fortune and religion Richard Burton. Linda Blair. Hardware Division, it was an­ after talks broke down between the Walter Hartnght becomes involved in mys I JOSTLOie AACmig^) THM'5 AM6HTtT Coventry, South Coventry). (South Coventry). MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Louise Fletcher 1977 Ready for auction nounced early today. company and representatives of tery and intrigue when he begins his new Tuesday, 6:50 a.m. — motor Wednesday, 10:44 a.m. — brush (4_i) Novela: Tu o Nadie |Ob as art master for the Fairlie family. (60 Fred M. Hollfelder, division Local 1137 and Local 1249 of the @5) Family Feud vehicle accident. Route 44 at the fire, Route 31 near the North (5^ This Old House (CC) min ) DIPTDMOU Terri Leibig, left, and Vicky Mizia hold items for the third president and general manager, International Association of @?]) Benson Colonial Texaco station, Coventry Coventry fire station (North (51) MOVIE; 'Defiance' An off-duty sea 01) annual spring auction sponsored by St. James Home and said both parties reached an Machinists. ^1) Marisela (North Coventry, South Coventry). man. tired of seeing people always back [C N N ] Evenirtg News agreement, subject to ratification, Coventry). (If) Nightly Business Report ing down, decides to stand up to a New School Association. The services of Greg Allaire, a It was the first walkout at the Tuesday, 6:55 a.m. — medical Wednesday, 9:04 p.m. — motor [ d i s ] Wonderful World of Disrtey late Wednesday night. ^ Diff'rent Strokes York gang Jan Michael Vincent, Art Car chimney sweep, will also be offered. The event will start plant since 1973 when workers call, 540 Daley Road, Coventry vehicle accident, Route 6 by the ney. [HBO] MOVIE: Trenchcoet' (C C ) An Terms of the agreement will not [C N N ] Moneyline at 7:30 p.m. Friday at Vito's Birch Mountain Irin, Bolton. conducted a five month spike. (Andover). Andover Plaza (Andover). [CNN] Prime News amateur mystery writer on vacation be be disclosed until the rank and file [DIS] MOVIE: 'The Sad Horse' A lonely comes entangled in a web of international boy IS befriended by a race horse and a [E S P N ] Super Bouts of the 70's Mu intrigue Margot Kidder, Robert Hays. Dan­ dog David Ladd. Chill Wills. Rex Reason hammad Ali vs Ken Norton (New York. iel Faraldo 1983 Rated PG 1959 September. 1976) (60 min ) [M AX] MOVIE: My Tutor' Hired to give [E S P N ] Sportscenter (H B O l MOVIE; Blue Thunder' (CC) The f n B n V ISALE AT AU CONN. & MASS. STORfI French lessons, a tutor makes a teen's (U S A ] Radio 1990 pilot of a super chopper uncovers a plot to homework a pleasure Caren Kaye. Matt I 1 turn his crime-fighling machine against an Lattanzi. Kevin McCarthy 1983 Rated R 7:30 PM (3 ) PM Magazine unsuspecting city Roy Schelde^, Warren OK sought Oates. Malcolm It^Dowell 1983 Rated R [T M C l MOVIE: 'Thieves After Dark' A C E (2(^ All In the Family young couple seeks revenge against the PWAIIK AWOEWWBBTObyBob'niaw [M AX] MOVIE: 'All That Jazz' Despite BOLTON — The Board of d D Wheel of Fortune people who mistreated them at a |ob find­ failing health, a Broadway producer keeps Selectmen will ask townspeople at (ti) Independent News ing office Bobby DeCicco. Slephane Au a mad pace choreographing musical num­ deran. Micheline Presle coHdRATULATloiv/, the May 13 town meeting to (22) M »A *S'H bers. editing a film and trying to manage approve a three-year contract for his personal life Jessica Lange. Roy Schei- 10:30 PM (H) Independent News (50) Entertainment Tonight ^(bup RpcwoTtoiM garbage pick-up with the Manches­ der, Ann Reinking 1980 Rated R (2(K Alfred Hitchcock (54) ^5) Barney Miller ter based Waste Disposal Syatenw. (TM Cl MOVIE: 'WarGamas' (CC) A (24 The Sporting Life Wild World of Animals teenage computer whiz, believing he dis The firm submitted the lowest of If You Can Buy (51) One Day at a Tinte covered a new video game, unwittingly (35) Major League Baseball; Boston at Seante three bids received last month — [C N N ] Crossfire challenges the Defense Department's war I. games computer to a global therrnonuclear (41) 24 Horas $244,404 for three years. [ESPN] ESPN's Speedweek It For Less... war Matthew Broderick. Dabney Cole­ [U S A ] Dragnet (H B O ] Berenstain Bears Play Ball fCC) man, John W ood 1983 Rated PG Plan approved 1 1.00 PM (3) (D 122) (3«l (49 News CD Taxi '■ BOLTON - The Board of DAY We Will Refund (5 ) Pbil Silvers Selectmen Tuesday voted to ap­ (it) Odd Couple prove architect Alan Wiedie’a (29 Twilight Zone preliminary plans for a new The Difference!! (24) Dr. Who ^ central fire station which ia to be HILL STREET BLUES WtNTHROP -by Dick CavaW built at the com er of Notch and (57) Capitol Joomal ConqreSidnal ex- perts and loumalists join host Hodding WELL, AT LEA*r Bolton Center roada. A bewildered Off. Coffey ' Carter m analysing the week s news from MY PAREFJTS ISN'T THAT THE THING The selectmen’s vote is the (Ed Marinaro) rescues a furry Capitol Hill SAID I CANT THE RICHTER T H A T M E A S U R E S signal to Wiedie and the Public friend from becoming the main (5l) MOVIE; 'The Young Lawyers' A suc­ eOTOSUA^AAE(^ S C A LE EARTHQUAKES? Building Cktnunission to proceed course when the cops raid a cessful lawyer gives up his practice to take CAMP IN WILL HAVE A with more detailed plans. The PBC popular Indian restaurant, on over a neighborhood law office Jason Ev­ ers. Louise latham, Keenan W ynn 1969 CALIFORNIA NICE EASY IT originally predicted conatruction N ^ 's "Hill Street Blues." THIS YEAR . SUMMER. would begin in August and e « i in which airs THURSDAY, MAY [C N N ] Moneyline [DIS] MOVIE: 'The Treasure of San May 1900. Bosco Reef A teenager and his uncle, the In a townwide referendum last * head of a governmental salvage expedi­ November, voters approved a CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME tion. are in a dangerous web of in­ proposal to apenduptotioS.OOO for SATURDAY SUNDAY trigue James Daly. Roger Mobley. Antony Alda 1968 the new station, which will replace the old station on Notch Road, [USA] Gong Show 5-2 <3WUI 11:15 PM (41) Reporter 41 9am to 6pm 12 to 5pm 1 1:30 PM CB Three's Company CB Kojak Rain may (B (4$ ABC News Nightline Astrograph (B Bums ft ANen help put out Cll) Honeymooners Crossword Leave It to Beaver you'll know how to bring out the best in ing. Don't be a loner today. - others today, even those-.,yvho seldom AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fsb. 19) You w e (22) 1^] Best of Carson Tonight's guests brush fires are David Steinberg; Rosalind Chao and Ed < ¥ 3 u r smile and tend to take life too seriously. capable of outstanding accomplishmeilts ACROSS 4 Chemical Answer to Previous Puzzle LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) If you feel artistic today. Don't pass the action just because SELECTED Krupp (R) (60 mm ) By United Press International % compound ‘Birthdny today, use your talents to beautify your a specific goal looks ditficult to achieve _V _U I p B jA ^ Pelicuto; 'Acapulco 12-22' Jorge 1 Haif.moon 5 Raffle Rivero y Veronica Castro. surroundings. Yoiir Imagination Isn't run­ mSCEB (Fab. 20-March 20) You have a u B Workers who have been fighting shape 6 Entertainment M J_ _D 2 . _T ■ T ning away wildly. It's working for you. marvelous way, of presenting things (5^ Ten O'clock News M ay 3,1965 Connecticut brush fires fueled by 5 Variety of moth group (abbr.) C _A _N n | e | r 1 E s N f u L VIRQO (Aug. 23-Sep(. 22) Actions speak today. Even If you offer crillcism, yoizll (C N N ] Sports Tonight 9 Air Traffic 7 Asian country In the year ahead you will establlih Two louder than words today, so Instead of know how to make It sound like a compli­ drier conditions than normal A L A DBB Control (abbr.) 8 Qrssk dialect □noon [^ S P N ] Sportscerrter distinct sets of friends. One will ba-for merely airing your Ideas, take slept to ment, .; hoped today’s rain would help 12 Hilo garlands 9 He loves (Let) o| l|s| [HBO] MOVIE: 'Mike's Murder' When social purposes and the other for busi­ actually show others how they work. ARIES (March 21-Aprll 10) Important extinguish the stubborn blaisa her tennis coach is killed during a drug 13 Biblical prophat to Carry ness. yet you will be equally fond of each. L IM A (Bapl. 23-Ocl. 23) A hidden changes can be made today so be siye scorching hundreds of acres. deal, a bank teller investigates for herseff. that you're In control ol events, rather 14 Family member 11 901. Roman TAURUS (April 20-May 20) To maintain source may be revealed today that might ” If one-half inch of rain fa lli by OFF 15 Fruit decay Debrav Winger, Mark Keyloun. Paul Win­ than letting circumstances call the shot^. 19 Piece of ice field. 1984 Rated R harmony In your partnership arrange­ be financially beneficial. It could develop tomorrow as expected, that will be 16 Place (praf.) 21 Lewis Carroll ments today. It's best you stand back Into something quite substantiaL enough to extinguish the fires at iiB U . jn 17 Maori tribe [U S A ] Make Me Laugh character ' and let your counterpart do the talking. ■CORPIO (Oel. 24-Nov. 22) Ybur dater- least for a tew dsys,” said Peter 18 Choose 24 Partly open 11:45 PM (M AX) MOVIE: Soidiwof The Matchmaker wheel reveals your mlnallon and strength of character will II they’re fcrvlB( the meal (amify 20 Winged Orang*' (DuMiqd) Four Dutch ln«nd» end Babcock, fire control officer for 25 Mosaic piece compatibility to all signs, as well as show­ be obvious to others today. You'll get style, sever sit across from somcoae 22 Street (Fr.) up on opposite sides during World War II the state ^ r e a u of Forestry. 26 And others (2 ing which signs you are best suited to your way without having fo be aggres­ who’s wearlpg flew bifocals, lest Rutger Hauer, Edward Fox Rated R sive, About 10 state tirefightera have IN OUR STORES 23 Mae W att role wdt.) romanticfilly. To get yours, mall $2 to stabbefl when he ' goes for t|e 24 Broke breed [ T M I ^ MOVIE: ' T ^ EarthHog' A cruel Astro-Qraph. Box 469. Radio City been burning lines bordering the tl 28 City in Italy BAOITTARIU6 (Nov. 2I-Dae. 21) People cUckea. 27 Women't twist ofs^te throws two different person- Station. New York, NY 10019. fire in ^Naugatuck along Route S 30 Star abties tr^th e r^n the Austrahan wilder­ apt to ba most helpful today will be those garment OCMINI (May 21-Juna 20) Praise from FURNITURE • BEDDING • TELEVISIONS • APPLIANCES • KITCHEN CABINETS 31 American ness William Holden. Ricky Schroder who are compasslonbta. Avoid ths hard and the roadroad tracks near the 29 Easy teak you will be all that's required today to Indian 45 Speak 53 Motoring aaao- 1980 Rated PG hearts. Naugatuck River. 33 Taxis rekindle the enthusiasm of a subordinate 32 Verb following conceitedly CAPRICORN (Dae. 22-Jan. I t ) Your club ” We burned it out becauae (the 35 Woman’s name ciation (abbr.) 12:00 AM CB Newhert ' saddled with a boring chore. 47 Irritable or organizational Involvaments will ba the fire) keeps flaring up,” Babcock 36 Wings "thou" CB Rockford Files C A N C E R (Ju n e 21-July 22) Instinctively • BEDROOMS 55 Actrett ones that turn out to ba the most reward­ •aid. ” We buroad all the material • AIR CONDITIONERS • DRYERS 37 Takers 34 Whinny 48 Broad CB Off Track Betting 38 Earphonas 49 Cuts off out that would have tad” the fire. 40 Sacred Benadarat Cfl) • KITCHEN SETS memento 3 9 " ____ U 51 Director Kazan Babcock said the rain won’t • MICROWAVE OVENS • RANGES Douce" 52 Polio vaccina 5’ Mountains (29 MOVIE: 'Anchors Aweigh' Two ac­ 42 Noun tuffix tors help a starlet obtain her big break in alleviate the overall problem of 43 Of age (Let., 41 Chinese laborer dtveloper (abbr.) the movies Gene Kelly, Frank Sinatra, B t id g t e unuiually dry condlUona but It • HUTCHES abbr.) Kathryn Grayson. 1945. • COLOR TV ’S • DISHWASHERS 1 2 3 10 11 would Uke three or tour days 44 Sailor (sl.| ’ ^ Cheriie's Angels before any new tires IgniU. 46 Friend (Fr.) 12 ers’ hands and leaves Wes^ better 8UU workers and local flmnan'V • DRY SINKS 48 Large fish N ig h tm a re • REFRIGERATORS • BEDDING [CNN] Newsnight placed later. Instead. East took the have been battling fires in Derby, so Calendar " NORTH S2-I 15 CanUriMuy, Oriswold, Union, Vo- numbers [E S P N ] PKA Full Contact Karata: US 9J13 ace and returned a diamond. Declarbr 1 b rid g e • WASHERS • RECLINERS • VANITIES 53 an j Light MIddlawelght Championship VQ765 luntown, WaUrbury and Seymour. Beaumont. TX won the king and played a club, taken Provence 6*75 by West’s ace. West cashed a diamond . ” Ws haven’t had a season IJks 54 Research ■ ■ [U S A ] Prisonar of Call Block H 9K 10 7 this U over 10 years,” Babcock By James Jacoby and then put declarer in dummy with • KITCHEN CARINETS centsra 12:30 AM ( X ) m o v i e : Hot*i' wiwn WEST east •aid. Serious bridge players remember the club king. West hoped to make hU SB Shell- I■ the owner of a fashionable hotel in New 9 K 9Q 2 singleton spade king. However, when Brush tires have been a conatant fish Orleans finds that he cannot meat mort- VKJ9 V 10 432 their mlatflkea but are auick to forget problem this s p riu . Babcock said J BEDDING k • LIVIN6 ROOMS •ii gage ^payments, a ruthless tycoon the Jack of spades was called frohi SB Americen 33 6QJ10S OA04 tbeir coim . Because today’s East and Kh^nmS^o obtain the hotel for his chain, dummy, East made the natural pliiy in . same cases, Ores go under­ humorift 9A6532 9QJ08 Weat defenders are serious players, 'iio d Taylor, Catherine Speak, Karl Malden. of covering with the queen. One hiai- ground or bum under, rock ledges, F 1 ( • DINING ROOMS PIEROWAY’S 59 Words of under- 30 1967. they have much to remember from SOUTH dred honors all fallinig on one trick only to enwrge again. standing (2 (B Starsky and Hutch 9A 10 98705 today’s deal. Don’t try to figure out S U U crewa were monitoring all ' . 330 Windsor Ave. (Rt. 159) w dt.) 4 0 made a pretty picture, but did little CB Jackie Gleason Show VA8 bow they let four spades make. Let U areas where brush fires oc- 60 Sword hendte 6K0 2 me describe It. for either the digestion or the blobd & Kung Fu - curr^, Babcock said, induding * Taiin • Full Exit 34 Oft 1-91 North mile 61 Roman bronze 94 pressure of the defenders. ' L . 62 Stats (Fr.) (5$ Late Night with David Lattarman It was bad practice for West to Vulnerable: Eut-West make a two-club overcall. Although Although there was no certain w^y • Queen Windsor, CT 63 EMtem beeate [U S A ] Radio 1990 for East to decipher declarer's of burden " •• Dealer: East Wott's hand contained only three AND MANY MANY MORE! ■ 12:45 AM [Dis] Short Featur# bolding, it was not likely that OS ^ r D O W N West Nartk Eail SoaUi cards in the otber major, a takeout litchfleld, WaUrtmry, Seymour 547-0770 1:00 AM CB News double tella the story and avoids the had A-K-x-x-x of spades. With Ukt cttr: k _ _ and SoutMwry. % U w degree u Pan Id holding, declarer would moet likely (B S e tn t 20 3d 4d strain of introducing such a meager Barllar in Uio week reaidenU of have played the A-K hi an attempt to Open Daily 10-9 / Sat. 9-6 2 River in the (S) One Step Beyond Pan club suit. three bomas in Plymouth were •1 Pan drop the queen. And if South bad soiie Conge { ^ F i s h gakad to svacuaU temporarily Blast should duck the opening dia­ otber boIdlM, It could not help t ^ SoiM Amrs UmHmI QuaiitHy' H i 3 Commune la J ^ FHm/Sign-Off wbsa a brash fire burned IS feet Sunday 12-5 Opening lead: 9Q mond queen lead. Doing so preserves defense for to play the queen on Belgium (C)196S by NEA. Inc Dr. Gerie Scott from their homes. •- communication lictween the defend­ the Jack. ‘ 10 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. May 2. 1985 France wants dollar nllef Obituaries Protectionism tops summit agenda binskl of South Windsor, a former O C iJ S / Fam ily Rlehard D. Lala ManchesUr resident who died By Philip WlllltNna dollar and tha also of the U.8. larly non-tariff meaatiras aueh as Richard D. LaU. a , of Milford, Tueday, are today until 4 p.m. and Import Quotas and subsidias that Treasurreaaury Secretary James. United Press International federal bwIM deficit. wr apedtlcalta N.H., died Wednesday at hia home. tonight from 7 to 0 at the Holmes ' Reagan Is expected ta press prevent U.8. manufacturers from Baker SI He was Uie husband of Mariene d's view that the trade tal Funeral Home, 400 Maip St. BONN, West Germany - U ad- other natkma to follow America’s penatrating export markets. (O’Neill) Lata and the brother of The name of the funeral Mome The oritidam ia directed particu- sought by Washington must ers of the world’s m a ^ industrial free-trade, market-oriented poU- aocompenied by monetary refonn. Ranny Syphers of Manchester. was omitted from Wednesday’s democracies. Joined President dea to sustain world economic lariy at Japan, which last year He is also survived by his ManchesUr Herald. piled up a Ctr billion trade surplus tying the dollar more closely to the; Reagan today for the start of their growtii. In particular, he wants major European currencies and- parents, John and Druciiia (Bee- 11th annual economic summit, a West Gfranwy and Japan to with the United States. • bee) LaU Sr. of SUrrs; a son. expand tM r economies. the yen. In Memoriam three-day meeting where the key Japanese Prime Minister Yagti- Despite the size of its trade David LaU at home; a daughUr, issue for the first time is trade The Reagan administration is hiro Nakaaone, in a Joint statement deficit and the strength of the Patricia Lata of Springfield, In loving memory of Russell Gus­ protectionism. Mass.; and a brother, John LaU tafson, Sr., husband, dad and under preaeure from Congreas to issued Wednesday with West Ge^ dollar, the United States remains Leaders of the United Statee, erect tarUf M iriers to curb the man Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Jr. of Windsor. grandfather, who was called to West Germany. Canada, France, the world's largest exporter and mounting American trade deficit, said. "W e are In agreement to has an interest In keeping markets The funeral will be Saturday at rest May'2nd., 1976. Great Britain, Italy, Japan and which hit a record lUS billion in introduce measures to re^ce as unrestricted as possible. t;S0 a.m. at tbe Leete-SUvens representatlvea of the European Enfield Cbapels, 61 South Road. Deep in our hearts, 1964. growing trade protedionlam. We Reagan wants the summit Your memory is kept, Common Market were to open the shall be discussing this in days to Burial will be in St. Adalbert’s summit with a formal dinner today Tbe administration warned it partners to agree to a round of Wie love you too dearly. come.” multilateral trade talks to begin in Cemetery. Calling hours are Fri­ and begin actual work on Friday. may be dincult to hold protection­ To ever forget. early 1966 under the auspices of the day from 2 to 4 and 7 to 0 p.m. ’The issue of tradq protectlonim ist forces In check unleas other Reagan and his advisers have Memorial donations may be Sweet memories of you, strongly re n te d attempts to make 90-nation General Agreement on We will treasure forever, moved to the top of the agenda for countries agree to talks on elimi- made U the American Cancer the first time since the annual r%a*in0 — oarttcih the strength of the dollar a summit Tariffs aqd Trade, or GATT. Society, 670 Prospect Ave., Longing for you. forgetting you never. “ series of summit talks of tbe major Hartford. industrialised democracies began From wife. sons, in Ramboulllet, France, 10 years Milton Bradley makes It to 12S Dorothy 8l«rbln»kl daughter-in-laws, and ago. grandchildren. Reagan and his wife. Nancy, By Rob Stein and city nag to Stephen D. Ma,"o((icialiaald. Calling hours for Dorothy Sier- gamcB were officially welcomed to West United Preu International Haaaenfeld, chief executive officer O'Donnell said today's _ Germany today by President Ri­ of Haabro Bradley Inc., of Paw­ have changed by using plastics and chard von Weizsaecker. SPRINGFIELD, Mass. - The tucket, R.I., parent company to the otlwr modem materlala, but many Reagan began a daylong round Milton Bradley Co. officials say world’a oideat and largeat game games remain popular after de­ Duck visits the Lutz of one-on-one meetings with the games haven’t changed that much and puzzle manufacturer. c a y s and retain their baaic summit leaders today, holding in tbe 119 years since the com ­ Haaaenfeld gave Neal a poater characteriatici, he said. A black male duck found wand­ talks first with his hMt, West pany’s founder created "The outlining the company’! hiatory "One of the moat popular games ering on Oak Street early Tuesday German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. Checkered Ganne of Life.” and a copy of a allver anniveraary today ia Trivial Pursuit and that ia is being kept under observation at ’The two heads of state met "Our original game was made edition of “ ’The Game of Life,” played with a board, ” he aaid. the Luti Children’s Museum until privately for an hour at the West with a boaid and even today some which e v o lm from the flrm’a first . Wednesday’s ceremony Included it is able U live on its own. German Chancellery. Before tbe of tbe more popular gannes are game. 1 the release of 126 red. whiteandblue Dog Warden Richard Rand said talks, Reagan turned aside ques­ played with a board and have a Bradley, a printer who formed balloona. the duck was picked up by tions about whether tbe two would route and players follow that route the company In May 1660, created ManchesUr Police Officer Robert discuss the most controversial stop on tbe board,” said John W. “Tbe Checkered Game of Life” McNeilly while on patrol about of his visit — Sunday’s trip to a O’Donnell, company president. when Abraham Lincoln grew aeard Hutton charged 12:45 a.m. Tuesday. He put the military cemetery at Bltburg, The company, the world’s oldest and demand dropped (or Bradley’a duck in the dog warden’s truck where 49 Nazi Waffen SS soldiers and largeift game and pussle moat popular item—a lithograph of WASHINGTON (UPI) - The until Rand picked it up in the are buried. manufacturer which brought the abeardleaa Lincoln. federal government accused E.F. morning. Neither leader commented on world such games as "Battleship” Wlnnera of the original game Hutton k Co., of criminal fraud Because the duck would not fly their discussions. and "Twister,” marked its 129th achieved a '-‘happy old age by clean today, filing 2,000 counta of wire Crimes of silence off on lU own, Rand said, he took it Reagan arrived in the W est' birthday Wednesday. living. ” Today, thecompany produ­ and mall fraud against the Wall U the Lutz, where curaUr Eric Ok German capital Wednesday, "I want to congratulate Milton ces 94 of the best-ielling 50 games. Street firm. Thomas put it in a fenced area. pledging to seek agreement on a Bradley (or 129 years of bringiM Including “ Candy Land,” “ Opera­ The charges were (lied in federal Although Rand said he saw some Child abuse in Manchester often goes unreported. Here’s why new international round of trade happiness and fun to all of us,” said tion,” “ Connect Four” and ” Yaht- court in Scranton, Pa., today. blood on the duck’s wing, Thomas talks to combat the grouring threat Mayor Richard E. Neal, who said Wednesday that he does not of protectionism. declared May 1 "Milton Bradley know what Is wrong with the duck. reasons might have been,” he said. He faces criticism, particularly Day” in Springfield during an Bv Nancy Pappas THIS WAS NOT the case with Dale-Lyn It will be held until it is deUrmined 86 E. CENTER ST. Another factor, Gardner said, is that educators BLACK DUCK from French President Francois outdoor ceremony. Herald Reparter Crenshaw, however. Both tbe Manchester police that it can either fly or paddle, .. . has hurt wing Mitterrand, about the runaway Neal presented a key to the city 6 4 9 -5 2 6 8 and state and local social service agencies had “Parents are very, very offended are optimisU at heart. “ Basically we don’t want to Thomas said. been working with this family for the eight months think ill of people. We look at people we know and If it can’t fly, the duck will There is a new grave in Buckland Cemetery. A if you come out like gang busters WEEKEND SPECIAL tiny white coffin, only 30 inches long, was buried prior to her death. think, ‘My golly, are they really capable of this?’” probably be brought U an area ducks are “ extremely territorial,” CASH A CARRY such as the pond at University of ’Thomas said, the museum would *There’s nothing to do, Ma.” there on April 24. That coffin contains the body of Dale-Lyn was first brought to the hospital with a and suggest that they have an broken arm when she was 2 months old. THE MANCHESTER PEDIATRICIAN who Connecticut where it would be fed, normally release the animal where Looking forward to that cry again thia summer? 10-month-old Dale-Lyn Crenshaw of Olcott Street, abused child.” ’Thomas said. it was found. But it would not be who died of suffocation April 20. She was seen by a nurse, a doctor and a social treated the child with inflamed genitalia Since this is mating season and released in an urban area, he said. If not, enroll your child in one of a variety of Her unmarked grave represents a gruesome worker. “ They all felt there was no reasonable expressed the same sentiment. summer programs at M CC— statistic. Dale-Lyn is one of 47 Connecticut cause to suspect child abuse,” said Andrew A. Gail Rowe He spoke with the Manchester Herald only on children whose deatlu have been connected with Beck, a hospital spokesman. the condition that his name not be used. The decision on tbe Crenshaw infant, be said, Principal. Waddell School ” I took into account the family this girl was SgsrI CIIbIcs Bsgiii Daffodils child abuse since IOTA EMERGENCY Child abuse. The term can include everything was based on the hospital’s child-abuse from, and I decided that it was not likely she was a Witness Fire — Police — Medical Soccer 1 (ages S-11) June 24 from slapping to sexual abuse. When to call the guidelines, and the best instincts of the victim of abuse,” he said. Baseball (ages 8-10) D IA L 911 July IS authorities is a question which daily haunts those professionals involved. The hospital did not file a ’The doctor said that he probably should have Baseball (ages 11-14) July 15 who work directly with children. report with DCYS. The Bowers staff decided to watch the child for reported tbe case to DCYS. in Manchester accuses Basketball (ages 8-11) July 8 Consider the following; Neither did Dr. Peter B. Gram, the Manchester cuts or bruises. This type of monitoring may be The doctor’s feeling that the child was from a Tennis (ages 10-18) July 22 a A child at Bowers School told his teacher that orthopedist who set tbe baby’s arm. Gram useless, Gardner said, since youngsters no longer ’’good” home is a common fallacy, said Barry Golf (age 10-18) July 29 ^ LOWERAUTO he was being knocked around at home. The declined comment this week. However, change their clothing for gym class nor do they Baker of the Community Child Guidance Clinic. ” It is, frankly, impossible to make Judgments soldier THANKSGIVING Soccer II (ages 16-17) Aug. 19 taacher, intum, reported this to her principal and Manchester police questioned him several months take showers in school. school social worker. But the Math DepaatAientof ago, after relative# andfriends told police the “ This youngster could be carrying around some on the hbuta of families where abuse will occur,” NOYENA TO » T . HIDE RATES baby was being abused. G ram told police then that pretty bad bruioes and we’d never know. These said Barry Baker of the Community C3illd MANILA, PhiUppines (UPI) - "GsNsgs far KM8” ■sgiR Children and Youth Services was never contacted In the first eyewitness account of O ho ly St. Jude. Apostle end mar­ about this case. he bad suspected abuse in August, when he set kids are never seen under tbe clothes,” he said. Guidance Clinic, 317 North Main St., coordinator the assassination of Benigno tyr, great In virtue and rich in mira­ Introduction to Spanish (ages 13-17) June’10 Even when teachers do notice bruises or cuts, of tbe tbe clinic’s sexual abuse treatment team. cles; near kinsman of Jesus Christ, • A 9-year-old girl was brought to her Dale-Lyn’s broken arm, but said he felt he did not Aquino, a woman said today a faithful Intercessor of all who In- Calligraphy for Young People (ages 10-15) July 1 Manchester pediatrician, suffering from swollen, have enough evidence to report it. there may be no reason for worry. “ It is a crime which cuts across all lines — social, soldier shot the opposition leader vokeyour special patron again time Exploring Nature & Arts (agea 8-12) July 15 irritated genitals. The physician noted that the Dale-Lyn’s father, Marshall V. Crenshaw, 24, “ Yes, it could be from a swat. On the other economic, everything.” as he descended an airline of need. To you I have recourse hand, kids plajfcbard and get bruises, nicies and There’s another reason abuse may not be from tha depth of my heart and On Stage (agea 6-12) July 15 problem might have been caused by rough was arraigned April 22 and charged with murder staircase. comfKiiie&saiie! reported. By law, cases referred ta DCYS are in connection with his infant daughter’s death. knocks. Are you going to file a report for every Rebecca ()uijano, 32, who eluded humbly beg to whom Qod has given Typing (or Teens (agea 11-18) July 1 manipulation of the genitals. Knowing the family, confidential. Those who report child abuse are an earlier civilian inquiry into such great power to come to my as­ Word Procesaing for Teens (ages 11-18) July 1 tboui^, he thought it was more likely to be a skinned knee?” be asked. sistance. Heip me In my present and RAY GARDNER, principal for 17 years at never informed of tbe disposition of the case. Aquino’s Aug. 21, 1963 murder, urgent petition. In return I promise sensitivity to a particular brand of toilet paper or testified before a a packed cour­ to make your name known and underwear. He suggested a change in buying Bowers School, was faced with a dilemma similar DR. GAIL ROWE, principal at Waddell School, “ This promotes tbe idea of ‘Oh well, nothing is troom at the resumption of the trial cause you to be Invoked. habits. He did not file a report of suspected abuse. to Gram’s recently, and also decided not to call said that spotting cUId abuM is a new going to happen anyway; so why should I make a of Armed Forces Chief (^en. Say three "Our Fathers, Three DCYS. Last month, a child at the school told a responsiblity for educators. report,” ’ Baker said. Fabian Ver and 29 other men Hall Marys and Glorias.’’ Publica­ Call for free tion must be promised. St. Jude These cases occurred this year in Manchester. classroom teacher thathe was wing “ knocked ’"This is not their area of training,” she said. charged in Aquino’s slaying. pray for us and all who invoke your descriptive brochures, They illustrate a potentially deadly weakness in around quite a bit at holne,” Gardner said. The system, she said, “ gives you a lot of HANNA MARCUS, Manchester’s director of ” I saw tbe Metrocom soldier aid. A m en.This novsna hoa never tbe child protection system. Connecticut law ’The teacher talked With G ain er and a school guidelines, but actually everything is in shades of human services, said the public needs ta know the behind Aquino holding a gun to the been known to tall. I have had my 647-6242. eOBUwalSIiost gray.” law if things are to change. back of hia head and then I heard a request granted. | requires professionals of all kinds — physicians, social worker. t ManchsalscCorswcllout 06040 On her desk was a letter writteata Town shot,” Quijano said. ^ O.A.A.JI social workers, police, educators, ministers, “ Basically, our deci^ n was ta sit on the Whenever possible, Rowe said she prefers to She said Aquino and the soldiers lawyers — to report suspected child abuse to the situation for a while; not to repoitit. It segmd very handle questions of abuse within her own school. Manager Robert B. Weiss by an outraged citixen. were ’’about one fourth of the state Department of Children and Youth Services, easy (or children ta exaggerate.... K|ds real>i ’’When we see bruises or cuts, we, of course, call ‘"This woman wants to know what the town stairs from the tarmac.” the state agency charged with protecting children. blow things out of proportion,” Gar DCYS,” she said. Without su<± direct nnedical could have done ta prevent tbe Crenshaw Defense lawyers declined to However, there is frequently a misunderstanding evideace, however, Rowe likes to have the school trMcdy,” Marcus said. She pointedoi6^ tbe cross examine Quijano who was GORMAN INSURANCE AGENCY about the reporting requirements, according to social worker do her own, fairly low-key, lettar writer that the town does nqyiave the first witness to directly contra­ Cheryl Mowry, coordinator for the Regional Child invcsrtigation. Jurisdiction in most cases of child Rbuse, although dict military claims Aquino was Ifflaitrljratfr Hrralft 223 East Center Street Advocacy Program at Child and Family Services, “ Parents are very, very offended if you come it does give grants of m ore than 6200,000 to shot on the Manila airport tarmac “Yes, It could be from a swat. Manchester, CT 06040 out like gang busters and suggest that they have programs such as Time Out For Parents and tbe by alleged communist hitman 110 Main St. On the other hiand, kids play Rolando Caiman. Galman was LOOK at the following BEAUTY CARE 643-1139 V— As “ Professionals tend to think'that they must have an abused child,” she said. An offended parent is Community Child Guidance Clinic. killed by soldiers seconds after proof positive of abuse before they can make a hard and get bruises, nicks and not going to listen when help is offered, ^ w e said. ” Of course, it all comes down to better , Aquino was shot. report,” said Mowry. "This is not the case.” .Even knocks. Are you going to file a “ And our most important Job, at tbe sdiool level, reporting. But we are certainly not in the moral (tuijano was a passenger aboard services for this weeks special savingsl thojm who only suspect abuse are required by law is to k e ^ the lines of communication i^ien.” position to be able to sa y ‘This is what you must the China Airlines jet on which to contact DCYS. report for every skinned knee?” But school board policy calls fm- informing both do.’ Are we so much holier than they? I Aquino returned to Manila, from Shop Locally and SAVEI Rosemary Priscoll, spokeswoman for DCYS, the parent and DCYS when abuae is suspected, understood her to mean tbe people who fail to three years of self-exile in the ■aid her office did not hear of moat of the 46 said Jennifer Tate, cwnlinator of social work for report what they know. United States. He returned to the children who died in Connecticut until after the Ray Gardner tbe Manchester schools. ” We might perhaps change tbe perspective Philippines against the wishes of ALIVE HAIR DESIGN The educator walks a fine line, Gardner said. people have on this issue. It is seen as an issue the government of President Fier- ANNE'S PLACE ’ has the jump on summer fact. Principal, Bowers School dinand Marcos |IUa. Rimlqi. '"We never got the first call on them. We cannot “ We want to protect the child, but, on tbe other confined within the home. But perhaps we could “Old Fashioned Prices" investigate people we've never heard about,” said hand, we don’t want to Jump to conclusions about help by sponsoring a series of public information The civilian commission con­ '61 Em I C****** ^ ‘ ^ We have the ultimate in GltilMPB cluded in October Aquino was shot Tanning Booths. Driscoll. what tbe parents might have done and what their forums tbat wodld get the word out,” she said. on the stairway either by Consta­ Haircuts Perms CORNER STORE ble Rogelio Moreno of the Philip­ * 1 5 OFF SUN CAPSULE pine Constabulary Metropolitan $ 500 %2 QWi Command or by Technical Sgt. $40 FIRMS TANNING SYSTEM Filomeno Miranda, of the Philip­ WITH CUT Sculptured • All-Over Tan pine Air Force. • No Lines The system can discourage those who call WITH THIS COUPON Metrocom is the arm of the Nalls *25<” • No Burning military that performs police appointments have priority • Complete Privacy duties in Manila. . You don’t have to be an educator, telepbone number — even if it ia to her parents’ borne on , Olcott taken. ITiat would violate a client’s sure” with a belt. • More Sanitary ()uiJano said she decided five Dsir ^ a psychologist or a minister to be withheld from tbe family being Street? The Ctetubaw infant died privacy,’’ “ Everyone may know about it, times to testify before the commis­ 6 4 3 -1 4 4 2 • AM/FM Cassette report child abuse. Some of the investigated. April 20 and her father has been When they do iMt understand the but usually only one person reports sion, but backed out each time at in the w/headphones ONSN N t m : moat important information "It’s important, because that charged with murder in connection steps taken by tbe professionals, it. The idea of neighbors intruding the last minute in fear for her life. comes from neighbors, friends of way. we can get back to tbe initial with her death. people sometimes get disgusted on one another is not very well MANCHESTER M AU 2 FREE VISITS the parents, relatives and even reporter and ask for more help if People “give up on tbe system, and stop making calls. Baker said. accepted. There is still very much Ver’s counsel, Antonio Coronel, ______"ail Main SL With Perm, Foil Highlight, later told reporters Quijano was a Giant Grinders other cblldran. we’re getting nowhere with tbe when it doesn’t deliver what they Another problem arises when a of an old-fashioned iwtlon that Sciilptured Nails or Gel Nails ’’perjurer” who used a false name Hum.. ,.l II,,. w... ki, a .m I...... , “Many cases would never de­ case,” said Ann Killam, an Intake expect,” said Barry Baker of tbe person decides to call the authoiri- parental rights take precedence A..',,;,,, (•,,11,., when traveling as a businesswo­ Vernon Circle • 643-6713 Kam,Tni^iB3r, Boast Beef velop without information — tips— superviaor at tbe DCYS office in Ccimmunity Clilld Guidance Clinic. Ues about a neighboring family. over the best IntorMta of tbe man between the Philippines and from friends and relativea,” aaid Rockville. "DCYS cannot get back to those Perhaps everyone on tbe block baa child,” Baker said. "But in tbe end, the United States. Rosemary Driscoll, spokeswoman Even when a caller ia only initial reporters and explain tbe heard screams coming from tjiat people have to take aome responsi­ (JuiJano, who emerged as a CammaRd (or DCYS. "People must be expresalng tuspiciona — and progreas a family is making, or home, or baa w atch ^ a parent bility (or protecting tbe child. You witness after her arrest on unre- encouraged to call the hasn’t got much data to back up hia Jus^ the actioiu that they’ve administer a "disciplinary mea- have to put youraelf on the line." iated'charges last December, said > We do mora than just cut hair! M .99 authorities.’ ’ (ears — tbe call will be logged at she witnessed the assassination Reports from non-profestionaU the DCYS office. “ Ttaeie ituy be r94- : hi*-* t from a window near the door after 10% OFF with this ad LOOK! are increaaing, said Cheryl several calls which individually ' plain clothes men prevented her Mowry, coordinator of tbe .Re- would not requite an Investigation. from following Aquino. • Perms Nail Tips You can feature gibnal Child Advocacy Program, When they are put tofether, inarsi^n help\ • Colors Sculptured Nails Boiled Ham 110 Main St. F o re x a m ^ , she said, however, tbe DCYS superviaor will your business there were II aexual abuse cases decide to Investigate,” aaid _____ a m • Frost Manicures reported in Manchester during Mowry. Far the Record • Blow-Dry Styling Facial Waxing here. 1164 — iiMre than twice as many as People hesitate to call tbe DCYS • Shampoo - Sets REDKEN Retail Products -99 Ml tbe year before. Many of tboae office rttore than once for (ear they ■■ ■ reports came from friends and K are nagging the office. ’’Butthiaia The Bolton Board of Education Appts. accepted but never necessary neighbors. ’’Thia doesn’t mean ■ not the case. When you have kept •M,660 of a g76,806 eurplua left Call Display abuae is iiKreaaing, it ineaiu that aomething new to report, you in Ha lAidget at thp end of fiscal 24 Hours we’re getting better reporu," said should call,” said Killian. llMiS'flRJNHMib 6TO n ailMth,'iiiS w i ’ im -64. A story in ’Thuraday’s ICommand Pstfonnanoe 643-8339 Advertising Mowry. as much information as they feel ^ Herald on the proposed 1965-66 324 Broad Street HON. 106 comfortable divulging. On the' V9HY, THEN, were there no calls adxMl budget incorrectly reported 706 MAIN STREET FRIBNIM, RELATIVES and other band, tbe case ia much from friends, neighbors pr rela­ tha fate of past school budget Manchester Parkade TUES.-FRi. 104) 643-2711 Mjgbbors are permitted call stronger if the caller will give tbe tives during tbe five diootlis that (Naar C.V.S.) ...... MANCHESTER DCYS aiMmymoualy, and giveto only DCYS worker his name and •> Dale-Lyn Crenahaw was back in K - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. May 2. 1985 MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. May 2, 1965 - 13 Advice- Keep hoKiBehold products em-' A bou t Town away from curious pets Chapman Court has auction Freeloading dad is burden QU BinON : I have heard that Chapman Court 10, Order of the Amaranth, will m nw eat could be poiaoned by meet Friday at 7:43 p.m. at the Masonic Temple, 25 E. dnnklng automobile aatlfraaia. Center St. Why would a cat drink anU- Officers will wear white gowns. Lore and John to his self-sufficient son fraaie? Are there other waya my Steinsuer will be in charge of refreshments. There cat or deg could be pNsoned? P e t FQ rm n will be a teacup auction. A rehearsal (or officers will DEAR 12. I have a long history of be held at the temple at 7 p.m. ABBY: I'm a non-violent sexual offenaea. I am ANIWBRt You bavo manti- 23-year-old once again In Jail awaiting sent-' onad ana of the nnoot common Edward A. Wllllaina, D.V.M. man with a ence for a sexual offense. chomical poisona that cate ahd Pasta dinner at Arm y and Navy problem: my Abby. please continue to tell doga are expoaed to. Ethyltne Manchester Chapter of UNICO will hold a dinner father. Three D ear A b b y your readers that all.children, boys glycol in antifreeie U Ugbly 4 Sunday from noon to 4 p.m. at the Army and Navy month! ago he and girls, should be supervised poiaonoua to animate. Unfortu­ Club. Pasta, meat sauce, salad, Italian bread, butter, quit hi! Job and when going to the bathroom a t ' [ 2 Abigail Van Buren nately, it has a sweet taate and beverages and ice cream will be served. moved in with movies or any other public place. animate are attracted to it. Because of their anUnais are very fasUdiouB in their eating Ail proceeds will be used for UNICO charities. me. He didn’t No o a f knows better than 1 how curioua nature and their habit of oxi habtta and will nevar eat apoited food. The Committee members include: Tony LoGrasso, even let me easy it is for a child to be accosted with thoir tonguM, young k nnajority, bowtver, will eat garbage and Bemi Giovino, Jeff Gentilcore, Barry Botticello, Leo know he waa by a molester in a public restroom. puppioo are espodally likoly to ingaat almaat anything else. Diana. Mike Benevento, ’William Rice and Roger coming; hejuat Flea markets, county fairs and antifnwM as wall as other chanucal Every Veterinary practitioner haa proba­ Negro. ahowed up at my door — bag and roommate to share expenses. carnivals are a molester's delight. poisons. bly aean certain cata and eapeeially dogs baggage. What can I do? Dad keep# telling I am atttased to see so nnany small Many chemicate readily available (or who will “ aat anything that doaan't eat He'a been here for three montha me, "You owe me your life; if it children wandering around alonb home uae can be deadly to pets. Muriatic tham." Spoilad food can cauae dlgastive Spring classss havo openings now, and atiii no Job. I doubt if he’a weren’t for me, you wouldn’t be at these places. : acid, which is commonly usod ass masonry upaata at tha very laaat and in aome cates it Manchester Recreation Department has openings Prevention of child molestation even looking. I aaked him to take here. ’’ Should I feel guilty because tdnd tile cteaner, can poteon your cat or dia. can cauia death. Tha noteonous nature of for some of its spring classes meeting at Highland can come about only through any kind of Job for now, but he aaid I want himoutofhere. What should ^The chomical givaa off toxic (umoo which apoilad food te cauaed w mieroorgantems Park School. Basic cooking for youths will be offered Id o? educating parents as well as he waa too old to atart at the bum tho lining of Uw respiratory system. and the toxlna they pnMHca. starting May 16 from 3; IS to 4; 30 p.m. children. bottom. (He’a 47). FED UP Whan using any chemicate, care shwid be MOiT MRTANCEG of garbage or spoiled Prirentc to warn their Many adult one-session workshops have openings, To top it off, his girlfriend ia taken to close the container tightly and food Ingeitioa occur when aaet il outdoors including basket making, painting and applique. DEAR FED UI^ Reverse roles, children about molesters, and aiways here. They have aex in my . gtore it where pets and children can't gat and away (fom Ha owner. Ibte aametimes Workshops are held on Tuesdays-from 6 a.m. to noon and do what a loving parent should further protect them by nevet bed, abower in my bathroom and into it, and to clean up any spilled matarial. praasnti a dtagnoatie dllainiiia to tha allowing them to roam around in or 1 p.m., and 6:30 to 9:M p.m. have practicaliy taken over my do with an able-bodied adult son Photo by Konnslh Stirkamp 3'. Chemicals inten(M to kill ixxtents and veterinarian hacauae the owner is unaware public places unsupervised. For more information and registration, call the apartment. Dad got upset when I who freeloads off his parents. Give inaacts are sometimes eaten by pets. There of what hte pet haa eaten. 1 PBoto by RIcfwnond INMATE IN COLORADO department at 647-30M. told him I didn’t want her over here him a deadline. He’ll take as long Connecticut love are numerous types of those products which The symptoina of poteon ingesUpn are so much. She’s married with two as you’re willing to give. can be deadly if ingested. Again, young variable depeadiog on a munbm of nictors Thia little female husky, shown with Dog Warden Richard DEAR INMATE: Thank you for Beth Jenkins of 34-C Garden Drive and more than 3,000 records have been sold. smalt children and ia 10 years anintate, because of their curious nature such aa the type of poison and the amount Rand, is waiting at the dog pound to be adopted. She's reaffirming some facts that many Mental health group meets younger than my father. DEAR ABBY: I am a 43-year-old Michael Johnathan sit under a tree in The video, which is being distributed to and their amall eise, appear to be moat ingested, ti e s e can be aa varied aa parents are already well aware of. been named CoCo. Abby, I liked living alone. I work white male, and a child molester of Hartford. Jenkins recently served as the TV stations, was fiimed in areas such as su ^ p tlb le to this type of poisoning. Even vomiting and/m diarfahea, difficulty in The family support group (or families with two Jobs so I wouldn’t need a pre-adolescent children, ages 5 to But it never hurts to remind them. ntodel for a video tape promoting Boiton Lake and Wickham Park. The m nall quantities of poison can affect the breathing, drooling, coovuteiona or inabil­ members who suffer from chronic mental illness will smaller animal. Chemicate intended as Adopt a Pet meet Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Center (or Mental “Connecticut Love,” a record which is record's entire cost — $2.50 — goes to ity to auind. If you have any reason to insect and rodent killers should always be ■umect that your pet haa been in contact Health, room 4, Manchester Memorial Hospital. being sold at 7-11 stores across thestate the state March of Dimes. State Pepsi used with extreme caution if used at all with poiaonoua material, make an effort to Breast surgery needless where dogs and cats are present. to benefit the March of Dimes. Johna­ Coia bottlers picked up all production determine the type of poteon. Look for is pretty pup than, a Lexington, Ky. resident who costs and 7-11 stores are handling labete or package Inaerta. If poaaible, obtain CoCo you can find a plastic surgeon ANOTHER CAUSE of pet poisoning is the DEAR DR. once iived near Boiton Lake, composed distribution. The record's cover la by a aampte of the material. Contact a MMH seeks volunteer youths GOTT: My through your own doctor or local ingestion of parts of houaeplants that are veterinarian and follow the first aid breasts are hospital. Breast augmentation can and sings "Connecticut Love.” So far. Kenneth Burkamp of Manchester. toxic. Because there are over 100 plants meaaurea that are recommended. for a loving owner Manchester Memorial Hospital volunteer depart­ quite small and be expensive and is ordinarily which are poisonous to cats and dogs, it is a The Univeraity of Illinoia operates a ment is interviewing young people ages 14 to 17 for its one breast is performed in the hospital. Beware good rule to keep all house plant! out of their 24-bour animat toxicology "hotline." The summer volunteer program and its year-round Junior noticeably D r. G o tt of silicone injections; they are Social Security reach. number te (217) 332-xn. ' Bv Barbara Richmond Jesebel, the black female husky volunteer program. The summer program will run larger than the dangerous. The surgeon of your By far the most common type of poisoning Special to the Herald cross picked up at a gas station at from June 24 to Aug. 30, with volunteers replacing in dogs and cats is caused by eating garbage Broad and Center streets on March year-round, adult volunteers on a temporary basis. other. I would Peter Gott, M.D. choice can show you before-and- Dr. Edward A. WUifonM te a Manchester like to have a after photographs of other pa­ or spoiled food. We are all familiar with This week's featured pet is a M, te tUU waiting to be adopted. breast augmen- \ tients, but all surgery is danger­ Medicare pays for wheelchair "food poisoning" inhuman! who eat spoiled veterinarlaa. Be yea have a qakeUea yea’d female huaky. She’s about 6 Rand said her days are numbered Director of Volunteer Services Betty Tonucci said tation per­ ous, so consider carefully before food, but we usually aren’t as aware of food like le aee aaawered here? Write to Pel months old and is light tan and if the isn’t adopted soon. She would sbe t e looking (or volunteer! for two assignments a Feram, Bax M l, Maacbeoter. 68646. white with beautiful steel-blue make a fine pet for a family as formed, but do going through with it. QUESTION: I’m thinking of covered, regardless of your age. disposal. poisoning in our pets until it happens. Some week each. Those wishing to volunteer may call her eyes. She’s been named CoCo. she’s friendly and obedient. not know any going to work for my father as his office at 646-1222, extenaion 2268, between 8:80 a.m. plastic surgeons. How would I go wait until your breasts have fully DEARDR.GOTT: lam 76years receptionist. Will I get Social QUESTION: What’s to prevent a and 4; 30 p.m., Monday through Friday. QUESTION: My husband has CoCo was found on Conway Road Aten sUll waiUng to be claimed or about finding a good plastic developed (by your mld-20s) be­ old and have discovered I have a Security credit even if I’m working person from giving away valuable Cornerstone has honor roll had hip surgery and will have to be on April 24 and is ready for adopted is the old cocker apaniel surgeon? Also, how would I te able fore becoming concerned. Try to small lump the size of a pepper­ for a member of my family? property in order to qualify for SSI adoption. She has a calm and easy that was picked up on Knighton in a wheelchair for quite a few The Cornerstone Christian School an­ eaAoar Koffee Klatch serves lunch tq tell^what his or her work is like avoid surgery. The Playboy fan­ corn on the lip of the vagina. I feel payments? going manner. Street on April 11. Sbe’a orange months. Will Medicare pay (or the nounces the honor roll for the third epfarter. before having the surgery? How tasy has done nothing to encourage no hurt and am too embarrassed to ANSWER: It depends on your and white and needs grooming. COVENTRY - The monthly Koffee Klatch of First much do these operations cost? good self-images in women who wheelchair? Another new dog at the pound go to a doctor unless entirely age and on the type of business. ANSWER: If a person gives ea*OB4 Sarah Dumas, Jtff Erlkson, Mika Evans, Loal Congregational Church will serve a lunch of Can this be performed in the are not amply endowed. necessary. Could you please ad­ Work done by a child under 21 for a away or sells any resource for less Holton, Jonny Houla, Eddit Loow. Faith this week is an old terrier cross. Little Tansy, last week’s fea­ sandwiches, desserts and beverages (or $2 Wednes­ physician’s office? How long is the vise me? McLaughlin, Alothaa Tolcot. Dog Warden Richard Rand said tured pet, te one of the lucky ones. Often a small prosthesis or parent is not covered by the Social than its fair market value for the ANSWER: Medicare medical . Fotar Evons, Emilv Grov, Mortv Nswoll. day from noon to 1; 30 p.m. at the church on Route 31. recovery period? Is this procedure the dog, a male, is about 13 to IS She has been adopted by a padded bra can help restore what Security law. If, however, your purpose of establishing eligibility insurance can help pay for durable en A oa s Chowder or salad will be 45 cents extra. The meal is very painful? I know this is done by Donlsll# Adams, Anoalo Sinclair. years old and was wearing a IMl Coventry family and is making nature has failed to supply. Certain father’s business is incorporated for SSI, the uncompensated value medical equipment, such as a sponsored by the church’s Friendly Circle. using silicone implants, but does DEAR READER: All lumps are Torrington license. herself right at home. exercises, like bench-presses, can potentially dangerous, particu­ and you are employed by the will be counted as a resource for 24 wheelchair, that your doctor pres­ SSAOBS the silicone cause cancer? corporation, then your work is months from the date of the cribes for use in your home. He was seen roaming on East cause enlargement of the pectoral larly painless ones. In the vaginal GorWolla OaFord, Kim Fair. Middle Turnpike near Vernon The dog pound te located on town Red Cross teaches first aid muscles behind the breasts, ther­ area, swellings are usually the Cholsaa Cota, Jtnnlfor D'Apoollanlo, Kim property oil Olcott Street. Rand is DEAR READER: Most women jjw ^K rl! Bee. Street. A resident of the area American Red Cross, Connecticut Valley East eby appearing to increase breast result of benign cysts stemming at the pound each day from noon to have one breast larger than the called Rand. Branch, will conduct a course in standard first aid, size. from skin glands. However, you Tosha Postomok, Haldl Phllbrick, Crystal 1 p.m. He can be reached by other. This is nature’s lack of MlfckI AMiondro, Rvon Oumos, JedI Duplin. Stuart. » Another new resident of the multi-media aystem. May 11 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. a t ' If you, or other women in your wmild be well advised to have the Cinema pound this week is a shepherd calling the pound, 643-6642 or 1^ symmetry. If I were you, I would situation, choose to have surgery. lump checked by a physician. ! fRjtoifr’Vi''■■ tbe 20 Hartford Boad office. The cost is $25. AL GENTILE’S cross female puppy. She’s brown calling the police department at Participants must be at least 13 or have completed j Htehtioaors 646^355. Harttard WRCQ BIG BAND and white and was picked up on grade 7. : * Cholsaa BOck. There is a $5 fee (or adopting a CliMma City — The Rsturn of tho UA Thoofors Rost — Just One of the with April 25 on Flower Street. Rand For more information or registration, call the Soldlor 7:30, 0:40. — A L o v t In Andy Bock. Mika Duolln, Nlallosa McAullffa, dog and tbe new owner must have Guvs (PG-13) 7:20, 9:20. — Moving ANMtCV NNOmw ‘ Shaun RoMnten, Danny Snollanbaroar, Condv said he has already had requests to office, 643-5111. Gormanv4:S0,9.— Amadous (PG) I. — Violations (PG-13) 7:1$, 9:40. — The Sandy Nolsen, Jamas Oulnlon. adopt h<>r if she isn’t claimed. the dog licenied. Thoughts Tho Purple Rose of Cairo (P C ) 7:15, Company of Wolves (R ) 7:30,9:15. wDKN UlMESSw Yotoa. »:15. ' ★ MCKSMmw Clnostodlo — Tho Oroftful Good this saying is actually a mis-quote? a gift that expresses love for (P G ) 7:30. Tronslox Collofs Twin— The Purple When the Beatles first started Rose of Cairo (P G ) 7,9:20. — Banonas MANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOl oaiawALiotMigA The Biblical verse from I Timothy someone else, or to support God’s lost Hartford out, they recorded a song called ■ostwood Pub * Chioma — Tho (R) 7 with Everything You Always 134Mld(lliTuniplkoEMl >. "Money — That’s What I Want!" 6:10, which is the origin for this work, or to help a friend in Sluoflor't Wlfo (P(».13) 7:1$. Wanted to Know About Sex (R ) 0:35 SUNDAY, MAY S, 3 K M . They received a lot of "bad press” thought, really says, "The love of desperate need. ' Poor Rickard's Pob A dosmo— Tho with Sleeper (R ) 10:10. CUUROL money is the root of all evils.” Terminator (R ) 7:30,9:30. Tickats: *6.00 Par ParsM for this song, even though it was a So, do not love your money, but thewcosa Closinos — TM Last FRULNET Money can be an “ evil" if it is Clou 1 B 2 — The Breakfost Club (R) Call: 241-MS3 For Infomiatlon big hit, because the lyrics sounded let your money Ik a means of Drooon (PG-13) 1:15, 10. — Bovorlv loved and worshiped above the Hills Cop (R ) 1:15, 7:35, 9:35. — Mask 7:20,9:15. — Return of the JedI (P G ) 7, Hairspray too materialistic — making "m o­ showing your love fo^Godand your 9:M. Banafit: NIce’n’Easy ney" appear to be the ultimate goal love of God and the love of ( PG-13) 1:45,7:10,9:40. — Doworotolv BUTLER All Types neighbor! Sooklno Susan (P(3-13) 1,7:25,9:45. — West tlorttord MANCHESTER 8KENTIENNUL Haircolor VANQUISH in life. neighbor, if it is selfishly hoarded, Police Academy 2: Their First Asslan- . Ebn I J I 2 — The Breoktast Club (R ) Proxabrush 4 oz. MIDOL BAYER Is money bad? I’ve heard a lot of or if it is seen as the ultimate goal ment (PG-13) 1:30,7:20,9:30. — Lest In 7:15, 9:30. — The Kllllnp Fields (R ) 7, BAND SHUL CORPORAllATION All Shades Tablets America (R ) 1:30,7:20,9:40.— Witness 9:30. Tablets Arthritis Tablets people say that "money is the root in life. But money can also be a Charles H. Ericson, Pastor Refills (R) 1,7:30,9:50. — Lodyhowke (PG-13) Wtaeeer Tunsin WRCQ -lir llw RMSlt I «612,(HI14.(W18,#620 60’s of all evil," but did you know that blessing — if it is used to purchase Bolton Congregational Church 1:45, 7:20. — Cat's Eve (P(3-I3) 9:35. Plozo— Return of the JedI (P G ) 7:1$. “ 'v fiH love • c a $ 3 6 7 60’s 72's

EVENING AUCTION ROBERT H. GLASS COVENTRY AUCTION SERVICE presents Friday, May 3,7 p.m. (Preview 5 p.m.) PERMASOFT A Fine 3 Day Public Auction PERMASOFT CALTRATE 600 tobBheldat JOHNSONS Shampoo or presents (under tents) Hairspray Calcium Tablets Manchester Mall Auction Gallery STRIDEX Baby Lotion Conditioner 81 f AA«ln Street. AAarKhester^ Conn. f f 99 FrI., May 3rd 10:00 a.m. / Sat., May 4th 10:00 a.in. Acne Pads - 7S’s 9 oz. All Types 60'S The Early Bird fecial Sunday, May 5th 12 Noon 7 oz. All Types $ 2 * 7 Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday (Inspection each day 2 hours before auction) STRIDEX 16 oz. A House Full 5-7 p.m. BP Lotion -1 oz Freth Veol Delicacieg, Italian Specialtiet & 103 Windham Road (Route #32), Willimaiitic, CT b o h e m Wdhour Plus Additions. (home is behind American Thread) RetsxMg T>w Cud TERMS OF.SMJ ; Cash, Travalart Chacks. Bank Chack, Seafood Entreet $ 2 6 7 VICTORIAN MANSION UNTOUCHED • 5 . 9 5 THROUGH 5 GENERATIONS. 10 PIECE OAK DINING ROOM SET; MUCH WICKB1' q ilA U TT COm KNM CNn FOR FUTURE AUC1I0NS ACCEPf ED. 331 Center Street EARLY PEWTER; CURLY MAPLE FURNITURE; MANY CLCXJKS; FABULOUS OAK Aualoneer — Roben Snyder (corner of Broad & Center, Imported & Domestic AND MAHOGANY; 1Mb CENTURY FURNITURE; ART POTTERY: 40 SHELVES OF next to Carvel) Beer, Liquor St Wine MAJOR CHINA AND GLASS; O O NT MISS THIS ONE. BRING YOUR CHAIR OVER eq»H aaotICtiOwT Phone (203) 742-9682. or 646-9243 day of sale, 2500 ITEMS (2 8TICKLEY PIECES). ' AIt FiAVOMiD im rOOTHOWSn Mancheiter 647-999S M/C, VISA, Amer. &p. MOHn«aauiFa« L’OREAL w AM PU PARRIWG IN THE REAR * ROBERT H. OLAGi AUCTIONReRS, INC. (203) $04-7311 Free Hold L’OREAL VISIME AC 1st Shave Cream Mousse Summer Sun Kit , Eye Drops All Types SALUTE THE CULTURAL VITALITY THE LITTLE THEATRE .50 oz. Reguiar or Light or . , .. . OF MANCHESTER UNISON 11 oz. Toothpaste Extra Control Extra Light Spring is the time Join the Manchester Symphony Orchestra and Chorale OF MANCHESTER, INC. Regular or Mint Tablets FREE 5 OZ. to celebrate Its 25th Anniversary! pretentM 6.4 OZ. for planting! 32's iioifi “Sliver Anniversary And now is the Gala Concert” time for Sunday,a u n a a May 12th - 4:00 p.m. TNI NI6NT OF) STAYFREE p k a y ta D tl ANNUALS! f, May 13th - 7:30 p.m. THE iguana! Teldrin ITEUNON MaxiPads DESENEX Disposable Let Whitham’s •f IIB M It ll t M llu p i MulU-CoMTSymptom I Regular or Deodorant BoMes bring color to your Manchester Super Spray Toothpaste 12’S 2.7 oz. garden. 12 mg. EOOTRIN :25)^r High School Regular’or 24’s S 2 7 S A«mvei«ARV 1 3 4 Turnpikt Flourida Tablets ------a ______3 oz. 2S0’s MiniPada 12's Beethoven 1 6 7 Whitham N ursery Symphony No. 9 In D Minor, Op. 125 East Catholic High School Auditorium * v * Route 6. Bolton — 643-7802 fln jia ta . sUfioiG, Sfiifiiiu Open daily and Sunday 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Or. Jack Htlkr, Mutle Director S Conductor FRIDAY & SATURDAY Crown PhanRiey Available at participating Lanox Pharmacy D u r a t i o n * David Oyla Morse, Chorehnuter PnaorjoUin Cmtir VALUE PLU S S TO PESl 298 E. Cantar S l Katharine Harris, Sopreno Not all Hama avallabla at RASALSnUY APRIL 26 & 27 / MAY 3 & 4 20iw!CMtir8L all atone. bursting with Psmala Kins, Meao-Sopreno Manchaatar Shampoo or Jofirty Dowd, Tettor NandiMlir Not raaponalbla lor EFFERDENT Quantity, Quality, Joy Taytor, Sett 8:00 P.M. typographical errors. Conditioner OS's Tickets All Types GENERAL PUBUC: $5.00 Student Tickets Regular or efferdent Sel^tion, and Service. 16.00 H ultha 12 oz. SENIOR OTIZENS/STUDENTS: $3.00 & Senior Citizens BNuto Aids Ray Drug Ca. Braoka Pharmacy Quhin’a Pharmacy Menthol TO RESERVE TICKETS OR FOR MORE INFORMATION Sail PriCMl 14 Main 8L. 586 EnBald Aya.. .873 Main 8L .50 oz. CALL' 647-6043 or 649-9766 Call For Tickets Eaat Hartlard Ennald ^ TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR CFFECfiVE Manchaatar 872-7428 I4AYZ4. 1985 MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, May 2. 1985 — 15_ 14 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. May 2, IMS E .1 —. " When fishing the Housatonic the ^ s the thing El surface and dies shortly thereafter. down a lake by the thousands looking Ilka miniature All week long, fishemien I know have been dropping sailboats floating along in the breeso. . sroRTB by, or calling to tell me about the fantastic hatches of The cycle begina again. The eggs hatch into lai^ae and then nymiM. The nymphal stage can last as Io m It used to be like this in Connecticut J«ow York Md Hendricluon flies on the different rivers around the other neighboring states. On som^a rivera In o tw state. And, of course, the fishermen with Hendrickson as a year, andduriiig this Ume. they are prey to tto trout nosing along the bottom, or feeding as they (the states close by you can still see the right hatches at the Imitations have been clobbering the trout population. J o e ’s nymphs) drift with the current moving from one place right times. , i Moetly On no-kill sections of the rivers in question. However. In this state, as well as some of w r The Housatonic River, over in the western part of W o r ld to another. MHS trips Newington neighbors, the effluvia from mills, “ waf the state, has been a most prolific producer of flies It la when the metamorphosis ataria to take pla<« from building devolopmenU. roadside salt and (Hendrickson) and, of course, trout, and some bass. Joe Qarman and the nymph rises to the surface to become an adult chemicals not caught up in catch basias, all washiw The river in this area is strictly a no-kill river next batter, Jim Fogarty, tripled fly, that the trout go into a feeding frensy. 'Rte fish into the rivern. destroyed not only the nyinphs, but the The triple threat paid dividends to the same spot In right center. because of PCB contamination (which seems to be mlnuUa that the larvae and nymphs fe ^ upon. for Manchester High Wednesday. slowly disappearing). Contamination has become a I the A trio of three-baggers — alt to KraJe.wski delivered what proved boon along ^ th distress, in the no-kill policy enforced ______calls Thank goodnew. the iSS to be the game-winning RBI when , northeast nave really made an oWart to c le a n u ^ r right centerfield — resulted in his groundnut knocked in Fogarty by the state. 'It has made it a super river for large A QUICK aquatic biology lesson for the un­ "nymidilng.’ waters, and more especially, Connecticut has naen three runs to spark the homestand­ trout, and larger fish populations since the PCB does informed. to make it 3-1. doing a super Job. ^ ing Indians to a 4-1 victory over a Chris HeUn’s run-scoring single not seem to harm the fish. The “take” of the adult fly floating on top of tlw The fact that so many trout were cMglrt on respected Newington High club in It evidently has not hurt the aquatic insect Seventy-five to 85 percent of a trout’s diet Is water la often a savage slash, and quite often tWs is In the fifth and Mike Charters coihprised of aquatic insect life.'The flies that you see Imitation Hendricksons, Quill Qortons. Red f^ lls CCC Interdivision action at Kelley sacrifice fly in the sixth accounted . population either, because the reports that I have when you see the fish leap from the water, to fall back this past week is exciting, but I think what J*®” Field. mention giant swarms of HendrickMns popping to the hovering over the water, be it river or pond, do not with a resounding splash. Manchester, now 7-4, travels to for a pair of insurance runs. come from the land to hover over the water, but aro exciting is the number of hatches and the slse of them. "We’re trying to put everything surface, inviting the trout and bass to a wild feeding I have been witness to many of these hatches with Enfield (or a 8;30 CCC East tilt frenxy. actually hatched under water, spend most of their Just thinking that a river like the Wlllimantic. c lw Friday. together for the second half of the lives there as larvae and nymphs. Some are different species of mayfly hatching at approximately by, not too long ago wae so pollut^. the fisheimen season,” said Manchester coach To quote one of my fishing friends who lives nearby, the same ttane each yeaiP (This is one of the reasons Newington drops to 8-S. "Joe, I've not seen a hatch like this since the old days swimmers, some dingers to the rocks and logs. At the shletTaway from it. This year, the hatch on the river Winning pitcher Ken KraJewski Don Race. "We’vegottotightenup same time each year, with nature's clock telling them for all tte different imitation flies we fly fishermen was fantastic. So be it. Maybe there’s hope for us all to the lid on the errors and get the going back 40 years or so.” carry in our vests, on the stream). In some areas I was his typical overpowering seif, Hatches, as described, going on in rivers around the it is time, they will swim to the surface, and, while "clean up ouf' act.” allowing Just, three hits, while hitting — and today, we did. If we floating in the surface film, climb out of their nymphal' have seen caddis flies so thick along riverbanks (this can do it against Newington, we state are many, and have some great omens. mostly in the western part of the country or remote striking out 10 and walking two. For years, everyone who is interested in fly fishing shucks, struggle to dry their wings, and then lift off in The lone Newington ran was can do it against anybody.” night As they hover over the water, copulation takes areas) that the windshields of cars and the headlights and the ecology of the rivers have been worried of these same cars had to be repeatedly cleared of flies Joe Gorman, a Manchester resident unearned, m Krajewski’s season- MANCHB8TIR (4) -- Trw H because the aquatic insect hatches of yesteryear place, and within a M-hoUr period (this applies to the 34H-0, Hsiln rf 24>-f-1. 8..McCorthv 2b flying into the vehicles. Just Uke it was snowing. years. Is a recognised authority on the subject oi long 0.00 ERA remains after 26 2/3 3-1-2-0, Fogarty ef seem to have dwindled and even disappeared on some mayfly. Caddis flies live a little longer). the eggs are bamboo rods, and the sport of fly fishing. 3-1-M. Chortof lb Custw Jo d ropi^ into the water, and the insect falls to the I've seen mayflies in Maine and Labrador, floating . 24HM), B.McCortftv 1-1-00, Moiiotto II rivers. Krqjewski, 4-0, also cranked the 0004, Totals 1*00-3. . . third Manchester triple and drove NlWllMTON (I) -- Sctolot^ M In a run. 2- 0-10, Murlsv 2b 3040, C ^ lsv rt J-1-10, Slnford e 3004, Fstow rl/p Junior second baseman Sean KEN KRAJEWSKI 2044, Doosl n r Here’re some tips McCarthy was the only batter with 3- 044, Ollmortin p 0404, McCus 1b Howtoget two bits. McCarthy ignited a . . .spins three-hitter 3044, wsbb 3b Contton If two-run rally in the fourth when he 1-4-M, Aneono ph 1-0^, Totols 23-1-3- 2 The cutting edge. tripled and croesed the plate on an scored on an outfield throwing Nswlneton 2S iJ? ® i i ? error after tagging up on Brian MonchMtsr 000 211 x ^ 1 for starting seeds errant relay throw. OUmortln, Cxorkowskl (5), Sou- agood turnover. Utilizing Honda’s quiet 4-stroke OH V engine for Newington scored first, tallying Binford’s fly out. chord (5), Fstow (*) ond Slnford; container, to avoid confusion, because in the top of the fourth when Brian After McCarthy came in with the KrolswskI ond B.McCorthv. WF- Kro- By Dick Raymond Our powerful 5HP and 7HP tillera are ea*y to start, maximum performance and minimal fuel use, this premium Iswskl; LP- Gllmortin. some varieties will sprout faster than thanks to Automatic Decompwiaion, And theyYe easy mower also features Roto-Stop',’ which stops the mower’s Crowley singled, stole second and tying run in Manchester's half, the People often ask me, 'Is it a big others by a few days. Then 1 place the to operate, with aU the ooutrols ooavaiienthr loatod on blade when you release the handle, yet keeps the engine deal to start some of my vegetable whole flat inside a plastic kitchen tog or wrap it with plastic food wrap and thenandlfs. BothareselHwopdled with2K)rwardand running. And the Automatic Decompression system means plants from seed indoors?" I usually 1 reverse gear, and have ragged Hooda 4-stroke engines easy starting. Self-propelled units have a no- " reply, "if you have a few empty milk set it on the fridge — any place away UPt photo from drafts. (Don't place seeded flats with quiet, effident imifflere. The only hard part with a maintenance shaft drive system and large Mariners shut down Bosox cartons and a sunny window, you're in Honda tiUtf is deciding whidi one 1 business." on the windowsill. Sun will dehydrate capacity grass bags. Honda mowers. Yankee pilot Billy Martin (center) has (27) stays out of the conversation. Here's all you’ll need: some flats or the soil mix. Seeds trying to sprout The cutting edge. words of advice for pitcher Ed Whitson Yanks won first under Martin Wednes­ SEATTLE (UPI) — The SeatUe Tuesday night, BeatUe was at an The triumph was,teattle’s third need relatively warm, even tempera­ straight while Boston lost its fifth containers, a waterproof marking (right) while catcher Butch Wynegar day night, 5-1. Mariners are laughing at the odds. area hospital helping his wife, pen, small stakes, a tog of soil mix. ture.) Connecticut’s After losing 12-of-13 games to Martha, deliver their son, Samuel. in a row and sixth in its last seven ordinary house-plant fertilizer, a Once the seeds have sprouted, ' ”I worked pretty hard yester­ games. unwrap the plastic and set the flats in Largest Honda Dealer teams from the weak American watering can and kitchen plastic 30 Adams St., Manchester League West, the Mariners have day,” Beattie said. "Notashardah. BeatUe, 1-2, struck out six and wrap. a sunny place. Water as needed, add­ won their first three games of the (artha, but I waB giving it all I had walked three in his first start since As for containers: Egg cartons. ing regular houseplant fertilizer to (Exit 93 off 1-86) 646-2789 Yankees end losing habits season against teams from the sbelp. I slept pretty well after I being pulled from the rotaUon plastic dishes or any household ^ e water once a week. Turn the flats Open Tues. & Thun. 9 to 6 superior ^ East. gorhome.” after his April 26 ouUhg. Boston throwaway material you can come up' every few days, so the plants don’t Mon., Wed. & Fii. 9 to 8 By MIko Rabun to win, MarUn plans to put the bring up Hassey. The Mariners swept their two- Wednesday night, BeatUe picked never bad a runner reach third, but with will do. The container only needs bend toward the light source and get Sat. 9 to 4 Unittd Preu International Yankees through a full-scale wor­ In his last 16 at baU against game series with Milwaukee Mon­ up his first-victory of the season. twice bad a runner reach second to be about 1 1/2 inches deep, and you "leggier” than necessary. Texas Hassey has had 13 bits and with less than two out. When seedlings are a few inches kout today back home. day and Tuesday. Wednesday ”I got Ured early, but I got six must be able to punch drainage holes ARLINGTON, Texas — The New. "There are a lot of things we bis lifetime average night, Jim Beattie spun a four- runs and that helped me be relaxed Presley’s seventh home run was in the bottom. Remember: This is just high, it's time to transplant them into against the Rangers is .382. bis first since April 17th. It was a for seed starting and sprouting — deeper containers. This is a great York Yankees still won’t get their need to work on,” said Martin, who bitter as SeatUe shut out the Boeton and aggressive,” be said. "Six FR500 day off today, but at least they will will make his fourth Yankee "Hassey was outstanding,” said Red Sox, 7-4. runs gets the other team down a two-run opposita-field shot to right until the seedlings are an inch or two chance to "set them back." 1 actually and highlighted SeatUe’s four-run tall. 'Then you're going to transplant bury most vegetables right up to the feel a little better about working Stadium managerial debut Friday Martin, who had not started him in Beattie became a father for the UtUe bit and it helped us concen­ overtime. night against the Kansas City the first two games of the series. "I first Ume lees than 24 hours before trate and play some good third Inning off starter Roger them into deeper, more substantial topmost leaf cluster. This means all had to have a (ourtb-place hitter Clemens. containers. that first amount of stem can turn HR2I4 SXA Dave Righetti and Ron Hassey Royals. "We’ve got a way to go.” taking the mound against the defense.” I take soil mix and dump some into into a root system. The idea is to saw to that. Hassey doubled home New tonight and he came through (or Bosox. If it was biologirally Jim Presley led Seattle at the Clemens, 2-3, gave up all seven large pail. 1 prefer a package mix encourage the best foundation possi- Hassey bad his first four-hit York’s first ran in the fourth inning us.” possiUe; the Mariners would have plate, driving in three runs with a runs in 7 2-3 innings. He allowed because it has some inorganic materi- ble for young plants before they’re O PEN through night as a big leaguer and RighetU and scored on a bloop single by Ed Whitson started for New BeatUe biecome a father prior to home run a ^ double Wednesday, eight hits while walking three, and al added. This helps to hold moisture, set out in the garden. worked his longest stint as a short Butch Wynegar. York and got his first victory every starting assignment. n i^t. striking out eight. Look for "soil” rather than pure pott­ Have your family and neighbors HOUSE reliever to bring the Yankees a 5-1 In the sixth inning Hassey against three losses, but after five ing soil. The tiny seedlings aren't collect half-gallon, quart and pint victory over the Texas Rangers. singled in Ken Griff^ Iran shaky innings be walked the first NL roundup going to need (or want) a heavy medi­ milk cartons. They're coated with SALE HONDA. It was the first victory in three second, and in the eighth he singled two men be faced in the sixth, and um at this point. And packaged mixes wax. and hold up for many weeks tries (or Billy Martin since once with uie bases loaded to bring in on came Righetti. have been sterilized to avoid "damp­ indoor growing and watering. Lighter again taking over the Yankees, two more runs. fUgbetU workad his way out of ing off” due to live organisms (the containers of cardboard can rot and fJ.'^ Power and broke a five-game New York Texas manager Doug Rader that problem and did not allow a hit ordered Don Mattingly walked to until (joorge Wright doubled with sorts that are in your backyard soil). fall apart. E q u i p m e n t losing streak. Braves' outmotor Reds Next 1 moisten the mix in a pail. Watering tip: Set flats in a large Even though bis team managed load the bases in the eighth and two out in the ninth. This makes it much easier to fill the tray, and water from the bottom. This By Fred McMone "The umpires gave Atlanta a walked. With Dunston and Dernier containers. Dry. the mix often flies prevents knocking the tender see­ IfsaHonda United Press International break.” said Rose, who went double stealing, Brenly threw the into the air. And then attempting to dlings over into the mud. IfsaHofida A L roundup OPEN 9 a-m. - CLOSE M. T. W. TH. 5 :30. FRi. 7 p.m.. SAT. 4 p.m. bitleft in two at-bats. "By the ball past third base. Winner Dennis wet it causes it to flood over the side If you follow these steps, you For optimum pertormamx and laliety wc recommend you read the owner’i manual before operating the unit. Rm opiHnuai prrformMcr and sairty ircommend yvi rrad ihr mt-ncr s manoal befnrr operating the unit. On a playing field more suitable rules, they only had to wait an hour Eckersley, 4-1, struck out 10 in a and make a mess. should have great success. ® 1985 American Honda Motor Ca. Inc ~ 1985 American Honda MolarCa. Inc. for boat racing than baseball, base and 15 minutes before calUng it. complete game. I simply sprinkle my seeds over the hits fell nearly as often as "The umpires told me they were soil-filled flats, much as you’d shake raindrops Wednesday at Cincinna­ going to make a.decision at4 p.m. DodgsTB 2, Cardinals 1 salt and pepper on food. Then 1 gently Lefty starter finally wins ti’s Riverfront Stadium. They walked out at 1 minute till 4 At St. Louis, Ken Landreaux press the seeds into the soil mix with and it stopped raining.” a piece of cardboard or smooth, flat COW MANURE Ultimately, the heavens were scored on a balk by Neil Allen, 0-2, truly on the side of the Atlanta Although it soon started raining in the 12th inning to win it for the wooden shingle. This makes sure the again and continued throughout seeds have firm contact with soil and *15 Large Pick-up Load Braves. Dodgers. Landreaux pinch hit a moisture. The next step is covering a game for Toronto club The Braves rapped out 25 hits, the afternoon, the game was double and took tUrd on a the seeds with a handful of pre-mois- does not Include delivery chirge including Dale Murphy’s 10th played to completion — despite groundout before umpire John home run, and whipped the Cincin­ complaints from Rose and Starr MeSberry called the balk. Ken tened soil mix to a depth of four times FREE LOADING starter. If I can win 10 games as the loth straight victory. Frank Viola, the diameter of the seeds. (For By Mike Tullv nati Reds, 17-0, in a bizarre game that the contest should be stopped Howell, 1-1, was the winner, and United Press International fifth starter I know we can get over 4-2, gave up peven hits and in which Reds trainer Larry Starr because the slick field could cause Tom Niedenfuer pitched the 12tb lettuce, that's about one-quarter inch. Starved five walks before leaving Tomatoes and cabbages, closer to a the hump.” was ejected for complaining too serious injuries. for his first save. For the first time in five years, in the sixth. Jack Morris, 3-3, took vehemently about poor field "The field /was unplayable,” one^half inch.) This covering, too. 1 In halting California's six-game tte loss for the Tigers. press down gently. 616 Dart Hill Rd., Vernon Toronto’s starting rotation has winning string, Toronto scor^ five condition. declared Rose. ”I tried to get it Expos 3, PMIIIas 2 something left. runs in the seventh inning to snap a OrfotoB 3, ¥fhlto Sox 1 "Every-Once in a while you have called in the seventh so somebody Finally, I label the flat carefully. It (turn at Roy Rogora) Jimmy Key became the first At Philadelphia, HuMe Brooks helps to use just one variety per 1-1 tie. California starter Kirk At Baltimore, Cal Ripken a day Uke this,” said Atlanta wouldn’t get hurt.” broke a seventh-inning tie with his left-handed starter to win a game McCaskill, in his major-league slammed a two-run homer and manager Eddie Haas. "Every­ ^ r r complained so much he first home run of the season, and for Toronto since 1880, helping the debut, surrendered Just two hits Rich Dauer added a solo shot to thing hit Just finds a hole.” was ejected from the bench. Jeff Reardon picked up his sixth Blue Jays extend their winning and an unearned ran through the help the Orioles. Ken Dixon, 2-0, Every Atlanta starter bad at Atlanta’s 17 runs represented the save to lead the Expos. Brooks GAIDENS streak to six games with a 8-3 first six innings. earned the vtctoty with relief help least two hits, an RBI and a ran most scoring the Braves have done ‘ m a ^ a winner of David Palmer, victory Wednesday night over the from Don Aaae over the last three scored. Five Braves collected at since June 13. 1973 ivhen they 2-2. Shane Rawley, 3-1, took the V(%i04flOrM f California Angels. George Bell doubled and took innings. Dixon is the American least three hits, including Murphy. tallied it. 168 Woodland aa-— i.-..*-.- "It really didn’t bother me,” third on a passed ball. Len League’s ERA leader at 1.25. Britt ‘T ve seen big innings before, but Rick Mahler, 0-0, the winningest 168 Woodland St. Manchastar said Key, referring to the drought. Matussek beat out an infield hit Burns, 0-2, was the loser. I don’t think I’ve ever seen IS hits pitcher in the major leagues, gave "It was getting old, that’s all. The with Bell remaining at third. With in two innings,” said Reds player- up eight hits and (our earaed runs Astros 10, Msis 3 6 4 3 -8 4 7 4 1 guys kept teasing me about it. Now one out, rookie Lou Thornton Indians 6, Royals 5 manager Pete Rose, who has been in 5 1-3 innings to get the victory. At New York, Jose Crux belted a that’s over with.” singled to right for his first At Kansas City, Mo., Brett playing 32 years. "Every player on John Stuper. 3-2, the first of six three-run homer tq,eap a flve-run Gift Sugg99tlon^ Key, who has never completed a major-league hit and RBI. Tony Butler knocked in two runs, and the their team had a hit in those first Cincinnati ^tellers, lasted l-So(an ninth, and Mark Bailey and Randy Fernandez drilled a 1-0 pitch into inning and ga ve up five runs to take Plante - Cut Ptowere major-league game, worked 7 2-3 Indians capitalised on three er­ two innings.” Bass knocked in two ryns apiece to Aaafaaa innings and gave up a leadoff the right-field bullpen, his first rors, two wild pitches and a passed ”I can’t ever recall two innings the loss. power the Astros. Bob Knepper, Harming Qaranluma Arrangemente homer to Reggie Jackson in the homer 6f the year. That made that ball by the Royals (or the victory. like those,” echoed Atlanta’s Chris Cincinnati, which pounded out 13 2-0, pitched five innings for the iHjfdrangws score 5-1. Chambliss, who enjoyed a game- hits to make a total of 3i in the FoHaga Bpaelman AMean Vfofafa fifth. Jackson’s 425-foot shot to Clev^and managed to win despite triumph. Frank DiPino went the llaiigar Bagofifat light field was the 507th homer of Damaso Garcia followed with a commiting four errors and strand­ high four bits. ”I don’t know how to game, got a two-run bonner by final two innings for his third save Qloxinlaa Bird Faadara his career, 13th on the all-time list explain it other than to say we’ve Dave Parker, who had (our RBI. \Tub0rou9 Bagonfat single that chased McCaskill, and ing 11 baserunners. Chryaanthamuma Statuarv behind the 511 of Mel Ott stole second. Ranee Mulliniks got a lot of good hitters who can and a solo homer by Eric Davis. Pgdras 6, PIraiBB 4 The Blue Jays had gone 614 greeted reliever Urbano Lugo with Brswsis 7, A*s 4 bust out. Extra Large consecutive games since southpaw a single to center to drive in At Oakland, Charlie Moore’s "But,” added Chambliss, CubB 4, Giants 3 At Pittaburgh, Al Bumbry went Paul Mirabella defeated Boston 3-1 Garcia. single through a drawn-in infield "maybe we shouldn’t have gotten S-for-S and Steve Garvey and Tim on October 4, 1980. During that / drove in two runs and Jim Gantner quite so many hits. That might At Chicago, Shawon Dunston Flannery each drove in two runs to span Toronto had sent only 18 followed with an RBI douMe in a have made it a little easier on us.” scored on a throwing error by lead the PadreO. Eric Show, 3-1, GERANIUMS $ f 8 9 left-handers to the mound as three-run ieighth to lead the Brew­ The Braves built a 13-2 lead in the catcher Bob Brenly in the ninth to pitched 5 3-3 innings (or the victory 1 starters before Key broke the hex. TBfliM 7, HgwfB 3 ers. Milwaukee snapped a five- top of the fifth, then nearly had it carry the Cubs. Dunston led off. with Rich Gossage earning his 10 for 18.45 X n ST e "ftrsonaHy, it’s a relief to get a At Detroit, Kent Hrhek’s three- game losing streak and extended washed away as the game was with a walk off Scott Garrelts, 0-1,' sixth save. Jose DeLeon, 04, took 4/f.< win as a starter,” said Key. ”I Just run homer highlighted a six-run Oakland’s losing streak to seven delayed by rain for two hours and and stole second. One out later. the loss. Jason Thompson bomered “ 79« want to get establiished as a fifth that lifted the Twins to their games. 41 minutes. Bob Dernier was intentionally for Pittsburgh. i4attian-4leo Uka ■ oACBCMivorvi MagMNat - Rbododtadraas R O S E S wi..l Pogwaad ~ Plak 8 WMta . | Jaeksw A Nthim 8 lm * a — Jr% » — ParaflaU I mwg • maiad Wiri Yanks’ Bradley, Bosox’ Lyons better off in majors

YOU C4N*T 6 0 WtONO WITH k GIFT CI8TIHC6TI Much has bsen made in both New York and Boston "Lyons,” Boston batting coach W alt^ H r^ak bitters and talked to him about poeltioning. I got to 18 VagateUa Phmtt I • rrett Tn m over the two top International League prospects of says, ”ia one of the few kids I’ve coached that'litirdly know something about oppoeing Etchers and. Just as 1M4 — New York’s Scott Bradley and Boston’s Steve ever has to be told something twice. He has the important aa far as defense is concerned, what our, M • Otdong • Barik Lyons — being used in reserve r6les rather than intelligence and coordination to be told something and pitchers do in situations. There’s a big difference playing every day in Triple-A. Aside from the fact that B a s e b a fl be able to execute i t ” between Triple-A and the big leagues, and Just bow Mg I NEW Expandad parting - NEW DIapla'i - N e W p Im S '^ N E viP^alectloT both Bradley (despite currently being sidelined with a Wade Boggs Is a good example. He came up in 1001 that difference is you don’t realize until you get here broken finger) and Lyons are important to their and sat on the bench and had U at-bata until Carney and learn.” Lunsford tore up his ankle In a home plate collision 8 am-6 pm dalK teams because of their unusual versatility, the Peter Gammons Lyons learned to follow Boggs’ example. "I talk a argument may not bold up. with Lance Parrish. "If I had been in Pawtucket lot to Mike Easier and BUI Buckner, and Jiwt listening '^We’re not 30-year-old kids,” soars Bradley. ”If I instead of Boeton, I know t'd never have hit any .340,” to them and Boggs about opposing pltohers has beer were, that would be one thing.” But Bradley is 25. saysBoggs. ”I had pretty good habits os far aahltU^ fasdnating,” be says. "Obviously, I've learned a to) L y ^ M . was oonoerned, and I still accompUsbed a lot by about playing Utters and tilings like that, but the - ”A lot of young players don’t progress In the minor taking batting practice the right way. If I’d been at hitting part is where I have the greateetdeOdendee. loagues the way they should, and I’m a prime Pawtucket, I’d stlU have had no idea about my ability The great thing is that I’ve been able to oontrflmte — example,” says Yankee coach and former shortstop play.’ Well, if you don’t develop the right work baUts, to play in the major leagues. I’d still have been on the pinch-running, going Into the field, whatever—which ©fiiRiagiB oxtraortHnsre Gene Michael. ”I made 55, 55 and M you're not gotaw to learn anything by ‘going out and outside looking in, which is bow it is in the minors. baa made all iMa learning praoeaa all thh more lia .” ...IT’S SPRING, e m rs my first three years in the minors because I playing.’ Hovrever, I think the idayer who can learn in "Being here (or the first 10 weeks of that season was had terrible hablta. I put In a lot of|ime, but 1 didn't Lyons' and B rid le ’s situations has to be both an like v ^ a a to school. I learned bow to work on my ”No one will ever convtnoe me that you can’t know what to do when I put It in. I thought it was like exceptional athlete and inMUgent And if he's able to - fielding the right way. During games. 1 studied. I improve through practice,” daliha Hrialak. "And going to college — put in the hours and get the degree. contribute to the cauee o f^ pennant race, it’i even studied pitchers, and bow they worked Yai. I talked to tbeeeguya are gefong more out of belag here than You know wlw? Becauoe I played at a time when the better.'Hiey'M bolh ootaunding athletes. 1 know Yas about pitebers, what they throw lefties and what they would lathe minora. Anyway, thay’rehalh gdag Time To Get Growing!,., Bfinor league people said, 'Just let him go out and Bradley is very bright.” they do in situations. I studied bow Lansford played ^ to be key playera before the aeaoon’a over.”

1 9 MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. Mav 2. 1985 - 17

U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thunidav. May 2.1985 Sixers remain wary of Bucks despite 2-0 edgp Scholastic roundup

horaoa aot free after the Clevelaiid In other Eaatern Conference Cdltic Cediio Maxwell, however, MHS girls softball hands Windsor its first loss “ Laat year, agalnat New Jeraey, playing In atyle. 1 hope we can By United Prett International had llUle doubt the Platona’ (m s aeriea.” they beat ua twice at our place. But aweep. But It won’t be eaay. They aemifinal aeriea. Bouton la at M Ikt LlnwHI and Ned Wtbstgr; Detroit T^huraday night. In the would give them a boost. The , At Portland. Ore., the T t ^ The Philadelphia 76era know the then we beat New Jeraey the next beat ua twice at home during the WINDSOR — Late Inning hero- East is now 63 In the conference Tobias, Ksn HIptkv (2) and Raid Weatem Conference, Utah meeta Thursday and Sunday games will Blasera need to play Martin. home-court advantage la not al- two gamea at (their) home." aeaaon. We’ve got to play our beat ieo by Cathy Warwick, Shalley and 64 overall, while M ercy slips Denver Thuraday night and Loa be idayed In downtown Joe Louis basketball to overcome tbelr W- LlmsHI) L- Tobias. waya that advenUgeoua In the What Cunningham left out waa Friday and Sunday." Carrier, K rii Noone and Erin to 63 and 67. Angelea Lakera are at Portland Arena heoauae mow collapsed the playoffa. And becauae of that they that the Neta then won a third deficit. Prescott boosted visiting Man­ Bearse, Janet Bienkowski and Bucka coach Don Nelaon agreed Frldiqi night. roof of the Pontiac Sllverdome In Tennis are wary of the Milwaukee Bucka. gam e at the Spectrum and ouated “ We're going home, hopehi^ to chester High to an 11-9 come-from- Sue Wallace slashed two hits the Bucka have work to do. At Detroit, the Platona traU March. "W e can't feel that thla aeriea U the Tgera in the flrat round. regroup, Portland center lam behlnd girls softball upset over apiece to account for thro6 "W e dug ouraelvea a very big Bolton M and hope to find the MHS boyt fall . over by any meana,” Philadelphia Moaea Malone lan't thinking Bowie______said___ " I „ f played an weviously unbeaten Windsor High quarters of the Eagles' eigh6hlt winning recipe at home. ‘ *I think thla ia going to be a good Manchester High boys tennis coach Billy Cunningham aaid after about laat year, only about elimi­ hole," he aaid. " I ’m not kidding exceptional game, we’d beat them. Wednesday. offense. One of Wallace’s safeties “ We’ve been •playlM up and tough aeriea." Maxwell aaid. “ De­ the 76e n took a 2-0 lead in the nating the B udu by winning anybody or the team,” he aaid. "1 I wouldn't say the perfect game, The thrilling triumph uppied the was a solo four-bagger In tbe team was strung out by visiting down," Platona coach Chuck Daly troit will come back out thero in beat-of-aeven playoff aeriea with a Friday night and Sunday in would like to acratch that game out but you bovo to ploy on exooptionoi Indians' record to 6-4, while the second. Hall High, 61, in interconference in Philadelphia on Friday and I aaid of the team'a performance at front of all their acreamiM wild action at Memorial Field courts. IIMOO victory Tueaday night. Philadelphia. one.’ Warriors dip to 61. Karen Vaiunin was tbe winning home. "We've got to make the fans. It to fun playing Detroit Doug Siwik in the No. 3 singles ‘"Iliere la no queation we have "W e had been in a alumpbut now feel that we can. It’a an u|diill At Denver, the Nuggets won the Manchester trailed by (our runs pitcher for u s t , yielding 10 hits crucial playa, we have got to make because they run. We pame out in the upper hand,” he aaid but we’re playing with determination battle, but we’ll give it everything opener 180-111. oing into the top of the seventh while walking six. slot had the lone point (or the 62 a big play at aome point." Game 1 running like a herd of wild quickly added a word of warning. and deaire,” Malone aaid. "W e ’re efore unleashing an aggressive Mercy battled back to within one Silk Towners. gattack which tied it up and forced run after a third inning grandslam Manchester to at Enfield Friday. Rasylta: Slobln (H ) dof. Glsan Hero- extra innings. The Indians then by Teresa Carlo. The losers also wlli62, 46) Ctarks^lH) ^ o n won it in the ninth on five straight got a three-run homer by Pam Wlechowskl 62,64) 5 wik (MJ dot. C. hits. Warwick was the clutch hitter Liptak. ReNn 63, 62) R. RoiJn.(H)_dof^ J » « KtnnedV 67,64,4-2) »'«toln-^ls<»2«’ in both rallies, delivering a two- East’s next game to home (H ) dof. Horowitz-jlwlk 61,60) Ctaho- out, game-tying single in the Saturday afternoon, against visit­ Cotwav (H ) dof. Roitay Du"»"»;0“y,; SCOREBOARD seventh and then lacing a run- ing St. Bernard at 2 p.m.. BrowfM 64, 62, 62) FrtaNon6Morrli £h ) Vie Antleo-Joff Konnord 67, kcoring, game-winning single in the ninth. Baseball Carrier, the winning pitcher, MHS girls upandad Marlinri 7. Rid 0 Twlni7,Tlgiri8 i n also contributed three hits and Ch«iMy triumphs WEST HARTFORD — Manches­ BOSTON SBATTLB knocked in a key run in the Scholastic Baseball Cards e b rh M It was a day Ron Nese won’t soon ter High girls tennis team was on S o ftb a ll B a se b a ll ir hM ^MiNNBOa^rhM •»«'"«"ebrh M seventh. Noone banged two dou­ Percent 2b 4 0 1 0 forget. the short end of a 62 score to Hall " ■ If 4 0 0 1 Puckett cf 5 1 1 0 Whitakr *4110 bles, a single, walked twice, had a The Cheney Tech junior went High Wednesday in West Hartford. It do tb 4 110 ribble and made a tumbling catch Alicia Quinby and Teri McGehan AL standingi 4 00 0 1b 0 0 0 0 Hrbek lb 4 113 Lemon et 5 0*1 In iaftfield to record the final out of from goat to bigger u a t to huAe 3 010 dh4 00 0 Brnnsky rf 3 0 0 0 Forrtdi c 4 0 0 0 hero as the Beavers nipped winless in singles picked up the points (or 3 0 0 0 Cowans rf 2 3 1 0 Smoky dh 4 2 2 1 Herndon J* < 0 • J the game. sss'’r'i;b*v=iR.-rt:’W W L Pet. OB RHAM, 63, at Cheney, the 2-2 Indians. Toronto 14 7 .M7 — Ron Jason Nese 4 0 0 0 Hendrsn cf 4 1 1 2 Goeltl » » 0 0 0 i i ! I ? Prescott rapped three singles, Manchester hosts Enfield Baltimore 13 7 .«9D Vi 3 0 0 0 PraUev 3b 3 1 2 3 Gagne te 4 0 10 SImmns ,•» J ’ * ’ drove in a pair, and played “ Nese was Involved in every­ *WI*IW’i VI. lolllvan, 7:ao — BoUert- Outlerri ss 2 0 0 0 ScoN c 3 011 T e u fe l* J ’ * ! *0 10 Friday. Detroit 11 a .99 1 SB/Pitcher beads-up defense at third base, thing," marvelled Cheney coach Milwaukee 9 11 .450 4Vi Millar ph 1 0 0 0 Dwen u 4 110 Rotulta: Qulnbv (M ) dof. LovInoSO, **tWT VI. Pub.« — Cbartir Oak Hotfnm ss 0 0 0 0 Breeknt * 3 00 0 snagging a line drive and doubling BUI Baccaro. 61) Compoflolll (H ) (taf. MIehollo Purev VI. Oroco’i, Keouev Boston 9 12 .429 5 Cheney Tech Tetalt 337 N X Tetata 3 4 ^ 3 t — Cleveland a 13 .3n 4Vi Totals 31 0 4 0 Tetalt 33 7 0 7 off the potential winning run at First, Nese missed a fly baU, Morlonot 63, 63) Mc(»oban (M ) M . M llvaau VI. W qrt% t — New York i, 7 12 ,3ta « Beetan OOOMOIO-0 MInneteta W O g e i ^ T allowing RHAM to score two runs Oorlboldl 64, 63) Foctanon (H ) dN. JC 'I VI. ha*" Home address: 31 Primrose SeeNta 0H 1M 01X -7 second base in the eighth. Dobblo Bray 60, 64) Splngor-Ronold CCanea vi. Jim’i , « — Miki Gome-wlnnlne RBI — Sm H ( » . Oome-wlnnlno RBI— Hqtdisr.O ),___ Windsor had scored three times and Ue tbe gam e in tbe top of the (HI dof. Paulo Laccv-JIII Paganl 60, Baed'i VI. J.C. Pannuv. T:ia — MMti CoUtOrnla N4 0 .436 — D rive. DP— Oelron 1. LOB— Mtonssotu Hsrsid phNo by Pinto Mlnneeota 12 9 .571 IVi LDB-BoNen 7. SeoHle A M ^lce , in the fifth and twice in the sixth to sixth, 2-2. After starting pitcher 4-4) Lotatoln-Humphroy (H ) dot. Jon- Koneae City 11 9 .550 2 Born: September 3, 1968. Percente, Dovb, Henderson, Cow­ 7, Detroit 10. 2B-Garbev, Sm k Im Rick Gonzales was touched for a nifor Foloy-Lozllo Johnson 62,20,7-5) ans. Presley. HR— PraNev (7). SB— Scott 3B— Tautal.HR— Hrbek (O,3mollev ( » . grab a 68 lead. Dotlmono-Rossomondo (H ) dof. Suo N ofthirn Chloogo 9 9 .500 3 third run in the top of the seventh, Cheney Tech’s Michael Eaton (4) eats second baseman Steve Perriolet Seattle 10 12 .455 4 Class: Junior. (1) Owen (3). SB— Trammell (3). SF— TrommNi, In the seventh. Shelly Hoher Guorotto-Krlstln Athbockor 61,4-3. IP H R BR B B SO Nese relieved and got out of the reaches for high throw. Cheney rallied A (Ivi-run fourth fromi corrlid Oakland 9 13 .409 5 Height: 5-10. W eight: 160. IP H RBRBBSO drove in one run with a sacrifice some dust as he successfully steals Troih-Awov to o 15-9 win ovor Olbion't Texas 7 13 .350 4 u m i m inning. for 4-3 victory. Gym ot Bobortion Pork Wodnndov WfeWMedav's ResaRs Batting average: .239. Clamns (L A3) 7 A3 3 7 7 3 0 Qy, Dawn Martin had an RBI second base in fifth-inning action Golf nieht. Don Grtont pocid tho winnon' Minnesota 3 Clear 1-3 0 0 0 1 1 VIOlo"(Wrt2) 51-3 7 3 3 5 4 single. Carrier brought home a Tbe Beavers rallied In their half Seasons played: 2 — Cheney. SeeHia Lysonder (S 2) 33-3 1 0 0 0 1 Wednesday against RHAM. Sachem JO-hIt otftnM with four hlti^ whili Rick Baltimore 3, Chicago 1 third run and Warwick followed of tbe frame to win it. RHAM EC tpllts Horton oddod thro*. FIvt othin Hod Oevelond A Koneae City 5 Future plans: College. Beottle (W 1-2) 9 4 0 0 3 4 reUever Rob Tuobey walked Gon­ two hiti oploci for Troth Away. New York A Texas 1 WP— Clemens. T— 3:41 A— 9,404. Morrl7"(L A3) 41-3 4 -5 5 2 0 th her clutch hit during the close ones,' noted Baccaro. "It capitalized on Coventry mistakes. Lmez 3A3 4 3 2 1 0 zalez with tbe bases loaded to force Bolton stumbiM HEBRON - East CatboUc golf Including Jiff Nilion. Tom Zownir, Sealtls 7, Boston 0 ir-run rally. p roves we can play under "W e gave them five runs,” said Horry M mm iyir, Roger Loloy ond Toronto A Calltomla 3 Hamondti Y 0 0 0 1 1 in tbe tying run and then Nese team downed South Catholic, 5‘A- H B 9 ^ Morris (Goeltl). WP-Vtota. SIn the top of the ninth, Manches­ pressure.” Patriot coach Bob Plaster. “ Three BOLTON - Eight Boiton Poul Hibirt. Poul Pick and Paul Hart Milwaukee 7, Oakland 4 came to tbe plate. With one out and IVt, and (ell to St. Bernard, 63, BluiJayg6.Anggl83 T — 2:51 A— 19,001. ter placed runners on second and RHAM 000 002 1 661 runners reached base on errors mtocues were turned into runs by rapped thru hiti each for GIbton'i, Tbun aay*s Oomee Wednesday at Tallwood Country while Bob Waitvet and Daye Peck Milwaukee (McOure 00) at Oakland TORONTO CAUFORNIA third via a Carrier single and a a chance to win the game, Nese Chonov Tech 000 110 2 611-2 and two others walked and they all visiting Cromweli High as the chipped In with two apiece. (Sutton 02), 3;1Sp.m. Obrhbl ObrhM McClannon, Tuoloy (7) and Noo: Club. Noone double. Warwick plated missed a suicide squeeze bunt and ended up scoring.” Panthers took a 161 decision in Barroclttfe'i Auto exploded for five Toronto(Stteb1-2) at Colltornlo (Slaton Gordo * 5 1 1 0 Pettis cf 3 0 0 0 runner BUke Eaton was naUed at Gonzaloz, Noso (7) and Mancinl. East, 61, to back in action runt In the fifth Inning to break open a 30). W :» p.m. Mulinks 3b 3 0 1 1 Corew 1b 4 0 0 0 Carrier to make it 169, and then Al Bozzi had what proved to be COC basebali action Wednesday in Friday against Northwest Catholic clou Mme and coait to a 12-S victory Boston (Nipper 0-1) ot Seattle (Young lore 3b 10 10 Dednes 3b 4 1 1 0 Prescott singled in Noone with an home. With runners at second third Coventry beaten the game-winning RBI when he Boiton. over Cox Cable at Robertion. BUI Allen 1-3), W;3Sp.m. Mosabv cf 4 0 1 0 Grich 2b 3 10 0 B a s k e tb a ll and now two outs, Nese promptly and Aquinas at Rockledge Country Dndgara2.Cardlnala1|12) Cuba 4, Sants 3 insurance run. ' singled in the first run of the fourth The Panthers are now 6-4 in tbe cranked four lafetlet, while Mike maav*s Bomee Upthow lb 4 0 0 0 Jocfcsn rf 2 I 2 21 singled to right to drive in Bruce MIDDLETOWN - Vinal Tech CHub in West Hartford. Anderson, BUI SIbrInt, Chuck Lang­ Baltimore at Mbineeota, nlcht LOS ANOOLBS ST. LOUIS BNI If 4 2 10 Downne dh 3 0 1 1 Carrier sent down Windsor, to put Vinai ahead for good. 65. COC, 64 overali whiie tbe home6 ford and Bob Wolih all hod two each Chloeo at Detroit, nWit Motszk Ni 4 I 1 0 Benlguz If 4 0 0 0 Ctorpenter with tbe gamer. Nese’s snapped a five-all tie with (our runs Results: EC vs. South — Jim Barak obrhM obrhbl SAN FRANCISCO CHICAGO 1-63. in the bottom of the ninth. tending Bulldogs are now 69 (BC) def. Mika Colobro 3640, Rick tor the victors. For Cox, Bob Boucher, Texas at Cleveland, night Revnids ct 5 1 3 0 Colemn rt 5 I 1 0 Whitt c 4 0 2 1 Boons c 3 0 0 0 NBA pliyoN tehidulg hit also made a mound victor of in tbe fourth inning and never Kyie Breault waa the big hitter Gory Perrelll, Jim Hopkins and Chris Kansas City at New York, night ub r h M eh r h M Thomtn rf 4 1 1 1 Jonas ph 0 0 0 0 The Indians host Enfield at overall, 0-8 In tbe conference. Ensign (S) daf. BebTadoldl 42-43, Deva Russell ss 5 0 0 0 LSmIth It 4 0 2 0 Gladden cf 4 0 0 0 Dernier cf 4 0 0 0 ' himself. traiied again to squeak by visiting for'Coventry, going 6for-4 with two Olandar (EC) def. Chris Palllerino Oldden hod two hits apiece. Tororrto at Seattle, night Brock 1b 5 0 1 0 Vn SIvk rf 0 0 0 0 FerniMlz ss 4 I 2 3 Schotlld ss 3 0 0 0 Pitsgerald Field Friday at 3:30 Bolton was back in action today at Boston at Doklond, night TrIHo 2b 4 0 0 0 Sondbrg 3b 4 1 1 0 Neuron ph I 0 0 0 (AH Umas BST) Cheney evened its record to 65 Coventry High, 10-9, in C (K action doubles and cotlecting five RBIs. 4b-44, -Barrv -Powtlshan (EC)-IQ) daf. TornTo Guerrer 3b 4 0 3 1 Herr 2b 5 0 11 Leonard It 3 I 0 0 Boelev It 3 111 NBAFtayelfSckedNe p.m. home with a make-up game Womastar_ , 37-43, John WuTOu Furay (E(EC)l . Milwaukee at California, night Marshll rf 5 0 0 0 Oork 1b 4 0 0 0 Tetals 27 4 II 4 Tetals 30 3 4 3 overall and 4-4 in tbe COC. RHAM Wednesday. Brett Laferriere, Tim (^hen and Indiptndint CDovIs rf 4 1 1 2 Lopes If 10 0 0 Terente e w iM M O -o against RHAM High at 3:15. halved Paul Slgnrallo 46M: Bob NIedsnfuer 0 0 0 0 McGee cf 5 0 0 0 Brown 3b 4 110 Ourhm 1b 2 10 0 (BeN sl Sevea) slumps to 0-8. Both teams are now 5-4 in the Devon McConnell all chipped in Phillips (EC) daf. Chris Abbots 49-51. Buffalo Water Tavern edged Farr's, Setosda c 5 0 0 0 PendUn 3b 5 0 1 0 CNHenria t0t0M0a3-3 EC tirlumplM NLitandlngg Brenlv c 3 0 2 0 AAoreInd rt Game-winning 4 0 2 0RBI— Thomtond). RgsItrnCenfarence The Tecbmen travel to CromweU conference. Tbe win evens Vinal’s with two hits apiece for tbe iosers. Ray Groza was 6for-3 to pace EC vs. St. Barnard— Barak (E C ) daf.V 10-9, at Fitzgerald Field. Frank Lalash- WNtflld If 3 0 0 0 Porter c 5 0 10 Green 1b 2 0 0 1 JDovh c 3 0 0 1 DtIreR VA Bsstaa Paul Amata 3637, Tadoldl (E C ) daf. vls lathed four hits, while Ken Bovler, Maldond If 1 0 0 0 OSmUh ss 4 0 10 Uribe ss' 3 0 10 Cev X> 4 0 11 E— SchotleTd, McCasklll. DP— Christie Bearse clocked a two- Friday at 3: is. An April 4 tie game overallmark to 65, while Coventry Cromweli. Todd Tobias socked a W L Pet. 08 Toronto 1, CoHfornla Z LDB— Toronto A (CeNRs liod serits, A « Cevontry 0(15 0 8 1 6163 Ann-Marla Vandarwalda 4 3 ^ ; Oa- BUI Zwick, Jim Deere, Ken Hill and Ramsey 3b 3 0 0 0 Cox p 3 0 0 0 Gott p 2 0 0 0 Dunston ss 2 1 0 0 Aprs a — Boston 131 DstrNt 99 run homer to highlight an eight-run between CSieney and RHAM will be to now 64. sixth-inning solo homer for Bol­ Groot iSB) daf. Olandar 35-40, Powll- Bud Talaga stroked two apiece for Chicago 13 4 .4S4 — Yeooer ph 0 0 0 0 Horton p 0 0 0 0 CNIfomlo Vinal 005 401 X 1664 MDovIs p 0 0 0 0 Eckersly p A 32B— BNI, Moeaby. 0 0 0 HR— Jackson (4), Aprk a — Boston 131, DeIrNt 1M flrst inning and East Catholic hung replayed in its entirety Wednesday The Patriots host COC-leader Wlllamt, Horrl* (3) and Hines; ton’s lone run. shan (EC) daf. Papin 37-40, Palllgrino Buffalo. For Farr's, Chris Petersen New York 12 7 .432 1 Bailor 2b 1 0 0 0 Allen p 10 0 0 Thmpen ph 1 0 0 0 Bowa ph 10 0 0 May 2— Boston N Detroit, 3 p.m. (SB) daf. Furay 47-40, Moore (SB) daf. slammed two hits. Including on Inslde- Montreal 13 a .419 1 HersMsr p 3 0 1 0 (kxielts p 0 0 0 0 Fernandez (1). SB— Garda (5), Pettis on to take a 1610 victory from at RHAM. Portland High Friday at 3: IS. Lombardo, Bozzi (3), Harlow (5) and a 12 .400 SVi (11). SF— Downing. May 5— Boston at Detroit, 1 p.m. Fowl left. Phillips 41-49, St. Barnord won modal the-park home run. Bob Roy also PhllodelpMa Oliver ph 10 0 0 Totals 30 3 5 3 Totals 31 3 5 3 x-MoyO— DNroltNBoNon.Opm. visiting Mercy High in HCC “ Tbe win proves we can win a Vinal was outhit, 169, but CromwNI 342 101 2 167-2 point 156154. contributed a poir of safeties. St. Louis a 12 .400 SVi Howell p 00 00 IP H R R R BBSO WP- Horlow; LP- Harris. Bolton 000 001 0 1-6S 4 13 J14 7 One out when wtankig run scored Tsiento x-Mov 10 — Boston at Detroit, 7 :* softball action Wednesday. close game; we’ve lost a couple of Pittsburgh Landrex If 1 1 I 0 Sen Frenctoee llS « a ia e -3 p.m. I Totals 43 2 9 1 Totals 41 1 7 I Key (W 1-2) 7 A3 2 1 1 3 4 ClMrtar Oik CMcooe 1NM1IS1— 4 x-Mov 13— Detroit N Boston, 1 pjn. Son Diego 11 9 .550 — Lee AngNee taaoNNaso—3 Game-winning RBI — None. MussNmon 1-312210 Highland Park Market knocked off Los Angeles 12 10 .545 — St. Louis NOON Mas*— 1 E— Uribe, Brmvn, Brenlv. DP— CouNIJ 1 1 0 0 1 1 Lostrodo Pizza, 7-4, at Fitzgerald Houston 11 10 .534 Vi Gome-wlnnlne RBI — Nckia SonFrondsco 1, Chicago 1. LOB— Atlanta 10 10 JOO 1 M ^dcll (L 0-1)41-3 7 4 5 1 4 J* lyiontreal-Quebec finale draws Fly(er)s Field. Five batters banc^ two hits. OP—St. Louis 1. LOB— Los Angeles 12. Son Apm2S-- PhlladNphlal 27, MHsyaufcte Sports In Brief Including Dave Desantos, Alex Brlt- Cincinnati 10 11 .474 1W St. Loub A 2B— Guerrero, Porter. Fronclsco3,ChlcogoA2B— Bo dev. HR— Lugo 2A3 4 0 0 1 1 San Frandsco 7 13 J50 4 Lmdreoux. 3B— Coleman, Reynolds. PB— Boone. T — 2:3A A— 34,111 105 nell, Dave Choleva, Don Gulnan and C. Oovis (3). SB-Cev (1), Sandberg (5), April 30-- PhlkxINphla 111 Mksraukae a dirty hockey player. the heart of our team. Everyone on John Zavodlanclk. Mike Jordan paced SB— Reynolds (1), O. SmUh (3). L. DunNon 2(4), OerMer (0). SF— Green. Wrestling card at Manchester High B v United Press International s(x>ut their opponents. They also Atlanta 17, Cfcidnnotie i a our team loves him. When be Lostroda with three hits, while Jett SmUh(ll), Guerrero (3). S— Reynolds. IF H R ER BB SO M « r 3 - Mkwoukoeat PhItodNphta, 3 earned a seat at one of the finest Hunter missed the sixth game Keegan and George Stebblns odded Los Angeles 2, St. Louis 1 (12 Innings) Marshall. Sen Francisco A professional wrestUng card, co-sponsored by the Manchester Tuesday becauae of a hand infec­ (Lem aire) touches Himter, I don’t Chicago 4, Son Francisco 3 IP H R BR BB SO BriW8rg7.A’i 4 p.m. Among the interested spectators series in tbe history of any rivalry. two apiece. <3ott 41-3 5 3 2 4 3 May 5 — Milwaukee at PhItodNphto, - High athletic department and Boy Scout Troop 47, will be staged tion from a cut suffered last like that.” Son Diego A Plttsburtfi 4 Les AngNee lM. Davis A3 0 0 0 0 1 MILWAUKBB OAKLAND at. tbe Montreal Forum for tbe Quebec and Montreal, rivals in Montral 3, PhllodelpMa 2 3 a p.m. Friday night at Manchester High’s Clarke Arena with the first HersMser^ 3 7 1117 ’ (krilts (L 0-1) 1 1-3 0 1 0 2 1 Ob r h M eb r h M x-M oyO- -PhllodNphlaat Milwaukee,' seventh and deciding gam e of tbe the province of ()ttabec, are tied at Saturday when be punched Cana­ Bergeron said Hunter has a "50 P ig in l Houston 10. New York 3 HowNI (W 1-1) 3 0 0 0 1 3 CMOWO MolUor 3b 4 0 0 0 Collins If 4 0 0 0 Tbersdav'e 0«nee o a p.m. m atch set for 8 p.m. Adams Division final will be tbe, three victories apiece. diens forward Mario Trembley in percent chance of playing” Thurs­ Jack Berg's third hit ot the gome NIedsnfuer ( S I ) 1 0 0 0 0 1 Eckerslev (W 4-1) 9 5 3 3 1 10 Jamas cf 4 0 10 Davb rf 4 0 0 0 x-MoylO — MllwaukearrtPhltoilNphto, No gomes scheduled St Lents T— 2:30. A— 14,49a CUtaper 1b 5 110 Murphy ct 4 0 2 0 Feature matches include the Comache Kid vs. Mr. Universe; Philadelphia Flyers. (Quebec coach Michel Bergeron the mouth. day. High-scoring forward Michel drove In the winning run In the eighth to m ^ ' s Oomee Cox' a 13 5 1 1 2 5 Yount If 4 3 2 2 PIcdolo pr 0 1 0 0 7 a p.m. The Nordiques lost the game 62 lift Allstate Business Machines to a Son Diego at CMcogo x-Mav13!— PhltodNpMaatMlIwauksa, Sgt. Muldoon and Toni Lisa vs. the O’Reilly Brothers; and Phil The Flyers are scheduled to face thinks he has found the psychologi­ Goulet, who played Tuesday, was Horton 1 1 0 0 3 1 HotMdr rt 0 0 0 0 Klngmn dh 3 0 0 0 Tueaday, forcing a seventh and 14-13, extra-inning triumph over Montrml at ASonta Allen (L A2) 21-311111 SImmns dh 4 2 3 0 Bodits 1b 3 111 1 p.m. Appolo vs. Brian Walsh. either Quebec or Montreal in tbe cal edge to beat the Canadiens also a doubtful starter because of Greater Hortford Realty Management Los Angeles at Pittsburgh, night Hosder 0 1 0 0 0 0 ONIvIe rf 5 0 11 Lonsird 3b 4 2 2 2 ’Hekets, 36 and $8, are available at Farr’s Sporting Goods on Thursday night. deciding game at tbe Forum in the at Poganl Field. BUI Stephenson roped New York at Cincinnati, Mght Expos 3, Phllllas 2 PeiGand V A Les Aaoeles next round of the Stanley C^p the lingering effects of a lower Lditl 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 Moore c 5 112 Heath c 4 0 10 "That article will be posted on quarterfinal aeries. a triple, double and single for Allstate. Houston ot PhllcdelpMa night HotNer pitched to 1 batter In 13m. <3an1nar R> 4 0 1 I HIN 2b 4 0 11 jILakarsIsm sartaA 30) Main Street. playoffs, and they have to be back injury suffered last week. Greg JakowskI sparked Greater Hart- San Frandsco at St. Louis, night WP— Horton. Balk— Allen. PB— MONTREAL FHILADBLFHIA Aprlia-LotAngelesia,Pertland10l p leu ed with the w ay things hMk our bulletin board this afternoon,” Lemaire was quoted as saying ford with a triple and two singles, while Giles ss 3 0 0 0 Griffin ss 3 0 0 0 Chicago and Edmonton have Porter. ebrhM ebrhM Tetals M 7 10 4 Tetalt 33 4 7 4 Mavs, Celtics swap draft picks right now. Bergeron said of a French- Hunter’s absence was one of the Jim Woodcock added three singles. T— 3:40. A— 14324. Apr H 30— Lot Angelet ISAP^IgndtN advanc^ and will be facing each EL Btendlngs Dllone It 5 0 10 SamuN 2b 3 1 1 0 MBwaukee at03M a3l-7 By eliminating tbe New York language newspaper Story in reasons tbe game waa cleaner. Wshngt 3b 5 1 0 0 Stone If 4 110 Oakland OlOMaaS3-4 , May 3 — Let Aneel3i:''ff'Perttond, DALLAS — The Dallas Mavericks, who had four first-round "I don’t accept a comment like other in the other Stanley Cup s id i W L Pet. GB Dawson ct 5 1 2 0 Anderm p 0 0 0 0 (iame-winnine RBI — None. Islanders in five games, tbe Flyers which Canadiens coach Jacques wm Bravaa17,Rada9 ' idem p.m. selections in tbe 1985 NBA draft, Wednesday traded the pick they that,” Bergeron said. “ Hunter is semifinal. VwmonI 11 7 .411 Brooks ss 5 1 1 2 Haves cf 4 0 12 E— Murphy. OP— Milwaukee 1. May 5— Lot AngNee at Porttand, 3 a gained some rest and a chance to Lemaire intimated Dale Hunter is Red-Lee breezed to a 12-7 win over Notliua 11 ■ J79 V2 ATLANTA ONCINNATI WNtach 3b5 04 1 Schmidt 3b4 0 1 0 LOB— MIlwrxjkee 10, Oakland 4. obtained from Denver to Boston for the Celtics’ 1985 first-round the Mudville Nine at Paganl Field. Wohifrd rf 3 0 0 0 Coroom' 1b 3 0 0 0 ixm. Albany 9 7 J43 1 ObrhM ObrhM 2B— Graitnar, Murphy. HR— Yount (1), x-Mov 7 — Portland at Les AngNtA Roland Pechine and Andy Loft ripped Glwis Follz 11 9 .550 1 Wshneln rf 4 1 2 3 Milner cf 4 2 10 Wnnnob ct 1 0 0 0 Wtlsan rf 4 0 10 Lonttord (2). SB— SImnwned). pick and a second-round selecton in 1988. three hits each tor Red-Lee, while Fron Shines 1b 4 0 10 Virgil c 4 0 10 10:M pjn. N«w Britain 3 7 .58 1W Romlri ss 4 1 3 2 Rose 1b 2 0 0 0 x-Mov 9 — Lot AngNee N Portland, The Mavericks will forward the Celtics’ pick to Portland to Carr, Eugene Turner and Steve Boland Wattrburv 9 9 JW 2 Kmmndc If 4 2 3 1 Willis p Roberge 0 0 0 0 p 0 0 0 0 Jeltz se 3 0 0 0 IP H RRRBBSO added two apiece. For Mudville, (ieno Reardon p 0 0 0 0 Dalton ph 10 0 0 MUvtauhee 11:30 p m complete the 1982 Kelvin Ramsey-Wayne Cooper trade, leaving NFL teams filled Immediate needs Plltaftald 7 12 .3H 4'A Murphy cf 5 4 3 3 Davis ph 1111 Folcetta nailed three safeties, with x-Moy 11 — Portland at Les AngNtA Rndlng 5 12 .294 516 Hall cf 0 0 0 0 Oester 3bFltzoerld 10 0 0 c 3 0 1 0 Rowley p 2 0 0 0 Darwin (W A l) 01-3 7 4 4 2 2 3 a p.m. Dallas with three first-round selections in the June 18 draft. Cliff Bickford and Todd Hlldlng oddtd aoy*s Results Chmbis 1b 4 1 4 1 Porker rfPalmer 5 2 3 4 p 2 0 10 Grose If 10 0 0 Fingers - A3 0 0 0 0 0 at Virginia Tech were 5>A more "W e have 1617 people from tbe their two first-round picks on two each. Oeovtr VA Utah Bv Dave Roffo Vermont 5, Pittsfield 2,111nnings Cerone c 4 2 3 1 WNker UFronen 5 12 1 1b 10 10 ■ o a in m i than the Bills’ entire front line, will last twodrafts we think highly of,” Texas AAM defensive lineman Nashua 4, Woterbury 0 (Xieikfll 3b5 22 3 Esoskv 3b 5 1 1 1 Totals 39 3 12 3 Tetals 33 2 4 2 McCotty (L 1-1) 4 4 2 1 3 2 (NugosN lead SMtaA AO) Willis Reed steps down United Press International New Britton at Reading, ppd., rob) Hubbrd 3b 5 2 2 2 Concpcn ss 4 1 2 1 saiswist—J Atherton A3 I 0 0 0 0 AprN a — Denver 18, Utah II3 undoubtedly start if be stays Atlanta coach Dan Henning said. Ray Childress and cornerback R ie Meaner p 4 12 1 Franco p 0 0 0 0 030132130-^ MOV 2— Utah at Denver, 9:Mp.m. ' OMAHA, Neb. — Former NBA great Willis Reed, citing his "We didn’t need 12 more young Richard Johnson of Wisconsin, Atoany Z Glens Foils 0 Kaber A3 0 2 2 2 0 May 4 — Denver at Utah, 2:Mp.m. NEW YORK — NFL execuUves healthy next year. Burroughs of Actlv^ A Able Realty blanked Nelson Tbuieday's Oomee Garber p 1110 Folev 3b 4 0 0 0 Gomrwlnnlng RBI— Brooks (3). TNImonn A3 2 I 1 1 0 frustrations with recruiting cheating, Wednesday resigned as people to go with those. What we then picked Southern Mississippi Vn Grdr c 4 0 3 1 E— JNtz. LOB— MonIreN 12, Phl- May 5 — Denver at Utah, n Am. like to say it takes up to three years Memphis State was one of the two FreliUrtwav, AO, at Nike Field. Wayne Glem Falls at ABionv Conroy 1 3 2 2 0 0 defensive tackle Richard Byrd ott Bray and John Buccino smacked two Nashua at Woterbury Stuper p 0 0 (i 0 tadelphlo A 2B— Omveon Z Wall- McCotty pitchsdte 1 batter In 70i. x-Moy 7 — Utah at Denver, (TBA) Creighton University's basketball coach. for a team to realize tbe worth of top-rated cornerbacks available. needed waa to fill boles that hits apiece tor the winners, while Mark New Britain at Reading Pastors p 0 0 Oa och, Froncona Haves. HR— Brooks (1). T— 2:4AA— 4,Ma. x-Mov 9— Denver at Utah, (TBA) R ^ , 42, a member of the Basketball Hall of Fame for his any given draft. Buffalo, drafting five times in weren’t filled in those earlier the eighth pick of Round 2. Price p 0 0 0 0 SB— Dllane (2). S— Palmer. x-Mov 11 — Utah at Denver, 3-a p m . MIstretta tossed a tour-hitter. Pat Vermont at PlttsSeld the first three rounds, also picked drafts — and that’s what we feel we Houston’s first offensive pick was Carroll and Dove Lallberte ployed well m dov’s Oomee Redus ph 1110 rl lg .WhHg gx x-Hnactsttav achievements as a New York Knicks center, had a 52-65 record in But (or some clubs that can’t defensively for Realty. For Nelson, Vermont at Albany Hume p 0 0 0 0 IP H RRRBBSO 0 8 83 8 1 four seasons at Creighton. afford to wait, Tuesday’s 50th NFL Jackson State wide receiver (%ris did. ” also a good one - r 'e t n it r Mike four batters hod one hit each. Glens Falls at PmsOeld Kmchc 3b 3 0 0 0 Mentreal CHICAGO GALTIMORB draft might have filled some Burkett in the seem d round and Fralic will probably start imme­ Kelley of Notre Dame, who was Readme at NosMa Tetalt 10 17 a 17 TetaM a 9 13 9 Palmer (W A2) 4 5 2 2 1 4 O b rh M ObrhM diately; Gann will play on passing considered a possible first-rounder New Britain at Woterbury AiiNita 4 4 ia «a a — 17 Roberge A3 1 0 0 0 0 Law If 4 110 Ford dh 4 0 0 0 Canada, Czechs meet for Ice title immediate needs. quarterback Frank Reich of Mary­ Nika cindimaw satosias— 9 Reardon (S 4) 21-3 0 0 0 1 4 Ftotchr 3b 2 0 1 0 Dauer * 4 2 3 1 G o lf Buffalo, Atlanta and Houston — land in the third. Tbe Bills later downs and Washington gives but lasted until the third. Gcxne-wlnnlng RBI— Murphy (3). PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia — Canada and Czechoslovakia Stevenson's Texaco shutout Wa­ PhitodetahM HNrtln ph 1 0 0 0 RIpkan is 4 1 2 2 the top three teams to pick — all announced tbe trade of starting Atlanta depth and flexibility in tbe " I ’m just happy we were able to E— Chambliss, Walker. DP — Rowley (L A l) 7 10 3 2 2 3 HuleH * 0 0 0 0 Murray 1b 4 0 1 0 meet for the title Friday at the World Ice Hockey Championships, shington Social Club, 7-0. Pete (Sarvey, National Laagua raaulti Cincinnati I. LOB— Akitata 9, Ctadn- feel they came away with several quarterback Joe Ferguson to De­ backfield. Washington serves as take two defensive players in the Mike Zotto and John Purcell blasted Andersen 2 2 0 0 0 1 BNnas rf 4 0 0 0 RosNck If 3 0 10 notl 5. 2B— ChannMIss 2, Hubbard, WP— Palmer. Balk— Roberge. T — WNker 1b 4 0 10 Lynn cf 4 0 0 0 with the Soviets uncharacteristically absent from a gold-medal players who can help in 1985. troit for a future draft pick. insurance if William Andrews does first round,” Houston coach Hugh three hits each tor Stevenson's, while WcoMngton, Romirst. Concei>don 2, 2 :X. A— 17,444. Fisk c 4 0 11 Young rf 3 0 0 0 MIlNMClMlig Bruce Canty and Phil Modore contrib­ Aatraa 10, Mala 3 shot. The Bills, who signed defensive Tbe Falcons didn’t have as many not return from a knee injury. If Campbell said. “ I tUnk it will be a Perker 2, Van Oordor. 3B— WNker. (3amble dh 4 0 0 0 Corwiltv 3b 3 0 I 0 ^ TWO-MIAN BB3T BALL — Gross — uted a pair of safeties apiece. Frank HR— Murphy (10),Oavls(4),POrker(1). Boston cf 4 0 10 Dempsey c 3 0 0 0 Canada eliminated the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia end Bruce Smith as the No. 1 pick picks as Buffalo but were ecstatic Andrews comes back, Atlanta can substantial improvement or make Prior woe the only batter with two hits SF-Oberktall. Bob Lazierfnl-Frnnk Little 74, Dove tor the Social Club. HOUSTON NOW YORK AmirlcanLMguirigulti Crus * 7 2 0 00 Froter-Jeff Jones 74. Net — Kevin. crushed the United States in a night of high drama Wednesday. two months ago, also drafted at getting Pitt offensive tackle Bill trade Gerald Riggs or keep him the (veteran) players next to them obrhbl obrbM IP N RRR BBSO Guillen mt 3 0 10 O'NelU^ton Jarvis 51, Rick Bedlock- In one of the biggest upsets in years, Ctonada beat the Soviets Frallc on tbe second pick, Notre and have the deepest backfield better football players.” Atanto ToNdsy 32 1 4 1 Totals 32 3 0 3 cornerback Derrick Burroughs in Doran 2b 5 1 2JI Chopmn 2b 3 0 0 0 Mahler (W 40) 51-3 a 5 4 2 1 Joe^Bedlock 5A Skip MIkoINt-BIII 61 for their second straight victory and the Soviets’ send tbe first round and offensive tackle Dame defensive end Mike Gann in among the league's one-back OiMty Boss rf 5 1 2 ^ Sisk p 0 0 0 0 CMcaoe OMM1IOO-1 Fecko a . Max 3mole 5 2 2 1 Gfvdnhr ss 1 0 0 0 Oarbor 3 A3 5 4 4 0 1 YinkittS.Ringirg1 BoNlmere lOOtaiGi— 3 straight loss. Mark Traynowicz of Nebraska in the second round and running back offenses. George Cobb drilled the oomA CtadnHNI Oamewinnine RBI — RMen (2). linemen chosen, six in tbe first Cria It 5 3 3 3 Santana ss 3 0 0 0 Mike Fltzslmmons-Relph Dukett, Ai Mario Lemieux, the Pittsburgh Penguins’ outstanding rookie, the third. Joe Washington in a trade with the As expected, the Oilera went wlnnlng hit In the seventh Inning as Mmphry cf 5 1 2 0 Hmndz 1b 4 0 2 0 Stuper (L A2) 1-3 5 5 5 0 0 E— Oixon, Ripken. DP— GNtbnere 1. Woronldk-Tem Laziarlt. round, didn’t slow much through­ Nutmeg nipped Army and Nayy, A3, at Pastors 1 1-3 10 7 7 0 1 NEW YORK TEXAS LjOB— CMooee A Baittmere A 2B-jLaw. scored two goals and Stan Smyl added a third. Smith, whose 16 sacks last year Redskins. heavily .for defense. They used Keeney Field. Scott and Mike LInsen- Gamer 3b 5 0 2 1 Strwbrrcf 4 1 1 0 Price 11-311112 r li M _.CLOBBST TO PIN - Sth - Mike out the 12-round draft as a total of BoUsy c 4 0 12 Foster If 3 0 10 HR-RIpkan (3), Douar (1). Flttslmmens. IMh — Mike Fltsslm- Czechoslovakia cruised past the United States 11-2 after Mgler socked two hits each for Hume 2 3 0 0 0 2 Hendrsn cf 3 1 1 0 Horroh 2b 3 0 0 0 ip H R BR BB so 61 were selected. There were also Nutmeg, os did Mike Fox. Bruce Fray Revnidi se 4 1 1 0 Wilson or 0 0 0 0 WIIOs 2 2 2 2 0 0 Grlftev If 4 11 0 word cf 4 0 0 0 menA Don Foberg allowing the opening goal. bolted three .singles for the losers, Knepper p 2 0 0 0 Hurdta c 10 0 0 Franco 2 4 2 2 1 1 Mttngly 1b 2 1 0 0 BNI 3b 4 12 1 SKINS — Don Gilbert 1st, Dove aix defensive linemen token in the Dawley p 1 0 0 0 KMght 3b 3 1 1 1 Hossev dh 4 1 4 4 Parrish rf 4 0 0 0 BuNB^Tl A3) 0 3 3 3 3 13 F r g ^ 3rd, Max Imele Sth, (3rNa first round but only 40 overall. whilo Dick Ivey added two. DIPIno p 1110 Chrstas rf 2 1 2 1 WP— Garber. T— 2:47. A— A41A U n d e rw ^ i p . Skip MlkelNt 11th, A) Mets’ Carter has fractured rib MCC winds up on positive note Wyneqor c 4 0 1 1 O'Brien lb 3 0 1 0 Dixon (W AO) 4 5 1 1 3 5 Heep rf 2 0 10 RnNph 2b 4 0 0 0 Johnen dh 2 0 0 0 Worontak I3lh. Defensive backs led with 66 , W i m n ‘1 Rn Reynolds c 2 0 1 1 PadraaO.PIralaB4 PoNtorl 3b 4 0 0 0 Dunbar If 2 0 2 0 Aosa ($ 1) 3 1 0 0 0 2 NEW YORK — New York Mets catcher Gary Carter has a Johnson If 2 0 0 0 T— 2:31 A— IS ai. It was a good way to end a winning run. A Ckirlelt sacrifice fly faces Norwalk at 1 p.m. Tbe followed by offensive linemen, The Hungry Tiger bombed Tologo SAN OlOOO PITTSBUROH Atadim n 4 0 0 0 ToUeeon se 1 0 0 0 fractured rib but may be in the lineup this weekend, the club Datimg p 10 0 0 ObrhM ObrhM Moreno rf 4 I 1 0 Staurtit c 3 0 0 0 troUMed year. and a Brennan groundout, follow­ championship game to slated for receivers (40 wide receivers and 13 Associates, 20-5, at Charter Oak Field. Somblto p 0 0 0 0 announced. Josh Corlett tossed a three-hit ing a Peter Palmer triple, ac­ Sunday at 1 p.m. with another tight ends), linebackers (47)< def­ Tho victors' 29-hlt borroge featured Bockmn 2b 2 0 0 0 Bumbry If 5 1 3 1 Oreutak cf 5 0 I 0 Wllkrm se 2 0 0 0 four batters with four hits each. Totals 42 10 14 9 TolBle 33 3 9 3 Owvnn rf 3 0 0 0 Roy 3b 5 12 0 StNn ph 10 0 0 IndimfllRgyilgR S c h o la s tic shutout as Manchester (^(onmun- counted for the other markers. game, if necessary, at 4 p.m. ensive linemen and running backs Including Cindy Greenberg, Lisa Leto- Garvey lb 4 1 2 2 MoNck 3b 5 2 1 0 ■ ^ ’010 HouNen O N snias-ia Nettles 3b 4 1 I 0 Thmpen 1b4 1 2 2 y.«»uto 31 3 a S Totals 30 I 4 1 CLBVBLANO KAIMAS O TY Frank Glleber dead at 51 ity College baseball team toppled Manchester hosts tbe Connecti­ Grrenfltld 000 000 0 661 (37). ter, Lois Volllere and Janet Ritchie. Now York s ia a ia ig -t MCC 100 101 X 662 Janet Norris ond Pottl Hollingsworth McRvnI cf 4 0 0 0 Hendrck rf 4 0 1 0 New York 000 311001— 3 vtoiting Greenfield Community cut Community College Athletic Gomowlnnlng RBI — None. Kennedy c 4 1 1 1 Pena c 3 0 0 1 Taxes oai aaa oao— i Butler N 4 1*2^ WHson cf *4 o W DALLAS — Veteran CBS sportscaster Frank Glieber suffered Otovaller and Jlllv; Corlett and HIM. There were just 11 quarterbacks oddod three safeties apiece. For E— Chrtsteneen, (SordenMre, Foster. MHIJVkggiMI College, 68, at Cougar Field Assodatlon double elimination WP- Corlett; LP- Cti^altar. Toloeo, Beth BIckloy rammed three Ftannry 3b 4 I 2 2 Kemp If 4 01 0 Ooms-wlnnlne RBI— Wynagerd). Prjtato “ *®’ 9 * u f » « rf 3(10 a fatal heart attack W ednes^y while Jogging. He was SI. — less than one per round— taken. DP — Houston 1, New York 1. LOB— Tempitn te 4 1 1 0 BNItard es 2 0 0 0 ^ D P -^e w Yorkl, Texas Z LOB- New MNI If ^4121 Janes rf 000 1 Wednesday. baseball tournament Saturday and hits. Houston ANewYorkA2B— Chrlelensen, Vort 4, Texas 9.3B-Mottlnaly, Haesey, Thomtn Ni 4 0 1 0 Bruit 3b 3 11 1 . Glieber, who had been sports director at KRLD radio in Dallas Walllne, Garner. 3B— Christensen. Shew p 1 0 0 0 Morrisn ph 1 0 1 0 MCC doses out its regular Sunday at Cougar Field. Other Stoddard p 1 0 0 0 Dybznek se 0 0 0 0 ^kevch rf4 1 2 1 Orta dh 3 00 0 since 1970, suffered a heart attack while Jogging at the Aerobics teams in the tourney include HR— Cruz (D.SB— Wilson (4). S— Goesage p 1 0 0 0 FrobM ph 1 o 0 0 S :T!rs= :T«.“' Wfxu" It 2 0 0 0 BolboN 1b 4 0 I 1 season with an 6261 record, while OorHne.SF— Kniaht. lb 2 0 0 0 White 2b 3 10 0 Center Wednesday morning. He died at Medicai Center Hospitai. Greenfield stands at 7-19. Housatonic (31-7, No. 14 in nation in „ IP H R BR BBSO Candekir pO 00 0 C a lcR iila r JDeLsen p 2 0 0 0 TeWer lb 3 0 11 MNley If 4 10 0 Corlett struckout 11 and walked NJCAA), Tunxia (1615) and Nor­ SPRING FITNESS COURSES Scunry p 0 0 0 0 NewYerk Joepf 3b 4 2 3 0 Sunihrg c 4 11 1 252 i'l"* ^ J ln u . 1A3. jftn Roe and KmSSor"IW AO) 5 7 3 3 1 3 Whilson (W 1-3) 5 5 1 1 5 1 •ututo c _ * ’ 01 Btandn as 2 0 0 0 two to raise his record to 65. walk (7-16). Action gets underway Dowlev 2 1 0 0 0 1 RoMneon pO 00 0 Indians* Blyleven suspended Mazzlll ph 1 0 0 0 Rl^ielll (S 4) 4 1 0 0 1 1 Berturd 3b 3 0 0 0 tare ph 0 0 0 0 Jeff Brennan's first inning triple f at 10 a.m. Saturday morning with DIPIno (S 3) 2 1 0 0 0 1 Concpoi ttO 00 0 Tonnis for Adults - TODAY New York Guonle p 0 0 0 0 NEW YORK — Bert Biyleven, star pitcher of the Cieveiand drove home what proved to be tbe MCC taking on Tunxto. Housatonic BaMbaH Oorling (L 1-1) 41-3 9 5 3 0 5 _ _ Aknon se 10 10 Hough (L 1-1) a a 5 5 3 2 Ob ’ 6 0 0 10 sessions, Mon. & Wed. evenings RHAM at Bolten, 3:15 Sombito 33 1 0 0 0 0 T M N S ^ a 4 IS4 Totals W 4 M 3 Hootan 1 0 0 0 0 1 i n m varitty k n iM I Indians, Wednesday was suspended for three days by American* B o n Track WhlNon pitched to 2 boilers In Olh. May 7 • June 6. 6-7 p.m., *45 Sisk 2 4 5 5 0 0 a a s j - i ^ W P -j o uNi. PB-Staught. T-2-A9. Kevin Wllsen's two gpi, twe ru n ! League president Bobby Brown for making obscene gestures in a Cost Catholic at Suffleld. 3:15 Knepper pHdiod to 2 bolters In 4lh; Oomplnnlng RBI -Boltarll). • on Dawley pRched to 1 boiler In aoi. OonjMdnnlng RBI--BumMry (1). game Su^ay at Baitimore. > ^ Windham, Rockville at Monchoster, . aumbry, Templeton. B ' BlencplNie 1 while, Jpcebv. A fine of an undisclosed amount, waa also impdsed. The ROBERT J. SMITH, inc. WP Knepper. PB-Hurdte.T-g:45,A IM --Son Dim A PIttsbumh N. Physicsl FllnsifS for LIfs - — 17,973. American League office refuses to release tbe amounu of player S — Ftannery, Rm, MoNock, Almon. 9^ * swtvoGe n w YwS s i n ID BOBS . Includes exercising. Jogging and * '* SSISeM ,HR-^ Thompson O). SB-rBumbry (2). B o w lin g S i;y ^ ii« s f t ’'s5ass: aiig«aaajff8g- fines. ^ INSURMISlilTHS SINCE body conditioning. . . t'octi at Cremseell, 3:15 s ^ picked up the pitching win ta Connors, Curran aNmlnatad _____iotVlnal,3:IS H R BBBBSe 7 10 sessions, Mon. & Wed. evenings Portland at Covgntnt. I:1S SonOtaao ** R BR BBSO 1914 •OrtaieilOaW R a d io , T V Show t W A l) SA3 3 3 2 1 5 HmiEnglMgrt Sdwbe (W AO) 4 4 3 3 1 S MHt JVltlllgH LAS VEGAS, Nev. — Jimmy Connors and Kevin Curren, tbe May 7 - June 6, 6-7 p.m., *25 ■nflold at Manchoelgr, 1:30 Stoddard IA3 4 1 1 o 1 top two seeds, were eliminated in straight sets Wednesday in tbe GoMoge (S 4) 1 A3 3 0 0 1 1 Lynn Davit 20O-S31, Sharon Slmler yss"ss. 11-s i i s ; s •aat gotholte S ^ M n w r d , 3:10 TONIONT I7A1I1-400, Martha Grant 170-475, Witotosll (S. 5) 1A3 1 0 0 0 2 first round of a $500,000 tennis tournament. « Call S47-S242 ter Mondioiter at ■nflalo. 3:30 7:31 Conodlens v a Nordiauee, USA J. DeLn'^LIM) 4A3 9 4 4 0 7 Cindy Hurley 100, Olono Cote 190 640, wm MffSSll BSSSM* Connors waa defeated by ViJay AmritraJ 61, 7-6 (7-1) and 649-5241 Coble Open aVaSI-3 0 4 5 4 4 rsgisirallon Chonov Tech at Prince Toeb, 3:30 .Scurry 000010 Donna Hardesty M1-S10, Shlrlay Bl- Curren was dispatched even more quickly, falling to 16year^ld 05 E. Cwitor 8tra«t •NtaTaaola S:0S Celtics VA PIstonA Channel 30 RoMneon 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 drldge 101-493, TrudI Zuldemo lO O m bifonnailon ■nflold at Monctintgr. 3:30 f:W Boxing: Tommy Cordova vs. Guonte 1 0 0 0 0 0 JonN Dokln 49A Alice ChltNck 440, ”111:; I Temktol three end iM fan Edberg 61, 61. MandiMt«r, Ct. •on Cqlvm SoobrookA ESPN Condetarto 1 0 0 0 0 1 Dvorak 4S7, Cothy Bohlollon thebO Indtane. Leni------■oat Catholic, Aoulnaa at Northwoet I0:M Red Sox vs. Mariners, Chonnol Scurry pllched to I bolter m 7th. 4 ^ Ruth Skiba 44A Frcmdne Turgoen ThemTiSSSLSS21Jr.IJi?T.S.”" p y jychedtajbcdtarsInTIh. dtotange to picfc IN her eeventh' m CoNiallc. 3 p.m. 3B, WTIC radio Balk— DeLeon. T — 3:42. A— LS4S. 450. .J K ^ ^ u b la o *• PB— 3undberg.'T— 0 3 a .A — 1A499. r ly MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. May 2. 1985 — 18 18 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. May 2. IMS Gary Dotson returns home again Missile security concerns U.S. By Cary Splvok 'T m hoping things will eventu­ result from his ordeal in the court Unittd Preys International ally work o u t... (but I'm ) getting system. Webb, of Jaffrey, N . ^ Bv Richard C. O r o u and tne A ir force has been deploying c ru i^ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 afraid to be hopefol," said Dotson, and her attorney, John McLai(lo, United Frets international mlsalles in Germany, Italy and Britain. 'The COUNTRY CLUB HILLS, III. - who was greeted by a crowd of have reportedly been contacted Perabing-I also carries a nuclear warhead, which Gary Dotaon, feeling like he is about 80 supporters who waited about movie rights. '’'"W A S H IN G TO N — The Arm y la seeking an is stored away from the missile sites. K IT I T CAHLYLB ®b)f Lorry Wright "running through a revolving outside the prison. "I've seen It once,” Dotson initial $1.$ million from Congress to Improve Belgium and Holland also are scheduled m door" Is out of prison a second time Dotson was granted bond Tt|es- explained. defenses at Perahlng-S mlawle siteo in West receive cruise missiles, which are being installfd after the woman he was convicted day by the Illinois Supreme Court Webb, a born-again Christain, - Germany that are “extremely vulnerable" to along with the Pershings to counter a threat posed of raping changed her story, while he appeals the rape convic­ testified last month that she attacka by terrorists and threats by demonstra­ by triple wartieadBoviet 88-20 missiles targeted saying the crime never happened. tors. Arm y and congreational sources say. against titnN ATu allies. Four hundred sixly-four tion. He was ordered back to Jail in decided to recant the rape charge O R B AT V A L U E -6 Room A smiling Dotson, convicted In April when a Cook County Judge The request to reprogram $1.1 million in money cruise misanM are to be deployed in all five EAIT HARTFORD - because of her belief in God. Ranch with fireploce, $115,800. Located In one 1878 of raping a New Hampshire earmarked for other projects this year was made countries. rejected Webb's recantation. But Judge Richard Samuels, screened In porch and an of East Hartford's finest woman, was released Wednesday Barbara Dotaon, who listed her who presltM over Dotson's Jury to the Senate Approuiauoos Committee April 18. Anti-nuclear activists and other protesters exterior of vinyl. New It received a favorable response from Sen. James have staged mass demonstrations against areas. Very special 7 plus after his family posted $10,000 cash south suburban Country Club Hills trial in 1878, refused to believe roof and gutters. 70's.... room Colonial with 4 Sasser. D-Tenn., in a letter to Defense Secretary deployment of the missiles. The Arm y described on a $100,000 bond. home as collateral tor a $10,000 Webb’s new story, saying Illinois WB OUARANTBE OUR bedrooms, 8 bathe, fire­ W f c o wmmm mmura Dotson, 28, who was granted a loan, flew to Dixon, located about law requires that recantation Caspar Weinberger April 1$. the Arm y and the eight of them as “significant." HOU8B8I Blanchard B place, family room and week of freedom on bond last 100 miles west of Chicago, to bring testimony be viewed as highly sources said Wednesday. "The political sensltivjty of Pershing missiles Ressetto Reoltv, 646-8482. oNlce/bedroom. Great month after Cathleen Crowell her son home. unreliable. In his letter. Sasser was concerned about the makes them a potential lucrative target for for a growing family and hlylM«Mte>8:iato4riaw ge.cxai, 0 Webb testified she concocted the Dotson's rape conviction drew In addition to asking the Illinois disparity between the “ secure" defenses in­ STEPHEN STREET CO- a delloht to see. Coll for M lf iia i terrorista," said the letter to the committee, ideh6st*r''*ww^^ rape charge, said he is cautiously international attention when Supreme Court to overturn Sa­ stalled by the A ir Force to protect their cruise written on behalf of the Arm y hy Pentagon LONIAL-lbedrooms,1W on oppointment. lentry optimistic his second release from W ^ b , who is now married and has muels’ decision that sent Dotson missile sites being deployed in Western Europe /Comptroller Bob Helm. "The demonstration baths, loaded with Real Estate, 648-4060. ■iipi cMrmI Fireploce, Plor- prison will be his last. two children, announced she fabri­ hack to prison, Dotson has also and the lack of security at the Army's four threat is constant and often violent." " I feel like I'm running through a cated the rape charge when she petitioned Gov. James Thompson Pershlng-X locations in West Germany, the IM room, 2 cor garage. MANCHB8TBR - AS8U-' HURRVI....WE O U A - M ABLE-S8im Finally ;L«ON>CtkiZ*YNffrt revolving door,” Dotson told re­ was 10 years old because she for executive clemency. sources said. U.S. concern about terrorism Increased •UIU8ER— NwytlWMiO* porters after being escorted from feared she was pregnant with her The governor scheduled a hear­ Since December 188S, the Arm y has been markedly following the 1883 attacks in Beirut RANTRB OUR HOUSESI o fomlly-slied house you the Dixon Correctional Center by boyfriend’s child. ing on the request for May 8 in replacing 188 older nuclear-armed Pershing-1 against the U.8. Embassy and a Marine barracks Blanchard B Ressetto con offordl Three bed­ rooms, 1W baths, fomlly ^ ttnc IHNiMHiig his mother and lawyer. " I ’m Dotson said he has no Interest in Chicago before the lUinois Pri­ missiles with 108 Pershlng-2s at the same sites where 841 American servicemen died. Realty, 646^482. beginning to feel like a pinball. viewing any movies that may soner Review Board. room and garage. All this PRINCETON STREET - and on assumable mort­ Just IlstedI Orocleus Co- gage tool Coll today for lonlal, 1W baths, dstollsl Joyce G. Epstein c m fireploce, sun porch, nice Reol Estate, 647-8895. loti S80’s....WE OUA- RANTEE OUR HOUSESI EAIT HARTFORD - A p m m Blanchard B Rossetto RARE FIN D - 848,800. Realty, 646-8482. Well maintained older CELEBRITY CIPHER . . 6 4 3 - 2 7 1 1 Colonlol on lore# lot In C BtaOrtty Ciphar wyptognma ara craalaci from quotatlowa toy wiiWWr|WWPi# fiMIr , Classified..Business Opportunities 22 BOLTON - Exceptlonolly convenient location. This lamoua paopla, paal and praaanl. Each laltar In tha dpliar mends Sfore/Office Sooce Household Goods Notices feranotttar. Todey'selumlequelsM. Situation Wanted 23 Resort Prooertv ft/iisc tor Sale Rates For advertisements to be nice 8 Room Ranch, lovelv home feoturesZor Lost/Found. ,01 Em ploym ent Info. 24 Mtsc. tor Rent published Monday, the dead cathedral celling family 8 gorgeous bedrooms, a i m . by CONNIE WIENEF1 Home and Garden Minimum Charge: beautiful new kitchen and Instruction line IS 2:30 p m on Fndov room with field stone 02 25 Wanted to Rent Pets $3.00 for one day first floor laundry room. “WJV FVPP E RVJMHV FEAV Announcements .. .03 Roommotes Wonted fireploce, 3 bedrooms, AAusicai Items Per W o rd : formal dining room, fin­ Hurryl Coll to see It 04 Real Estate Recreotionoi items i-2 dovs 20< Read Your Ad ished lower level, asking todoyl Joyce G. Epstein OJEPWFVO’P IBWJVO WJV Services Antiques 3-5dovs 18( 8162JI00. U B R Reoltv, RedI Estate, 647-8085. Homes for Sole 31 Too Soies 6 days i 6( Clossitied advertisements 643-3692. XENJW RVQBOV, WJV ISOV E Financial Condominiums 32 Services Ottered Wonted to Duv ?6 do vs 12( ore taken bv telephone os a PEACE B QUIET - Situ­ Lots/Land for Sale Pointing/Pooering convenience. ated on very privote IV 33 H a p p y Ads: 4 - POUR ROOM AP A R T­ FBBA FEAV JVO WJV ISOXEXN Investment Prooertv Building/Contracting The Manchester Herald is M E N TS In Cheney Dis­ street. 7 room Cope «rith vWWfie yMmfw. .aPW. Personal Loans. 34 $3 00 per column inch Business Prooertv 35 Rooting/Siding responsible only tor one Incor trict. Fully Insulated, full fireploced living room, 3 n or 4 bedrooms, formal MQWVO." — WMFFDFMJ Resort Prooertv 36 Heating/ Plumbing Automotive rect^insertion and then only basement. Excellent In­ sci^m iSlSS. HS^XKSSnSm. 14 Deadlines vestment property. dining room, 2 baths, Flooring Cars Trucks tor Sole tor the size ot the original garage B lots of room. RMXAJVMY. Income Tox Service For clossitied advertise­ insertion. 8158,900. Strono Real Est­ Rentals Motorcycles Bicycles ments to be published Tues­ ate, 647-'SOLD*. 874.800. Century 21 % it e PREVIOUS SOLUTION; "How little you know about the Employment Services Wanted Rec Vehicles Errors which do not lessen Jackston-Showcase, 646- ffuet* . day through Saturday, the age you live In II you think that'honey Is sweeter than & Education Rooms for Rent 41 Auto Services the value ottheadvertisement MANCHESTER - 'EX­ 1816. cosh In hand." — Ovid. Apartments for Rent For Sale deadline is noon on the day will not be corrected bv on 42 Autos tor Rent Lease betore publication. C E P T IO N A L ' - $159,900. 21 Homes for Rent 43 Holidav/Seosonal 61 Misc Automotive additionol Insertion. Custom Colonial In Exec­ BACK ON T H E M A R K ET utive area, beautiful - Pride of ownership Country Kitchen, Family shows throughout this FLOailfAMDtNG Room, Rec. Room, 4-5 Immaculate 7 room Coo* Notices Bedrooms, Large Ja­ of fireploced living room, Iantiques TAG SALES IHELP WANTED HELP WANTED cuzzi, Deck overlooking finished rec room, V/t IHELP WANTED HELP WANTED IHELP WANTED HELP WANTED IHELP WANTED pool. Fenced In Lands­ baths, oversized garage, PARLOR ORGAN - Late appllonced kitchen. Must TAG SALE - Saturday, caped yard. Taa many ISOO's. Walnut cose. Good May 4th, 9am to 3pm. 127 RN OR LPN-Full time or extras to IlstI 11 Call for be seen. $85JI00. Century ASSEMBLERS AND EXPERIENCED LANDS­ PART TIME EVENING MEDICAL ASSISTANT - FULL 8. PART TIME - condition. Works very Henry Street. Collective port time, 7 - 3 or 3 - 11. more Information! Cen­ 21 Jackston-ShowCase, JlOST AND FOUND COIL WINDERS - Finger CAPING CONSTRUC­ POSITIONS AVAILA­ Bright-and energetic per­ Apply In person at: Al- well. All original. Keys group combined. Furni­ Very Good wooes. East dexterity necessary, ex­ tury 21 Undsey Real Est­ 646-1316. Intact. 6467992, leave Windsor area. Send re­ TION LABORERS B LE For dependable per­ son needed for port time do's Pizzeria, 133 Spruce ture, clothing, household PERMANENT PART perience n'ot necessary, W A N TE D - Call after ate, 648-4000. message. FOUND - Parakeet. Near sumes to Box G, Man­ sons to perform general work In OB/Gvnecologlst Street, Manchester. EAST HARTFORD - Items, a Rancharo, old Caoper Street. Call 647- TIME TELLERS - Apply will train. 4 day week, 10 6:00pm, 643-0150. cleaning and floor core In office. Prim arily assist­ APARTMEIITS H0U8EH0L0 skis, books and all kinds chester Herald, PO Box In person, Sovlngs Bonk hour day, Monday thru MANCHESTER - 'NEW 875.800. Wonderful family Rentalo 9S86 anytime. 591, Manchester, CT the Manchester area. ing pyhsiclan with minor PART TIME IN V E N ­ FOR R EIT ROODS of treasures - at least 10 of Manchester, 923 Main Thursday, 7:00am to MEDICAL SECRETA- L IS T IN G ' - $75,800. Walk homel Handsome older 7 06040. Hours are 5:30 to 9:30pm, procedures, but also to TORY TAKER IN MAN­ room Colonial with 3 sources. Rain or shine. LOST - Black Labradar Street. 5:30pm. Apply at Able RY/ASSISTANT - Large Monday thru Friday. 649- to schools from this fine 6 TAB SALES osslt office manager with CHESTER STORES. bedrooms, fireploced liv­ MANCHESTER — Avail­ T W O A N D TH R E E USED REFRIGERA­ with white throat. Coll, Howard Road, graup practice needs an 3101 between 9 and 4pm. reception and light office room, 3 bedroom Ranch. TAG SALE - Neighbor­ POULTRY FARM Bolton. Daytime haurs. Car ne­ Hardwood floors, large ing room, formol dining able Immodlotelv. One, ROOM APARTMENTS - TORS, WASHERS, Answers to 'Shadow-. WORKERS - Port time. efficient organized Indi­ duties. Call 649-6199. cessary. Call Roberta, IFORREKT two and three bedroom TAG SALE - Closet and hood. Saturday, M ay 4th, vidual preferably expe­ living room and kitchen, room, remodeled kit­ Heated, security. No Ranges • clean, guaran­ Call 647-0943. Health and retirement CONSTRUCTION COOR­ 1-800-631-1617. chen, heated gloss en­ aportments. S410, S475, teed, parts and service. ottlcwlde sales and clear­ 9am to 3pm. 81 Vernon HAIR STYLIST - Expe­ rienced that can keep up D INATO R - To assist In fireplace. Rec. Room, pets, no appliances. 646 Road, Bolton. Watch for plans. Call Arbor Acres EARLY RISER NEEDED closed porch and garage. WORKING MALE STU­ S525, heat and hot water 2426,9 - 5 weekdays. Low prices. B.D. Pearl B ances. May 4, 9am to RN - 3pm to 11pm. Full or rienced for busy salon. with the pace of our very scheduling and expedit­ 0 few hours each morning and much, much morel I signs on Route 44. Form, 633-4601, Ext. 360. port time. An excellent Friendly surroundings, DISHWASHER - Full Call far Appointmenti Close to schools, shop­ D E N T - Near bus and included. J.D . Real Est­ Son, 649 Main Street, 4pm. 31 Village StIW , busy practice. Position Is ing materials and work for light cleaning. Call Manchester. iPEmONALS opportunity Is now avail­ benefits. Coll 643-2103. time nights. Excellent Century 21 Undsey Real ping B bus. Cglj for shopping. Someoddtobs. ate. 6461900. 643-2171. wJ EXPERIBNCED DI­ full time, Monday thru force. Must be good In 643-4000. pay. Antonio's Restau­ 3'h ROOM APARTMENT able for full time employ­ Friday, 9am to 5pm In Estate, 648-4000. details. Sentry Real Est­ Lovely Private home. $40 - Private home, heat, WAMTED RECT SALES PEOPLE - Moth and keeping re­ rant, 956 Main. Street, QUEEN SIZE WATER- MULTI FAMILY - Furni­ ment In our superior DESK CLERK NEEDED Manchester. Contact ate, 643-4060. weekly. Reply to Box L, M A N CH ES TER - Second appliances. Working sin­ W A N TE D : People who See how MERRI-MAC's cords. Multi-family resi­ PRODUCTION Manchester. BED - Simmons, wave­ ture, miscellaneous. 252 Itdbuy skilled nursing facility. to work Saturday and Mrs. Noonan ot 646-0314. NEW LISTINGII East Manchester Herald, P.O. floor apartment, 2 bed­ gle adult only. No pets, ore seriously Interested Gifts, Toys and Home dential construction ex- WORKERS - Full time rooms, heat and applian­ less, conventional style, B 262 Redwood Road, In losing weight. All Natu­ Excellent staffing ratio Sunday mornings, 8om to perlence a plus. Hartford 5 Room Ranch Box 591, Manchester. children. Call 643-2880. Decor con DOUBLE your and working conditions. 12noon, 1 or 2 nights 4pm days. All departments. MEDIUM SIZED LAW with new siding, full base­ ces Included, no pets. $500 takes only 80 gallons of Saturday, May 4th, 10am W ANTED - A large heavy ral: Guaranteed Results. Incomel Start Nowl Coll WAITRESS WANTED - Engineering or Account­ No experience neces­ FIRM looking for Real water. Frame, mat­ to 4pm. duty bird cage for a Our primary goal Is qual­ to midnight and other Luigi's Restaurant. ment, city utilities and IFMIAIE MANCHESTER - Main plus security. Coll 646 M y friend lost 02 pounds 1-000-553-9077. ing training preferred. sary. Will train. Apply In Estate Secretary. Expe­ tresses B bullt-ln heater. Mocow. 643-0155. In 6 weeksi For Imme­ ity patient core. If you varied hours. Pleasant Apply In person, 706 Hart­ Send resume and referen­ lots more. Won't Lost Street. 2 rooms for rent. 3979. ISTOREAND hove o genuine desire to working atmosphere. We person:- Plllowtex Corp., rience preferred. Good Longl I Offered In the low Utilities included. For One year old. Originally TAG SALE - Saturday diate response and Infor­ ford Rood, Manchester. ces to P.O. Box 653, 49 Regent Street, Man­ WELLSWEEP CON­ SUPERVISORS develop o successful will train. Ideal for re­ salary and benefits. 870's. Jackson B Jackson DOMINIUMS - 400 North more Information, call EXCEPTIONAL ONE lOFFIQE SPACE 8700, asking S400. After and Sunday, May 4th and mation, coll or write: NEEDED. House of Manchester, CT 06040, chester, C T. EOE-M /F. nursing career, please tired person. Please call: Reply Box R, Manchester Real Estate, 647-0400 or ASoln street. 2 Bedroom 563-4438 or 529-7858. BEDROOM APART­ 5pm, call 528-1405. 5th, Sam to 5pm. Rain or Lisa or Sherrie 001-776- Lloyd now hiring super­ RN'S, LPN'S, HOME­ and call Linda, Monday Herald, P.O. Box 581, shine, 92 Ellington Rood, Automotive 1001; 001-621-3741; 001-621- coll Mrs. Ellxobeth Connecticut Motor M AKERS & S ITTE R S - Townhouse, fully op- M E N T • Wall to wall M AN CH ES TER — Office visors to hire, train, a through Friday, 8:30am PLUMBERS/PIPE FIT- Manchester, C T 06040. FOR SALE - Refrigera­ East Hartford. New and 6347.4040 Pacific Avenue, Lounl, Director of Lodge between 9am and Come and loin a new to 4:30pm, 643-5634. pllanced 'country kit­ carpeting, residential space. Ideal for accoun­ manage toy porty dem­ TERS/SPRINKLER FIT­ G IVE Y O U R budget a tor, Whirlpool, Limited old. Miscellaneous, tires, Ogden, Gtoh 0440S. Nurses, 6464)129, Man­ 3pm, Monday thru Fri­ Home Health Care Regis­ SOUTH WINOSORIII chen', 1W bath$. Individ­ break ... shop the classi­ area. S385. Coll Pot at tant, lawyer or sales of­ onstrators. Ideal In-home chester Manor Nursing day, 643-1555. TER S & A P P R E N TIC E S - R E TIR E D OR DIS­ This home has every­ 6461900. fice. Central location. edlHon. Gold. 19.2 Cubic men's 10 speed bike, cl6 Income. Background In try, east of the river. No CONSTRUCTION SU- ual bosenwnts. $60,500. fied columns for borgaln rnCARB/TRUCKB ^ Home. 385 West Center Large merit shop ABLED PERSON to thing you would love In Peterman Realty, 649- Ample parking. Call 649- ft. Power saving control. thing, et cetera. teaching, business or fee required. Please call PERINTENOANT - Pro- buysl liljFDHBALE Street, Manchester. RECEPTIONIST/TY- sprinkler company with answer phone at home. one storv living. Excel­ 8404,647-1340, or 648-4064. M A N CH ES TER - Second 2091. Outlet for Icemaker. 1 party plan helpful. FR EE Monday'^thru Friday lect Manager Coll 649-4190 after 12noon. year old. Must sell - lAMNOUNCEIHENTS PIST - Large Interno- from 9am to 3pm for an Connecticut work needs lent neighborhood, new floor of remodeled 2 fam­ training, kit, a supplies. experienced supervising licensed fitters. Excel­ Moving. S400. Call 646 Ginghoiii Rose M OVING - Reconditioned HOUSECLEANERS- Im­ tlonal Insurance Intevlew appointment at multi-family construc­ siding, roof. Interior dec­ FOR SALE BY OWNER - INVITATION TO MO fTTl ily. 2 bedrooms, carpet­ 600 SQUARE FEET - Offl- Coll Fredacollect413-569- lent wages and benefits CARPENTERS euncMASC ANo ocuvxnv ing and appliances. $400 ce/Store space. Business 7473. 1971 Ford Pickup F250, EM ER G EN CY? In Man­ 3122. mediate openings. Flexi­ company has an Imme­ 647-1956. A N G E L IC tion. Estimating expe­ orating and lots of fine Brand new, large 2 bed­ ble port time hours. diate opening In our Including Pension Plan, H ELP ER S - No expe­ features. Offered In the room Townhouse, with OF Fono FKK-UF on SOUAL plus heat. 649-1399. Imme­ zone. Spruce Street. S425 390 cubic Inch, 4 wheel chester, dial 911 for fire, NURSING & HOME rience helpful. Excellent Tlw Board of Education, 110 drive, factory air condi­ Medicol Insurance avail­ Founders Plaza, East HEALTH CARE SER­ Bonus Program, Voca­ rience needed. Glaston­ 810's. Jackson B Jackson garage, basement. Cen­ diate occupancy. monthly. Call R. Jarvis, DINING ROOM - Mod­ police, medical help. BURR BENCH PERSON - compensation package. Long HIM Drive, East Hort- ern. Table, chairs, buffet, tioning, extra accesso­ able. TH E HOUSE­ Hartford office. Position VICE REGISTRY, INC. tion, Holidays, Life & bury area. Year round Reol Estate, 647-8400 or tral air. All appliances, ford, CT. will receive sealed 6436712. Full time, ability to hon- If you ore a hard worker, Health Insurance. Li­ work. 633-2904. and hutch. $300. 8756307. ries. 6462948. WORKS, 647-3777. requires pleasant phone well organized, quality wall-to-wall carpet. Near bids for PURCHASE AND O N E B E D R O O M d le heavy ports, cense required. Coll: DELIVERY DF FDRD PICK­ manner, good typing (55 HARTFtlRD ROAD and cost conscious, and Vernon Circle. Will con­ A P A R TM E N T - Heat, ap­ MANCHESTER - Wood­ experience required. Fo- H.F.P. Sprinkler for ap­ CLEANING PERSON­ UP OR EQUAL. BM Informa­ land Industrial Park. SOFA - Blue and gold. 1973 W HITE PLYMOUTH Employmont mlllorty with aircraft GROUNDS MAINTE­ wpm) and light dicta­ DAIRY QUEEN Is taking con build on schedule, GREAT OPPORTUNITY sider rent with option. tion and soecincaflons ore pliances. Near Parkode. phone, and the ability to pointment at 413-536-7130 N E L N E E D E D - Part for your business. Ter­ 6468534 ask for Kate, or available of tbe Business Of­ 3JI00 square feet availa­ Excellent condition. $75. SEBRING - Power steer­ ports helpful. Apply at NANCE WORKERS - Full applications for counter send resume and referen­ Older persons preferred. ing, air conditioning. work well with others. and 413-532-0019, or reply: time morning, 6am to rific downtown location. 6467844. fice. Sealed bids will be re­ No pets. Available June ble In attractive Indus­ 6436590. & Education REB Industries, Inc., 184 time. Experience pre­ help and coke maker. ces to P.O. Box 653, ceived until 2 P.M., Wednes­ Good condition. S675.646 Receptionist and Insu­ Will train. Hours 10am to Box 5007, Holyoke, MA 9am, Monday - Saturday. Brick Construction. Over 1st. S390. Call 6436002 or trial building. 1,000 Commerce Street, Glas­ ferred but not essential. Manchester, CT, 06040, day, May IS. IfSS, of which GE Refrigerator Top 1629. Passed Emission rance experience helpful. 01041. Manchester area. $4.00 to 4jno square feet. Call us time they will be publicly 6496205. square feet finished offi­ tonbury, or coll person­ Must be reliable and 3pm, Monday thru Fri­ and call Linda, Monday test. Pleasant working condi­ day. Good starting pay. start. For more Informa­ for details. Plenty of IREM. ESTATE opened and road oloud. The ces, 2JI00 square feet freezer. Runs Well. Needs nel at 633-5271 between 10 dependable for Manches­ through Friday, 0:30 to Board of Education reserves door gasket. $45.649-4467. and 3, EOE. tions. Full benefit pock- Apply In person. Hart­ 4:30,643-5634. RELIABLE PART TIME tion call; 1-000-343-1801 parking. Jackson B Jack- MANCHESTER - Quality worehouse or shop with ter location. Call 278-2960. toll free. IWAWTHl the right to accept or relect 1979 TOYOTA TRUCK - 4 IHELP WANTED oge. Good starting sa­ ford Rood Dairy Queen. HOUSECLEANER son Real Estate, 647-8400 any or all bids or the right to 1 and 2 bedroom apart­ loading dock and over­ W A N TE D - 4 hours, 1 day STOVE - 30' Electric wheel drive. Cap. Sun­ lary. Call Amy, 289-9301. PART TIME DRIVER - or 646 8646. waive technical formalities If ments. Heat, hot water, head door. Excellent fa­ TMTMNTBOiaflRr per week. Coll 742-8020 VISTA VOLUNTEER - 24 HOUR CASH OFFER Magic Chef. Good condi­ roof. 5 new tires. Power CompIlM and raporw labor LEADING OIL CO. PAR T T IM E YAR D PER­ Must know streets In It Is In the best Interest to do and all appliances In­ cility for machine shop, LEGAL SECRETARY - LOOKING for full and before Ham . Local literacy volunteer ON YOUR PROPERTY - so. tion. S95.649-3160, Bolton. steering, tilt wheel, plus analyala and malarial yMda. SIDING INSTALLER OR SON for miscellaneous Manchester. Apply In S P R IN G STREETIIIII cluded. Quiet busline. assembly, distribution, Small downtown Hart­ aMlata In varloua financial part time help nights and program seeks commun­ Coll: Crockett Realty. Richard A. Huot, etc. Call Bill Stevenson, more. S4,200 or best offer. H E LP ER W A N TE D - 742- lobs. Reply to Box N, person, Krause Florist, Have you always wanted Director Ideal for mMdle^xted and ford Law firm. Position cloaing and raporti. Uaa of waakenda. Attendants, 5406, or 643-9633. W A N TE D - Reliable bab­ ity outreach person. Re­ to live In the Spring Street 643-1577 for 0 quick deoil Business Services 643-5660. 742-7407. requires experience P/C and good math and cleri­ cashier, and assistant Manchester Herald, PO 621 Hartford Rood. seniordtlzens. A ir condi­ cal akilla raqulrad. Box 591, Manchester, CT ysitter. Full time days. sponsibilities Include; area? Here's your 00605 tioned. S480 and S515. MI CELLANEDU with: Decedent's Est­ manager. Good banefita 8 8 1975 OLDS - 4 door, hard Apply In paraon to a n d room for FULL TIME POSITION 06040. Hlghland/Chorter Oak Recruiting and training chance. Spotless 8 Room 847-5030. 470 MAIN STREET - First ates, preparation of legal' SHOWROOM POSITION FOB BALE top. Automatic, small V- Rogers Corp. advancement. Good AVAILABLE at automo­ - Ambitious person wil­ area. Coll after 6pm. volunteers, general of­ Raised Ranch. 2 Firepla­ floor, centrally located, I documents, word pro­ Mill 4 OahlBAd Sit. working conditions. tive related business. 643-7263. fice work. 35 hours per ces, new carpet and lots parking. 6462426 Week­ 8, power steering, power cessing equipment and MBnchBBtBf. Conn. PART TIME CLERICAL ling to grow In a family Some automotive knowl­ HELP NEEDED - Light week. Starting end of of storage space. C A LL days, 9 - 5. SW IM M ING POOLSIll brakes, air conditioned, 'possessing excellent se­ 8«cond EntrtncB • o n rr run business. No expe­ NO nCB TO cnipiTonB rear defroster, AM /FM QBnBTBl OfflCBB 400 to 3:30 Sullivan Ava., So. Wlntteor edge helpful but not ne­ typing, Monday thru Fri­ rience necessary. Please W AITRESS W A N TE D - May. Government sub­ TODAYI Jackson B M Toiracc m rw L m c R EM O VE GREASE and Astronomical savings on cretarial skills. S22-7161. 8m Manofftr - 2W-4206 - M/f Stereo. Mint condition, cessary. 647-8997. day 9am to 1pm. Only Days, nights, weekends. sidy allowance, approxi­ Jackson Reol (Estate. 647- rust from outdoor metal the revolutionary 1985 all send resume to: P.O. Box Notice Is hereby Blven pursuant to Seetten 33-379 of the must be seen. Asking experienced people need Apply at Antonio's, 956 mately $430 per month 8400 or 6468646. furniture the easy way. IMI CELLANE US new 31' family sized 203, Bucklond Station, Connecticut Oenerol Statutes that M ANCHESTER 8 0 $1,395. 643-9708. apply. Phone 646-8686. Manchester, C T. Main Street, plus bonus. For further FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE CENTER. IN C a Connecticut Just dip a cloth In turpen­ I f o h h e n t swimming pools com­ Manchester. Information 647-6232. MANCHESTER - ELE­ corporation having Its principal place of business In tine and rub the . metal plete with huge sun deck, Hartford, Connecticut, has been dissolved bv Resolution ot fencing, ladders, filter 1979 FORD M U S TA N G - DAYCARE CENTER - PART TIME VINYARD G A N T - 8188,800. Lovelv, until spots disappear. To C O V EN TR Y -1 JlOOsq. ft., M O R TG A G E SA LES - Its Directors and Shareholders, which dissolution has and warrantee. Now only Good condition. Sun roof, needs a cook and part H E LP W A N TE D • Ma- R E D LOBSTER RES­ spacious and gracious become effecNve withitsnilna of a Certificate of Olssolutlon sell Idle Items the easy concrete floor, drlv6ln Mortgage soles Is on art $978. Financing availa­ AM/FM radio. Asking time teachers. Must be fu^e person for tying TAURANT -Is looking for heme with 6 bedrooms, witb the Secretary of Stale's Offlee. way, use a low-cost od In storage-workshop space and q sclencel The ble. Call Paul right now SL500. Call 643-2600 or HOUSEWIVES high school graduates, arope vines. Coll 742-8402 highly motivated people den, family room, fire- All crediters are warned to present their clolmste Attorney clossitied. with small affice. SZOOper McCue mortgage Com­ while the supply lastsll 643-2759. Coll 646-7090. after 6pm and weekends. to fill positions for day placed living room, Timothy P. O'Neil, 143 Moln Street, Manchester, Connec­ month, 742-7268 or 742- pany, one of Connecti­ screened porch, laundry ticut, couiisel lor sold corporation, on or betore August 31, 563-1161. a n d night kitchen, IftS. 3022. cut's leading mortgage servers, and bartenders. room and a multi-level 71 PLYMOUTH DUSTER bankers, believes In this All claims not so presented erlll be barred as provided bv S TE P E N D T A B L E - - Runs excellent. No rust. Earn Extra Money MATERUU CONTROL Excellent benefits avail­ deck to a pool. O.W. Fish saM Section 33079. CURN and Is looking for on able. Apply In person, Realty, 643-1581 or 871- Dark wood, leather top, New ball laints, brakes, A natyn manufaotu^ina raporta to HOME HEALTH/ Doted at Moncheeter, Connecticut, this ISth dov ot April, IROOMMATES many other new parts. Individual to accept the Monday thro Friday, 2pm 1408.______. I9SS. wheels on legs. Good Crow-Slilcliod varify. Caleulala and raport raw challenge of becoming on IWANTED condition. $20. Call 646 Sljno or best offer. 646 With Your Own malarial eonaumptlon. Maintain HimSESAIDE to 4pm. 922 Sliver Lone, MANCHESTER FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE CENTER. INC. On Gingham 2442 invantory raoorda and opan ordar artist and scientist. If you East Hartford. EOE. MANCHESTER - QUIET by Thnothy P. O'Neil. Attoniev 1625. 0492, John or 647-8891, h im . PrpvMa backup aupport in HOMEMAKER/ •Mpptn^raeatvlno Invantory con* ore Interested, send re­ M/F. S T R E E T -$01,100. wond­ ROOMMATE WANTED - Brad. Irol. ouMomar aarvloa. and Bwitoh- sume to Box P, Manches­ erful Starter Home, Meal 65 YARDS OF GREEN A chenning apron of Uaa of P/C. main frama COMPAHKMS are in the to share 3 bedraom du­ Part Time Job C U T and pood olaticai akilla ra- ter Herald, P.O. Box 591, for children with a nice carpeting for sale. Best gingham with a giant- 1974 MAVERICK - Good POSITIONS a v a i l a ­ plex with two profes­ qulrad. Oeleot the hours, shifts, or tize Toae in eaay-to-do condition. Runs excel­ Monchoster, CT 06IH0. b l e - A M and PM hours private yard, 8 bedrooms Manchester sional males, early offer. 649-2536 after 3pm. Apply in paraon to; days ot your oholoe, good croaa-Btltch. lent. $650.6434)720. pay, vooatloa, benefits, In Orycleonlng outlet. and 0 tireplaced living twenties. $210 plus utili­ Rogers Corp. SALES - Sales It on art No. 2442 has apron di­ MHlOMIandSta. and credit union. Apply Colonial Cleaners, room. D.W. Fish Realty, TOWN O F I Herald ties. Available May 2nd. . . . and mothers with young children, bring them Mancbaatar, Conn. and a sclencel The 648-1581 or 871-1400. 1081------16 lO N R W I HDMEAIID rections; graph for rose 230 Spencer Street, Man­ Call 647-0199 after 5pm. embroidery. MOTOBCYCLEt/ with you and save on baby sitting costs. Saoond Intranoa • PaNonl Car* of C T McCuo mortgage Com­ chester Shoprite Plazo. everyday. BAHDEH BICYCLEB Oanarai Offloaa tOO to 3:30 SOUTH WINDSOR - The Ftannlna B Zenliino I CetninltsCwnmltslen of Andever, Cennec- 180 M/P Imployar aoa-asis pany, one of Connecti­ Is srSsr, ns4 $ 2 JB N r aarb cut's leading mortgage H U G E - 8108,800. Spa­ MratwIllheiMaPubHceHearlnglnli •InlhetasrertaveleflheTawn pottora, plat SSt N r fsito it MS Twenty-two Hours per week. Office Bui Mina en I sndev, M eyl1 13. IfSS at 7:38 p.m. on the FOR SALE - Everbearing SUZUKI PE 250 - Good bankers, believes In this cious, 4 bedroom, tallewlna petmea: mart raspberry plants. 50 cents Salary plus gas allowance. and It looking for on Real Estate custom-built homo, with For Sale condition. Driven 16 OILRAD ROAD - Frittiun at m tand EouinM Inc. tor oporo- each. 649-2430. hours. S750 or best offer. Individual to accept the large rooms, acre vol of on S tat Suhdivislea (BIshaa Estates, SecHon llTT llRttn.ai«tMrtHi Call hoppers mm Twa, XT. IPSSS 647-1821. NEWSPAPER CARRIERS NEEDED challonge of becoming an 'wooded lot and a conve­ r to bsundsd on the North bv preoeriy N/F of PriBt Ktwa, saarttt elto ZIP ortlst and scientist. If you NOMEt nient location. D.W. Fish mdsd on the South by Ollead HOLIDAY/ caaf aat tula Maatoar. SOUND INTERE8TINQ? IN MANCHESTER AREA ore Interested, tend re­ Reoltv, 648-1581 or 871- ___W PripirTV IV/F wf tfSrTfVfV Shop the PETS SPECIAL: Orar 808 ee- USE RICE to Cleon the FOR SALE w en< bevnded OH the WMf bv ire#- Inside of bottles and long- YOU can be a Herald Area Adviser Now ___ sume to Box P, Manches­ I €m h 9. lectioaa and a F R E E Pirkids Apts., W. Middle Tpko. A A ^ ------— ——- ^ ^ —^ Classifieds. Pattern Section in the stem vases. Sprinkle rice and handle and supervise our III ter Herald, P.O. Box 581, ^h^pv FR E E T O GOOD H O M E - Pirk 8L Manchester, C T 06Q60. ^MANCHESTER - RE- ALBUM . Jast 88B8. Inside container, add carrier boys & girls. If you like kids 73-157 ATTRACTIVE SPLIT - Alaskan Motamute - Very aeeuwsut aaia ChostiNitSt * 'ous living room JC ED I $88,800. 4 bed- Ingtheebsvs prspeset are on IWe In the office of the Town even tempered. 643-2659. warm, sudsy water and — want a little indapendenoe and 142-158 5 2 5 londaflreptoceare Cterfc, Tswn Offlee BuWOlna. Manchester e-iza sius cm tea nan. mw shake vigorously. The with Cathedral Celling w ama aaawi ban it natajbaw. your own income... 647-9946 fXf.BBIBNCED WAI­ of the beautiful Doled this Snd end flh dev of May, IfSS at Andover, Connec­ EXCELLENT QUALITY e.iae - aitraaai eanis. sa rice will polish and clean and Balcony, 3 Bed­ or TRESS B GRILL - Mutt of this brick ticut. Herald FIREWOOD - Mostly LOOKING FOR good alaaaa aa------Interior. Use the classi­ MANCHESTER HERALD rooms; 1W Baths, Family ^DOVER FLANNINO 6 B iii— i 647-9947 * I'*®™ ®'<*' room and Dining room. I located In a deolra- hard wood. Cut, spilt and news? Look for the many M opat M aatiMaml fied columns to sell those Cell CIrculetlon Dept. Nights. No calls. Apply In ^Me area. D.W. Pish ZQNINO CONUMISSIDN 643-2711 delivered. S75/cord. Min­ bargain buys advertised aiS— TS Sin ar still good, but no longer JM,W0I....WE GUARAN­ aeoNv, 648-1581 or 871- JOHN L. KOSTIC, CHAIRMAN 8:30 a.m .-S: 00 p.m . person to: Ollda't Lun- TEE OUR HOUSBSI imum 2 cords until June In the classified columns a-isa-«aans-aa pap used Items around your 647-9946 cheonoHe. 303 Adorns Blanchard 8, Roeoatte 15th. 648-1831. today. home. Street, Manchester. Realty, 646-8482. ' r MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, May 2. 1988 — 1» 18 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. May 2, 1985 Gary Dotson returns home again Missile security concerns U.S. By Cory Spivak 'T m hoping things will eventu­ result from his ordeal in the court and me A ir korce has been deploying ally work o u t... (but I'm ) getting system. Webb, of Jalfrey, N.H., By Richard C. Ordas CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 Unittd Press International Unltod Prass International mlasIlM In Germany, Italy and Britain. The afraid to be hopeful," said Dotson, and her attorney. John McLario, Pershing-l also carries a nuclear warhead, which who was greeted by a crowd of have reportedly been contacted COUNTRY CLUB HILLS. 111. - W ASHINGTON - The Arm y is seeking an is stored away from the missile sites. KIT'N'CAM .YLE ®b]T Lwry Wright Gary Dotson, feeling like he is about 80 supporters who waited about movie rights. initial $1.8 million from Congress to Improve Belgium and Holland also are scheduled to "running through a revolving outside the prison. " I ’ve seen it once.” Dotson defenses at Pershlng-1 ihlaaiie sites In West receive cruise misisiles, which are being installer door" is out of prison a second time Dotson w u granted bond Tues­ explained. Germany that are “estremely vulnerable" to along with the Pershlngs to counter a threat posed after the woman he was convicted day by the Illinois Supreme Court Webb, a bom-again Christaln. attacks by terrorists and threats by demonstra­ by triple warhead Soviet 88-20 missiles targeted of raping changed her story, while he appeals the rape convic­ testified last month that she tors. Arm y and congressional sources say. against the N A TO allies. Four hundred sixty-four saying the crime never happened. tion. He was ordered back to Jail in decided to recant the rape charge The request to reprogram |I.$ million in money cruise missiles are to be deployed in all five ORBAT V A LU E '8 Room EAST HARTFORD - A smiling Dotson, convicted in April when a Cook County Judge because of her belief in God. earmarked for other projects this year was made countries. Ranch with fireploce, $118,900. Located In one 1979 of raping a New Hampshire rejected Webb’s recantation. But Judge Richard Samuels, screeiiod In porch and on to the Senate Approprlatlooa Committee April 19. Anti-nuclear activists and other protestors of East Hartford's finest woman, was released Wednesday Barbara Dotson, who listed her who presided over Dotson’s Jury extertor of vinyl. It received a favorable response from Sen. James have staged mass demonstrations against oreos. Very special 7 plus after his famiiy posted$10,000cash south suburban Country Club Hills trial in 1979, refused to believe reef and gutters. 70's..„ Sasser, D-Tenn., in a letter to Defense Secretary deployment of the missiles. The Anjjy described room Colonial with 4 on a $100,000 bond. home as collateral for a $10,000 Webb’s new story, saying Illinois WB OUARANTBB OUR bedrooms, 2 baths, fire­ Caspar Weinberger April W. tbe Arm y and the eight of them as "significant.” ^ ”**^-- *** .t$«8.-,>Oa>lv In GUARA n : Me area. O.W. Pish Z m iN G COMMISSION 643>2711 delivered. $75/cord. Min­ bargain buys advertised snS^wjwjP— 48 still good, but no longer person to: Olldo's Lun­ TEE OUR HOUSESI JOHN L. KOSTIC, CHAIRMAN Reallv. 8431591 or 071- 8:30 a.in.-5:00 p.m. imum 2 cords until June In the classified columns •.is*-«aans-aa psem at sahib used Items around your 6 4 7 - 9 9 4 6 cheonette, 803 Adams Blanchard a Roseetto 15th. 6431831. today. home. Street, Manchester. Reoitv. 646-2482. tk 4 to - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. May 2. 1985 MANCHESTER BOLTON FOCUS VVI A I H i H UPl will make Business Historic panel OKs I I Hopefuls for top post 11 Little LeaguO opens 11 Clearing up tonight: In B ri^ more staff cuts improvement plans I I have different styids 11 36th year Saturday M some sun Saturday Lukat now vice protidont WASHINGTON (UPI) — United Press Interna­ [MANCHESTER tional plans new layoffs In the next several days In the ...pages! I _____ ... page 7 j j i page 11 j j ______- ^ HARTFORD — Robert R. Lukas has been latest cost-cutting move aimed at savli^ UMt.wire [l u m b e r named vice president of the Hartford Insurance service during Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings. Group's CLA Corp. Editor in Chief Maxwell McCrohon says. automation subsi­ McCrohon and other top U P I officials said Ends Sat. May 11 SALE diary. He will be Wednesday the number of employees who lose their all prlcea eaah * ca m ______responsible for soft­ jobs will be small, and further staff reductions should ware development, be avoided if newspaper and broadcast clients accept *>1 PREMIUM system design and a 9.9 percent rate hike announced Sunday. installation support. UPI laid off 80 employees, including 55 temporary, CEDAR The Hartford part-time and permanent editorial staffers, last formed CLA Corp. Friday before the company filed for Chapter 11 SFoamDC iiaurhrBtpr Hrralb in the fall of 1084 to protection Sunday to reorganise its fin a i\ ^ . ManchOfter, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Friday, May 3, 1965 — Single copy; 254 market its ad­ Company employees began receiving new NNcmo vanced commercial SECTION INCLUDES checks Wednesday, a day after U.S. Bankruptcy OM iPO ST lines automation Judge George Bason approved an Interim financing system to other in­ plan allowing continued operations during Chapter 11 4’x8’ surance companies. proceedings. Last Friday's biweekly checks were CLA Corp.'s clients froxen because of a lack of funds. include the Kemper 2 8 *< Group and the Uni­ UPI President Ray Wechsler said if the company Pressure Treated Lumber Feud over Route 6 endangers expressway ted States Aviation succeeds in its current plans and client support Treated lumber ian'l juBl dippiHl or iMinli'd Pn-aer- 5*x8’ 8’x8’ remains strong, the 78-year-old wire service should vatikt ia forced into relkt of to|i quality lumk‘r Ho it Insurance Group. retitta iaaecta and weather It'a readty to um‘ wlu‘n 9 0 8 S Q 9 7 Lukas joined The record an Derating profit of' ‘severalmilUon dollars" you bu.v it. no more treatment neetw.'Liry bk'al for Interstate 84 from Hartford to “ We essentially agreed with the REQ36 47 I ^ T 7 rEQ42.7 By Sarah Paaaell planned U-mile expressway. Sevin Route 6, since early last fall, when .cerned about what we’re going to during the next year. W ncK^ drcka. tablet — all outdoor iirttp'ru .Smith- state that the E A ia practically a Hartford in 1072 as a ern yellow mne treated with K-.'U thumaw' to Herald Rtpoiier said he also has asked for more the highway administration sub­ do in Connecticut.” Providence, state officials pre­ programmer. He Wechsler said the response to the rate Increase has retention and ttam|Mpd for ground Ciintwl information on the effect the mitted an environmental assess­ He said Route 6 in Rhode Island pared an impact statement on the supplem ental E IS excep t in been positive among m ajor clients. name,” Sevin said. But after advanced through a Robert R. Lukas The U A Pepariment of Trana- expressway could have on the ment of the plan to the U.S. needs upgrading work to protect project. The federal DOT ruled in number of program­ f 1978 that Connecticut would have reviewing the first draft of the The planned new reductions in domestic staff w w w w ir ROUND m a poitaUoftpwnding word to itate Scituate Reservoir in Rhode Is­ Secretary of Transportation. The the reservoir, anyway, calling it a ming and systems management positions before V4ji« 400 400 tm 810 HEAVY DUTY DOWELED CEDAR to subinlt a supplemental EIS if assessment, the E P A and tbe positions are expected to leave U P I's editorial officiela Wat it may not approve land, that state's principal drink­ FHA has endorsed the project. "lousy two-lane road with some being named assistant director, commercial 2x4 2.10 2.00 4M 414 *1* Rhode Island chose not to build Its Eastern Conneeticut Citizen Ac­ workforce in the United States between 700 and 888 the planned expreuw ay bMween ing water supply. Sevin said Thursday that his dinky little guard rails.’’ lines automation, in 1081. Lukas was elected an 2n8 840 403 801 831 7.00 • M 11.13 section and Connecticut still tion Group publicly disagreed with employees, a cutback of 50 to 100 staff, company RAILS & POSTS 11“ Bolton Notch and Windham unleM The state i t seeking the release letter had not yet reached Albany Sevin said that if tbe state assistant secretary in 1082 and director of 2a 4.78 sm 873 884 1801 11.40 1803 wanted to extend the interstate to that position. Ilia state DOT sources said. MCLUDC8 2 10' RANJBA 1P08T the atate can overcome the federal of $145 million'in federal funds to administrator Jack Bestgen. Wil­ transportation department and the commercial lines in 1083. 2ii10 801 7.00 11.01 1870 1S.14 2800 the state border. revised the assesament to answer "There will be some further layoffs within a tew Environmaatal Protection Agen- build tbe expressway. liam Lasarek, Deputy Commis­ EPA fail to come to an agreement, 2x12 1804 21.1t In 1983 Rhode Island scrapped the groups’ objections, but has not days," McCrohon said. "W e're going to keep the cy's oppeaiUon to the project. Last summer the EPA notified sioner of the Connecticut Depart­ the federal DOT will require a 8NET hat eamingt drop 4b4 4.71 7.24 801 841 1843 released the revised document to number as low as possible." SPUTMIIL All F. Sevin, director of the office the federal DOT that it opposes the ment of Transportation, said that more detailed environmental im­ plans for its part of the road. 801 401 RUSTIC VIPIQINUUAnOWOOO NEW HAVEN — Southern New England ia of environmental policy for the expressway because environmen­ FHA officials have already told pact Btatement on the project. One Connecticut proposes to go ahead the public. 401 Telephone announced an earnings drop to 05 cents He said company officials also hope attrition— staff ia 841 M0LU0C8 Federal Highway AdminiitraUon, tal officials are convinced that the him tbe substance of Sevin's letter state transportation official said with its part. And Connecticut ECCAG is seeking release of the per share in the first quarter, down from $1.07 per resignations expected as a result of the current rash of 2-10FTRML8. M id Thunday he haa ront the increased traffic the expressway but that he has not seen it. last year that it could take a full officials and the highway adminis­ revised document through tbe share in the same period last year. negative news about U P I's financial state — to help 1POST 15»* FHA’f regional adminiatrator in would feed into Rhode Island " I f their concern is the Scituate year to prepare an impact tration have said that the environ­ state Freedom of Information Net income for the first quarter was $29.8 hold down the layoffs. AlbaWr a letter ordering the would endanger the reservoir. Reservoir, tbe project is only going statement. mental assessment submitted in Commission. ECCAG attorney Jon million, a drop from the $32.7 million earned in the U PI now has about 1,550 employees, including about CoMecUcut Department of Trans- The state has been waiting for to result in a relatively insignifi­ When Connecticut and Rhode September is as good as a corresponding period a year ago. 250 paid in foreign currencies, company officials said. portaUon to resolve its differences word on the fate of the expressway, cant incrense in traffic," Lasarek Island originally planned to build 'supplemental environmental im­ President Walter Monteith said he is encour­ About 200 positions, many of them non-editorial jobs, with the E P A or riak loaing the officially called tbe Relocation of said. “ They shouldn't be con- the expressway as an extansioa of pact statement. Please Inni la page 18 aged that first quarter operating expenses were have been eliminated since last July. cut by more than 1 percent other than those for McCrohon said the editorial staff reductions were depreciation. being carried out with sensitivity so as not to materially affect the quality of the U PI news report. x/f J U.S. has E x-director joins U V M G l i i n K C 3H"x5"x8' pmicis sAu PRESSURE backing town D em ocr^ M o n ^ For G>llege; 24"x9e" UNFINISHED 6.27 SA4 TREATED 32"x96" UNFIMSHEO...... 12.34 n.n 6"Me"KS' By Alax GIralll 48"x96" UNFMISHEO : . 23.57 f L t l PRESSURE on arms Harold Raportar TREATED W h e r e D o e s 24"x96" PRESSURE TREATED 18.57 M.7I 48"x96" PRESSURE TREATED 34.87 SLSt By Philip A. W llllam t Form er Republican town Direc­ 6" X 6” X 8' Creosote dipped United Press International tor Peter. DiRosa Thursday chanced over to the Democratic BONN. West Germany — The Party, raMng speculation over ItG m ieFrom ?’’ leaders of the induatrial powers, in whether he will seek office as a the first formal statement of their Democrat. economic summit, today heartily “ I'm comfortable philosophi­ SCMUNGTON endorsed the U.S. posiUon in cally in tbe Democratic Party," nuclear arms talks but made no DiRosa said after re-regiatering. ALUMINUM mention of President Reagan's DiRoaa officially becomes a “ Star W ars" proposal. Democrat Nov. 1. four days before TRUCKLOAD SALE The participants in the iltb the Nov. 6 town election. Until be TCMinCC pnimal economic summit met I Ua resignation March ^ • 1 ,i.4efi1)y today for the. li n t official A m ioop D o o a ' ‘ ‘fthrilng of the confterence and in a Tlw Mnoad pMo doar M a n * statsmsatefterward daplored U>8W4a — , — —i— •w door on •nwgy h n - division of Europe since World Demeeratic Toivn Chairman *8o4d Pondns* idR* ooiidkuo- War n and called for reconcilation. TbeodoR Cummings issued a Mon Ww* aWVIpidll IM*h- •OwM* no iM M M im * lEXAN The statement from tbe leaders warm weloome to DiRosa, who ■a. n cdwcua** of tbe seven industrialised democ­ runs a d iy deaning company in •6'0'^’a" • * “ * racies supported tbe U.S. position town. He said, however, that there OdwansAwdhti* in arms talks in Geneva, are no vacancies on the Board ol PETER DiROSA Switseriand. Directors because none of the . . . leaves GOP "We appreciate the positive incumbent directors has declined while be cannot prove it, he proposals of the United States," to run. 502^ assumes that when DiRosa was REUTEN the statement said. “ We urge the "A U incumbents are candidates WOODSLIOINQ Soviet Union to act positively and until t h « say they are not,” running as Republican he lost some Republican votes and picked constructively in order to achieve Cumminw said. 40% Of E mu® PATIO significant agreements there." Curtis Smith. Republican town up some Democratic votes. Earlier, diplomatic sources had diainnan, said the timing of He was tbe highest Republican DOOA said the statement also would DiRosa's switch leads him to vote-getter on the board ticket in Saourtly std WMfsy MietQa not contain a tepid endorsement of believe that DiRosa may become a the 1983 election. Smith, Cummings and DiRosa nPDndMoaa pkta ooaalMOSon President Reagan's “ Star Wars" candidate in tbe election. COMPLETE WITH STANDARD SCREENS MCiptiSihtMeikt- plan, the space-based missile “ I actually feel happy for him,” all said they felt that DiRosa could ANn w xlUiaifcrolnum fume, fuganglh made lo •Ooor iMm an tfoiei* b iA M r shield known formally as tbp Smith said of DiRosa’s decision to win the confidence of rank and file togwhwlwlB. Democrats. onMf leroxna for your ondoMd dsck, patio or m c c M c u n e s ecMEEN Strategic Defense Initiative, change parties. porch. the statement did not discuss Star “ There is nothing worse than Support from' the top Demo­ Wars" and West Germany Foreign being caught between two pUloso- cratic leadership is already appar­ Minister Hans Dietrich-Genscber pbies.” Smith said. It was growing ent, both from what was said in his Z99m said there would be no declaration disagreement between DiRosa and praise by Democratic members of on that subject because, “ We do the Reimblican leadership, partic­ the Board of Directors when he not want a proliferaUon of docu­ ularly Smith, that prompted Di- resigned and by Cumming's re­ ments" coming out of the summit. - Rosa to resign from tbe Board of marks Thursday. Directors effective April 2. Thomas O'Neill, Democratic leader in tbe 8tb Voting District, THE SUMMIT PARTICIPANTS “ There is enough tension in said DiRosa is a "tMnking man ' A free M E T today at the Palais Schaupi- politics and community service so that nobody needs tbe anxiety of and a good man for the party.” burg, a 19th century villa that until "I'm not altering the way I do ’ IKSH POULTRY NETTMQ 1976 was the West German chan­ being out of place." Smith said. 2S’ M ’ 76’ business and I believe they (those seminar for cellor's residence. Later, they sat E:choing statements by both S .N 10.13 16.20 in the Democratic rank) would down to a working lunch. Cummings and DiRosa, Smith said 6.97 13.93 20B3 understand," DiRosa told tbe In tbe hours before the working that most of DiRosa’s friends are students and parents. a9 3 17.93 M B S Herald. session, a bomb exploded at a DenMcrats. DiRosa was a Demo^ ’ MESH POULTRY NErrm O “ He calls it like be really feels,” m ajor chemical company in Co­ crat until 1977. What’s it about? cover such subject as tax tips, gift 26’ 60’ 76’ Cummings said of DiRosa. logne, another woun