<4 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. May 1. 19«S MANCHESTER CONNECTICUT U.S./WORLD WEATHER Chaiiengei^s space zoo plans plenty of tests 8th District residents I I Hous^ dumps repeal GOP tries to stop Rain likely tonight; crucible," Wang said. '.‘The cruci­ fey William Harwood applications. ble essentially prevenU sonte Van den Berg is a co-investigator Reagan budget rout more likely Friday Unitod P r n t Intornatlonal experiments, some new materials won't pay more t£Mesl I of emissions tests of an experiment using a vapor cannot be manufactured." growth system to create mercuric ... page 4 ... page CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. - Another fluid dynamics experi­ ... page a I - page 2 iodide crystals. Such crystals are _____ F ive NASA astronauts, two civ­ ment aboard Spacelab Is designed sensitive to X-rays and gamma ilian scientists, a pair of feisty to help BcientisU understand more rays and could prove useful in monkeys and two dozen doomed about the structure of the atmos­ nuclear power ^ant monitors, rats took off aboard the shuttle pheres of stars and giant planets Chaiienger Monday on a weeklong prospecting tools and for medical diagnosis. like Jupiter. _ . Spacelab science expedition. Located behind the Spacelab It was the 17th shuttle mission "It turns out if you try and grow this crystal on Earth, that it’s module on a platform in the open foliows the iandlng of its sistership payload bay are two instruments Discovery by Just 10 days. subject to gravitational imperfec­ tions by its own weight," Flchtl for atmospheric and astronomical llie rats, which will be sacrificed observations. after the flight, a said. “ As a result, there’s an inherent limitation to the purity or One instrument called ATMOS ■ /' dhe squirrel monkeys are simply — Atmospheric Trace Molecules going along to test sophisticated the degree to which we can grow Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Thursday. May 2,1985 — Single copy; 25< defect-free crystals of mercury Spectroscopy — will record the space cages that wiil be used on solar spectrum aet passes through future Spacelab life science iodide." i Van den Berg said he hopes the Earth’s atmosphere. By studying missions. weightlessness of orbit will minim­ that spectrum, scientistscandeter- For commander Robert Over- mine what materials are present in myer, co-pilot Frederick Gregory ize those effects. The technique involves injecting the upper atmosphere. and crew members Don Lind, The other experiment in the Ruling a vapor of source material into a Norman Thagard, William Thorn­ payloadbay isanindianinstrument Reagan gets sealed container inside a furnace. ton, Lodewijk van den Berg and designed to study the nature of Taylor Wang, the flight means five / The vapor will condense on a seed 4 charged particles blasted away more days of two-shift, around-the- crystal, held at a slightly lower f rom the sun and other stars. k ills ^ r t temperature, and the crystal will clock work. Throughout the flight, Lind will t r . ‘‘Wehaveaveryspecificmission, grow. * 1 ^ use a battery of cameras to study that is, to maximize the scientific ' A second experiment sponsored a Earth’s flickering aurora, pro­ T^ralse for return from Spaceiab,” Overmyer by French scientists will study how duced by the collision of charged of pact said in an interview before Mon­ mercury iodide crystals grow and ■HC > - particles from the sun with mole­ day’s liftoff. a third will study trlglycine sulfate it crystal growth using a low- cules in the upper atmosphere. By Kathy Garmus "The beauty, of course, of a Herald Reporter 24-hour operation is that you're - temperature solution growth T H E T W O SCIENTISTS doing scientific data return for 24 system. Part of a five-year agreement trip decision ABOARD Challenger will try to hours. That’s like a flying a 14-day “ Triglyclne sulfate is of interest combat space sickness with between the town and tte Ambu­ mission in a one-shift operation, so as a technological device in terms thought control in an experiment to lance Service of Mancheiter Inc. < By Jim Anderson you really maximize-the science of its capabilities as an infrared under which the company was to 2 determine if biofeedback can return.” -3 L detector," FichtI said. United Press International Free trade tops minimise unpleasant symptoms. M y the town $20,000 tor the right to Thornton and Thagard, both To grow the crystals, a solution be the firat reiponder to m ^ical The aliment affects about 50 BONN, West Germany — Presi­ agenda at summit astronaut-physicians, each have a of source material is first heated emergenciea ii illegal, a atate percent of those who fly In space \ t dent Reagan was roundly praised previous shuttle mission to their and then allowed to cool. Again, ihe official haa determined. — see page 10 and its treatment is a m ajor today by West Germany’s leaders credit as does Overmyer. Wang is a material will solidify on a seM In a letter deled April 25, Chria concern to NASA scientists. at the stair of the annual economic physicist at the Jet Propulsion crystal, which will grow through­ A. Gentile, director of the atate Symptoms include reduced summit for having the “ courage” liar feeling and said he "appre­ Laboratory inPasadena,Calif.,and out the process. Office of 'Emergency Medical m stomach activity, changes in blood to go ahead with bis controversial ciated the president’s courage," van den Berg is a scientist with Servicea, aaid atate law prohibita t v flow to the hands and feet, visit to a German war cemetery. the official said. EGAG Energy Measurements Inc. IN LIFE SCIENCES, SIX inves­ ambulance companiea from offer­ vomiting and in some cases The president, smiling and ap­ West German government spo­ of Goleta, Calif. tigations are planned, including ing money to towns in exchange for nausea. While the symptoms tend pearing genial as he emerged from kesman Peter Boenlsh also an­ " I think probably the most four involved with the evaluation the excluaive right to provide to disappear in two to four days, one-on-one sessions with West nounced today that four members significant thing from my stand­ of the animal cages. A urine aervice in those communities. the sickness is an unpleasant German Chancellor Helmut Kohl of the German resistance who point, we are sending scientists into monitoring system will be used by Without the law, towns might be distraction that reduces and Japanese Prim e Minister fought against Adolf Hitler’s re­ orbit to operate the experiments UP! photo the astronauts to evaluate its Inclined to evaluate proposals for efficiency. Yasuhiro Nakasone, played down gime will go to Bitburg for the they have originated," said Lind, a ^rformance. ambulance service baa^ strictly “ Unlike sea-sickness where you Sunday’s scheduled visit to the wreath-laying. physicist-astronaut who has waited The crew of the seven-member Space lead the procession. Behind them, from In addition, Wang and ,van den on the amount of money they were have a lot of vomiting and nausea, Bitburg military cemetery, where Among the four is the son of Col. 19years for his first space flight. front to back, are Don Lind, Lodewijk van Berg wili participate in an experi­ offered, instead of the quality of Shuttle Challenger leaves their Cape here you just have a sudden Claui Schenk von Stauffenberg, ment to determine if “ autogenic aervice, Gentile said. Ambulance 49 members of the Nazi Waffen SS Canaveral, Fla., quarters bqfore liftoff den Berg, Taylor Wang, William Thorn­ episode of vomiting and it’s over,” who was executed and suspended THE SHUTTLE FLIERS WILL feedback training" can minimize companies would then be forced to are buried. ton and (not visible) Norman Thagard. said Thornton. from a meat hook for his role in the conduct IS ambitious experiments Monday. Pilot Fred Gregory, left, and the symptoms of space motion either provide marginal services Reagan was scheduled later failed 1944 .attempt to assassinate throughout the Spacelab mission to Commander Robert Overmyer, right. sickness, which affects 50 percent "The bowels, or the stomach, or raise rates to recoup the today to meet French President Francois Mitterrand and British HiUer. study materials processing, life of those who fly in space.^ have stopped. The stomach just payments, he said. ship's airlock by a 19-foot-long but only twocould be trained in time the cages were larger so we could P r im e Minister Margaret The Bitburg visit, despite admin­ sciences. Earth's environment, FichtI said the technique in­ absolutely stops. You just don’t "Should this restriction be lifted, tunnel. to operate their cages' food and see theirfull repertory." Thatcher. istration efforts to play it down astrophysics and fluid dynamics. volves self-suggestion exercises feel good. You’d like to go off in a I would envision a deterioration in Twelve of the experiments are The laboratory module is 23 feet watersystems. A senior U.S. official told repor­ during Reagan’s lO-day E u ro^an “ to tell themselves they can get com er." terms of the quality of emergency long and 13 feet wide, providing a The monkeys will not be sacri­ ONE EXPERIMENT AL­ swing, overshadowed Reagan’s sponsored by American scientists, back to nominal conditions." medical care,” Gentile aaid in his ters Kohl and West. German roomy shirt-sleeveenvironmentfor ficed but the rats will be killed after READY ENCOUNTERED techni­ primary goal for the 11th annual two by French scientists and one by "The way they do this is they During Challenger’s mission, letter to the Legislative Commis­ President Richard von Weiz- thecrew.
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