1 !'!?wf555f55J ,,v !V THE SUN, SUNDAY, JULY'l, 1888.-TWE- LVE PAGES.

f f toun Nxtr jiookx nomination for Yloe-PreM- nt, of whloh notice age, flrntnsss, and statesmanlike insight," ap- roEHB nonrii rkadiso. HASH TON JtVLOir, riASIBT. xnn claim or rAauiotr BT1QVBTXB OF ALL BOBTa. bad been sent to him by telegraph, lest ho parently not seeing how incompatible U the i M he Dlaenaalona Upon Martin Van lluren. should even seem to countenance tha course exhibition of suoh qualities, when they are nt tfco'ntt.r) tkT,H JMait'a Pupil aad K.a.ln.tKW-T- Hlraac Reflects a.me Lanltn O.nrnl and "Varleae Pkaaes t Petit. 8 7K' Wagner ana Unlaw- - Hate and eae, ' gjf. Is no eralnont of tho New York delegation In voting for Polk. most required, with the picture he had previ- JVom OU Seller? itafaxtn. lt.la.tlan. lietw.en De.net.. P' The" American who has VhIim Wlfr-llnla- w. Tarla. .' " ver- MULM CTIL I.lait.tbelr perlpatctlo, vcrentllo little cousin, wrtKN win, ux jib, tiecu go universally misunderstood and under- - That Polk was finally elected was due to tho ously drawn of Van Buren ns n mere bin Temper and Eceentrloltle.. Thnt arrunx? ', coarse-graine- L Itanr my Hum-- W.- W rated by posterity us tha eighth President of loyal support whloh Van Buren called upon bose, d politician, given to schem- who first drew attention to tho direction Tq Tit UniTon or Tits n,,.. v, $, give Of hut What matter how th- - wlnW mar blow. London, June 13. Without advertising or was taking In of decile the followlm e.neHei x your lady $ M- thii . Bo thoroughly, Indeod, his friends to him. Tha last ing and duplicity." oonduct at this Or blow thy emt, rr blow tdcr weit; thnt fashion the Introduction ra,,,! "i What I dow, flourish of trumpets aucli as usually heralds the th attention ot a young man. Whwa plac. , .. JJ J?" bnvo tho disparagement prejudlco. of which amazing proof of the tenacious quality trying Junoture Von Hoist farther says that hnwtha ildti mar Directory styles the first girl she certainly wns and Bloc- -rkbb or flood allk toot. advent of a circus rider, nn nthlclo, or a troupe lentleman'e, to tell when he will call . JJ i1, In Ills latter yonri ho was a victim, shaped of Yan Buren's Influence was glvon In " be unquestionably merited well of tho coun- No mmm.r culm, no wlnttr gala, who wore Kmpress bonnets and' Josephlno ajila, i and ImpodM or raa way of marionettes, von HUlow lias Renin beon lady'a toaak, Whati trill yea eaU atalnt at heQ .' 181$. when he obtained more votes In try, because ho refused his cooperation to . dflT from mr Hans gowns In New York, all of which wns duly re- 8 eolorod the opinion of the present generation. iiMeUMt toward tht UaTn tall , fromharrceldencet Now York, Massachusetts, nnd accustom the people of the republlo to see the That heard In London and riuiwn nrotiml htm a ported Title Hun's "Glass of Fashion." and Q.Wil J Ji Hint whrti It was proposed to Include n life of threo States, Ui, parbapi, not lar awaj. for ma-chi- ooncourso of faithful dltclploa: yot It would Do not think us cold or jIm Van Vermont, than Gen. Cass, the candidate of tha Oovernment Invoked as a saving deut rx illustrated thoroln thin tamo littlo (till has unsympaUetlc whia r Martin Ihiren In the" American Htntesmen a If we say bluntly, In every calamity brought by 1 o1t, almost senm ns In tha nolsr and ostentatious my nniuro-inent- of neither. jj Impression, we linaelne, waa Demoeratlo National Convention. His subse- about their nlnd tha wtary font over for edification and tho gr BerleVtho first drI to caso folly. won Whtn mottonleM Mttned llai demonstrations niudo nrouml foiiir new nnd Consider tho of tho young man. bo ' quent attitude toward the Demoeratlo party own fault and Van Buren a brilliant i the readers of Tim Bon two colored it B1-- KV oim of surprise. A skilful party organizer, an The tilth a when Otrca tbo billow rolUd, all vory woll for maybe very briefly Indlcatod After the ac- victory and plaoed his countrymen under last- And chanced my count, i knew not why Inferior reputations, tho nhllltr of the grant photographs of herself as she looks In hor a dun or for a docjor to p wiv expert manipulator ot conventions and leglsla- - X ' ftarait th calcu, I fffcfnd tha gala, pianist Is somewlint overlooked most unjustly, foroxnmplo! "I'll come tu j, jR lures, nn udrott tnatlolan, a consummate cordance by the masses of tbo people of the ing obligations to him." forabodtna dancer and delay, London gowns. Mho has been In London dur- T.nlat I was for he hns roinulnml tho consclonttous artist, or "I'll como noxt Tuesday." Hut s. fflfc master of nloctloneertng arts, the type. In compromise of 1830. bo acqnlesced In tha nom- On nnother occasion marked by this biogra- rorjteuior ihot to tail ing June, which Is to rny In the fashionable for a trltni pher, Von to deprive by To null what aetmtd o far away. tha oxcollont perlormor. gowns nnd admirer, devoted but humble, , W', short, of the Ingratiating nnd triumphant inations of Plorce and Buchanan, but from the Hoist seome himself London eeason. 6ho wrljcs: "All tho nittrl No any de- IIL Cluldo Hans von DUlowlsthe son of n Gor- such high mightiness nnd lndependeic, J- - B1 outbreak of secession toward the close of his own admissions of wnrrnnt for his nnd hats one sees in llotten Itow and along tho for donucocge Huoh was the conception of Van X not and - mtatnro tha Ion frtt man noolUt who, although well known In his hlmundorsuoh olrcumslancos. Ho ft'; Ilitron planted In most of u by his onemles 18G0 be was Its resolute denounoer, and ho preciatory estimate of Van Buren. We refer to Which thrnttirh theae yeari of doubt t bora; Serpentine are not precisely like mine, but tntm no grow and more outspoken in his devo- the letter written In March. 1811. with relation X kep tha memory frtth an4 yf t own country and In Franco, where his somo aro ovon moro omphntlo-nll- y oven presume to ask when he may hop to jL': and rlvnlt, and It assuredly wns one hard to firmer Wo ill tioit iiod'a patient tnarcr mora. thoro are that g4 boon trnnslutod, linn yot -- tho young woman at homo again. m mljust to nny standard of veritable statesman- - tion to tho Union until he died In 1862. What to the annexation of Texas. The Demoeratlo What wrteki hara passed me In in rale. hae never short-T- nlstod nnd limp skirled than Hs ran.it Calhoun, was to two What ihlpaiank In theaurumer dayi taLnn a place In tho foremost ranks uf literary poize tho chances by bis own : hip. Knwltco happened that there was no else could the opponent of and Jack- National Convention be held months While I, with furled or ipraadlnr aat those I wear. There are some womon over watohfaUott, standard-beare- away. mon. Tho tuturo musician did not hollo tha Instead of trying to bind hor down by i' adeauntu nnd easily accessible means of verl- - son's chief lieutenant, and the r later, and none could know bettor than Van Stoot far tha Uaren tar here that trot nlong without ft vestlgo of a an effort ques- usual traditions of conlm. Its was to muko an appointment. Jk j tying or dispelling this traditional conception. of the Barnburners be, when the final test Buren that opposition to the measure In IT. flstlnd bustle to hide the rodlculous flatness of their I hy his parents to boooms n with- much-Btared-- And hor; Hre Is came, but a wnr Democrat tion would probably bo fatal to his eandldaoy. What matter how tha win da may blow. mnslstrato. figures In tho bnok, but thoy are tbo nt for What does the, oitemlbly There therefore no volnmo In the admirable Since or font la B Im- Nevertheless, not He fair alike btatt out rsforonoo to what mlulit have bean tho modest and fanny tree maiden, RSj. collection to which It Is contributed which was Let ns now take up seriatim somo of tho he did falter. reiterated God bolda them lu Ilia hand 1 know, few. Most London womon cllnn to care vhet he I II particular putations against Van Buren's political up- his former objections to tho project, doolarlng And may leata to Im the reati bont otuU inclinations, and lu fur- peaked bodices, modlupi-slze- d comes agnln? Bhe Is always glad to plttee Xfc moteneedod: nor, wo may add, la there any Aaaured that neither calm nor icale long waists and k per- In " whether we fall, It therance of thti nlm sent for his first d poor follow, but such as JSV which bettor fulllls Its purpose than the life of rightness and consistency against his conclusion that stand or Can brlnff me or delay, to bustlos, nnd slooves. The favors enduring hit always well morality Ae 1 toward tha dniItaren still sail studios to Dresden, und tlms to study to society for a tow moments Bnu-B- - sonal character none were ever uttered and is true wisdom as as true J In form It of an Van Huron by Edward M. D. (Hough- That Ita, 1 know, not far away. tailor sown tho that was seen last erenlni iSF Lolpztg. As a child he had shown 1 aro of course mnttors ot it, ton, Mini In A Co.) see how they bear the searching nnd candid to hold fast to the truth," and that he would A. D. I". XUvDouu. rsmarkablo year Is only a memory. The two gownB send Indifference to her. jML " aptltudo mu.xlo. skJt The truth Is that even previous to the appear- - scrutiny to which Mr. Bhopard has subjected neither ohange or conceal his opinions for for and this tanto had been you pictures of are considered ' Rood form ' In If that sis indeed true. It's true. It tl more Important to do the unworthy purnoso of increasing hlaobancos fostered by a fervent ndraatlon for l'rnnz is not. sho need not docelve , an co of this boolt, which deserves the abused them. It seems the this Sweat T Do Troth Inr. outline, design, nnd materials. Tho ono of laco herself) SH polltlcnl promotion." Yet Liszt, thon on a triumphant tour overy rule ot dignity, tv'"' tltln of monograph, men who weigh ourront bocnuse certain of these charges have boon for because he said JYom Botton courier. throiiKhout nnd faded rose taffeta phot, of courso has ah but we may alte tht Germany, In splto of openly policy, w opinions bofora accepting them must have felt accepted as proven by students of our politics at the same time that if the oountry at the next When the merry fron are sporting the oxpresssd undornklrt nnd of tho silk. say of commands that she deceive htn the rushes rank. disapprobation of hU parents, younc Ittlloiy rf&t, If Martin Van Duron was a demagogue, who usually show themselves unbiassed and Congressional elections should In disregard of In rirar The hem and tucks of the front hroadthnre and keep tho harassing truth to lieteelf. that And tho pickerel la Irlnv braved dlaplensuro, go, .8&f then thoy must recast their notion of the scope trustworthy, as. for example. Dr. Von Hoist his advloe prononnoe in favor of annexation, In the shadow or the bank. thlr nnd resolved pinked ont. The bretolles and belt nro also Ho is free to como and so long as he be. . will of When the Utile boy la swimming to call a'.ono, Introduc- Is IE; ' power of dcmnip-gliin- For, If the popu- - Wo find It difficult to detect any trace of he would not frustrate the the nation a and without pinked on the edpes, but not scalloped. The haves himself and not a bore, but beyond and In coitume of the mode tion, on gC Inr Impression we re correct, here was the most demagogism In tho courso pursued by Van uttored through Congress ho Is charged with That was worn by good Uodlra Lls.t, and frankly ask his ruchlng Is ot tulla edged with granting theso simple privileges her part la New York Conven- vacillation and Insincerity. Strangely enough, hen thmoffh Cuventry ah rode; odvlconndoDlnion his musical nothing but mere politeness, alwnya & ' endurlngly successful dsmngogue that over Buren In the Constitutional When we hear the milkmaid singing nsto abilities. pearl bonds. The bonnet of whlto chip, lined permit- tion held in 1821. Up to that time the laws had it Is this lettor which Von Hoist permits him- In the lane. Be did so In 1843, when Itleh.ird Vr.cnerwns tulle, ting the more positive little acta ways $Sk lived. Here was a demagogue whom It look half And knee In with a shirring ot pink trimmed with and ot contempt : deep the rlror ncentury to find out. a demncoeue as competent been mndo in this commonwealth by land- self to treat with ho even denounces o beheld the fcowne train: boclnnlncto revolution be tho musical world. cink ribbon and pearl ornaments, and oor the lemlnlntty with which women attract and " When eon la brlKhtly shining to amuse, regard confldnnce In one field of owners, the franchise being confined totboso as disgusting" Its author's efforts "to creep the Liszt leeched tho youus man kindly, and apanacnoot ostrich tips In shades overcomo tho hearts und prejudices of mea, and In tn sky ef ctou.ileu blue. prompth brim nods action as nnother, and as well In deliberative possossing n certalu amount of real property. through the thorny hedge whloh shnt him off Bow pit Atari t la th knowledge discovered In him h nature whose of old rose. nlnk. and whlto. The glovos nro of Bho can be ns charming as she likes. But sin Van Huron already from tho party nomination." One wondors That you have nrt work to dot tendencies and aspirations woro to bin forward. and administrative as In vote- - Th party of which was n That 'neath ike efy maplei akin pale tan suCde. Tho laco of tho over dress la must not be winning functions; a demagogue, moreover, distinguished memberlln the same year he took what Von Hoist would have, and how he Im- You oau wAtuh lie iwammefly, own. He urged him to cast aside- forevor the yellow cream. Thoro nre many shades of This, ot course, Is applicable to the altaatloa Clay Aadreamlac Idly dreaming. enp who. unllko his prototypes and predecessors, Muscat In tho United Btatos Senato) desired agines Henry or Daniel Webster would On a mossy bankyuuliel forensic nnd town and clvo himself up en- cream, you Know. The shoes nro of bronze kid. when an engagement is not In It If these two wasr.ble to advorslty, and for many tho abolition of all property qualifications; have met the test which Van Buren bore with tirely to his nrt, wlmtoer obstacles mlcht ho young people are engaged, either can ask when, surlv placed In way. An ndvlcti tears after his dofeat before the people to thoy demanded universal suffrage. Yet he had honor. The Canee Spcnka. hit soconcenial to tho next visit will bo, hut, undor ordinary oourage to thorn; opposed sweep- would doubtless hnve been better for Yan his wUhss was Impllcitoly followed. Hans von clrcumstancos, will wield an Influoncs over n lnrKe section of his the resist he It tYvm Albany Timet, that not be necees ing change. we Buren's fame If ho bad died immediately after the liulow bocumo tho pupil, the compnnlon. nary. Is party with which only that of Jefferson and and immediate "lie wished," On the great streanil the ships may go the It generally understood that II JaekBon can fairly bo compared. auote from Mr. Bhepard, "the steps to bo his generous and unflinching support of the About men's business to and fro, friend, nnd eventually the of Liszt. will be evening. After marriage, preferred In 1811. But I. the tfir shell pinnace, sleep honoBtly be Vnn Buron'sciireermuet Indeed havo seemed taken gradually. Ho was not yet ready, he candidate to him Not that On crystal waters, ankle deeo; It cannot said thnt von Billow every tlmo tho man leavos tho house the woman, said, to admit to the suffrage tho shitting Mr. Bhepard Is not justified by the facts In I whose dimlnutlTe denifrn. was evorn model husband. U worshipped with will havo tho rlcht to ask extraordinary to those familiar only with Its Of sweeter cedar, ptthler pine. him when be will main Incidentsand lacking the knowledge now population of cities, held to tho Oovernment maintaining that In his acceptance of the Is fashioned on ao frail a mould. fanatlo dovotlon u mistress whoso sway was come homo, nnd tho rlcht also to soe to it thai may by of Mr. Mhepard'a sympa- - by no other tio than the mere right to vote. He Barnburner and Free Boll nominations for the A hand launch, a hand withhold. moro. powerful than a wlfo's Music Bnd to ho comes home when he says he will, or . Attainable roa lera her nlone bo remained constantly at oar yet candid judicial biography. Of looked vvltb dread upon increasing the voters Presldenoy In 1818 there was nothing Incon- L tha unnamed Inrtolete. faithful. hour when she thinks he should. thetin and " Green, rnstlo rlrera narUate; Moroer. his intimacy with Wuuner, the man What are commonly desorlbea as early advan- - In from thirteen or fourteen sistent with his record. Tils party bod never My dipping paddle aearcely shakes pf exceslvo and extravnnnt Kenius; with his twenty-fiv-e believing pronounced for tho extension of slavery, nor The berry In the bramble brakes. lather-iu-la- whoso romantic In- tnges .Martin Vnn lluren had almost as few as thousand to thousand, dulged Illumination THE HAT 1ND OVERCOAT AT OOUKTBT WBODntOa.! ' elec- had ho. The Buffalo Convention was silent Still on my green way I In fantnstio nichts, unfitted him more Patrick Henry. The former no mors belonged that the increase would render their forth wend and moio for a conjucal life. ToTHKKoiTonorTBa Gcir sir: WlUyonpleaaetaUaU upon In of Baalde the ootugn garden end. humdrum In his !3wf to the old nnd opulent Dutch families of New tions n curse rnther than a blessing,' and abolition the DIstrlot Columbia. And by the mated angler fare, exalted operation for two powerful and whether tt la a breach ot etiquette for a route man, wee; York the to arlstocraoy of 'would drlvo from the polls aU sober-minde- d There was at the time In politics but And take the loreft unaware. unconventional IndMdualltles, the young man Is to utuclata aa an oe her at au erenlnr weodlnr bt Sing than did latter the from to wear an evening drraa people,'" Of views may one quostlon. nnd that was born By willow, wood, and wheel became ostrnnced ordinary occupations Slntc thither trlihoot aa r.rl Tidewater Virginia. Doth were sons of small like these the reader water and commonplace duties; and when ho pHBsed ooat r la not tho Bilk hat (atoTaplpe) tha only hat to M of of Shall slavory Speedily fleets inr touching keel; orn with a dreii ault l Ova. armors, who, there Is reason to believe, eked approve or disapprove, but surely he will not the annexation Texas: Br all retired and spots. from the heiuhts of eathusUnm to the prosaio ti sbadr plain of domesticity ho out B living with the scant profits cnll their propounder a demagogue. As a go Into free territory Nevertheless, Where prosper dim became Irritable., The principles ot dress upon which the epis- suffrage by his appearance fieldfas a third party Rosikt Loots BTmarsoK. or morose. Una day Coslma quietly In- ' n cou,ltry tavern. The schooling matter of fact the universal asked for inth formed him thnt the had crown weary of the tle of this young man shows him to have been which Van lluren cot at the Klnder- - by Van Buren's friends was at thnt time post- candidate. Insuring, as he did, the election of llfo she led. and that she would no longer bsar brought up, nro unquestionable. Tbeorettealli poned, and was not adopted until some years tho Whig nominee, ho angered most of his old A Rexnlitr Urny. his continuous ill temper. 1'iirthermoio, Hhe hook Academy may have been somewhat only the silk hat nnd the overcont are lnseparabU wore and won over fow of bis old enemies. JVom Vie Broiltvn Standard-Unlm- . announcod not bar intention of obtulnini: superior to the tuition received by the Virginia later. Indeed, black residents refused friends a. divorce but of cnntrnctltiB another mnrriuco, companions ot tho swallowtail. 1869. Ho fell two Whigs could He waa not at all rartlcular orator, but In both cases such Instruction as Is equal suffrage In this State as late as between stools. The To keep tk perpendicular. The man sho hud chosen was Klcbard Wuener,"' But circumstances niter cases. The etl not Bl'lmpartRd ceased at a very onrly age. Another proposition warmly urged In tbo not outgrow antipathies whloh were the prod-u- ot While wa klnr he cither skipped or lamped Billow's bosom friend. quotte of dress Is no unreasonable tyrant II Convention by political of two generations, and the Democrats Ue stood upon his bead awhile Llert opened his arms to his second After 11 Vnn Huron had to educate himself. same Constitutional his And. when he went to t ed. u while as warmly as he had oponed thorn to the guards and regulates the drees ooat with un- but the results far transcended the measure of supporters was withstood by Vnn Buren. Tho conld nevor forget the blow which their once nedore among the i4Uuwe, whloh he thumped. first, without, however, any abatement or his surpassed wisdom and care, but amid heat equipment with which Fatrlck Henry has been proposal was that judicial officers should be honored lender had dealt them In his old age. Tie never could keep stilt a bit: affection for Bulow. Slramior still, the two hus- nnd tho surroundings ot rural life It does not croditod, elective. he in defeat- Mr. Shepard opines that It was his subsequent Th 1 lokers on thought 111 or It; bands snw no reason why Coilmn'e determina- even by his latest and most friendly made This succeeded Be balanced on his ear tke kitchen broom, tion should nltor In any way the tenor of their demand protection for it from the Dubllo eye biographer. Thero were other points of re ing, but be could not prevent the Convention return to the Democratic party which most se- And did io me nice trapeEtng mutual friendship, which wan continued on the so muoh as protection from dust or anything pombliuico from taking County Clerks nnd Sheriffs out of riously damaged his reputation, but we still Whloh was wonderfully p easing. old footlnc. and, ns If everjlhine was to be ex- in the careers of the New Yorker On arery peg In grandpa's harness room. traordinary in this singular episode. Mine, which would soil or diminish its fitness tc nnd the Virginian. Both were distinguished the category of appointive officers. Mr. think thnt 1811 would have been the right mo- Wanner, act as spotless and unoolored background " From absolute Inanity ltichard with the full consent of their a lawyers before they became conspicuous In Bhepard notes thnt on this question he was ment for his retirement from publlo life. Tke cat approached insanltr father, carried away to her new home the two "The other gown" (It Is seen on the rlgnt for the lovely and brilliant garments of tht Wh politics, yet In cases sue- - in a small minority with Chancellor Kent and In a final chapter Mr. Bhepard sums up the To sea hlra slide the banister so rash; children born of her union with Uttlow. Later will bo worn .'Jg; both tho antecedent But once on that inh any. on. when she was lylnc dancerously ill at Lu- hand of the above picture) Is of gray oatmeal women. The overcoat to thii cesses at the bar are soldom remctn- - Bufus King." Neither would ho agree to legis- conclusions to which the study of his subject While trytug tu toboggan, he cerne child, cloth. dress, cuffs, of ser- King Sing wedding for use, not for ornament Us' SM Vpaet his calculations with a after the birth of nthlrd she beeeed The and revers are W- Wi. bercd. It was also the fate of both late the Judges then In ofllcooutof place, so has brought him. with regard to Yan Buren's crash. her second husband to send for the llrst. who pent green velvet or corderelne, a light kind If It should happon to be very warm and nol tho appolntmont of their successors might character, political creed and publlo services. And slnoe sad was broucht to hor bedside bv his successor. Mi P' '' excite In their old ago such blt- - that that disaster Billow, him- of corduroy. The gulmpe, plastron front and dusty. It can be left off without any breach ol ' devolve on political coadjutors. Hero EsBaylng to fix his place In our his- He has gone abooi In piaster. onco more unlettered, availed S, Wt' tor antagonisms within the circle of bis again national Hot Paris, like a nice I tallan toy. of lcKul liberty rllcrlm-ac- e sash with Its fall of cascade drapery are bright propriety would be serious. And the same. self his to make a red, gives n to that md tholrown polltlcnl party as account for he placed hlmsoll In onposition to the majority tory, the biographer submits that "if to the Rut the kind the doctor uses, throuch tne world, preceded In eery red, Lucifer nnd It dash of lire Indulgence la in Ik much When the bum a a and cuts and brulsea the toilet. The are In gray and red Iri- extended hats. neglect depreciation of tho Convention. It seems to us that Van highest rank of American Presidents be as- fresh halting place by tho reputation of buttons S; 2, of the and which their Orareoma a little, regular, are boy. his marvellous talent. He appeared to have descent, shot effects nnd of nncre mothor of Under the Intense energy of the summer sua f& jkf'' Bcbiovomonts and services were to encounter Buren's conduct at this time is fairly described signed Washington, and if after him In it como a of pearl. They are called cnt's-ey- o buttons here, unrestrained freedom of country air, undertaken mission propaganda, and no matter may be, so they and the trom posterity. Patrick Ilenry stood forth, by Mr. Bhepard as " that of n firm, sensible, Jefferson nnd porhnpa Lincoln (though more spread everywhere the knowledge of acnar's what the color hate the law formulatod above rather malts and is W$ Tho ate ftb.e Bate Ball Umpire, compositions. As loader of the oat's or tiger's eye glint In their depths. The M. howover, a dim, but majestic, flguro la the man, resolnte to mnko democratic than a quarter of a century must go to make the orchestra he hat Is of gray straw mutchlng the color of the wafted away until It Is broucht baek solidified progress, unwilling light enduring measure of the tatter's fame), Vena the CKtcaoo Timet. had conducted "Tristan and Isolde" In more cloth. lining gi, legendary haze that early gathered round the but without further the Tha umpire took his station than ono German ity. and had frequently oatmeal Its Is Lucifer red, and absolute by the chilling breezes and low- from experience to take extreme stops difficult tho second rank would seem to include Juat back of base; taken a in controversy and Its band and bows of cross-barre- d Hi Vst revolutionary eioch. On the other hand. Van the batter'a share the furious thon red and green shot ribbon. My parasol ering hours of the autumn. memory t) retrace. It Is clear that his always con- Madison, the younger Adams, and Van And he wore an air quite debonair. rairlnir about tho muestro's works bywleldlnc very lir w Huron's has suffered from the echoes as he posed with easy grace, his pen to defend his idol. The .A?o Musical has a ridiculously long handle, hard to ,W sg?; of the mocklngs und revllincs cast at him by servative temper, aided by his tact and by his Buren. Between the first and the (azetteot Leipzli: published his letters, manage In a crowd, and London thrones aro PBOTOOBAPlIJ. A ball came hotly w bluing which crowds. Its cover is of oatmeal cloth, the lining g- - JB-.- political assallnnts during the least herola tomperateand persuasive eloquonoe, held back last of these, the second of them, John Qulncy At his deroted bead. show remarkable literary facility and power. Thb Boir Scrr spat. bright rod silk, and the bows match thoso on To TitE ditob or - his Democratic associates from changes for Adams saw much resemblance." As to the But th batsman's bat Just rave it a However, Billow whs not exclusive In his ap- - opinion tn yonnr Si' vtfit'' period of our national history, the period om- And orer the wall It sped notation. Cutholio in his artistic taste, it was my bonnet. Then with my gray suetle gloves, ftve me your rerrard te a lady crrla more radical than those which wore made. He comparative greatness of Van Buren and the S stitched with red, and my russet red leather her photoeTJphB to gentlemen trlenda. 'Sp T bracing the forty years beforo the civil war. Than away the bat an acurrled. ue to him that tho Front h composer Berlioz ?f field, younger Mr. Bhepard so I beyond shoes, low and decorated with bows nnd SmciLir, 23. s Sre To road or of length con- - showed on this conspicuous and while Adams, does not hesitate Like a race borao on the was frequently hoar the lthino stunnlnc-lookincglr- Nh Jin. tlaun. remind the the and track. s buckles, I a l. And as he (lew be wildly a noble homage to te-ilu- Ger-inn- n think I am eminent as a party man, undoubted courage to avow hiB own conviction "In skill and threw rendered by u 1 de- 1b &J SK tlnultyof Van Uuren's ezporionce In public. that Ula deadly wtlfow back. to an alien. If am not bo tall, so Btout, nor so splendidly Our opinion that a yonnr lady should po- veloped oung - ,ot ua r"c'lPl'u'at6 the offices which he and independence and high sense of duty." power of political leadership. In breadth of In 1870, tho Franco-Germa- as the women who walk nevor under any circumstances give her photo- l$ "'' "Fool baU!H cried out the umpire. durins war. he and rids and drlte In the Itow." W'W extent of Van In evolving purpose. In political va- sevnn M$J filled or was proposed for. We premise that In The Buren's share litical freedom from Aa the striker started down; pianoforte recitals at riornco. Comparatively lew such gowns as these are grnDh to an Individual who was simply a rerJ & 1803, 21 tho party afterward known as the Jncksonlan garies. In personal generosity and political loy- But the flying stlok arrlred full quick, ntorprntinc with his rare talent Bach, worn person who Wfj" being then years old, he was admitted Ana smote nlm on she crown. Beethoven, Liszt. Wagner. Schumunn. Men- here as ret. Most of the toilets prepared tleman friend. Tho alone eould t0 9 nn attorney, bo rapid was Democracy is often underrated. Inn chapter alty. Van Buren was easily the creator man." Chopin. At for and worn at BaratORO. Newport, and other give her picture away with propriety Is hei 'jfc' Prac"ce and MBal ha'." the ball men shouted, delssohn, and each slttinc he fashionable summer resortB are ouly slight " treating of career States, Mr. Like Van played noarly whole hours, Wl 's r'88 'n 'l's t,ro'SBA'on that within a few his in the United Buchanan. Buren has had to watt Oh, bol" the pT)l said. for three and modifications of tbo styles that hate prevnllcd mother. i Bhepard shows how he on the one side, like long for a juBt measure of posthumous appre- Than on tha ground, with grief profound, without notes. Ills memory was prodig- Kg afe jenrs It was said of hlra by Ellsha Williams, His comely spread. ious; he been known for the last two years. However, the best form ihey had at Munich to load big . W n&i the leador of tho Columbia county bar, " I win Clay on the other, "became a true Parlia- ciation. But. like Buchanan, he seems likely to the orchestra for the opeiaof "Tristan nnd dressed women do not wear bustles, but Feref are Nates r Keal Iaterae-t- po- M. Off came his chest protector. they do wear very long waists, much peaked Wj SKj nil the verdicts, but you get nil the judements." mentary leader. Dealing with amorphous got it In tho end. W. H. Likewise hit m ajfc of wire; Isolde" without the score on his desk. Ills beplnstron-ed- , was Im- back and front, much berlbboned, MelMonlar'a wif. died on Jnne la 1803 litical elements, Van Buren created out of them They made him tWht, ao that ha might suceesa in Florence enormous, hut he lace, In ho was appointed Surrogate of Colum- - More easily perilled his Dopularity by un and covered with cascaded of nnd r.ttl and Mccotliii trill leave & Janeiro em Aof. U v a party to promote his policy, and seized upon BOOK XOTK3. expire. unwarrantable wherever bnttons can bo utilized there they p& 'a county, nnd retained the office until 1813, act. Just beforetuking his departure he wrote by on the ehlp tonlo. 3t vigor popular strength of The coroner was summoned and sent to the era a violent condemnation are the dozen. seven pounds Ms; Whan ho was elected a member of the State the and Jackson to The Wileys send ns chapter L of the third To inrestlfate the oaa. pai Tw.nty thousand starling bae feeea sib b lead both party and policy to supreme power. And ha came aad gaaed. In manner dased. ot Verdi nnd Ills opot as, which was greeted soiibed for a Nonconform tat oeU.fe at Oxford. "MS. Benate, becoming as snoh a member of the of John by S1 volume Ruskln's "Fneterita." The Upon the umpire s face. with unanimous execration the Italians, Experiments with the new Nordeafeldt terpede, IE'; Court of Errors, then tho jltlmate appellate From 1825 to 1823 he definitely led in the for- wholly " who consider Verdi n demigod. The admira- ale. author writes about The Orande Char- And this was the rerdlet. rendered trically controlled, were.pronouneed " en Only ' Two years afterward, although mation of the modern Democrntlo party. In tion Billow had won was changed Into hatred, .K W tribunal treuse." In a bnbd and aoleian tone: and his rnobt enthusiastic partisans turned tory." ffl.i continuing a Senator, he was this work he was clearly chief. Since Van The deeeaeed la dead or a broken head. xH made "The Gallery of a Random Collector." by The resale ef a bat well thrown." against him. In tipiln he exposed himself to The lat.it arrangement In Farte tor a wadding al ' Attornoy-fionor- Buren wielded this organbinp power 'Jr M and became, next to Gov. thero has Clinton Ross (Putnam's), is the title of collec- a hlmllar fate by an oftenceof thesnme kind, homo la a floral umbrella, under whloh the happy pati In no equally a nnd Instead of applause reaped only S Tompkins himself, the leador of the Tompkins been America authoritative and tion of short stories, distinguished by invention unkind stand. decisive leadership from tho Senate; although Tke Sweet Girl criticism. It was through the vagaries of his S- - S? Ilopubllcnns. In 1821 he entered the United and good oharacter drawing. Graduate, uncertain temper that so many of his friends Tha custom of going bare headed one day tn the we since surpassed only Saturday,) fey i hV States Sooate, nnd three years later was a can- - be has been there, not as The admirers of James M. Dalzell. Iron the Columbus itUpatcK became his onomie-- . (on the "Shabbat," or la obaerred t f otherwise O Ho I' E?; didate for tbo on the Crawford an orator, but in other kinds of Senatorial Dalzell, Tlston fair llnullr returned to Berlin, but. far from Mlngr aliens. known as Private will be gratified to Of algebraic signs having been tnuchl by experience, he wanton- erer hla marrUge with ffl S- - or "regular" Domooratlo Republican ticket. work." And golden hair! ly The late Kalier Fiiti afur fh learn that his autobiography, poems. comlowaF exposed himself to the severe and lasting Princess Boyal kept the annlreraaryef Water- 1823 he left th Oov- - Mr. Bhepard cannot in Van Bu- consequences of another unpardon- Enillih ffi In Senate and was eleoted discern papers, and other writings have been published O darling mess rash and loo aa a fete day. tPf emor of New York. In March of following ren's Senatorial speeches any ground Of Oreek and Latin roots able folly. Ho went to the opera one nicht, Jk' the for In a single volume by Robert Clarke Co. I Tho great game of Japan It la something 'Mv t And muslin dress and tlio noxt day published In a dally news- ls"a" HE year he was made Secretary of State by the the charge of trimming or " Van Donslow, paper insulting Ironically like chest, and the maatars of It sometimes twenty Mr. Buren author of "Princi- O union sweet an letter, in which he take Wf Wi President, and retained the offlco until 1831, which to this day is frequently made. ples of the Economlo Philosophy" (CaesollA Of dictionary words compared the orchestra of the Itoyal Opera to four hours for a game. , " thn orchestra of the olrcus, nnd pronouncod It ' ho resigned It, on the ground to hold When he spoke at all," says the biographer, And dainty feeL A acre farm In Bessx U h.td hy the pros l X" when that Co.) describes his work as "nn extended but "shamelul" and "disgraceful." man- The ent at the nominal rent ef 1. A few years egl Jf Wlf It was Incompatible with his candidaov for the "he spoke explicitly; and he plainly, though convenient repository of accessible facts, avoid- O double pns ager of the circus, Incensed nt what he con- tenant ' Of atera ami lofty thoughts the sam. tenant paid tiOO. S- succession to Jackson. In August of tho last-- without acerbity, exhibited his likes and dis- ing dogma and abstraction, allowing hu- Audgeaile sighs! sidered un affront to his musicians, took up Jj but the cudcols and called Billow to account In The circular ef a London wine firm says eepteiailf jaf, n.iraod yon'' be was appointed Minister to likes. Jackson was struck with this when ho man experience history to convey .i. and their Bweet roses now fling sweet odors a wing; Tho artist, without a moment's that ' Lord , one of the partners, la to be found la Great Britain, and occupied the post about the Sennto with him. had heard a And sweet the bird to his firint, p' satin 'I own lesson." The writer Is n thoroughgoing slnrs mate. again seized Ills vonueful i en, und wrote dally In the offlco " i " But the sweetest thing that Juih doth, bring attendance six months. Having been rejooted by the Sen- - great deal about Mr. Van Buren.' bo said, 'es- protectionist, work presents argu- n letter ot apology to the manairer of the cir- Sf nnd his the la the sweet girl graduate. cus, humbly begging pardon for having The whole Block of Ulamonda produced, by the three ? ., ate, to country in July, 1832, pecially about his his he returned this I made ment of that class of economists with consid- thoughtlessly coiuptrod his e.icellcnt orches- largeat companies In Caje Town has bsn purchased b w' . to And that ho had been nominated for up my mind that I would take an early oppor- London to be held tor ' S erable force. The Typewriter Ctrl, tra with the erj interior ono of the Moral merchants a riaa. ip tW'i1' ta0 It Is. by the way, tunity to bear him and judge for myself. One Opera. This occurred In ISTJ. when Billow Th. Drito of 10,000 franca offered by the city ef FarU Wo are glad to see that Cupples & Hurd have TranteripL was V' Sk an Interesting but seldom remembored day an Important subject was under debate In " Trim the Botton occupying the post of Kapelmolstor to the for the best musical composition waa kept back for thl published, under the title ef A Summer Cruise Fair girl with lightning flngera, Linporor. The soaudal oaued by this Indecent ';' In year Senate. I Mr. Van reason that none ot the compositions was conslderst w, fact that that the Democrats the noticed that Buren was on tbo Coast of New England," a now edition of Ilow my rarmrtrv yet lingers Jiolemio was so creat tliut Intimntlon camo to Kt, made no nomination for the Presidency, taking notes while one of the Senators was Ob tha time I sai and watched you whack tho keys; to send in his resignation, which was worthy of It. a series of letters contributed nearly thirty Yon played 'twixt A and Ixzard. promptly accepted. An Australian family of freaks baa juat been broighl :h the reelection of Jackson being universally do- - speaking. His turn came, and he rose and Like a wild Uaketa blizzard. years ago by tho late Robert Carter to the Now A few ye irs ago. after a prolonged absence, to England, conslatlng of four children, tha yoaag-eo-l ef 14 by party. The Nation- - made a clear, straightforward argument which And seemed to do It with the greatest ease. 3p manded bis Democratic York Tribune. These --l,aing productions he found himself onco mom In Berlin, and the whom la S years old, Are feet eleven la height, and X forgiven forgot- C ;' ul Convention of 1832 would have been laughed to my mind disposed of the whole subject. I greatly can flirt my hands a trifle incident boinc apparently or weighs 180 pounds. were admired on their first appearance On th plaiol or the rifle ten, ho received a Mattel ovation , ( At Impertinent presumed ratify to my colleague. Major Eaton, who most ins at a VI, Moller, wealthy who hlntMlf J as if it bad to turned sat tor their humor, as well as their literary merits, When tha redskins interrupt me on a scout; concert lie g.ivo. After hating been recalled th. Fartilan, kmnsea S.' -' me, " " Rut iLrutk a sort ef As the season advances the in re- wor d with an elroes, has ',- the popular outcry for Jackson. It was con- - next to Major," said I, is there anything and they are y as pleasant and profitable I're notion. three or four times bydeuIonlnKtheers.be confusion and the rasbl.nab,. amataur With that double jointed motion gard to headgear grows more und moro con- Tour-Un- 7 .' yoked 7" " No, wns prevailed almost by forco to nit down now a nral in whose eetabllshment la uU M simply to fix on a and about that sir," said the reading as ever. Teur speed upon the writer knocks m out. upala founding. Bir Gainsborough hats nre in de- "A " belore th Instrument and play another piece, be as Hue as Moller's. J, then It was that the precedent requiring a two- - Major.' The truth seems to bo that In those Mary J, Bafford has made an trans- possessed mand since Mrs. Cleveland bus worn, ns a excellent When long enoush you're tarries. hatnii knows what deviltry him. carriage bat, one of At the annual meeting of th. National RUeOlD os V thirds vole for the nomination was established. days of reckless partlzan rancor l" lation of " Pictures of Hellas," from the Danish And to some nice man get ru arris J, but In mnd defiance of the public he began tho black straw with u cloud of X Imagine 1 can see yo liubbr atare : ' white ostrich olumes nodding nnd float- Scotland there wars tw.nty this. cemp.titer. tho JJ Wo need say this, Van was a synonyms for .'' r JIurseillnlse," and went thiouuli It with in oter jW not that Buren's second of Peder Marlager (W. 8. Qottsberger), The Oh. be eurety will go frantic. ing from Its crown and brim. Hut the New longrantro tnstch ot 8JU, sou, and LOUO yards thatee lively tense energy and feeling, unheeding the audi- nomination for the was sue- - Van Buren was misunderstood because he bns essayed present. In of And cat ninny a antic. lorkcirland tho New VorK woman does not score was 20A out of a possible Itt Jw" author to a series When yon twine thuae lightning Anger In his hair. tors, who, ultei tho llrst moment of Incredu- 2. e. kindly to M cessfuL About the noxt Democratic National "scrupulously observed the amenities of lous Mirprlse, rose to their feet ami attempted take blc hats or bonnets as a rule. A brigade was divided Into two battalions for a slam f- tales, pictures of social life among the Hellenes J. W, Caawroan. The two heads at thn top of the nbote ut 'M Wi Convention In 1833, which nominated him for He was uniformly courtoous toward ad- from prehlstorlo times down to the period of to drown the hated stialns of the French show two slut pus flihtat Aldernhot. Juit before operaU.ns wer. tob- - hymn in croans and hi-c- s. that aro seen In Hint rreat versaries; and the calm ol him, millinery parlor thou-san- d fin It waa discovered that an. ot the battalions lad ia' '( tho Presidency, some curious facts aro recalled saved tho 103d Olympiad, nnd has succeeded In bring- "Why She Wouldn't Have Hie. In 1.S8D ho played In 1'nris, where he hnd not in Grand street, wheie u 15- or Bevernl tlioiimnd trimmed nnd j been sjpplled with Will ammunition In Head of blank 'ii -' by his biographer. In the first place. It was held as some greater orators were not saved, from a ing before the reader many interesting and From the Ratchet. beon hoard since 1M10. llnwnsthen so doubtful huts of tho attitude, of he pre- bonnets are fiequently Been nt a time, and Lord Woulrley thlnka that too much raluabt. tin Is 4't Hd (at Baltimore) nearly eighteen months before descent to the aspersion of motives so common doubtless authentic glimpses of n state of so- Aglow In tha palpitant paoiee tho auilleucnthut had whOBe " two Of pared nlmueif for n failure: but ovldently no muuucois boast that no are etor fpent In bnghtsnlng harness chains of Ilia arrtllery nd 3, )WT the election. Secondly, threo States South and so futile In political debate." ciety which only careful study of araahly couitoeuaurate lore. alike." Greek authors Lies the heart or a woman Ulatraughtly, truce of rancor subsisted in tho Parisian mind la a pity, It piiltlnir pipe cay on soldiers' belts. II. thinks It shmld jj. VL Carolina, Alabama, Illinois rep- - Mr. Bhepard not dispute Like a wounded, bird shotly sick tho alien, for hull was uiovvdod, It hut is true, nevertheless tlinttbe and were not does that Jackson's of all periods could have made possible. dor. ncainst the the one-side- devoted to more occupations and the most eccoutrle, oruzy-looUn- i: hat. he practical resented in It at all. Thirdly, mini- - brought with more attention a'inost religious, nnd tho applause at 1 i the first Administration It a Tho Harpers publish "Tho Russian Peas- With tressis brickdneted end of the one on tho left, is moro popular with tho chains and the belta changed. Streaming on the the performance bn loud und unani- s, given pronouncod application of lax the frost laden wind. uteraKeJvHW Yoik girl, c..esoiir-cursinn- (lenrgina 1 ezge inado np a woman's eleven for vis sr ' tle'ata hom a State the rotation la ofllco antry," by Stepnlnk. which gives an Intelligent She slumps from tho palon that woes her mous that Iik felt all Ills old piestlcn. theulrl that Idy W than the modest Fmpiro en note on tho a gam. of with girls of the Birmingham ''f was not proportioned to the population. Thus principle to Federal polltlos than had hitherto and trustworthy aocount of tho agrarian con- Whlcb sUU follows fastly behind. Hans ton Blllo.v lnt,ultoied Hut littlo In the 1 crloket the m fow yearo. He Is very much vvliut loft. hu llrst in of straw, n wnltii J'usul hut. It school, was plsyed on tha Earl ot W traryland sent 183 delegates. New York, the been witnessed. Neither would ho deny that life, For he not bis osculant ardor. last he always Is lined with blue llsso, lllxh and the match &' dition, social and, realism oi tho Russian stars decorated with white ). And she klaaes him back with a swoop, was, short, with marked (eatuios, his face thn high on Dartmouth's grouuds beforo a larg. and seltet home of Vnn Huron, only 12, and Tennessee, Van Buren, as Secretary of State and one of people. who con- by n)e-glns- s, daisies under lrim, und trimmed ff. Tho reader masters the While th stern pliant baa Is of the Fast Lore crossed a needlessly prominent double the crown with blue One ptayer mad. Jii runs. home of supreme supporter, Jackson, of oreed of to whisk the red wine stoop. with an nud wuxed moustache.; ribbou und wbltu feathers. w' x1, tho his the framers tho the Jaoksonlan tents of this book, the production of a moat fitrlre from lore's lnioilul The ono on tho right lace with A lady ho was vleltlug la Sidney recently sensed te but he has become stouter, uitd his Is de- Is of cream tun hut 1. Nevertheless, the delegates from any Democracy, Is partly responsible for the abuses competent pre- length quite lute pun a horsu-iii- lr e writer, will find himself well Till at she mlttenly treat him. cidedly of old. thread, put on In over rece-mls- her hostess's boiler. "Why, you bass r reave, thlnuor than luch-vvld- o " And ha at the future appalled; not frnme. nr astoo-lhe- d "?, State, whether numerous or few, cast exactly of the spoils system. But he points pared to dip pretty far into the future of an presence After a fow years of rotlng Independence he Its trlmmlnr here"' the fall. "Do vnn know him wss Ihi But again to her somenowly pink mtiu ribbons and criuiiuy-tvliit- o ostrich -- myf J' , as many votes as the State bad representatives out tnatVnn Buren "In bis own department empire, destined to exercise a powerful Influ- Ue is soen U not soonsrly caJlsd. married again. His second wlie.uu ulegnnt question Certainly, be was butbatd slate looking woman of 35 yours tins. secretary and be Isahrolher to the LarlotL f" jj In the Electoral College. By a vote of 231 to practised little of the proscription which was upon gruesnmenesa about of nee, true The lower nro p ence the history of the world. About a Then be thinks all th ended, an ai truss of the theatre nt Hiiuoter. With an two bonnets of Brussels net. A workman named (lerln, convicted of steagagnve ; two-thir- AU the lnk hearted source his pains, One Is black, to five t if 210 the rule requiring of tho whole active elsewhere. Of seventeen foreign repre- fourth part of the volume has already appeared ef uiigovornable temper 'he slnto of Im- the other cicum orcnniuy white. Tel el ranrldgee has heeu sentenced nars Far. lol she ill Join hliu In blindage sudden They are as to the In- ami dve yearaaorvelllsl c. A much leavlsr If,' pulses, lantastlc, moved by nt uud unox-iiluin- Intended concessions number of votes cast for a nomination was for sentatives but four were removed in the first in English periodicals; the rest is entirely new. Of auriferous, marital chains. ranee coming sttleB. They are teully pnal.od sentence would have t.reu linpn.rd If there h d been 4. pasbiou to unrensoulnc and Inexplica- brim evidence to aell them to a forelgi power. ? .A the first time applied to the Presidency, It is year. Nothing in his oareer showed a personal Some years ago Mrs. Susan E. Wallace, the But again the Pead rises te haunt her, capotes, with a kerchief fall of laco over thn that he meant ble actlonB, wrecking in ono hour tho edlllco sharp-pointe- noteworthy Uklng Aad la rain the Quick kaeelneiy crooks. d brim. The strluitw nro aleoof "3 also that in this Convention Tan for removals. The distribution of wife of Gen. Low Wallace, contributed to sev- goats passion laboriously constructed, he has more than tho ', Ah me fur the hot of usual eccentricity of genius. complex Brussels net, and urn loosely tied In full. Huffy. Ghrleltaa Parents. t Huron received a unanimous vote on the first office was not distasteful to him; but eral periodicals a series of papers on the his- That orer take people In books l His Incroyablo bows under tbo chin. '1 his kind ot ' i by an- - nature Is shown In the llrst words that escaped boy, yon go Sunday ballot, an experience since parallelled his temper was neither prescriptive nor tory, laws, and customs of the Pueblo Indians htm when of bonnet Is so fixed In the fancy of tha ."vow Old Lady Little do to he heard the death of ltichard Yorker It will bo very difficult to t - other President In the Convention of 1888. unfriendly. At times even his partisan of New Mexlca and Arizona, op char- s7 Waener; " Coslmal What a that roithue school and tho Beat Ten l'oor grlof for her," It with nnv fall. But my BundajV01-LOI- In 1810 "I Te.?." His talent ulono has always other noxt little Little Boy Yea'nv I go to the Baptist d For tho Damocratlo nomination Pros loyalty was doubted for bis reluctance acter and resources of the oountry which they the Chicago jrtwt. remained cousin, as well ub other friends on tho other parsoit mm strong, unadulterated, worthy of the two mus-trr- s Lady You are the son of Christian it, Vnn had no opponent, but it Is this, was soon an appropriate re- sido. it is oortaluly Huy-.- No, )MI Ident lluren in which deemed inhabit Those have been collected and Oh, tell ma what's become of you. pretty Nelly Martin, lie Idolized, to wIiobs names posterity will write that moribund there, Utile lue'aiu, they're BapUtts, the two-thir- if not already dead. I ? wortli noting that the rule was not and even nocossary party work. It published by John B. Alden very nearly In Little Nelly Uartln. with your golden yel ow bstr add bis own Liszt and Wagner. M. dk b. same aa am. ' That glistened In the sunshine of the bright unclouded ;' sanctioned by the Convention of that year, Al- - must also in justice bo remembered, not only their original form. Tboy are written with a morning, Which New C alcago. Oael though beaten In 1810. Van Cu'ren did what had that Van Buren did not begin or actively con- degree of personal interest often amounting Aad was blown tn fluffy ringlets by the wild plum Alliteration Can't n. Depended Vboiu Y.rk at f scented air. rtvn tKe Cktcago TrWunr. From Ltfe. j been done by only two of his predecessors, duct the distribution of spoils; not only that to enthusiasm, and form an excellent Intro- As you stoed there In your ' nlgbty was warm and "lorn the Pruvidenre journal BympathotloOld Lady (to convict) An. my May, "It A diligent wrurch in nt Jefferson and Jackson, after defeat; ho re- his aoqulesoenco was in a practice which In his duction to what must prove one of the most aire In Brag nnd the annals parties uur'jrtun.re tnud. your tat. la Indeed a hard oa. and And shouted from your porch to mine i "I beat you bluster will not win this campaign will full to match the proceedings which fol- as she thinks of you her. In Ibis drea ul plate, hew any y for .lltier tained an Indisputable predominance over own State be had found well established; but remarkable chapters in American history, up ay. ay l" yrty. lowed the nomination uf Harrison of Indiana tour poor wife muet aiiiT.r I ' single statesman of his party. Ha entered the tho practice in whloh ho thus joined was "Housekeeping Mad Easy," by for President. Hiitlnc the Contention convict tv.ry much ectd) one, jamaf that Christine I'm up for bigamy. ' f National Convention of 1811 with one which it Is probable ho oould not have (Harpers), Is Uk a baby saint yoa seem to mo as look back with 1'amprn.allaa, Into noinluutlng Harrison. New nrk demand- Damocratlo Terhune Uorriok a little treatise yearning. ed also the naming ot tlm and an unquestionable majority, and the contest fully resisted without his own political destruc- on the economy of the household, so full of Little nelly Martin, with your eyes so big and blue. front life. with an argument that completely confessed A Career ef Olaeldeaeee. To the days when hearts were pure and olsan beneath " I've my turned over the acceptance or rejeotlon of the tion, and perhaps the temporary prostration of eominon sense and sound precepts that we take our gins haw aprons bawled th rout sore yellln' for those the conscious weakness of the deiislon for mm Uu 'AUattfipAla Record. ojtrr," Mid u nBKry cunoiu.r lu reil.ur.nl, which it Is ehlolly responsible, Au eimnlnn-tlo- n s rule. Bo far as tt was applicable to tho political causes to whloh he was devoted." pleasure In commending it to all persons, old And the only bit of rivalry that came between as two "What7, the m.ittrt" A slngiilnr coincidence la connected wifc the Was In gettlug up o mornings 1 can almost hear yon it.li," of the speech of heinitor Warner Miller, of a nomination for the Presidency, It had only Tho biographer may reasonably plead, as ho or young, who desire to live with reasonable say. "liriltrtalitMd. eitil.ln.it the w.ll.r. "Te'Jl which Is to lie found lit full In tl e regular ro. death ut Waller Ulaln. lUrruon. gay, tn' detn raw ej.ieri w.ry scuiriu'. uli, to' or threat. " John liarrlHin of low rea itreeu Tli. chill was boeu adopted once, and it bad been vio- does plead, that it these be not defences, they comfort on comparatively limited means. In that triumphant voice of yours; "Ibeatyoo port, will onon the eyes of Iteiiubllcnns Now born on ttisUay nisJtie nominaied. n iwn, aul died m op ayf" - M once. Mntnly through are palliations. Young insxpexienoed will York had demanded tho nomination of Harri- a few hours alter the nomination ot UarrUoaoslaoa- 1 lated the influence at least and married couples Xltkteea Chick. Fetch S4US. son as nod for day luat-- ensable sullielent tbo you indlt of Robert J, Walker tho Convention took upon The unfairness of the treatment whloh Van find it Invaluable, as it affords them bints on I wonder where I'd find now. Utile Nelly Martin. Un triumph of the liepubllcun party In Not ember X If your hair Is that i retly golden mm Itt AnftUt Tribune. Chleagc Itself the gyves of the s rule, and Van Burea has received at the hand of Yon Hoist all subjoota oonneoted with housekeeping, woaier rat brown; in that State. 'Now York had its way. Forget- Heard la Is thai baby lore of eurs by you, too, untorgetten t Mr. Cnwston of the Norwalk Ostrich Farm ting Its assurance, or compelled, alter winning Buren, though on the first ballot be obtained Is brought out with clearness by the author ef from renting and tarnishing the bouse or flat atoyhao yem hate year ntUe ones to yoer Mid y.itcrd.r .U.u.a ctrick chick, h.tch.d frora game, rrtm rwk. ee. tflo ot bird, (orttsa. ThU Mr. the to own Its hollowness, Henator War- - yon help- ' 18 votes more than the majority, failed to get this volume. For instanoo. Von Hoist ac- to the mutual personal sacrifloss they ul. eir.i C.w.toa Miller Informed Convention If Boy Please, sir, couldn't - little mutt J KoMjiwm be a station aad year leaks he spreat a return .( o.r f l.uuu fr.a thU trie ot Mid. isalde eta Ser the that It key woe never had aaypapa er auras t Th. br.cderi war. Imported not nominate Levi P. Morton Lekeslde-Khl-W- the nomination. It is edifying to recall that knowledges that during the tremendous srUla submit to In order to make their auarried life Tee&sKrts jeir. nlr eljaieen for air. bett " little girl Oat i MXWa4yop moethiaio 1h.cc.at of Ue blde la aonlaal. as tae New York would so borne "sick at heart a,a. Mverced bet eie I wag bee (reek.U Wrlsfct, Yan Bursa's friend, refused the of 1637 President Yan Burea Tlactd cour-- tappr. if UxiU gm ever thru urea ot aUalta, aad dlsoooraaed." t I

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